Floren Street Law Names ____________________________________ Bill of Rights Violations Spot the BOR Violations in each case. For each, identify the Right and the Amendment in the Constitution which guarantees this right. 1. Dylan went to court. He couldn’t afford a defense lawyer so he never got one. Right: Amendment: 2. Kendyl got arrested for carrying her gun. Right: Amendment: 3. Kayla wanted to know what she was indicted for, but no one would tell her. Right: Amendment: 4. Adrianna was convicted of treason. They pulled her toenails out as punishment. Right: Amendment: 5. James was caught stealing baseballs. They fined him 2 million dollars. Right: Amendment: 6. Bridget was arrested for posting memes about the president on Insta. Right: Amendment: 7. The American Communist Youth Brigade was arrested for protesting on the Plaza. Right: Amendment: 8. The Oregonian was shut down for not supporting President Biden. Right: Amendment: 9. All Ashland residents were forced to house US army members over President’s Day weekend. 10. Jake went to court but never got to call any witnesses in his defense. Right: Amendment: 11. Braden had a trial. It was decided by a panel of judges. Right: Amendment: 12. Elise was suing the Ashland School District, but she could not get a jury to decide the case. 13. Josh was forced to confess to his crime, even though he didn’t want to talk about it. Right: Amendment: Right: Amendment: Right: Amendment: Floren Street Law Names ____________________________________ 14. Hannah had her property taken away to build a new public pool. Right: Amendment: 15. Joseph was arrested and detained for 68 hours before he was indicted on any charges. Right: Amendment: 16. Jonah had to wait in jail 6 years for his trial to take place. Right: Amendment: 17. Keeley was arrested for praying in school. Right: Amendment: 18. Alex was tried once and got off. But they tried him a second time, and this time he was convicted. 19. Penny had her house searched for illegal contraband, even though she had no connection to the crime. 20. Jordan was held in jail until the trial, even though they had no evidence against him. He wasn’t even indicted first. Right: Amendment: Right: Amendment: Right: Amendment: