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NASM's Guide to Bodybuilding: Hypertrophy Training

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1 Foundational Concepts in Muscular Hypertrophy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2 Maximizing Hypertrophy Gains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
3 Periodization and the Principles of Exercise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17
Brad Schoenfeld, MSc, CSCS, CSPS, NSCA-CPT
2011 NSCA Personal Trainer of the Year
Lecturer in Exercise Science
Director of the Human Performance Lab
CUNY Lehman College, Bronx, NY
Author: The MAX Muscle Plan
President/Global Fitness Services
Brian Sutton MS, MA, PES, CES, NASM-CPT
Director of Content Development
National Academy of Sports Medicine
Models: Rian Chiab, Sean Brown, Joey Metz, Geoff
Etherson, Christine Silva and Jessica Kern
Special thanks to 1106 Design.
• Define hypertrophy training
• Explain the difference between hypertrophy
training and other forms of strength training,
such as maximal strength training and strength
endurance training
• Explain muscle damage concepts in hypertrophy
• Explain the role and importance mechanical
muscle cross-sectional area (muscle size), hypertrophy
also is vital for strength athletes such as football
players, shot putters, and powerlifters as a means to
enhance performance. What often goes unrecognized,
however, is that hypertrophy can aid in body fat
reduction. Muscle is metabolically active tissue; each
pound of lean mass increases resting metabolic rate
(the amount of calories burned while at rest) (1). Thus,
simply increasing your level of muscularity will help to
keep you lean.
stress plays in hypertrophy gains
• Discuss metabolic stress and its impact on
Figure 1. Bodybuilder
hypertrophy training
• Explain the role genetics play in altering body
composition for enlargement of skeletal muscle
In the field of exercise science, muscle hypertrophy
is the commonly-used term to describe muscle
growth (hyper = excess, trophy = development). It
probably comes as no surprise that gaining muscle is
one of the common goals of those who participate in
strength training (Figure 1). Hypertrophy is essential
to bodybuilders, who are judged on their level of
muscularity. Similarly, legions of recreational lifters
strive to attain a muscular physique for aesthetic
reasons. Given that force output is directly related to
Skeletal muscle is one of three major muscle types
in the body; the other two muscle types are cardiac
and smooth muscle. Skeletal muscle is made up of
individual muscle fibers held together by connective
tissue (Figure 2). Muscle hypertrophy can take one
of two primary forms: in series or in parallel. In series
hypertrophy is achieved by increasing the number of
sarcomeres—the basic functional unit of a muscle—
along the length of the fiber, like adding segments to a
rope. Although in series hypertrophy does take place
in humans, it tends to occur only in extreme cases,
such as following immobilization of a joint by a cast
or by performing very long duration incline treadmill
walking (2).
Therefore, for all intents and purposes, the primary
mechanism for hypertrophy associated with resistance
training is an increase in the number of sarcomeres
in parallel (3). As the term implies, this is achieved
when sarcomeres are added next to each other, like
adding sardines in a tin can. In this way, muscle crosssectional area increases, producing a thicker, fuller
Figure 2. Skeletal Muscle
individual is better able to produce optimal force. In
other words, the nervous system sends stronger and
faster electrical signals to muscles to increase strength.
Muscle hypertrophy, on the other hand, is regulated by
a variety of intracellular factors (factors within the cell)
(2). It therefore follows that proper manipulation of
training variables (i.e., sets, reps, rest intervals, etc.) can
optimize the attainment of one goal versus the other
(6). The practical implications of manipulating these
variables with respect to hypertrophy will be discussed
in greater detail later in this course.
Mechanisms of Muscle Hypertrophy
Muscle hypertrophy is ultimately a function of protein
balance—synthesize more muscle proteins than you
break down and you will pack on size (6). There are
three mechanisms involved in exercise-induced muscle
hypertrophy: mechanical tension, muscle damage, and
metabolic stress. The following is an overview of each
of these mechanisms.
m Mechanical Tension
It is important to understand that training for
hypertrophy is not the same as training for maximal
muscular strength (the ability to lift heavy loads).
Although the two pursuits are related in certain
aspects, there are distinct differences in program
design approaches. Specifically, maximal muscular
strength has a substantial neurological component
(4,5); by enhancing various neuromuscular factors, an
Mechanical tension refers to the amount of force
developed by muscle fibers in response to a stimulus.
Mechanical tension can be developed either by static
(i.e., no movement takes place) or dynamic (i.e.,
traditional resistance training involving concentric and
eccentric actions) muscle activity. Here’s a simplified
version of how it works. When resistance is applied to
a muscle, the associated forces are sensed by the fibers
and converted into chemical signals that ultimately
result in an increased production of muscle proteins
(7). This is the basis of muscle growth: the more
proteins that are synthesized, the greater the size of the
Given the importance of mechanical tension, it should
be apparent that all fibers in a muscle need to be
stimulated to achieve maximal growth. Understand
that muscles are made up of many tiny, elongated fibers.
The major muscles of the body contain thousands upon
thousands of these threadlike fibers, allowing for wide
variations in force production. If a given fiber is not
recruited during a lift, it has no impetus for growth.
There are two basic types of muscle fibers: Type I
(slow-twitch) and Type II (fast-twitch). Type I fibers
are endurance-based fibers that are fatigue-resistant
but have a limited ability to produce force. Type II
fibers are the polar opposite; they have a high forceproducing capacity but fatigue easily. While both Type
I and Type II fibers can increase in size when subjected
to an overload stimulus (such as resistance training),
the Type II fibers have a much greater potential for
growth—about fifty percent by most estimates (8). The
implications should be readily apparent; it is the Type
II fibers that have the most impact on muscular gains.
Fibers are recruited according to the size principle,
with the smaller Type I fibers activated first and the
larger Type II fibers brought into play as the demands
on the muscle increase (9). It therefore follows that
exercise involving higher levels of mechanical tension
will tend to promote greater recruitment compared
to those involving lower tension. It should be noted,
however, that maximal loads are not necessary to
recruit fast-twitch fibers and there is evidence that
significant recruitment can be achieved at moderate
intensities (10).
m Muscle Damage
Exercise-induced muscle damage is another
mechanism that is believed to contribute to muscle
growth. Although concentric (muscle shortening)
actions are involved in this process, the damage to
Did You Know?
An eccentric motion is synonymous with
deceleration and can be observed in many
movements such as landing from a jump. More
commonly, an eccentric motion is seen in a
gym as lowering the weight during a resistance
exercise. Eccentric muscle action is also
known as “a negative” in the fitness industry.
fibers is fundamentally caused by eccentric exercise,
where muscles are lengthened under extreme tension
(11). Here is the basic premise: During eccentric
activity, the contractile elements (actin and myosin)
in working muscles exert a “braking” action in order to
resist gravitational forces. This produces small tears in
both the contractile elements and surface membrane
(sarcolemma) of the associated muscle fibers. The
subsequent repair of the tissue ultimately results in a
strengthening of the fiber and thus protection of the
muscle against further injury.
Exercise-induced muscle damage is theorized to
promote hypertrophy in several ways. For one, there
is an increased activation of satellite cells. These
muscle stem cells, which reside adjacent to muscle
fibers, remain dormant until “awoken” by an adaptive
stimulus. Muscle damage provides this stimulus,
causing neighboring satellite cells to migrate to the
area of injury where they initiate muscular repair.
Satellite cells first proliferate (multiply by dividing)
and then differentiate into more specialized cells that
carry out restorative functions (2,12). Perhaps the most
important function of satellite cells is their ability
to donate nuclei to existing fibers. You see, muscle
proteins are produced by the cell’s nucleus. The number
of nuclei in a muscle is therefore a limiting factor for
protein synthesis (13). By adding additional nuclei to
a muscle, more proteins can be synthesized, thereby
leading to greater muscle hypertrophy.
The inflammatory response associated with exerciseinduced muscle damage is another proposed factor
in hypertrophy. Although chronic inflammation has
a decidedly negative effect on muscle, the opposite
seems to be true when inflammation is acute (shortterm) (14). Macrophages—a type of white blood
cell—have been deemed to be particularly important
in the process. Damaged muscle fibers secrete agents
that attract macrophages to the region of injury.
Macrophages, in turn, release other agents that
facilitate muscular repair and regeneration. Evidence
suggests that these inflammatory agents, termed
myokines, are involved in a variety of growth-producing
processes, and there is even some evidence that they
are essential for optimal muscular development (15).
A potentially novel mechanism by which muscle
damage may play a role in hypertrophy is through cell
swelling. Muscle damage is generally accompanied
by an accumulation of fluid and plasma proteins
within the affected tissue. The increased fluid in
muscle fibers causes a stretch of the cell membrane,
like an overinflated water balloon. Current theory
suggests that the muscle perceives this as a threat to
its integrity and responds by initiating an anabolic
signaling cascade that ultimately serves to reinforce its
ultrastructure (6,16). There is emerging evidence that
such swelling not only increases protein synthesis, but
reduces protein breakdown as well—a combination
suited to optimal hypertrophy (17–19).
m Metabolic Stress
Metabolic stress is perhaps the most intriguing
hypertrophic mechanism associated with resistance
exercise. Metabolic stress results from the buildup
of various metabolites (e.g., lactic acid, inorganic
phosphate, etc.), primarily as a result of training in
the fast glycolytic energy system where carbohydrate
is used anaerobically to fuel performance. Lactate
accumulation in muscle is thought to play an
especially important role here. Lactate has been
shown to increase the acute release of various anabolic
hormones including testosterone, insulin-like growth
factor, and growth hormone (20). These hormones
remain elevated for an hour or so into the post-workout
period, and it is theorized that they may interact to
enhance the anabolic (growth-building) response
following training. Evidence as to whether this actually
occurs in practice remains equivocal, and it seems
that if acute hormonal release is in fact involved, their
overall impact on hypertrophy would be relatively
modest (7).
There is evidence that the production of metabolic
stress during resistance exercise causes an increase
in fiber recruitment. Metabolically-induced fatigue
forces the activation of Type II fibers to sustain activity.
It is believed that the acidic environment associated
with lactic acid buildup inhibits muscle contractility,
thereby promoting fast-twitch fibers to be called into
play (21–23). In this way, moderately light weights
can result in similar recruitment levels to very heavy
weights, providing that training is carried out to the
point of momentary muscular failure.
Similar to muscle damage, metabolic stress also
can promote cell swelling, albeit through differing
mechanisms. Here’s how: During hypertrophy-type
training, muscular contractions compress the veins
taking blood out of working muscles. However, the
arteries continue to deliver blood into these muscles,
creating an increased amount of intra-muscular
blood plasma. This causes plasma to seep out of
the capillaries and into the spaces between muscle
cells and blood vessels (interstitial spaces). The
buildup of fluid in the interstitial spaces along with
the osmolytic properties of lactate—a by-product of
metabolic stress—creates an extra-cellular pressure
gradient, which in turn causes a rush of plasma back
into the muscle (24). The net result is that blood pools
in the muscles, causing them to swell. As previously
mentioned, cell swelling has been shown to increase
protein synthesis and decrease protein breakdown. If
you recall, when protein synthesis goes up and protein
breakdown goes down, the net result is an increase in
muscle development.
Genetic Factors of Hypertrophy
There is no getting around it; some people simply are
more predisposed to gaining muscle than others, based
on genetic factors. The differences in results can be
stark. Studies have shown that while genetically-gifted
lifters can increase muscle size by fifty percent over
the course of a sixteen-week routine, others will see
little if any muscular increases despite following the
exact same program (13). The majority of lifters will fall
somewhere between these two extremes.
One aspect of muscle-building genetics can be
explained by a person’s somatotype. First proposed by
William H. Sheldon back in the 1940s, somatotyping
is a general classification system for identifying a
person by body structure. There are three broad
categorizations of somatotypes: ectomorph,
mesomorph, and endomorph. In the purest sense,
ectomorphs are lean and lanky. They do not gain weight
easily, and thus have a difficult time adding muscle (the
so-called “hard-gainer”). Think of marathon runners
and runway models as examples of this somatotype.
Endomorphs are the polar opposite. These individuals
are large-framed, with a propensity to gain both fat
and muscle. Football linemen often exemplify this
body somatotype. Mesomorphs, on the other hand,
tend to be muscular with fairly low levels of body fat.
They have athletic physiques and typically have few
problems gaining or losing weight. This is the classic
bodybuilding structure and often is seen in sprinters
and swimmers. It should be noted that rarely do you
find people who are “pure” endomorphs, mesomorphs,
or ectomorphs. Rather, they are amalgams of
somatotypes, with qualities that lie somewhere
between two of the classifications (i.e., ectomesomorph,
mesoendomorph, endomesomorph, etc.).
From a muscle-building standpoint, a primary factor
that distinguishes between somatotypes is the ratio of
fast-twitch to slow-twitch fibers (25). If you recall, fasttwitch fibers have a much greater capacity for growth
compared to their slow-twitch counterparts. Therefore,
if you have a greater percentage of fast-twitch fibers,
you’ll tend to have an easier time increasing muscular
size. Realize, though, that fiber-type ratio is specific to
a given muscle. You might have a high percentage of
fast-twitch fibers in your thighs, but a low percentage
of these fibers in your upper arms. Thus, your ability to
increase leg mass would be enhanced, while you would
find it harder to add muscle to your upper extremities.
Circulating hormones and growth factors are other
important factors that regulate a person’s growth
potential. Testosterone, insulin-like growth factor,
and growth hormone are a few of the many such
substances that play a role in muscle development
(26). Those who naturally produce more of these
anabolic mediators will necessarily be more prone
to increasing hypertrophy as opposed to individuals
where production is low.
Note that muscle structure will also have an effect
on aesthetics. Specifically, muscle structure refers to
where a given muscle attaches to its tendon. Some
people have long muscle bellies while others have
shorter muscle bellies. This not only varies from person
to person, but also from one muscle to another within
a given individual. For example, someone with a long
biceps muscle belly will have upper arms that appear
more full and muscular than an individual whose
biceps tapers off at the tendon, a couple inches north
of the elbow. As with fiber type, your muscularity is
predetermined at birth; short of radical surgery, you
can’t change the basic structure of your physique.
The good news is that everyone has the ability to
enhance their muscularity within their own genetic
limitations. Even the hardest of gainers can add
significant muscle to their frames, provided they have
the proper program and put in the requisite effort. That
said, not everyone has the ability to be a champion
bodybuilder. Embrace your own genetics, set realistic
goals, and focus on making yourself the best you can be.
In summary, muscle hypertrophy (i.e., growth) is a
complex phenomenon that is regulated by a number
of factors. Current theory suggests that mechanical
tension, muscle damage, and metabolic stress are
three primary mechanisms involved in the process.
Genetic factors will significantly impact individual
results, ultimately determining the upper limits of
one’s muscularity. Regardless of genetics, a properly
structured hypertrophy-oriented training program will
serve to increase lean mass and ultimately optimize a
person’s genetic muscle-building potential.
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• Explain the role of physical and mental training
• Discuss key tips for overcoming barriers to
maximize hypertrophy gains
• Define and apply best practices in goal setting for
hypertrophy training clients
• Discuss muscle imbalance and its impact on the
• Discuss and evaluate common myths associated
with hypertrophy training
Mental and Physical
Components of Training
Increases in muscular hypertrophy are generally
minimal during the first month or two of beginning
a resistance training program. The vast majority of
strength gains during this period come from neural
mechanisms (1). Specifically, your nervous system
develops neuromuscular patterns that allow for
smooth execution of a given exercise. This involves
an enhanced ability to recruit the full spectrum of
muscle fibers, as well as an improved synchronization
of contractions within a given muscle and between
synergists (i.e., collaborating muscles). There also is
greater inhibition of antagonist muscles (those that
oppose the muscles carrying out a given movement)
and golgi tendon organs (sensory receptors that reduce
the firing rates of motor nerves when a muscle is
subjected to tension). During this period it is therefore
imperative that trainers and trainees limit their
expectations as to increases in muscle size; you simply
aren’t going to see much growth until the muscles
and nervous system are able to efficiently coordinate
movement patterns.
Within a couple of months, hypertrophy tends to become
the dominant factor in increasing strength and when
you can really begin to see substantial improvements
in muscularity. Over the first year or so is when
hypertrophy tends to be greatest. It is not unusual for
a resistance training novice to pack on between fifteen
and twenty pounds of muscle during this timeframe. In
succeeding years, the rate of growth gradually tapers
off. Everyone has an upper limit to which they can
naturally increase muscular size. This is known as a
“genetic ceiling” (2). As the ceiling is approached, there
simply is less “room” to grow, making it progressively
more difficult to bulk up. As such, it is very important for
trainers and trainees to adjust their expectations over
time in accordance with lifting experience.
m Training Plateaus
Another mental challenge is dealing with training
plateaus. Muscle hypertrophy is never purely linear;
there will be ebbs and flows to hypertrophic gains,
where periods of growth are interspersed with periods
of little to no increases in muscle mass. You must
appreciate this phenomenon as inevitable—otherwise
you’re bound to get discouraged. Your goal should be
to minimize the duration of plateaus so that the flows
outweigh the ebbs. As will be discussed in the next
module, periodizing a hypertrophy routine is the best
way to accomplish this lofty task.
As previously noted, there are substantial differences
in how people respond to resistance training. Some will
see rapid, robust gains, while others will find it difficult
to realize substantial changes in their physique.
These hypertrophic predispositions are genetically
determined and, unfortunately, inherited traits cannot
be altered. If you are a hard-gainer, you therefore must
show patience. Be diligent. Realize that hypertrophy
gains will come, albeit more slowly than in those who
have an affinity for packing on size. Some high-level
bodybuilders were self-professed hard-gainers who
refused to succumb to genetic deficiencies.
m SMART Goals
There are several mental strategies that can help to
further results. At the top of the list is the concept
of goal setting. You may find it helpful to remember
the SMART acronym, which states that goals should
be specific, measureable, attainable, realistic, and
timely. Every goal you make should take all of these
attributes into account. Using SMART goals, it is
not enough to say that you want to gain muscle;
you must qualify which muscles need development
and how much muscle you would like to gain (the
“specific” component). Further, your goals should be
quantifiable, such as increasing your upper arms by
an inch or adding five pounds of lean mass to your
body (the “measureable” component). Importantly,
realistic timeframes must be established to accomplish
the goals; a goal that is not attainable in the given
timeframe is bound to lead to frustration and can serve
as a de-motivator (the “measureable” “attainable” and
“timely” components). Breaking down long-term goals
into shorter-term goals enhances the timeliness aspect.
Re-evaluate your goals every couple of months and
adjust your routine based on your progress.
When done properly, goal setting is designed to
help increase motivation, to build self-esteem, and
ultimately feel successful. Unrealistic goals, on the
other hand, lower motivation, decrease self-esteem,
and do not provide a sense of success. It is not
uncommon for someone to try and make up for missing
weeks or years of exercise by engaging in unrealistic
and intense exercise programs that lead to unnecessary
injury and frustration.
It is important for you to define what is realistic. It is
very difficult for people who are new to bodybuilding to
understand what is realistic and what is not realistic. In
fact, many people in this position start off way too fast
with far too many unrealistic goals. For example, a goal
to gain fifteen pounds of muscle in the first month of
training is unrealistic and potentially unsafe. Instead, set
up a challenging and realistic plan for gaining muscle.
m Training Diary
As an adjunct to goal setting, it is beneficial to keep a
training diary. A diary allows you to chart every aspect
of your workout including exercises, sets, reps, and rest
intervals. Also be sure to include any other information
pertinent to the session, such as how you felt on that
particular day, your nutritional status, etc. In this
way, you can track your progress over time, assess
what works and what doesn’t, and make any needed
adjustments to your training program.
m Mind-Muscle Connection
Another beneficial mental strategy is employing a
mind-muscle connection during exercise performance.
Understand that hypertrophy training is not simply
the action of lifting a weight from point A to point B;
rather, it involves focusing on the target muscle and
feeling it work throughout the movement. For example,
during the lat pulldown exercise, it is quite common for
a person to feel the majority of stress in the biceps and
forearms. Since these muscles function as synergists
in performance, they will necessarily be highly active
during the lift. Hence, without applying the mind-to-
muscle connection, an individual will be inclined to
use the arms to execute the lift at the expense of the
target muscles of the upper back. The net effect is that
results suffer. So instead of thinking about where you
feel a muscular stimulus, think about where you are
supposed to feel the stimulus. In this way, the target
muscles remain under continuous tension, ensuring
they are the primary movers throughout the lift.
m Visualization
Finally, harness the power of visualization while
weightlifting. This technique enhances your ability to
push through the temporary discomfort associated with
hypertrophy training. A hypertrophy-oriented routine
involves the performance of multiple sets of multiple
repetitions. This leads to a buildup of lactic acid and
a consequent reduction in pH balance, which in turn
causes a burning sensation in the working muscles
(3). It’s easy to succumb to the associated discomfort
and stop your set short. This is especially true during
the early stages of training, where a lifter is not used
to feeling his or her muscles burn. Here is where
visualization can help you remain mentally strong. Focus
on your hypertrophic goals. Visualize yourself with the
physique you desire. Make the mental image as real as
possible. Ultimately your ability to train past the fleeting
pain is what separates good results from great results.
Muscle Balance
One of the most important aspects of any hypertrophyoriented routine should be to achieve symmetry between
muscles. Unfortunately this often isn’t the case. There
is no better example than the legions of guys who
perform the “nightclub workout,” focusing solely on
training the chest and arms at the expense of the back
and lower body musculature. While these individuals
end up with impressive “show muscles,” their physiques
are completely out of proportion. They appear barrelchested and blocky, lacking any semblance of shape
and aesthetics. And while they may be able to hide their
spindly legs by wearing a suit or jeans, long pants simply
won’t cut it when they’re at the beach or a pool party!
m Muscle Symmetry for Health and Function
Muscle symmetry also is important from a health and
functional standpoint. Understand that muscles are
designed to work in pairs; a muscle on one side of the
body is balanced by a muscle on the opposite site of
the body. This ying-yang relationship has functional
significance during exercise performance. When a
given muscle carries out an action (the agonist), its
opposing muscle relaxes (the antagonist). For example,
the biceps and triceps share an agonist/antagonist
relationship; when you perform an arm curl, the
biceps contract while the triceps relaxes. During a
triceps pushdown, the roles reverse so that the triceps
contracts while the biceps relaxes. Any imbalance
between agonist/antagonist pairs is therefore bound to
negatively impact functional movement.
m Muscle Imbalances Defined
Muscle imbalance is a condition in which the lengthtension relationship between muscles at a joint
has been altered (Figure 1). In this condition, some
muscles are prone to being overactive (or shortened),
while others are susceptible to becoming underactive
(or lengthened) (4,5). The combination of over and
underactive muscles can alter normal movement
patterns resulting in excessive wear and tear on joint
surfaces (6,7).
Figure 1. Muscle Imbalance
Muscle imbalances can have a profound effect on the
nervous system’s ability to communicate with the
muscles of the body (4,5,7). This effect accentuates the
imbalances by producing altered recruitment patterns
and thus poor movement patterns (7).
Muscular imbalances of the upper body inevitably
lead to postural deviations that can cause pain and
impair function. An over-reliance on pushing exercises,
for instance, often leads to upper crossed syndrome
(Figure 2), whereby tight upper traps and pectorals
overpower weak neck flexors and mid-back muscles.
These asymmetries, in turn, result in forward head
posture, thoracic kyphosis (hunchback appearance),
protracted (rounded) shoulders, and winging of the
scapula—conditions that, in combination, can reduce
shoulder joint stability. In extreme cases, muscle
imbalances can hasten the onset of injury. For example,
a quadriceps/hamstring imbalance has been implicated
as a primary cause of hamstrings and anterior cruciate
ligament tears (8,9). Similarly, weakness of the
subscapularis is associated with rotator cuff tears and
lesions of the shoulder labrum (10).
Figure 2. Upper Crossed Syndrome
Bodybuilders tend to demonstrate weakness in
scapular stabilizers and the rotator cuff muscles (12).
This may be attributed to the over-dominance of
certain muscle groups; lifters tend to over-emphasize
strengthening the chest, deltoids, and abdominal
groups while neglecting the muscles that stabilize
the scapular (shoulder blades) and glenohumeral
(shoulder) joints (12). The result can be shoulder
injuries such as an impingement syndrome (11). Injury
will hinder workouts and require time off, which can
ultimately decrease the hypertrophy process.
The bottom line is that you should strive to achieve
symmetry and balance between muscle groups, both
for health and appearance sake. Don’t be shortsighted.
Make sure to train all the body’s major muscles.
Your strategy should include two key components:
(1) stretching identified tight (overactive) muscles
to maintain ideal flexibility and range of motion and
(2) strengthening all muscles (even the small stabilizer
muscles) to achieve proper neural activation and joint
Integrated Training
Designing a program for a bodybuilder is much like that
of any other athlete. The difference is in the goal or final
outcome. While bodybuilders do not need agility, speed
or quickness, they do require high levels of flexibility,
core stabilization, and strength endurance to effectively
grow muscle mass while minimizing the risk of injury.
Effectively achieving all of these traits requires an
integrated (multifaceted) approach.
Research has also demonstrated that bodybuilders
experience an overall decreased range of motion at the
shoulder as well as activation of the lower trapezius (11).
Integrated training is a concept that incorporates all
forms of training in an integrated fashion as part of
a progressive system. While it may be impractical to
incorporate all forms of exercise (such as plyometric
training or speed training) to obtain muscle
hypertrophy, the most desirable forms of training
include flexibility training, cardiorespiratory training,
core training, and resistance training.
m Flexibility Training
m Cardiorespiratory Training
To allow for optimal muscular coordination,
individuals must have proper flexibility in all planes
of motion, allowing for the freedom of movement
needed to perform lifting activities effectively, such as
squatting and pressing. Muscle imbalances and poor
flexibility may decrease performance and increase
the risk of injury (13). Because self-myofascial release
(e.g., self-massage, foam rolling), static, active-isolated,
and dynamic stretching can be effective for improving
range of motion, (14–16) this complete continuum
of flexibility training should be incorporated into
a comprehensive hypertrophy training program
(Figure 3). It should be noted that a proper stretching
program should only target muscles that have
been identified as tight and restricted. Stretching a
lengthened muscle can be counterproductive. Muscle
groups that are commonly tight and require stretching
include the calves, hamstrings, hip flexors, latissimus
dorsi (lats), chest, and neck.
Of the various components that comprise a
hypertrophy training program, cardiorespiratory
training is probably the most misunderstood and
under-rated. Incorporating cardiorespiratory training
into your routine not only improves cardiovascular
health, but increases caloric expenditure to aid
in fat loss. However, many bodybuilders fear that
cardiorespiratory exercise leads to a loss of muscle
mass. Due to this fear, bodybuilders may eliminate
cardiorespiratory training completely from their
workout strategy. But, if intensity and duration of
cardiorespiratory exercise is carefully monitored, it can
be a valuable addition to the overall strategy for losing
body fat.
Figure 3. Example of Flexibility Techniques
A comprehensive hypertrophy program should include
both resistance and cardiorespiratory training in order
to burn calories while simultaneously preserving or
building lean mass, which will alter body composition
and improve aesthetic appearance. Furthermore,
a well-designed exercise program that includes
both cardio and resistance training should improve
functionality by enhancing balance and posture,
muscle strength and muscle balance across—and
between—joints, and movement and cardiorespiratory
Circuit training involves the completion of a number
of carefully-selected resistance exercises arranged
sequentially, with a short recovery between the
exercises (stations). This sequentially-arranged
program is both strategic and intentional, allowing
for greater volumes of work to be performed, while
permitting adequate muscle recovery.
A primary objective behind circuits is to incorporate
both cardiorespiratory and resistance training
into a single session, enabling some simultaneous
physiological adaptations from each. Circuits improve
aerobic fitness and caloric expenditure, while also
preserving or even increasing muscle mass and bone
mineral density, and boosting resting metabolism
after muscle hypertrophy occurs (17,18). This form
of training can be very beneficial for bodybuilders
seeking the benefits of cardiorespiratory training while
preserving muscle mass.
Figure 4. Examples of Core Exercises
m Core Training
Core training is another important element in a
hypertrophy program. Many bodybuilders have
developed the strength and endurance in their prime
movers (arms and legs), but many neglect to develop
adequate stability in their core (abdomen, pelvis,
hips, low-back). Core training should be carefully
implemented in a systematic and progressive approach
to develop the core musculature while minimizing
fatigue and overtraining (discussed later).
The core has to function optimally to fully harness
the strength and power of the prime movers. The
core operates as a functional unit to produce force,
decelerate force, and stabilize against compressive and
shear forces (19). A stable and strong core should be an
integral component in all training programs (20–22).
For example, most compound exercises such as squats
and overhead presses require adequate activation of the
core musculature to protect the spine from injury. An
unstable or weakened core may limit a bodybuilder’s
ability to properly stabilize the spine, which is required
to safely perform these movements. Similar to
cardiorespiratory training, the volume and intensity of
core exercise should be monitored carefully during a
hypertrophy training program. The idea is to perform a
low volume of core exercises (Figure 4) to prepare the
body for activity and to “wake up” the muscles designed
to protect the spine, rather than working the core
muscles to exhaustion.
m Integrated, Multi-planar Resistance Training
The world of bodybuilding is always evolving as
competitors are bigger, stronger, and leaner than ever
before. Whether the goal is to increase muscle mass
or reduce body fat, the use of resistance training is an
important component of any hypertrophy conditioning
Planned variations in a resistance training program
are essential to enable continuous adaptations over
a training period while preventing injury. Periodized
resistance training programs lead to superior physical
improvements when compared to a non-periodized
training program (23–25). A planned training program
with progressive and systematic variation produces
long-term, consistent adaptations and prevents
overtraining and injury.
The development of muscular hypertrophy requires
that the nervous and muscular systems be challenged
progressively. This systematic progression of training
creates the maximal training response necessary for
optimal muscular gains while minimizing injury risk. A
progressive and sequenced training continuum begins
with building a solid foundation of muscular endurance
and joint stability (resistance-stabilization exercises)
before progressing to strength and hypertrophy
development (resistance-strength exercises).
Figure 6. Examples of Resistance Strength Exercises
Resistance-stabilization exercises are designed
to improve coordination and joint stability by
performing the exercises in unstable, yet controllable
environments (Figure 5). This form of training will
prepare the muscles, joints, and connective tissues
(tendons, ligaments) for high-intensity hypertrophyspecific training.
Figure 5. Examples of Resistance
Stabilization Exercises
Myths and Misconceptions of Hypertrophy
The fitness field is rife with myths and misconceptions.
No place is this more apparent than in the bodybuilding
community, where gym lore influences legions of
muscle-seekers to engage in highly-questionable
training practices. What follows are some of the more
common myths, along with explanations as to how you
can better achieve optimal results.
m Myth #1: Ultra-heavy Weights
Resistance-strength exercises are designed to enhance
the strength of prime movers by performing them in
more stable environments (Figure 6). Doing so places
more emphasis on the prime movers and allows one
to handle heavier loads and maximize muscle growth
One of the most long-standing bodybuilding myths
is that ultra-heavy weights are required to maximize
muscle growth. Truth is, research doesn’t support this
statement (26). While heavy lifting certainly has a place
in a hypertrophy routine, moderate loads are at least
as effective, if not more so, for promoting increases in
muscle growth. As previously noted, metabolic stress
has been shown to promote hypertrophy. Here’s the
kicker: lifting with maximal or near-maximal loads
produces very little metabolic stress. The specific
mechanisms behind this reality will be discussed at
length in the next module. For now, just realize that
muscle development can be attained through a variety
of loading schemes, and optimal increases in muscle
mass are a function of training across a spectrum of
repetition ranges.
m Myth #2: You Need to Spend
Hours in the Gym
Another popular myth is that you need to spend hours
on end in the gym to build appreciable muscle. Nothing
can be further from the truth. Fact is, it’s not how
much you train that matters, but rather what you do
while you’re in the gym. As a general rule, resistance
training sessions shouldn’t last much more than sixty
minutes with a frequency of three to four days a week.
That’s a total training time of just a few hours weekly.
Understand that exercising with high volumes over
long timeframes will ultimately result in an overtrained state, with the result being performance
decrements and a cessation of muscular gains that will
have detrimental effects on your physique. Bottom line:
Focusing on quality over quantity is the key to packing
on lean mass.
Did You Know?
Overtraining syndrome commonly occurs
when bodybuilders are training beyond the
body’s ability to recover. When an individual is
performing excessive amounts of exercise without
proper rest and recovery, there may be some
harmful side effects. Some of these side effects
may include decreased performance, fatigue,
altered hormonal states, poor sleeping patterns,
reproductive disorders, decreased immunity,
loss of appetite, and mood disturbances (27).
m Myth #3: Abdominal Training
Yet another myth that never seems to die is the
belief that you can and should train the abdominals
to exhaustion every day to achieve the coveted “sixpack of abs.” The genesis of this idea is based on
the mistaken premise that the abdominals are an
endurance-related muscle and thus can tolerate
repeated bouts of physical activity. The abdominals
recover very quickly from exercise, the thinking
goes, so there is no need to give them extended rest.
In truth, however, the abdominals are not different
structurally from the other major muscles of the body.
The rectus abdominis (i.e., the “six-pack” muscle)
actually is comprised of roughly equal amounts
of fast-twitch (strength-related) and slow-twitch
(endurance-related) fibers—a composition similar to
the muscles of the thighs and arms. Compare this to a
true endurance-related muscle like the soleus (one of
the calf muscles), which has about eighty percent slowtwitch fibers, and you’ll see that the abdominals are
just as oriented to strength as they are to endurance.
It therefore follows that the abdominals should be
afforded at least forty-eight hours rest between training
sessions to ensure adequate muscular repair if they
are trained to a fatigued or exhausted state (such as
performing countless crunches). Train more frequently
and you’ll short-change the recuperative process,
impairing results and heightening the risk of localized
over-training. Instead, you may be better served to
perform a low volume of core exercises to serve as a
dynamic warm-up versus training your abdominals to
m Myth #4: Isolation Training
And then there is the myth of “isolation training.” In
short, bodybuilders commonly state that they structure
their routines to isolate their lower abs, vastus medialis
(one of the four quadriceps muscles), rhomboids, and
virtually every other muscle imaginable. In reality,
muscular isolation is a physiological impossibility.
The body simply doesn’t work in this fashion. When
you perform a given movement, multiple muscles will
always be active. In the arm curl, for example, it’s not
only the biceps that carry out movement, but also the
brachialis and brachioradialis (forearm muscles) as
well. You can, however, selectively target a given muscle
or subdivision thereof. For example, switching from a
flat bench to a forty-degree incline increases activity
of the clavicular head of the pectoralis major (i.e.,
upper chest); performing calf raises with bent knees
causes greater recruitment of the soleus vis-à-vis the
gastrocnemius; and performing the lateral dumbbell
raise involves the middle deltoid to a greater extent than
the other heads. The take-home message is that exercise
choice can facilitate improvements in muscular size
and symmetry provided it is carried out in an intelligent
fashion. But you can’t train muscles in complete
isolation, just increase activation of one relative
to another.
Hypertrophy training is not just a physical endeavor;
there also is a substantial mental component involved
in maximizing muscle gains. Trainees must appreciate
that everyone has a genetic ceiling and the closer that
one gets to this ceiling, the more difficult it becomes
to sustain rates of growth. Moreover, size increases
are not linear, but rather ebb and flow over time.
Genetics play a large role in these issues, with some
finding it more difficult to add mass than others. A
number of mind-based techniques can be employed to
further results. These include goal-setting, diarizing,
visualization, and establishing a mind-to-muscle
It is essential to consider muscle balance when training
for hypertrophy. Not only are muscle imbalances
aesthetically unpleasing, but they have a detrimental
impact on functional movement and can hasten the
onset of injury. Further, other fitness components such
as flexibility training, cardiorespiratory exercise, and
direct core training should be considered as part of a
comprehensive hypertrophy-oriented routine, both
to improve appearance and promote better health and
Finally, there are numerous myths associated with
gaining muscle. Bodybuilding lore continues to foster
misguided training practices in gyms throughout
the world, ultimately leading to substandard results.
Optimal muscle development can only be achieved by
taking a scientific approach that separates fitness fact
from fiction. You must train smart as well as hard if you
want to reach your genetic potential.
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• Compose hypertrophy training programs based
on goals
• Define periodization and the role it plays in
programming for hypertrophy
• Outline the importance of exercise training
variables for gaining muscle mass
• Outline the OPT™ Model and Phase progression
Periodization is an important component of any
exercise program. Simply stated, periodization is the
planned manipulation of training variables to achieve
a given fitness goal. Resistance training variables
involved in hypertrophy include exercises, sets, reps,
rest intervals, and training frequency, among others.
By systematically manipulating these variables in
a hypertrophy-oriented program, you can reduce
the potential for over-training while ensuring that
muscular gains are optimized (1). Failure to periodize
your routine properly is bound to curtail or even cause a
regression in results (2).
m Principle of Specificity
A periodized muscle-building plan should take into
account several basic tenets of exercise. For one,
training must encompass the principle of specificity,
commonly referred to as the SAID Principle (Specific
Adaptations to Imposed Demands). In short, this
principle states that adaptations are specific to the
inflicted stimulus (3). For example, if you run ten miles
every day your body will adapt by increasing factors
related to cardiorespiratory endurance; there will be no
increase in the size of your biceps as this is not specific
to the activity performed. From a muscle-building
standpoint, specificity would involve structuring
routines so that there is an optimal mix of the three
basic mechanisms of muscle hypertrophy—mechanical
tension, muscle damage, and metabolic stress (4). As
previously discussed, mechanical tension is the driving
factor in muscle hypertrophy. However, maximal
loading is not necessary to achieve optimum muscle
growth. Current theory suggests that provided a certain
tension threshold is met, muscle damage and metabolic
stress become increasingly relevant to optimizing
muscular gains (5, 6).
m Progressive Overload
Another tenet essential to hypertrophy-oriented
programs is the principle of progressive overload,
which dictates that adaptation only takes place when
the body is challenged beyond its present capacity (1).
Factors such as the amount of loading, the volume of
training, exercise frequency, and the intensity of effort
all can and should be progressively manipulated so
that overload is achieved on a regular basis. If training
does not provide an overload stimulus in a manner that
sufficiently taxes the neuromuscular system, muscle
fibers have no impetus to develop.
m Principle of Reversibility
Last but certainly not least, it is essential to understand
the principle of reversibility, also known as the “use it
or lose it” principle. As the name implies, this principle
asserts that any gains made from a hypertrophyoriented program will be progressively lost if you cease
training (7). A prolonged cessation from exercise is
called “de-training,” and ultimately results in a return
of muscle size to pre-training levels, with decreases in
girth following a similar time course to that of training
(8). Fortunately, those who have trained previously
have an easier time regaining muscle mass compared to
those who have never trained at all. This phenomenon
is attributed to “muscle memory,” whereby a person’s
neural circuitry “remembers” exercise movement
patterns, thereby allowing one to bypass the initial
coordination phase associated with resistance training.
It is also believed that a retention of satellite cells is
involved in the process. If you recall, these muscle
stem cells assist existing fibers by increasing the nuclei
required to produce muscle proteins. Studies show
that, while muscle atrophies in response to detraining,
the increased satellite cell pool is largely retained even
in the absence of regular exercise, facilitating increased
muscle protein synthesis upon retraining (9).
Body Part Training
Training programs can take one of two basic forms:
a total-body approach or a split routine. As the name
implies, total-body training involves working all the
major muscle groups—chest, shoulders, back, arms,
and lower body—each and every workout. A split
routine, on the other hand, segments training so that
certain muscle groups are trained on different days
than others. While certainly both strategies can be
approaches to hypertrophy-oriented training, split
routines tend to be the preferred choice for maximizing
muscle growth. Here’s why. As a general rule, muscles
need approximately forty-eight hours to recover
following intense resistance exercise. This recovery
period allows the full extent of protein synthesis
to run its course while affording sufficient time for
repair of damaged tissue (10,11). When you work all
the major muscle groups in a session, recovery issues
necessarily dictate that you won’t be able to train
again for at least two days. It therefore follows that the
maximum number of training sessions in a total body
routine cannot exceed three per week. A split routine
gets around this issue by allowing you to train more
frequently, increasing weekly training volume while
affording greater recovery between sessions (12). Since
higher training volumes and frequencies are associated
with greater gains in hypertrophy, a split routine can
thus help to enhance muscle development.
m Split Routines
There are numerous ways that you can choose to split
your routine. One popular body part split is to train
the upper body on one day and the lower body on
another. This two-day split works well in a four-day
training schedule, where the upper body is worked on
say, Mondays and Thursdays, while the lower body
is worked on Tuesdays and Fridays. Three-day splits
are also common in hypertrophy-oriented programs.
A “push/pull” split is a popular version of this model.
Here muscle groups are divided so that the upper-body
pushing muscles (chest, shoulders and triceps) are
trained on one day, the upper body pulling muscles
(back, biceps, and abdominals) trained on another,
and the lower body is worked on the third day. Another
variation of a three-day split is a torso-extremities
approach, where the back, chest and abdominals are
worked one day, followed by the lower body, and then
the shoulders and arms. The benefit of a three-day
split is that training frequency can be increased to
five or even six days if desired to bring about a supercompensatory response.
Understand that there is no such thing as an “ideal”
hypertrophy training split. In fact, a case can be made
that periodizing your split is the best option. You should
aim to switch around your split every few months so
that different combinations of muscles are worked in
a session, while varying the volume/frequency to elicit
an optimal mix of gains and recovery.
Within a given routine, the number of sets afforded
to each muscle group does not necessarily have to be
equal. As a rule of thumb, the muscles of the upper
arm do not need as much volume as those of the torso.
The reason here is simple: not only are the biceps
and triceps relatively small muscles, but they also
receive a substantial amount of work during training
of the torso (chest and back). Multi-joint chest
exercises such as the bench press and push-up require
a significant contribution from the triceps, while
compound back movements such as the lat pulldown
and row heavily involve the biceps. Similarly, the calf
muscles are significantly active during variations of
the squat, lunge, and leg press. Direct arm and calf
work therefore can generally be about half that of the
chest, shoulders, back, and thighs; remember that if you
over-train a muscle you’ll ultimately diminish gains in
Developing Hypertrophy Training Programs
As with training for any fitness goal, maximum gains
in muscle can only be achieved with a proper program
design. Strict attention must be paid to the systematic
manipulation of exercise variables including repetitions,
sets, frequency, exercise selection, rest intervals, and
tempo. What follows is an overview of each of these
variables with respect to hypertrophy-oriented training
and how the variables can be manipulated to bring about
an enhanced growth response.
m Repetitions
Research suggests that muscle growth is optimized by
training in a moderate repetition range (6–12 RM)
(13–15). This so-called “hypertrophy range”
conceivably may provide an optimal combination of
mechanical tension, metabolic stress, and muscle
damage, thereby generating a sustained anabolic
response that maximizes muscle protein accretion
(4). That said, there is a benefit to training across the
spectrum of repetition ranges. Low repetition training
(1–5 repetitions per set) employing high percentages
of 1RM enhances gains in maximal strength, with
a particular emphasis on promoting greater neural
adaptations. Employing lower-rep sets can therefore
have a positive transfer to hypertrophy-oriented
training by allowing the use of heavier loads during
moderate rep training (13). Alternatively, higher rep
training can aid hypertrophy training by increasing
your lactate threshold (16)—the point where lactic
acid increases exponentially—and thus delaying the
onset of fatigue during a moderate rep set. In this
way you are able to get an extra rep or two at a given
6–12 RM, enhancing the stimulus to the muscle. So
while a moderate-rep protocol can form the basis of
hypertrophy training, to optimize results both lower
and higher rep ranges should also be strategically
included over the course of a periodized training cycle.
m Sets
The optimal number of sets required to promote
muscular growth is the subject of ongoing controversy.
Studies show a clear advantage of multiple-set training
compared to single set training, both for increases
in strength as well as hypertrophy (17, 18). Whether
this is due to greater mechanical tension, muscle
damage, metabolic stress, or a combination of these
factors is not clear. What is readily apparent is that
higher volumes of training are therefore necessary
to maximize muscular development, at least up to a
certain point (19). The specific number of sets that you
should perform for a muscle group in a given workout
session is highly variable and will depend on individual
factors (i.e., tolerance to training volume, nutritional
state, stress level, etc.), as well as the number of muscle
groups trained in a given workout. A general guideline
is to perform 3–5 sets for a given exercise, but the
number of sets should be considered in the context
of the aforementioned factors and modified based on
response. Furthermore, consistently training with high
volumes is a recipe for over-training, which ultimately
has a detrimental effect on hypertrophic gains. This
speaks to the need for progressively increasing volume
over a given periodized cycle, culminating in a brief
period of functional over-reaching where volume is
pushed to the limits of an individual’s training capacity.
When properly designed, this produces a “rebound
effect” where an initial decrease in anabolic drive
causes the body to super-compensate by significantly
increasing accretion of body proteins (20, 21). To
ensure optimal super-compensation, the period of
over-reaching should be followed by a brief taper where
you perform only light bouts of activity (22).
m Exercise Selection
A hypertrophy-oriented routine benefits from using a
variety of exercises. Whereas strength gains tend to be
optimized by performing the same basic movements
on a regular basis, optimal muscle growth is achieved
by working muscles from varying angles and planes
of movement, as well as employing different training
modalities. This is consistent with the fact that muscles
often have different attachment sites that provide
greater leverage for varying actions. For instance,
the trapezius is subdivided so that the upper aspect
elevates the scapula (shrugs the shoulders), the middle
aspect abducts the scapula (squeezes the shoulder
blades together), and the lower portion depresses the
scapula (lowers the shoulder blades). Similarly, the
different heads of the deltoids allow for advantages
in shoulder flexion (anterior deltoid), abduction
(middle deltoid), and horizontal extension (posterior
deltoid). Moreover, many muscles are subdivided
into neuromuscular compartments that influence
recruitment depending on the movement pattern. The
sartorius and gracilis (inner thigh muscles), biceps
femoris (hamstring muscle) and rectus abdominis
(abdominal muscle), among others, are all subdivided
by one or more fibrous bands or inscriptions, with each
compartment innervated by separate nerve branches
(23, 24). These muscular variances lend support for the
need to adopt a multi-planar, multi-angled approach to
achieve balanced, symmetrical muscular development.
Both single and multi-joint movements therefore
have a place in a hypertrophy-oriented routine. A
combination of free weights, cables, machines, and
body-weight movements can help to optimize results as
the advantages of one modality tend to compensate for
the shortcomings of the others. Given the need to fully
stimulate all fibers within a muscle, a frequent exercise
rotation is warranted to maximize the hypertrophic
response. There is no hard rule for how often exercises
should be rotated, but a good guideline is to change
things around at least every four to six weeks.
m Rest Intervals
Rest intervals (i.e., the time taken between sets) can
influence muscle growth in a number of ways. If rest
intervals are too short (less than thirty seconds or so),
there is insufficient time for the muscle to recuperate
from the previous set. Recovery is negatively impacted,
causing a reduction in the load and thus impairing
mechanical tension on the target muscle. Long rest
intervals (greater than about three minutes), on the
other hand, diminish exercise-induced metabolic
stress, which as previously noted helps to drive protein
synthesis. A middle ground is therefore desirable
with respect to rest intervals, with results seemingly
optimized by taking about one to two minutes between
sets when training in a hypertrophy rep range (6–12
reps). This approach allows for the recuperation of a
majority of one’s strength while heightening metabolic
buildup (25, 26) and providing an environment
conducive for growth.
m Tempo
The speed with which repetitions are performed is
perhaps the least studied variable associated with
hypertrophy training. Evidence suggests that explosive
concentric (i.e., positive) actions may enhance the
hypertrophic response, with a one second cadence
showing greater increases in muscle thickness
compared to three seconds (27). It is theorized that this
advantage may be attributed to an increased recruitment
and corresponding fatigue of high-threshold motor
units. Alternatively, training at very slow concentric
velocities (i.e., super-slow training) has consistently
proven to be suboptimal for increasing muscle mass
(28–30). Thus, the goal should be to exert maximum
force during the concentric portion of a repetition,
driving the weight up as quickly as possible. Eccentric
(i.e., negative) actions, on the other hand, should be
performed more slowly. Here the goal should be to
lower the weight in a controlled fashion, resisting the
forces of gravity. If loads are lowered too quickly, gravity
takes over so that less work is performed by the target
muscle. The importance of eccentric work should not be
under-estimated. Remember that eccentric actions are
primarily responsible for muscle damage, which plays
a role in muscle growth. Although both the concentric
and eccentric components are important for maximizing
muscular development, studies suggest that eccentric
exercise has an even greater impact on gains (31). A
tempo of about two to three seconds can be considered
a general guideline for ensuring that target muscles are
properly taxed during eccentric actions.
m Frequency
Frequency of training pertains to the number of
exercise sessions performed in a given time period.
Basic math dictates that training frequency and
training volume share a direct relationship, with more
frequent sessions translating into greater volume,
assuming the number of sets in each session remains
constant. It therefore follows that higher frequencies
are a double-edged sword with respect to hypertrophy
training. On one hand, increasing the training
frequency can enhance muscle growth given the
positive association between volume and hypertrophy.
On the other hand, frequent training sessions
heighten the potential for over-training, given that
high volumes of exercise are the biggest contributor
to the overtraining syndrome (19). This dichotomy
suggests a benefit for progressively increasing training
frequency over the course of a periodized hypertrophy
phase. Although significant muscular gains can be
made by training as little as two times per week, three
weekly sessions appears to confer greater benefits
(19). A four, five, or even six-day-a-week schedule can
potentially augment gains provided that individual
recovery abilities are taken into account. Progressively
increasing training frequency over the course of a
periodized cycle is an excellent approach to accomplish
optimal muscular gains. As previously discussed, at
least forty-eight hours should be allowed between
training sessions for the same muscle group. Studies
show that this is the minimum amount of time needed
to recover strength in a given muscle (32). A reduction
in muscle force will require the use of lighter weights,
reducing mechanical tension and thus potentially
compromising hypertrophic gains. Furthermore,
muscle protein synthesis has been shown to remain
elevated for up to two days or more post-exercise (10),
indicating that training may interfere with the recovery
process if initiated during elevation period is complete.
A split routine therefore can be an effective strategy to
effectively allow for increased training frequency and
thereby promote greater muscle gains.
Overcoming Plateaus
Nothing can be more demoralizing to a fitness
enthusiast than hitting a plateau in training. Plateaus
however, are an inevitable aspect of the training
process. Hypertrophic gains do not follow a linear path,
but rather ebb and flow over the course of weeks and
months of training. The key here is to minimize the
duration of plateaus so that the accretion of muscle
proteins is maximized.
At the onset of a plateau, the natural reaction of many
lifters is to step up their efforts and train harder and
longer. If you weren’t putting the requisite effort into
your training practices prior to the occurrence of the
plateau, this may be a viable strategy. However, for most
serious lifters a lack of effort is not the issue. Often the
opposite is true, with an all-out training mentality all
of the time. Such a mindset ultimately leads to overtraining, which is generally the biggest reason for a
sustained plateau in experienced lifters.
As previously discussed, the most effective way to
avoid plateaus is by implementing a periodized routine.
Within a periodized structure, you must systematically
establish regular “unloading” cycles into your program.
These unloading cycles should include a reduction in
both the intensity and volume of exercise. A common
strategy is to employ a 3:1 ratio where an unloading
cycle is instituted for every three weeks of intense
training. The unloading cycle provides a period of
restoration and rejuvenation, where the body is given
a chance to fully recover from the rigors of progressive
resistance exercise (discussed in the next section).
The Optimum Performance
Training™ (OPT™) Model
The new mindset in hypertrophy training must
consider an individual’s goals, needs, and abilities in
a safe and systematic fashion. NASM has created the
OPT™ model for this specific reason. The different
periods (or phases) of training seen in a hypertrophy
periodization model include a preparatory period
(termed stabilization training), a hypertrophy period
and a maximal strength period. The OPT™ model
should be thought of as a staircase guiding clients
through different levels of adaptation. This journey
will involve going up and down the stairs, stopping
at different steps, and moving to various heights,
depending on the individual’s goals, needs, and abilities.
This section will detail phases of training in the OPT™
model specific to hypertrophy training.
m Phase 1. Stabilization Endurance Training
The first level of training in the OPT™ model focuses
on the main adaptation of stabilization and is designed
to prepare the body for the demands of higher levels
of training that will follow. This phase is crucial for all
beginning bodybuilders and exercise enthusiasts. It
is also necessary to cycle back through this level after
periods of high-intensity hypertrophy and maximal
strength training to maintain optimal levels of mobility,
endurance, and core and joint stability. In addition,
stabilization training allows the body to actively rest
from more intense bouts of training. The focus of
stabilization training includes:
• Improving muscle imbalances
• Improving stabilization of the core musculature
• Preventing tissue overload by preparing muscles,
tendons, ligaments, and joints for the upcoming
imposed demands of training
• Establishing proper movement patterns and
exercise technique
The above goals are accomplished through moderately
high repetition training programs, emphasizing core
and joint stabilization. Phase 1 incorporates exercises
that progressively challenge the body’s stability
requirements (or posture and balance). Examples
include performing exercises from a standing position
versus seated, opting for dumbbells versus selectorized
machines, and the inclusion of balance modalities
(such as stability balls) versus benches. It is important
to note that the level of instability introduced for
each exercise must be tailored for each individual.
Maintaining ideal posture and exercise technique can
never be over-emphasized.
The stabilization period of training in the OPT™
model consists of one phase of training: Stabilization
Endurance Training (Table 1).
Table 1
Phase 1: Stabilization Endurance Training
Resistance 12–20
Tempo Intensity Exercise Selection
30 s hold N/A
SMR and static
50–70% Resistancestabilization exercises
N/A = not applicable; SMR = self-myofascial release.
m Phase 2. Strength Endurance Training
Strength endurance is a hybrid form of training that
promotes increased stabilization endurance and prime
mover strength. This form of training entails the use
of superset techniques in which a more stable exercise
(such as a bench press) is immediately followed with
a stabilization exercise with similar biomechanical
motions (such as a stability ball push-up). Thus, for
every set of an exercise/body part performed according
to the acute variables, there are actually two exercises
or two sets being performed. High amounts of volume
can be generated in this phase of training (Table 2).
Due to the high volume of training associated with
this phase, bodybuilders striving to achieve a low level
of body fat prior to a competition can successfully
incorporate this phase into their routine.
Similar to Phase 1, acute variables can be progressed
by increasing proprioceptive demand, volume (sets,
reps), and intensity (load, exercise selection, planes of
motion), and by decreasing rest periods.
Table 3
Phase 3: Hypertrophy Training
Reps Sets
Resistance 6–12
% Intensity Exercise
1–2 s hold N/A
SMR and activeisolated stretching*
Medium N/A
Medium 75–85%
*Depending on the client, static stretching may still need to be used in
this phase of training (followed by active-isolated stretching).
†Because the goal is muscle hypertrophy, core training may be optional
in this phase (although recommended). They can also be trained on nonresistance training days.
N/A = not applicable; SMR = self-myofascial release.
Table 2
Phase 2: Strength Endurance Training
Reps Sets
5–10 1–2
Resistance 8–12
Tempo % Intensity Exercise Selection
1–2 s hold N/A
SMR and activeisolated stretching*
Medium N/A
exercise superset
with resistance(Stab)
Note: Each resistance-training exercise is a superset of a strength level
exercise immediately followed by a stabilization level exercise.
*Depending on the client, static stretching may still need to be used in
this phase of training (followed by active-isolated stretching).
The maximal strength training phase focuses on
increasing the load placed on the tissues of the body
(Table 4). Because the goal of this phase of training
is primarily maximal strength, intensity (load)
and volume (sets) are increased. Maximal strength
training is designed for individuals who have the
goal of maximum strength (such as powerlifters or
strongman competitors) and bodybuilders seeking
further strength adaptations to supplement and aid in
hypertrophy gains.
Table 4
N/A = not applicable; SMR = self-myofascial release.
Phase 4: Maximal Strength Training
Hypertrophy training focuses on high levels of volume
with modest rest periods to force cellular changes that
result in an overall increase in muscle size (Table 3).
This phase of training should be the most emphasized
form of training for anyone who desires an increase in
muscle mass.
Reps Sets
Resistance 1–5
% Intensity Exercise
1–2 s hold N/A
SMR and activeisolated stretching*
Medium N/A
exercises (optional)
Explosive 85–100%
Resistancestrength exercises
*Depending on the client, static stretching may still need to be used in
this phase of training (followed by active-isolated stretching).
†Because the goal is maximal strength, core training may be optional in
this phase. They can also be trained on non-resistance training days.
N/A = not applicable; SMR = self-myofascial release
Applying the OPT™ Model for
Increasing Hypertrophy
The following program is one example of how to use
the OPT™ model for bodybuilding. It is intended to
be a guide, not an absolute, meaning that the program
may need to be altered to fit the needs and wants of any
given person. This program is designed to start from
a beginning level and progress to an advanced level. It
uses a four-day split routine with each body part being
trained twice a week. All of the different phases or
periods of training are broken up into what are termed
“cycles.” For the remainder of this text, we will refer to
each period of training as a cycle.
m Cycle One
Cycle One (Table 5) for the bodybuilder is used to
ensure high levels of flexibility and stabilization. The
Stabilization Endurance phase (STAB-END – Phase 1)
of the OPT™ model is used. This phase prepares
the tissues of the body for the higher demands of
training that will follow by increasing core and joint
stabilization and muscle activation (recruitment).
Table 6
Cycle Two
Week 1: 2 sets x 12 reps (use horizontal loading)
Week 2: 3 sets x 10 reps (use horizontal loading)
Week 3: 3 sets x 8 reps (use horizontal loading)
Week 4: 4 sets x 8 reps (use horizontal loading)
m Cycle Three
Cycle Three (Table 7) involves the Hypertrophy
phase (H – Phase 3) of the OPT™ model. This cycle
maximizes the volume of training and also allows for
increases in strength as higher loads are used.
Table 7
Cycle Three
Weeks 9–12 H
Week 1: 3 sets x 12 reps (use horizontal loading)
Table 5
Week 2: 3 sets x 10 reps (use horizontal loading)
Cycle One
while a high level of core and joint stabilization is
maintained. Cycle Two also allows for increases in
strength as higher loads are used.
Weeks 3 & 4: 4 sets x 8 reps (use horizontal loading)
Week 1: 2 sets x 15 reps (use circuit training)
Week 2: 3 sets x 15 reps (use circuit training)
Weeks 3 & 4: 3 sets x 12 reps (use horizontal loading)
Circuit Training = performing the exercises one after another, resting
and then repeating the circuit.
Horizontal Loading = performing all sets of one exercise before moving
on to the next exercise.
m Cycle Two
Cycle Two (Table 6) involves the Strength Endurance
phase (STR-END – Phase 2) of the OPT™ model.
During this cycle, the volume of training is increased
m Cycle Four
Cycle Four (Table 8) includes both Strength Endurance
and Hypertrophy phases. It is a hybrid training period
that combines different styles of training to help
avoid a training plateau as well as injury. It combines
days of higher volumes of training with days of lower
volumes to help sustain the stress necessary to force
hypertrophy while providing rest and recovery. Cycle
Four also helps to maintain high levels of stabilization
necessary to ensure joint stability and optimum
recruitment. If an individual has been consistently
training for six months or so, they can start at this point
in the program.
Table 8
m Cycle Seven
Cycle Four
Cycle Seven (Table 11) includes the Hypertrophy and
Maximum Strength Training phases (MAX-STR –
Phase 4) of the OPT™ model. This cycle is used to
increase absolute strength and motor unit recruitment
to allow for the use of heavier loads in the future. This
is important to help increase the stress to the body as
well as total volume.
Weeks 13 & 14 H
H: 3 sets x 10 reps (use horizontal loading)
STR-END: 3 sets x 12 reps (use horizontal loading)
m Cycle Five
Cycle Five (Table 9) returns to the Hypertrophy phase,
utilizing an undulating periodization scheme with
higher intensity on two of the days. This helps produce
progressive overload as well as promote good recovery.
Cycle Seven
Weeks 23 & 24 H
Mon & Fri: 4 sets x 6 reps (use horizontal loading)
Table 9
Tue & Thu: 3 sets x 10 reps (use horizontal loading)
Cycle 5
Weeks 15–18
Table 11
Weeks 25 & 26
Mon & Fri: 4 sets x 6 reps (use horizontal loading)
MAX-STR: 4 sets x 4 reps (use horizontal loading)
H: 3 sets x 8 reps (use horizontal loading)
Tue & Thu: 3 sets x 10 reps (use horizontal loading)
m Cycle Eight
m Cycle Six
Cycle Eight (Table 12) includes Hypertrophy,
Stabilization Endurance and Strength Endurance
phases. This cycle provides the body with some relief
from the heavy intense training of previous weeks and
helps prepare the body for the coming weeks. It will
allow for higher levels of rest and stabilization, while
still maintaining sufficient levels of volume.
Cycle Six (Table 10) includes Hypertrophy,
Stabilization Endurance and Strength Endurance
phases. This cycle provides the body with some relief
from the heavy intense training of previous weeks and
helps prepare the body for higher intensity training
in the coming weeks. It will allow for higher levels of
rest and stabilization while still maintaining sufficient
levels of volume.
Table 10
H: 3 sets x 10 reps (use horizontal loading)
H: 3 sets x 10 reps (use horizontal loading)
STAB-END: 3 sets x 15 reps (use circuit training)
Weeks 29 & 30 H
H: 3 sets x 8 reps (use horizontal loading)
STAB-END: 3 sets x 15 reps (use circuit training)
Weeks 21 & 22 H
Cycle Eight
Weeks 27 & 28 H
Cycle 6
Weeks 19 & 20 H
Table 12
H: 3 sets x 8 reps (use horizontal loading)
STR-END: 3 sets x 10 reps (use circuit training)
STR-END: 3 sets x 10 reps (use horizontal loading)
m Cycle Nine
Table 15
Cycle Nine (Table 13) returns to Hypertrophy training,
using an undulating periodization scheme. This means
that the volumes for each day are changed throughout
the week to help maximize muscle growth and recovery.
Cycle Eleven
Table 13
Tue & Thu: 3 sets x 10 reps (use horizontal loading)
Mon & Fri: 4 sets x 6 reps (use horizontal loading)
m Cycle Ten
Cycle Ten (Table 14) includes Hypertrophy,
Stabilization Endurance and Strength Endurance
phases. This cycle provides the body with some relief
from the intense training of previous weeks and helps
prepare the body for the coming weeks. It will allow
for higher levels of rest and stabilization, while still
maintaining sufficient levels of volume.
Table 14
Cycle Ten
H: 3 sets x 10 reps (use horizontal loading)
H: 3 sets x 8 reps (use horizontal loading)
Cycle Twelve (Table 16) includes Hypertrophy,
Stabilization Endurance and Strength Endurance
phases. This cycle provides the body with some relief
from the intense training of previous weeks and helps
prepare the body for the coming weeks. It will allow
for higher levels of rest and stabilization while still
maintaining sufficient levels of volume.
Table 16
Cycle Twelve
H: 3 sets x 10 reps (use horizontal loading)
STAB-END: 3 sets x 15 reps (use horizontal loading)
Weeks 45 & 46 H
H: 3 sets x 8 reps (use horizontal loading)
STAB-END: 3 sets x 15 reps (use horizontal loading)
Weeks 37 & 38 H
MAX-STR: 4 sets x 4 reps (use horizontal loading)
Weeks 43 & 44 H
m Cycle Twelve
Tue & Thu: 3 sets x 10 reps (use horizontal loading)
Weeks 35 & 36 H
Mon & Fri: 4 sets x 6 reps (use horizontal loading)
Weeks 41 & 42
Cycle Nine
Weeks 31–34
Weeks 39 & 40 H
H: 3 sets x 8 reps (use horizontal loading)
STR-END: 3 sets x 10 reps (use horizontal loading)
m Cycle Eleven
Cycle Eleven (Table 15) includes the Hypertrophy and
Maximum Strength Training phases (MAX-STR –
Phase 4) of the OPT™ model. This cycle increases
absolute strength and motor unit recruitment to
allow for the use of heavier loads in the future. This is
important to help increase the stress to the body as well
as total volume.
STR-END: 3 sets x 10 reps (use horizontal loading)
m Cycle Thirteen
Cycle Thirteen (Table 17) returns to Hypertrophy-only
training but uses an undulating periodization scheme,
meaning that the volumes for each day are changed
throughout the week to help maximize stress and
Table 17
Cycle Thirteen
Weeks 47–50 H
Mon & Fri: 4 sets x 6 reps (use horizontal loading)
Tue & Thu: 3 sets x 10 reps (use horizontal loading)
m Cycle Fourteen
Cycle Fourteen (Table 18) includes both Hypertrophy
and Stabilization Endurance phases. This cycle
provides the body with relief from the intense training
of previous weeks. It will allow for higher levels of rest
and stabilization, while still maintaining sufficient
levels of volume.
Table 18
Cycle Fourteen
Weeks 51 & 52 H
H: 3 sets x 10 reps (use horizontal loading)
STAB-END: 3 sets x 15 reps (use horizontal loading)
Periodization is an important component of a
hypertrophy-oriented program. The periodized
program must take into account various principles
of exercise. Training must be specific to the goal of
increased muscle development, and routines therefore
seek to optimize the three primary hypertrophic
mechanisms: mechanical tension, muscle damage,
and metabolic stress. There also should be progressive
overload, whereby the muscles are challenged beyond
their current capacity on a regular basis. And the
principle of reversibility dictates that you must train on
a regular basis to prevent a regression in progress.
Hypertrophy training can be carried out either in a
total-body context where all the major muscles are
trained in a given session, or by employing various
training splits that separate training sessions by
muscle groups. Split routines can potentially enhance
muscular gains by allowing for a greater weekly
training volume while affording greater recovery
between sessions. There are numerous ways to split
a routine, and it appears beneficial to periodize this
variable so that the composition of the split changes
over the course of a given training cycle.
A properly periodized routine encompasses paying
strict attention to the systematic manipulation
of exercise variables, including repetitions, sets,
frequency, exercise selection, rest intervals, and
tempo. As a general rule, hypertrophy-oriented
training involves the use of multiple sets in a moderate
repetition range with rest periods of between one and
two minutes. Exercise selection should take a multiangled, multi-planar approach using a combination
of modalities. Training frequency should be
systematically increased over the course of the training
cycle, progressing from a minimum of three to as many
as six sessions a week.
Plateaus are an inevitable aspect of a hypertrophyoriented program. Prolonged plateaus can be avoided
by instituting regular unloading periods over the course
of a training schedule, whereby the volume and/or
intensity of exercise is reduced. Doing so enhances
restoration and rejuvenation of bodily resources, thus
diminishing the potential for over-training.
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