FACE SHEET Date of Admission: 5/16/2021 Reason for Admission: Perforated Sigmoid Colon Patient Name: Alfonso Campos Address: 1755 County Rd 789A Date of Birth: 2/2/1958 Gender: Male Uvalde, TX 78801 Home Phone: (830) 789-1234 Cell Phone: (830) 567-8910 Email: Emergency Contact: Laura Campos Address: 1755 County Rd 789A Uvalde, TX 78801 Relationship to Patient: Spouse Home Phone: (830) 789-1234 Cell Phone: (830) 567-8910 Primary Insurance: self funded Secondary Insurance: n/a Member ID: Member ID: Group Number: Group Number: Name of Policy Holder: Name of Policy Holder: Date of Birth: Date of Birth: Religious Affiliation: Catholic Advanced Directive on File?: Yes__ Church Membership: Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church No_X_ Hospitalist History and Physical 05/16/2021 Admission History & Physical Patient Name: Alfonso Campos DOB: 2/2/1958 History of present illness: The patient is a 63 yom who presented to the emergency department with left lower quadrant abdominal pain. He was drowsy, confused, and peripherally cold and cyanotic. His systemic arterial blood pressure was 75/50 mm Hg, and his heart rate was 125 beats per minute He was found to have a perforated sigmoid colon and underwent emergency surgery for resection and stabilization. He is now in the SICU, sedated from surgical anesthesia and requiring ventilator support. Allergies: none Current Medications: Levophed, Coumadin, Vancomyocin, Lorazepam Past Medical History: hypertension, hypercholesterolemia Past Surgical History: none Social History: formerly heavy alcohol intake, non-smoker, lives with wife in Uvalde, works as an independent landscaping contractor Family History: Significant for his father who has a history of hypertension. Physical Examination: hypercholesterolemia Vital Signs: BP 88/52 mmHg, HR 120 bpm General: he is sedated on ventilator support HEENT: pupils are equal, round and reactive to light, extraocular muscles are intact. Sclera are clear, TM’s clear, oropharynx clear. Neck: Supple with full range of motion. Cardiovascular: Normal sinus rhythm Lungs: Ventilated via ET tube, ventilator settings are eight hundred, SIMV of twelve, fifty percent, and plus five Abdomen: colostomy and abdominal incision intact, JP drains x2 Extremities: No cyanosis, clubbing or edema Neurologic: sedated due to surgical anesthesia Impression: Mr. Campos is stable status post surgical repair of sigmoid colon rupture with resection and colostomy. We will work on weaning him from the ventilator over the next 24 hours, monitoring pulmonary function. Plan: 1. Begin reducing sedation and wean from ventilator 2. Physical therapy for early mobilization tomorrow 3. Monitor pulmonary function 4. Monitor blood pressure 5. Continue IV fluid support and NPO 6. Enterostomal therapy nurse consult for stoma care Electronically signed by Dr. Haus Pitalist 5/16/2021 21:34 General Surgery Operative Report 05/16/2021 DATE OF SURGERY: 05/16/2021 PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Perforated sigmoid colon POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Perforated sigmoid colon OPERATION PERFORMED: Abdominoperineal resection with prominent left lower quadrant colostomy. SURGEON: John Smith, MD ASSISTANT: Jane Smith, MD ANESTHESIA: Spinal. ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: Minimal. COMPLICATIONS: None. POSTOPERATIVE CONDITION: Stable. DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION: The patient was taken to the operating room, placed on the operating room table in supine position. General endotracheal anesthesia was performed. The patient's legs were placed up in Allen stirrups. A Foley catheter was inserted using the aseptic technique. A rectal washout was then performed by inserting a 22-French Foley catheter inserted in the patient's rectum. The balloon was then inflated. The rectum was then irrigated out with sterile water and Betadine solution until clear. The balloon was then deflated and the Foley was removed out of the rectum. The patient's abdomen was then shaved, prepped, and draped. Using the aseptic technique, a central line was subsequently placed by Anesthesia, as well as insertion of NG tube. The patient's perineal area was prepped as well. Attention was then turned to the patient's lower abdomen. Incision was made from symphysis pubis to umbilicus, midline. The incision was carried down through the dermis, subcutaneous fat, and linea alba using electrocautery. Preperitoneal fat was incised using electrocautery. Peritoneum was grasped with pickups. Small incision was made in the peritoneal cavity. The preperitoneal fat and peritoneum were then incised along the length of the incision. The abdominal cavity was then explored, beginning with the stomach and duodenum. NG tube was felt to be in adequate position. The left lobe and right lobe of the liver were palpated and felt to be normal. The right colon, transverse colon, and descending colon were palpated and felt to be grossly normal as well. Sigmoid colon was markedly redundant. A Bookwalter retractor was then placed on the operating room table and used for retraction throughout the procedure. Attention was then turned to the sigmoid colon. The lateral attachments were freed up using electrocautery. Left ureter was identified in the left retroperitoneal space. A site was chosen in approximately the proximal sigmoid colon for proximal wide resection. This was determined by placing the rectum, sigmoid on stretch. A hemostat was then introduced between the mesentery and the bowel wall. The ligature was then used to ligate the mesentery up to the vascular pedicle. Pericolic fat and mesentery immediately around the bowel wall was freed up using electrocautery. The pursestring device was then brought into field, placed across the colon at that point. Kocher clamp was placed distally. Noncrushing bowel clamp was placed proximally, then severed between the two. The pursestring device was then removed leaving the pursestring in place. The bowel limb was then opened with Babcock clamps, with Betadine soaked 4 x 4. A 29 EEA stapler was brought into the field. The limb was then inserted into the proximal colon and pursestring was tied. This was then tacked off in left upper quadrant. Attention was then turned back to the sigmoid colon. The mesentery was high ligated, doubly clamped, with 2-0 silk double ligatures proximally, one distally. The sigmoid colon was then reflected inferomedially. The perineum on either side of the sigmoid colon and rectum was incised and then anteriorly on the cul-de-sac of Douglas. The sigmoid colon was then reflected inferiorly, medially. Dissection was carried out over the presacral space and avascular space down to Waldeyer fascia. Waldeyer fascia was incised using electrocautery. The lateral ligaments were taken down using electrocautery. The presacral nerves were visualized and appeared intact throughout the procedure. Anteriorly, dissection was carried down through the Denonvilliers fascia. Posterior Waldeyer fascia was incised. Levators were visualized on either side of the rectum. Dissection was carried down until the rectum was visualized and meeting out to the levator muscles circumferentially. The tumor was palpable within the rectum and extended all the way down to the levator muscles. It appeared that a distal margin would not be obtainable. At this point, I elected to proceed with abdominoperineal resection. Attention was then turned to the patient's perineum. A 0 Prolene suture was used for pursestring around the anus. An elliptical incision encompassing the anus was then performed using a scalpel. Hemostasis controlled using electrocautery. The Lone Star retractor was brought into the field and used for retraction. The stays were placed circumferentially in the skin. Dissection was carried out posteriorly through the anococcygeal ligament. Access was gained into the perineal cavity, above the sacrum. The levator muscles on either side were incised using the ligature. Anteriorly, the dissection was carried out through the transverse perineal muscle. The proximal sigmoid colon was then delivered posterior to the anus. The main portion of the rectum and anus was excised using electrocautery from the remaining levator sling complex. Specimen was then placed on the back table, opened, and appeared to be adequate resected margin, including radial, without evidence of involvement grossly of the rectal wall or surrounding tissue. Hemostasis controlled using electrocautery. The pelvis, perineal portion was then irrigated out with sterile water. Good hemostasis noted. Closure of the peritoneal wound was then begun approximating the levator muscles from posterior to anterior with 2-0 Vicryl interrupted sutures. Subcutaneous tissue was approximated using 2-0 Vicryl interrupted sutures. The skin was approximated using 3-0 nylon vertical mattress sutures. The wound was then cleansed and dried, and sterile dressing was applied. Attention was then turned back to the abdominal cavity and perineum. A site was chosen in the left lower quadrant for the ostomy site, which had been previously marked by Enterostomy Therapy. The skin was grasped with Kocher clamp. An oval incision was made using the scalpel. The subcutaneous fat was incised in conical fashion down to the anterior rectus sheath. The anterior rectus sheath was incised in a cruciate fashion. The rectus muscle was separated. The posterior perineum was incised using electrocautery. The transected sigmoid colon, with the anvil in place, was then delivered out of the ostomy site. The mesentery above the skin area was incised using electrocautery down to the colonic wall. A 10 Blake drain was then inserted through a stab wound in the right lower quadrant, placed in the pelvis. The perineum was approximated to the midline over the pelvis with 3-0 Vicryl running continuous suture. The Blake drain was sutured to the skin using 2-0 silk. All packs and retractors were then removed. Seprafilm was placed in the pelvis over the approximated perineum, over the omentum anteriorly. Closure was then begun by approximating linea alba from the umbilicus down and from the symphysis pubis up with one looped PDS running continuous suture. Hemostasis controlled using electrocautery. Wound was irrigated out with sterile saline. Good hemostasis noted. Skin edges were approximated using skin staples. Attention was then turned to the ostomy site. The redundant sigmoid colon was excised using electrocautery. The ostomy was matured with absorbable suture. The wound was then cleansed, dried around the ostomy site. Benzoin followed by ostomy appliance bag was applied with clip. Sterile dressing and tape were applied to the midline incision. The patient was then taken out of Allen stirrups, transferred to ICU bed and transported to SICU in stable condition. Electronically signed by: John Smith, MD 05/16/2021 20:49 05/16/2021 Nursing note 05/16/2021 22:58 Pt admitted to SICU from OR s/p colon resection with colostomy. Pt is sedated and ventilated via ET tube. Dr. Smith and Dr. Pitalist have been here to assess pt post-operatively. Pt's wife updated on pt's status and oriented to SICU, waiting area and visiting hours. Established password for phone updates with family members. 05/17/2021 Nursing note 05/17/2021 07:31 Received report from night shift, assessment completed. Pt is asleep, vented via ET tube, orders to wean vent today. 05/17/2021 -2 Nursing note 05/17/2021 08:57 Pt cont to have low but stable BP, called pt's wife to give update. 05/17/2021 labs 05/17/2021 24:11 ABG Result Flag pH 7.32 X -- PaCO2 28 X mmHg 35 - 45 mmHg 80-100 PaO2 85 HCO3 19 BLa 3.0 X Units 7.35 - 7.45 mmol/L X Reference Interval 22 -26 mmol/L 0.5 - 1.6 05/17/2021- case manager note Spoke with the patient's wife, Mrs. Laura Campos. She states Mr. Campos works as an independent landscape contractor, and they live in a mobile home in Uvalde with 3 steps to enter. They do not own any DME. Mrs. Campos works as a care provider for an elderly woman, and she feels comfortable with helping Mr. Campos with bathing, meals, showers, medications, and dressing changes at home, but she does not feel that she will be able to lift him. At this time, Mr. Campos does not have funding, and he is not eligible for CareLink because they do not live in Bexar County. Mrs. Campos was provided with the contact information for Project Mend in the event he does need DME, and she said she will reach out to their family and church friends to see what local support is available for them at home. Electronically signed by Rose Shaffer, RN Case Manager 05/17/2021 09:14