Uploaded by Kristen Richards

Types of Galaxies: Spiral, Elliptical, Irregular

Types of Galaxies
 Most common type of galaxy.
 The spirals are large, flat rotating
disks of stars, gas, and dust.
 The bright center of a spiral
galaxy is called the “galactic
 New stars are formed in the arms
of the spiral.
 A supermassive black hole may
be at the center.
 Roughly oval shaped and 3dimensional.
 Often found in galaxy clusters.
 Are usually smaller, but can be
very large.
 Stars are often close together,
which makes the center appear
 Contain older, low-mass stars.
Few new stars are formed.
 May have a supermassive black
hole at their center.
 Irregular in shape.
 Don’t have structure to be
classified as a spiral or elliptical
 Some may have started as a
spiral or elliptical galaxy, but
something (such as a collision
with another galaxy) caused it to
change shape.
Types of Galaxies
 Most __________ type of galaxy.
 The spirals are large, flat rotating
disks of stars, gas, and _______.
 The bright center of a spiral
galaxy is called the “galactic
 New stars are formed in the
________ of the spiral.
 A supermassive black hole may
be at the ____________.
 Roughly ________ shaped and  Irregular in ___________.
 Don’t have ________________
 Often found in galaxy clusters.
to be classified as a spiral or
elliptical galaxy.
 Are usually ____________, but
can be very large.
 Some may have started as a
spiral or elliptical galaxy, but
 Stars are often close together,
something (such as a
which makes the center appear
______________ with another
galaxy) caused it to change
 Contain older, low-mass stars.
Few new ________ are formed.
 May have a supermassive black
hole at their center.