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Fashion and Self-Expression: An Essay

I think it's matter of everyone to follow fashion. Currently, some people believe that
following fashion is necessary to be acceptable in society. After all, there are people
who hold this opinion. They firmly believe that the time and effort that a person spends
on looking fashionable helps to increase his social status, increase his popularity and
eventually earn decent money, as in the case of performers or bloggers.
As a matter of fact, this is a complex imposed by society. Not all those who dress in
fashion are the most highly respected people. In general, I believe that you should
always be able to listen to views, not obey. It's the same with fashion. Every year
fashion changes, something goes away, something comes. And you just need to buy
from the category of fashion, what you like, what will be your highlight, what will fall
on your soul, and not everything got. Then there will be a rational use of both things
and money. Actually, I really love fashion. Fashion is a way of self-expression, to
express my emotions, my mood, my feelings. It gives me the opportunity to look better
and happier. Buying clothes is like a therapy for me. But I try to take it easier.