See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Guidelines to best practices for heavy haul railway operations: wheel and rail interface issues. Book · May 2001 CITATIONS READS 15 1,666 5 authors, including: Sergey M. Zakharov JSC Railway Research Institute (VNIIZHT) 38 PUBLICATIONS 289 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: The wheel/rail profile theory. Wear, statistical treatment of field measurements and analytical investigation View project All content following this page was uploaded by Sergey M. Zakharov on 02 August 2018. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. GUIDELINES TO BEST PRACTICES FOR HEAVY HAUL RAILWAY OPERATIONS: WHEEL AND RAIL INTERFACE ISSUES Click Here to View Table of Contents IHHA ' M AY 2001 G UIDELINES T O B EST P RACTICES F OR H EAVY H AUL R AILWAY O PERATIONS : W HEEL AND R AIL I NTERFACE I SSUES First Edition, First Printing, May 2001© 2808 Forest Hills Court Virginia Beach, Virginia 23454 USA These Guidelines have been prepared by the Technical Review Committee under the auspices of the International Heavy Haul Association as an input to the decision making processes of heavy haul railways. They represent the best efforts of the Technical Review Committee authors and reviewers. The Guidelines are neither mandatory directives nor intended to summarize and interpret the extensive heavy haul technical literature. There are special combinations of circumstances in which the best practices may differ from those discussed in the Guidelines. Therefore, these guidelines are neither mandatory nor do they describe exclusive methods to achieve optimum rail/wheel performance. Co p y r i g h t © 2 0 0 1 I n t e r n a t i o n a l H e a v y H a u l A s s o c i a t i o n All rights reserved. Reproduction or translation of any part of this work without the permission of the copyright owner is unlawful. R e q u e s t s f o r p e r m i s s i o n o r fu r t h e r i n f o r m a t i o n should be addressed to: International Heavy Haul Association 2808 Forest Hills Court Virginia Beach, Virginia 23454 USA L i b r ar y o f C o n g r e s s C o n t r o l N o .: 2 0 0 1 1 3 1 9 0 1 Printed in the United States of America 2001 hese guidelines were prepared under the auspices of the International Heavy Haul Association through its Board of Directors: T Australia: Public Railways of Australia, Brian G. Bock, Chairman IHHA Private Railways of Australia, Michael Darby, Director Brazil: Companhia Vale Do Rio Doce (CVRD), Ronaldo Costa, Director Canada: Railway Association of Canada, Michael Roney, Director China: China Railway Society, Qian Lixin, Director Russia: The All-Russian Railway Research Institute Alexander L. Lisitsyn, Director Sweden/Norway: Nordic Heavy Haul Association, Thomas Nordmark, Director Republic of South Africa: Spoornet, Harry Tournay, Director Union Internationale des Chamis (UIC): World Division, V. C. Sharma, Associate Director United States of America: Association of American Railroads, Roy A. Allen, Director IHHA Chief Executive Officer W. Scott Lovelace, o ix FOREWORD Letter from the IHHA Chairman on behalf of the Board of Directors to the readers of Guidelines to Best Practices for Heavy Haul Railway Operations: Wheel and Rail Interface Issues About 50 years ago, railways in many places in the world began to increase axle loads to provide more efficient and lower cost transportation of bulk commodities. Serious problems with rail, track, wheels, and cars emerged. Research was begun by numerous companies and administrations to overcome these serious problems. These studies were first shared at an International Heavy Haul Conference organized in Australia and held in Perth in 1978. Because of the overwhelming success of these meetings, a second conference on heavy haul railway engineering and operational concerns was organized and held in 1982 in the United States at Colorado Springs, Colo. During that time, the delegates expressed an interest in the establishment of a continuing organization to facilitate sharing of information on heavy haul railway technology. In early 1983, Dr. William J. Harris, then Vice President Research of the Association of American Railroads, issued an invitation to the delegates to the 1982 meeting to come to Washington to discuss establishing a continuing organization. In the summer of 1983, representatives of railways from Australia, Canada, China, South Africa, and the United States formally organized the International Heavy Haul Association. In 1994, railways in Russia joined, followed in 1995 by the railways of Brazil. More recently, in 1999, the railways of Norway and Sweden joined as the Nordic Heavy Haul Association. The World Division of the UIC became an Associate Member in 1999 and participates in meetings of the IHHA Board of Directors. In 1991 at the conference in Vancouver, British Columbia, Braam le Roux, then Chief Executive of Spoornet, raised the question of developing a handbook of best practices for heavy haul railways. The handbook was to be based on the collective knowledge of technical presentations made at this and other IHHA conferences. This was the beginning of the concept of a “best practice” handbook. The IHHA has organized six international conferences and ten specialist technical sessions to encourage the exchange of information on heavy haul research and development. The IHHA Board of Directors determined that while these conferences were an extremely valuable way to disseminate state-of-the-art technology, it was very difficult for any operating officer to gain the insights o iii x provided by the 16 conferences and technical sessions. Therefore, they agreed that the publication of a handbook of guidelines, which provided summary information on best heavy haul practices, would be a useful contribution to the heavy haul rail community around the world. It was with this goal in mind that the task of writing this book was undertaken. The Directors established a Technical Review Committee and charged it with developing guidelines for heavy haul operations with special attention to the wheel/rail interface. The dedication of the members of the Technical Review Committee and the support of their organizations was remarkable. The financial support from IHHA made the project become a reality. The funding and support of the Russian Railway Ministry, All-Russian Railway Research Institute, SPOORNET of South Africa, the Private and Public Railways of Australia, and the Transportation Technology Center, Inc. of the United States is also gratefully recognized. The reader will find that these guidelines summarize the technological options available in seeking the best practices on a cost/effective basis. They are presented in a format that will make it possible for railway operating officers to decide how best to apply these findings to optimize their operations. A second edition of these guidelines will be published as soon as enough new material is available from research or field findings. The TRC encourages readers to send comments for improvements in the guidelines by email to Scott Lovelace, CEO of IHHA, at Brian G. Bock, Chairman IHHA o iv x PREFACE This handbook summarizes examples of the application of best practices on a cost/effective basis. Findings from the research are presented in a format for railroad operating officers to decide how to apply them to their own individual operations. It is clear that the wheel-rail interface is the key to the heavy haul problem. At the interface, there must be low friction to permit moving heavy loads with little resistance. However, there must be enough friction to provide tractive effort, braking effort, and steering of the train. The materials must be strong enough to resist the vertical forces introduced by very heavy loads and the dynamic response at the wheel-rail interface introduced by vertical accelerations of the car induced by track and wheel irregularities. However, neither the wear rate nor the failure rate should be so great that cost-effective heavy haul operations are threatened. The discussion of cost/benefit analysis in Part 5 and the case studies presented in Part 4 indicate the variety of options available to railroad management as it seeks to achieve optimized heavy haul operations that are cost effective. These case studies exemplify that the process involves a systems study in which there must be simultaneous study of the car, the wheel, the rail, and the track. The case studies include one case of a mine-to-port railroad operating over a dedicated line with dedicated cars and locomotives, one case of a heavy haul railroad with heavy haul operations being only a small fraction of total traffic on the line, and one case of the transition of a railroad from mixed traffic to a dedicated heavy haul operation. A matrix of best practices is presented for railroads with a wide range of external variables in terms of axle load, track curvature, and annual tonnage. The solutions chosen from the options given must also be designed to be specific to the operating conditions of the railroad. A dedicated rail line carrying only dedicated cars and locomotives can consider options that are not appropriate for a heavy haul operation that moves on a line that carries other kinds of trains These case studies and the matrix of best practices show that there is no one perfect solution that applies to all circumstances. Solutions applicable to the case of the dedicated mine-to-port line with dedicated locomotives and cars are different from those to a railroad with mixed traffic. The matrix of options solutions emphasizes the variety of approaches that should be examined before arriving at an optimum decision for a particular property. o vx Because there are many possible solutions, Parts 2 and 3 of this handbook include summaries of current knowledge on wheels and cars and on rails and track. Revisions to this handbook will be considered at regular intervals as comments for its improvement are received and as new technology and new field information become available. o vi x These guidelines were prepared and edited by the Technical Review Committee appointed by the IHHA Board of Directors. Dr. William J. Harris, Jr. Chairman Emeritus, IHHA, USA Dr. Harris served from 1970 to 1985 as Vice President, Research and Test Department of the Association of American Railroads. He served as the first Chair of IHHA. Prof. Dr. Willem Ebersöhn (former Chair Railroad Engineering, University of Pretoria, South Africa)Director, Engineering Services, AMTRAK, USA Dr. Ebersöhn established the Chair in Railway Engineering while serving on the faculty of Engineering Department of Civil Engineering, University of Pretoria, South Africa. He worked extensively on heavy haul problems with Spoornet and on high-speed track problems with Amtrak in the USA. Dr. James Lundgren, Assistant Vice President ,Transportation Technology Center, Inc. USA Following service in the engineering department of CN Rail, Dr. Lundgren joined the Association of American Railroads representing the railroad industry at the Transportation Test Center while under Federal Railroad Administration operation and through the successful transition to AAR management of TTC. He has been associated with IHHA since its inception. Mr. Harry Tournay, Assistant General Manager of Spoornet, South Africa Mr. Tournay has been associated with the design and development of improved rolling stock and locomotives of Spoornet. He has designed rolling stock internationally and has particular expertise in wheel/rail interface issues. Dr. Prof. Sergey Zakharov, Head of the Division of Tribology, at the All-Russian Railway Research Institute. Russia Dr. Zakharov has spent his career researching the development of diesel electric locomotives and solving diverse railroad tribology problems. He has concentrated recently on 11 years of study of the wheel/rail interface issues and tribology aspects of interaction including taking a major part in organizing IHHA-99 STSConference on Wheel/Rail Interface. o vii x Acknowledgements The TRC recognizes the importance of the 16 conferences and technical sessions sponsored by organizations represented by the Board of Directors of IHHA. Without the rich technical literature created by the authors of the outstanding technical papers presented, it would have been impossible to prepare and publish these guidelines. Recognition of each author’s work is given at the beginning of their respective chapters. The TRC appreciates and recognizes the contributions made by BHP of Australia, Canadian Pacific Railroad of Canada, and CVRD of Brazil for their distribution and willingness to share data from their experience in the case studies presented in Part 4. The authors of the case studies are recognized in the text. In addition to the support provided by the IHHA Board and the reviews of the International Review Panel, the TRC wishes to acknowledge the outstanding help of Dr. Alexander Lisitsyn, General Director, Member of the Board, Ministry of Railways, Russian Federation. He and his staff at the All-Russian Railway Research Institute sponsored a very effective and special Technical Session in June 1999, on wheel/rail interface issues and heavy haul best practices. The TRC recognizes the early contributions of Wardina Oghanna in the organization of the guidelines and his services in helping to bring together the successful meeting in Moscow. Dr. Oghanna worked on the interpretation of this conference as a basis for many aspects of the guidelines. The TRC also wishes to recognize and express its appreciation to the China Railway Society and to the China Academy of Railway Sciences for their continued support of IHHA goals in hosting two conferences in China, which have produced technical papers upon which portions of these guidelines are based. The TRC further wishes to note the special contributions made by Michael Roney, General Manager Engineering Services and Systems, Canadian Pacific Railroad, who met often with the TRC and wrote parts of the handbook, as noted in the chapters. The TRC especially appreciates the leadership of Scott Lovelace, Chief Executive Officer of IHHA for accomplishing this difficult mission. o viii x The TRC also wishes to express great appreciation to Roy Allen, President of TTCI, Jim Lundgren, Assistant Vice President Finance and Corporate Development, Peggy L. Herman, Manager Documentation, and support from each of their staff members for undertaking the publishing of the handbook in a timely and effective manner. Much of the handbook’s guidelines was written by members of the Technical Review Committee. However other authors were invited to prepare special material. Their names are cited where appropriate. The Technical Review Committee established an International Review Panel of distinguished heavy haul experts to review various drafts of the handbook. The Review Panel offered many very helpful comments that are reflected in the final text. Members of the International Review Panel are: Mr. John Elkins, President, RVD Consulting, Pueblo, Colorado, USA Professor Conrad Esveld, Esveld Consulting, The Netherlands Dr. Stuant Grassie, Consulting Engineer, UK Dr. Joe Kalousec, Principal Research Officer, National Research Council, Research Center for Surface Transportation Technology, Canada Mr. Eric Magel, Associate Research Officer, National Research Council, Research Center for Surface Transportation Technology, Canada Dr. Steven Marich, Consulting Services, Australia Dr. Wardina Oghanna, Director, Australian Railway Research Institute, Australia Professor Klaus Reisberger, University of Graz, Austria Mr. Mike Roney, CP Rail, Canada Dr. Yoshohiko Sato, Nippon Kikai Hosan, Japan Dr. Kevin Sawley, Principal Investigator, TTCI, USA Prof. Evgeny Shur, All-Russian Railway Research Institute, Russia Mr. Dan Stone, TTCI, USA o ix x Special Note: References for each “part” are not combined at the end of the handbook. Instead, they are listed at the end of each respective chapter. TRC recognizes that some readers may skip around to different chapters, reading only certain parts pertinent to them. Therefore, the TRC thought it would be easier for each part to have its own list of references. The TRC will welcome any suggestions for improving the method of presentation in the next edition of the guidelines. o xx Click The Highlighted Chapter Headings to View Chapter TABLE OF CONTENTS PART 1: INTRODUCTION AND DISCUSSION OF GUIDELINES TO BEST PRACTICES 1.1 Discussion of Guidelines............................................. 1-1 1.2 A Systems Approach................................................... 1-1 1.3 Discussion of the Wheel and Rail Interface ................ 1-1 1.4 Example of Cost Benefit Analysis ............................... 1-9 1.5 Discussion of Part 2 on Vehicle/Track Interactions .... 1-9 1.6 Discussion of Part 3 on Wheel/Rail Interfaces.......... 1-10 1.7 Discussion of Part 4 on Four Case Studies .............. 1-10 1.8 Discussion of Part 5 on Optimizing Heavy Haul Maintenance Practices ............................................. 1-11 PART 2: SUPPORT TECHNOLOGIES VEHICLE TRACK INTERACTION 2.1 Vehicle Track Interaction............................................. 2-1 2.2 Railway Wheelset and Track ...................................... 2-2 2.2.1 Vertical Forces between Wheel and Rail .......... 2-5 2.2.2 Lateral Forces between Wheel and Rail ........... 2-6 2.3 Generic Railway Vehicle Suspensions ..................... 2-11 2.3.1 Vertical Suspension......................................... 2-11 2.3.2 Inter-Wheelset and Lateral Suspension .......... 2-18 2.4 Practical Heavy Haul Vehicle Suspensions .............. 2-27 2.4.1 Heavy Haul Wagon Bogies.............................. 2-27 2.4.2 Locomotive Bogies .......................................... 2-40 2.5 Rail and Wheel Profile Design .................................. 2-41 2.5.1 Basic Considerations....................................... 2-42 2.5.2 Wheel and Rail Profiles Divided into Functional Sections ............................................................ 2-45 2.5.3 Rail and Wheel Management .......................... 2-56 2.6 Tracking Accuracy and Tolerances........................... 2-60 2.6.1 Geometric Inaccuracies in Wheelset and Track Geometry......................................................... 2-61 2.6.2 Geometric Inaccuracies of the Wheelset and Suspension...................................................... 2-63 References ....................................................................... 2-69 Appendix .......................................................................... 2-70 o xi x PART 3: WHEEL/RAIL PERFORMANCE 3.1 Application of Systems Approach to Wheel/Rail Performance Study..................................................... 3-1 3.2 Rail Contact Mechanics .............................................. 3-4 3.2.1 General .............................................................. 3-4 3.2.2 Normal Contact Stress ...................................... 3-4 3.2.3 Creep Force—Creepage Behavior .................. 3-11 3.2.4 Influence of Traction on the Load Carrying Capacity of the Contact Area .......................... 3-15 3.2.5 Approach to Wheel and Rail Profile Stress Optimization .................................................... 3.17 3.3 Rail and Wheel Materials .......................................... 3-18 3.3.1 Chemical Composition..................................... 3-18 3.3.2 Microstructure.................................................. 3-19 3.3.3 Mechanical Properties ..................................... 3-22 3.3.4 Wheels............................................................. 3-26 3.3.5 General Concept of Wheel/Rail Material Selection ............................................ 3.26 3.4 Lubrication and Friction Management....................... 3-28 3.4.1 Some Tribology Considerations ...................... 3-28 3.4.2 Rail Gauge/Wheel Flange Lubrication............. 3-29 3.4.3 Friction Control and Management ................... 3-36 3.5 Rail and Wheel Damage Modes; Mechanisms and Causes ..................................................................... 3-41 3.5.1 Wear ................................................................ 3-42 3.5.2 Recommendations to Decrease Wheel and Rail Wear......................................................... 3-51 3.5.3 Rolling Contact Fatigue Defects ...................... 3-52 3.5.4 Head Checks ................................................... 3-55 3.5.5 Tache Ovale (Shatter Crack from Hydrogen).. 3-57 3.5.6 Squats.............................................................. 3-58 3.5.7 Rolling Contact Fatigue Defects of Wheels— Shelling and Spalling....................................... 3-60 3.5.8 Other Rail and Wheel Defects ......................... 3-63 3.5.9 Plastic Flow...................................................... 3-69 3.5.10 Rail and Wheel Corrugations.......................... 3-73 Acknowledgements .......................................................... 3-76 References ....................................................................... 3-77 Appendix A ....................................................................... 3-84 Appendix B ....................................................................... 3-86 o xii x PART 4(a): HEAVY HAUL CASE STUDY: Dedicated Line with Captive Equipment, BHP Iron Ore, Australia 4.1(a) Introduction ............................................................. 4-1 4.2(a) Wheels .................................................................... 4-2 4.3(a) Modified Profiles ..................................................... 4-3 4.4(a) Material Characteristics .......................................... 4-5 4.5(a) Lubrication ............................................................. 4-7 4.6(a) Wheel Design ......................................................... 4-7 4.7(a) Bogie Characteristics.............................................. 4-7 4.8(a) Wheel Maintenance ................................................ 4-8 4.9(a) Summary ................................................................ 4-9 PART 4(b) : CASE STUDY OF WHEEL/RAIL COST REDUCTION ON CANADIAN PACIFIC’S COAL ROUTE 4.1(b) Nature of the Business ......................................... 4-11 4.2(b) Characteristics of the Route ................................. 4-11 4.3(b) The Consist........................................................... 4-12 4.4(b) Early Problems ..................................................... 4-12 4.5(b) Initial Attempts to Control Rail and Wheel Wear Costs ................................................ 4-13 4.6(b) Benefits of Frame-Braced Steerable Trucks ........ 4-16 4.7(b) Premium Rail Steels and Extended Wear Limits.. 4-17 4.8(b) Increased Axle Loads and AC Traction ................ 4-19 4.9(b) Further Cost Savings ............................................ 4-20 4.10(b) The Size of the Prize .......................................... 4-22 PART 4(c) Wheel And Rail Performance at Carajás Railway 4.1(c) Introduction to Carajás Railway ............................ 4-25 4.2(c) Historical Data....................................................... 4-25 4.2.1(c) Wheels............................................................ 4-25 4.2.2(c) History............................................................. 4-26 During 1986 .............................................. 4-26 During 1987 .............................................. 4-26 During 1988 .............................................. 4-28 During 1989 .............................................. 4-29 During 1990 .............................................. 4-29 During 1992 .............................................. 4-29 During 1993 .............................................. 4-30 4.3(c) Improvements ....................................................... 4-30 4.3.1(c) Wheels Management Model........................... 4-30 4.4(c) Rails ...................................................................... 4.34 4.4.1(c) History............................................................. 4.35 1987............................................................. 4-35 From 1987 to 1999 ...................................... 4-35 1988............................................................. 4-35 o xiii x 1990............................................................. 4-35 1991............................................................. 4-35 From 1993 to 1996 ....................................... 4-36 1997.............................................................. 4-36 4.5(c) Looking for a Solution ........................................... 4-36 4.5.1 Introduction ......................................................... 4-36 4.6(c) Methodology and Approach of TTCI's Comprehensive Program On Carajás Railway..... 4-39 4.7(c) Implementation of TTCI's Wheel/Rail Life Optimization Program on Carajás Railway........... 4-40 4.7.1(c) Ore Wagon Truck Performance Evaluation and Modeling .................................. 4-40 4.7.2(c) Full-scale Testing of Standard and Frame Braced Trucks with Load Measuring Wheelsets.......................................................... 4-46 4.8(c) Methodology of Recommendations for Rail Grinding Practices .................................... 4-48 4.8.1(c) Lubrication Practice ........................................ 4-52 4.8.2(c) Implementation of TRACS and the Wheel Life-Cycle Costing Model ................. 4-54 4.9(c) Conclusions .......................................................... 4-55 References ....................................................................... 4-58 PART 4(d) Quick Reference Tables for Basic Heavy Haul Rail System Design 4.1(d) Introduction ........................................................... 4-59 4.2(d) Using the Design Tables....................................... 4-61 4.3(d) References ........................................................... 4-61 4.4(d) General Notes....................................................... 4-62 4.5(d) Table Notes: (brief descriptions of salient features of component classes)............................ 4-63 PART 5: Maintaining Optimal Wheel and Rail Performance 5.1 Maintaining Optimal Wheel and Rail Performance ..... 5-1 5.2 Rail Structural Deterioration........................................ 5-6 5.2.1 Management of Rail Testing to Control Risk of Rail Fracture ................................................ 5-6 5.2.2 The Framework for Risk Management ................. 5-7 5.2.3 Defect Occurrence Rates ................................... 5-10 5.2.4 Critical Defect Sizes............................................ 5-13 5.2.5 Rail Fatigue Projection........................................ 5-15 Use of Weibull Distribution to Predict Rail Flaw Occurrence Rates......................................... 5-16 5.2.6 Modes of Rail Testing ......................................... 5-21 Rail Testing Equipment ................................ 5-24 o xiv x 5.2.7 Ultrasonic Principles ........................................... 5-25 5.2.8 Inspection Effectiveness ..................................... 5-27 Test Probes .................................................. 5-27 Signal Processing......................................... 5-29 Displaying Indications to the Operator ......... 5-30 Operator Vigilance........................................ 5-30 Estimates of Rail Testing Reliability ............. 5-31 5.2.9 Selecting Rail Testing Intervals .......................... 5-34 Performance-Based Adjustment of Test Intervals ................................................ 5-37 A Parametric Approach ................................ 5-38 Cluster Testing ............................................. 5-39 Special Care in Special Track Work............. 5-40 Rail Testing Intervals ¾ Canadian Pacific Approach.......................... 5-41 5.2.10 Induction Measuring Principles......................... 5-43 5.2.11 Conclusion ........................................................ 5-45 5.3 Rail Wear Measurements ......................................... 5-45 5.3.1 Rail Wear Measurement Techniques ................. 5-45 5.3.2 Rail Wear Projection ........................................... 5-52 5.4 Rail Profile Maintenance Practices ........................... 5-54 5.4.1 Rail Grinding ....................................................... 5-54 Objectives of Rail Grinding ........................... 5-54 Longitudinal Rail Profile Corrections ...... 5-55 Transverse Rail Profile Correction ......... 5-57 Effects of Rail Shape Parameters on Rail Damage .......................................... 5-60 Grinding for Surface Condition............... 5-63 Grinding Stones and their Effects................. 5-64 Abrasive Stone Technology ................... 5-64 Surface Finish ........................................ 5-66 Effects of Speed and Pressure .............. 5-68 Grinding Patterns and their Use ................... 5-70 North American Grinding Practice................ 5-76 Optimizing Rail Profiles ................................ 5-78 Rail Profile Design.................................. 5-80 Rail Stresses and Pummeling ................ 5-81 Tangent Track ........................................ 5-84 High Rail Profiles.................................... 5-84 Low Rail Profiles..................................... 5-85 Lubrication and Grinding .............................. 5-86 Optimal Wear Rate ....................................... 5-86 Rail Grinding Strategies................................ 5-88 o xv x Preventive Rail Grinding......................... 5-82 Preventive vs. Corrective Rail Grinding . 5-89 Transitioning from Corrective to Preventive Grinding ...................................... 5-90 Preventive Gradual Grinding............... 5-91 Results ................................................ 5-92 Rail Wear ............................................ 5-93 Rail Surface Condition ........................ 5-94 Detail Fracture Rates .......................... 5-95 Advance Planning to Increase Grinding Production ................................ 5-95 Maintaining Quality Control ..................... 5-96 Grinding Power ................................. 5-96 Ground Rail Profile............................ 5-96 Longitudinal Rail Profile .................... 5-98 Transverse Rail Profile...................... 5-98 Metal Removal .................................. 5-99 5.4.2 Rail Planing......................................................... 5-99 Description of the SBM 140 Rail Planing Machine ......................................... 5-100 5.4.3 The Planing Process......................................... 5-101 5.5 Wheelset Failure Risk Management and Maintenance............................................................ 5-103 5.5.1 Wheelset Reliability (Spoornet) ........................ 5-105 New Components ....................................... 5-105 Used Components...................................... 5-106 Condition Monitoring................................... 5-107 Wayside Condition Monitoring ............. 5-107 Run-in Inspections................................ 5-108 Four Monthly Maintenance Depot Inspections........................................... 5-109 Workshop Maintenance........................ 5-109 Wheel Profile Monitoring ............................ 5-109 5.5.2 Wheelset Maintenance ..................................... 5-110 5.6 Wheel and Vehicle Interaction Condition Measures5-112 5.6.1 Wheel Wear Measurement Techniques ........... 5-113 5.6.2 Wheel and Vehicle Track Interaction Wayside Measuring System............................. 5-120 Weighing in Motion and Wheel Impact Measurement (WIM-WIM) .......................... 5-121 The Low-Speed Weigh Bridges.................. 5-122 Hot-Box, Hot and Cold Brake Detectors..... 5-123 The Acoustic Defective Bearing Detection . 5-124 o xvi x 5.6.3 Design Considerations...................................... 5-124 5.7 Practical Application of Wayside Lubricators .......... 5-125 5.7.1 Friction Management ........................................ 5-126 5.7.2 Benefits of Effective Rail Lubrication ................ 5-127 5.7.3 Wayside Lubrication Capabilities and Operation................................ 5-128 5.7.4 Selecting the Most Appropriate Equipment for Dispensing the Lubricant .................................. 5-128 5.7.5 Selecting the Optimal Type of Grease for the Particular Operating Environment..................... 5-130 5.7.6 Measurement and Management of Lubrication Effectiveness..................................................... 5-132 5.7.7 Positioning of Lubricators ................................. 5-136 5.7.8 Lubricator Placement Model ............................. 5-138 Track Related Factors ................................ 5-138 Traffic Related Factors ............................... 5-139 5.7.9 Case Study: Lubrication - Richards Bay Line, South Africa ...................................................... 5-140 5.8 Optimizing Wheel and Rail Life............................... 5-143 5.8.1 Rail Optimization............................................... 5-144 The Rail Management Decision Zones ...... 5-144 Controlling Rail Wear (Maximum Rail Wear Limits)............................................... 5-148 Rail Use Strategy........................................ 5-154 Lubrication and Curve Elevation Monitoring5-157 Transposition .............................................. 5-158 5.8.2 Wheel Optimization........................................... 5-159 5.8.3 Friction Management (Interface Optimization) . 5-163 5.8.4 A System Approach for Managing the Wheel/Rail Interface ......................................... 5-164 5.9 Conclusion............................................................... 5-165 Acknowledgements ........................................................... 5-166 References ........................................................................ 5-166 GLOSSARY.......................................................................... G-1 METRIC CONVERSION CHART o xvii x Click Here To Go Back To Table of Contents Part 1: Introduction and Discussion of Guidelines to Best Practices Written by Dr. William J. Harris, Chair, Technical Review Committee (TRC), Mr. Harry Tournay, IHHA Board of Directors and TRC member, Dr. Willem Ebersöhn, TRC member, Dr. Sergey Zakharov, TRC member, and Dr. James Lundgren, TRC member 1.1 Discussion of the Guidelines These guidelines offer insights into ways to optimize a heavy haul railway operation. In Section 1.2, there is a description of the importance of addressing the process using a systems approach. Section 1.3 is an extended review of the wheel/rail interface, and Section 1.4 is an account of a cost/benefit analysis. The introduction concludes with Sections 1.5 to 1.8, which contain brief comments on each of the succeeding four parts of the handbook. 1.2 A Systems Approach The guidelines emphasize that it is no longer adequate to change one part of the railway system without examining its impact on the other parts of the system. Increasing car weight can have a profound effect on track and bridges. Changing rail properties can lead to unexpected wheel behavior. Therefore, the balance of the guidelines in this handbook will emphasize the interactions of components and the importance of dealing with the wheel-rail problem as a system. A system approach to the design and maintenance of wheel and rail interface, in the form of best practices, can be expected to result in minimization of rail gauge face and wheel flange wear, avoidance of detrimental wheel and rail defects, stable vehicle performance, including safety issues, and minimization of noise generation. 1.3 Discussion of the Wheel and Rail Interface The wheel and rail interface is the key to the heavy haul problem. At that interface, there must be low friction to permit moving heavy loads with little resistance. However, there must be enough friction to provide tractive effort, o 1-1 x braking effort, and steering of the train. The materials must be strong enough to resist the vertical forces introduced by very heavy loads and the dynamic response at the wheel-rail interface introduced by vertical and lateral accelerations of the car induced by track and wheel irregularities. However, neither the wear rate nor the brittle failure rate should be so great that cost-effective heavy haul operations are threatened. The remarkable ability of a steel wheel rolling on a steel rail to carry a very heavy load seemed almost a miracle 175 years ago, when railroads first began to operate. Of course at that time loads were low compared to those of today. The increase in axle loads has been gradual but steady for decades. Over 50 years ago, the rate of increase changed. Suddenly it was necessary to improve subgrade and ballast as well as ties and tie fasteners. Suddenly it was necessary to increase rail hardness and improve rail quality and to introduce headhardened rail in some cases. Suddenly it was essential to improve wheels and car suspension systems. Suddenly it was necessary to increase inspection capabilities and frequencies to reduce accidents and improve service. These requirements for improved materials, designs, and practices were based on field experience, when necessary, and on research, when available. Whatever the nature of the problems, continued attention to rail and wheel technology has provided the basis for continued increases in axle loads. These guidelines suggest options to improve the initial components and systems as well as practices to ensure through maintenance the continued effectiveness of the wheel/rail system to carry increasingly heavier loads. The technology of a steel railway wheel rolling on the rail is eminently suitable for heavy haul, heavy axle load operations. The unique properties of steel-on-steel contact results in minimal deformation of both contacting bodies under load. This results in rolling contact with minimum energy losses in friction across the contact patch and in minimum damping within the material of the contacting bodies. This is why the rolling resistance associated with railroads is so low and permits the transport of vast tonnage. o 1-2 x The contact patch is surprisingly small with correspondingly high-contact stresses. Typically, contact is made over a quasi-elliptical contact patch the size of a small coin of 13-millimeter (½-inch) diameter (see Figure 1.1). This implies that a 20,000-tonne train is supported over an area equivalent to the surface of a kitchen table (1.3 m x 1.3 m or 4½ ft x 4½ ft)! CONTACT PATCH CENTRALLY PLACED sZ sY sX sY sX sZ sz 1400 Mpa sX sY 800 Mpa Yield Stress is 600 – 800 Mpa Figure 1.1. Contact between Wheel and Rail: Wheel Centrally Placed on the Track Immediately beneath the contact patch in either the wheel or rail, the steel is under tremendous pressure from all directions as the contact pressure is “supported” by reaction pressures from the surrounding material of either wheel or rail. This is depicted in Figure 1.1 by the arrows converging on an element of steel beneath the contact patch. This is termed a triaxial state of stress. Each of the “stress arrows” as shown presses almost equally on the steel, which has no direction in which to move or “flow” and can withstand the load. Under these conditions, and using high strength steels, axle loads beyond present day applications (up to perhaps 60 t or beyond) should be possible. The reasons that railroads have not reached these loads, o 1-3 x and why some railroads have trouble with prevailing axle loads, are that these ideal-contact conditions, described above, are not always achieved, because of the following: • Track and vehicle conditions can result in dynamic loads, which are well in excess of the static and often result in impact between wheel and rail. • The contact patch can be severely reduced under some uncontrolled wheel/rail contact conditions. • The delicate balance of the tri-axial state of stress can become upset by: § Frictional forces acting across the contact patch or contact occurring on the edge of either wheel or rail. § Two-point contact occurring with gross relative slippage over one or both contact patches with associated accelerated wear. Figures 1-2 through 1.6 are typical examples of adverse wheel/rail contact conditions. Brief comments are given before each figure. Figure 1.2: Dynamic impact loading caused by wheel flats, rail joints, soft rail welds, rail corrugations, and discontinuities at switches. Wheel Skid IntermediateFrequency Impacts RAIL JOINT Dynamic Load Static Load o 1-4 x Figure 1.2 o 1-5 x Figure 1.3: Intense single point contact between flange throat and the gauge corner of the rail, which results in head-checking and shelling. CONTACT PATCH FLANGE CONTACT SHELLING sZ sY HEAD CHECKING sX sY sX sZ Figure 1.3 o 1-6 x Figure 1.4: Intense convex contact between the rail crown and wheel, which can result in material flow on the field side, shelling of the rail crown and/or wheel tread. This is exacerbated if contact is made toward the outer edges of the rail and wheel where there is no material to “support” the element under the contact patch. The favorable state of stress is “upset” and material flow occurs. CENTRALLY PLACED dX CONVEX SHAPE dZ Figure 1.4 o 1-7 x dY CONTACT PATCH Figure 1.5: Lateral slipping between wheel and rail in curves is a result of badly tracking vehicles. The forces tangential to the contact patch as a result of slippage or micri-slip cause deformation of the elements of steel under the contact patch. This “upsets” the supporting pressures/stresses on the element resulting in material flow and can result in intermittent crown wear and deformation experienced as corrugations or general material flow. FIELD SIDE CONTACT WORN CONDITIONS CONTACT PATCH 19.5 7 sZ sX sY sX Figure 1.5 o 1-8 x sY sZ Figure 1.6: Inappropriate control of the contacting shapes can limit the size and shape of the contact patch causing intense stresses, material flow, and fatigue. Defects in rail or wheel material in the region of the intense contact stresses exacerbate the problem. CONTACT 19.5 PATCH FIELD SIDE CONTACT WORN CONDITIONS 7 sZ sY sX sX sY sZ Figure 1.6 The railroad that can minimize the above mentioned issues is the railroad that will be capable of increasing axle load or reducing maintenance in relationship with huge advantages over its competition. o 1-9 x 1.4 Example of Cost Benefit Analysis In addition to the technical issues that characterise the wheel/rail system, there are very importance economic issues. It is essential to take into account a cost/benefit analysis in the course of making technical decisions. These are illustrated in the following remarks. Rail is the single most expensive element of the track structure. On many railways, it is behind only labor and fuel as an expense item. The tonnage carried by a rail before it is condemned can range from less than 100 million gross ton to close to 2.5 gigga gross ton. As an example of the value of rail maintenance management, assume that a single kilometre of rail costs $180,000 to install. Track engineers decide that the rail has a badly fatigued surface and has reached the end of its service life. They call for it to be replaced, gaining a salvage value of $18,000. But now assume that instead of replacing the rail, they did some corrective rail grinding costing $1800 and left the rail in track. The railway then invested the $180,000 – $18,000 - $1,800 = $160,200 in the construction of a new customer facility at a rate of return of 20%. This earned $160,000 * 20% = $32,000 in its first year. The next year, the track engineers see that their rail is approaching allowable wear limits and schedules a rail replacement, now costing $187,200 due to cost escalation of 4%. But they have made for the railway $32,000 – ($187,200 – 180,000) = $24,800 by deferring replacement of rail in that kilometre, without consequence, for an extra year. And that is why they collect a salary. There is significant money to be made by deferring rail replacement as much as possible without incurring risk. Certainly it is a major responsibility of the track engineer to ensure that he gets the most out of his rail, and rail profile maintenance and rail testing are his most important tools to do this. 1.5 Discussion of Part 2 on Vehicle/Track Interactions Part 2 of the guidelines discusses the vehicle/track interactions. These are the components that are given significant attention o 1-10 x when track is laid out and freight cars and locomotives are purchased. The contribution of the suspension systems and other design features of the cars and the subgrade, ballast, ties, and tie fasteners to the operations of the vehicle/track system are discussion in Part 2 and options are described that can help in optimizing the vehicle/track system. 1.6 Discussion of Part 3 on Wheell/Rail Interfaces Part 3 of the guidelines addresses the wheel/rail interface issues. It gives an overview of rail contact mechanics, wheel and rail materials characteristics, lubrication and friction management practices, and damage modes and their mechanisms. It discusses the contribution of the research to the behavior of the wheel and the rail. Through the explanation of mechanisms, processes, and causes of damages, it gives the justification of suggested solutions. Part 3 offers recommendations that can be adopted by operating personnel and an input to an optimized system. 1.7 Discussion of Part 4 on Four Case Studies Part 4 of the guidelines offers the reader several case studies. The first of these is based one of the great heavy haul railway success stories, that of the experience of BHP, Australia, and describes ways that BHP optimized heavy haul operations on a mine to port railroad over a dedicated line with dedicated cars and dedicated track. Under this set of circumstances, it has been possible to fine tune the system. Since every car is the same, or its differences are fully understood, and the track is the same, it is possible to monitor the behavior of the system and improve decisions for replacements as well as to achieve optimum maintenance practices. The second case is based on the experience of the Canadian Pacific Railroad in which about 10 percent of the total traffic on a specific line is heavy haul traffic and the balance is mixed freight. This case study shows that it is possible to achieve partial optimization by choices made regarding the heavy haul segment of the traffic, but not to gain the full advantages that can be gained in a dedicated railroad in which the entire system is under the control of the heavy haul operators. o 1-11 x The third case is derived from the experience of the Companhia Vale do Rio Doce (CVRD) line in Brazil. This line started as a mixed freight line and was gradually transformed into what it is today, a dedicated heavy haul line. It did not start by making the kinds of decisions that were made at BHP to reflect the heavy haul operations in the lay out of the track. However, the CVRD experience shows that it is possible to make significant progress toward optimization as steps are taken to utilize improved practices in the course of the transition to a dedicated heavy haul railway. The final case study presented in Part 4 describes a matrix of options for optimized heavy haul solutions. The matrix presents information on suggested changes in practice as conditions change. It describes the changes appropriate for a line with greater curvature. It discusses the options to be considered as annual tonnage increases. It discusses the impact of changes in axle load on rail and wheel and vehicle and track options. This matrix of examples offers guidance as to the direction in which changes should be considered as changes occur in traffic and in terrain. From study of these cases, it becomes clear that there is no single “best practice.” There are improved practices that can be adapted to the special circumstances of a given route, a given traffic density, a given axle load, and other circumstances applicable to a given railway operation. That is the reason that the TRC has attempted to provide Part 2 of these guidelines with insights regarding the vehicle and the track and Part 3 with insights into the wheel/rail interface for use by the managers of a given railroad operating under specified circumstances. That is the reason for including Part 5 with its emphasis on maintenance. 1.8 Discussion of Part 5 on Optimizing Heavy Haul Maintenance Practices Part 5 addresses the issue of maintaining vehicles, track, wheels and rail. After making sound initial decision, it is essential to establish a maintenance procedure that is based on effective measurement of deterioration and a set of processes to restore o 1-12 x wheels and rail as well as equipment and track to their desired conditions. These inspection and maintenance practices must also provide a basis for identifying and removing seriously flawed components. Thus, the combination of acquisition decisions based on an understanding of the wheel/rail interface and vehicle track interactions with the design of a comprehensive maintenance program can achieve the desired optimum heavy haul operations in systems around the world. o 1-13 x Click Here To Go Back To Table of Contents PART 2: SUPPORTING TECHNOLOGIES VEHICLE TRACK INTERACTION Written by Mr. Harry Tournay, IHHA Board of Directors and Technical Review Committee (TRC) member 2.1 Vehicle Track Interaction Railway vehicles form a subset of terrestrial vehicles that are supported and receive lateral guidance from track structure. Road vehicles form another subset where road or terrain supports them. Drivers operate road vehicles by guiding the steering wheel or related mechanism. This action alters the rolling orientation of certain wheels on the vehicle, thus changing the direction of travel. The rail-bound vehicle reacts to the topology of the track to follow the pre-determined path defined by the track. The crown of the rail not only provides vertical support but also lateral guidance of the wheels of the vehicle. The efficient interaction between vehicle and track can support very heavy axle loads. On the other hand, inappropriate design and maintenance of the vehicle/track interface can lead to rapid degradation of components within the system and can jeopardize the profitability of the rail operation concerned. The objective of this chapter is to describe the important force mechanisms acting between the rail and wheel and the influence of vehicle design on these mechanisms. Typical symptoms of inappropriate interaction will be described so that the reader will recognize them and be able to take corrective action. Appropriate vehicle suspension configurations are described together with their critical characteristics for optimal operation. Optimal wheel and rail profiles are proposed for world’s best practice. The influence of vehicle and track accuracy on tracking performance is discussed. Issues relating to vehicle/track interaction in this chapter are described in a qualitative sense and refer to what are considered the driving interaction mechanisms. References are made to sources that give a more rigorous description of the interaction mechanisms. o 2-1 x 2.2 Railway Wheelset and Track The railway wheelset is traditionally comprised of two steel wheels that are fixed rigidly to a common axle (see Figure 2.1). Wheelsets with independently rotating wheels are being used to a limited degree on certain passenger rail vehicles, but not in heavy haul applications. The rolling surfaces of the wheels; i.e., the wheel profiles, are cut to a cone angle γ. Nowadays, more complex profiles termed “hollow,” “worn,” or “profiled” treads are used. These have an “effective conicity” of γ, as defined in the appendix. ro γ 2l 2b Figure 2.1: Railway Wheelset The track comprises two rails laid on sleepers at a particular gauge, as Figure 2.2 shows. The rails are laid at an angle, β, to the sleeper to generally match the angle, γ, of the wheelset profile. This assists in stabilizing the rail against rollover as the normal reaction to the contact with the wheel passes through the foot of the rail. When concrete sleepers are used, the connection between the rail and the sleeper is generally made with a rail chair and a resilient pad, which are inserted between the rail and sleeper to attenuate high-frequency vibrations and to protect the sleeper. Spring clips are used to fasten the rail to the sleeper. Timber sleepers, on the other hand, give an additional degree of inherent resilience. o 2-2 x Gauge β Rail Pad Rail Chair Figure 2.2: Track Gauge A layer of ballast supports the sleeper. The ballast permits alignment adjustment, as well as vertical, lateral, and longitudinal stabilization of the track. It further provides some vertical resilience to passing trains. The structure of the ballast also provides protection to the track substructure by spreading the load and by dissipating vibration energy. The voids in the ballast permit drainage and a degree of accumulation of fine material, without any significant change to the alignment or resilience of the track. Railway track is generally “banked” or superelevated in curves to counter centripetal forces without appreciably transferring wheel loads between outer and inner rails as the vehicle negotiates the curves at a higher speed. In the limit, superelevation helps prevent overturning of the vehicle. However, inappropriate matching of superelevation to vehicle speed can adversely influence the curving performance of the vehicle and, in turn, the wear and stresses in rail and wheel. The portion of track between tangent and curved track is termed a transition curve and the vehicle experiences this as track twisted about a longitudinal axis. This implies that the contact patches on the different wheels may not be in the same plane. This would lead to a loss of normal load between some wheels and the rail if inappropriate suspension designs are o 2-3 x used. Furthermore, the running surface of the rail is discontinuous at non-welded rail joints and certain types of crossings at switches. This can cause impact loads on the wheel and the rail and, momentarily, result in a shift in the wheel/rail contact position on the wheel profile. This may affect wheelset guidance. Steel-on-steel contact produces a uniquely low rolling resistance for railway vehicles. The geometry of the wheelset, described mathematically as a di-cone (two cones placed backto-back having a cone angle, 2γ), imparts on the wheelset unique properties of self-guidance; i.e., self-centering on tangent track as Figure 2.3 shows, and the ability to negotiate curves as Figure 2.4. shows. Hence, the railway wheelset also has the ability to accommodate diameter inaccuracies between the two wheels by displacing laterally on tangent track to compensate the diameter difference. These properties result from the rolling radius differential generated between the wheels on the common axle. The flange is used where track discontinuities or track geometry is so severe or the vehicle suspension is so inadequate that the properties of self-guidance of the wheelset are insufficient for guidance without flange contact. Figure 2.3: Self-Centering Motion on Tangent Track o 2-4 x Rc y cL Wheelset cL Track Figure 2.4: Force Equilibrium in a Curve 2.2.1 Vertical Forces between Wheel and Rail A minimum vertical force between the wheel and the rail is required to generate the guidance forces described above. Failure to provide sufficient vertical wheel load can result in derailment. A derailment is the first and most disastrous indication of inadequate vehicle/track interaction. Minimum values for vertical load are given, typically, in the research results of the European Rail Research Institute.1 The maximum allowable ratio between the lateral and vertical forces of a single wheel (known as the Y/Q force ratio) is used as a measure of the proneness to flange climb derailment. This ratio was originally suggested by Nadal.2 As Nadal’s criterion is generally quite conservative, especially for small or negative angles of attack, Weinstock defined a more realistic criterion based on the axle sum of the Y/Q values.6 Before this limit is reached, however, either vertical track alignment far exceeds acceptable norms or flange contact is excessive. Indeed, flange contact is often a sign of inadequate guidance and a source of wear and energy loss and should be addressed. The vehicle load, its speed, the vehicle suspension characteristics, and the track topology determine the vertical load over the contact interface. These are reflected in the load o 2-5 x on the journal bearings and in turn the load across the contact patch. 2.2.2. Lateral Forces between Wheel and Rail In this section a variety of forces that act in the horizontal plane are described. The emphasis is on creep and flange forces. Creep Forces The most efficient means of vehicle or wheelset guidance is by means of creep forces. Creep forces are the forces that are generated by the rolling of the railway wheelset, as a di-cone, on the track as Figures 2.3 and 2.4 show. Under these conditions, creep is produced as a result of a combination of adhesion and micro-slip across the rail/wheel contact interface. A more rigorous explanation is given in Part 3 and Reference 3. These creep forces are only generated when the wheelset deviates from a pure rolling position defined by its kinematic motion and must be reacted by forces generated at the journal bearings. Longitudinal and lateral creep forces are explained in more detail in the next two subsections. Longitudinal Creepage Consider a wheelset deflected laterally from a pure rolling position by a distance y. This is referred to as the “Initial State” in Figures 2.5 and 2.6. On straight track (Figure 2.5), the pure rolling position is the centerline of the track. On curved track (Figure 2.6), the pure rolling position is a position towards the outside of the curve from the centerline where the radius differential between the wheels allows the wheelset to kinematically roll through the curve. On rolling forward with a velocity, v, the deflected wheelset will want to roll to a “Preferred State” as indicated by the chain-dotted outline of the wheelset shown in both figures. If the wheelset is constrained to remain in a similar attitude to the track, as it was in the “Initial State,” creepage takes place as the wheels roll. In the case illustrated, the outer wheels of larger diameter slip back relative to the forward velocity of the wheelset with the smaller diameter wheels slipping forward. Slip forces, Fs are generated on the wheelset, which react o 2-6 x against the constraining forces at the journals. Forces opposite to Fs are acting on the rail. The amount of creepage and the creep force generated are directly proportional to the displacement y and the cone angle γ. The constant of proportionality for creepage is dependent, inter alia, on axle load and contact geometry. The creepage mechanism within the contact patch is described more fully in Part 3. The above description is of a quasi-static form for the sake of simplicity. Remember that a similar model may be drawn in a dynamic sense with the inertia of the wheelset and suspension design adding to the constraining forces. The effects of excessive longitudinal creepage, combined with high-contact stresses, is often seen in material flow of the rail producing head checks and subsequent shelling (Figure 2.7), or flow of flash butt material on the gauge corner of the rail (Figure 2.8). FS FJ Actual Final State FJ FS Preferred Final State V y Initial State cL Track Figure 2.5: Longitudinal Creep on Tangent Track o 2-7 x FS FJ FJ V FS Actual Final State Preferred Final State y Initial Final State cL Track Pure Rolling Position Figure 2.6: Longitudinal Creep on Curved Track Head Checks Shelling Figure 2.7: Head checks and Subsequent Shelling Flow of Flash-butt Weld Figure 2.8: Material Flow in Heat Affected Zone o 2-8 x Lateral Creepage Lateral creepage may be described in a similar manner. Consider a wheelset placed at an angle of yaw, á, on the track as Figure 2.9 shows. On rolling forward, the preferred final state of the wheelset is shown as chain-dotted. If the wheel is constrained by the vehicle suspension or a flange force to be oriented to the track in a similar position to the initial state, the wheelset must have slipped laterally. This lateral creepage and the associated force are proportional to the angle, á. The constant of proportionality is dependent, inter alia, on axle load and contact geometry. The creepage mechanism within the contact patch is more fully described in Part 3. High lateral creepage is reflected in lateral material flows in the rail crown in sharp curves or at large lateral track discontinuities as well as material flows on the wheel as shown in Figure 2.10. This is also associated with high flange forces as described below. FS FL Final State FS V Preferred Final State Initial State α cL Track Figure 2.9: Lateral Creepage on Tangent Track o 2-9 x Forces Material Flows Lateral Creep Lateral Creep Flange Force High Contact Stresses Flange & Rail Wear Figure 2.10: Worn Rails in a Curve Flange Forces When steering cannot be achieved by means of creep forces, flange contact is made and a lateral flange force acts to keep the wheelset from derailing. Flange contact is often made with an angle of attack, á, implying the presence of lateral creepage. A lateral force model of the wheelset under flange contact and with lateral creepage is shown in Figure 2.10. This figure describes typical reasons for the shape of worn rail in curves. Associated with the flange force is a frictional component that can lead to a reduction in load over the contact patch and result in wheel climb and subsequent derailment. The action of this force is included in the theory of Nadal mentioned earlier. Other Forces Other forces, like spin creep and the gravitational forces, do act on the railway wheelset but are often of lesser magnitude than those described above and do not necessarily play a significant role. They are described in Reference 3 and other references on vehicle dynamics. Spin creep occurs when different parts of the contact roll on different radii relative to the axis of the axle. Hence, a rotational “scrubbing” action occurs at high contact angles. This has been associated, together with high contact stresses, with the formation of head checks. The couple associated with spin is considered to have a minimal influence on rail/wheel forces. A gravitational force is generated on the wheelset when the lateral components of the normal reaction to the contact patch are unequal. This force occurs when the wheelset is deflected laterally and non-conical or profiled wheels are used. o 2-10 x 2.3 Generic Railway Vehicle Suspensions The suspension of a bogie can be divided into the in-plane lateral and longitudinal suspension that dictates the tracking and curving performance, and the vertical suspension that carries the load and has an effect on the vertical wheel rail forces. Any practical railway vehicle requires at least two wheelsets. The manner in which these wheelsets are coupled to the vehicle has a significant influence on vehicle cost, the performance of the rail and the wheel, and the guidance and dynamics of the vehicle. Although there is a strong dynamic coupling between vertical and lateral dynamics, vehicle suspensions are generally discussed separately in terms of their vertical and horizontal; i.e., lateral and longitudinal, suspensions. Vehicle dynamics cannot be discussed without considering the properties of the track. Hence, track geometry and track stiffness is included in this generic discussion of railway suspension systems. 2.3.1 Vertical Suspension The purpose of the vertical suspension is threefold. These generic purposes are discussed below. Attenuation of Vertical Vehicle Vibrations The vehicle, when moving forward on the track, experiences vibrations of varying frequencies which excite the various modes of the vehicle structure, body and the payload. The dynamic modes are generally in bounce, roll, pitch, nosing, and sway. Some of the exciting mechanisms are: • Long wavelength track alignment irregularities in the vertical profile and track twist. These irregularities typically result in vehicle input frequencies between 0.5 and 30 Hz. • Long wavelength track stiffness variations are also present and activate the vehicle in similar modes and frequencies as the alignment irregularities. • Short wavelength, consistent stiffness variations associated with local sleeper support, results in vehicle input frequencies up to 40 Hz. • High frequency impacts at rail discontinuities (P1 o 2-11 x forces) often excite the vehicle body vertical modes to induce the so-called P2 lower frequency reaction forces. Equalization of Wheel Loads by the Vehicle Suspension As the vehicle is supported on a minimum of four contact patches on perturbed or twisted track, it is generically a statically indeterminate structure similar to a four-legged table on an uneven floor. As Section 2.2.1 states, sufficient vertical load is required across the contact interface for effective guidance. The vertical suspension stiffness must thus prevent unacceptable wheel unloading on twisted track. Attenuation of Vertical Vibrations to the Track Structure As a result of vertical vehicle dynamics, dynamic loading is transmitted from the vehicle through the wheel into the track super and substructure. Track elements such as the rail, the rail pads, the sleepers, as well as the ballast and the sub-ballast layer, are thus directly influenced by the dynamic performance of the railway vehicle. The typical exciting mechanisms are: • Vehicle body dynamics in the frequency range between 1 and 30 Hz • Out-of round wheels (10 to 20 Hz) • Wheel flats (10 to 20 Hz) • Rail irregularities, such as rail joints and skid marks Constraints that keep the vehicle dynamists from designing the optimum vehicle suspension are typically: • Limit on the minimum vertical vehicle stiffness because of a limit on the coupler height differential between adjacent vehicles in the tare and loaded condition • Volume occupied by, as well as the stresses within, the suspension o 2-12 x • Initial cost of the suspension • Maintenance cost of the suspension Similarly, the track engineer is limited in what he can do to optimize the track structure. Typical constraints are: • The cost of rail pads. • Cost constraints on the amount of ballast and formation material and other geo-technical materials that could be used • Track construction and track maintenance costs Most track dynamics analysts include the so-called Hertzian stiffness in their analysis. This is the vertical stiffness attributed to the deformation of the wheel and rail under load. It is a high-order stiffness and associated with high frequency vibrations and impacts. These are mainly of concern to track engineers and hence this effect is included under the section on track support structures. Types of Vertical Suspension Conceptually, in its simplest form, the suspension of a railway vehicle comprises four springs vertically coupling the four journal bearings on two wheelsets to the body (see Figure 2.11). The four springs can be designed within the space and for the load of a relatively small and light vehicle. However, as the vehicle becomes heavier and larger, the following factors come into play: • The ability to accommodate track twist by means of spring deflection clashes with the demands on coupler height differential limits between a loaded and an empty vehicle. • The available volume for springs and dampers in the region of the journal bearing is limited. • As the carrying capacity of the vehicle increases, the wheel base increases. This leads to increased demands on vertical deflection to accommodate track twist. o 2-13 x Primary Springs Figure 2.11: Simple Vehicle Suspension Arrangement A solution to the above problem is the railway bogie. The bogie is a combination of a minimum of two wheelsets within a suspension structure, which is pivoted beneath the vehicle body as Figure 2.12 shows. A minimum of two bogies is fitted to a vehicle. The bogie is the equivalent of a short wheel base vehicle with a limited but adequate vertical spring deflection to accommodate track twist. In addition, the carrying center plate is of limited diameter. This coupling can be designed to permit additional track twist by means of providing sufficient side bearer clearance. The bogie has become standard equipment under railway vehicles. From a vertical load bearing point of view, there are two basic types of bogies; the rigid frame and the three-piece bogie. They differ structurally and in the form of suspension design. o 2-14 x Figure 2.12: Basic Railway Bogie Rigid Frame Bogie The rigid frame bogie acts, vertically, very much like the model of the simple railway vehicle described above. As indicated by the name, the single bogie frame is typically in the form of a rigid “H” shape as Figure 2.13 shows. The load of the vehicle body is transferred from the center pivot through the “Hframe” to the springs placed above the journal bearings. These springs form the vertical suspension and cater for all the requirements for the suspension as listed above. This type of bogie has possibly not found favor in heavy haul operations, from a vertical suspension point of view, for the following reasons: • Space constraints for springs with adequate carrying capacity and deflection in the region of the journal • Cost of providing four separate spring/damper systems on the bogie • Cost of the H-frame from a manufacturing complexity and tolerance point of view o 2-15 x Variations of the H-frame concept include, among others, a torsionally soft bogie frame to accommodate track twist and a bogie in which the bending stiffness of the side frames is used for the suspension. None of these particular concepts has found general acceptance in practice. Side frame Centre Pivot Figure 2.13: Rigid Frame Bogie Three-Piece Bogie Generically, the three-piece bogie, as implied by the name, comprises two side frames, each resting in a longitudinal orientation, on the journals of the wheelsets. Figure 2.14 is a sketch of a typical three-piece bogie. The side frames support a cross member — the third piece — termed a bolster. The bolster is fitted with a center pivot, which couples the bogie to the vehicle body. The three pieces, two side frames and a bolster, are each simply supported beams. This makes the bogie a statically determinate structure and allows the structure to articulate under conditions of track twist without loosing vertical wheel load. The advantages of this structure for vertical suspension are: • Efficient accommodation of track twist. • Suspension springs are limited to two nests offering cost advantages with respect to the number of suspension elements. o 2-16 x • Suspension springs are in a region of the structure where more space is available than at the journal boxes. A disadvantage is that the side frame forms part of the unsprung mass on the wheelset. Furthermore, the lateral dynamics of the bogie is not optimal. Centre plate Bolster Coil springs and Damper Side frame Figure 2.14: Three-piece Bogie Suspension Damping Associated with all vertical suspensions is some means of dissipating the energy generated as the vehicle travels over irregular track. In heavy haul applications, this is invariably done by some frictional means even though friction damping has many disadvantages, such as: • Having a non linear force/displacement characteristic • Being susceptible to stick-slip action • Permitting the transmission of high frequency vibration across the suspension • Being susceptible to wear However, the overriding advantages of the friction damper are its: • low initial cost, and • robustness and low maintenance cost. o 2-17 x 2.3.2 Inter-Wheelset and Lateral Suspension This section describes the means by which the inherent guidance properties of the railway wheelset are utilized, and the dynamic disadvantages of the wheelset are countered. As Section 2.1 describes, a single unconstrained railway wheelset is designed to permit flange free curving and self-centering on straight track. Early on in rail vehicle development, it was found that the property of self-centering, as Figure 2.3 shows, is unstable for all speeds of a single wheelset. This unstable action is termed wheelset hunting. Wheelset hunting results in increasing lateral deflection amplitudes, intermittent cyclical flange contact on tangent track and shallow curves, and even derailment as the lateral acceleration of the wheelset initiates flange climb. It was soon realized that this instability could be countered by coupling two wheelsets in the horizontal plane. This coupling could, however, inhibit curving and guidance on straight track. It was also realized that the lateral suspension stiffness between the bogie and the body has an influence on the stability and ride quality of the vehicle. The formulation of suspension designs to optimize both the curving and tracking ability, the lateral ride quality, as well as the hunting stability of railway vehicles against the constraint of low initial costs and maintainability has challenged vehicle designers over the years. Vehicle Dynamics A better understanding of railway vehicle suspension dynamics has been achieved over the last three decades. Hunting stability is primarily a function of the bending and shear stiffness between two wheelsets; therefore, these stiffness terms are further described below. Bending Stiffness: If two wheelsets are moved relative to one another in opposing yaw senses, as Figure 2.15 shows, the resistance to this motion is called the yaw constraint. If this constraint is linear, the constraint directly between the wheelsets is termed the bending stiffness. o 2-18 x Figure 2.15: Bending Mode Shear Stiffness: If two wheelsets are deflected laterally relative to one another in opposite senses while retaining parallelism between axle centerlines, they are said to have moved in a shear sense (Figure 2.16). If the constraint in this mode is linear, the constraint is termed the shear stiffness. Figure 2.17 illustrates bogie arrangement with various degrees of bending and/or shear constraint. Figure 2.16: Shear Mode o 2-19 x Research shows that for adequate wheelset hunting stability, the coupling between two adjacent wheelsets requires a combination of both bending and shear stiffness. This combination may be chosen to optimize the vehicle characteristics being designed. A whole range of stiffness values may be chosen. There is, however, a minimum stiffness for each that, if chosen, requires a relatively high stiffness be chosen for the other constraint and vice versa. Figure 2.17 shows two examples. Shear stiffness 8 0 Bending stiffness 8 0 Figure 2.17: Various Degrees of Bending and Shear Constraints Example 1: If a high-bending stiffness is chosen for a bogie design, the designer cannot afford to introduce high shear stiffness. This is typically the case in the conventional three-piece bogie, the rigid-frame bogie and the force-steered bogie. Example 2: If a low bending stiffness is chosen, the designer needs to introduce a high shear constraint for adequate hunting stability. This is typically required in self-steering bogie designs. o 2-20 x A choice of optimal intermediate stiffness for both the bending and shear stiffness can result in extremely high stability. The reason why this type of suspension design is not always adopted is its higher initial cost, complexity, and maintainability. Furthermore, a design with properties optimal in a new bogie may not maintain such an optimal state over a practical maintenance interval. A design that can maintain its original state between maintenance interventions, may have too high of an initial cost. On the other hand, the service conditions or track topology may imply a bias to a particular design. Associated with the high constraint stiffness is the need for greater accuracy in the tolerances of components as inaccurate stiff suspension elements lead to tracking misalignment of the vehicle. Another important feature of the suspension is the lateral coupling between the wheelsets and the body via the bogie frame and the center plate pivot. A relatively “soft” coupling, which is often difficult to achieve, is helpful in uncoupling the vehicle mass from the wheelset in a manner similar to reducing the “unsprung mass” in a vertical sense. The stiffness of this coupling should be carefully chosen as the natural frequency of the vehicle body in nosing is easily activated by repetitive track irregularities, such as rail joints, and by the natural kinematic frequency in yaw of the wheelset. Curving and Tracking Ability As already mentioned, more than one wheelset requires coupling in the horizontal plane so that wheelset stability is obtained at any practical vehicle speed. The manner in which this is done influences the ability of the coupled wheelsets to negotiate curved track. Bogies with a High Bending Stiffness A high bending stiffness implies that both wheelsets remain essentially parallel to one another and hence may not attain a radial position in a curve. There is thus a limit on the ability of the bogie to negotiate sharp curves without flange contact. This limit is a function of track gauge, bogie wheelbase, wheelset conicity, gauge clearance, and bogie rotational resistance. Curving without flange contact is shown in Figure o 2-21 x 2.18. The “clockwise” moments resulting from longitudinal creep are in balance with the “anti-clockwise” moments resulting from lateral creep. Hence the bogie is kept in equilibrium. Pure rolling position a α= Rc c α= γy C11 r 0 r0l γRc a Rc C11 γ y r0 V 2l y a 2C22 R cL Track C11 C11 γ y r0 γy r0 a 2C22 R c 2a Rc Figure 2.18: Curving without Flange Contact Typically, bogies on standard gauge, with wheelbases of approximately 1.8 m may negotiate curves of between 1500 m and 2000 m without flange contact. Under these conditions, and with an accurately aligned bogie, the lateral and longitudinal creepage is low; and, minimal rail and track damage is experienced. Side and crown wear is minimal, with a degree of material flow to the field side of both high and low leg after about 200 MGT. This may be corrected by grinding. Figures 2.19 and 2.20 show the relationship between the above variables. o 2-22 x LATERAL DISPLACEMENT (mm) 35 2l = 1507 mm 2a = 1830 mm r = 457 mm 28 Conicity = 0.05 21 14 Conicity = 0.2 7 0 200 1200 700 2200 1700 CURVE RADIUS (m) Figure 2.19: Lateral Wheelset Displacement versus Curve Radius 90 Rc = 200m Rc = 200m LATERAL DISPLACEMENT (mm) Rc = 500m 72 Rc = 1000m 54 36 Rc = 500m 18 Rc = 1000m 0 1250 1750 2250 2750 3250 3750 4250 4750 TRUCK WHEELBASE (mm) Solid curves, conicity = 0.05 Dashed curves, conicity = 0.2 Figure 2.20: Lateral Wheelset Displacement versus Bogie Wheelbase In sharper curves, below a radius of 1500 m, with low wheelset conicities and reduced gauge clearance, or at large track discontinuities or when mis-aligned bogies are present in the vehicle fleet, flange contact is made and the bogie takes an attitude as Figure 2.21 shows. o 2-23 x Flat Flong Flong P1 2l V P2 Flong Flong 2a Flat Figure 2.21: Flange Contact in Curves The “anti-clockwise” moments on the bogie due to the lateral creepage resulting from the angle of attack of the wheels are larger than those “clockwise” moments that can be generated by the longitudinal creepage, which must thus be supplemented by a flange force. Rail/wheel contact is similar to that shown in Figure 2.10 with high gauge corner wear being experienced and excessive material flow to the field side of the low leg. Under these conditions, the most cost effective and quickest remedy is to apply lubricant to the flange and/or gauge corner of the high leg. Lubrication does not change the force balance in the curve but introduces a wear-reducing mechanism between rail and wheel. A further investigation may reveal one or more of the following: • Wheel and rail profiles with two-point contact and a low effective conicity: This should be checked for both new and worn rail and wheel conditions. In this case, conformal rail/wheel profile contact combinations are advised to support lubrication as little can be done to improve the force situation if the other remedies described in this section are implemented. Limits on worn profiles may have to be set. There is o 2-24 x a limit on the wheelset conicity, which may be generated. High conicity profiles can be generated to encourage flange free curving. This is mainly done by means of asymmetric grinding of the rail and is often not long lasting, needing repeated and frequent attention under heavy axle load conditions as the effect of the lateral creepage wears the rail crown down and negates the rail grinding action (see Figure 2.10). The long-term effectiveness of this measure must thus be monitored. Asymmetric grinding can also concentrate high stresses on the gauge corner of the high leg leading to premature fatigue failure. This must be monitored. High conicity wheel profiles can also lead to vehicle instability on tangent track and any change to the wheel profile resulting in high conicity should first be tested on tangent track. • Incorrect superelevation in curves: Excessive cant will cause the bogie to steer out of the curve to counter the resulting inward force. This will increase the angle of attack and lateral creepage and the resulting flange force. The curving speed thus has to be optimized so that the vertical forces on the left and the right leg of the curve are almost equal. This will prevent one side of the track to be overloaded under heavy haul traffic. The relationship between the lateral forces acting on the center plate and the angle of attack is illustrated in Figure 2.22. • Tracking accuracy: A check should be made on the tracking accuracy of all vehicles as some may be “biased” to certain sense curves and thus “biased” against others. • Rotational resistance between bogie and vehicle body: The rotational resistance between bogie and vehicle body must be checked. o 2-25 x Decreasing α FLATERAL α Centre Plate Increasing α FLATERAL Figure 2.22: Forces Acting on the Center Plate Bogies with a Low Bending Stiffness Generally termed “Steering Bogies” these bogies use the longitudinal creep forces generated between the wheelset and the rail to deflect the longitudinal springs, which create the bending stiffness. This permits the wheelsets to align to an almost radial position to the curve, as Figure 2.23 shows. The lateral creep forces are reduced to almost zero, eliminating the flange force and the effect on the rail shown in Figure 2.10. Centre of Curve Figure 2.23: Radial Alignment in a Curve o 2-26 x 2.4 Practical Heavy Haul Vehicle Suspensions 2.4.1 Heavy Haul Wagon Bogies As discussed previously, heavy haul wagons are predominantly equipped with three-piece bogies. Some railroads have also adopted a variety of three-piece bogies with steering characteristics. In this section, both the conventional as well as the steering bogie designs are discussed. Conventional Three-Piece Bogies Although these bogies are termed three-piece bogies, they have many other components. Furthermore, some additions have been made to improve their running performance. These suspension components and the additions to the basic construction are discussed below. Secondary Suspension Spring Nest The secondary suspension spring nest of the three-piece bogie is situated in the side frame pocket, where it rests on the side frame spring seat and supports the bolster protruding into the side frame window (see Figure 2.24). The spring nest, also commonly known as the secondary suspension, consists of a number of inner and outer hot coiled springs and a friction wedge damping arrangement. The number of springs and their detailed design depend on the load carrying capacity of the particular vehicle. The friction damper typically consists of cast wedges, wedged between the side frame and the bolster, supported by a stabilizer spring. This suspension arrangement is thus designed to provide friction forces between the vertical surface of the wedge and the side frame wear plate, and to keep the side frame and bolster square relative to each other. The latter helps to control bogie hunting. o 2-27 x Primary Suspension Secondary Suspension Figure 2.24: Self-Steering Three-piece Bogie The following practical design limitations influence the optimal design of the spring nest: • Available space for suspension elements • Allowable stress limits in suspension components • Tare to load deflection limits • Vehicle tracking performance • Manufacturing and maintenance costs Friction Damping As mentioned in the previous section, a spring loaded friction wedge arrangement between the bolster and the side frame pocket is used to provide damping to the dynamic reactions of the vehicle as it travels over irregular track. In heavy haul threepiece bogies, two types of friction wedge arrangements are commonly in use; i.e., constant and load sensitive designs as Figure 2.25 and 2.26 show. Constant friction damping designs are independent of the wagon load while load sensitive designs provide more frictional damping under heavier loads. In friction wedge suspension designs, use is made of the friction coefficient between steel and steel to dissipate energy. However, under certain circumstances, such as high operating speeds or adverse track conditions, a high wear rate between rubbing surfaces is experienced. The resulting friction wedge rise (Figure 2.27) between the bolster and the wear liners in the side frame pocket causes a reduction in the frictional damping o 2-28 x force and a change in the vertical, lateral and warp stiffness. This can lead to unacceptable running dynamics. On the other hand, loss of suspension travel due to wedge binding as a result of wedge rotation (misalignment) due to side frame wear (Figure 2.28), results in high impact forces being transmitted between the wheel and the rail, damaging not only the vehicle structure but also leading to accelerated track structure deterioration. To prevent excessive wear as well as to prevent the wedges from sticking, some railroads have implemented resilient friction elements. These urethane elastomeric wear surfaces significantly reduce wear. Hence, the available friction damping and the warp stiffness is maintained for longer periods of service, eliminating regular bolster slope rework. For some heavy haul container traffic, hydraulic stabilizers are used to control higher speed bounce dynamics, to improve ride quality, and to minimize wheel/rail interface reactions resulting from adverse wagon dynamics and damage to the payload. Bolster Wedge Wedge spring Window of side frame Figure 2.25: Constant Friction Damping o 2-29 x Bolster Wedge Window of side frame Wedge spring Figure 2.26: Load Sensitive Friction Damping Friction Wedge Rise Wedge Wear Limit Height of Friction Wedge Above Truck Bolster a b a<b New or “Restored” Condition Worn Condition Figure 2.27: Friction Wedge Rise o 2-30 x Worn Side Frame Wear Plates Wedge Mechanical Stops Worn Into Slope Face Wedge Bolster Dynamic Vertical Force Wedge Rotation Wedge Bolster Wedge Figure 2.28: Friction Wedge Rotation from Empty to Loaded Condition Bearing Adapters One of the functions of the bearing adapter is to assist in preventing the three-piece bogie frame from losenging. Insufficient losenging constraint can be a cause of severe hunting at low operating speeds. Under these conditions, the bearing adapters generally experience wear that further reduces the losenging constraint. Therefore, in conventional threepiece bogies, it is very important to limit wear in the friction wedge area, as well as on the bearing adapters. In bogies incorporating a stiff rubber shear pad above the bearing adapters (Figure 2.29), wear in this area is minimized. o 2-31 x Rubber Shear Pad Bearing Adaptor Figure 2.29: Bearing Adapter and Stiff Rubber Shear Pad Shear Stiffness Enhancers Spring planks (Figure 2.30), frame bracing (Figure 2.31) and friction wedges all enhance the shear stiffness of the threepiece bogie while permitting a soft lateral flexicoiling stiffness. In the absence of high lateral friction wedge forces, rocker and pendulum designs (Figure 2.30) can be used to further soften the lateral ride quality of the vehicle. The so-called swing motion bogie (Figure 2.30) was designed to improve lateral ride by providing the equivalent of swing hangers. The bolster is supported on springs through a spring plank, which is carried on longitudinal knife edges at the bottom of the bolster opening in the side frames. The side frames in turn have knife edges in the pedestal areas that engage with the bearing adapters. Hence, the side frames function as swing links. The spring plank interconnecting the side frames prevent the side frames from losenging with respect to one another which reduces the risk of bogie hunting. One of the more successful methods of controlling bogie hunting has been bogie side frame cross-bracing as shown in Figure 2.31. In this design, diagonal cross-braces are added between the side frames and resilient pads are installed between the side frame and the axle bearing adapters. o 2-32 x Bogies equipped with shear stiffness enhancers are often designed to permit a degree of inter-axle bending by fitting either relatively stiff pads between the journal box and the side frame or by permitting some free-play in this area. These designs are often longitudinally too soft for high braking forces. Primary Rocker Seat Side Frame Spring Plank Secondary Rocker Seat Rocker Figure 2.30: Three-Piece Bogie with a Spring Plank and Pendulum Design o 2-33 x Figure 2.31: Three-Piece Bogie with Frame Bracing Rotational Resistance The rotational resistance between the bogie and the vehicle body is important to stabilize the bogie and thus to prevent the three-piece bogie from hunting. Rotational resistance is usually through friction in the center plate, but can also be assisted or replaced by a spring constraint and/or hydraulic damping. The three basic options are described below: • Frictional resistance: In the case of frictional resistance, there is an increase in the rotational moment until the friction force has been exceeding. At this stage there is gross slippage and thus energy dissipation through friction. There is no restoring force. • Spring resistance: If a spring constraint is used, there is a constant increase in the restoring force while the bogie negotiates a curve. Spring constraints alone would not be able to dissipate rotational energy and can only influence the natural resonance modes of the vehicle suspension. • Hydraulic resistance: Hydraulic rotational constraints pose no resistance in curve negotiation and have good properties to absorb dynamic rotational energy on tangent track. o 2-34 x The first two options are relatively cheap, but there is a compromise between hunting and curving. The hydraulic devices are more expensive and pose no compromise between hunting and curving. The latter devices are generally only used in premium bogies. All three types of constraints are good for reducing hunting on three-piece bogies. Generally no additional benefits are obtained by fitting any additional devices to most steering three-piece bogies. Constant-contact side bearings provide an added level of hunting control that results in maintenance savings and improved ride quality. Described below are four basic types of side bearers. Non constant-contact side bearers (Figure 2.32): When these type of side bearers are used, contact between the wagon body and the side bearer only occurs in situations of extreme track twist and/or centripetal lateral forces on the wagon body. This design is only used to restrict rolling motion and does not contribute to vehicle stability. Non constant-contact side bearers are commonly used in self-steering three-piece bogie designs. Resilient constant-contact side bearers (Figure 2.33): This type of constant side bearer provides some resilience (spring resistance) for small relative rotations between the bogie bolster and the body frame. These designs are more suitable for lighter payloads. Roller constant-contact side bearers (Figure 2.34): The type of side bearer provides almost no rotational resistance and only acts as a constraint to the rolling motion of the wagon body. Roller assisted constant-contact resilient side bearers (Figure 2.35): In this type of side bearer, a resilient bearing element provides a controlled level of hunting in both the empty and loaded condition, while the roller bearing element, which bears the higher bottomed loads, allows the bogies to turn with considerable less restraint than when these high loads are carried by non-rolling sliding friction elements. o 2-35 x Side Bearers Centre Pivot Figure 2.32: Non Constant-Contact Side Bearers Figure 2.33: Resilient ConstantContact Side Bearers Figure 2.34: Roller ConstantContact Side Bearers o 2-36 x Figure 2.35: Roller Assisted Constant-Contact Resilient Side Bearers It is important to prevent wheel unloading through the correct packing of the side bearers. Furthermore, it is important to note that more frictional resistance is created due to the longer moment arm when using the predetermined side bearer pitch. This has to be compensated for by the assisting rollers and/or the resilience in the constant-contact side bearers. Steering Three-Piece Bogies The conventional three-piece bogie, which has been the standard freight car bogie for many years, has the advantage of having low manufacturing and maintenance costs. Its disadvantages are several; it may not have adequate vehicle stability at higher speeds; it definitely has poorer curving performance that results in higher wear between the wheel flange and the rail gauge corner; and it may result in derailments due to excessive lateral forces and a high curving resistance. In conventional three-piece bogies, the inter-axle shear and bending stiffness that is required for stability is obtained from the lateral and longitudinal stiffness of the primary suspension which acts between the axles via the bogie frame. As the lateral and longitudinal suspension stiffness act in series, a reduction in bending stiffness would also reduce the shear stiffness, thus limiting the maximum allowable operating speed. For optimized curving performance, yaw constraints lower than acceptable in conventional bogies are thus required. This o 2-37 x necessitates the inclusion of direct linkages between the wheelsets so that an inter-axle shear stiffness that is independent of the inter-axle bending stiffness can be provided. A suspension arrangement is thus required between the two wheelsets of a bogie, which ensures a virtually pure rolling motion of the wheelset in a curve and adequate hunting stability on straight track. Such designs are found in the socalled self-steering and forced-steering bogie designs. The main advantages of steering bogies are reduced flange wear, improved lateral to vertical wheel/rail force ratios, lower curving resistance, and better derailment and hunting stability. Self-Steering Three-Piece Bogies Research has shown that a certain amount of inter-axle shear, as well as bending stiffness is required for adequate dynamic vehicle stability. Conventional bogies use the shear stiffness of the bogie frame to obtain inter-axle shear stiffness. With rigid bogie frame constructions, an effective inter-axle shear stiffness can be obtained. However, in the three-piece bogie arrangement, the shear stiffness is inadequate for optimal stability. Furthermore, if the frame is used for the transmission of shear reactions between the wheelsets, a high wheelset yaw constraint is required. This is not possible for steering bogies. Consequently, to optimize the curving and stability performance, inter-axle shear stiffness, independent of the wheelset yaw constraint is required. In this case, the longitudinal and lateral stiffness of the primary suspension can be selected to best suit curving performance, stability, and ride quality. These concepts have lead to the development of selfsteering three-piece bogies such as the cross-anchor bogie, the bissel (or wishbone) frame bogie, and the radial-arm bogie. These bogies are briefly described below. Cross-Anchor Bogie The cross-anchor three-piece bogie design (Figure 2.36) retains the three-piece frame arrangement as well as the load sensitive vertical and lateral damping, but introduces rubber shear pads at the journal boxes for a controlled yaw motion of the wheelset and provides an additional inter-axle shear stiffness o 2-38 x independent of the shear constraint provided by the threepiece bogie frame. This inter-axle shear stiffness is obtained by diagonally linking the journal boxes by means of cross-anchors. Figure 2.36: Cross-Anchor Bogie Bissel Frame Bogie The bissel or articulated three-piece bogie (Figure 2.37) incorporates a pair of steering arms interconnected by an elastomeric connection located in the center of the bogie into the conventional three-piece bogie. Hence, this bogie design has a reduced inter-axle bending stiffness to enhance the curving performance and an increased inter-axle shear stiffness to provide adequate vehicle stability. Figure 2.37: Bissel Frame Bogie o 2-39 x Radial-Arm Bogie The radial arm bogie (Figure 2.38) is a further development of the cross-anchor bogie. Like the cross-anchor bogie, it connects the two wheelsets of the bogie in shear. This is not achieved, however, by cross-anchors which have to be fitted diagonally through the bolster and be connected to sub-frames, but by radial arms which are positioned at the outside of the side frames. For three-piece bogies, the radial steering arms form an integral part with the bearing adapters that rest on the package-type journal bearings. Figure 2.38: Radial-Arm Bogie Forced Steering Three-Piece Bogies In these bogies, steering linkages serve a stabilizing as well as steering function. Forced steering bogies usually have the outer and/or inner wheelset connected to the bogie frame and vehicle body by a vertical steering lever. The inter-axle shear stiffness remains dependent on the lateral stiffness of the primary suspension. 2.4.2 Locomotive Bogies Locomotive bogies are normally of a rigid frame construction. Rigid bogie frames can be used as there is no appreciable tare to load ratio. The advantage of a rigid frame construction is that a stable platform is provided for the motors and the drives so that high traction forces can be transmitted. Furthermore, o 2-40 x the cost of a locomotive bogie is not significant in proportion to the total vehicle cost. Through the accurate construction of the bogie frame and relating components, such as the horn guides (Figure 2.39), good tracking alignment is also possible. Primary spring Axlebox Horn guides Figure 2.39: Horn Guide Axle Box Arrangement As a result of improved AC traction equipment, advanced computer systems, a low weight shift, and radial steering bogies, the tractive effort and adhesions level of modern locomotives are improving. In radial steering bogies, the wheelsets are now pulling in a direction more closely aligned to the direction of travel resulting in more uniform creep. Hence more traction force is available. Some of the recent developments include 6-axle locomotives with radial bogies. These locomotives can provide up to 610 kN continuous tractive effort at 35% adhesion. 2.5 Rail and Wheel Profile Design This section will propose practical, multi-radiussed wheel profile shapes. Much of the discussion will center on complex interactions involving a combination of contact mechanics, tribology, and vehicle mechanics. It will involve a discussion on different track topologies and geography as well as a discussion on aspects of contact mechanics that are not yet fully understood. Designers, however, must focus on a design o 2-41 x that works best for them today and which, from experience, results in optimal performance. Designers are thereby developing a logical design approach with their present knowledge. 2.5.1 Basic Considerations Before embarking on the design of rail and wheel profiles, designers must address the following basic considerations: 1. Contact is not spread over the whole rail and wheel surface: This rather obvious statement is often ignored. The nature of rail and wheel profiles precludes contact over the whole profile. This contact is limited to the regions highlighted in Figure 2.40. This implies that the shape of both rail and wheel will change. The question is by how much, to what shape, to what allowable limits and at what rate. 2. Contact is not evenly distributed over the regions shown in Figure 2.40: The incidence of contact over the rail and wheel profile on straight track is the highest on the center of the tread as Figure 2.41 shows. It is more sharply defined if pure conical wheel profiles are used on rails with high profile curvatures and less so with profiled wheel treads on flatter rails. The contact band is also more sharply defined when the track gauge is more consistent. Two-point contact between wheel tread and rail crown on straight track is to be avoided as it produces high- conicity contact and the danger of vehicle instability. Figure 2.40: Potential Contact on Rail and Wheel o 2-42 x Conical Wheel on Sharp Crown Radius Profiled Wheel Figure 2.41: Contact Distribution on the Wheel Tread on Straight Track Contact on the wheel profile in curves is invariably symmetric, if there is a balance between left and right hand curves. Contact on the rail is unsymmetrical and depends on the sense of the curve. In the case of profiled wheels, the outer wheel of the leading wheelset makes contact closer to the gauge corner and flange fillet than the trailing wheel, as Figure 2.42 shows. Similar differences in contact occur on the low leg. These contact differences can be advantageous as they reduce the number of fatigue cycles “seen” by both wheel and rail. Contact stresses and creepages are invariably higher in curves. For conical wheels, contact remains centrally placed on the top of the rail. On the wheel tread, it moves off-center to the taping line by the amount of the lateral deflection of the wheelset. This effect of concentrating the contact on wheel and rail is considered detrimental to the fatigue life of the rail. The conical shape of wheel treads is transient as they quickly wear to a more conformal profile and thus the use of this wheel profile type is not pursued further. o 2-43 x Leading Wheelset Trailing Wheelset Figure 2.42: Contact between Leading and Trailing Wheelsets, and Rails in a Curve 3. The direct association of contact and wear to creepage is erroneous as material migration also takes place across the profiles: Models predicting the change in form of the wheel and rail must consider both material removal based on a frictional work function, and the fact that material migration occurs over the profiles. This is evident in change in forms of both wheel and rail shown in Figures 2.10 and 2.43, in the work of Kalousek4 and in observations made by the author. These will be discussed more in the following sections. Figure 2.43: Hollow Worn Wheel Causing Track Damage o 2-44 x 2.5.2 Wheel and Rail Profiles Divided into Functional Sections The functionality and design of rail and wheel profiles may be examined in terms of the following contact regions (See Figure 2.44): • Region A: Contact between the central region of the rail crown and wheel tread • Region B: Contact between the gauge corner of the rail and the flange fillet • Region C: Contact between the field sides of both rail and wheel RegionC Region A Reg io nB Figure 2.44: Functional Regions of Rail/Wheel Contact Region A: Central Region of the Rail Crown and the Wheel Tread Contact is made most often in this region and occurs as the vehicle negotiates tangent track, mild curves (non-steering bogies), or tight curves (steering bogies). As a result of these conditions and rail and wheel profile geometry: • contact stresses are the lowest stresses encountered between rail and wheel, • lateral creepages and forces are low; particularly, if the vehicles are not subject to tracking inaccuracies or instabilities, o 2-45 x • longitudinal creepages and forces are significant in relation to lateral creepages and a dominant consideration for vehicle stability, and • vehicle speeds are higher than in sharper curves. This region is thus primarily designed to optimize vehicle stability while providing a radius differential to curve according to the Newland model with non-steering bogies in mild curves and for adequate radius differential for self-steering in tighter curves. To reduce the rate of wear across this region the conicity should be as low as possible within the curving requirements to “spread” the incidence of contact as wide as possible across the wheel tread. The rail crown has a radius over this region and a profiled wheel is preferred. Conicity and radius differential may be calculated according to geometrical methods or according to more sophisticated numerical methods used in vehicle multi-body dynamic routines. When assessing conicity, a balance should be drawn between lower contact stresses resulting from more conformal contact (equal wheel and rail profile curvature) and the resulting high conicity causing vehicle instability. Twopoint contact is to be avoided at all costs because of the high resultant conicities and because of the wear associated with two-point contact. Adequate gauge clearance on tangent track must be associated with decreased conicity and the spread of contact over the wheel promoting pummeling. This clearance may be obtained by increasing the nominal gauge, decreasing flange thickness (if flange wear is under control), or decreasing the “back-to-back” dimension across flanges on a wheelset, or a combination of all three measures. If too soft a rail is being used, a large difference in the rail and wheel profile radii may have to be used to counter the “flattening” effect caused by material flow. This design action may have to be accompanied by grinding. The conicity of new and worn profiles must be considered. Good tracking may result in a hollowing of the wheel tread and in altering the initial design conicity. This should be limited to o 2-46 x retain conicities within vehicle stability limits. Contact toward the field side of the rail and wheel should be encouraged by continuing the wheel profile radius beyond the taping line to the field side of the rail. Region B: Contact between the Gauge Corner and Flange Fillet As the contact patch in this region is small, contact is often made under the most arduous stress conditions. If two-point contact occurs, high wear rates and material flows are present. If single point contact occurs, high contact stresses prevail together with spin creep and high longitudinal creep. Contact in the gauge corner is invariably associated with high angles of attack and lateral creepage. Flange contact will inevitably occur at some points on the track, in tighter curves, at locations on the track where alignment is not good. And at locations on the track where there are discontinuities in the running profile, such as at points and crossings, rail joints, and skid marks. If flange contact is not designed properly, rail and wheel damage may occur or vehicle guidance or stability may be impaired. There are three generic options that the profile designer must consider when examining flange contact. These are twopoint contact, single-point contact, and conformal contact, as Figure 2.45 illustrates. o 2-47 x Two Point Contact Single Point Contact Conformal Contact Figure 2.45: Three Generic Forms of Flange Contact Two-Point Contact Two-point contact is associated with gross slippage and wear if a flange force and lateral creep are present, as is the case in curves. Under these conditions, wheel flange wear is accelerated until the flange shape conforms to that of the rail. Contact is often so severe that material flows occur on the flange of the wheel, as Figure 2.46 shows. Experience shows that under this condition, the flange often cuts under any lubricating film applied to the contact zone. o 2-48 x Figure 2.46: Material Flow under Severe Two-Point Contact It is often argued that two-point contact is less damaging to the rail because the vertical load is carried away from the gauge corner. In addition, it is often applied to rails exhibiting gauge corner fatigue defects as a result of improper past maintenance. It does limit, however, the amount of radius differential and steering ability available in a curve. If taken to its conclusion, it will result in even worse contact conditions. First the gauge corner of the rail is removed (Figure 2.47), then the wheels eventually wear, because of two-point contact, to the new gauge corner (Figure 2.48). Then the gauge corner is further removed (Figure 2.49), and so on. Where does it end? It could possibly end in dangerous, extremely high conicity, one-point contact between the wheel and the rail on straight track as Figure 2.50 shows. Notwithstanding the disadvantages described above, gauge corner relief does give a short-term extension to rail life. Figure 2.47: Gauge Corner Removed o 2-49 x Figure 2.48: Wheels Wear to New Gauge Corner Figure 4.49: Further Gauge Corner Relief Figure 4.50: Resulting High Conicity and High Stress Contact on Straight Track Single-Point Contact Single -point contact is probably the most damaging to vehicle and track. The high contact stresses occurring under high creep conditions result in fatigue of the gauge corner. o 2-50 x A case may be made, however, for single-point contact on tangent track, as it is difficult to imagine that the low angles of attack encountered would result in excessive wear and an alteration to a designed wheel profile. It would also help reduce conicities and hence improve vehicle stability on straight track. This should not be taken to an extreme, as it will impair the ability of the vehicle to centralize itself on straight track resulting in wheel and flange wear, which may become nonsymmetric and damage the vehicle’s tracking ability. This, in its mildest form, produces head checks, and in its worst form, a breaking-out of the gauge corner of the rail (Figure 2.51). It is associated with high longitudinal creepages causing rail material flow but, more dangerously, vehicle instabilities in the form of hunting and associated alternating side wear on the track. Single-point contact occurs as a result of: • Incorrect wheel and rail design • A flattening of the railhead in service as Figure 2.52 shows • Excessive hollowing of the wheel tread as Figure 2.53 shows Figure 2.51: Crushing of the Gauge Corner o 2-51 x Figure 2.52: Hollow Worn Wheel Mounting the Gauge Corner on a Flattened Rail Figure 2.53: Single-Point Contact as a result of Hollowing of a Wheel Tread Conformal Flange Contact Conformal flange contact is observed as the gauge-corner and flange wear to a common profile under arduous flange contact in curves. It has been observed by the author to be of remarkably common form under different flange contact conditions on different railroads An example of a conformal profile design is given in Figure 2.54. Care should be taken not to confuse this profile with those developed on the gauge corner as a result of single-point contact. Little is known of the complex contact conditions that seem to keep the contacting shapes similar; the author postulates the following: o 2-52 x Typical Conformal Geometry in Flange Fillet to be matched to the Rail R10 R 40 R 70 Figure 2.54: Conformal Contact Profile • Relative slip increases down the contact zone, as Figure 2.55 shows. • Specific pressure decreases. • The above two effects act in a similar manner to the “Constant Wear, Unequal Pressure” model associated with contact between clutch plates. • There seems to be a degree of material migration as indicated in Figure 2.55. Normal Pressure Lateral Creepage Specific Pressure Decreases Spin Material Flows Relative Slip Increases Figure 2.55: Constant Wear Model associated with Flange Contact o 2-53 x Whatever the mechanism of this form of contact, the author has found that rail and wheel profiles produced to this shape have maintained their shape and have performed successfully in terms of fatigue life. The advantage of using this profile type is: • It retains its shape. • Gauge corner fatigue is controlled under prevailing axle loads. • Lubricating films are supported due to low specific pressures. • Conicity is “neutral” as it would seem that the wheelset does not experience the high conicities associated with single-point contact. It is recommended that wheel and rail profiles be designed to a conformal profile as Figure 2.54 shows. Wheels and rails may be profiled during maintenance; rails may be rolled or profiled immediately on installation in track. What is important in designing these profiles are: • Radius and lengths of the profile arcs • Tangential contact in blending this profile with that of the tread to ensure the minimum of twopoint contact between the tread and flange profiles • A certain liberty is available in choosing the flange angle to suit existing maintenance standards • Gauge corner radii should follow the flange profile to blend in with the rail crown profile without producing two-point rail/wheel contact o 2-54 x Region C: Contact between the Field Sides of Both Wheel and Rail Region C is probably the most difficult to optimize because contact between rail and wheel ends in this region, and eventually, notwithstanding the efforts of the designer, either high contact stresses are generated as the outer edge of the wheel profile bears on the rail (Figure 2.56), or contact ends before the edge of the wheel giving rise to the development of a false flange on the field side of the tread (Figure 2.57). Often, both effects develop simultaneously as both contact conditions prevail at different locations giving rise to the contact condition shown in Figure 2.58, where both high contact stresses occur together with high longitudinal creepage steering the wheel in the incorrect sense. This is associated with accelerated flange wear. Figure 2.56: High Contact Stresses on the Field Side of the Wheel Contacting the Low Leg Figure 2.57: High Contact Stresses on the Field Side of the Low Leg Figure 2.58: A Combination of High Stress Contact Conditions o 2-55 x The author suggests that the wheel profile be continued from the tread radius design suggested until the profile is cylindrical or to 1:40 conical. This spreads the contact as far to the field side as possible. Adverse field contact may be minimized or controlled by controlling the level of maximum wheel hollowing and/or applying a suitable field side relief to the rails 2.5.3 Rail and Wheel Management Rail and wheel management is discussed from the viewpoint of the impact on vehicle design and rail and wheel profile geometry. No attempt is made to prescribe rail-reconditioning actions based on fatigue life. It is assumed that rail and wheel profiles have been designed according to guidelines outlined in Section 2.4.2 with the exception of certain rail and track geometry to be described in this section. The reader will be taken through a thought process based on a premise that the rail and wheel profiles must be managed so that their properties change as little as possible during their service life. It is assumed that their profiles are reconditioned at sensible wear limits. Flange Lubrication Although an attempt is often made to design the vehicle suspension and the wheel treads (Region A) for degree of curving, an assessment of the Newland model reveals that the designs are not always adequate for flange free curving. The immediate answer is to lubricate the flanges. There is no other answer unless a redesign of the suspension is done. Flange lubrication is a quick and effective remedy, and the steering forces remain unchanged. If the wheel profile in the region of the flange is conformal to the rail the largest possible contact patch and lowest possible contact stress is achieved. This condition can effectively support a lubricating film. This is a prime reason for conformal contact as lubrication immediately reduces the rate of flange and gauge corner wear. Experience shows this could be by as much as six times the original un-lubricated flange o 2-56 x life.5 Lubrication stabilizes the rate of change of the profiles which has an important effect on other rail/wheel contact conditions that are explained later. Lubrication immediately reduces the slip and creep force regime between flange and gauge corner, reducing material flow and surely reducing traction and fatigue effects. Lubrication tends to be an expensive and messy maintenance practice coupled to irritating logistics. As a result, any practice that the maintenance departments can do which is “half-good” is a good practice. Some heavy haul experiences are: • There seems to be more success with viscous lubricants than with oils. • Application by means of wayside lubricators is messy in the immediate vicinity of the lubricators giving rise to locomotive adhesion problems). Furthermore, this method is ineffective beyond 100 m from the lubricator and takes a long time to spread after grinding, even if the maintenance department remembers to replace them. • Locomotive flange lubrication can work if supported by the locomotive maintenance department who is usually averse to the mess they make of the locomotive. • Lubrication directly on the rail from a moving vehicle would seem to be a good technical alternative. The lubricant is spread evenly over the rails that require lubrication. Lubricants can be applied immediately after grinding. This method has the disadvantage of the logistics behind the scheduling of the vehicle. Hollow Wear and Rail Crown Flattening Once lubrication has been successfully implemented, or where the tracking conditions are good due to a high percentage of tangent track or the use of steering bogies, hollow wear of the wheel tread becomes an important issue as the lives of the wheels are extended. The wheel treads (Section B) have been o 2-57 x designed to a hollow or radiussed profile within certain conicity limits. Hollow wear beyond the limit set and/or the flattening of the rail crown cause immediate conformal contact on the tread. This has the effect of: • Producing a high conicity for small wheelset deflections from the centerline of the track. • Producing low or negative conicities for higher wheelset deflections from the centerline of the track due to the “false flange” on the field side of the wheelset. This reduces the restoring action of the wheelset to the track centerline causing flange contact with an angle of attack resulting in alternate gouging of the rail on curved and tangent track. • Contact under hollow worn conditions results in high contact stresses between the gauge corner and field side of the rail and the “false flanges” which may occur either side of the hollow worn pattern on the wheel (Figure 2.59). * High Contact Stresses * * * * Figure 2.59: Regions of High Contact Stress on Hollow Worn Wheels Management remedies for hollow wear or rail flattening are harder rails, rail grinding to retain a radiussed rail crown, and limits on the amount of hollow wear allowed. In combination with these issues, gauge variation should be implemented on sections of tangent track to help “spread” the incidence of contact and reduce the rate at which hollow wheel-tread wear takes place (Figure 2.60). This is referred to as “pummelling” by Kalousek.4. “Pummelling” may be done by rail crown grinding or by physically widening the gauge by using asymmetric rail pads on concrete sleepers. Care should o 2-58 x be taken not to induce undesired vehicle dynamics in the process and therefore long sections of tangent track should be set to the altered gauge. Gauge variation should not be used in curves for the reasons described below. Figure 2.60: Spreading Contact on the Wheel Tread by Gauge Variation Gauge Control in Curves Related to the issue of hollow wear and to the field side shape of rail and wheel is gauge control in curves. As was pointedout, contact between rail and wheel ends in Section C and produces contact conditions shown in Figures 2.57 and 2.58. Under these conditions, the generation of radius differential across the wheelset is impaired, leading not only to severe contact stresses but to higher flange forces and higher flange wear. This adverse effect can be present even when the wheel is within hollow wear limits. As a result, the gauge should be controlled in curves to avoid this type of contact by: • Removing material on the field side of the low leg as Figure 2.61 shows. • Retaining relatively tight gauge during the life of the side wear of the high leg. This may be done by the use of asymmetric rail pads on concrete sleepers. As experienced, the gauge in curves should not be left to widen beyond 10 to 12 mm. After this, fatigue damage occurs on the low leg and flange and side wear accelerate. o 2-59 x Field side Low Leg Figure 2.61: Treatment of the Field Side of the Low Leg in Curves False Flange Contact on the Gauge Corner If all of the above recommendations for profile design and wheel/rail contact management are followed, there should not be a problem with this type of contact. This phenomenon occurs primarily as a result of operating with: • Wheels beyond a limit of hollow wear of approximately 2 mm • Side wear on the high leg beyond 12 mm. • A combination of hollow wear and bogie tracking inaccuracies. This results in an unsymmetrical hollow worn wheel profile. Depending on the direction in which the vehicle travels, or the sense of track curvature, the convex portion of the profile may ride up on the gauge corner. All the above reasons for this convex contact lead to a fatigue damaged and excessively flattened gauge corner deviating from the so-called conformal contact described above. Excessive gauge corner grinding results and leads to two-point contact and a “no-win” situation. 2.6 TRACKING ACCURACY AND TOLERANCES As Section 2.1 describes, the mechanism of the freely rolling railway wheelset accommodates geometric inaccuracies. There is, however, a limit to this accommodation that is a function of the relative geometry of wheelset and track. In addition, the constraint of the inter-wheelset suspension elements can combine with certain wheelset tolerances to adversely affect o 2-60 x the tracking accuracy of the vehicle. The stiffer, or more rigid these elements, the finer their corresponding tolerances and those of the wheelset must be for a particular tracking accuracy. The error in tracking accuracy is reflected most obviously in lateral non-symmetrical profile wear across wheelsets of the vehicle or, in the extreme, non-symmetrical flange wear. Less obvious are the associated unnecessary creepages experienced, resulting in increased energy to haul the train and increased stresses and subsequent material flows on both wheel and rail. There is also considerable evidence that unsymmetrical wheel wear reduces the stability of the vehicle. This stability can, in turn, be a function of the direction of running of the vehicle. A vehicle may run in a most stable manner in one direction, but run in an unstable manner in the other direction, particularly if intermittent flange contact is being made on one leg of the rail. 2.6.1 Geometric Inaccuracies in Wheelset and Track Geometry Geometric inaccuracies in the wheelset and the track geometry is due to the relationship between the rolling radius differential between the two wheels on a wheelset and the lateral clearance between the flange and the gauge corner of the rail; i.e., gauge clearance. A rolling radius differential on a wheelset can be caused by machining two wheels to different diameters as measured at the taping line of the wheel profile (Figure 2.62) or by machining the wheel profile in a non-symmetrical “rotated sense” on the wheel (Figure 2.63). If the rotation of the wheel profiles is symmetric, only the effective conicity will be influenced. o 2-61 x cL Wheels Do + t Do - t ∆ Taping Line Taping Line cL Rails γy 2t=2γy Figure 2.62: Wheelset Diameter Differential Taping Line Mis-orientation Profile Rotation Figure 2.63: Wheel Profile Orientation When a wheelset rolls on straight track it will displace laterally by a distance ∆ to “find” equal rolling diameters. If the gauge clearance is insufficient to accommodate the distance ∆, flange contact will occur and flange and gauge corner wear will take place. This wear can be most aggressive. This error will induce non-symmetric curving of the wheelset, which will cause it to “favor” a particular sense of curve. In a similar manner, non-symmetric profiling of the rail crown will cause the wheelset to displace laterally on the track (Figure 2.64). This can also lead to flange and gauge corner wear, although, in the case of rail non-symmetry in curves, this can aid the curving of vehicles if the asymmetry is in the same sense as the curve. See Section 2.4. o 2-62 x cL Wheels ∆ cL Track Gauge Clearance = ∆ max Figure 2.64: Non-Symmetric Rail Profiles The relationship between wheelset and rail profile inaccuracies and gauge clearance can be established by studying the conicity relationship. The effective conicity, γ, of a wheelset is defined as the difference in wheel radii, divided by twice the lateral motion caused by the radii difference. This relationship is given in Equation 1. γ = rolling radius differential 2y (1) The above relationship is for “pure rolling” and the lateral position of the wheelset in curves is influenced by creepages that are, in turn, a function of the vehicle suspension. It is a good indication of the wheelset position on straight track, where creepages are closer to zero. 2.6.2 Geometric Inaccuracies of the Wheelset and Suspension As mentioned above, geometric inaccuracies are associated with a wheelset constrained by the suspension to which it is coupled. This coupling can be either to the bogie frame or to another wheelset through an inter-wheelset coupling. The couplings and errors are a function of the type and stiffness of the inter-wheelset couplings (see Figure 2.17 and Section 2.2.2). In the next section, the errors will be discussed as errors in the bending and shear mode. o 2-63 x Errors in the Bending Mode Errors in the bending mode constrain the wheelsets to be permanently angled in yaw in opposite senses to each other (Figure 2.65). The stiffer the suspension in bending, the less the generated creep forces between rail and wheel can align the wheelsets to an accurate tracking position. This error typically occurs with the mismatch of the wheel base across a rigid frame or three-piece bogie, where the axle is held rigidly to the bogie frames. Steering bogies, with low bending stiffness can accommodate these errors and some non-steering bogies have latterly been fitted with, albeit stiff, shear pads between the axle-box adapter and side frame to permit some deflection and better tracking alignment. A more accurate matching of side frame wheel bases on three-piece bogies, or machining axle box pedestals has been adopted in the past few years, together with the adoption of shear pads, as mentioned above. Typically, components to consider as contributing to this tracking inaccuracy are: • Bogie side frames having dissimilar wheelbases (Figure 2.65) • Unsymmetrical bearing adapters (Figure 2.65) o 2-64 x Side Frame + t Side Frame - t The Side Frame Lengths can Vary and the Adaptors can be Machined Wrong R cL Adaptor Figure 2.65: Errors in Bending Mode Errors in the Shear Mode Errors in the shear mode are typically associated with suspensions with high shear stiffness. This can happen, typically, with steering and premium bogies that use higher shear stiffness. The axles of the wheelsets remain parallel to each other but are misplaced laterally, which leads to unsymmetrical wheel wear, high stresses in the contact patch, and vehicle instability. o 2-65 x Typically, components contributing to this error are: • Bogie side frames with spring trays unsymmetrically placed relative to the horn guides. Figure 2.66 shows the situation in the empty condition whereas Figure 2.67 shows the situation in the loaded condition. Any shear stiffness enhancement will “unsquare” the bogie particularly under load. • Unsymmetrical cross-anchors, bissels and crossbracing (Figure 2.68) • Unsymmetrically mounted or machined wheelsets (Figure 2.69) Bolster on spring tray Figure 2.66: Unsymmetrical Spring Tray in the Empty Condition o 2-66 x Bolster on spring tray Figure 2.67: Unsymmetrical Spring Tray in the Loaded Condition Figure 2.68: Unsymmetrical Cross-Anchors o 2-67 x cL Bearing cL Bearing cL Taping line Taping line Taping line lL = = = = cL Bearing Figure 2.69: Unsymmetrically Mounted Wheelset o 2-68 x REFERENCES 1. Office for Research and Experiments of the International Union of Railways, Question B 55, “Prevention of derailment of goods wagons on distorted track,” Report No. 8 (Final Report), Conditions for negotiating track twist, Utrecht, April 1983. 2. Nadal M. J.: Locomotive a Vapeur, Collection encyclopedie scientifique, biblioteque de mecanique appliquee et genie, Vol. 186 (Paris), 1908. 3. Tournay, H.M.: “Rail/wheel interaction from a track and vehicle design perspective,” Proceedings of International Heavy Haul Association’s Conference on Wheel/Rail Interaction, Moscow, Russia, 14-17 June 1999. 4. Smith, R.E. and Kalousek, J.: “A design methodology for wheel and rail profiles on steered railway vehicles,” Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Contact Mechanics and Wear of Rail-Wheel Systems, Cambridge, UK, July 1990, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1990. 5. Tournay, H.M. and Giani, J.L.: “Rail/wheel interaction: Multi disciplinary practices developed in South Africa,” Conference on Railway Engineering, October 1995, Melbourne, Australia. 6. Weinstock, H.: “Wheel climb derailment criteria for evaluation of rail vehicle safety,” Paper No. 84-WA/RT1, 1984 ASME Winter Annual Meeting, Phoenix, Az, November 1984. o 2-69 x APPENDIX The derivation of conicity: A profiled wheel tread may be approximated by a circular arc or a serious of circular arcs running tangentially into one another. Rail profiles may be described in a similar fashion. For the sake of simplicity, consider wheel and rail profiles comprising singular arcs as shown in Figure A-1. cL Yr Wheelset Track Yr ro ro Po Po Rr δo Yw ∆R=0 Yw Xr Xw D2 = d o = Or gr Or Ow Rw Xr Xw gw-gr 2 δo Ow D2 = do gw Figure A-1. Rectangular axes Xr, Yr (their origin at the center of the wheel profile arc) may be fixed to the wheelset and move laterally with the wheelset relative to the Xr, Yr systems. With the wheelsets centrally placed on the track, the relative position of the two axis systems are shown in Figure A-1a. Contact between both wheel and rail must occur at a point (assumed to be the center of the contact area), where the wheel profile arc and rail profile arc have a common tangent. It may thus be probed that points Ow, Or and Po are collinear. o 2-70 x A lateral displacement y, of the wheelset from the centerline of the track displaces the Xw, Yw, co-ordinate system relative to the Xr, Yr, co-ordinate system. Since contact must still occur at a point where the rail and wheel profile arcs have a common tangent, the contact point may be determined by extending the line Ow,-Or to intersect the rail and wheel profile arcs at points P1 and P2 (Figure A-1b). The equations for conicity, as a function of the lateral deflection of the wheelset, are given in Figure A-1b and may be approximated by:  (d 0 + y ) − 1 − (d 0 − y )  ∆R = RW  1 − (RW − RR ) (RW − RR )   Since γ = γ ≈ ∆R : 2y RW δ 0 (RW − RR ) (1) Derivation of the gravitational force: Figure A-2 illustrates both a conical and a profiled wheel tread displaced a distance y from the centerline of the track. If the axles remain horizontal, the angle of the contact area of the conical wheel to the horizontal (Figure A-2a) will remain constant and equal to the cone angle γ, of the wheel. The horizontal components of the normal reaction between the wheel and rail Fn, will thus remain equal and of opposite sign to one another, for any deflection of the wheelset from the centerline of the track. The net lateral force on the wheelset is thus zero. Examination of Figure A-2b shows that, for profiled wheel treads, the angle of the contact area to the horizontal changes and differs between two wheels on the same wheelset. The lateral components of these reactions are thus unequal for any displacement from the centerline of the track thus causing a lateral force to act on the wheelset. For o 2-71 x pure circular wheel and rail profiles, the gravitational suspension stiffness may be expressed by: Gr = W (R W − R R ) Wheelset Track cL Fn Fn W Fl Fl Figure A-2a cL Wheelset Track Deflection of wheelset from cL of track = y G Fn1 W Fl1 F n2 Fl2 Rw Rr D1 = (d o + y) Figure A-2b o 2-72 x D2 = (d o-y) NOMENCLATURE a = Half wheel base b = Half bearing center distance C11 = Longitudinal creep coefficient C 22 = Lateral creep coefficient l = Half distance between wheelset taping lines ro = Wheel radius at taping line Rc = Curve radius V = Vehicle speed y = Lateral displacement α = Angle of yaw or angle of attack β = Rail angle γ = Wheel cone angle or effective conicity o 2-73 x Click Here To Go Back To Table of Contents PART 3: WHEEL/RAIL PERFORMANCE Written by Dr. Prof. Sergey Zakharov, TRC member 3.1 Application of Systems Approach to Wheel/Rail Performance Study Research and operating experiences have shown that the most effective way to obtain cost effective operation of maintaining wheels and rails is by treating vehicle/track interaction and wheel/rail interface as a system.1, 2, 3 About 60 factors influence different degrees of the wheel/rail performance, and they can be grouped into five primary categories of research and development (Figure 3.1): • • • • • Wheel/Rail Dynamics Rail Contact Mechanics Wheel/Rail Materials Friction Management Wheel/rail Damage Modes Figure 3.1: Scheme of System Approach to Wheel/Rail 1 Performance Research and Development o 3-1 x By applying this knowledge to the wheel and rail as a system, it is possible to take full advantage of the synergies created between them by understanding damage modes and their causes, and by developing optimized strategy of wheel/rail performance.1 In more detail these factors and their interrelation that define, for instance, wheel/rail wear as one of the widespread damage modes, are schematically presented in Figure 3.23 and discussed below. Dynamics of vehicle/track interaction I II III Linear and angular wheel set velocities Distribution of erlative slippage on contact patches Linear and angular coordinates of a wheel set Distribution of friction vectors The "third body" properties Forces and moments acting from rails on a wheel seta Shapeand distribution of normal and tangential stresses on contact patches. Wheel flange and rail head profiles Wheel/Rail Wear Figure 3.2 Scheme of Factors Determining Wheel/Rail Wear Dynamics of vehicle/track interaction: There are different levels of dynamics applicable to a wheelset, a bogie, a car, a locomotive, or a train. The study of vehicle/track interaction makes it possible to define vertical and lateral forces acting on the rail, the wheel to rail angle of attack, the wheelset position in relation to the rail, and the wheel to rail relative slippage. Linear and angular wheelset velocity: These include the angular velocity of the wheelset rotation, the longitudinal velocity, the lateral velocity of a wheelset, and the velocity of the wheelset twist around the vertical axes. Linear and angular co-ordinates of a wheelset: The most significant of these are the lateral displacement and the angle of the wheelset twist. The latter is used to calculate the angle of o 3-2 x the attack of the wheel on the rail. Though the angle of attack is not the only dynamic parameter responsible for slippage, it is the most significant one, especially for large angles of attack. Forces and moments acting from rails on a wheelset: These are the results of the integration of the normal and tangential stresses on the contact patches. Distribution of slippage on the contact patches: The measure of slippage within the wheel/rail contact patch is known as the relative slippage or creepage. The relative slippage λ is a nondimensional value, which for the wheel tread contact is calculated as the ratio of the velocity of relative movement of the surfaces to the linear velocity of the surface. The relative velocity depends on wheel and rail profiles, the angle of attack, and such dynamic parameters as the position of a wheelset and its instantaneous axle of rotation. Vector of the relative slippage may be represented by three components.3,5 Distribution of friction vectors resulted from unit normal load: The value of the friction vector at any point of the contact patch is equal to the rolling/sliding coefficient of friction both on the rolling and gauge side of the railhead surfaces. The direction of this vector coincides with surface slippage. Shape and the distribution of the normal and tangential stresses on the contact patches: This block provides for calculation of the shape of the contact patches on the rolling and side surfaces of the railhead, their mutual location, and the distribution of contact stresses on the contact patches. Contact stresses depend on the dynamics of vehicle/track interaction, wheel/rail profiles and materials properties. The “third body” properties: third body refers to material layers which change their property from the initial properties of the material to new properties because of the process of friction. The third body layer property has considerable influence on wear modes and wear rate. In turn, the wear process influences the third body properties to a great extent. Wheel flange and railhead profiles: Wheel and rail profiles highly influence contact stresses and slippage. o 3-3 x Wear: Wheel/rail wear modes and rates are defined by the distribution of stresses and the relative slippage on the contact patches as well as the third body properties. Thermal effects should also be considered particularly when studying braking and slip regimes. This scheme of study, with corresponding changes, can be applied to study other damage modes. 3.2 Rail Contact Mechanics 3.2.1 General Rail contact mechanics is the study of the relationship between stress, creepage, and geometry of rail/wheel system. As can be seen in Figure 3.2, once linear and angular wheelset coordinates, velocities, and forces and moments acting from rails on a wheelset are known from the dynamics of vehicle/track interaction, then the magnitude and distribution of normal and tangential stresses, relative slippage (creepage) and friction on the contact patch can be found, provided that the rail and wheel profiles and third body properties are known. The latter is a rail/wheel contact mechanics problem. The problem of rolling contact for bodies having elastically identical characteristics like wheels and rail, may be presented separately as normal and tangential problems.4 The goals of the normal problem are to determine the size and shape of the contact region and the normal contact stress distribution. The results of the normal problem are used for the solution of the tangential problem. The results of tangential problem are the determination of the distribution of tractive (creep) forces and the (spin) torque over the contact regions of adhesion and slip. 3.2.2 Normal Contact Stress The work of Hertz presented the first reliable mathematical solution of the normal problem. The problem reads as follows. Two bodies (wheel tread and rail rolling surface) touch at a point. The undeformed distance can be defined if the radius of curvatures in the region of the contact point are known. The elastic properties of wheel and rail are the same in Poisson ratio (ν) and modulus of elasticity (E). If the bodies are loaded by a normal force F , then an elliptic contact area comes into o 3-4 x being with a longer semi-axes along the rail longitudinal axes (Figure 3.3). Pmax Figure 3.3 Herzian normal contact stress distribution over contact area [3.5] The maximum contact pressure p can be calculated as:6 p = 3 3 FE 2 2π 3 Re (1 − ν 2 ) 2 2 , (3.1) where Re equivalent radii, depending on the characteristic radii of the interacting bodies (wheel and rail). Thus the normal contact stress on the top of the rail and wheel tread surface depends on the wheel to rail load, wheel and top of rail radii, and the interacting materials properties. Hertz’s theory is valid for contacting surfaces under the following assumptions: • • • The contacting bodies are homogeneous and isotropic The contacting surfaces are frictionless The dimensions of the deformed contact patch remain small compared to the dimensions of contacting bodies and principal radii of curvature of undeformed surfaces o 3-5 x • Linear elastic half-space theory for both bodies is used to solve the contact problem • The contacting surfaces are smooth During vehicle movement the position of wheel-set in relation to the rails changes considerably resulting in various combinations of wheel and rail contact zones (Figure 3.4). Figure 3.4 Potential Contact Zones of Wheel and Rail Though the wheel and rail profiles in IHHA countries vary considerably, it is possible to highlight three functional zones of rail/wheel contact (Figure 3.5): (1) contact between the central region of the rail crown and wheel tread as (Region A), (2) contact between the gauge corner of the rail and the flange, (Region B), and (3) contact between the field sides of both rail and wheel (Region C).5 Even for a constant axle load, the normal contact-stress distribution varies considerably because of the differences in radii of curvatures in these regions of the contact. o 3-6 x R egi onC R eg ion A Reg io n B Figure 3.5 Functional Regions of Rail/Wheel Contact If a continuous radius of curvature exists throughout the contact domain, then the Hertzian solution is valid. If the contact domain is shared by two or more separate radii of curvature R11 and R12 (Figure 3.6a) then the Hertzian assumption is not valid and a non-Hertzian solution is necessary for predicting the contact patch geometry. This approach has important application for numerous combinations of worn wheel and rail profiles. There are many methods and computer programs that are used to find the normal contact stress for non-conforming, non-Herzian contacts. The complete actual non-Hertzian solution may be achieved by using computer program CONTACT.7 Due to the time consuming nature of the complete non-Hertzian solution, various approximate techniques have been developed. For instance, using an ellipticized non-Hertzian geometry approach, which has shown good agreement with the exact solution (Figure 3.6 a,b).8,9 o 3-7 x Figure 3.6a Wheel/Rail Geometry x,y,z – coordinate system, R11 ,R12, R1',R2 – characteristic radii Figure 3.6b. Contact Geometry and 8 Pressure Distribution R11 = 355.6 mm,R12 = 291.6 mm, R1'=R2 = ∝, F = 100 kN o 3-8 x Another approach, which is used to find the contact stress between worn wheel and rail profiles, requires the modeling of the contacting bodies using Winkler's elastic foundation assumption, which states that the deformation of the surface is proportional to the normal pressure.10,11 The size of the contact patch, and the normal stress distribution depends on wheel to rail normal loads, rail and wheel profiles, lateral and angular position of the wheelset in the point of initial contact, and rail cant. When a wheelset is moving in a curve, if the yaw angle becomes large, it is possible to have the wheel contacting the rail at two different points. Two-point contact results in two contact patches: (A) on the rail crown and (B) at the gauge side of the railhead. Because of the wheel to rail angle of attack (α) (Figure 3.7a), the gauge side contact patch is moved forward (Figure 3.7b). Increasing the angle of attack results in an increase of the distance between contact patches, the instantaneous axis of wheelset rotation, and thus an increase in creepage and creep forces. In the flange contact zone of the high rail, a level of contact stress of 3000 MPa is common. a b Figure 3.7a: Relative Position of the 10 Wheel to the Rail o 3-9 x Figure 3.7b: Location of the Contact Zones 10 under Two-point Contact Conditions (FA=110 kN, Fb=66kN ) At the contact of severely worn rail with new or worn wheels, the pressure at the contact patch changes its configuration. The contact patch size decreases considerably and shifts to the field side of the high rail resulting in corresponding growth of the contact pressure which may reach the yield stress and result in railhead plastic flow. Typically, contact stress on the top of the rail running surface (region A) range between 1300 and 1700 MPa. The increase in wheel load increases Hertzian contact stress on the top of rail surface as a one third power of the load (see expression 3.1). Hollow wear of the wheel tread (see Section 3.5) results in high contact stress, which may occur on either side of the hollow worn pattern of the wheel. Contact stress could rise to 6000 MPa for a 2 mm hollow worn wheel. o 3-10 x High contact stresses are also generated as the outer edge of the wheel profile bears down on the rail, or contact ends before the edge of the wheel giving rise to the development of a false flange on the field side of the tread. Both the magnitude and distribution of contact stress is significantly influenced by wheel/rail profiles and whether single- or two-point contact conditions exist. Conformal profiles tend to result in larger contact patch having decreased levels of contact stress as compared with non-conformal (counter-formal) profiles. 3.2.3 Creep Force — Creepage Behavior Results of the solution of the normal problem are used to solve the tangential problem, which is the distribution of tractive (creep) forces and (spin) torque over contact region of adhesion and slip, as well as the frictional work distribution. From the motion analysis (kinematics) of the wheelset, as well as the forces acting it, there are three components of creep: longitudinal and lateral creep force and (spin) torque. Longitudinal creep and resultant forces arise because during traction in the direction of rolling, slip occurs in the trailing region of the contact patch (Figure 3.8a). The greater the value of traction force, the greater is the proportion of the slip region in the contact patch. (Figure 3.8 b) until the tractive force reaches its maximum level when the contact patch is not capable to absorb any additional tractive effort. The lateral slippage depends on the angle of attack of the wheel on the rail. Spin creepage is primarily determined by the cone angle. When calculating creepage (relative slippage) at contact points of wheel and rail moving in a curve, consider the position of the instantaneous axis of wheelset rotation.3 o 3-11 x Direction of rolling Adhesion Microslip Traction Distribution µN λ Adhesion Microslip Adhesion Microslip Adhesion Microslip Slip Figure 3.8: Relationship between traction and creep [3.5] (a) longitudinal traction forces over the contact patch (b) creep force –creepage curve o 3-12 x Adhesion Problem. The maximum level of tractive force between a locomotive driving wheel and rail depends on the capability of the contact patch to absorb traction. This is expressed in the form of the adhesion coefficient which is a ratio of traction force to normal load. Normally wheel/rail adhesion reaches its maximum at the level of longitudinal creepage 0.01-0.02. However, the rheological behavior of interacting layers forming a third body in rolling/sliding contact between the wheel thread and the rail rolling surface directly affects the traction-creepage curve. The third body is composed of a mixture of materials whose composition is influenced by environmental factors and railroad operating practices.12 There exists a flow of materials forming third body layer. Inputs to the layer include iron oxides from oxidation of rails and rail wear, silica mainly from locomotive sand, hydrocarbons from oil or grease that have been applied or migrated to the top of rail, brake shoe debris, and other contaminants. Output from the layer include displacement of materials from the contact patch, removal by wear or washing off rail, and consumption by other mechanisms.13 If the surfaces are clean and dry, the adhesion coefficient stays at the high level for higher creepage values and train speed. When rail and wheel surfaces are contaminated, particularly with water and especially with lubricants, the adhesion coefficient is reduced with relative slippage (Figure 3.9) and with train speed as well.14 This behavior should be considered when using creep force–creepage dependencies either for simulation of track dynamics or for studies of locomotive design. Surface roughness influences contact stresses and the creep force-creepage curve. It has been shown that increasing wheel and rail surface roughness tends to increase the real contact stress distribution as compared with the Hertzian solution, and tends to decrease the initial slope of creep curve.15 A model has been suggested that establishes a relationship between the shear modulus of elasticity, plasticity, the critical o 3-13 x shear stress, and shear strain.13 In this model, the shear stress initially increases as the creapage increases. As the shear stress reaches its critical value, the initial slope of creep curve changes. Depending on the properties of the interacting layer, which can be controlled using friction modifiers, shear stress may increase, decrease or not change with increase of creepage (see Section 3.4.2). Figure 3.9: Traction Force Creepage Curve under Influence of Water or Lubricants The optimal level of adhesion the railroad could utilize, regardless of weather, is defined as the dispatchable adhesion. Typically this level is about 22%. There has been considerable improvements in locomotive design aimed on the increase of the adhesion level to 35% and even more.16 The level of dispatchable adhesion will increase correspondingly. A number of factors besides third body properties, influence the levels of dispatchable adhesion; particularly, the presence of hollow worn wheels. There are some practical methods to more efficiently utilize and to increase the adhesion level of the locomotives, which is very important for heavy haul operations. One of these methods, which proved to be efficient for heavy haul operation, is described in References 17 and 18. The suggested method is based on the measurement of wheelset slip when traction force exceeds adhesion forces. It employs a system of statistical estimates of the wheelset slippage which enables it to o 3-14 x discern admissibility or non-admissibility of achieved adhesion loading. 3.2.4 Influence of Traction on the Load Carrying Capacity of the Contact Area. According to the Hertzian theory, the maximum static compression stress is on the surface and the maximum shear stress is under the surface at a depth of 0.78a, where a is half of the contact patch length. Modeling of a semi-infinite half space subjected to Hertzian contact stress shows (Figure 3.10)5 that immediately beneath the contact patch the material is under a triaxial state of stress. Three stress tensors are approximately equal resulting in shear strain and high load carrying capacity. Farther bellow the contact patch, these stresses become less equal and the maximum shear stress increases to a maximum. 0.5 σz po (Normal stress) σ x/po and σ /p y o 0 (stresses parallel to contact patch) 0.5 1.5 1.0 x/a 0.300 95 0 0.2 .29 0 0. 28 3 0 .2 67 0.2 51 0. 2 36 τ 1 (Maximum po shear stress) σx/po -1.0 0.173 1.0 1.5 2.0 z a Figure 3.10: Stresses Beneath the Contact Patch Under Pure Normal Loading When tractive force is applied to the surface, the maximum shear stresses increase and move closer to the surface. Even if the normal strain on the surface is elastic, it can cause plastic shear strain under the surface. Because of the rolling motion of the wheel, there is a cyclic compressiontension shear stress behavior of subsurface layers, resulting in an accumulation of plastic deformation under the surface and leading to residual stresses in the material. o 3-15 x This behavior of materials is the cause of various rolling contact fatigue defects in wheels and rail. There are two significant volumes of material that exhibit deformation. One is a very thin layer on the surface of the contact patch, and the other is the subsurface layer in the region of the maximum shear stresses. When the traction forces are increased, these areas became closer and may form one area of potential failure. Figure 3.11 shows the influence of traction on load carrying capacity of the contact.6, 25 This diagram, sometimes called a shakedown diagram, describes the limits of material behavior in terms of non-dimensional normal contact pressure P0 /k as a function of non-dimensional traction coefficient T/N, where P0 is the normal contact pressure, k is the shear yield strength, T is the tangential (traction) force, and N is normal load. At relatively low traction coefficient T/N, cumulative plastic flow occurs below the rail surface. If the traction coefficient is high (greater than about 0.3), plastic flow is greatest at the rail surface. The accumulation of a large number of unidirectional plastic strain increments "ratchets" the surface layer of material until its ductility is exhausted.19 This diagram is used to explain the mechanisms of contact fatigue defects and the surface work hardening process. The rate of surface deterioration depends on the friction coefficient, the maximum contact stress, and the yield strength of the steel. Figure 3.11: Shakedown Diagram o 3-16 x 3.2.5 Approach to Wheel and Rail Profile Stress Optimization Optimized wheel and rail profiles are those which provide for the best performance for a given application. Performance of assets is generally judged on the following criteria: • Resistance to Wear • Resistance to Fatigue • Resistance to Corrugation Development • Minimization of the Ratio of Lateral to Vertical Truck Forces • Minimization of Noise • Maximization of Truck Stability In this section, we look upon contact stress factors. For a practical application the National Research Council of Canada has developed a Profile Optimization Model (see Part 5 "Optimizing Rail and Wheel Performance.")20 Depending on railroad conditions, wheels undergo from about from 6x107 to 8x107 cycles before turning.19, 20 The contact stress due to passage of a wheel over a rail can be very large, often exceeding the plastic limit of the wheel and rail materials. Part of these cycles ratchet the rail and wheel material until the metals reach their ductility limits, resulting in railhead and wheel damages (see Section 3.5.2). An excessive amplitude and frequency of stress cycles on the gauge corner of the railhead result in the formation of shells in that area. By using conformal profiles in curves, the pressure distribution in the contact patch can be decreased to compare with non-conformal profile. However, consideration should be given to the fact that mutual wear of conformal profiles in a curve occurs such that the pressure distribution tends to be concentrated in the area of the instantaneous axis of wheelset rotation (gauge area for the rail and the flange bottom for the wheel) thus promoting contact fatigue and plastic flow failures). o 3-17 x Thus, the following recommendations are made to optimize wheel/rail profiles in terms of the contact stresses:20 • Avoid contact stress that is greater than three times the strength of material in shear. • Distribute contact points across the wheel tread and railhead by profile design and rail grinding so that not only are the high rail, tangent, and low rail profiles different, but in tangent track there is more than one contact band • Vary gauge clearance in tangent track intentionally. 3.3 RAIL AND WHEEL MATERIALS 3.3.1 Chemical Composition Rails: Rails and wheels are metallurgically similar. Both use high carbon (0.65-0.82 %) steels that have pearlitic or near pearlitic structure. Many types of plain carbon, alloyed, and heat-treated rail steels are available from world manufacturers that supply rails to IHHA countries in North America, Australia, South Africa, and Brazil. Historically Russia and China have developed their own standards and production of rails.22, 23 Though rail chemical composition are close, technology of production may vary differ considerably, particularly at diverse metallurgical plants. Table 3.1 shows the difference in chemical compositions of rails used in IHHA countries for heavy haul operation. Because of the difficulty in obtaining the required minimum rail hardness 300 HB, rail manufacturers in North America are permitted to vary the composition of Mn, Ni, Cr, Mo and V within specified limits.24 Wheels: There are many grades of wheel steel depending on carbon content. Table 3.2 lists the chemical composition of freight car wheels used in IHHA countries for heavy haul operation. The majority of freight cars in North American Railways uses class C wheels with a chemical composition shown in Table 3.2. Many railroads use class B wheels for locomotives that differ only in carbon content (0.57-0.67%). Russian state standards on wheels regulate non-metallic o 3-18 x inclusions in wheel steel by specifying the permitted size of oxide accumulation (< 2 mm) and indices (in points from 1 to 10) of line oxides (<1), brittle silicates (<3.5), plastic silicates (<4.0) and sulfides (<3.5). One wear and multiple wear wheels (either wrought or cast) are used by Railways of IHHA countries. Russian railways use freight, passenger, and locomotive types of wheels. Freight cars use wrought steel wheels; locomotives use tyred wheels. Table 3.1 Chemical Composition (weight % ) of Rails Elements C USA, Canada, Brazil Australia 0.720.720.82 0.82 Mn 0.800.801.10 1.25 Si 0.58 S 0.037 0.025 max max P 0.035 0.025 max max Cr 0.25— 0.50 V 0.03 — max Ni 0.25 — max Mo 0.10 — max *standard is being changed South Africa (S-60)* 0.650.80 0.801.30 0.300.90 0.03 max 0.03 max 0.701.30 — China Russia GOST R 51685 (T1) 0.720.80 0.701.05 0.500.80 0.035 max 0.035 max — 0.710.82 0.751.05 0.250.45 0.45 max 0.035 max — — 0.040.06 — 0.030.07 — — — — o 3-19 x Sweden BV50& UIC60 0.600.82 0.801.30 0.300.90 0.025 max 0.025 max 0.801.3 — — — Table 3.2: Chemical Composition (weight , %) of Wheels Elements C Mn Si S P North America, Brazil (Class C) Australia South Africa 0.670.77 0.600.85 0.15 max 0.050 max 0.050 max 0.670.77 0.601.00 0.15 max 0.035 max 0.04 max 0.670.77 0.600.85 0.15 max 0.050 max 0.050 max China 0.550.65 0.500.80 0.170.37 <0.040 <0.035 Russia (freight cars) Sweden (Ore line) 0.550.65 0.500.90 0.220.45 0.045 max 0.035 max 0.670.72 0.730.85 0.20-0.40 0.020 max 0.025 max 3.3.2 Microstructure Rails: Pearlitic steels continue to be used for heavy haul railway track. Rails are available in either an as-rolled or a heat-treated condition. High strength heat-treated rails are widely used for heavy haul. The heat-treated rails are made from rail steel that contain carbon in an amount close to the eutectoid composition, which leads to a microstructure of pearlite. The fine pearltic structure is promoted by the addition of alloying elements, such as chromium, molybdenum, and vanadium, or by accelerated cooling. It has been shown that the optimal structure of high strength heat-treated rails is fine lamellae of ferrite and iron carbide called fine pearlite. Heat treatment can be done off- or in-line during rail production. In an off-line process the as-rolled rail is cooled to a room temperature and its head is then reheated by various methods, such as by an induction method, followed by accelerated cooling of the railhead. This heat treatment process forms fine-grained austenite in the railhead depth while the railhead is hot. The process of austenization is controlled to assure dissolution of the carbides and the development of finegrained austenite. It is necessary to cool rail rapidly to produce ultra fine perlite. All processes for surface hardening of rail require controlled heating and rapid cooling. o 3-20 x Another method of off-line heat treatment results in through-hardened rail.30 Full length rails are heated in a furnace, quenched in oil and then reheated in a tempering process that results in forming fine pearlite through the entire rail cross section. In-line heat treatment processes can make use of the latent heat of the hot-rolled rail, so the entire cross section of the railhead can be heat treated with almost uniform distribution of the temperature and austenite grain size. Both methods have advantages. For instance, by using offline hardening, it became possible to eliminate rail roller straightening;31 whereas, during in-line processes, it is easier to obtain uniform distribution of structure. The microstructure and its changes along the rail cross section control the mechanical and tribological properties of rail steel. Manufacturers produce a great variety of rail steels. For instance, North America railroads can purchase standard, intermediate, premium, or super grades. Standard rails are plain carbon unheat treated, intermediate rails are alloyed, hot-bed cooled, premium rails are plain carbon, but fully heat treated, and super rails are micro-alloyed and head-hardened. 21 Russian Railways can purchase three categories of rails that are manufactured according to the state standards. 22, 23 The type of rail selected is based on how effective it performs under specific operating conditions. IHHA countries have selected different types of rails that are considered to be most suitable for the particular operating conditions for each railroad with the objective of optimizing the operating and maintenance practices and achieving the greatest economic return. Improvement of the rail steel structure and cleanliness. Work is continuing on projects to improve the quality of pearlitic rail steels by improving the pearlitic structure and by improving rail cleanliness. The wear resistance of pearlitic steels can be improved by decreasing the lamella spacing of the ferrite and iron carbide in the pearlitic structure. In addition, work is in progress to increase the quantity of the cementite (iron carbide) phase which aids wear resistance in the pearlite structure. This can be achieved by the development of o 3-21 x hypereutectoid rail steels. For instance, steel containing 0.85 % of carbon, micro-alloyed by 0.05% vanadium has a surface hardness 375 HB27 whereas steel with 0.9% carbon alloyed by 0.25% chromium has a hardness of about 395 HB.33 Bainitic steels. In an attempt to improve the surface damage resistance of rails used for high speed and heavy haul operations, rail steels with bainitic structure have been developed.28, 30, 31, 32 Bainitic steels contain 0.20-0.43% of carbon. Laboratory experiments have shown that bainitic steels have higher tensile strength and elongation than premium pearlitic steels (for instance, 1420 MPa and 15% at room temperature for steel with 0.35% carbon). 34 It is reported that these rails obtain better resistance to rolling contact fatigue defects and retain a wear resistance which gradually became comparable to premium pearlitic steel rails. 32,34 However, the performance of bainitic steel rails under heavy haul conditions has not been established. Rail cleanliness. Rail cleanliness is judged based on the amount and distribution of soft and hard inclusions. Hard inclusions or inclusion stringers, such as alumina-silicate(with a composition of Al2 O3- Si O2), contribute to the initiation of sub-surface rolling contact fatigue. Stringers of inclusions are strongly implicated in the formation of horizontal split head defects (see Section 3.5.3) and in the development of deepseated shells that lead to transverse defects. To quantitatively evaluate the role of inclusion stringers in the formation of shells, a shell index was suggested.37 Regulations (standards) on rail production limit the content of non-metallic inclusions by specifying their size in millimeters or by using the “inclusion” index. 21 Improved cleanliness can be achieved by the adoption of continuous casting techniques and moving away from the use of aluminum as a deoxidizer. A very important factor affecting rail damages is the concentration of gases (oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen) in the rail steel. An increased concentration of gases results in a decrease of the rolling contact fatigue and in lowered resistance to brittle fracture. Hydrogen contributes to the formation of o 3-22 x shatter cracks and thus causes broken rail. High-quality rails should contain not more than 0.00015% mass percent of hydrogen and not more than 0.0002% of oxygen.27 Rail steel manufacturers pay close attention to clean steel making process. One of the methods of rail steel refining is electro-slag remelting.27 Another metallurgical method to develop fine dispersed microstructure is to improve rail quality by micro-alloying with nitride-forming elements, such as vanadium and aluminum.34 3.3.3 Mechanical Properties Rails: The mechanical properties of rails are evaluated by yield, tensile and fatigue strength, hardness, and fracture toughness. Yield strength is an indication of the material's plastic flow characteristics and work hardening. Tensile and fatigue strength is an indication of fatigue resistance of rail materials that are characterized by laboratory or gull scale fatigue tests.35,36 Table 3.3 lists the mechanical properties of high-strength rail for some of IHHA countries. These rails have a yield strength of about 760-790 MPa and a tensile strength of about 1170 MPa. Standard (as rolled) rail has lower strength characteristics and hardness with a yield strength of about 480 MPa and a tensile strength of about 960 MPa. Table 3.3: Mechanical Properties of High Strength Rails USA, Canada, Brazil South Africa China Russia GOSTR 51685 Yield Strength, MPa (min) Tensile Strength MPa (min) Elongation % (min) 758 640 805 794 640 1172 1080 1175 1176 1080 10 9 10 6 9 Brinell Hardness at the surface 340-390 340 340390 331-388 320360 Property o 3-23 x Sweden Hardness. Hardness is a very important mechanical characteristic that determines rail performance to a great extent. Hardness and its distribution along the railhead depth governs wear resistance, rolling contact fatigue resistance, and plastic flow of the railhead. The types of rails available on the market represent a wide range of surface harnesses. In North America, there is a requirement to have a minimum hardness of 300 HB on the rail surface. High-strength heat-treated rails have a surface hardness in the range of 330 –390 HB. Russian standards regulate hardness at a depth 12-20 mm below the railhead surface, and specify that the rail hardness at this depth should not be less than 86% of the hardness at the surface, in particular not less than 300 HB. This requirement is necessary to provide appropriate wear resistance when the railhead is worn out. It is also important for resistance to the initiation of rolling contact fatigue. There is also a requirement controlling the rail hardness deviation along the rail length to no more than 30 HB. The most common methods of increasing hardness are by increasing the volume fraction of carbide and by refining the pearlitic structure. Refinement may be achieved by microalloying or by accelerated cooling. Pearlitic steels have a maximum hardness level of about 400 HB. Bainitic rail steels may have hardness level of 500-550 HB. Study and tests show that bainitic steels have high resistance to different failure modes, but at present insufficient wear resistance. Rail manufacturers continue to work to increase the wear resistance of bainitic steels. 34 After multiple wheel/rail interactions in operation, hardness of wheel and rail interacting surfaces increases compared with the initial surface hardness. It is difficult to control work hardening during operation. However, it should be further considered when selecting optimal rail grinding and wheel truing practices (see Section 3.5.1). Fracture Toughness. Fracture toughness governs the ability of rail steel to resist propagation of brittle cracks from rolling contact fatigue and other rail fatigue defects. Good fracture toughness is particularly important in the prevention and propagation of transverse defects. o 3-24 x Fracture toughness for rail steels may be evaluated by the impact strength. According to the Russian standard on rails, the impact strength of modern rail steel should not be less than 0.25 MJ/m2 at a temperature of+20oC.22 Micro-alloying of steel with vanadium together with controlled de-oxidation with aluminum and silico-calcium increases impact strength at low temperature,39 which is important for railways operating at subzero temperature. Increasing the nitrogen content in steel to 0.0015% also enhances impact strength at sub-zero temperature.40 Increasing phosphorus has a negative influence on fracture toughness. Notice that fatigue initiation and crack growth characteristics are characterized by fracture mechanics principles and tests. Residual Stresses: Residual stress in rail are the result of: • • • rail manufacturing process. contact stress due to passing wheels, and rail welding. Manufacturing originated residual stresses arise because of differences in the time of phase transformations in the railhead, web, and foot during rail cooling in the rail manufacturing process. A large contribution to the residual stresses can be made by the cold roller straightening process. If high roller straightening settings are used, rail failure may occur.41 Several technique are available for evaluating the magnitude of rail residual stresses, including strain gauging, saw cutting or hole drilling, which are destructive methods, or neutron diffraction and acoustic methods which are nondestructive. The simplest method is the web saw cutting method. Depending on the type of straightening process residual stress may be of the order of 100-300 MPa. Residual stress measurement methods and failure criteria were developed based on stress intensity and allowable stress coefficient.41 Stresses in fully quenched heat-treated rails are tensile in the railhead and base, and compressive in the rail web. Railhead hardening usually leads to a comprehensive residual o 3-25 x stress in the railhead. There is a rail manufacturing process that provides for optimized residual stress distribution. The process involves an off-line rail treatment with controlled reheating and cooling of the entire rail section which avoids the need for roller straightening.31 Work hardening of the rail surface layer by passing wheels introduces comprehensive residual stress in the railhead. These stresses protect the surface layers by inhibiting the rate and depth of contact fatigue crack propagation. Rail welding results in residual stresses that are distributed in a very complex manner with respect to their magnitude and direction. In many cases, these stresses are the cause of rail web failure. Use of improved welding technology and post weld heat treatment considerably decreases the extent of weld initiated residual stresses (see Section 3.5.3). 3.3.4 Wheels Mechanical Properties: For North American wheels, the only mechanical property requirement is hardness, which for Class C wheels is 321-363 HB. Russian state standard22 requires that tensile strength of freight car wheel steel should not be less than 911-1107 MPa, the elongation not less than 8% , the surface hardness not less than 290 HB, and the hardness at the depth of maximum wear not less than 255 HB. To compensate for the considerable differences in the hardness of wheels and rails used in freight cars on the Russian Railways, work has been done in: • improving rim hardening technology in wrought wheels, • increasing carbon content in wheel steel to the level in rail steel thus obtaining surface hardness in wheels to the level of 320-400 HB, and • introducing flange hardening technologies (plasma , laser, weld-on treatments).42 Residual stresses: Residual stresses are the controlling factor in wheel thermal failure. Improper heat treatment results in brittle failure of wheels. To prevent thermal cracks from developing, a rim quenching process is introduced, forming beneficial circumferential compressive residual stresses in the o 3-26 x wheel rim. However, overheating of the wheels due to severe braking may destroy the beneficial compressive residual stress. 3.3.5 General Concept of Wheel/Rail Material Selection The material quality of rails and wheels significantly affects their resistance to wear, rolling contact fatigue, fatigue, and plastic flow. Improvement in rail/wheel material quality may significantly increase the range of allowable contact stresses. Many material characteristics are in conflict with one another. For instance, hardness and fracture toughness are inversely related. That is why a systems approach must be taken to establishing the criteria for material selection. Criteria for Rail and Wheel Material Selection (a) There is a set of material property characteristics, the socalled constructive strength of material, which the material should possess to meet operating requirements.43 There is a set of laboratory, wheel/rail interaction simulated tests,32 which help to establish these characteristics: • Contact Fatigue Tests44 • Wear Resistance Tests45 • Static and Cyclic Resistance to Crack Propagation Tests • Rail Static, Cyclic and Impact Tests The values selected after this set of tests have to be validated first in field simulated tests (for instance at the Transportation Technology Center’s Facility for Accelerated Service Testing, Pueblo, Colorado, USA or Test Center of VNIIZhT in Russia). After the simulated tests they are used in revenue service for pilot testing (b) The ability of material to resist surface and subsurface flow can be checked by a shakedown diagram (see Figure 3.11). The rate of surface deterioration depends on the traction coefficient, the maximum contact stress, and the strength of the steel Recommended manufacturing techniques: The next generation of rails and wheels will be obtained though improved steel making facilities, hardening technologies, and inspection techniques. o 3-27 x Rails: Further improvement in pearlitic steel cleanliness by diverse refining technologies includes: • Use of continuous casting techniques • Use of micro-alloyed rail steel • Increase minimum hardness of rails up to HB 300 in tangent and up to HB 340 in curve track sections • Application of residual stress measurement technique. Wheels: • Use rim quenching technology to create compressive residual stress in rim and eliminate thermal failures and at the same time increase the hardness of wheels to the level of heat-treated rails. • Use micro-alloyed wheel steel. • Work on use of wheel flange surface hardening technologies. However, to optimize the wheel and rail system, it is necessary to consider wheel/rail dynamics, contact mechanics, rail/wheel material and friction management factors. 3.4 Lubrication and Friction Management 3.4.1 Some Tibology Considerations Friction plays a major role in wheel/rail interface processes, particularly in adhesion, braking, wear and rolling contact fatigue damage, formation of skid flats, steering and hunting of locomotive and car bogies, wheel squeal, and wheel climb resulting in derailment. Particular influence on wheel/rail interface performance has the “third body layer.” The concept of the third body has been introduced in tribology by Kragelsky and his schooland developed by Godet and his supporters. 46 This concept has been fruitfully applied to wheel/rail interaction problems to calculate the distribution of tangential forces in the contact zone. 47,13 The composition and properties of the third body are influenced by the presence of lubricants, sand, wear debris, surface roughness, environmental conditions, volume material o 3-28 x properties, and hardened layers resulting from wheel/rail interaction. 48,12 There exists a flow of materials forming third body layer. Inputs to the layer include iron oxides from oxidation of rails and rail wear, silica mainly from locomotive sand, hydrocarbons from oil or grease that have been applied or migrated to the top of rail, brake shoe debris, and other contaminants. Outputs from the layer include displacement of materials from the contact patch, removal by wear or washingoff rail, and consumption by other mechanisms.47 The flow of materials in third body is closely correlated with wheel-rail adhesion. Great influence on friction and wear in wheel/rail interface has the surface temperature and its gradient in the direction normal to the surfaces. High temperature and its gradients cause chemical and structural transformations of third body layers and their rheological properties, resulting in additional surface stresses, changes in the coefficient of friction, and wear rate. Consider the influence of temperature and its gradients when studying wheel/rail interaction.49 3.4.2 Rail Gauge/Wheel Flange Lubrication Rail or wheel flange lubrication is not new technology. Many years ago steam locomotives were equipped with flange lubricators. Wayside rail lubricators have also been in use for a long time. The importance of lubrication has increased as axle loads and train mass have increased. The increasing axle loads and productivity requirements to increase the tonnage of railways heavily influence rail and wheel wear. As Figure 3.1 shows, wheel and rail wear depends on third body properties, particularly the friction coefficient, contact stress, and relative slippage of contacting bodies, which in turn depend on angle of attack, wheel/rail profiles, truck steering abilities, and operating conditions. These form a complex tribology system. Unbalancing this system negatively towards unlubricated conditions results in creating high normal and tangential wheel flange and railhead forces, and relative slippage that leads to catastrophic wear. It is extremely o 3-29 x difficult, if not impossible, to return this system to normal functioning; i.e., to the mild wear mode unless lubrication is introduced. For instance, the Russian Railways took four years to introduce wheel flange/rail gauge face lubrication to decrease locomotive/car wheel flange and railhead wear rate to the level that the rail system could operate efficiently.50 This became possible because of creating and implementing a highly structured lubrication management program. Criteria for lubrication effectiveness had to be developed and used during the implementation of the program. Criteria included quantitative measurement of the state of lubrication, assessing the benefits of lubrication in the form of reduced fuel consumption, effects of lubrication on rail side wear, locomotive wheel flange wear, and the rate of replacement of car wheelsets due to wear. The benefits of lubrication include: 56 • Reduction of gauge face wear in rails and flange wear in wheels, resulting in a decrease in the rate of replacement of wheels and rails. • Reduction of fuel/energy consumption associated with wheel/rail interaction. • Reduction in noise associated with wheel/rail interaction. The optimal lubrication pattern will be the one that offers savings in energy along with wheel and rail wear and replacement, without causing harmful side effects to curving and train handling.51 Types of lubrication. There are generally three types of lubrication systems: 1. Hi-Rail based mobile lubricators. These lubricators apply lubricant to the gauge corner of the rail. There are many designs of applicators, from rail based automobile units to special cars. 2. Locomotive flange lubrication. Locomotive flange lubricators apply grease or solid lubricant to the wheel flange, which is then transferred to the gauge side of o 3-30 x the railhead. The lubricant application is usually controlled on a wheel revolutions basis. The lubricant may be applied to either or both wheels. Grease is applied to the wheel through a nozzle. To avoid misaligned nozzles, an automatic control system is used. Wheel flange lubricators for solid lubricants use different application systems. For instance, solid lubricant in rolled tubes are applied under pressure to the wheel flange by a special device. 3. Wayside lubricators. There are three general types of wayside lubricators: (1) mechanically, (2) hydraulically, or (3) electrically driven. They all use various types of greases. These lubricators are installed on main line curves and at the entrance of stations. The effectiveness of wayside lubrication is affected by the location of the lubricator in regard to curve, the viscosity of the grease at different (including negative) temperatures, and the level of maintenance. Use of a tribometer (see below) is a good practical method for optimal lubricator location which often depends more on the speeds and types of the trains, than on the actual curve geometry. As temperatures in northern countries change significantly during a year, summer and winter types of greases may be used. During the season, the right viscosity grease should be used. It is very important to assure maintenance of wayside lubricators. Common problems are improper adjustment of applicators, leaking or failed grease hoses, or failed or ineffective pump mechanisms. Standardization of lubricators within maintainers territory and accessibility to lubricator should be achieved. . Types of lubricants. Depending on climates and environment, there are certain requirements for lubricating materials. These requirements should recognize the need to provide lubricating ability up to certain contact pressure and should easily be applied to lubricating surfaces under conditions of increased or reduced humidity.50, 52 They should not be washed off by rain, and they should withstand the ambient temperature from –40 to +70oC. Also, the lubricant must be capable of withstanding o 3-31 x the temperatures that are generated by wheel/rail interaction and braking. Sand used to increase adhesion should not adhere to the lubricating material after its application. It should not be flammable, hazardous, or produce a harmful effect upon environment. All lubricating materials intended for lubrication in rail/wheel system should be certified according to the appropriate country’s regulations. Evaluation of lubrication effectiveness. For mobile rail lubricators, there are three indices that are controlled monthly: (1) average distance of regularly lubricated track sections, (2) amount of lubricating materials used per one kilometer of lubricated track, and (3) number of service runs.50 The values of these indices depend on the characteristics of particular railway sections, volume of traffic, type of lubricant, and applicator design features. The measured indices are compared to those assigned for the particular railway section, rail lubricator, and lubricant used. A very efficient instrument for study adjustment and maintenance of lubricators is a tribometer (see below). However, in operation, it is not possible to dedicate the labor or time required to use a tribometer on a daily basis. Some railways have developed methods of evaluation of lubrication effectiveness based on observed conditions of rail surfaces, including visual observation of the presence of wear debri, in the form of expert ("eyeball") chart (Table 3.4). After using a tribometer for a short period and summarizing the results of visual observations, by reference to this chart, a relatively good estimate of the coefficient of friction can be made. o 3-32 x Table 3.4: Expert Chart of Lubrication Effectiveness OBSERVED CONDITIONS OF RAIL GAUGE FACE SURFACE 53,45 EVALUATION OF THE COEFFICIENT OF FRICTION. Rough, with gouging marks of material seizure about 0.6 Chewed up, rough 0.45 to 0.6 Smooth, with shiny unlubricated surface 0.35 to 0.45 Smooth, with lubricant covering 10 to 40% of the surface Smooth, with lubricant covering 40 to 60% of the surface. Smooth, with lubricant covering 60 to 90 % of the surface Thin film of lubricant covered 100 % of the surface. 100% of surface covered by thick, black film of lubricant 0.30 to 0.35 0.25 to 0.30 0.20 to 0.25 0.15 to 0.20 < 0.15 Another important criteria of lubrication effectiveness is locomotive fuel or electrical energy consumption by the locomotive fleet. There are methods to evaluate electric energy savings due to lubrication of the locomotive fleet operating on the particular railway section. 54 Energy savings in revenue service on mountainous railway sections with many sharp curves is from 6% to 12%. Energy is saved because of decrease in friction forces at wheel flange and gauge face of the railhead, a decrease of components of the relative slippage, and improvement of truck dynamic behavior. The major criteria of lubrication effectiveness is the wear rates of wheels and rail. For instance, Russian Railways developed norms for the wear rate of locomotive wheel flanges in mm per 104 km of the locomotive run. These norms depend on curves, track grades, and types of locomotive operation. Norms on the wear rate of gauge side of the railhead, in mm per mgt, depend on the rail and wheel steel, and curve radius (Table 3.5) There is also a norm on economic efficiency; i.e., the reduction of operating expenses due to lubrication. For instance, to be economically justified, the reduction of o 3-33 x operating expenses should be three times more than the cost of lubrication.45 Table 3.5 Norms on the Railhead Gauge and 50 Wheel Flange Wear Rate ASSETS WEAR RATE Railhead gauge side wear rate, mm/mgt <0.66,R≤300m ≤0.05,R=300-500 ≤0.04,R>500 m ≤0.025,R≥1000 m Locomotive wheel flange wear rate, 4 mm/10 km ≤0.45, R≤650m curves share 10% ≤0.55 for mountainous regions Measurement of the Coefficient of Friction Hand tribometer: 55 A tribometer has been developed by the AAR to measure lubrication effectiveness in the field. The tribometer was able to measure gauge face, gauge corner and top of rail coefficient of friction. The friction forces in the measuring wheel’s contact patch are determined by a braking process quite similar to the automatic braking system found on many new automobiles. The tribometer has an automated control system that senses the point of saturation of longitudinal creep curve. The microcomputer embedded in the measurement head can determine the point of maximum adhesion (creep force). High-speed tribometer:51 A high-speed tribometer is a new option for North American railroads. Unlike the portable tribometer, high-speed tribometer measures the point of saturation the creep curve by inducing lateral creep. Mobile tribometers make it possible to measure the coefficient of friction over long stretches of track, at speeds up to 50 km/h. Data is collected on friction values of the top and gauge face of both rails simultaneously and stored in a database. The data serves various purposes; e.g., adjusting placement of wayside lubricators and maintaining the rail lubrication system. o 3-34 x Problems of Lubrication 1. Excessive lubrication can provide added fuel savings, but come at the expense of rail fatigue and decreased truck curving performance leading to lateral loads (Figure 3.12). 2. Excessive lubrication, migration of the lubricant to the railhead or wheel tread surface can cause wheel slip, which reduces locomotive traction limits and can cause wheel skid flats and rail wheel burn. 3. Human factor — overcoming the tendency for locomotive engineers to turn off locomotive flange lubricators as a measure to prevent locomotive wheel slip.53 4. The contamination of the track, which occurs particularly near track mounted lubricators.56 5. Large difference in the effectiveness of lubrication of high and low rails may promote rail rollover in curves under conditions where bogie bolster center bowls and low rail are inadequately lubricated.51,57 6. When the turning moment of three-piece bogies is very high because of improper conditions of the center plate, side bearings, and their supports, high rail lubrication will tend to increase warping of the bogie, thus increasing the angle of attack. When using high rail lubrication, action should be taken to keep center plates and supports in good condition.3 7. The adverse influence on the bogie steering characteristics and the lateral wheelset forces occurs when the running surface coefficient of friction of one rail in a curve becomes very different (more 0.1-0.15).56 8. Hollow worn wheel threads can negate many benefits achieved by lubrication. 9. The enhancement of the contact fatigue growth on the gauge corner of rails and running surfaces of wheels. o 3-35 x Recommendations on Lubrication Practices • Form a highly structured lubrication management program, when lubrication is introduced and maintained. • Establish indices of lubrication practices, designed to meet the needs of particular railway section. • Establish norms for optimum lubrication of the wheel flange and gauge face of the railhead, adjusting wear rates on the number and radius of curves. • Maintain a minimum level of lubrication to assure a smooth surface of the gauge corner of the railhead. Once this surface becomes rough, the effect of subsequent lubrication is greatly reduced. • Avoid over lubrication, particularly ahead of curves and signals on upgrades. • Choose appropriate lubricant needs to take into account the temperature range prevailing on the Railway Standardization of lubricators within the lubricator's maintenance territory. • Train all personnel involved in lubrication to reduce human errors. • Keep center plate, side bearings, and supports of threepiece bogie of freight cars in good condition, when using high rail lubrication. • Use the optimal lubrication pattern to save energy and to reduce wheel and rail wear, without causing negative side effects in curving and train handling; i.e.,economic benefits of lubrication have to be balanced by the potential adverse effects of lubrication. • Do not look at lubrication and grinding programs separately. Form a program based on a systems approach. 3.4.3 Friction Control and Management The coefficient of friction as it relates to railway operation falls into three general categories: (1) low friction — 0.2 or less, (2) intermediate friction — 0.2 to 0.4, and high friction — 0.4 or greater.58 o 3-36 x The objectives of friction management are to maintain the coefficient of friction: • at wheel flange/rail gauge interface at the low level, • at the wheel tread/top of rail interface of freight cars at the intermediate level, and • at the wheel tread/top of rail interface of locomotives at high level. Friction management is a concept that allows, by careful selection of specific materials (friction modifiers), the development of layers which obtain desired wheel/rail frictional characteristics. Friction Modifiers Friction modifies are materials that are added into the composite layer in wheel and rail interface to create a third body with desired properties. They can be divided into three categories:58 1. Low coefficient of friction modifiers (LCF), with coefficient of friction 0.2 or less are used to reduce friction at the wheel flange/rail gauge face interface. Solid lubricants are examples of these types of friction modifiers. The major difference when comparing liquid or grease types of lubricants is that solid lubricants, under the same pressure and relative slippage, form thicker layers; i.e., 10–30 microns; grease lubricants form layers of less than 5 microns thick. This is one of the properties of solid lubricants to form unextruded layers under given pressure and relative slippage 2. High friction modifiers with intermediate ranges of coefficient of friction (from 0.2 to 0.4) are used at the wheel tread/top of rail interface to reduce rolling resistance of freight cars, to combat growth of short pitch corrugation, to reduce hunting, or to eliminate wheel squeal. o 3-37 x 3. Very high friction modifiers (friction enhancers) are applied to increase locomotive adhesion and promote braking effort. All friction modifiers can be classified according to their behavior after creepage saturation (Figure 3.13).60 If traction decreases after saturation point, then the modifier has negative friction characteristics. If traction increases after creepage saturation, than the modifier has positive friction characteristic. Depending on the rate of increase, the friction modifier is classified as high positive friction (HPF) or very high positive friction modifier (VHPF). Figure 3.13: Model of Behavior of Friction Modifiers HPF represents a family of materials that generate positive friction characteristics in the third body layer. HPF materials are one of the inputs in the third body interfacial layer flow (see also 3.5.3), which can override the frictional characteristics of the contaminants and change the characteristics of the frictional pair from negative to positive. HPF can be provided in either solid or liquid form, depending on the requirements and application method.60 Solid sticks are suitable for onboard use applied directly to the wheel tread. From the tread, the material transfers to the rail, as the resin material is selected to burn off under the high temperature at the wheel-rail interface. This leaves a thin micron scale film of the dry friction modifier, which fills in the aspirates in the metal surfaces. o 3-38 x The HPF modifier is also available as a water-based liquid, which is applied directly to the top of rail by either a hi-rail vehicle or from the train. Top-of-Rail Lubrication51,59 Top-of-rail lubrication friction management is intended to further obtain energy savings and improve curving performance of freight car trucks. Intermediate types of friction modifiers are used and maintain the friction coefficient at 0.35. Lubricants (friction modifiers) are applied to the top of both rails directly behind the last locomotive. The amount and characteristics of a lubricant should be such that most of the lubricant is consumed by the end of the train, thus preventing the slip of the locomotive wheels of the next train. The coefficient of friction should range from 0.25 to 0.45 after the last car. Field simulated tests have shown that that average energy savings ranged from 10 to 13 %.59 Curving forces were reduced from 5 to 45 %, depending on curvature and the car type, and noise levels were also reduced. Self-steering (premium) trucks exhibited no improvement in performance. Top-of-rail lubrication is still in the testing stage. Tests have shown that top-of-rail systems of lubrication require significant monitoring and adjustment. Full service braking tests are required to evaluate performance of brakes under conditions of use of top-of-rail lubrication. If friction modifiers used to keep friction at the level 0.2-0.4 do not migrate, they may work together with low friction modifiers (lubricants) used for wheel flange/rail gauge face lubrication. Locomotive Adhesion Enhancers Sand, which is widely used to increase locomotive wheel adhesion, is a simple material, but it creates many complex, costly problems starting from maintenance of sanders and repair of abrasive effects on wheels and rail and extending to damages inflicted upon many components of the track structure. VHPF modifiers, which were intended to reduce or eliminate sanding, enhance the coefficient of friction to the 0.4-0.6 range. They are necessary for high power and high adhesion locomotives that are required for heavy haul o 3-39 x operations. Many companies offer different types of these modifiers. For instance, one VHPF is based on a thermosetting polymer stick that is applied directly to the wheel tread of locomotives. Locomotive adhesion enhancers are still at the test stage. Prior to heavy haul revenue service application, they should be tested and if necessary improved to determine: • train breaking performance, • train rolling resistance, • tribology characteristics of friction enhances; in particular, the time delay before the coefficient of friction increases after application of the friction enhancer to the wheel tread, and • track spreading forces. Also, revenue service application requires the development of a computer controlled dispensing system. The self regulated friction-management system closest to use utilizes a friction sensing and computerized dispensation of friction modifiers, so that friction would remain within the optimal range at all times. Recommended Rail Friction Guidelines51 Field data and computer simulation make it possible to suggest the following performance issues to be considered for best practices in wheel/rail system friction control: • Maintain top of rail friction coefficient to a difference of less than 0.10-0.15. • Maintain top of rail friction coefficient at a level greater than 0.35. • If the high rail becomes lubricated, low rail lubrication is advised to decrease the tendency of developing high curving forces. • Maintain gauge face friction coefficient at a level less than 0.25-0.30. o 3-40 x • Lubrication of only the top of the rail can lead to poor truck performance if lubricant migration occurs. These guidelines are subject to further validation and correction under heavy haul revenue service operating conditions. Use of HPF to Control Short Wave (Pitch) Corrugation60 One of the initiation mechanisms of short pitch corrugation is stick-slip oscillation due to negative friction under saturated creep conditions (see Section 3.5.5). Use of HPF to alter the friction at the wheel/rail interface from negative to positive enables the alleviation of the formation of short wave corrugation. Use of HPF to Control Noise Introducing HPF materials in the wheel/rail interface overcome the negative friction characteristics that lead to stickslip and wheel squeal (see also Section 3.5.6). Possible Technique of Friction Management One possible technique of friction management is to use onboard systems that can supply different friction modifiers (including lubricants) and apply the required modifier to the specific position of the rail on the line to reduce wear, corrugation, or wheel squeal.61 The system is activated to apply lubricant from wayside transmitters. 3.5 Rail and Wheel Damage Modes;Mechanisms and Causes There are numerous types of rail and wheel defects. Damage to wheels and rails normally are specified in an individual railroad’s manual. These documents give the defect classification, coding description of a defect, its causes, and instructions for action to address the problem. In this handbook major wheel/rail damages predominantly resulting from heavy haul operation are described and discussed. Appendix A presents the Canadian Pacific Rail Defect Classification with reference to the Russian Railways rail defect o 3-41 x coding. In Appendix B wheel defects and their coding are presented. 3.5.1 Wear There are two main areas of wheel and rail wear. The first one is the top of rail and the wheel tread. The second is the gauge face and wheel flange wear, mainly in curves. Wheel and rail assets limits are given in corresponding railways manuals. Wear modes and transition values: Rail and wheel wear is generally assumed to be proportional to the energy dissipated overcoming wheel and rail rolling resistance. As Figure 3.2 shows, wheel and rail wear is determined by the relative slippage λ (see Figure 3.1) and stresses p at contact patches. In turn, the relative slippage and stresses depend on dynamic parameters of wheel/rail interaction. Wear is highly dependent on the third body properties, which are strongly influenced by lubrication, environment conditions (humidity, rain and snow), and presence of sand. Based on laboratory wear simulated tests in unlubricated conditions, three major wear modes have been defined: (1) mild, (2) severe and (3) catastrophic.37,3 Wear modes are characterized by different wear rates, surfaces, and wear debris form and size. The wear diagram; i.e., pλ =const curves, that represents zones with different wear modes and areas of normal and abnormal performance is shown in Figure 3.14. This diagram was obtained for conventional rail and wheel carbon steel of initial hardness up to 300 HB. The curve pλ=40 is the boundary between the mild and the severe wear modes, whereas pλ=120 is the boundary between the severe and the catastrophic wear modes. The mild wear mode is characterized by the bright surface of rollers and by the large thin metallic flakes of 1000 µm in size and 3 µm thick, which were formed at the surface of the roller. o 3-42 x ÌÀÕ. PRESSURE p , MPa 3000 2500 pλ=120 λ=120 2000 1500 2 1000 pλ=40 λ=40 500 1 0 0 0 ,02 0 ,04 0 ,06 R E L A T IV E S L IP P A G E 0 ,08 0 ,1 λ Figure 3.14 Wear Modes Diagram for Wheel/Rail Steels 1. field of normal performance 2. boundary of abnormal performance 3 The severe wear mode is characterized by a rougher surface. The wear rate grew intensively with increase of pλ parameter. The wear debris was a bright flake up 500 µm in size and 15-30 µm thick. The mean size of worn particles grew with pλ increase. Under the catastrophic wear mode, both worn surfaces are very rough and show prominent score marks (Figure 3.15). The wear debris is of different size. The larger particles are up to 300 µm in size and 50 µm thick . The smaller spherical particles are up to 10 µm in size. Between severe and catastrophic wear modes, a heavy wear mode was discovered.45 For the heavy wear mode, the maximum and the minimum ratio of wear may differ by one order of magnitude during a test run. The wear rate decreases with the growth of the pλ parameter. The severe and the heavy modes can exist at the same level of pλ and may transform into each other. The appearance of the surface work hardening in the heavy wear mode is closely related to the rate of the surface work hardening processes. o 3-43 x Top of rail and wheel tread wear:25;62 Normally, the top of rail is subject to high contact stress (about 1300-1700 MPa, depending on the axle load) and relatively low (less than 0.010.015) levels of relative slippage (if there is no slip of the locomotive or car wheels as a result of low adhesion between wheel and rail or excessive tractive or braking effort.) In this case, the parameter pλ is about 20 and the mild wear mode of oxidative origin is predominant. The wear particles are mixed with various environmental contaminants that compose a third body layer on the top of rail. The rail wear rate is determined by the frequency of removal of this layer from the surface and the composition of the layer. Abrasive particles cased by sand from locomotives or from other sources increase the wear rate two to three times. Over time, if not ground, rail crown causes the wheel tread to become hollow due to wear (Figure 3.16). The hollow shape forms when tread wear is high, and the wheel forms a false flange at the ends of tread area: h Figure 3.16: Hollow Worn Wheel Profile h — depth of hollow Wheel hollowing:63 • • increases car rolling resistance and fuel consumption creates a false flange which causes surface damage of rails, switches, frogs, and crossings o 3-44 x • • increases the lateral forces on the rails in curved track, increasing track deterioration and the risk of derailment increases the shear stress acting toward the field side of the low rail and the incidence of flaking damage Railhead gauge face64 and wheel flange wear: This wear takes place mainly when a truck or bogie is negotiating a curve, though it may occur for a short time on tangent track, especially if cars are hunting. In sharp curves under dry conditions, conventional three-piece truck negotiation lead to the catastrophic wear mode of high intensity, resulting in a large amount of wear particles deposited on the track (Figure 3.17) and quick change of the railhead profile (Figure 3.18). Figure 3.17: A Large Amount of Wear Particles Deposited on the Track in the Sharp Curve Under Unlubricated Conditions o 3-45 x Figure 3.18 Worn Railhead For mild and severe wear modes, wear rate (I) may be considered as a liner function of tangential force (T) on the Hertzian contact area (A) and relative slippage λ as:37 (3.2) I=Tλ/ A Recent laboratory simulated tests of wheel flange/rail gauge wear have shown3;45 that particularly for severe and catastrophic wear modes in unlubricated conditions and at a relatively stable coefficient of friction the specific volume wear rate in the dimensionless form can be expressed as : I= k p λ 2, (3.3) where p is the contact pressure at the corresponding point of the contact patch, λ is the relative slippage varying from 0 to 1 and k is the coefficient based on wheel and rail material’s characteristics and the coefficient of friction. As the relative slippage λ depends on the angle of wheel to rail attack, which in turn for standard three-piece trucks depends on radius of curves, then the sharper a curve is, the greater is the wheel flange/rail side wear. Depending on whether the wheels and rail have new or worn profiles, there may be different contact pressures and o 3-46 x different relative slippage distributions on the contact patches that will lead to different wear modes and rates of wear. In unfavorable combinations, the contact pressure may reach 3000 MPa and the relative slippage may range from - 0.06 to0.1. Thus the pλ parameter may be over 300 which represents the catastrophic wear mode of high intensity. Gauge wear of the railhead takes place with a large amount of plastic flow. Plastic deformation starts when the maximum contact stress reaches a critical value, depending on material properties, particularly the hardness as influenced by work hardening. Plastic flow depends on tangential forces and the coefficient of friction. For instance, at the coefficient of friction of 0.6, plastic flow develops from the surface under considerably lower contact stresses than when the coefficient of friction is small. It was assumed that when the average contact stress is greater than one third of the surface hardness (measured in MPa), wear takes place with a large amount of plastic deformation and will rapidly increase with the growth of contact stresses.65 Factors influencing wear. As it is seen from formulae 3.2 and 3.3, wear rate is defined by the contact pressure which depends on vertical and lateral force, rail/wheel profile and the relative slippage, which in turn depends on axle load, dynamics of vehicle/track interaction, and wheel and rail profiles. Other important factors are third body properties and material characteristics. Among the material characteristics affecting wear resistance are material hardness, carbon content, microstructure, and material cleanliness, particularly sulfide content. Influence of axle load: Field simulated tests have shown that rail gauge face wear rate and railhead height loss (vertical wear) rate increase when the axle load increased from 210 to 270 kN. 66 Increasing the axle load from 294 to 347 kN67;68 (the trucks were of the same three-piece design) resulted in increased high rail gauge face wear rate of a 350 m curve under dry operating conditions from 0.8 to 1.3 times and from 1.2 to 1.7 times under lubricated (contaminated) operating conditions, depending on the rail metallurgy. The same increase in axle load resulted in high railhead height wear under dry operating o 3-47 x conditions which varied from 1.3 to 3.3 times and from 1.4 to 1.9 times under lubricated (contaminated) operating conditions. Low railhead height wear rate varied from 0.3 to 1.1 and from 0.9 to 1.1 correspondingly for dry and lubricated (contaminated) operating conditions. Rail wear on tangent track to a great extent is a function of the static axle load. It should be noted that increases in wear associated with higher axle load may or may not be economically significant , depending on a range of prevailing factors, including rail and wheel maintenance procedure, rail/wheel profiles, rail and wheel material types, bogie characteristics, and lubrication practices. Influence of track gauge clearance: Track gauge clearance (clearance between wheel flanges of a wheel and a railhead measured at determined level) increases wheel flange wear considerably when it is less than a certain value depending on the particular railway and operating conditions. 71, 72 Influence of wheel and rail material hardness. Hardness still remains the most useful practical single property to characterize material characteristics for wear studies. The most common methods of increasing the hardness of pearlitic steels are by increasing carbon content and by refining the microstructure. The influence of wheel and rail hardness is highly dependent on the wear mode. Laboratory tests under nonlubricated conditions have shown that at a given contact pressure and relative lateral slippage characteristic for the gauge zone of the railhead and wheel, an increase in hardness from HRC 30 to 50 resulted in not more than an increase of two in the wear resistance. In the severe and the catastrophic wear modes, the same increase of hardness resulted in up to several times the reduction in wear rate. In the catastrophic and heavy wear mode, the same change in hardness may result in reduction of the wear rate up to two orders of magnitude.3 Field tests67 show that under an axle load of about 300 kN in a 350 m curve, under non-lubricated conditions, a variation of rail initial hardness from HB 280 to HB 380 decreases the rail gage face wear and head height loss rate up to several o 3-48 x times. The field test results on the effects of rail hardness were also reported in Reference 70. Influence of the difference in wheel/rail hardness. Field simulated tests64 confirmed by laboratory study3 in the range of rail to wheel hardness ratio (HR/Hw) from 0.7 to 1.6, show that there is no optimal rail to wheel hardness ratio providing for minimal total wear of both wheels and rail. The wear rate of each asset is inversely proportional to its hardness by the relation n=4-6, that is I ≈ (HR/Hw)n (3.4) Increasing the hardness of either the rail or the wheel resulted in a decrease of the total wear rate. Laboratory studies performed in many countries73;74 have clearly shown that an increase in the hardness of either component will result in the reduction of the wear rate of both components. Influence of material structure: • Considerable improvement of the wear resistance of pearlitic steels could be achieved by increasing the carbon content (up to 0.9% ).76 Increase in the wear resistance is explained by increase of the rolling contact surface hardness rate (work hardening ability) due to the refinement of microstructure of the surface layer in the work hardening process. • The lamellar form of carbides is more wear resistant than the granular form. • Another parameter is the quantity of sulfide inclusions determined by the sulfur content and the shape of these inclusions as determined by the alloying elements in steel. Working hardening: After multiple wheel/rail interactions in operation, the hardness of the interacting surfaces increases by comparison with the initial surface hardness. The microhardness of a wheel flange surface may increase up to HV0.1 600 - 800. The thickness of the hardened layer is several tenths of a millimeter and does not exceed 0.5 mm. Wheel tread increment in surface hardness is up to HV0.1 150-170 compared with the initial surface hardness, and the hardened layer thickness is several millimeters thick.42 o 3-49 x Work hardening has been observed on the running surfaces in both standard and head hardened rails.75 The considerable depth of the hardened layer (about 4-8 mm depending on the rail type) develops rather quickly, but the maximum hardness, which is achieved near the surface, increases gradually with passed tonnage (Figure 3.19). Since the work hardening depends on the degree of material deformation, standard rails will work harden more than head hardened rails. Thus, if well maintained, the standard carbon rails will eventually exhibit similar harness near the rail surface as the head hardened rails. However, this is not the evidence of equal fatigue and wear resistance, which are higher for head hardened rails. 460 440 After 50 MGT Work Hardened Region 420 After 200 MGT 400 After 400 MGT 380 After 800 MGT 360 After 1000 MGT 340 320 300 Base Hardness 280 260 240 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 Depth from Contact Surface (mm) Figure 3.19: Vickers Hardness Distribution in Standard Carbon Steel Showing Work Hardening Developed in Tangent 75 Track at 30 to 35 Tonnes Axle Loads When rails are ground or wheels are turned, the natural self-hardened layers are removed and a new running-in process starts, which leads to higher wear rates than are observed when surfaces are work hardened. Though work hardening always takes place in operation, it is very difficult to control this phenomenon and to use it to o 3-50 x decrease wear because the work hardened layer is not stable. One hypotheses suggests that the optimal surface hardness should be equal to the working hardness.42 3.5.2 Recommendations to Decrease Wheel and Rail Wear • Metallurgical Rails. use alloyed, fully heat treated, head hardened and micro-alloyed steels which have hardness in the range of 340 to 388 HB and a fine pearlite structure. Wheels: use wheel steels with similar carbon content and alloying, and thermally hardened wheel flanges (plasma quenching, electro-arc depositing). ! Lubrication: The presence of properly applied lubrication on the gauge face of high rail or wheel flange causes the wear rate of both assets to drop considerably, particularly in sharp curves. ! Wheel/rail profiles: Establish and maintain different types of rail wheel profiles for curves and tangent railway sections. Preferably a conformal profile which decreases the contact pressure • Track structure: - Set optimal gauge clearance (clearance between wheel flanges of a wheelset and railhead) and its tolerances in curves depending on the specific conditions of a particular railway - Maintain a track structure according to norms • Truck (vehicle) structure: Decrease wheel to rail angle of attack and thus the relative slippage of the components through - the use of self steering (radial) trucks, - maintaining conventional three-piece trucks and their elements according to norms, - monitoring the level of turning torque of a truck relative to car bogie, and - developing wayside measuring systems and criteria of detecting cars which cause excessive assets wear. o 3-51 x Optimal Rail Wear Rate There exists an optimal wear rate in which fatigue and wear are in balance. The optimal wear rate is obtained when the surface material wears just enough to prevent small fatigue cracks from developing in the rail and propagating to become detail fractures. The optimal wear rate depends on differences in traffic type and density, axle load, rail metallurgy, and track curvature. On the average, an optimal wear rate is estimated as about 0.02 mm/mgt.78,79 To provide the optimal wear rate, it is necessary to further develop and introduce friction management technology and wear monitoring facilities. Rail Wear Condemning Limit There are two major approaches to the establishment of wear condemning limits: 1. Railhead cross section loss in percent. 2. Value of railhead gauge (side) wear measured at defined level and value of reduced wear; that is, vertical (railhead height loss) plus half of the side wear value. Many railways use stress based wear limits approach. Rail internal stresses are largely related to the depth of material left in the railhead. A critical condition appears where the height of the rail is reduced to such extent that the influence zone of contact stresses and the stresses of railhead and web bending coincide. Values of rail condemning limits are defined based on the type of rail, rail fatigue resistance, derailment criteria, and railroad operating conditions (see Part 5 “Optimizing Wheel/Rail Performance”). 3.5.3 Rolling Contact Fatigue Defects Rails: Railways of IHHA countries are using several defect classification systems. Rail defect classification used by the Canadian Pacific Railway with reference to the Russian Railways defect coding are given in the Appendix A. Shelling:19, 24, 77 Shells occur at the gauge corner of the high rail in curves on railways with axle loads over 200 kN (Figure o 3-52 x 3.20). An elliptical shell-like crack with characteristic crack growth rings propagates predominantly parallel to the rail surface. In many cases, the shell causes metal to spall from the gauge corner. Under certain circumstances, shells can lead to transverse failure of rail. When the crack length reaches the critical value (about 10 mm), the trailing edge of the crack may turn down into the rail, giving rise to fracture of rail (Figure 3.21). Shells and the associated transverse defects represent the principal fatigue defect of concern on heavy haul lines. Figure 3.20: Deep Rail Shelling on the Gauge Side Of 77 the Railhead Figure 3.21: Rail Transverse Defect resulted 77 from Gauge Shelling o 3-53 x The shell is a subsurface initiated defect. It initiates under high contact initiated defect tangential stresses predominantly at stringers of oxide inclusions in the rail steel. The critical metallurgical factors contributing to initiation of shells are the oxide volume fraction in percent, the stringer’s length and the Brinel hardness (HB). These factors form a shell index38 as: Shell Index = (Oxide volume x Stringer length)/ HB2 (3.5) The higher the shell index, the greater is the shell defect rate. Shells may turn to transverse fractures initiated at hard brittle oxide inclusion strings. Therefore, transverse defects can be expected to decrease with the increasing use of clean steels. Mechanical factors can also contribute to the development of shells and transverse defects. These are normal, lateral, or traction loads and residual stresses. Grinding is the most generally used method to eliminate surface defects, including spalls. The use of grinding to reduce transverse defects is less clear. Tests on FAST have shown that grinding to promote two point contact on high rail significantly reduced the number of shells, but most shells turned into transverse defects. However, many railways use rail grinding as a means to reduce transverse defects. The detection of small transverse cracks developed from shells is difficult as the horizontal component of shell can mask the vertical transverse crack during ultrasonic inspection. Influence of axle load: Laboratory and field simulated tests and application of linear fracture mechanics, have shown that an increase of the axle load results in a reduction of the time before the appearance of the first fatigue cracks and in a reduction of the depth of longitudinal cracks and in the critical size of the transverse cracks which may lead to cracking of a rail.66 For instance, an increase of axle load from 210 to 270 kN resulted in the depth of the contact fatigue defect growth from 3 to 7 mm up to from 6 to 9.5 mm for the same time of test operations. o 3-54 x It was found that the rate of transverse defect development is proportional to the ratio of axle load to the power of 2 in new rails and 3.3 in worn rails.75 However, the increased expected rate can be controlled by the appropriate design of wheel and rail profiles to improve the wheel/rail contact characteristics. Recommended Practices to Eliminate Shelling • Utilization of head hardened rails that have been manufactured by clean steel making processes and are therefore free from inclusion stringers • Reducing and redistributing the load on the railhead by - using conformal or near conformal wheel and rail profiles - using asymmetric railhead profile grinding in mild curves (about 900 m radius and greater) - grinding the gauge corner of the rail. • Keeping the rail wear close to optimal where the surface wear rate is enough to prevent micro cracks from propagating • Reduction of lateral loading by improving the curving performance through the use of steering and self-steering trucks. 3.5.4 Head Checks19,81 Head checks generally occur on the gauge corner of the high rail in curves with a radius from 1000 to 1500 m, when rail wear rate is rather low (Figure 3.22). Head checks also may occur in tighter (less than 1000 m ) curves near the gauge corner of the high rail. Flakes similar to head checks, which are usually slightly inclined or parallel to the direction of travel, can also be found on the field side of a low rail. Head checks may branch up towards the surface of the rail, giving rise to spalls. On heavy haul lines, head checks may lead to rail fractures. These fractures are prevalent under conditions of high thermal or residual stresses. Head checks, in addition, lead to the development of corrugations. o 3-55 x Figure 3.22: Head Checks on Gauge Corner of Railhead Head checks initiate at the rail surface as a consequence of large unidirectional plastic strains. These strains arise from an incremental accumulation of plastic strain during each cycle of loading of the strain hardened material. Accumulation of a large number of unidirectional plastic strain increments “ratchet” the surface layer of material until its ductility is exhausted. Microscopic cracks then develop at a small angle to the surface (Figure 3.23). Figure 3.23: Ratcheting in Rail Steels Associated 25 with Contact Fatigue o 3-56 x The critical conditions for initiation of cracks at the rail surface are a high ratio of the normal Hertzian contact stress to the material shear strength and a high ratio of the tangential to the normal load (T/N), as seen from the “shakedown” diagram (Figure 3.11). Cracks initiated by ratcheting grow perpendicular to the prevailing direction of the traction force. In mild curves, longitudinal traction is dominant and cracks grow primarily perpendicular to the direction of travel. In sharp curves traction forces are primarily in the lateral direction and cracks are primarily parallel to the direction of travel. For mixed longitudinal and lateral traction, the cracks can grow at an angle about 45 degrees to the direction of travel. Water and lubricants trapped in the crack increase the speed of crack propagation.80 Recommended Measures to Decrease Head Checks • Use of head hardened and premium rails that raise the threshold at which ratcheting and crack initiation occurs • Redistribution of the number and intensity of wheel contacts by profile grinding the rail • Use of improved and self steering trucks to decrease traction forces • Lubrication of the gauge corner to reduce traction forces, although care is required since lubrication can also exacerbate crack growth • Use of rail grinding 3.5.5 Tache Ovale19 (Shatter Crack from Hydrogen) These are defects which develop about 10-15 mm below the railhead from longitudinal cavities caused by the presence of hydrogen. These cavities may exist in the parent rail steel or they can arise in welds from poor welding practice. Transverse fracture occurs under a dynamic load when the crack becomes sufficiently large (Figure 3.24). Development of tache ovale is influenced by thermal and residual stresses from roller straightening. o 3-57 x 77 Figure 3.24 Rail with Tache Ovale Defect Recommended Practices to Decrease the Defect • Improvement of steel quality by reduction of hydrogen content in the rail steel (vaccum treatment of melted steel and special heat treatment) • Control of welding procedure to prevent water entrapment in rails. 3.5.6 Squats19,81 “Squats” occur on tangent track and in curves of large radii on the rolling surface of the railhead and are characterized by the darkened area on the rail (Figure 3.25). Squats are surface initiated rolling contact fatigue defects. Each squat consist of two cracks, a leading one which propagates in the direction of travel and a trailing crack, which propagates in the opposite direction and is several times longer than the leading track and contains numerous branches. One of these branches may propagate transversely across the rail. Ultrasonic inspection of these defects is difficult since the transverse defect is shielded by the shallow, horizontal primary crack. o 3-58 x Figure 3.25: Squat on Running Surface of Rail in 71 Tangent Track Such cracks may initiate from a white etching martensitic layer on the surface of the rail. Other mechanism of squat formation are linked to the longitudinal traction of locomotive wheels, whereby a surface layer of rail material ratchets until an individual crack develops at the center of the rail. The trailing crack propagates faster then the leading one. If the trailing crack is allowed to reach a length of about 20 to 50 millimeters, one of the branching cracks will turn into transverse crack. The “squat” type cracks are surface breaking cracks with mouths opened upwards and exposed to the action of liquid. Modeling of squat crack development has shown that propagation of squats under the rail surface is feasible under condition of the fluid entrapment effect exerting hydrostatic pressure at the crack tip. 70 Squats are predominantly found on lines with mixed passenger and freight traffic. Recommendations to Prevent Formation of Squats • Use of preventive grinding • Use of harder rails that increase the threshold at which ratcheting and crack initiation occur. o 3-59 x 3.5.7 Rolling Contact Fatigue Defects of Wheels — Shelling and Spalling21, 24,82,84 Appendix B contains the wheel defect coding used by the North American and Canadian Railways. The visual appearance of shelling and spalling are usually undistinguishable Shelling This is a subsurface rolling contact fatigue defect developed on the wheel tread under action of normal contact and shear stresses (Figure 3.26 ). The mechanism is similar to formation of shelling in rails. Figure 3.26: Wheel Thread Deep Shelling Non-conformal wheel/rail profiles considerably increase the contact stress. The contact stress often doubles when a hump develops between running bands on the wheel tread surface. The hump is formed most frequently with steerable trucks. Also a false flange of hollow wheels causes the stress to increase. Another causes of excessive contact stress is dynamic overloading due to unbalanced load, impact from skid flats, out-of round wheels, and track irregularities. o 3-60 x Recommendations to Decrease Wheel Shelling • Retruing of wheels when a hump or false profile appears on the wheel tread surface • Schedule more frequent light truing of wheel tread surfaces to eliminate surface defects • Provide for conformal wheel/rail profiles • Use wheel steel with improved cleanliness • Use self steering trucks Spalling Cracks can be initiated by thermal shock produced on the wheel tread by the rapid heating and cooling when the wheel slides (skid flats) on the rail during intended or unintended braking.84,85 When the wheel experiences gross sliding on a rail, large frictional energy is generated instantaneously, causing the wheel surface temperature to rise above the austinization limit (about 720 C) The damage to the wheel is much more severe than to the rail, since the energy dissipated in the wheel contact zone, while it is distributed over the sliding length of the rail. When the austenite is quenched, martensite is formed. Martensite is a hard, brittle steel phase. After formation, this brittle phase will easily fracture under loading cycles, initiating cracks at the surface which eventually result in spalling (Figure 3.27). Dynamic overloading also contributes to high loading cycles. Figure 3.27: Wheel Spalling on Wheel 24 Thread with Marks of Martensite Layer o 3-61 x Recommendations to Decrease Wheel Spalling • Prevent wagons from being moved with hand brakes applied. • Maintain brake valves to enhance uniform braking throughout the train. • Select proper empty/load devices on light tare weight wagons. The rate of spalling is inversely proportional to car weight. The less a car weight, the greater the percentage of wheels removed for spalling.85 The most effective and controllable means for preventing spalling is to ensure that the wheel is subject to the proper brake force.86 This is achieved by improved and properly maintained car braking equipment, particularly for cars equipped with empty/load devices. Another possibility for reducing the tendency for spalling is to increase the temperature at which martensite forms.84 Seasonal variation in shelling and spalling rate. Winter time in North America and Russia increases wheel shelling damage considerably compared with summer time. This is evidently because of the increase of the track stiffness and thus impact of track distortions on forces between the wheel and the rail. Another cause of this phenomenon is the influence of liquid. Water in the form of rain or melted snow enhances crack propagation rate considerably due to the hydrostatic effect of liquid trapped in the crack.80 The worst conditions occur when a dry period (when cracks are initiating) is followed by a wet period when water enhances crack propagation.48 In contrast to the situation with rails, wheel shelling does not result in wheel fracture. However, shelled wheels may contribute considerably to track dynamic overloading, which may in some circumstances cause rail breakage. o 3-62 x 3.5.8 Other Rail and Wheel Defects Rail: Cracks outside the contact zone are about 10% –20% of all rail defects.24 The most common of these defects is bolt hole cracking, horizontal split head, and head and web separation. There is also a vertical split head defect. Web cracks: Rail web cracks are developed under the railhead in the longitudinal direction. Cracks may develop from bolt holes or from the transition from the railhead and web zones, or from rail welding. Bolt hole failures: The typical bolt hole failure has cracks that propagate along a plane at 45 degree to the vertical plane (Figure 3. 28). This failure is associated with web shear stress caused by battered rail joints and the stress concentration at bolt holes caused by poor drilling and beveling. Recommendations to Eliminate Bolt Hole Failure: • Use of bolt hole expansion by drawing a tapered mandrel through the bolt hole in order to generate a protective circumferential residual stress around the hole (sleeve expansion). • Proper use of manual track tools • Proper maintenance of rail joints. Figure 3.28: Rail Bolt Hole Defect o 3-63 x 77 Web/head/foot separations.:These cracks are often developed in the railhead and web or rail foot and web transition zones. Corrosion processes strongly influence the process of crack initiation and development.77 Improper maintenance of rail joints (for instance, over tightening of bolts) increases the probability of crack initiation. Recommendations to eliminate rail web/head/foot separation: • Careful inspection of rails • Proper maintenance of rail joints • Measures to avoid corrosion Horizontal split head (Figure 3.29): This defect is initiated from strings of oxide inclusions in the rolling direction.77, 28 This defect is associated most commonly with worn head hardened rail. Recommendations to eliminate horizontal split head defect: Proper inspection of rails during manufacturing and in operation • Use clean steel • Use deep head hardening Figure 3.29: Horizontally Split Railhead 77 Vertical split head (Figure 3.30): The damage is associated with defects of microstructure in the railhead. Also, cracks originate under the rail surface where high tensile stress appear as a result of intensive plastic flow and formation of hardened part of the railhead. In addition, intensive plastic flow may due o 3-64 x to overloading of low rail in curves and use of rail with inadequate hardness. Recommendations to eliminate vertical split head defect: • Improve the production quality control of rails • Avoid overloading of the low rail • Replace rail found to have this defect Figure 3.30: Vertically Split Head of Rail 77 Rail foot (base) defects: This defect may be a cause of rail fracture. Cracks may appear because of manufacturing defect, uneven rail foot support, corrosion (particularly in tunnels), resulting in corrosion fatigue rail failure. Recommendations to eliminate rail foot defects: • Improvement of the rail production quality control. • Designing and maintaining the rail superstructure on the level that provides for low bending tensile stress of the rail base and thus high resistance to the slot corrosion. • Careful handling and installation of rail to avoid base damage. Rail weld defects: Problems arising from rail welding may contribute to about 20% of rail failures.24 These defects may be divided between defective plant welding and field welding. o 3-65 x There are several methods of plant and field welding: contact electric flash-butt, thermite and gas-pressed welding. IHHA member countries use various combinations of welding technologies for plant and field welding. North American Railways predominantly use electrical flash-butt for plant welding, thermite for field welding because of a much lower cost in the field compared with mobile flash-butt welding equipment. Russian Railways mostly use contact electric flash butt welding for plant, and also for field rail welding. To avoid reduction of hardness of the rail in the weld zone, a technology that provides mechanical and thermal treatment of the hardened area was introduced in 70s30 and later was upgraded to form differential thermal treatment technology. This technology has been applied to continuos welded and conventional rails. Contact flash-butt welding technology with post-welding induction heat treatment has been successfully applied to fulllength hardened rails of 75 kg/m developed in China for heavy haul railway operation.87 Flash butt welds have developed horizontal split webs. Thermite welds have experienced many defects ranging from shrinkage porosity or inclusions, which led to horizontal split web failures and subsurface shelling of the railhead leading to rapid deterioration of the gauge side of rail.76 For field welding, a significant problem is the hardness difference between the parent rail and weld joint. A weld that is harder or softer than the rail creates a bump or a dip in the rail respectively. This is one of the causes of the initiation of corrugation. Both hard and soft welds are subject to contact fatigue. Field welds made using thermite welding have several problem areas. One of the problems is a stress concentration in the rail base from the welding process that may result in the rail failure. Studies are under way to improve stirring of the weld metal in the mould. o 3-66 x To reduce risk of weld failure another solution is to use the wide-gap (40-80 mm instead of 25 mm) weld technology of thermite welding . This larger gap allows many rail defects to be repaired directly with a single-wide gap instead of a plug rail insert and two conventional welds.21 Influence of axle load. Increasing axle load increases rail weld failure considerably. Recommendations to decrease rail weld defects: • Improve plant and field flash-butt welding technology by the introduction of rail weld thermal treatment technology. • • Improve technology to control defects in field welds. Apply positive results in the development of thermite field welding technologies (wide-gap welding, post weld heat treatment, etc). Wheel (engine) burn: Slip of a driving wheel on rail causes wheel ("engine") burns of the rail surface. Because of high friction, temperatures of the rail can rise above the temperature required for transformation of eutectoid pearlitic steel to austenite which may lead to the formation of a martensitic layer. In unfavorable conditions, this may result in transverse defect (Figure 3.31). Recommendations to eliminate wheel burn defects: • Improve braking equipment • Minimize the running surface contamination of rails which occurs with inefficient lubrication practice Wheel thermal cracks:24,98 Thermal cracks are due to formation of tensile residual stresses from repeated cycles of heating and cooling as occur during hard braking. Thermal cracks are distinguished in appearance from rolling contact fatigue by their length and orientation. These cracks extend vertically into the surface material and will not propagate by rolling contact. Failure will not occur until a pre-existing crack and a residual circumferential tensile stress are present. Impact may cause crack growth to be explosive and may cause the wheel to break into pieces. Recommendations to decrease wheel thermal cracks: Avoid drag or stretch braking o 3-67 x • When manufacturing wheels, perform rim quenching to form high circumferential residual tensile stresses in the wheel which prevent crack growth. Shattered rim defect. This defect is caused by large fatigue cracks that grow parallel to the tread surface about 10 mm below the tread (Figure 3.32).24,98 It is suggested that a shuttered rim defect forms from porosity and alumina inclusions in the wheel tread. This defect is expected to be found more frequently as axle loads increase. Recommendations to eliminate shattered rim defect: • • • Improve manufacturing control of wheels. Improve inspection of wheels to detect shattered rim defects at early stage. Use cleaner wheel steel. Figure 3.32: Shattered Rim Defect Out of Round Wheels: This is the result of wheel/rail/brake shoe interactions. Out of round wheels, when exceeding certain limits, cause high impact loads on rail. Slid flat wheel: This defect is caused when the wheel slides instead of rolls on the rail. A flat wheel may be formed during hard braking, when the wheel slides on the rail. Flat wheels may generate very high impact loads on the rail and will eventually evolve into an out-of-round wheel. Recommendations to decrease flat wheel defect: o 3-68 x • Avoid hard (drag) braking. • Avoid defective empty car load devices. • Many railways are introducing wheel impact detectors and developing condemning limits for out of roundness and flat wheels based on an impact load value criteria and retruing the wheel that exceeds the condemning limits. Tread metal buildup: Wheel tread metal buildup occurs as a result of rail, wheel and brake shoe pick up of debris. Wheel metal buildup is another source of impact loads on rail. It is reported that metal pick-up occurs under wet conditions, particularly in the winter time when rails are covered with snow. 48,89 Recommendations to decrease wheel tread metal buildup: • Improve wheel inspections. • Perform wheel truing in time. • Test brake valve for leakage or proper operation. There are other wheel defects which may be a cause of wheel change: cracked or broken rim, grooved tread, thin rim, thin flange, vertical flange. There are instruments to measure corresponding defect and condemning limits for each of defect, which are described in various railroad manuals. Appendix B contains a table of wheel defects and their coding. 3.5.9 Plastic Flow Railheads: Railheads are subject to plastic flow. The depth of plastic flow can vary from a fraction of millimeter to 10-15 mm. The contour of the railheads that has undergone plastic flow can vary considerably. However, there are three major regions of intensive plastic flow on the high and low rails. Sometimes under heavy cars, the low the railhead is crushed (see also Figure 3.30). The field side of the low rail can suffer from plastic flow because of overloading of the low rail (Figure 3.33) and inadequate railhead material resistance to the rail loading conditions encountered in service. Low rail overloading in curves may occur because of an unbalance between train speed and superelevation; i.e., trains moving at a lower speed than is appropriate for the designed superelevation o 3-69 x for a particular curve. Sometimes low rail crushing may occur because of track gauge widening when the low rail is subjected to a combined high stress and lateral traction. This is made worse by hollow wheel profiles. Wheels with false flange may also contribute to low rail plastic flow. Figure 3.33: Low Rail with Plastic Flow There are also two potential zones of plastic flow on the high rail. One is the gauge side of the high rail which appears as a result of severe two-point contact and traction forces from components of wheel to rail slippage. Another zone, on the field side of the high rail may form because of high lateral forces resulting from lateral displacement of the wheelset. Recommendations to decrease plastic flow: • Use hardened rails with enhanced yield strength. • Perform periodic rail grinding to retain designed railhead profile. • Perform proper control of wheel profiles. • Ensure that train speed conforms to designed superelevation. • Implement measures to resist gauge widening above prescribed limit. o 3-70 x • Implement measures to reduce lateral/vertical load ratio through introducing improved trucks and lubrication (friction management). Rail joints and welds: There may be plastic deformation of the railheads in the region of rail joints. Rail ends are subject to high dynamic forces from passing wheels. If rail end resistance to plastic deformation is not adequate to withstand the forces or the rail joints are not properly maintained, then plastic deformation may occur.90 This defect is characteristic for non head hardened rails. There also may be plastic deformation of a "saddle" type just after the rail joint in the direction of train movement. The cause of this defect is the dynamic action of wheels passing rail joint and the lower hardness of the railhead at rail ends. Plastic flow may appear in the region of rail welds. Depending on weld technology and subsequent heat treatment there may be a zone of softer weld metal or two zones one on each side of the rail weld, in regions affected by the welding where the rail material after welding becomes softer. Recommendations to decrease rail welds (see Section 3.5.8): Stress raisers: Wheel/rail contact may have many high stress areas and suffer from plastic flow resulting from unmatched wheel and rail profiles.5 For instance, contact under hollow wheel conditions and high axle load results in high contact stresses between the gauge corner and the field of the rail and the false flanges which may occur on either side of the worn pattern of the wheel (Figure 3.34). Recommendations to avoid stress raisers: Figure 3.34 Contact under Hollow Wheel Conditions Resulted in High Stress 5 (Stress Raisers) o 3-71 x • Use of preventive rail grinding. • Perform wheel turning when hollow wear is beyond a limit. • Apply measures to eliminate stress raiser formation. • Maintain optimal wheel and rail profile. Wheel plastic flow. There are two main zones of wheel plastic flow; i.e., tread surface and flange surfaces. When severe twopoint contact takes place, material flows in direction toward the flange top (Figure 3.35 ). When the railhead is severely worn there may be occasions when only top of flange contact takes place, resulting in strong plastic flow of the top of flange region. This occurs if the height of wheel flange is considerably less than the railhead.21,50 Figure 3.35: Wheel Flange Plastic Flow under Severe Two-point Contact Wheel tread plastic flow towards the flange is due to high lateral creepage forces. Other causes of wheel tread plastic flow are connected with stress raisers, like the false flange of hollowed wheels. Recommendations to avoid wheel plastic flow: • • • • Use wheel truing to eliminate stress raisers. Use harder wheel material. Apply rail grinding to avoid severe side wear of the railhead. Maintain optimal wheel\rail profiles. o 3-72 x 3.5.10 Rail and Wheel Corrugations Rail Corrugation: Corrugation is a periodic irregularity of the rail surface of one or both rails and is measured by special instruments. The basic feature of corrugation is that it initiates on one side of the rail first in curved and tangent track. Rail corrugation results in loosening of rail fastenings, slippage, ballast deterioration, and other track element problems. It also negatively affects the performance of some rolling stock elements. Corrugation is initiated by railhead irregularities caused by rail manufacturing, rail joints, welds, or contact fatigue defects. Generally, six types of corrugations were identified. However for freight traffic three types of corrugation predominate:91 short wave corrugation (30-80 mm long), medium wave (200600 mm) and long wave (about 1.5m). The causes of each types of corrugation are different. Short wave corrugation: Causes of short wave length corrugation (short pitch) are considered to be the frictional self excited stick-slip vibration of a wheelset.77,92,93,95 This occurs in areas of high traction or intensive braking, where oscillating longitudinal traction develops due to excitation of the fundamental torsional resonance of the wheelset.96 The primary difference in the corrugation formation mechanisms rests in wavelength fixing and initiation mechanisms. The wavelength fixing mechanism is usually related to natural frequencies of the wheel or wheelset and rail and rail tie coupling. The initiation mechanism can either be related to the rail-wheel surface irregularities, or the traction creepage relationship of a particular section of the track. When the wheel/rail contact patch operates in the vicinity of saturated creepage, the wheel rolls forward while the traction force builds up towards the maximum of the traction creep curve. Once this maximum is achieved, the force can not be increased any further because of the negative friction characteristics, and slip occurs.60 Medium wave length corrugation: It is considered that medium type corrugation with wavelengths of about 200-300 mm is a characteristic of heavy haul operation (Figure 3.36). Causes of o 3-73 x this type of corrugation are explained by the resonance theory. The excitation of the vibration of unsprung mass of cars on track having a certain stiffness initiates resonant vibrations resulting in high dynamic forces that lead to an initial corrugation process. The wavelength of rail corrugation depends on resonance frequency of vehicle-track system. The flexibility of roadbed is an important factor influencing the rail corrugation. Enhancing the flexibility of roadbed reduce the rail corrugation. After initiation of corrugations, rolling stock and track interacting forces lead to plastic flow in the corrugated areas and intensify the development of corrugation. Plastic deformation is the leading mechanism of the development of corrugations. It leads to work hardening process resulted in the longitudinal hardness distribution of the corrugated rail became periodic and follows the corrugation wavelength.97 Contact fatigue defects on rails, like head checks and shelly spots, also initiate corrugation. It is considered that shelly spots excite resonant vibration resulting in a wavelength of about 150-450 mm.25 Long wave corrugation: Long wave corrugation is initiated at periodic waves of manufacturing origin. The latter is due to the vibration of the rolling mill mechanism. Though rails are straightened by roller levelers, some irregularities may be present. The development of long-wave corrugation is defined by the rail bed characteristics. Influence of lubrication: Lubrication greatly affects the formation and development process of corrugation. High rail lubrication considerably reduces low rail corrugation. 92, 93,94 Influence of axle load. Corrugation can develop in lower axle load operations under adverse wheel/rail contact conditions. Increased axle loads result in an increased growth rate of corrugation, including the corrugation depth per tonnage passed,68 and the vertical loads at the bottom of the corrugation wave. Recommendations to eliminate corrugation: • Corrugation is combated by grinding. • Short wave corrugation is combated by use of friction modifiers at the wheel tread/top of rail.58 o 3-74 x • Use of higher strength rails. • Possible use of softer rail pads to reduce vertical stiffness characteristics. Wheel corrugation: wheel corrugation is reflected in wheel tread profile irregularities. Wheel tread profile can be measured by a longitudinal wheel profilometer. It is considered that thermomechanical interaction between the brake block and the wheel tread is a main contributor to the development of tread corrugation. High temperature produced during braking initiates periodical wheel tread wear. The wave length and the amplitude of corrugations are highly depend on braking block size and material in combination with wheel material properties. To decrease the corrugation of wheel treads, it is recommended that a block material with low elastic modulus be adopted.99 Influence of axle load. A change in axle load from 29 to 35 metric tonnes showed that corrugations were similar in spacing and severity. Recommendation: Perform wheel truing timely, when the amplitude of corrugation reaches the condemning limit based on impact load criteria. Wheel Squeal: Wheel squeal is a problem for many railways, including railways with heavy haul operation, that travel in urban areas. Wheel squeal originates at the top surface of the rail and the wheel tread in curves. Wheel squeal is generated by a combination of rubbing plus stick-slip.100,101 Rubbing arises as a consequence of the relative movement of the wheel over the rail, particularly lateral sliding. When the ability of the wheel/rail interface to accommodate creepage is saturated (at about 1% of creepage), pure sliding starts. As slipping starts, friction is reduced. The sliding action ceases when the force generating the creep is dissipated by the sliding movement and then the process begins again. This is known as the stick-slip phenomena.102 Energy dissipated by the stick-slip process excites squeal in the wheel/rail system. o 3-75 x The stick-slip process occurs when the friction characteristic is negative; i.e, the friction force decreases after certain level of creepage. Actual properties of the third body that forms between wheel and rail depend on wheel and rail materials and environmental conditions. Friction modifiers that have positive friction characteristics; i.e., increase friction force with increasing creepage, decrease or eliminate squeal. Recommendations to eliminate wheel squeal: Application of friction modifiers to top of the rail on the low rail in curves.2,60 Acknowledgements Appreciation is expressed to Evgeny Shur, Head of Laboratory, All-Russian Railway Research Instate, Stephen Marich, Marich Consulting Services, Australia, Harry Tourney, Assistant General Manager, Spoornet, South Africa, Robert Harder, Associate Professor of Engineering, George Fox University, USA, James Lundgren, Assistant Vice President, Danial Stone, Chief Metallurgist and Kevin Sawley, Principal Investigator, TTCI, USA, for their assistance and valuable comments. o 3-76 x REFERENCES 3.1 J.Kalousec, E.Magel. “Optimizing the wheel.rail system.” Railway Track & Structure. January 1997. 3.2 B.Bock. Which "Horse" for your "Course." 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Knothe and A. Theiler, Normal and Tangential contact problem with rough surfaces. Proceedings of the 2nd Mini Conference on Contact Mechanics and Wear of Rail/Wheel Systems. Budapest, July 1996. p.34-43. 3.16 C.Swenson. Locomotive Radial Steering Bogie Experience in Heavy Haul Service. Proceedings of IHHA '99 STS-Conference on Wheel/Rail Interface. Moscow,1999,V1,p 79-86 3.17 L.Mouginsteine. Thechnical and Economical problems of Locomotive Wheelsets Adhesion with Rail. Proceedings of IHHA '99 STS-Conference on Wheel/Rail Interface. Moscow,1999,V.1, p.307311. 3.18 L.Mouginstaine, A.Lisytzyn. Non-Stationary Regimes of Traction. Adhesion and Critical Mass of Train. (In Russian)Moscow, Intext, 1996, 176 p. 3.19 S.Grassie, J.Kalousek. Rolling Contact Fatigue of Rails: Characteristics, Causes and Treatments. Proc. of the 6the IHHA Conference, Capetown,1997, pp. 381-404. 3.20 E.Magel and J.Kalousec. The application of contact mechanics to wheel/rail profile design. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Contact Mechanics and Wear of Rail/Wheel Systems, Tokyo, 2000,pp245-252 3.21 E.A.Shur, V.N.Tsurenko. Wheel/Rail Quality and Damage: Russian Railways Practices and Perspectives. IHHA’99 STS-Conference on Wheel/Rail Interface, Moscow 1999,V.1, p. 169-174. 3.22 Rairoad Rails. General Technical Requirements, Russian State Standard GOST R 51685-2000 (In Russian), 2001 3.23 Through hardened in oil rails R65 and R75 types for wide gauge railways. GOST 18267, Moscow (In Russian), 9 p. 3.24 D.H.Stone,K.Sawley,D.Kelly,W.Shust. Wheel/Rail Materials and Interaction: North American Heavy Haul Practices, IHHA’99 STSConference on Wheel/Rail Interface, Moscow 1999, p. 155-168. 3.25 J. Kalousek, E.Magel, S.Grassie. Perspective on Metallurgy and Contact Mechanics. IHHA’99 STS-Conference on Wheel/Rail Interface, Moscow 1999, p. 175-186. 3.26 P.J. Erasmus. Efficient and Safe Rails for Heavy Haul in South Africa. Proccedings of the Fifth IHHA Conference, China, 1993,p.249-255. 3.27 A.V. Pan. Development of New Technologies for Current and Future Rail Production. Thesis Dr.Thech.Sci..(In Russian), Moscow, VNIIZhT, 1999,123p 3.28 E.A.Shur, Z.R.Rausen. Selection of the Optimal Srtucture of Heattreated rails, Proceedings of VNIIZhT (In Russian) 1966, p.201-206. 3.29 L.Yi, L.Zuwen. Development of Heavy Rails on Chinese Railways. Proccedings of the Fifth IHHA Conference, China, 1993, p.275-281 o 3-78 x 3.30 A.F.Zolotarsky et al. Thermally Hardened Rails. Moscow, "Transport"(In Russian),1976, 147 p. 3.31 J.Perrin. High Strength Rails with Optimised Residual Stresses. Proceedings of IHHA '99 STS-Conference on Wheel/Rail Interface. Moscow,1999,V.1, p.245-253. 3.32 M.Ueda, K. Uchino, H.Kageyama, K.Motohiro, A.Kobayashi. Development of Bainitic Steel Rail with Excellent Surface Damage Resistance. Proceedings of IHHA '99 STS-Conference on Wheel/Rail Interface. Moscow,1999,V.1 3.33 M.Ueda,K.Uchito, H.Kageyama, K.Kutaragi, K.Babazono. Development of Hypereutectoid Steel Rails for Heavy Haul Railways. Proceedings of Sixth IHHA Conference, Cape Town, 1997, p.355-369. 3.34 S.Mitao, H.Yokoyama,S.Yamamoto,Y.Kataoka.T.Sugiyama. High Strength Bainitic Steel Rails for Heavy Haul Railways with Superior Damage Resistance. Proceedings of IHHA '99 STS-Conference on Wheel/Rail Interface. Moscow,1999,V.2 3.35 P.J. Mutton and S.Marich. Rail and Wheel Materials for High Axle Load Operations. Proceedings 3rd International Heavy Haul Conference, Vancouver,1986. 3.36 P.J.Mutton,R.Boelen and S.Marich. Requirements for Wheel and Rail Materials. Proceedings 6th International Tack Conference, Melbourne,1986. 3.37 P. Clayton. Tribological Aspects of Wheel-rail Contact: a Review of Recent Experimental Research. Wear 191 (1996), p.170-183. 3.38 J.A.Jones,A.B.Perlman,O.Orringer. Tailoring Heat Treatment and Composition for Production of on-line Heah-Hardened Bainitic Rail. 39th Tech.Working and Steel Ptocessing Conference, 1997 XXXV,pp1029-1036. 3.39 G.Filippov,V.Sinelnicov. Metallurgical Processes of Rail Steel Production and Properties of Railroad Rails. Proceedings of IHHA '99 STS-Conference on Wheel/Rail Interface. Moscow,1999,V.1,p.255-257. 3.40 D.K. al. Effect of Nitriding on the Quality of Rail Steel. Russia Metallurgy, 1993, N 3,pp 475-483 3.41 J.Igwemezie, S.L.Kennedy,N.Core. Residual Stresses and Catastrophic Rail Failure. Proceedings of the Fifth IHHA Conference,China,1993.pp.256-263 3.42 V.M. Bogdanov , D.P.Markov, G.I.Penkova. Working and Engineering Hardening of Wheel Contact Surfaces. IHHA’99 STSConference on Wheel/Rail Interface Moscow 1999, V.1, p.267-277 3.43 Ya.R.Rausen,E.A.Shur. Constructive Strength of Steels. (in Russian). Moscow, Mashinostroenie,1975. 58 p. o 3-79 x 3.44 Contact Fatigue Testing Methods and Strength Tests. P 50-54-30-87, GOSSTANDART , Moscow,1988. 122 p. 3.45 S.Zakharov, I. Komarovsky,I.Zharov. Wheel Flange/Rail Head Simulation. Wear,215,(1998), p.18-24 3.46 I.V.Kragelsky. Friction and Wear. Elmsford,1982 3.47 Y.Berthier. The Third Body Concept. Proceedings 22d Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology. Interpretation of Tribological Phenomena95,Tribology Series 31,Elsevier Science, Amsterdam,1996, 747 p. 3.48 J.Kalousec and E.Magel, J.Strasser, W.N Caldwell,G.Kanevsky, B.Blevins. Tribological Interrelationship of Seasonal Fluctuations of Freigh Car Wheel Wear, Contact Fatigue Shelling and Composition Breakshoe Consumption. Proceedings of the 2nd Mini Conference on Contact Mechanics and Wear of Rail/Wheel Systems, Montreal, 1996. 3.49 U.Luzhnov , A.V. Chichinadze, O.A.Govorkov, A.T.Romanova. Thermophisical Fundaments of Tribological Interaction of Wheels and Rails. IHHA’99 STS-Conference on Wheel/Rail Interface, Moscow 1999,V.2, p. 3.50 L.I. Barteneva et al . Lubrication of Rails and Wheels on Russian Railway.Proceedings of IHHA’99 STS-Conference on Wheel/Rail Interface, Moscow, 1999, V 1, p.205 3.51 R.Reiff, D.Gregger. System Approach to Best Practices for Wheel/Rail Friction Control. Proceedings of IHHA '99 STSConference on Wheel/Rail Interface. Moscow,1999,V1,p.323-330 3.52 V.V.Perecrestova, A.Nesterov. Lubricating Materials and Technologies. Proceedings of IHHA '99 STS-Conference on Wheel/Rail Interface. Moscow,1999,V 2. 3.53 G.Thelen,M.Lovette. A parametric study of the lubrication transport mechanism at the rail/wheel interface. Proceedings of the Conference "Contact Mechanics and wear of rail/wheel systems". Edited by J.Kalousec. Canada, 1996. 3.54 V.I. Rakhmaninov, A.V. Andreev. Practical Ways to Estimate Reduction of Resistance to Train Movement when Applying Rail Lubrication. Proceedings of IHHA '99 STS-Conference on Wheel/Rail Interface. Moscow,1999,V 2. 3.55 R.Reiff and H.Harrison. Measuring Rail Lubrication in the Field Using a Tribometer.Report AAR-TTCI, Pueblo, 1991,45p 3.56 S.Marich, S. Mackie and R.Fogary. The Optimization of Rail/Wheel Lubrication Practice in the Hunter Vallay. RTSA Technical Conference, Core 2000,Adelaide,May 2000,p 4.1. 3.57 R.A.Allen,J.R.Landgren,S.F.Kaley. North American Heavy Haul Facts, Fiction and Conventional Wisdom. Proceedings of IHHA '99 STS Conference on Wheel/Rail Interface. Moscow, 1999,V 2. o 3-80 x 3.58 J.Kalousec and E.Magel. Modifying and Managing Friction. Railway and Track Structures, May 1999 3.59 R.Reiff, S.Gage. Demonstration of the Viability of Top-of-Rail Lubrication for Freight Railroads. Technology Digest . TTCI, May 1999 3.60 D.T.Eadie, J.Kalousec, K.C.Chiddick. The Role of High Positive Friction (HPF) Modifier in the Control of Short Pitch Corrugation and Related Phenomena. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Contact Mechanics and Wear of Rail/Wheel Systems, Tokyo, 2000, p.42-49 3.61 M.Tomeoka, N.Kabe, M.Tanimoto, E.Miyauchi,M.Nakata. Friction Control between Wheel and Rail. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Contact Mechanics and Wear of Rail/Wheel Systems, Tokyo, 2000, pp36-41. 3.62 H.Ghonem, J.Kalousec, D.Stone, D.W.Dibble . Observation of Rail Wear on Heavy Haul Railway Lines. Contact Mechanics and Wear of Rail-Wheel System, Vancouver,1982, p.249-269 3.63 K.Sawley,S.Clark. Engineering and Economic Implification of Hollow Worn Wheels on Wheel and Rail Asset Life and Fuel Consumption, Proceedings of IHHA’99 STS-Conference on Wheel/Rail Interface, Moscow, 1999, V 1. 3.64 S.M. Andrievsky. Side Wear of Rail Heads in Curves. Proceedings of TZNII (VNIIGHT) (In Russian) 1961. 3.65 W.Faguang, S.Guoying, H.Shishou, L.Xueyi. Rail Defects of Heavy Haul Railways. Proceedings of the Fifth IHHA Conference,China,1993, p. 282-287 3.66 E.Shur, T.Trusova, N.Bychkova, S.Zakharov. The Variation of Rail Damage with the Increase of Axle Load. Proceedings of IHHA Conference, Montreal,1996 3.67 R. Steele. Overview of the FAST HTL/HAL Rail Performance Tests. Proceedings Workshop on Heavy Axle Loads, Pueblo, Colorado,1990 3.68 J.Hannafious. FAST/HAL Rail Performance Test. Proceedings Workshop on Heavy Axle Loads, Pueblo, Colorado,1990 3.69 R.K.Steele, R.P.Reiff . Rail: Its Behavior and Relationship to Total System Wear., 82-HH-24 3.70 P.J. Mutton, C.Epp and S. Marich. Rail Assesment. Proceedings Second International Heavy Haul Conference .Colorado Springs, 1982. 3.71 V.Kondrashev,I.Maksimov,V.Galperin. Development of Wheel Profiles of Cars and Locomotives for Existing Railways for Reduction of Wear of Wheel Flanges and Lateral Surfaces of Rails. Proceedings of IHHA '99 STS-Conference on Wheel/Rail Interface. Moscow,1999,V1,p.95-102. o 3-81 x 3.72 V.F.Ushkalov. Wheelset and Rail Wear on Ukrainian Railways. Proceedings of the 2nd Mini Conference on Contact Mechanics and Wear of Rail/Wheel Systems. Budapest,July 1996. p.87-94 3.73 S.Marich and P.J.Mutton. Material Developments in the Australian Industry-Past, Present and Future. Proceedings Forth International Heavy Haul Conference, Brisbane,1989. 3.74 P.J.Mutton and C.J.Epp. Factors Influencing Wheel and Rail Wear. Proceedings Railway Engineering Symposium, Melbourne, 1983. 3.75 S.Marich and U.Mass. Higher Axle Loads are AchievableEconomics and Technology Agree. Proceedings Third International Heavy Haul Conference, Vancouver,1986 3.76 M.Ueda, K.Uchino, A.Kobayashi. Effect of Carbon Content on Wear Property in Pearlitic Steels. Proceedings of the 5th International Coference on Contact Mechanics and Wear of Rail/Wheel Systems, Tokyo, 2000, pp142-147 3.77 Classification of Rail Defects, NTD/ TZP-1- 2000, VNIIZhT (in Russian), 2000, 80 p. 3.78 J.Kalousec, E.Magel. Achieving a ballance: the "magic" wear rate. Railway and track structure. March 1997. 3.79 S.A.Linev. Performance of head hardened rails. Proccedings of VNIIZhT (In Russian), No 428, 1970. 3.80 S.Bogdanski, M.Olzak and J.Stupnicki. Influence of Liquid Integration on Propagation of Rail Rolling Contact Fatigue Cracks. Proceedings of the 2nd Mini Conference on Contact Mechanics and Wear of Rail/Wheel Systems. Budapest,July 1996. p.134-143 3.81 D. Boulanger. Prediction and Prevention of Rail Contact Fatigue. Proceedings of IHHA '99 STS-Conference on Wheel/Rail Interface. Moscow,1999,V1,p.229-237 3.82 E.Magel, J.Kalousek. Controlling wheel shelling. Track & Structure, November 1997. 3.83 S.M.Zakharov, I.A.Zharov. Simulation of mutual wheel/rail wear. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Contact Mechanics and Wear of Rail.Wheel Systems,Tokyo, 2000, pp. 125130. 3.84 H.C.Inward,D.H.Stone,G.J.Moyar. A Thermal and Metallurgical Analysis of Martensite Formation and Tread palling During Wheel Skid. RTD-Vol.,Vol.5,Rail Tranportation,ASME,1992, p.105-116 3.85 G.W.Bartlay. A Practical View of Wheel Thread Shelling. Ninth International Wheelset Congress, Montreal,1966. 3.86 D.H.Stone,G.J..Moyr,T.S.Guins. An Interpretive Review o Railway Wheel Shelling and Spalling. RTD-Vol.,Vol.5,Rail Tranportation,ASME,1992, p.97-103 o 3-82 x 3.87 W.Deyu, S. Yangdao, H.Shulin,N.Shufan. Weld Performance of Full-Hardened 75 kg/m Rail. Proceedings of the Fifth IHHA Conference,China,1993, p.332-337. 3.88 E.Magel, J.Kalousek .Identifying and Interpreting Railway Wheel Defects. IHHA STS on Freigh Car and Bogies, Montreal, 1996 3.89 G.B.Anderson, W.P.Manos. Freight car Brake Shoe Performance Testing. ASME Paper 84-WA/RT-12, December 1986 3.90 V.N.Danilov. Railway Track and its Interaction with Rolling Stock. Moscow, "Transzheldorisdat", (in Russian),1961 3.91 Kulagin al. Rail corrugation and measures to combat it. Moscow, Transport, (In Russian), 1970. 3.92 S.Grassie and J.Kalousek. Rail Corrugation: characteristics, causes and treatmenrt. Proc. Instn.Mech.Engineers. 287 (1993) 3.93 T. Licheng, Yu. Tiefeng. Formation of Rail Corrugation and Measures to Reduce it on Curved Track. Proceedings of the Fifth IHHA Conference,China,1993,p 288-292 3.94 L.E.Daniels, N.Blume. Rail Corrugation Growth Performance. Proceedings of 2nd IHHA Conference, 1982. 3.95 J.J.Kalker. Consideration on Corrugation. Vehicle System Dynamics. 23,1994,p.3-28. 3.96 S.Grassie, J.A. Elkins Rail Corrugation on North American Transit Lines, 29,1998, pp.5-17 3.97 Q.Y.Liu, X.S.Jin,W.X.Wang,Z.R.Zhou. An Investigation of Rail Corrugation in China. Proceedings of the 5thInternational e on Contact Mechanics and Wear of Rail/Wheel Systems, Tokyo, 2000, pp.89-95 3.98 Field Manual of the AAR Interchange Rules, AAR, Washington DC, 2001 3.99 T. Vernersson. Thermally Induced Roughness of Thread Braked Railway Wheels. Wear (1999) 3.100 M.Kerr, J.Kalousec et al. Squeal Appeal: Addressing Noise at the Wheel/Rail Interface. Conference on Railway Engineering Proceedings,Edited by W.Oghana (CORE98), Australia 98,p.317324. 3.101 D.M.Tolstoi,G.A.Borisova.S.R.Grigorova. Role of Intrinsic Contact of Oscilations in normal Direction During Friction. Nature of Friction in Solids. Minsk,Nauka,1971 3.102 Y.Sato, A. Matsumpto. Review of Rail Corrugation Studies. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Contact Mechanics and Wear of Rail/Wheel Systems, Tokyo, 2000, pp.74-80 o 3-83 x APPENDIX A RAIL DEFECTS AND CODING Type of Defect Transverse Fissure Compound Fissure Detailed Fracture from Shelling Detailed Fracture from Head Check CPR Coding (Contractor Designation) TDT(CO) TDT(L) TDT(M) TDT(S) TDD(CO) TDD(L) TDD(M) TDDD(S) DFS(CO) DFS(L) DFS(M) DFS(S) DFC(CO) DFC(L) DFC(M) DFC(S) Transverse Defect under Weld Repair DFW or TDW(CO) DEW or TDW(L) Broken Rail or Ordinary Break BR Defective Field Weld Transverse Defect DWF(CO) DWF(L),DWF(M) DWF(S) DWP(CO) DWP(L),DWP(M) DWP(M) Defective Plant Weld Russian Railways Coding [3.77]* 20.1-2 21.1-2 21.1-2 Not observed Not observed 79.1-2 26.3 Engine Burn Fracture EBF 27.1-2 Bolt Hole Crack BHO (outside of joint) BHJ (in joint area) 53.2 Vertical Split Head VSH Horizontal Split Head VSJ HSH Head and Web Separation HSJ HWO 53.1 30B.1-2 30G.1-2 52.1-2 o 3-84 x HWJ Split Web SWO 55 SWJ Broken Base PBO 60.1-2; 62.1-2 PBJ PRO Piped Rail 50.1-2 PRJ * There are other rail defects in the classification77 o 3-85 x APPENDIX B WHEEL DEFECTS AND CODING Wheel Defect AAR Why Made Defect 98 Code Russian Railways Coding Thin flange 41-60 14 Vertical flange 41-62 15 High flange 41-64 — Hollow tread 10,11 Thin rim 41-73 17 Wheel out-of round 41-67 — 41-69 — 41-74 32 Shattered rim 41-71 26,27 Shelled thread 41-75 22-1,222,22-3 Thread buildup 41-76 21 Tread slid flat 41-78 20 Thermal cracks extending into plate Thermal cracks o 3-86 x Defect Cause Wheel flange worn to the condemnable limits. A vertical flange is worn to a point that the inside surface of the flange is flat or vertical to the wheel tread. Defect occurs from thread wear. Wear between rail crown and wheel tread. This defect is caused from long service life. This defect is the result of wheel/rail/brake shoe interaction. Thermal cracks are due to formation of tensile residual stresses from repeated cycles of heating and cooling as occur during hard braking. This defect is caused by large fatigue cracks that grow parallel to the tread surface. Shelling and spalling of wheel tread is caused by the rolling contact fatigue. A build up tread is caused by metal from the tread, rail or a cast iron brake shoe. It then becomes attached around the wheel tread. This defect is caused when the wheel slides instead of roles on the rail. Click Here To Go Back To Table of Contents PART 4(a): HEAVY HAUL CASE STUDY: Dedicated Line with Captive Equipment; BHP Iron Ore, Australia Written by S. Marich, member of the International Panel of Reviewers, A. Cowin and M. Moynan, past members of the Technical Review Committee (TRC) based on the presentation, “Managing the Wheel/Rail Interface under Very High Axle Loads and Tonnages at BHP Iron Ore, Australia.” 4.1(a) Introduction The operating conditions at BHP Iron Ore, in North West Australia, are amongst the most severe in the world. Under the current action of 37.5 tons nominal axle loads and with over 90 million gross tons of annual traffic over a primarily single line track, the appropriate management of resources, including wheels (and rails), is critical to achieving the operational objectives. The line is a dedicated mine to port operation with capture locomotive and car fleets. Railroad operations at BHP Iron Ore (BHPIO) began in 1969. The initial railroad was designed to carry about 8 million gross tons (mgt) of iron ore per year at nominal axle loads of 30 tons. However, within 10 years the haulage rate had increased to over 40 million tons per year, and currently is close to 100 mgt per year. Such a rapid expansion led to unprecedented and major technical problems on the railroad, including very severe wheel and rail wear, which threatened to curtail production and hence profitability. These conditions were ideal motivators for management to invest in both short and longer term development activities, and accept and implement technical changes exhibiting the potential for more cost efficient practices. BHPIO's operation consists of two mine to port single track iron ore lines. The Mount Newman line is a 426 km route with long passing loops. For the most part, the line is tangent with light curvature. However, moderate (minimum radius 528 meters) curves are surmounted in the route through the Chichester range. The line is generally 68 kg/m CWR with o 4-1 x a preference for head hardened rail on curves and tangents. Over one third of the line is concrete sleeperd, with an ongoing program to be fully concrete sleeperd within a few years. Loading and unloading loops are on relatively tight curvature. The Yarrie line is 217 km of similar topography. BHP Iron Ore has directed much of its technical effort toward the area of wheel/rail interaction with the aim of maximising the wheel (and rail) life. Various wheel and rail initiatives have included: • implementation of higher strength and improved quality wheel and rail materials, to improve their wear, deformation and fatigue lives, • revision of bogie tolerances and workshop practices, to improve the bogie dynamic characteristics, • introduction of modified wheel plate designs, to reduce the sensitivity to thermal damage, • development and implementation of modified wheel and rail profiles, and • wheel monitoring and maintenance procedures, to optimize wheel life. These long term “system” developments have led to a six fold increase in the wheel life, while increasing nominal axle loads from 30.0 tonnes to 37.5 tonnes, and annual gross tonnnages from less than 10 million gross tonnes to over 90 million gross tonnes. 4.2(a) Wheels The major modes of wheel deterioration experienced at BHPIO are: • • • • • flange wear, tread wear and hollowing, surface cracking and spalling, subsurface cracking (shelling), thermal cracking, and o 4-2 x • other modes, such as wheel burns, wheel flats, mechanical damage. Initially flange wear was by far the most important factor determining wheel machining cycles, leading to a wheel life of only about 340,000 km. Consequently, the initial developments concentrated on this aspect. 4.3(a) Modified Profiles In the early years, a major problem was the lateral instability or hunting on tangent track of the ore cars using standard 3-piece bogies. Hunting caused accelerated cyclic rail wear and considerable wheel flange wear. Because of excessive flange wear, a considerable portion of the tread would be machined away to re-establish the required profiles. Multiple-wear wheels were being machined only two or three times before discarding them. At the same time, rail wear was so severe that the system would soon be unable to continue operation. An initial strategy adopted was to transpose a large proportion of the rail, particularly in tangent track, and re-profile the crown of the rail by grinding to ensure that wheel/rail contact would be maintained near the centre of the running surface. Asymmetric rail profiles were also introduced in curved track to improve the wheelset steering characteristics. These measures had immediate benefits on the rail wear, extending the rail life by about 30% in the sharper curves and 50% in the shallower curves. The rail profiling also led to some improvements in the wheel life. With the severe rail wear addressed, the next major step was the development and implementation of modified wheel profiles. This work, consisting of both modelling analysis and field trials, clearly indicated that the original conical wheel profiles were unsuited to heavy axle load operations. An immediate change was to reduce the wheel flange thickness, increasing the wheel/rail clearance from about 5 mm to 9 mm. This measure led to a reduction in wheel flange wear of about 20-25%. o 4-3 x The next step was the development and implementation of a modified narrow flange wheel profile, which together with the modified rail profiles, incorporated a number of aspects that were essential for improving wheel and rail life, including: • • • A relatively conformal contact between the wheel throat and the gauge corner region of the high rails in the sharper curves, to increase the effective conicity and hence improve the wheelset/bogie curving performance, and to reduce wheel/rail contact stresses and hence contact fatigue defects. The creation of adequate wheel/rail clearance and an increase in the tread curvature, which was established by the use of an elliptical tread section, to reduce the wheel tread hollowing, wheel/rail contact stresses and hence contact fatigue defects. A relatively large clearance at the rail gauge corner/wheel throat region in the tangent rails, resulting in two-point contact, to ensure that a relatively broad (up to 30 mm) wheel-rail contact occurs near the centre of the running surface of the rails, which in turn reduces the effective conicity between wheels and rails and hence the sensitivity to vehicle hunting. The modified wheel (and rail) profiles are illustrated in Figure 4-1(a). Initial field trials showed that the new profiles led to: • • • • reductions in the wheel flange wear of up to 70%, reductions in tread wear of about 50%, reductions in the rate of development of uneven wheel wear within wheelsets and bogies, and reductions in fuel consumption of 6-9% The advantages of having conformal rather than two-point contact in the gauge corner region of the high rails have been confirmed, with field data showing that the two-point contact can lead to an increase in the rail gauge face wear rate (and hence the wheel flange wear) of up to 50%. o 4-4 x bhpio new Conformal Conformal bhpio new High Rails/New Wheels Low Rails/New Wheels bhpio new Tangent Rails/New Wheels Two Point Two Point Figure 4.1(a): Rail/Wheel Contact Conditions for Curved and Tangent Track The full scale implementation of the modified wheel profiles has been one of the major factors in increasing the average wheel life to over 2 million kilometres, even with the increases in the nominal axle loads that were implemented in 1981 (to 32.5 tonnes) and 1992 (35 tonnes). The modified profiles have been so successful that in the last 5-10 years wheel flange wear has no longer been the main reason for machining wheels at BHPIO. 4.4(a) Material Characteristics At BHPIO the original wheels were manufactured according to AAR-C specifications, with a hardness in the range 321-363 HB. In 1989 the specified hardness range was modified to 341375 HB, which led to: • an increase in the mean hardness level, and hence a reduction in the overall wear rate, but possibly more importantly • a reduction in the hardness range, and consequently a reduction in the uneven wheel wear within wheelsets o 4-5 x and bogies, keeping in mind that wheelsets are machined on the basis of the faster wearing wheel. The development and introduction of micro-alloyed wheels by 1991 provided additional benefits, including: • • a further increase in the hardness range to 362-401 HB, which led to additional reductions in the wear rate, and considerable improvements in the plastic deformation characteristics, particularly under monotonic and cyclic compression loadings, which led to reduced rates of wheel tread hollowing. With the implementation of modified wheel and rail profiles, tread hollowing had become the major reason for wheel machining rather than flange wear. Reductions in the amount and frequency of wheel tread removal led to an additional problem: the development of sub-surface fatigue defects were found to initiate at impurities in the material. Further modifications to the wheel steel specification with emphasis on steel cleanliness were implemented, keeping a balance between performance and cost effectiveness. Continued assessment of wheel performance also showed the benefits of having a fully pearlitic microstucture in the wheels, rather than a bainitic microstructure which led to much greater wheel hollowing rates. This was associated with the increased wear and deformation exhibited by bainitic materials, at hardness levels equivalent to pearlitic materials. From 1978-1979 higher strength; higher hardness rails were used to replace the original standard rails. The popular belief was that these rails would adversely influence the wheel wear rate. The opposite has been actually observed namely: the use of higher hardness rails led to a reduction in the wear rate of wheels. The improved material characteristics and the improved wheel/rail interaction characteristics were the major factors that also allowed the condemning diameter of the wheels to be reduced from 895 mm to 880 mm, which represented one additional wheel machining cycle. o 4-6 x 4.5(a) Lubrication Early on lubrication of the wheel flange and rail gauge face was found to result in a marked reduction in wear and also in fuel consumption. However, in 1986, the results of a detailed cost/benefit analysis showed that with the implementation of the modified profiles and the improved material characteristics, lubrication could no longer be justified, on the basis of several cost factors, including: • • • • the reduction in traction, and hence the need for additional tractive effort, the cost of maintaining lubricators, the enhancement of rail contact fatigue defects that occurs in the vicinity of lubricators, and the development of wheel slip, particularly on grades, and associated rail and wheel defects. Consequently, lubrication has been discontinued (with the exception of locomotive wheels), with no major consequence on wheel life which continued to increase. 4.6(a) Wheel Design Up to the mid 1980’s, about 10% of the wheels were prematurely removed from service because of overheating and thermal damage, associated with abnormal braking conditions. To reduce the susceptibility to thermal damage, the wheel plate design was modified, firstly to a curved section and then to a low stress (S-plate) section. Laboratory dynamometer and field testing showed that the new design allowed much greater flexibility of the wheel plate, and hence reduced the adverse changes in residual stress levels on overheating. 4.7(a) Bogie Characteristics These improvements considerably reduce the economic benefits associated with new, more sophisticated and much more expensive bogie designs. Considerable work has been undertaken to improve the characteristics and maintenance of the current 3-piece bogies, including: o 4-7 x • • • • • • • Matching mounting wheels with similar hardness values on axles. Pressing wheels on axles to the minimum back to back dimensions (within a tolerance of 2 mm). Machining wheels consistently to a flange number of zero. Having a maximum wheel diameter difference within axles of 0.5 mm, and within bogies of 9 mm. Having a maximum sideframe length difference of 2 mm. Taking particular care in maintaining the bogie friction wedges, to maintain the required bogie lozenging stiffness and damping characteristics. Ensuring that appropriate lubrication is applied to the bogie center plate region, noting that currently plastic center plate liners are used to control the friction. • The retrofitting of all bogies with constant contact side bearers. These procedures have been successful in reducing the sensitivity of vehicles/bogies to hunting, for speeds up to 85 kph, with the consequential improvement in wheel life. 4.8(a) Wheel Maintenance To manage the wagon fleet a vehicle/bogie/component tracking system was developed and introduced which provided detailed information on a wide range of parameters, including the wheel diameters, defects, flange readings and distance travelled. A new high production lathe allows all wheelsets to be machined between centres and accurate profiles to be reproduced onto the wheels, and also allows a tight control on the wheel diameters. BHPIO developed condition monitoring procedures to assess the characteristics of vehicles in terms of their dynamic performance, in particular their hunting behavior. o 4-8 x This led to redefining the allowable hollowing limit of the wheel tread and initiates actions to be taken on those wagons which exhibit relatively poor dynamic behavior. 4.9(a) Summary Every railroad operator looks for the ultimate life from wheels and rails. However not all owners or operators of freight wagons have control over the maintenance of both the wheels and rails, even within private rail systems. This is partly due to the traditional structures that railroads operate under, the lack of understanding by the track maintainers and wheel maintainers of each other’s needs, and the incentives to independently reduce their operating costs. The optimization of wheel and rail life can be obtained only when there is a coming together of the two disciplines, to operate under a set of rules with the primary common aim of achieving what is best for both. At BHP Iron Ore, the management and control of both wheels and rails for the benefit of the overall system, has been able to increase the wheel life from 340,000 km to over 2 million kilometres, while still increasing axle loads and eliminating lubrication. This has been possible by the development and application of a wide range of strategies. Further increases in the wheel life up to 2.5-3.0 million kilometres, are believed to be possible by controlling the wheel machining cycle, within the current limits, and the amount of metal that is removed during each cycle. As BHPIO's diligent efforts illustrate, combining science, engineering, management and supervisory control appropriately can create a world class heavy haul railway exceeding in productivity and cost effectiveness. The best practices of the BHPIO operation are summarized in tabular form, Table 4.1(a). o 4-9 x Table 4.1(a) Best Practices developed by BHPIO Rail Operations for Very High Traffic Density, Extreme Axle Loads Dedicated System TRAFFIC MIX: DEDICATED HH AXLE LOAD: 37.5 TERRAIN: MODERATELY DIFFICULT TRAFFIC DENSITY: 100 mgt RAIL TRAFFIC DENSITY o 4-10 x TYPE Premium 100 mgt WHEELS TYPE Micro-alloy Premium Multi-wear 970 mmØ (895 mm condemning limit) S-plate 365+ HB PROFILE modified narrow flange CROSSTIES WEIGHT 68 kg/m BOGIES 3-piece constant contact SB Bogie tolerances: see Part 2, Section 2.4. Plastic center plate liners lubricated FASTENERS Concrete monobloc Elastic PROFILES & MTCE WHEEL/RAIL curve: conformal tangent: modest 2point LUBRICATION WHEEL/RAIL locomotive wheels only no rail lubrication BALLAST M/L SWITCH & CROSSING WORK Crushed Rock WEAR LIMITS wheels: condemn @ 880 mmØ NOTES *Frequent, mileage based preventative maintenance teardowns *Maintenance of tight tolerances and proactive maintenance programs *Continuing research and monitoring program *Automated capture of key component wear information *Full component tracking throughout life cycle *World class system performance evaluation and corrective action protocols Click Here To Go Back To Table of Contents PART 4(b) Case Study of Wheel/Rail Cost Reduction on Canadian Pacific’s Coal Route Written by Mr. Michael D. Roney, member of the IHHA Board of Directors 4.1(b) Nature of the Business Since the late 60’s, one of the most important lines of business for the Canadian Pacific Railway has been the transportation of metallurgical coal from the mines of southeastern British Columbia to tidewater at Vancouver. The coal is of good quality and is competitive on world markets, and as such, it finds its way into the furnaces of Pacific Rim steel mills. But this is in spite of the challenge of moving this coal from mines more than 1100 km. (700 mi.) from tidewater, and lifting it over two mountain ranges and through some of the toughest railroading country in the world. CPR carries more than 25 million metric tonnes of coal per year over this route in unit trains with payload capacity ranging from 11,000 to 13,250 metric tonnes, powered by three 4400HP AC traction locomotives, when negotiating the steep grades. 4.2(b) Characteristics of the Route The route is predominantly single track with 46% of the routing traversing curves tighter than 3492 m radius (1/2 degree) and 133 km. (80 miles) of curves less than 312m radius (over 6 degrees). Maximum curvature is 170m radius (11 degrees). The controlling grade westbound is 1.1% and the route passes through several tunnels, including the Mt. Macdonald tunnel, at 14.6 km. the longest in the Western Hemisphere. Weather is another factor in the operation. Temperature extremes in the Thompson River valley range from +43C (110F) to –34C (-30F). The routing also passes through 132 potential avalanche paths and encounters annual snowfalls through the Rogers Pass of 1220 cm. (40 ft.). When the coal business started in earnest, the track was o 4-11 x laid with 66kg/m rail. Rail used in curves was a 1.3% chromium steel with a hardness of 325 BHN minimum, with conventional 260 BHN standard carbon rail in tangents. Sleepers were typically a 2438-mm long (8-ft.). Douglas Fir softwood tie fastened with cut spikes. 4.3(b) The Consist Canadian Pacific’s coal unit train operations started in 1970, using remote control mid-train power and up to 13 locomotives, or 39,000 HP on the steepest grade. The 111 cars in the consist were a bathtub gondola capable of carrying 95 tonnes (105 tons) of coal, for an axle load of 30 tonnes (33 tons). They were equipped with standard three-piece Barber S2 trucks and rotary couplers. 4.4(b) Early Problems As tonnages built, it became apparent that rail and sleeper damage was occurring at a rate that was eating up profit margins. Rail in curves tighter than 468 m (4 degrees) was lasting an average of only 200 million gross tonnes (212 mgt). Whereas in the past, rail would work harden in service, curve low rail had begun to flow plastically. With excessive plastic flow came head checking and development of corrugations in 3 years or less. The gauge face of curve high rails began to abrade and white flakes of metal would sprinkle the right-ofway. Of more concern was the onset of deep gauge corner shelling, initiating around 9.5 mm (3/8 in.) below the gauge corner. These shells were associated with an increased risk of transverse defects and rail fracture. Timber sleepers began to display excessive cutting of the tieplate into the tie on the outside of curves. This would then lead to wide gauge conditions. CPR uses two-wear Class C wheels with a hardness between 321 and 363 BHN. These wheels were found to last 283,000 km (170,000 mi.), with the prime cause (63%) of changeouts being shelled treads. Crack initiation was caused by a combination of lateral tangential forces due to frequent curve negotiation in conjunction with the heat inputs of braking. Once initiated, the moisture present from blowing o 4-12 x snow would provide the hydraulic action that caused such cracks to grow. 4.5(b) Initial Attempts to Control Rail and Wheel Wear Costs It was determined that there were several main factors leading to high rail costs: 1. The 655 MPa (95,000 psi) yield strength of the alloy rails was inadequate for heavy axle load unit train service. 2. Wheels were traversing curves with a great deal of slippage or creep and lateral forces were correspondingly high. 3. The rail grinding being performed was ineffective at preventing the re-occurrence of corrugations. 4. Low rail damage was being affected by wide gauge. Domestic rail manufacturers found that it was very difficult to make a conventional alloy steel with greater yield strength without making it too brittle. By 1984, CPR was substituting a 350-390 BHN chromium-alloyed head hardened rail from Japan that was head hardened through heat treatment. This steel was also metallurgically cleaner, having lower densities of brittle oxide-inclusions which were often found at the initiation points of transverse defects. Rail was also converted to 68 kg/m (136RE) as curves were changed out to take advantage of an additional 5 mm (3/16in) vertical wear allowance. The periphery head hardened rails from Japan showed reduced wear and plastic flow, yielding a 25-100% improvement in rail life. In addition, the cleaner steels did not show the usual infant mortality phenomenon, characterized by an early appearance of a population of transverse defects. On the other hand, some of the head hardened rails developed deep gauge corner shells that were attributed to the fact that the hardened rail gauge corners did not quickly conform to the throat of the wheel and were subjected to a “point” load. Wide gauge was attacked by converting curves to 274-cm o 4-13 x long (9-ft.) hardwood ties in curves. The 36-cm (14-in.) tieplate was changed out for a 41 cm. (16 in.) plate eccentric to the field to resist overturning. A research study on rail grinding, prompted by success in the Australian Pilbara with profiling to asymmetrically reshape rail, found that the rate of regrowth of corrugations could be reduced by 40% by preferential grinding of the field side of the low rail. This provided some relief from contact with the sharp reverse curvature of hollowed wheel treads when gauge widened. On the high rail, it was found that grinding down the high rail gauge corner preferentially reduced the rate of occurrence of shelling. Both actions were made easier by initially grinding the rail to a 200 mm (8 in.) head radius. Grinding cycles were also progressively tightened down to 16 million gross tonnes (18 mgt) between grinds, with the goal of providing better control of rail shape and surface cracking with a single pass, if possible. This action, in conjunction with the phasing in of metallurgically cleaner, harder rail steels, was successful at eliminating corrugations as a reason to change out rail. On the wheel side, CPR began testing different wheel profiles in the late-70’s, with the theory that a “worn” wheel profile when machined onto a new wheel, would not exhibit the wearing-in that foreshortens the life of the AAR 1 in 20 coned profile used at the time. Professor Heumann of Germany had introduced this “worn wheel” profile into Europe in 1934, suggesting that a profile that provides a single point of contact in curving would offer better performance than the usual two-point scenario. This idea was appreciated by engineers at the Canadian National Railway, who in early 1970’s introduced a wide-flange Heumann profile for locomotives in mountain service. When their tests found that wear life (primarily limited by flange wear) was doubled over the conventional thinner flange AAR 1:20, the “CN wide flange Heumann” profile (Profile A) was adopted as their standard. The AAR followed the CN progress closely and based on a different sample of wheels and rails developed a similar “worn wheel profile,” presented as the interchange standard AAR1B profile in 1986. o 4-14 x Wheel profiles were subsequently converted from the CN Profile “A” to the new industry standard, the AAR 1B. The 1B brings many of the benefits of “worn wheel” profiles and is a good balance between what is needed for good curving and for reduced track hunting; albeit without as much metal in the throat area as the CN Profile A. According to testing subsequently done on several railroads in Canada, the AAR1B wheel had shown some lack of matching to their rail. The CN found that the AAR1B wheel provides a two point contact in sharp curves that undergoes high rates of slip induced wear until after about 60,000 km of run-in. The CN Heumann A wheel required about 30,000 km of run-in, with subsequent designs reducing that number to lower than 8,000 km. At the Quebec Cartier Mining Co. railway, the AAR1B was associated with the wheel version of “infant mortality” – a high incidence of contact fatigue induced wheel-shelling failures within the first 20-30,000 kilometers of life. A QCM Heumann wheel profile was designed and in “head-to-head” field testing, the new profile reduced the incidence of wheel shelling by about 60 percent. The success of an optimized wheel profile at QCM led the Railway Association of Canada in 1996 to commission the development of the NRC-ASW, “anti-shelling” wheel profile for Canada’s captive grain and coal fleets. The NRC-ASW is a “worn” wheel profile designed to minimize creepage and contact stresses that contribute to rolling contact fatigue shelling of steel wheel treads. This wheel profile provides the following geometrical features compared with the AAR1B (see Figure 4-1(b)): • The addition of 1.6 mm of metal in the flange root, which significantly improves steering performance, reducing creepage and wear. • The 1:20 cone angle in the tread contact region (same as the AAR1B) leaves unchanged the wheel’s resistance to hunting in standard gauge, tangent track. • A 20” field-side roll-off is another notable change, since it further improves the wheelset steering o 4-15 x moment, and increases significantly the time to development of a false flange. Figure 4-1(b): The NRC's Second Generation Anti-Shelling Wheel (ASW) Profile Compared with the AAR1B Wheel Besides the NRC-ASW profile, CPR has been testing wheels of different chemistry and steel cleanliness, with up to eight different wheels being tested. While wheels with micro alloying elements look promising, the evaluation continues. 4.6(b) Benefits of Frame-Braced Steerable Trucks CPR became interested in steerable radial trucks after field tests with the Barber-Sheffel and DR-2 trucks in the early 80’s showed flange wear reduced to ¼ that of control cars. Further extensive field tests with 240 steering truck equipped cars confirmed the saving and added the observation that wheel tread shelling was reduced by 2/3, simply because of the reduction in lateral slippage through curving. Important from an economics point of view was the fact that retrofittable versions showed a performance that was close to comparable to the new trucks. Frame braced trucks became the standard for the coal fleet in 1989 Recent analysis indicates that Frame Brace (FB) has improved wheel performance on the coal fleet by approximately 40%, increasing average wheel life from 325,000 km (195,000 mi.) to 453,000 km (272,000 mi.), while gross vehicle weight has increased from 120 tonnes (263,000 lbs. to 130 tonnes (286,000 lbs.). In addition, previous controlled fuel testing indicated that the use of FB resulted in 5.8% fuel savings over the length of the coal loop. Besides improved wheel performance and fuel efficiency, o 4-16 x recent teardown of trucks with FB after 1.4 million miles showed minimal wear , with cars able to go many more miles without attention. To control the risk of rail, wheel and bearing failures due to tread shells, CPR installed a flat wheel detector at two one locations along the route in 1987. This detector removes any impacts exceeding 140 kips from the mix, setting out the offending cars for wheel changeout. There are now 11 such flat wheel detectors strategically located across the entire CPR trackage. 4.7(b) Premium Rail Steels and Extended Wear Limits The experience with periphery-hardened Japanese rails had illustrated the benefits of clean steel-making practices and of increased hardness and yield strength, but it had also shown the importance of managing the contact stresses between wheel and rail, largely the result of the degree of conformance between the profiles. The bottom line was that if the risk of rail failure could be reduced, rail could be allowed to wear to reduced sections. Canadian Pacific then embarked upon a program to extend rail wear limits to get extended like from the new, cleaner rail steels. The pillars of the program were: 1. Frequent reprofiling of rail to ensure good contact stresses. 2. Regular laser-based measurement of rail cross sections to ensure that the railway knew the status of wear of each curve on the system. 3. More frequent ultrasonic inspection to manage the risk of internal defects. 4. Computerized analysis of wear rates to project the optimal time for rail renewal. 5. Improvements in the metallurgy of rail steels at deeper depths within the railhead, in anticipation of stressing the base metal to greater limits. Parameters were set on the tolerances on the maximum o 4-17 x deviations of the rail profile from design templates and these were used to program rail grinding to reduce damage from high contact stresses. At this time, the profile templates were changed to be more conformal with the worn wheel and the extent of gauge corner undercutting was reduced to balance the need to promote good steering with the need to control gauge corner fatigue. Different profiles were used for tangents, low curvatures, mild curvature and high curvature. The sharper the curve, the more the gauge face undercutting and the more the field side relief of the low rail. A frequent rail grinding cycle was maintained to concentrate on preventively dressing surface cracks before they cracked out to form surface spalling. By controlling surface cracking, the rail surface layers were prevented from gross weakening that contributed to formation of corrugations. Tightening up on ultrasonic rail flaw detection further mitigated the risk of internal rail fatigue. This increased the probability that an internal defect would be detected in the time between reaching a detectable size and growing under traffic to the size that represents a significant risk of fracture. The third factor that helped to reduce rail fatigue was the adoption in 1987 of a deep head hardened heat-treated alloy rail from Japan. Deep head hardened rail had rail surface harnesses in the 370-390 Brinell range, an improved yield strength, and was able to retain hardness in the 340 BHN range to depths of 18 mm (3/4 in.) into the rail head. CPR also adopted an intermediate grade rail for tangent and mild curves with a 325-340 BHN range now available in clean steelmaking practice from domestic sources. This rail raised the surface yield strength above the threshold that had previously succumbed to heavy rail flow and corrugation. CPR began to purchase all rails to a 200-mm (8-in.) head radius, which is how they were being ground in the field. With the three factors of frequent single pass profile rail grinding, frequent risk-based rail testing, and deeper hardness, higher yield rail steels, the reason for changing out rail in curves shifted overwhelmingly to wear. This left CPR poised to extend rail wear limits with immediate and large savings to the rail budget. o 4-18 x The new rail wear limits moved the average percent head loss from 25% of the head to 35-40%. They were based upon finite element analysis of the rail and were designed to ensure that internal rail stresses did not exceed 2/3 of yield at depths in the rail head where catastrophic defect types like vertical split heads were seen to initiate. It was found that the new extended wear limits did not increase the risk of failure, but that rail would wear rapidly beyond these limits. If they were significantly exceeded, rail fracture could and did occur. The key element in controlling risk of extending wear limits was knowing the wear condition of rail accurately, and being able to project the right time to change out the rail. Optical rail measurement technology proved to be the answer. CPR started with LITESLICE optical rail measurement on their Track Evaluation Car in 1992, and converted to the more accurate laser-based LASERAIL measurement system in 1994. CPR now measured rail wear three times per year and developed computer programs that projected the observed wear up to five years into the future. This also permitted centralized planning of rail programs with the computer projections being the prime input to rail planning. 4.8(b) Increased Axle Loads and AC Traction As always in railroading, nothing stands still and the improved control of rail and wheel wear was the catalyst to reduce operating costs by increasing axle loads. Increased car capacities with improved net-to-tare reduce car-miles and operating costs. If the track is in good shape and designed for the traffic, increased maintenance of way costs, constituting only 12-14% of variable costs of traffic, are overwhelmed by fuel, crewing and motive power cost savings. CPR indexed up gross vehicle weight to 125 tonnes (275,000 lbs.) and then 130 tonnes (286,000 lbs.) on 4 axles by 1995. Again, radial frame-braced trucks controlled damage in the high curvature environment. Newer coalsets were purchased with aluminum car bodies, which had overcome the weld-fatigue problems of earlier aluminum construction. These cars raised the weight-to tare ratio of the 130 tonne o 4-19 x (286,000 lb.) GVW cars to 5.2. Canadian Pacific converted to 4400HP AC traction units in 1996. These new units initially put the rail top surface to the test as algorithms were perfected to control wheelslip. With the available adhesion increased from 19% to 38% on normal running and 48% on lifting the train from a start, the rail takes a high longitudinal tangential force, but what is critical is that adhesion in the contact patch does not become slippage. With the perfection of computerized microslip control, early indications of surface damage disappeared and the AC units have not produced any incremental damage that is not handled by regular rail grinding; 6000 HP units with radial trucks are poised to become the new standard for the coal service and have contributed substantially to operating cost savings. 4.9(b) Further Cost Savings It has been observed in the field that rail deterioration increases when gauge is permitted to progress to greater than 13 mm ( ½ in.) wide. This is likely due to the greater tendency of wheel tread hollowing to contact the low rail field side. While predominantly a timber-sleepered railway, CPR became concerned with the continued use of cut spikes in the sharper curves of the western corridor under AC traction and heavier axle loads. A program was undertaken to replace cut spikes with a rolled plate held down by 5 screw spikes with spring washers, and Pandrol e-clips. This fastening system was designed to give extra safety against rail rollover and to reduce timber sleeper deterioration by greatly controlling tieplate movement and the subsequent abrasion of the wood fibers in the rail seat. But as a very important side benefit, it has been found that rail life is double in such curves because gauge is typically controlled and rail does not rotate as freely and maintains good contact conditions with the wheel. Another good news story has been the effect of continued installation of harder, cleaner rail steels in curves. It has clearly been shown through rail profile measurements that the harder steels maintain their lower surface stress shapes longer, are less susceptible to surface cracks, and have the strength to resist gross plastic flow and corrugation. As a result, CPR reduced o 4-20 x from four to three annual grinds of the coal route, again predominantly single passes. The cycle between grinds is now in the 23 million gross tonne (25 mgt) range and the annual saving is $676,000 Cdn. Rail grinding templates have also been adjusted to more conformal design rail profile shapes, which has reduced metal removal through grinding from 60% of average vertical head loss to 40%., while controlling surface fatigue. CPR has recently installed min. 370 BHN low alloy hypereutechtoid rail steels in curves on the coal route. These steels have a higher carbon content and thicker cementite in the matrix. In field tests, they have shown a 10% improvement in wear life on low rails and a 25% improvement on curve high rails. They appear to be more resistant to surface cracks and work harden well. The railway has also installed some rails to the AREMA 141 section (71 kg/m). This rail is attractive as it offers an additional 5.6 mm (7/32 in.) vertical wear and is completely compatible with the 136RE section already in place. In 1999, CPR contracted for a survey of the status of rail lubrication using a new hi-rail equipped tribometer car. The survey uncovered major opportunities to improve rail life through better and more consistent protection of the friction coefficient of the rail gauge face. CPR attempted to implement the optimal friction guidelines developed by the TTCI in the US in a 50-mile test zone. These were designed to both protect the rail gauge face, reduce lateral gauge widening and improve fuel efficiency. The guidelines were: • Maintain top of rail friction coefficient differential, left to right <0.1 µ • Maintain top of rail friction>0.30 µ • Maintain gauge friction coefficient of <0.25 µ New electronic lubricators were carefully spaced to achieve the desired result. They incorporated two 55-inch wiper bars o 4-21 x with 48 lubricant ports on each rail. A more expensive rail grease was also applied. In spite of a doubling of the lubricator spacing over what had existed, these lubricators were successful in meeting the 0.25 µ gauge face criterion. On the other hand, the top of rail friction was difficult to meet. Notwithstanding, the results showed that lateral rail wear was reduced by 75%, high rail vertical wear was reduced by 10%, but low rail vertical wear was increased by 15%. With further improvement in delivering lubrication to the top of rail, it is hoped that the full fuel benefits will be achievable in the near future. Another new development has been the installation of low alloy hypereutechtoid rails in sharp curves, starting in 2001. The new rail steels have a higher carbon content, improving hardness and yield, but without the loss of ductility usually expected of increased carbon. This is achieved by thickening the cementite layer. In early testing, these rails have shown a 10% improvement in low rail life and a 25% improvement in high rail life over low alloy deep head hardened rails. There also appears to be good economics to changing the rail standard from the 136RE rail section to the new AREMA 141 section. The 141 has 20% more available vertical wear at a net cost increase including installation of only 5-7%. This is under test as the new standard for the western mainline. On the mechanical side, studies of wheel tread hollowing on cars in the coal fleet have sought to determine whether there are benefits to reprofiling wheels that are hollowed to greater than 3mm, at which time, studies have indicated a significant deterioration in curving performance. It was found that the coal wheels had only 4% of wheels in this category, less than the 6% found for a sampling of the US rail industry by TTCI. 4.10(b) The Size of the Prize Strategies to improve wheel and rail wear control on Canadian Pacific Railway’s coal route have been an evolutionary practice that has progressively balanced the wear mechanisms of rail, risk management, wheel and rail profile matching, and the changing demands of the operating environment. The job will o 4-22 x never end as competitive pressures in the world coal market demand a continuous stream of operating cost efficiencies. On the CPR, wheel and rail wear control strategies have proven to be of great value not only in reducing wheel and rail costs, but in facilitating operating cost efficiencies such as increased axle loads and fuel consumption improvements. Looking back, in 1970, the average wheel lasted 280,000 km (170,000 mi.), while today wheels average 453,000 km (272,000 m.). Average rail life on the highly curved coal route has improved from 293 million gross tonnes (325 mgt) to 612 million gross tonnes (680 mgt). At the same time, the new AC traction consists and heavier axle loads have reduced car mile costs by 25% and fuel costs by 15%. o 4-23 x (blank) o 4-24 x PART 4(c) Wheel And Rail Performance at Carajás Railway Written by Ricardo Schmitt Martns and Ronaldo José Costa, CVRD 4.1(c) Introduction to Carajás Railway Carajás Railway is part of an integrated mine/railroad/port project called Carajás Iron Ore Project which belongs to CVRD/EFC - Companhia Vale do Rio Doce. In this Railway is offered freight and passengers transportation service at north and northeast of Brazil. It counts with 892 km of a single track with 1.60 m gauge from Carajás - PA to São Luís MA being iron ore the main product hauled. The typical consist to the iron ore transportation is formed by 02 locomotives and 206 cars being each car with the total weight of 122 metric ton. 4.2(c) Historical Data 4.2.1(c) Wheels On the original project it was to use 38”, one wear (1W) wheels on GDT (Gondola Dual) wagons which transport iron ore. The expected wheels’ mean life was 500.000 km without truing them, it was all based on the track design that has 73% of tangents and 27% of curves being the sharpest one of 783 m radius. But just after starting operation, in 1985, surface defects appeared on the wheels and for this reason their life should be much less than the expectation. In fact, wheels’ mean life dropped to approximately 350.000 km as shown in Figure 4-1(c). At that time, 10% of the wheels presented surface defects and they appeared on both forged and cast wheels in the same proportion and periodicity. o 4-25 x Survival curve - One wear wheel (1W) 100 % not scrapped 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 1500 1440 1380 1320 1260 1200 1140 1080 960 1020 900 840 780 720 660 600 540 480 420 360 300 240 180 60 120 0 0 Kilometers (km x 1000) Figure 4.1(c) - Survival Curve - One Wear Wheel (1W) In the beginning, it was believed that the defects were caused only by brake efforts, attributed to the excessive number of stops on the sidings because there were no signaling available in the railway. Some actions were taken, as listed, in order to minimize the damage effects the railroad was facing. 4.2.2(c) History During 1986 In 1986, CVRD/EFC contacted wagons, brake equipments and brake shoes manufacturers to discuss about the problem was happening. The representatives decided to form a technical group to collect data to a further analysis of the problem. Results: There was no success with this group and also there were no recommendations. During 1987 In 1987, CVRD/EFC contracted a Brazilian university to investigate the problem. The proposed work included an instrumented bogie, an instrumented wheel set with thermocouples in order to evaluate bogie dynamics and heat generation between wheel and brake shoe. Both aspects were studied during a complete trip. o 4-26 x Yet during 1987, CVRD/EFC took some actions: A - Increased use of dynamic brake B - Started truing wheels with defects C - Diminished number of train stops during a trip D - Removed C-PEP E - Started using thin flange on the wheels to propitiate more freedom between wheel set and rail F - Started turning the consists from time to time G - Measured wagons brake ratio H - Tested wagons with isolated brake I - Contracted an international engineering company. The following activities were developed: I.1 - Design of a field instrumentation: I.1.1 - Wheel profile measurement I.1.2 - Impact loads evaluation I.1.3 - Angle of attack measurement I.1.4 - Contact loads measurement I.2 -Residual stress on wheels with different defects stages measurement I.3 -Thermo graphic measurements on wheels during brake application I.4 - Monitoring with data acquisition system I.5 - Data processing and sample analysis I.6 - Final report J - Tested imported brake shoes K - Material investigation Results: From the Brazilian university, the conclusion pointed that the heat developed between brake shoes and wheels was not high enough to cause damages to the wheels and the efforts generated by bogie dynamics were considered acceptable. By truing the wheels, it was possible to increase wheels' lives. The international engineering company, conclude it was necessary to develop a new wheel profile. All the others actions did not aggregate any substantial improvement. o 4-27 x Click Here To Go Back To Table of Contents The main worries were: A - A high number of wagons stopped in the shop, leading to a low availability. B - Irreversible damage to the bearings, caused by high impacts. C - Damage to the track, caused also by high impacts; D - Broken wheel. During 1988 In 1988, CVRD/EFC decided to reduce the GDT gross load in 10 metric ton to evaluate the impact of axle load and also started using two wear wheels (2W). Again, CVRD/EFC contracted an international institute company, the same that suggested a new wheel profile. The continuation of the first contract main objective was to develop a new wheel profile. In fact, there were two modified profiles. Results: The load reduction did not cause any difference on the wheels performance. With two wear (2W) wheels it was possible to reprofile the wheels more time and it represented an increasing on wheels’ life as shown in Figure 4-2(c), because there was more material to be removed. The proposed modified wheels' profiles showed no improvement compared to 1:20 wheels profile used. Survival curve - Two wear wheel (2W) 100 % not scrapped 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 1500 1440 1380 1320 1260 1200 1140 1080 960 1020 900 840 780 720 660 600 540 480 420 360 300 240 180 60 120 0 0 Kilometers (km x 1000) Figure 4-2(c): Survival Curve - Two Wear Wheel (2W) o 4-28 x During 1989 In 1989, CVRD/EFC contracted another international institute. It was supposed that the problem was related to the wheel/rail interaction and the conclusion would be based on the contact mechanics theory. This conclusion would lead to keep contact stress with low values and use wheels of high hardness, as detailed: A - Contact stress with low values A.1 - Controlling wheel geometry A.1.1 - Reducing wear: Eliminating hunting, lubricating locomotives wheels’ flanges, improving curving A.1.2 - Preventive wheel truing A.2 - Controlling rail geometry A.2.1 - Machining and planning rails: Initially correctively and then preventively A.2.2 - Reduction of plastic flow by means of lubrication A.2.3 - Eliminating gage corner wear: lubricating and improving curving B - High hardness B.1 - Avoid wheels of low hardness B.2 - Avoid excessive wheel heating Results: Some of the recommendations helped to improve the wheel/rail system, mainly the rails. During 1990 In 1990, CVRD/EFC bought a portal lathe machine to initiate a wheel truing program. Results: With a new lathe machine, it was possible to initiate a wheel truing program to avoid increasingly damages to the railway and also get more from the wheels. During 1992 In 1992, CVRD/EFC changed the minimum rim thickness from 30 mm to 25 mm. Results: It was possible to remove more material; consequently, wheel life was increased. o 4-29 x During 1993 In 1993, CVRD/EFC started using multiple wear (MW) wheels. Results: With multiple wear (MW) wheels it was possible to remove more material representing another increment on wheels’ life as shown in Figure 4.3(c). Survival curve - Multiple wear wheel (MW) 100 % not scrapped 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 1500 1440 1380 1320 1260 1200 1140 1080 960 1020 900 840 780 720 660 600 540 480 420 360 300 240 180 60 120 0 0 Kilometers (km x 1000) Figure 4.3(c). - Survival Curve - Multiple Wear Wheel (MW) Effectively, the main actions adopted, were: A - Wheel truing, as a palliative action; B - Use of wheels with thicker rim (MW). Firstly two wear (2W) and then multiple wear (MW) wheels. 4.3(c) Improvements By the end of 1993, with results considered insufficient, it was decided to separate the focus in two: The first focus was to build a wheel management model in order to obtain the best cost effectiveness from the wheels and processes involved and the second was to look for a solution or attenuation to increase the period the wheels could run without defects. The second focus drove, necessarily, to an involvement of rail part. 4.3.1(c) Wheels Management Model The first thing to be done was to build a data base so it would be possible to understand better the process that was taking place. After a certain time it was noticed that: o 4-30 x A - Wheels were trued in average at every 7 (seven) months but the standard deviation was almost 3 (three) months B - Approximately, 20% of the wheels on the fleet presented defects C - The average depth of material removed was 6 (six) mm with a standard deviation of 2.5 (two point five) mm With some information extracted from the data base a matrix matching the relationship between cost and performance was built to show where CVRD/EFC was placed and to which position it would be possible to go. Part of the matrix is shown in Figure 4.4(c). Truing period - [Month] 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3,0 4,5 5,0 1,0 1,2 1,0 4,0 5,7 6,0 8 6 5 Variables Average depth of material - [mm] 5,0 5,5 5,5 Average wear - [mm] 1,5 1,0 1,5 Average loss of material - [mm] 6,5 6,5 7,0 Number of truing 5 5 5 6,0 6,0 6,5 1,0 1,5 1,0 7,0 7,5 7,5 5 4 4 km accumulated Cost with truing - [R$] Cost with wheel replacement - [R$] Total cost - [R$] Unit cost - [R$/1000 km] km accumulated Cost with truing - [R$] Cost with wheel replacement - [R$] Total cost - [R$] Unit cost - [R$/1000 km] km accumulated Cost with truing - [R$] Cost with wheel replacement - [R$] Total cost - [R$] Unit cost - [R$/1000 km] km accumulated Cost with truing - [R$] Cost with wheel replacement - [R$] Total cost - [R$] Unit cost - [R$/1000 km] km accumulated Cost with truing - [R$] Cost with wheel replacement - [R$] Total cost - [R$] Unit cost - [R$/1000 km] km accumulated Cost with truing - [R$] Cost with wheel replacement - [R$] Total cost - [R$] Unit cost - [R$/1000 km] km accumulated Cost with truing - [R$] Cost with wheel replacement - [R$] Total cost - [R$] Unit cost - [R$/1000 km] km accumulated Cost with truing - [R$] Cost with wheel replacement - [R$] Total cost - [R$] Unit cost - [R$/1000 km] km accumulated Cost with truing - [R$] Cost with wheel replacement - [R$] Total cost - [R$] Unit cost - [R$/1000 km] Figure 4.4(c): Cost Matrix Once the desired place to go was known, the thing to be done was to diminish the percentage of wheels with surface defects which caused damages to the rails and required a removal of great quantity of material to rebuild the original profile. Thus, it was initiated a very deep and detailed accompaniment to verify when the defects appeared and how long they took to develop into a critic situation. Based on these facts it was possible to plan a better wheel truing program. o 4-31 x After a certain time the results were not the expected, then checking the data base it was noticed that the right amount of wheels planned to be machined was being achieved but not the right ones, it means that it was good on the quantitative aspect but bad on the qualitative one. Then internal procedures had to be changed and results were achieved. With a reasonable percentage of wheels with defects, it was possible to maximize other two important and dependent variables: period to machine the wheels and depth of material removed. From Figure 4.5(c) to Figure 4.11(c) can be noticed the numbers obtained for certain parameters that were considered important during the development and implementation of this management model. Figure 4.5(c), shows the evolution of surface defects on the wheels. Set/98 Mai/98 Jan/98 Set/97 Mai/97 Set/96 Jan/97 Mai/96 Set/95 Jan/96 Mai/95 Set/94 Jan/95 Mai/94 Set/93 Jan/94 Set/92 Jan/93 Mai/93 Mai/92 Set/91 Jan/92 Mai/91 Set/90 Jan/91 Jan/90 Mai/90 Set/89 % Defects Surface defects on wheels at EFC - From 1989 to 1998 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Month T3 E1 E2 E3 TOTAL Figure 4.5(c): Wheels Defects - From 1989 to 1998 Figure 4.6(c) is a zoom on Figure 4.5(c) and shows better how the defects were from 1994 until 1998, period on which they diminished dramatically. Surface defects on wheels at EFC - From 1994 to 1998 9 6 3 T3 E1 Month E2 E3 Set/98 TOTAL Figure 4.6(c): Wheels Defects - From 1994 to 1998 o 4-32 x Nov/98 Jul/98 Mai/98 Mar/98 Jan/98 Set/97 Nov/97 Jul/97 Mai/97 Jan/97 Mar/97 Nov/96 Jul/96 Set/96 Mai/96 Jan/96 Mar/96 Nov/95 Jul/95 Set/95 Mai/95 Jan/95 Mar/95 Set/94 Nov/94 Jul/94 Mai/94 Mar/94 0 Jan/94 % Defect 12 Figure 4.7(c), shows the distribution of period for truing wheels comparing the figures in 1994 and 1998. The average increased but the most important is the standard deviation diminishment which helps on previsions. As in Figure 4.7(c), Figure 4.8(c) shows an improvement on the average and also on the standard deviation for the depth of material removed. Both together formed the actual expected wheel life as shown in Figure 4.9(c). Distribution - Period for truing the wheels PER94 Percentage PER98 Period - [Month] Figure 4.7(c):. Distribution - Period for Truing the Wheels Distribution - Depth of material removed DEPTH94 Percentage DEPTH98 Depth - [mm] Figure 4.8(c): Distribution - Depth of Material Removed o 4-33 x Survival curve - Multiple wear wheel (MW) 100 % not scrapped 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 1500 1440 1380 1320 1260 1200 1140 1080 960 1020 900 840 780 720 660 600 540 480 420 360 300 240 180 60 120 0 0 Kilometers (km x 1000) Figure 4.9(c): Survival Curve - Multiple Wear Wheel (MW) Finally, Figures 4.10(c) and 11(c) show the consumption of 38” wheels at CVRD/EFC. It is still irregular but better than in the past and the amount is less, due to higher wheel life, consequently costs with wheel acquisition are less too. Quantity Consumption of 38" wheels at EFC - From 1987 to 2000 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Year Figure 4.10(c): Consumption of 38”at CVRD/EFC – Annually Jul/00 Jan/00 Jul/99 Jan/99 Jul/98 Jan/98 Jul/97 Jan/97 Jul/96 Jan/96 Jul/95 Jan/95 Jul/94 Jul/93 Jan/94 Jan/93 Quantity Consumption of 38" wheels at EFC - From 1993 to 2000 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 Month Figure 4.11(c): Consumption of 38”at CVRD/EFC -Monthly 4.4(c) Rails During Carajás Railway construction, it was used approximately 120,000 metric ton of rails from four different manufacturers. o 4-34 x The gradual increment in volume transportation, since the beginning of Carajás Railway operation, has affected directly rail life, causing a high tonnage of rail substitution. Chronologically, many occurrences have been taking place, according to what is manifested as follow. 4.4.1(c) History (c) 1987 CSN rails started showing internal defects from manufacturing process and also external superficial defects. From 1987 to 1999 It was removed 39,766 metric ton (53.7%) of CSN rails being 33% because of internal and superficial defects and 67% because of fatigue. 1988 NKK and NSC rails, type NHH, started showing significant superficial defects, leading CVRD/EFC to start changing them. 1990 CVRD/EFC started re-profiling process to remove superficial defects and also adopted the use of ultrasonic inspection to identify internal rails defects in order the improve rail life and reduce operational risks. The estimated life of CSN rails was 450 MGT but the defects appeared when they accumulated only 200 MGT. Voest Alpine rails started showing superficial defects. Twenty-thousand metric ton of Japanese rails, type DHH, with different mechanical and metallurgical characteristics from the previous one, were acquired and installed but the same kind of defect seen before happened again. 1991 CVRD/EFC began rail grinding process and thus it was possible to reach 800 MGT for the rail life. o 4-35 x From 1993 to 1996 CVRD/EFC removed all Japanese rails. 1997 CVRD/EFC installed 5,600 metric ton of Sydney Steel Corporation rails without any heat treatment. Performance has been good. 1998 CVRD/EFC started installing Huta Katowice rails. 4.5(c) Looking for a Solution In 1992, it was formed a multi functional group with people from rolling stock maintenance, track maintenance and operation and its main objective was to study the problem related to wheel/rail interaction and get in touch with what was being done all over the world. The efforts of this group and the knowledge accumulated, led CVRD/EFC to contract an international technology center, Transportation Technology Center, Inc. (TTCI) in 1996 to work on CVRD’s heavier axle load implementation program. But, before going to heavier axle loads it was important to evaluate the impacts of this implementation to assure the decision would represent a better result on the bottom line. And the situations analyzed should be accompanied by recommendations to attenuate impacts or to maximize performance. 4.5.1. Introduction The results and conclusions of several investigations conducted on Carajás Railway formed the cornerstone of subsequent engineering analyses on the benefits and cost tradeoffs essential to business decisions based on the economic consequences of moving to a heavier axle load. During many years of research in North America on the impact of heavier axle loads on train operations, vehicles and track structure, many sound technical approaches have been developed to optimize the investigations focused on 32.5- and 35-metric ton axle loads. TTCI has studied their effect on track o 4-36 x degradation and the optimal material selections, maintenance practices and operating techniques that will achieve improved safety, increase productivity, and minimize ton-kilometer costs of transport. Initially, wheel and rail life were optimized by balancing the two damage mechanisms of wear and fatigue on the CVRD system. The dynamic performance of the ore cars was also optimized with use of analytical modeling and instrumented wheel sets. Train handling practices are being validated with the TOES (Train Operation and Energy Simulation) model, with recommendations as appropriate to reduce dynamic train forces for longer equipment lives, reduced track maintenance costs, and enhanced operating safety. The impact of heavier axle loads and increased train weights on the track structure was subjected to evaluation through TTCl's economic analysis software package. The systems based analyses of the interaction between operating practices, track structure impacts, and vehicle loading will enable CVRD/EFC to choose appropriate engineering strategies to accommodate safe, cost-beneficial migration to 32.5 metric ton axle. This program's initial task was to address the various concerns on the performance of wheel and rail under current axle loads of 30.5 metric ton. TTCI addressed the problem of wheel/rail life optimization on Carajás Railway based on the AAR's experience in assisting North American railroads to operate under heavy axle loads with minimal wheel and rail deterioration problems. The AAR's approach focused on the two damage mechanisms of wear and fatigue to be balanced on the CVRD/EFC system. The Carajás Railway experienced serious wheel shelling problems during the first ten years of operation and took several measures to optimize wheel performance prior to the program initiated in October 1996 between TTCI and Carajás Railway. CVRD's wheel and rail life was optimized by evaluating: axle alignment, lateral/longitudinal creepage, wheel wear and false flange development, rail wear and profile grinding, wheel/rail fatigue damage, and controlled track lubrication. o 4-37 x The dynamic performance of Carajás ore cars were evaluated through a combination of test data and analytical modeling. The truck performance was analyzed with reference to axle alignment, steering and other truck parameters. The truck design optimization was achieved through a combination of analytical modeling and the use of instrumented wheel sets. The impact of heavy axle load implementation on car equipment, maintenance, and track components/maintenance was considered in the study from the overall systems point of view. The North American experience with respect to increase in axle load from 26 to 33 tons (short ton) was marked by significant increase in premature car component fatigue failure such as center plate, bolster, and spring failures. To address these problems, TTCI promoted the development of fatigue analysis methods in North America contributing to improved component designs and better cost estimation for maintenance planning. TTCI proposes to use similar fatigue analysis techniques for Carajás Railway to evaluate the life expectancy of the current fleet with the suggested modifications by col1ecting revenue service load data (truck bolster and side bearing loads) planned in the program which must be concluded during 2001. From the track component point of view, the North American experience with respect to increase in axle loads was handled predominantly by increased maintenance efforts pertaining to joints and fatigue related defects in rail. TTCI used its proprietary Total Right-of-Way Analysis and Costing System (TRACS) software to determine the effects of heavy axle load traffic on the existing track structure of Carajás Railway. TRACS combines the engineering-based deterioration models with life-cycle costing techniques to estimate track maintenance and renewal costs as a function of Carajás' route geometry, track components, and traffic volume. The predictions of TRACS consist of the costs and maintenance requirements due to fatigue, wear and failure of rail, wood ties, ballast, fasteners, and turnouts. The TRACS results can be used by CVRD/EFC to optimize life-cycle component costs in response to axle loads and traffic volume. o 4-38 x 4.6(c) Methodology and Approach of TTCI's Comprehensive Program On Carajás Railway The following are tasks related to wheel/rail life optimization on Carajás Railway resulting in various recommendations for improvements in car equipment, rail profile grinding, and lubrication practices toward the implementation of higher axle loads: A - Onboard ore wagon truck performance measurements for current design and existing axle loads (30.5 tonnes). B - Wayside wheel/rail force measurements. C - Ore wagon characterization tests and truck design review. D - NUCARS (TTCI's vehicle dynamics model) simulations of ore wagons under existing and increased axle loads. C - NUCARS simulation with various arrangements of truck side bearings. D - Modification of existing truck design with warp resistance retrofit for improved performance. E - Full-scale testing ore wagons with truck modifications supported by wayside wheel/rail force measurements and onboard truck performance measurements. F - Study of current rail grinding practices on Carajás Railway. G - Installation of two wayside rail lubricators on an experimental basis. H - Recommendations for controlled rail profile grinding on an experimental basis at selected locations. I - Supply of a pair of high precision load measuring wheel sets. J - Full-scale testing of standard and modified trucks with instrumented wheel sets under 30.5- and 32.5-tonne axle loads. K - Implementation of TRACS and wheel life-cycle costing model for the economic analysis of heavy axle loads and improved truck suspension trucks on Carajás Railway. o 4-39 x 4.7(c) Implementation of TTCI's Wheel/Rail Life Optimization Program on Carajás Railway This part of the paper specifically focuses on the truck performance evaluation, track improvements, and economic analysis related to the wheel/rail life optimization on Carajás Railway. 4.7.1(c) Ore Wagon Truck Performance Evaluation and Modeling The initiation of this task was propelled by the fact that Carajás Railway was experiencing severe wheel/rail shelling problems under the current axle loading of 30.5 metric ton . A team of TTCI's experts visited Carajás Railway and inspected the wheel and rail defects, which are presented in Figures 4.12(c) and 13(c). Figure 4.12(c): Wheel Shelling Typically Found on the CVRD Ore Wagon Wheels o 4-40 x Figure 13(c): Photograph of Spalling on the Surface of Rail Typically Found on the Carajás Railway It was concluded that the main defect was the development of small transverse surface cracks on the wheels and rails from "ratcheting" strains. Ratcheting strain refers to the accumulation of plastic strain on the wheel or rail surface that is caused by creep forces generated by uni-directional rolling/sliding. The surface cracks found on the wheels and rail of the Carajás Railway had the topographical appearance of cracks associated with ratcheting strains. The direction of plastic flow of the rail material in the vicinity of the surface cracks was consistent with the direction of longitudinal creep forces that would normally be applied by the loaded car wheels to the rails. In brief, ratcheting strains cause cracks in the rail surface by deforming the rail material near the surface such that the carbide laminated and grain boundaries are aligned parallel to the rail surface. As illustrated in Figure 14, the material between the laminates experiences ductility exhaustion and cracks as the plastic strains continue to accumulate. This results in a series of shallow transverse cracks on the surface of the rail. o 4-41 x Direction of longitudinal creep forces applied to rail by wheels Flakes/Cracks Ratchetting Strain Deformation Rail Material Microstructure Laminates Figure 14.(c): Ratcheting Strains in Rail Material Caused by Large Longitudinal Creep Forces Between Wheel and Rail Ratcheting strains are formed when large longitudinal/lateral creep forces are applied to the wheels or rails consistently in one direction. Because the Carajás Railway is practically uni-directional, that is, the loaded trains travel almost entirely from the Carajás mine to São Luís, and the rolling directions of the wagons are changed only every 3 months, the longitudinal creepages applied to the wheel and rails may be considered essentially uni-directional. The rate at which ratcheting strains accumulate depends on several factors, including the magnitude of the longitudinal and lateral wheel/rail creepages and the level of wheel/rail friction. A series of wayside measurement tests were conducted to measure the vertical and later wheel/rail forces and wheel set angles of attack associated with the CVRD/EFC ore wagons to investigate the theory that ratcheting strains were causing the surface cracks observed on the wheels and rails of the Carajás Railway. Large longitudinal/lateral creep forces and wheel set angles of attack are frequently associated with wagons that have bogie turning or alignment problems. The lateral wheel/rail forces of the CVRD/EFC ore wagons that were measured during the wayside measurement tests were found to be larger, on average, than similar wagons on similar tracks in North America. This supported the idea that large longitudinal lateral creep forces might be a factor contributing to ratcheting strains. Also, the wheel set angles of attack were found to be somewhat larger, on average, than o 4-42 x similar wagons on similar tracks in North America, especially in tangent track. This supported the idea that the ore wagon bogie turning resistance might be higher, on average, than "normal" unit train North American wagons. During the wayside measurement tests, several ore wagons were characterized by exceptionally large lateral wheel/rail forces and wheel set angles of attack. These wagons were selected for the onboard measurement tests. The onboard measurement tests were designed to measure the bogie turning and warp characteristics directly as the wagon traveled on the Carajás Railway. Bogie warp refers to the distortion of the three-piece bogie such that the side frames skew relative to the bolster and allow the wheel sets to develop large angles of attack. The bogie bolster to wagon body measurement indicated that the bogie did not turn properly to maintain its wheel sets in alignment with most curves and some tangent track section of the railway. Also, the bogie warp measurement indicated that the bogie warped in most curves and had a tendency to remain skewed in some tangent track sections of the railway. Together, these results suggested that the turning resistance of the bogie was too high and prevented the bogie from running proper alignment with the track. Figure 15 presents the bolster rotation and warp angles measured in several curves during the on-board measurement tests. NUCARS modeling of Carajás Railway ore wagons was carried out after the completion of characterization tests. These tests involved measurement of natural vibration frequencies for loaded and empty wagons in the following modes: bounce, pitch, yaw, lower center roll, and upper center roll. The data obtained in the form of natural frequencies were converted into: roll inertia, pitch inertia, yaw inertia, vertical truck stiffness, lateral truck stiffness, and center of gravity for the loaded and empty wagons. The NUCARS analysis included the weights of the bolsters into the secondary suspension springs and the spring weight of the wagon. The above information was used to develop NUCARS models for simulating the performance of the ore cars with various suspension modifications. o 4-43 x 10.0 20.0 5.0 0.0 15.0 10.0 -5.0 -10.0 5.0 0.0 -5.0 -15.0 -20.0 -10.0 -15.0 -25.0 -30.0 -20.0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 Time (sec.) Figure 15(c): Bogie Bolster Rotation and Warp Angle Measured in Several Curves during On-board Test TTCI designed several suspension modifications, with a number of constant contact side bearing (CCSB) arrangements and a warp resistance truck design. AlI the variations of CCSB modifications (preload of 2,500 lbs., 1,100 lbs., 3,000 lbs. versus standard 3,600 lbs.) were evaluated by NUCARS modeling and full-scale testing. The performance improvements with CCSB modifications were found to be marginal and as a result, TTCI proposed truck frame bracing with roller side bearings and primary shear pads as the best solution for Carajás Railway to reduce truck warping. The results of full-scale testing with standard trucks and with warp resistance retrofits are shown in Figures 4.16(c) and 17(c). Figure 16(c): Warp and Bolster Roll Angles for Loaded CVRD Standard Truck at 65.4 km/h o 4-44 x Figure 17(c): Warp and Bolster RoIl Angles for Loaded Frame Brace Truck at 65.4 km/h The previous results show that the standard trucks on Carajás Railway were still warped and have not straightened out properly on tangent sections after negotiating a curve; whereas, frame bracing has significantly reduced the warp angle and bolster rotation in both the curving and tangent sections. The wayside wheel/rail force measurement stations established by TTCI on Carajás Railway also indicated that the standard trucks exhibited higher lateral loads in the curve and tangent test sections when compared to warp resistance design. A prototype wagon with warp resistance design was put into operation after the completion of the above tests. The wheels of the test wagon were monitored since August 1997 and no defects were noticed on the wheels tread even though they have completed in excess of 320,000 km. The normal life of wheels between re-profiling for standard wagons is 160 to 170,000 km. o 4-45 x 4.7.2(c) Full-scale Testing of Standard and Frame Braced Trucks with Load Measuring Wheel Sets A pair of high precision load measuring instrumented wheel sets (IWS) were specially constructed, calibrated, and commissioned by TTCI on Carajás Railway. The main purpose of IWS was to evaluate the differences in performance between standard and warp resistance trucks to implement higher axle loads on Carajás Railway. Both the load measuring wheel sets were successfully commissioned by operating them under loaded wagons at different speeds. The vertical and lateral force measurements from IWS were compared to the wayside wheel/rail force measurements and good correlation between the two measurement systems. The standard CVRD/EFC truck and a modified truck equipped with frame bracing were tested over-the-road under 30.5 and 32.5-tonne axle loads. All the test runs were made over a distance of 40 km. on Carajás Railway to evaluate the wagon performance with and without truck modifications under existing and increased axle loads. Figure 4.18(c) presents the lateral force exceedance plot for all test configurations between km posts 13 and 18. The lateral forces were plotted for each configuration as a function of percentage of exceedance. The standard CVRD/EFC truck's lateral forces are greater than those obtained from the warp resistance design under similar conditions of operation. As expected, the lateral forces of standard truck under increased axle load were far greater than warp resistance truck under similar operating conditions. Figure 4.18(c) also indicates that the standard truck under increased axle load has a problem of negotiating tangent and curved sections as shown from the large negative lateral force percentages seen here. The frame-braced truck exhibited lower lateral forces under increased axle load when compared to standard truck under existing axle load (30.5-metric ton) conditions. There seems to be a consistent offset of 1.500 lbs of total lateral force between the two truck types. o 4-46 x Figure 4.18(c): Comparison of Total Truck Lateral Loads Figure 4.19(c) presents the longitudinal force exceedance plots for the lead axle of both truck types, under normal and increased axle load conditions. Frame braced truck exhibited far less longitudinal force for lead axle compared to standard truck under all loading conditions, demonstrating that warp resistance truck required less steering force to negotiate the curves and tangent sections. TTCI's modifications for CVRD truck clearly indicated that the strain ratcheting that is happening with standard trucks is greatly reduced with warp resistance design. Figure 4.19(c): Comparison of Axle 1 Longitudinal Forces o 4-47 x From these results, it can be clearly seen that the warp resistance modifications are producing lower lateral and longitudinal steering forces when compared to the standard bogie arrangements. From the percent exceedance plots, the warp resistance over load and standard loaded result shows lower lateral and longitudinal forces than the standard bogie arrangements. The main reason for this is the warp resistance bogie arrangement does not warp; whereas, the standard bogie does. This increased warp causes an angle of attack between the wheel and rail and therefore results in higher lateral forces. The larger lateral forces in turn causes a larger steering force to compensate for the larger lateral forces. The wheel set is trying to turn the axle back to a radial position, which results in higher longitudinal creep, which in turn causes the ratcheting effects seen in the wheel and rail surfaces. 4.8(c) Methodology of Recommendations for Rail Grinding Practices TTCl's experts visited Carajás Railway and noticed that apart from wheel shelling problems. CVRD was experiencing a serious rail defect and wear problem. Rail fatigue defects were noticed to occur in several forms such as spalls, head checks. squats, and shells. Battered welds were another source of concern. Figures 4.20(c) and 21(c) present some of the rail defects such as spalls and squats occurring on Carajás Railway. Figure 4.20(c): SpaII Defects Occurring on Rails in all Track Geometries o 4-48 x Figure 4.21(c): Typical Squat Defects Under TTCI's comprehensive program for Carajás Railway, various forms of rail defects were received including the current rail maintenance practices. Under this program TTCI and CVRD/EFC engineers developed a new rail profile grinding practice combined with limited wayside lubrication. This section of the paper describes the methodology developed under TTCI's program for Carajás Railway to minimize rail defects and optimize rail maintenance practices. The main reason for rail fatigue defects occurring on Carajás Railway was that most of the wheels in service were reprofiled within 100,000 km of wagon operation and conformal shapes of wheel and rail could never be achieved. In this scenario, the contact band remains narrow and the contact stress remains high, ultimately causing the rail to fatigue in the narrow contact region. Even though Carajás Railway has mostly mild track curvatures, the wheels attain flanging as shown in Figure 4.22(c), which illustrates new CVRD/EFC standard (AAR 1:20, narrow flange) and a worn wheel profile overlaid on a new 136 RE rail (recently installed on Carajás Railway). Both new and worn wheels contact the rail almost in the same location, when the flange nears the rail, just above the gage corner. This may be the main reason for rail fatigue defects, apart from the fact that excessive longitudinal creep forces are developed by the warping of CVRD standard trucks. o 4-49 x Contact Location on New Rail CVRD Rail Worn CVRD Rail Theoretical 136-14 136-14 Figure 4.22(c): Wheel/Rail Contact on New 136 RE Rail, Concentrated on the Gage Side of the Rail with both CVRD's New and Worn Wheel Profiles TTCI evaluated the two primary concerns of rail profile grinding shape of rail profile on tangent location and curves and frequency of grinding. The main purpose of TTCI's recommended rail grinding and profile maintenance practices is reduce rail fatigue and rail wear with an optimum balance while trying to achieve the following goals: A - Promote proper vehicle dynamics by reducing hunting and improving curving performance; B - Protect rails from fatigue by grinding relief into those areas of the railhead that can experience excessively high contact pressures; C - Minimize the contact pressures necessary to achieve Goal Number 2 to protect rails and wheels from rolling contact fatigue; D - Minimize the wear rates necessary to protect rails from fatigue. Based on the above requirements, rail profile shapes were re-engineered for Carajás Railway with a different philosophy of rail grinding methodology verified at the Facility for Accelerated Service Testing (FAST), Pueblo, Colorado, USA. After a thorough review of current operating conditions and the proposed changes under TTCI's program to be implemented on Carajás Railway's rolling stock, a new rail profile grinding methodology was recommended for curves and tangent sections (Figures 4.23(c) and 24(c)). This method o 4-50 x was implemented at selected sites with success. Those profiles were designed to promote curving, reduce hunting, protect rails from high contact stresses, and protect rail from fatigue and to minimize wear rates. Figure 4.23(c): TTCI'S Recommended Profiles for Grinding Maintenance of CVRD Rails o 4-51 x a Km 10.0 Siding, Tangent TTC Recommended Low Rail and Tangent Profile b Km 427 No Grind Test on CSN Rail, Low Rail TTC Recommended Low Rail and Tangent Profile c Km 146.465 after rail planing, Low Rail TTC Recommended Low Rail and Tangent Profile Figure 4.24(c): TTCI Recommended Low Rail/Tangent Profile 4.8.1(c) Lubrication Practice TTCI's experience at FAST suggests that in conformal wheel/rail situations, much of the wheel/rail surface fatigue, wheel/rail wear, rail corrugation, and weld batter problems are due to misaligned axles. The true source of the problem lies in the creep forces that result from misalignments. When rails at FAST were well lubricated, creep forces were reduced and all the problems mentioned were reduced. When improved trucks were installed and creep forces reduced even more, the o 4-52 x problems mentioned were further reduced, and in some cases complete eliminated. There are some benefits to be gained by lubrication, and more to be gained with improvement of truck performance. Re-designing bogies is a long-term solution as it will take time to learn the best way to modify the bogies and institute the changes. TTCI and CVRD/EFC engineers decided to investigate effects of creep force reduction through a limited lubrication study. In order to estimate effects of lubrication, NUCARS was used to predict the contact forces that develop at the wheel/rail interface with a loaded wagon, ground rails, and current bogie arrangement. Longitudinal forces were predicted since much of the wheel and rail damage observed along the railway was due to excessive longitudinal forces. NUCARS predicted that the longitudinal contact forces on lubricated rail in tangent track are about one half that of dry rail. TTCI and CVRD/EFC engineers realized this is not as a complete solution as modifying bogies can be. Reduction in creep forces achieved through lubrication can give some indication of what effect improved bogies will have. In August 1997, TTCI and CVRD/EFC engineers installed a wayside hydraulic rail lubricator system near curve on Carajás Railway to begin a study of lubrication effects on rail performance. The rail section adjacent to the lubricator was ground to the TTCI recommended practice (both curve and tangent sections). For comparison, another similar curve and tangent sections were ground elsewhere to the TTCI recommended practice also. This gave a back-to-back comparison of the new TTCI practice under "lubricated" and "dry" conditions. It was demonstrated with correct rail profile grinding and lubrication a reduction in rail wear with improvement in surface fatigue conditions. o 4-53 x 4.8.2(c) Implementation of TRACS and the Wheel Life-Cycle Costing Model To assess the engineering and economic implications of implementing lubrication, increased axle loads, and framebraced suspensions on the Carajás Railway, two sophisticated models are used: TRACS and the Wheel Life-Cycle Costing Model. The TRACS Total Right-of-Way Analysis and Costing System is a proprietary software package of track component degradation models used to assess the engineering and economic effects of degradation to rail, wood ties, ballast, and turnouts. Its flexibility allows it to be used for a number of analyses including: A - Determining the engineering effects of traffic on track; B - Assessing specific maintenance policies such as adding track lubrication and changing to alternative component technologies; C - Specific costing analysis, such as determining the increased track costs if additional cars are hauled on a specific route; D - Budgeting, such as how many miles of rail will have to be replaced over a specific time period. The Wheel Life-Cycle Costing Model is used to estimate wheel lives and equivalent uniform annual costs (EUAC) for lwear, 2-wear and multi-wear wheels. This model can evaluate the alternative costs of the three wheel types, as well as the benefits of reduced wheel maintenance requirements associated with the reduced rolling resistance achieved with track lubrication and the implementation of warp resistance trucks. In the lubrication study, the TRACS Rail Wear Model was used to determine the decreased rail wear effects of installing lubricators on the São Luís-Carajás route. The analysis was performed to estimate the rail wear reduction between "dry rails" and "lubricated" rails. Since rail wear and wheel wear are directly related, the rail wear improvements can be used as a o 4-54 x measure of expected wheel life improvements. Hence, the interpreted results of the TRACS Rail Wear Model were used as life improvement input data to the Wheel Life-Cycle Model. The analysis estimates rail wear reduction ranging from 14,55 percent in tangent track to as much as 43,14 percent (839 m radius curved track). The estimated weighted average reduction in rail wear and wheel wear for the entire São LuísCarajás route is 17,73 percent. In the analysis of the effects of frame-braced suspensions, even greater improvements are expected. Due to the elimination of wheel shelling, it is expected that reductions of over 50 percent of current wheel maintenance costs will be achieved. 4.9(c) Conclusions For its Carajás Railway, CVRD has undertaken a multi-faceted systems approach to wheel and rail life optimization under heavy haul traffic. To lower maintenance costs and assume reliability it was necessary to solve serious wheel and rail degradation under 30.5-metric ton axle loads before the productivity increases achievable through the introduction of higher axle loads could be undertaken. Specifically, the application of research and analyses has been able to develop solutions for optimizing wheel and rail life by managing the dynamic performance of the ore car fleet. Recommended practice for Carajás operations have been shown to achieve a pragmatic balance between wear and fatigue of the rolling contact elements. Rapid development of wheel shelling tread defects has been eliminated in a test wagon. Frame brace design trucks with roller side bearings and primary shear pads have shown no tread defects after 320,000 kilometers, around two-fold increase in service between re-profiling as compared to the standard three-piece truck (160,000 - 170,000 km between reprofiling). Another important point is that the good results with warp resistance trucks encouraged CVRD/EFC to evaluate the performance of this design in a sample of 24 wagons and, again, the good results led CVRD/EFC to decide for the o 4-55 x installation of warp resistance in part of GDT fleet. At this moment there are 750 wagons with warp resistance trucks and warp resistances will de installed in more 820 wagons. It was also possible to evaluate another alternatives like Swing Motion truck which were installed in 20 wagons and good results were obtained, too. In Table 4.1(c), there is an actual comparison among standard truck, warp resistance truck and Swing Motion truck performances. Table 4.1(c): Comparison Among Standard Truck, Frame Braced Truck and Swing Motion Truck Performances Types of Trucks Item Unit Re-profiling period Material removed Wheels’ average life * Percentage of defects 10 x km mm 3 3 10 x km % Standard 160~170 Frame Braced 300 Swing Motion 260 4,0~5,0 5,0 5,0 1,250 2,200 1,900 <1 <1 <1 * Expectative for the new trucks design. The 20 wagons equipped with Swing Motion trucks still running and figures still changing. Reductions in wheel and rail wear are direct benefits of the improved curving performance; the modified trucks show significant reductions in lateral and longitudinal steering forces on curves and greatly improved tracking on tangents. Once the severe wear environment imposed by the poorly performing truck is eliminated, the severe rail wear and fatigue damage consequences will diminish. This will permit CVRD/EFC to adopt rail maintenance practices to achieve more conformal wheel and rail profile matching. A rail profile restoration practice tailored to the Carajás operation has been developed. Selected test sites have demonstrated lower peak contact stresses, facilitated curving, reduced hunting on tangents, and a reduction in wear rate. o 4-56 x In combination with the rail profile restoration activity, a judicious application of track lubrication has been shown to reduce rail wear and substantially improve surface fatigue conditions. The implementation of track lubrication has been estimated to achieve an average rail wear reduction and wheel wear-life improvement of 17 percent. The additional improvements due to implementing frame-braced trucks are expected to exceed this with rail wear reductions greater than 20 percent and wheel wear-life increases up to 100 percent. With a program to retrofit the ore car fleet with improved trucks, aggressive rail profile restoration and maintenance and the introduction of rail friction level control through precision lubrication, the Carajás Railway will be able to virtually eliminate the wheel and rail problems now experienced under 30-metric ton axle loads and confidently implement 32.5- or 35-metric ton axle loads for a highly productive, safe, reliable and low cost heavy haul system. The efforts conducted by CVRD/EFC brought some good results and many things were learned and now they are part of a routine but much more can be achieved (and must be). Joining recommendations that come from research, accumulated knowledge, new technologies and a good management model, the results can be better, specially now, in a global world on which costs must be reduced, efficiency and quality maximized to offer the best product/service to the clients aiming the company prosperity. The best practices of the CVRD operation are summarized in tabular form in Table 4.2(c). REFERENCES 1. Fassarela L. J. V., Oliveira Neto L. E., Barros Filho A., Martins R. S., Costa R. J., Coelho Filho J. R., Rajkumar B. R., Urban C. L. - Wheel/Rail life optimization with the implementation of increased axle loads on Carajás Railway, Brazil. o 4-57 x 2. 3. 4. 5. Souza D. J. , Martins R.S. - Ações para elevação da vida útil de rodas ferroviárias na EFC, Segundo Seminário de Tecnologia Ferroviária da CVRD. Barros Filho, A - Ensaios comparativos em rodas ferroviárias. Kalousek J., Magel E. - Optimizing wheel/rail interaction, Railway Track and Structures, January 1997. Stone D. H., Moyar G. J., Guins T. S. - An interpretative review of railway. o 4-58 x Click Here To Go Back To Table of Contents PART 4(d): Quick Reference Tables for Basic Heavy Haul Rail System Design Prepared at the Transportation Technology Center, Inc., USA. Written by Dr. James Lundgren, member of the Technical Review Committee 4.1(d) Introduction The concepts embodying the primary components of the track and vehicle systems characteristic of heavy haul operations has been introduced with the case studies presented for the BHPIO, CPR and CVRD examples. The demands on the components comprising the wheel and rail system are highly dependent upon the total environment the transport demand places on them. This includes not only topography, climate, native soil conditions, but also traffic levels, axle loads, train lengths, track gauge, annual tonnages, vehicle design and similar factors. The objective of these reference tables is to present in concise form, reference charts that may be used to gain a "firstcut" or preliminary concept of what might constitute an appropriate starting point for a reliable and economical heavy haul operation. As illustrated in the case studies, there are many opportunities to address refinements and adjustments to the base cases. In most instances the operation will grow from the starting point in response to specific conditions and modifications and will evolve into a more specific system "tuned" to the unique features of the environment, traffic conditions and maintenance options. Consequently, much greater productivity may be achieved from the fine tuning of system operations beyond these base case recommendations. As illustrated in the BHP Iron Ore case study, much can be achieved by continually observing, measuring and incrementally improving a particular system and its performance characteristics. In light of the wide spectrum of conditions and environments likely to impact any specific heavy haul operation, the authors have chosen to present the general guidelines by referencing axle loads, terrain and traffic density. o 4-59 x Four axle load categories of 35+, 30-34, 25-29, and 20-24 metric tonnes; two terrain types represented by curvatures less or greater than 875 meters are intended to encompass severe operating conditions (curvature and gradient) and less challenging, more gentle terrain by lines having generous curvature design; and three traffic severity levels have been chosen for cataloging the fundamental cases with generic guidelines. Although more categories and finer divisions of the operating characteristics could be made, the current set is believed to provide a useful guide to positioning any particular operation. From these starting points, the individual characteristics of the operation need to be reviewed and appropriate adjustments made. The table recommendations may be relied upon to provide a safe and dependable operation, but not necessarily the optimum achievable with further study and adjustments based on experience. To achieve world class performance, any heavy haul system will require close study, hands on control and precise, diligent maintenance practices. Much of this assistance is available directly through recognized consulting bodies, or more indirectly through the knowledge and experience base contained within the collection of IHHA proceedings, papers and conference documents. The CVRD case study presented earlier illustrates this Progressive stepwise approach to an optimal system. Although the tables of recommended practice concern themselves with dedicated heavy haul services, they are generally applicable to mixed traffic lines (as represented in the Canadian Pacific Railway case study). The heavy haul traffic will generally drive the robustness of the track structure chosen and is likely to be the major cause of wear and degradation. Additional traffic applied will likely bring a number of other demands: ride quality as an example. Rigid geometry standards required for higher speeds may be imposed. More frequent inspection and maintenance may well be essential for passenger and dangerous cargo traffic using the line. In any situation with mixed traffic types, the non heavy haul traffic will bring increased complexity of interactions between wheel o 4-60 x and rail. Full optimization will be handicapped by the inclusion of other vehicle types and their performance attributes and demands on the system. The degree of optimization is likely to be somewhat less than that achievable in the closed loop systems dedicated to a single heavy haul operation. 4.2(d) Using the Design Tables: As indicated, the various tables are initial starting points for the design and operation of a heavy haul line that meets the traffic criteria targeted. The component recommendations will provide for a safe and reliable operation, but may not necessarily be the best long term solution. This can be achieved only through a careful measurement and observation of the wear and degradation that occurs under traffic experience. As illustrated in the specific case studies discussed earlier continuous improvement in response to the maintenance demands and wear conditions will lead to a finely tuned, highly efficient operation for the local conditions and the specific needs of the operation. The General Notes section of the tables should be reviewed in conjunction with their use. Further definitions and explanations of key features of the components, recommendations and descriptions are provided in the Table Notes section. Both precede the tables. 4.3(d) References For many components, specific detailed technical specifications or engineering recommendations are available for consultation. Examples of these include the American Railway Engineering & Maintenance-of-Way Association (AREMA) Manual of Recommended Practice for track construction (more detailed specifications for rail, tie, fastener, ballast, etc.); the Association of American Railroads (AAR) Mechanical Division Manual of Standard Practice (wheels, axles, bearings, vehicle fatigue, etc.); the International Union of Railways (UIC) codes; and specific standards developed by the various heavy haul railways as sound practice. o 4-61 x 4.4(d) General Notes: 1. Heavy Haul (HH) Operation: HH traffic is defined as 25 tonne or greater axle loads, 20 million gross tonnes (MGT) annual traffic on the line or the operation of trains in excess of 5,000 gross tonnes. 2. Table Values are recommended minimum values or practices. 3. Recommendations are based on an assumption of nominal railway track and equipment design convention: separate locomotive units hauling 4-axle twin wagons with track gauges of 1000 to 1600 mm. 4. Table recommendations are to be considered appropriate starting points for system design with appropriate modifications to compensate for local operating conditions, environmental factors and equipment deficiencies. 5. Table entries are common practice norms; however, other components or designs achieving comparable engineering performance may be substituted. 6. Track and vehicle components work as a system. In special circumstances, particularly robust components may allow relaxation in strength/performance of others (e.g. a superb formation, ballast and sleeper system may permit the use of lighter rail sections). However, the overall economy of the system may be compromised. 7. Particular environments and maintenance practices may suggest modifications to the recommended values (e.g. severe contamination conditions, such as blowing sand may require avoidance of lubrication). 8. Experimental, new, or untried designs, configurations, or materials are not recommended for widespread adoption or introduction into heavy haul lines until their long-term service life has been demonstrated. 9. Metric units: metric units are assumed in the tables where not specified: e.g. axle loads are metric tonnes. 10. Rail selection: the tables reflect general application recommendations. Optional choices include using a heavier or lighter section to achieve lower maintenance or o 4-62 x lower construction costs respectively. This may be judged in light of the expected life of the line (e.g. ore body) the tolerance for and cost of increased maintenance activity, and the funds available, short or long term. Depending on the length and spacing of the various curve and tangent sections of the line, it may be feasible to use different rail quality on various line segments (e.g. premium on curves, standard in tangent) to achieve the economic optional solution. The principle could be applied to other track components as well to create several different "standards" within a line. This practice is not generally considered economic except for rail selection or for line characteristics having long uninterrupted tangents as maintenance and inventory complications. 11. Longitudinal rail forces arising from train operation or thermal effects must be accommodated within any track structure design. The selection of appropriate fastener systems, including "anchoring" or rail in conventional spike fastened wood tie systems, plays a significant part of a robust track system. The ballast shoulder nominal recommendations in the tables contribute significantly to the lateral resistance of the track structures to thermal buckling or "sun-kinks." Expected maximum temperature differentials, the appropriate selection of a rail laying neutral temperature and anticipated longitudinal train forces all play a role in the selection of a track structure "lateral" design strength that will provide safe, economic service. 4.5(d) Table Notes: (brief descriptions of salient features of component classes) 1. TRACK STRUCTURES: For heavy haul service it is desirable to avoid curvature less than 500 m; gradients in excess of one percent; geometric quality appropriate FRA Class 5 or equivalent should be achieved. 2. RAIL: § Super Premium = premium rail chemistry with hardening (heat-treated, very fine pearlitic): o 4-63 x BHN ≥ 388; Rc≥ 42 § Premium = "premium" rail chemistry and/or hardening (micro-alloy, fine grained, pearlitic): BHN = 341-388; Rc≥ 36.5 § Standard = standard carbon rail chemistry: BHN > 300-340; Rc≥ 32 All HH applications require CWR for economic maintenance. 3. CROSSTIES: § Monoblock concrete: AREA (AREMA) specifications or equivalent § Premium = Treated hardwood or approved softwood: approximate dimensions (W x D x L) of 0.12 x 0.16 x (1.7-1.8) ratio of track gauge 4. FASTENERS: § Premium: elastic: spring clips or equivalent providing resilient vertical clasping force and longitudinal constraint. (Many proprietary designs are available.) § Nominal wood spikes: "nails" driven into wooden crossties as in traditional cut or "dog" spike. A more robust wood tie fastening may be achieved with "lag" or coach screws or threaded drive spikes. § Pads should be designed with appropriate stiffness and damping properties for traffic loads. 5. BALLAST: § Crushed rock: angularity, gradation, abrasion resistance and cementing characteristics should be carefully chosen for "high" end performance. 6. WHEELS: Premium = heat treated (HT) (e.g. the AAR Class "C" rim quenched wheel represents a nominal standard, having a curved plate design to be compatible with rail profile selected). An in-depth discussion of rail and wheel profile matching is found in Part 2. The AAR 1B or an equivalent simulated "worn" profile can be used as a starting point for RE rail sections; the UIC standard should be used with UIC sections as the initial selection. For the heavier axle o 4-64 x loads (35 plus tonnes) and higher traffic densities (over 50 MGT), it is recommended that specifically designed wheel and rail profiles be developed for the given operation through careful monitoring and experimentation. The basic principles are explored in Part 2 pages 45 to 59. 7. BOGIES: § § § Standard 3-piece: with tight assembly tolerance Improved standard: shear pads, cross-braced, spring tray or plank designs Premium: radial or steering trucks of various proprietary designs 8. PROFILE MAINTENANCE Part 5 suggests monitoring protocols § Wheel: hollow, roundness corrugation, flange wear tolerances chosen for compatibility with service demands § Rail: refer to Part 5, Section 5.8 for optimizing system (wheel/rail) 9. LUBRICATION: Managed appropriate lubrication application methods and lubricants. Special circumstances may dictate no lubrication (e.g. sand). Part 5, Section 5.7 addresses lubrication. 10. SWITCH & CROSSING WORK: Mainline 1:20. Moveable frogs, undercut switch points as minimum specification for heavy services. 11. SPEED: operating speeds of HH are in the speed range up to 80 kph (40-50 mph). Higher speeds or mixed traffic operations may dictate variances from table recommendations. 12. WEAR LIMITS: refer to Part 5, Section 5.8 13. FLAW DETECTION: refer to Part 5, Section 5.8 14. CONDITION MONITORING: § Wayside systems to track performance trends of individual vehicles is recommended particularly at higher tonnages with axle loads. o 4-65 x § Automated onboard inspection vehicle measurement systems (geometry, rail profile, etc.) recommended for track structure monitoring particularly at higher tonnage and loads 15. GEOMETRY AND RAIL FLAW INSPECTION: § Recommended intervals are for track in good conditions. § Intervals should be adjusted (shortened) for older infrastructures and unusual conditions. o 4-66 x Table 4.1(d) TRAFFIC MIX: DEDICATED HH AXLE LOAD: 35+ TERRAIN: < 875 meter radius TRAFFIC DENSITY: 50+ MGT TRAFFIC DENSITY >50 MGT TYPE Premium in tangent Super premium in curves WEIGHT 136 RE or UIC 60 WHEELS TYPE PROFILE Prem HT curve plate AAR Class C 1000mm ø or equivalent BALLAST M/L SWITCH & CROSSING WORK GEOMETRY INSPECTION FLAW INSPECTION 350 mm select crushed rock + 200 mm sub-ballast 300 mm shoulders Premium rail tangential, movable or closing point frog ~ 3-6 month intervals with rail profile monitoring ~3 month intervals RAIL specifically designed (See Section 2.5) CROSSTIES PREM: WOOD or CONCRETE MONOBLOC Nominal spacing 490 mm wood 600 mm concrete BOGIES Improved Standard 3piece or selfsteering FASTENERS ELASTIC with elastomeric pads PROFILES & MAINTENANCE WHEEL RAIL limit hollow wear to 2 mm Periodic grind to remove corrugation and surface damage and to treat rail joints (material flow) LUBRICATION WHEEL/RAIL Curves: Gauge face ì<0.25-0.30 Rail head ì<0.350.40 Äì<0.10-0.15 L-R Tangent: rail head ì>0.35 WEAR LIMITS Measure frequently to ensure economic optimum Table 4.2(d) TRAFFIC MIX: DEDICATED HH AXLE LOAD: 35+ TERRAIN: < 875 meter radius TRAFFIC DENSITY: 30-49 MGT TRAFFIC DENSITY 30-49 MGT TYPE FASTENERS BALLAST M/L SWITCH & CROSSING WORK GEOMETRY INSPECTION FLAW INSPECTION ELASTIC with elastomeric pads 350 mm select crushed rock + 200 mm sub-ballast 300 mm shoulders Premium rail Tangential, spring point premium frog ~ 4-6 months with profile monitoring ~4 month intervals RAIL TYPE Premium in tangent Super premium in curves WEIGHT 136 RE or UIC 60 WHEELS PROFILE Prem HT curve plate AAR Class C 1000mm ø or equivalent specifically designed (see Part 2, Section 2.5) CROSSTIES PREM: WOOD or CONCRETE MONOBLOC Nominal spacing 490 mm wood 600 mm concrete BOGIES Improved Standard 3piece or selfsteering PROFILES & MAINTENANCE WHEEL RAIL limit hollow wear to 2 mm Periodic grind to remove corrugation and surface damage and to treat rail joints (material flow) LUBRICATION WHEEL/RAIL Curves: Gauge face ì<0.25-0.30 Rail head ì<0.350.40 Äì<0.10-0.15 L-R Tangent: rail head ì>0.35 WEAR LIMITS Measure frequently to ensure economic optimum Table 4.3(d) TRAFFIC MIX: DEDICATED HH AXLE LOAD: 35+ TERRAIN: < 875 meter radius TRAFFIC DENSITY: 20-29 MGT TRAFFIC DENSITY 20-29 MGT BALLAST M/L SWITCH & CROSSING WORK GEOMETRY INSPECTION 350 mm select crushed rock + 200 mm sub-ballast 300 mm shoulders Premium rail Tangential, spring point premium frog ~ 6 months with profile monitoring RAIL TYPE Premium in tangent Super premium in curves WEIGHT 136 RE or UIC 60 WHEELS TYPE PROFILE Prem HT curve plate AAR Class C 1000mm ø or equivalent specifically designed (see Part 2, Section 2.5) CROSSTIES FASTENERS PREM: WOOD or CONCRETE MONOBLOC Nominal Spacing 490mm wood 600 mm concrete BOGIES Improved Standard 3piece or selfsteering ELASTIC — curves Elastic or spikes —tangent PROFILES & MAINTENANCE WHEEL RAIL limit hollow wear to 2 mm Periodic grind to remove corrugation and surface damage and to treat rail joints (material flow) LUBRICATION WHEEL/RAIL Curves: Gauge face ì<0.25-0.30 Rail head ì<0.350.40 Äì<0.10-0.15 L-R Tangent: rail head ì>0.35 FLAW INSPECTION ~6 month intervals WEAR LIMITS Measure frequently to ensure economic optimum Table 4.4(d) TRAFFIC MIX: DEDICATED HH AXLE LOAD: 30-34 TERRAIN: < 875 meter radius TRAFFIC DENSITY: 50+ MGT TRAFFIC DENSITY TYPE Standard tangent >50 MGT premium in curves WEIGHT 136 RE or UIC 60 WHEELS TYPE PROFILE Prem HT curve plate AAR Class C 900mm ø BALLAST M/L SWITCH & CROSSING WORK GEOMETRY INSPECTION FLAW INSPECTION 300 mm select crushed rock + 200 mm sub-ballast 300 mm shoulders Premium rail Tangential, spring point premium frog ~ 3-6 months with profile monitoring ~3 month intervals RAIL specifically designed (see Part 2, Section 2.5) CROSSTIES PREM: WOOD or CONCRETE MONOBLOC Nominal Spacing 500mm wood 600 mm concrete BOGIES Improved Standard 3piece or selfsteering FASTENERS ELASTIC —curves Elastic or spikes —tangent PROFILES & MAINTENANCE WHEEL RAIL limit hollow wear to 2 mm Periodic grind to remove corrugation and surface damage and to treat rail joints (material flow) LUBRICATION WHEEL/RAIL Curves: Gauge face ì<0.25-0.30 Rail head ì<0.350.40 Äì<0.10-0.15 L-R Tangent: rail head ì>0.35 WEAR LIMITS Measure frequently to ensure economic optimum Table 4.5(d) TRAFFIC MIX: DEDICATED HH AXLE LOAD: 30-34 TERRAIN: < 875 meter radius TRAFFIC DENSITY: 30-49 MGT TRAFFIC DENSITY RAIL TYPE Standard tangent 30-49 MGT premium in curves WEIGHT 136 RE or UIC 60 WHEELS TYPE PROFILE Prem HT curve plate AAR Class C 900mm ø AAR 1B or equivalent CROSSTIES PREM: WOOD or CONCRETE MONOBLOC Nominal Spacing 500mm wood 600 mm concrete BOGIES Improved Standard 3piece or selfsteering FASTENERS ELASTIC —curves Elastic or spikes —tangent BALLAST 300 mm select crushed rock + 200 mm sub-ballast 300 mm shoulders M/L SWITCH & CROSSING WORK Premium rail Fixed point premium frog PROFILES & MAINTENANCE WHEEL RAIL limit hollow wear to 3 mm Periodic grind to remove corrugation and surface damage and to treat rail joints (material flow) GEOMETRY INSPECTION FLAW INSPECTION ~ 4-6 months with profile monitoring ~4 month intervals LUBRICATION WHEEL/RAIL Curves: Gauge face ì<0.25-0.30 Rail head ì<0.350.40 Äì<0.10-0.15 L-R Tangent: rail head ì>0.35 WEAR LIMITS Measure frequently to ensure economic optimum Table 4.6(d) TRAFFIC MIX: DEDICATED HH AXLE LOAD: 30-34 TERRAIN: < 875 meter radius TRAFFIC DENSITY: 20-29 MGT TRAFFIC DENSITY RAIL TYPE Standard tangent 20-29 MGT premium in curves WEIGHT 136 RE or UIC 60 WHEELS TYPE PROFILE Prem HT curve plate AAR Class C 900mm ø AAR 1B or equivalent CROSSTIES PREM: WOOD or CONCRETE MONOBLOC Nominal Spacing 500mm wood 600 mm concrete BOGIES Improved Standard 3piece or selfsteering FASTENERS ELASTIC —curves Elastic or spikes —tangent BALLAST 250 mm select crushed rock + 100 mm sub-ballast 300 mm shoulders M/L SWITCH & CROSSING WORK Premium rail Fixed point premium frog PROFILES & MAINTENANCE WHEEL RAIL limit hollow wear to 3 mm Periodic grind to remove corrugation and surface damage and to treat rail joints (material flow) GEOMETRY INSPECTION ~ 6 months with profile monitoring LUBRICATION WHEEL/RAIL Curves: Gauge face ì<0.25-0.30 Rail head ì<0.350.40 Äì<0.10-0.15 L-R Tangent: rail head ì>0.35 FLAW INSPECTION ~6 month intervals WEAR LIMITS Measure frequently to ensure economic optimum Table 4.7(d) TRAFFIC MIX: DEDICATED HH AXLE LOAD: 25-29 TERRAIN: < 875 meter radius TRAFFIC DENSITY: 50+ MGT TRAFFIC DENSITY TYPE Standard tangent >50 MGT premium in curves WEIGHT 132 RE or UIC 60 WHEELS TYPE PROFILE Prem HT curve plate AAR Class C 900mm ø BALLAST M/L SWITCH & CROSSING WORK GEOMETRY INSPECTION FLAW INSPECTION 300 mm select crushed rock + 100 mm sub-ballast 300 mm shoulders Tangential Fixed point frog ~ 3-6 months with profile monitoring ~4 month intervals RAIL AAR 1B or equivalent CROSSTIES PREM: WOOD or CONCRETE MONOBLOC Nominal Spacing 500mm wood 600 mm concrete BOGIES Improved Standard 3piece or selfsteering FASTENERS ELASTIC —curves Elastic or spikes —tangent PROFILES & MAINTENANCE WHEEL RAIL Periodic grind to remove corrugation and surface damage and to treat rail limit hollow joints (material flow) wear to 3 mm Differential between curve and tangent to treat rail joints LUBRICATION WHEEL/RAIL Curves: Gauge face ì<0.25-0.30 Rail head ì<0.350.40 Äì<0.10-0.15 L-R Tangent: rail head ì>0.35 WEAR LIMITS Measure frequently to ensure economic optimum Table 4.8(d) TRAFFIC MIX: DEDICATED HH AXLE LOAD: 25-29 TERRAIN: < 875 meter radius TRAFFIC DENSITY: 30-49 MGT TRAFFIC DENSITY 30-49 MGT RAIL TYPE Standard WEIGHT 132 RE or UIC 60 WHEELS TYPE PROFILE Prem HT curve plate AAR Class C 900mm ø AAR 1B or equivalent CROSSTIES PREM: WOOD or CONCRETE MONOBLOC Nominal Spacing 500mm wood 600 mm concrete BOGIES Improved Standard 3piece or selfsteering FASTENERS ELASTIC —curves Elastic or spikes —tangent BALLAST 250 mm select crushed rock M/L SWITCH & CROSSING WORK GEOMETRY INSPECTION FLAW INSPECTION Fixed point frog ~ 4-6 months with profile monitoring ~4 month intervals 300 mm shoulders PROFILES & MAINTENANCE WHEEL RAIL Periodic grind to remove corrugation and surface damage and to treat rail limit hollow joints (material flow) wear to 3 mm Differential between curve and tangent to treat rail joints LUBRICATION WHEEL/RAIL Curves: Gauge face ì<0.25-0.30 Rail head ì<0.350.40 Äì<0.10-0.15 L-R Tangent: rail head ì>0.35 WEAR LIMITS Measure frequently to ensure economic optimum Table 4.9(d) TRAFFIC MIX: DEDICATED HH AXLE LOAD: 25-29 TERRAIN: < 875 meter radius TRAFFIC DENSITY: 20-29 MGT TRAFFIC DENSITY 20-29 MGT RAIL TYPE Standard WEIGHT 132 RE or UIC 60 WHEELS TYPE PROFILE Prem HT curve plate AAR Class C 900mm ø AAR 1B or equivalent CROSSTIES PREM: WOOD or CONCRETE MONOBLOC NOMINAL: 500mm wood 600 mm concrete spacing BOGIES Improved Standard 3piece or selfsteering FASTENERS ELASTIC —curves Elastic or spikes —tangent BALLAST 250 mm select crushed rock M/L SWITCH & CROSSING WORK GEOMETRY INSPECTION Fixed point frog ~ 6 months with profile monitoring FLAW INSPECTION ~6 month intervals 250 mm shoulders PROFILES & MAINTENANCE WHEEL RAIL Periodic grind to remove corrugation and surface damage and to treat rail limit hollow joints (material flow) wear to 3 mm Differential between curve and tangent to treat rail joints LUBRICATION WHEEL/RAIL Curves: Gauge face ì<0.25-0.30 Rail head ì<0.350.40 Äì<0.10-0.15 L-R Tangent: rail head ì>0.35 WEAR LIMITS Measure frequently to ensure economic optimum Table 4.10(d) TRAFFIC MIX: DEDICATED HH AXLE LOAD: 20-24 TERRAIN: < 875 meter radius TRAFFIC DENSITY: 50+ MGT TRAFFIC DENSITY >50 MGT RAIL TYPE Standard WEIGHT 115 RE or UIC 54 WHEELS TYPE PROFILE Prem HT curve plate AAR Class C 830mm ø AAR 1B or equivalent CROSSTIES PREM: WOOD or CONCRETE MONOBLOC NOMINAL: spacing 500mm wood 600 mm concrete BOGIES Improved Standard 3piece FASTENERS ELASTIC —curves Elastic or spikes —tangent BALLAST 250 mm select crushed rock M/L SWITCH & CROSSING WORK GEOMETRY INSPECTION FLAW INSPECTION Tangential, Fixed point frog ~ 6-8 months with profile monitoring ~6 month intervals 300 mm shoulders PROFILES & MAINTENANCE WHEEL RAIL limit hollow wear to 3 mm Periodic grind to remove corrugation and surface damage LUBRICATION WHEEL/RAIL Curves: Gauge face ì<0.25-0.30 Rail head ì<0.350.40 Äì<0.10-0.15 L-R Tangent: rail head ì>0.35 WEAR LIMITS Measure frequently to ensure economic optimum Table 4.11(d) TRAFFIC MIX: DEDICATED HH AXLE LOAD: 20-24 TERRAIN: < 875 meter radius TRAFFIC DENSITY: 30-49 MGT TRAFFIC DENSITY 30-49 MGT RAIL TYPE Standard WEIGHT 115 RE or UIC 54 WHEELS TYPE PROFILE Prem HT curve plate AAR Class C 830mm ø AAR 1B or equivalent CROSSTIES WOOD or CONCRETE MONOBLOC NOMINAL: spacing 500mm wood 600 mm concrete BOGIES Improved Standard 3piece FASTENERS ELASTIC —curves Elastic or spikes —tangent BALLAST 250 mm select crushed rock M/L SWITCH & CROSSING WORK GEOMETRY INSPECTION Fixed point frog ~ 8-10 months with profile monitoring 300 mm shoulders PROFILES & MAINTENANCE WHEEL RAIL limit hollow wear to 3 mm Periodic grind to remove corrugation and surface damage LUBRICATION WHEEL/RAIL Curves: Gauge face ì<0.25-0.30 Rail head ì<0.350.40 Äì<0.10-0.15 L-R Tangent: rail head ì>0.35 FLAW INSPECTION ~8 month intervals WEAR LIMITS Measure frequently to ensure economic optimum Table 4.12(d) TRAFFIC MIX: DEDICATED HH AXLE LOAD: 20-24 TERRAIN: < 875 meter radius TRAFFIC DENSITY: 20-29 MGT TRAFFIC DENSITY 20-29 MGT RAIL TYPE Standard WEIGHT 115 RE or UIC 54 WHEELS TYPE PROFILE Prem HT curve plate AAR Class C 830mm ø AAR 1B or equivalent CROSSTIES WOOD or CONCRETE MONOBLOC NOMINAL: spacing 500 mm wood 600 mm concrete BOGIES Improved Standard 3piece FASTENERS ELASTIC —curves Elastic or spikes —tangent BALLAST 250 mm select crushed rock M/L SWITCH & CROSSING WORK GEOMETRY INSPECTION Fixed point frog ~ 8-10 months with profile monitoring 250 mm shoulders PROFILES & MAINTENANCE WHEEL RAIL limit hollow wear to 3 mm Periodic grind to remove corrugation and surface damage LUBRICATION WHEEL/RAIL Curves: Gauge face ì<0.25-0.30 Rail head ì<0.350.40 Äì<0.10-0.15 L-R Tangent: rail head ì>0.35 FLAW INSPECTION ~8-10 month intervals WEAR LIMITS Measure frequently to ensure economic optimum Table 4.13(d) TRAFFIC MIX: DEDICATED HH AXLE LOAD: 35+ TERRAIN: ≥ 875 meter radius TRAFFIC DENSITY: 50+ MGT TRAFFIC DENSITY >50 MGT RAIL TYPE Premium WEIGHT 136 RE or UIC 60 WHEELS TYPE PROFILE Prem HT curve plate AAR Class C 1000mm ø specifically designed CROSSTIES PREM: WOOD or CONCRETE MONOBLOC NOMINAL: spacing 500 mm wood 600 mm concrete BOGIES Improved Suspension standard 3piece FASTENERS ELASTIC or dog spike BALLAST 350 mm select crushed rock +200 mm sub-ballast 250 mm shoulders M/L SWITCH & CROSSING WORK GEOMETRY INSPECTION FLAW INSPECTION Premium rail tangential, movable point frog ~ 3-6 months with profile monitoring ~3 month intervals PROFILES & MAINTENANCE WHEEL RAIL limit hollow wear to 3 mm Periodic grind to remove corrugation and surface damage LUBRICATION WHEEL/RAIL Curves: Gauge face ì<0.25-0.30 Rail head ì<0.350.40 Äì<0.10-0.15 L-R Tangent: rail head ì>0.35 WEAR LIMITS Measure frequently to ensure economic optimum Table 4.14(d) TRAFFIC MIX: DEDICATED HH AXLE LOAD: 35+ TERRAIN: ≥ 875 meter radius TRAFFIC DENSITY: 30-49 MGT TRAFFIC DENSITY 30-49 MGT TYPE Premium WEIGHT 136 RE or UIC 60 WHEELS TYPE PROFILE Prem HT curve plate AAR Class C 1000mm ø BALLAST M/L SWITCH & CROSSING WORK GEOMETRY INSPECTION FLAW INSPECTION 350 mm select crushed rock +200 mm sub-ballast 250 mm shoulders Premium rail tangential, spring point premium frog ~ 4-6 months with profile monitoring ~4 month intervals RAIL specifically designed CROSSTIES PREM: WOOD or CONCRETE MONOBLOC NOMINAL: spacing 500 mm wood 600 mm concrete BOGIES Improved Suspension standard 3piece FASTENERS ELASTIC or dog spike PROFILES & MAINTENANCE WHEEL RAIL limit hollow wear to 3 mm Periodic grind to remove corrugation and surface damage LUBRICATION WHEEL/RAIL Curves: Gauge face ì<0.25-0.30 Rail head ì<0.350.40 Äì<0.10-0.15 L-R Tangent: rail head ì>0.35 WEAR LIMITS Measure frequently to ensure economic optimum Table 4.15(d) TRAFFIC MIX: DEDICATED HH AXLE LOAD: 35+ TERRAIN: ≥ 875 meter radius TRAFFIC DENSITY: 20-29 MGT TRAFFIC DENSITY 20-29 MGT TYPE Premium WEIGHT 136 RE or UIC 60 WHEELS TYPE PROFILE Prem HT curve plate AAR Class C 1000mm ø BALLAST M/L SWITCH & CROSSING WORK GEOMETRY INSPECTION 350 mm select crushed rock +200 mm sub-ballast 250 mm shoulders Premium rail spring point premium frog ~ 6 months with profile monitoring RAIL specifically designed CROSSTIES PREM: WOOD or CONCRETE MONOBLOC NOMINAL: spacing 500 mm wood 600 mm concrete BOGIES Standard 3piece or Improved Suspension standard 3piece FASTENERS ELASTIC or dog spike PROFILES & MAINTENANCE WHEEL RAIL limit hollow wear to 3 mm Periodic grind to remove corrugation and surface defects LUBRICATION WHEEL/RAIL Curves: Gauge face ì<0.25-0.30 Rail head ì<0.350.40 Äì<0.10-0.15 L-R Tangent: rail head ì>0.35 FLAW INSPECTION ~6 month intervals WEAR LIMITS Measure frequently to ensure economic optimum Table 4.16(d) TRAFFIC MIX: DEDICATED HH AXLE LOAD: 30-34 TERRAIN: ≥ 875 meter radius TRAFFIC DENSITY: 50+ MGT TRAFFIC DENSITY >50 MGT TYPE Standard in tangent Premium in curves WEIGHT 136 RE or UIC 60 WHEELS TYPE PROFILE Prem HT curve plate AAR Class C 1000mm ø BALLAST M/L SWITCH & CROSSING WORK GEOMETRY INSPECTION FLAW INSPECTION 300 mm select crushed rock +200 mm sub-ballast 250 mm shoulders Premium rail tangential, spring point premium frog ~ 4-6 months with profile monitoring ~4 month intervals RAIL specifically designed CROSSTIES WOOD or CONCRETE MONOBLOC NOMINAL: spacing 500 mm wood 600 mm concrete BOGIES Standard 3piece or Improved Suspension standard 3piece FASTENERS ELASTIC or dog spike PROFILES & MAINTENANCE WHEEL RAIL limit hollow wear to 3 mm Periodic preventive grind to restore conformal contact with manual monitoring LUBRICATION WHEEL/RAIL Curves: Gauge face ì<0.25-0.30 Rail head ì<0.350.40 Äì<0.10-0.15 L-R Tangent: rail head ì>0.35 WEAR LIMITS Measure frequently to ensure economic optimum Table 4.17(d) TRAFFIC MIX: DEDICATED HH AXLE LOAD: 30-34 TERRAIN: ≥ 875 meter radius TRAFFIC DENSITY: 30-49 MGT TRAFFIC DENSITY 30-49 MGT TYPE Standard in tangent Premium in curves WEIGHT 132 RE or UIC 60 WHEELS TYPE PROFILE Prem HT curve plate AAR Class C 900mm ø BALLAST M/L SWITCH & CROSSING WORK GEOMETRY INSPECTION 300 mm select crushed rock +200 mm sub-ballast 250 mm shoulders Premium rail Fixed point premium frog ~ 6-8 months with profile monitoring RAIL AAR 1B or equivalent CROSSTIES WOOD or CONCRETE MONOBLOC NOMINAL: spacing 500 mm wood 600 mm concrete BOGIES Standard 3piece or Improved Suspension standard 3piece FASTENERS ELASTIC or dog spike PROFILES & MAINTENANCE WHEEL RAIL limit hollow wear to 3 mm Periodic preventive grind to restore conformal contact with manual monitoring LUBRICATION WHEEL/RAIL Curves: Gauge face ì<0.25-0.30 Rail head ì<0.350.40 Äì<0.10-0.15 L-R Tangent: rail head ì>0.35 FLAW INSPECTION ~4-6 month intervals WEAR LIMITS Measure frequently to ensure economic optimum Table 4.18(d) TRAFFIC MIX: DEDICATED HH AXLE LOAD: 30-34 TERRAIN: ≥ 875 meter radius TRAFFIC DENSITY: 20-29 MGT TRAFFIC DENSITY 20-29 MGT TYPE Standard WEIGHT 132 RE or UIC 60 WHEELS TYPE PROFILE Prem HT curve plate AAR Class C 900mm ø BALLAST M/L SWITCH & CROSSING WORK GEOMETRY INSPECTION FLAW INSPECTION 250 mm select crushed rock +100 mm sub-ballast 250 mm shoulders Premium rail Fixed point premium frog ~ 6-8 months with profile monitoring ~6 month intervals RAIL AAR 1B or equivalent CROSSTIES WOOD or CONCRETE MONOBLOC NOMINAL: spacing 500 mm wood 600 mm concrete BOGIES Standard 3piece or Improved Suspension standard 3piece FASTENERS ELASTIC or dog spike PROFILES & MAINTENANCE WHEEL RAIL limit hollow wear to 3 mm Periodic preventive grind to restore conformal contact with manual monitoring LUBRICATION WHEEL/RAIL WEAR LIMITS Lubrication as required where appropriate on curves Measure frequently to ensure economic optimum Table 4.19(d) TRAFFIC MIX: DEDICATED HH AXLE LOAD: 25-29 TERRAIN: ≥ 875 meter radius TRAFFIC DENSITY: 50+ MGT TRAFFIC DENSITY >50 MGT TYPE Standard in tangent Premium in curves WEIGHT 115 RE or UIC 54 WHEELS TYPE PROFILE Prem HT curve plate AAR Class C 900mm ø BALLAST M/L SWITCH & CROSSING WORK GEOMETRY INSPECTION 300 mm select crushed rock +100 mm sub-ballast 250 mm shoulders Tangential Fixed point frog ~ 6-8 months with profile monitoring RAIL AAR 1B or equivalent CROSSTIES WOOD or CONCRETE MONOBLOC NOMINAL: spacing 500 mm wood 600 mm concrete BOGIES Standard 3piece or Improved Suspension standard 3piece FASTENERS ELASTIC or dog spike PROFILES & MAINTENANCE WHEEL RAIL limit hollow wear to 4 mm Periodic manual monitoring FLAW INSPECTION ~4-6 month intervals LUBRICATION WHEEL/RAIL WEAR LIMITS Lubrication as required where appropriate on curves Measure frequently to ensure economic optimum Table 4.20(d) TRAFFIC MIX: DEDICATED HH AXLE LOAD: 25-29 TERRAIN: ≥ 875 meter radius TRAFFIC DENSITY: 30-49 MGT TRAFFIC DENSITY 30-49 MGT RAIL TYPE Standard WEIGHT 115 RE or UIC 54 WHEELS TYPE PROFILE Prem HT curve plate AAR 1B or AAR Class C equivalent 900mm ø or equivalent CROSSTIES WOOD or CONCRETE MONOBLOC NOMINAL: spacing 500 mm wood 600 mm concrete BOGIES Standard 3piece FASTENERS ELASTIC or dog spike BALLAST 250 mm select crushed rock M/L SWITCH & CROSSING WORK GEOMETRY INSPECTION FLAW INSPECTION Fixed point frog ~ 6-8 months with profile monitoring ~6 month intervals 250 mm shoulders PROFILES & MAINTENANCE WHEEL RAIL Establish good profile to start and then periodic limit hollow maintenance with wear to 4 mm manual measurements and inspection LUBRICATION WHEEL/RAIL Lubrication as required where appropriate on curves WEAR LIMITS Measure frequently to ensure economic optimum Table 4.21(d) TRAFFIC MIX: DEDICATED HH AXLE LOAD: 25-29 TERRAIN: ≥ 875 meter radius TRAFFIC DENSITY: 20-29 MGT TRAFFIC DENSITY 20-29 MGT RAIL TYPE Standard WEIGHT 115 RE or UIC 54 WHEELS TYPE PROFILE Prem HT curve plate AAR 1B or AAR Class C equivalent 900mm ø or equivalent CROSSTIES WOOD or CONCRETE MONOBLOC NOMINAL: spacing 520 mm wood 630 mm concrete BOGIES Standard 3piece FASTENERS ELASTIC or dog spike BALLAST 250 mm select crushed rock M/L SWITCH & CROSSING WORK GEOMETRY INSPECTION FLAW INSPECTION Fixed point frog ~ 6-8 months with profile monitoring ~6 month intervals 250 mm shoulders PROFILES & MAINTENANCE WHEEL RAIL Establish good profile to start and then periodic limit hollow maintenance with wear to 4 mm manual measurements and inspection LUBRICATION WHEEL/RAIL Lubrication as required where appropriate on curves WEAR LIMITS Measure frequently to ensure economic optimum Table 4.22(d) TRAFFIC MIX: DEDICATED HH AXLE LOAD: 20-24 TERRAIN: ≥ 875 meter radius TRAFFIC DENSITY: 50+ MGT TRAFFIC DENSITY >50 MGT RAIL TYPE Standard WEIGHT 115 RE or UIC 54 WHEELS TYPE PROFILE Prem HT curve plate AAR 1B or AAR Class C equivalent 830mm ø or equivalent CROSSTIES WOOD at ±610mm CONCRETE MONOBLOC at ±680 mm BOGIES Standard 3piece FASTENERS ELASTIC or dog spike BALLAST 250 mm select crushed rock M/L SWITCH & CROSSING WORK GEOMETRY INSPECTION FLAW INSPECTION Fixed point frog ~ 6-8 months with profile monitoring ~6 month intervals 250 mm shoulders PROFILES & MAINTENANCE WHEEL RAIL Establish good profile to start and then periodic limit hollow maintenance with wear to 4 mm manual measurements and inspection LUBRICATION WHEEL/RAIL Lubrication as required where appropriate on curves WEAR LIMITS Measure frequently to ensure economic optimum Table 4.23(d) TRAFFIC MIX: DEDICATED HH AXLE LOAD: 20-24 TERRAIN: ≥ 875 meter radius TRAFFIC DENSITY: 30-49 MGT TRAFFIC DENSITY 30-49 MGT RAIL TYPE Standard WEIGHT 115 RE or UIC 54 WHEELS TYPE PROFILE Prem HT curve plate AAR Class C 830mm AAR 1B or equivalent CROSSTIES WOOD at ±610mm CONCRETE MONOBLOC at ±680 mm BOGIES Standard 3piece FASTENERS ELASTIC or dog spike BALLAST 250 mm select crushed rock M/L SWITCH & CROSSING WORK GEOMETRY INSPECTION Fixed point frog ~ 8-10 months with profile monitoring 250 mm shoulders PROFILES & MAINTENANCE WHEEL RAIL Establish good profile to start and then periodic limit hollow maintenance with wear to 4 mm manual measurements and inspection LUBRICATION WHEEL/RAIL Lubrication as required where appropriate on curves FLAW INSPECTION ~8 month intervals WEAR LIMITS Measure frequently to ensure economic optimum Table 4.24(d) TRAFFIC MIX: DEDICATED HH AXLE LOAD: 20 TO 24 TERRAIN: ≥ 875 meter radius TRAFFIC DENSITY: 20-29 MGT TRAFFIC DENSITY 20-29 MGT RAIL TYPE WEIGHT Standard 115 RE UIC 54 WHEELS TYPE Prem HT curve plate AAR Class C 830mm PROFILE AAR 1 B CROSSTIES WOOD at ±610 mm Monobloc CONCRETE at ±680 mm BOGIES Standard 3piece FASTENERS Dog spike or ELASTIC BALLAST 250 mm depth with 250 mm shoulders M/L SWITCH & CROSSING WORK GEOMETRY INSPECTION fixed point frog once per year PROFILES & MAINTENANCE WHEEL limit hollow wear to 4 mm; establish good profile to start and then periodic maintenance; manual measurements and inspection RAIL Establish good profile to start and then periodic maintenance with manual measurements and inspection LUBRICATION WHEEL/RAIL lubrication as required where appropriate on curves FLAW INSPECTION once per year WEAR LIMITS Click Here To Go Back To Table of Contents Part 5: Maintaining Optimal Wheel and Rail Performance Written by Mr. Michael D. Roney, member of the IHHA Board of Directors and Professor Willem Ebersöhn, member of the Technical Review Committee. 5.1 Maintaining Optimal Wheel and Rail Performance Rail is the single most expensive element of the track structure. On many railways, it is behind only labor and fuel as an expense item. The tonnage carried by a rail before it is condemned can range from less than 100 million gross tons to close to 2.5 gigga gross tons. As an example of the value of rail maintenance management, assume that a single kilometre of rail costs $180,000 to install. Track engineers decide that the rail has a badly fatigued surface and has reached the end of its service life. They call for it to be replaced, gaining a salvage value of $18,000. But now assume that instead of replacing the rail, they did some corrective rail grinding costing $1800 and left the rail in track. The railway then invested the $180,000 – $18,000 $1,800 = $160,200 in the construction of a new customer facility at a rate of return of 20%. This earned $160,000 * 20% = $32,000 in its first year. The next year, the track engineers see that their rail is approaching allowable wear limits and schedules a rail replacement, now costing $187,200 due to cost escalation of 4%. But they have made for the railway $32,000 – ($187,200 – 180,000) = $24,800 by deferring replacement of rail in that kilometre, without consequence, for an extra year. And that is why they collect a salary. There is significant money to be made by deferring rail replacement as much as possible without incurring risk. Certainly it is a major responsibility of the track engineer to ensure that he gets the most out of his rail, and rail profile maintenance and rail testing are his most important tools to do this. o 5-1 x The catch is that the above statements assume that the aging rail does not have a direct impact upon other expenses, such as wheel wear or fuel consumption. Furthermore, there must not be a significant increase in risk of rail fracture. To optimize rail and wheel life cycle, it is imperative that these two components are managed jointly, as it is the wheel/rail interaction that determines the performance of each component. In the case of wheel and rail, rail maintenance holds the key, as rail is static in its location along the track layout and more accessible for maintenance. Although the wheel requirements of a vehicle is more variable in the sense that it moves over a variety of rail layouts and conditions, its requirements must match those of the rail to ensure optimal wheel rail interaction. The joint strategies of rail re-profiling, friction management (lubrication), control of gauge, and rail condition measuring can protect rail-caused cost impacts. Rail re-Profiling: Rail and wheel life is reduced if the wheel/rail contact conditions deteriorate through migration of the contact band or flattening of the rail. Regular metal removal can also control surface fatigue, which is ultimately associated with internal rail defects. Both are controllable through regular re-profiling. Friction Management: Maintaining the rail surface friction within specified limits on the rail gauge face, but also on the top of rail, can reduce rail and wheel wear and improve fuel consumption. Gauge Control: As the gauge face wears, widening gauge will change wheel/rail contact locations, which can accelerate wear and fatigue. If the rail is allowed to spread (rollover) under dynamic gauge widening, rail contact fatigue can result. Lubrication and attention to fastener condition act together to control these cost impacts. o 5-2 x Rail Condition Measuring: Rail fatigue under high axle loads combined with the rail section reductions through wear and grinding is an ideal environment for condition based maintenance practice with the measuring devices available today. The rate of occurrence of some internal rail defects increases and can be detected with a rail defect-measuring plan. The cost impact does not need to be high, however, as long as such occurrences are detected, rail defects can be changed out in a production fashion behind the rail testing operation. Technology advances have made rail profile measuring accurate and repeatable to the extent that rail wear rate can be reliably determined and used for maintenance planning. In the same manner, wheel profile and to a certain extent defect detection technology is also at the point where maintenance can move from a routine based maintenance practice to a condition based maintenance practice. Unfortunately, wheel risk management and maintenance practices are not at the same level as rail risk management. As an example, one heavy haul railway reports that for the year 2000 track related failures accounted for 23% of all accidents, where wheel failures represented 5% of the accidents. But wheel related accidents are characteristically more severe and is reflected by the cost of these accidents as being 31% of the total accident costs. (FRA reported Safety Statistics shows a ratio of 36% track vs. 3% wheel related accidents with 11% of the track-related derailments due to broken rails1). Considering the high cost of wheel related derailments, it seems that there is a discrepancy in our management of failure risk of rails versus wheels. As typically indicated, a wheel that lasts 5 years on a 30 mgt line would likely be tested and profiled 2 times, whereas a rail in the same period would likely be re-profiled and ultrasonically tested 16 times. Nevertheless, over the past decade, railways have increased their control of wheel/rail contact, although not always in an integrated manner, between the wheel shops and the track maintenance teams. If rail sees frequent maintenance attention, as discussed above, how long can it stay in track? Depending on operating o 5-3 x conditions, costs can certainly be minimized when the rail is ultimately removed for loss of railhead, as opposed to any other cause such as fatigue. This gives rise to seriously rethinking the maximum allowable rail wear limits. Whereas rail limits in the past have been associated with the ultimate contact of a high wheel flange with the joint bar, continuous welded rail has virtually eliminated this barrier. Another concern in the past, particularly for railways with 30ton and greater axle loads and/or standard carbon rails, has been that the rail would be misshapen by the time such limits were being approached, as a result of plastic flow that the whole track structure would be suffering from the poor vehicle tracking. In an environment where dynamic wheel/rail interaction and profiles are controlled, railway engineers can start to work to get the full life potential from the yield strength of the rail section. The achievement of full utilization of rail generally requires a deliberate plan to put the following supporting strategies in place: 1. Develop target rail profiles that are seen to achieve low fatigue and wear. Because of the heavy influence of contact fatigue on rail, these target profiles would typically incorporate some conformity with wheel profiles. A mechanical representative should be on the team to advise on implications for wheels, and to explore the potential for joint optimization of wheel and rail profiles. This part is addressed in previous chapters. 2. Measure rail and wheel conditions to determine maintenance needs. 3. Develop rail and wheel wear projection methodology. 4. Develop rail and wheel fatigue life projection methodology. 5. Perform economic evaluation of different premium rail options based upon condition monitoring and execute plans to progressively balance rail strength o 5-4 x with service environment. Determine the use of premium and intermediate rail steels in different tonnage and curvature classes based on minimum life cycle costs. Perform analyses to determine transposition and re-use policies. 6. Perform extensive rail re-profiling to the target profile and to correct existing rail spalling, corrugations, and head checks. 7. Re-profile wheels to target profile. 8. Install lubricators in locations with past history of higher gauge face wear rates. 9. Develop new rail wear limits and supply new design of joint bar to support extended wear limits in secondary lines. 10. Develop new wheel wear limits. 11. Implement regular and frequent ultrasonic rail inspection as well as regular rail wear and profile condition measurement. Quality assessment is an important part of this strategy. Correlate rail deterioration with track geometry condition and gauge widening to develop joint strategies. 12. Implement regular and frequent wheel flaw inspection as well as regular wheel profile condition measurement. 13. Implement frequent maintenance rail re-profiling (grinding) on regular cycles. The objective should be to move to single pass rail grinding, with speeds adjusted to grind as fast as possible to control rail flow and fatigue occurring between grinding cycles. 14. Adjust profiling standards and rail-testing intervals to match needs of rails approaching extended wear limits. 15. Implement a condition based maintenance plan for wheel re-profiling. Not all of these steps have to be in place to achieve major savings in costs. It is suggested, however, that quantum improvements in rail and wheel life require some attention to each of the steps. Critical to the implementation of this strategy is that all people involved clearly understand both the o 5-5 x end objective and the role of each of the elements. This will undoubtedly require some education of track managers through senior engineering managers of such aspects as role of rail and wheel profile designs, fatigue mechanisms, and wear rates. 5.2 5.2.1 Rail Structural Deterioration Management of Rail Testing to Control Risk of Rail Fracture The occurrence of internal defects in rails is an inevitable consequence of the accumulation of fatigue under repeated loading. To maximize rail life, heavy haul railways live with controlled rates of defect occurrences, relying on regular ultrasonic or induction rail testing and strategic renewal of rail that is obviously showing evidence of fatigue. The consequences of internal flaws can be serious. An unrecognized defect can result in rail breakage with interruption of service and the potential risk of catastrophic consequences. At the least, an isolated case means a repair cost and introduces two unwanted welds, while a series of defects can condemn a whole rail length. FRA Reported Safety Statistics for 1999 1 shows 11% of the accidents were rail and joint bar related. Figure 5.1 shows the distribution of accidents for rail and joint bar defect types for 1999. Train Accidents Reported for Rail and Joint Bar Defect Type (%) Transverse/compound Fissure 21% 17% Broken Base of Rail 15% Verrtical Split Head Head and Web Seperation (outside joint) 13% 12% Detaied Fracture from Shelling 4% Other Rail and Joint Defects 4% Broken Field Weld 3% Horizontal Split Head 3% Joint Bar Broken 3% Worn Rail Head and Web Seperation (inside joint) Mismatched Rail-head Contour 2% 1% Bolt Hole Crack or Break 1% Joint Bolts Broken or Missing 1% Figure 5.1: Distribution of Accidents Per Rail and Joint Bar Type o 5-6 x The challenge is to avoid the occurrence of service failures due to undetected defects. Service failures are more expensive to repair and can lead to costly line disruptions or even derailments. The role of rail defect testing is therefore to protect service reliability while avoiding overly conservative rail renewals. To illustrate the scope of rail testing’s contribution, consider that North American heavy haul railways detect an average of 0.4 defects per track km. (0.6 rail defects/mi) each year while inspecting at intervals of 18 mgt (20 mgt) and experience 0.06 service failures/km (0.1 service failures/mi.). One service defect in two hundred leads to a broken rail derailment. Rails are typically replaced when total defects are occurring at a sustained rate of 1-2/rail km (2-3/mi.).2 In controlling risk, the most basic control variable is the test interval. A railway administration must decide upon the frequency of passage of the rail testing equipment that will balance the cost of testing and rail change-out with the expected derailment cost to minimize the net cost of the risk. In this delicate equation, the reliability and operating speed of the testing system play an important role. 5.2.2 The Framework for Risk Management The practice of rail testing has a simple objective of reducing the annual costs incurred as a result of broken rails. But there are many variables involved. Figure 5.2 shows the most important of these. o 5-7 x Figure 5.2: Factors Controlling the Risk of Broken Rail Derailments The direct cost of undetected rail breaks is the difference between the cost of replacing broken rails on an emergency basis, and the cost of the orderly replacement of detected defects. The cost of derailments caused by undetected broken rails is an indirect cost of poor inspection reliability. The derailment cost is the annualized cost of the rare but high cost occurrence of a derailment. As the probability would be derived statistically from past records, the annualized derailment cost is also called the “expected derailment cost.” This cost is also related to specific characteristics of the railway o 5-8 x such as the remoteness of the routing, the severity of the terrain, the type of lading, and the size and speed of the trains. The number of service failures is intimately related to the effectiveness of the inspection. In a risk management approach, high inspection reliability is required where long trains are travelling fast along a watercourse in proximity to population centers. While heavy haul lines typically have long trains and high derailment costs, train frequencies may be less than on mixed freight lines, defect growth rates may be more uniform, and tonnage is easier to track for the purpose of planning test intervals. Many heavy haul operators have dedicated rail-testing vehicles, which they may use at frequent intervals, even monthly. To ensure an effective rail testing program, the test equipment must be properly designed and calibrated to reliably indicate defects, the equipment logic must present to the operator only those indications that could be a rail defect, and the operator must be experienced and diligent. In addition, test frequencies must be matched to the growth rate of critical defects so that at least one test, and preferably more inspections, are made in the interval between the development of a rail defect to a minimum detectable size and its growth, to a size that represents a significant rate of rapid fracture. In practice, the growth rate of rail defects is both highly variable and rarely known with any certainty. Rail testing on heavy haul operations often presents some specific problems, for as traffic loading is high, defect growth is accelerated and the time scale for intervention is compressed. The tendency for each wheel passage to stress the rail in a similar pattern can increase defect growth rates. At the same time, heavy axle loads can lead to a fatigued rail surface that may present confusing indications from testing equipment. The use of rail of various metallurgical qualities further complicates the task. Most heavy haul operators attempt to control risk by monitoring of the reliability of the test through evaluation of failures occurring soon after testing and by comparing ratios of service to detected rail defects. o 5-9 x 5.2.3 Defect Occurrence Rates The driving factor determining the risk of rail fracture is the rate at which a population of internal flaws develops in the rail. Internal flaws in rail have a period to initiation and a period during which a crack will propagate. The risk is introduced when cracks remain undetected during their growth to critical sizes. This occurs when the period between the times the crack reaches detectable size is significantly shorter than the testing interval. Figure 5.3 presents the example of a rail flaw with a long period of exposure before failure and one with a short exposure time. An example of a long exposure time might be a transverse fissure, which is detectable at a small size due to its central location in the head, and which may grow slowly. At the other extreme might be a defective weld with poor fusion in the web area. The web cracks would typically be large at first detection and could be expected to propagate rapidly. In revenue service, rail in a given routing would be expected to have a broad population of defects of different sizes, each growing at a different rate. In a typical heavy haul line, the population of flaws of different sizes can be assumed to be distributed according to an exponential distribution (Figure 5.4), where there are many very small flaws, but very few large defects. As fatigue cycles accumulate in the rail from high contact stresses, more flaws are initiated and those already present continue to grow. Critical to the risk of a rail break is the number of defects in the right tail of the distribution. The area of the right tail of the distribution would represent the number of rail flaws that are of sufficient size that they could fracture suddenly. It is a fact that the distribution of internal defects by size varies from location to location. A highly stressed track segment or one laid with a dirtier steel, will have a population distribution shifted to the right and should, in theory, be tested more frequently to achieve the same risk level. o 5-10 x Figure 5.3: Size Distribution of Flaws in Rails in a Typical Line Figure 5.4: Transverse Defect Growth Rates Measured under 39-Ton Axle Loads at FAST/Heavy Tonnage Loop Because rail flaw detection is quite effective at detecting large defect sizes, the distribution of defects in track at any one time is skewed to the smaller sizes. The critical objective of rail testing programs is to both eliminate the right tail high risk defects in the distribution at the time of testing while o 5-11 x attempting to detect all defects from the distribution which, through growth, will have reached the high risk level by the time of the next rail test. Hence both testing reliability and test intervals are important. But most importantly, test reliability and testing intervals must be matched. Presently, there is little hard evidence on either the growth rates of different defects or their critical sizes. One notable exception is the defect growth relationship determined in studies by the Transportation Technology Center, Inc. (TTCI) a subsidary of the Association of American Railroads (AAR) at the Facility for Accelerated Service Testing Facility (FAST), Pueblo, Colorado USA. By monitoring the growth of transverse defects under the controlled conditions of a unit train cycling over the test loop, TTCI measured a wide range of different growth rates. Figure 5.5 plots the progression of transverse defects that developed under a consist with 35 ton (39 Ton) axle loads.3,4 The tonnage required to initiate a defect was found to be very difficult to predict, but once initiated, transverse defects were found to grow non-linearly with tonnage, as would be predicted from fracture mechanics theory. Under the uniform heavy loading conditions of the FAST consist, some defect growth rates were found to be quite rapid. Rapid growth rates could also be expected where tensile residual stresses are present in the railhead, and in low temperatures in continuous welded rail where the rail is again in tension. Part 3, Appendix A presents Canadian Pacific rail system criteria for the protection of defective rail in track. o 5-12 x Figure 5.5: Transverse Defect Growth Rates Measured Under 39-Ton Axle Loads in Fast Heavy Tonnage Loop 5.2.4 Critical Defect Sizes Experience has shown that rail can fracture suddenly from transverse defects as small as 10% of the railhead. Generally, risk is significant when a transverse defect is larger than 35% of the head. A bolt hole crack is known to start to grow rapidly when the length exceeds about 13 mm (½in.), and rapid fracture can usually be anticipated from a 25 mm (1 in.) crack. In general, railways have relied upon experience to distinguish between fractures which present a substantial risk and those which may safely remain in track for a specified period of time. For example, Part 3, Appendix A: Canadian Pacific Rail Defects5 presents the mandatory Protection Codes imposed by Canadian Pacific Rail System on trains passing over detected rail defects prior to their removal from track. This table presents one heavy haul railway’s assessment of the risk associated with different sizes and types of defects. A study of dynamic fracture of rails conducted at Queen’s University at Kingston, Canada,6 has shed some more light on the dynamic load capacity of rails, and hence the risk of fracture under heavy axle loading. The study involved dropping dynamic impact loads typical of those imposed by shelled wheel treads, out-of-round wheels or wheel flats on rails, which had been removed from track because of detected defects of different types. The rail specimens were pulled o 5-13 x longitudinally to simulate tensile stresses from low temperatures, and some specimens were tested at down to – 20°C. It was found that: 1. Impact loading was far more likely to fracture defects in the transverse plane; 2. The tensile stresses imposed by temperatures substantially less than the neutral temperature were important in causing rail fracture; 3. Where the rail is shelling excessively, sudden rail fracture will occur at lower, more frequent impact level; 4. The residual, thermal and dynamic stresses imposed by traffic contributed equally to total stress intensity; 5. The size of the flaw is a more important risk factor than the percent of the railhead that has fractured. In fact, a larger railhead may fracture more easily under dynamic loading. Because a greater rail mass must be rapidly “moved aside” under a high frequency impact, i.e. has greater inertia, a larger railhead is less compliant and may absorb more energy in impact. Through observation of the conditions under which a rail with a known defect could fracture suddenly, an equation was developed from this work, which calculates the peak dynamic load at fracture, Pdyn, stated in kilopounds (kips): p dyn = 4.83 K b I C − 1.38 ∆ T − 6.46 σ (1) Where: K is the fracture toughness of the rail steel. This value IC is typical 38.5 MPa for standard rail steels and 20% higher for premium rail steels; ∆T is the variation of the rail temperature from its neutral or stress-free temperature in degrees Fahrenheit. o 5-14 x σr is the residual stress determined from the opening that develops in a saw cut test. A value of 15.7 kPa/mm (14.3 ksi) is a good estimate from the Queen’s University tests. For example, using the above empirical equation, the following combinations of conditions could cause sudden rail fracture: For a transverse defect covering 8% of the railhead: • a rail temperature of 56° Celsius (100° Fahrenheit) below the neutral temperature and a dynamic wheel load of 356 kN (80,000 lbs). For a transverse defect covering 10% of the railhead: • a rail temperature of 56° Celsius (100° Fahrenheit) below the neutral temperature and a dynamic wheel load of 311 kN (70,000 lbs). For a transverse defect covering 18% of the railhead: • a rail temperature of 39° Celsius (70° Fahrenheit) below the neutral temperature and a dynamic wheel load of 311 kN (70,000 lbs). For a transverse defect covering 40% of the railhead: • a rail temperature of 56° Celsius (100° Fahrenheit) below the neutral temperature without any wheel loading. See Part 3, Appendix A: Rail Defects (Canadian Pacific Rail & Spoornet) 5.2.5 Rail Fatigue Projection Most railways performing regular projection of rail life use the Weibull methodology for projecting rail fatigue occurrence rates. The Weibull methodology is useful in identifying locations where trends are sustained vs. the case where defects have remained constant. The situation where rail defect occurrence rates are increasing is more critical, as this may signal a mature fatigue process. These projections are used to identify consistent trends in rail defect occurrences that could be cause for a rail renewal program. o 5-15 x Attention to trends identified through regular use of Weibull projections may guide selection of a strategy to correct a defect trend by tamping up rail joints, building up rail ends by welding, relieving the gauge corner, or attending to flat wheels. Rail should be changed out when the annual cost of repairing rail defects exceeds the value of deferring the renewal for another year. At a repair cost of only $2500 per defect, and an annual value of $18000 in interest savings if you leave the rail in track, it requires a strong trend line to justify a rail replacement for defect occurrences alone. But if a significant number of these rails are failing in service, this introduces the possibility that leaving the rail in track may incur the high cost of line outages during emergency rail replacements and broken rail derailments. The key therefore is in maintaining effective rail testing. As shown, service reliability requires both effective testing systems and frequent rail testing. Attainment of long rail service lives in a heavy haul environment similarly requires a strategy to support rail economics with effective rail testing. Use of Weibull Distribution to Predict Rail Flaw Occurrence Rates β T − γ  f (T ) =   η  η  ( β − 1) e T − γ  −   η  β (2) The Weibull probability density function is given by: ƒ(T) > 0, T > γ, β > 0, η > 0, -∝ < γ < ∝ Where: β = Shape parameter γ = Location parameter η = Scale parameter T = Time, Tonnage etc. o 5-16 x The Weibull reliability function is given by −T −γ  ï£ η R(T ) = e    β (3) and the Weibull failure function F (T ) = 1 − R(T ) − =1− e T −γ  ï£ η    β (4) The failure function is manipulated into the following form: −T 1 − F (T ) = e 1 =e 1 − F (T ) ln −γ  ï£ η    T −γ  ï£ η    β β T − γ 1 = 1 − F (T ) ï£¬ï£ η    β   1  = β ln (T − γ ) − β ln (η ) ln  ln F T − 1 ( )  ï£ (5) This linear relationship is used for constructing Weibull probability paper. β ln (η ) is constant for a given situation. The Weibull failure rate, λ (T), is given by λ (T ) = β η T − γ  ï£ η    (β − 1) (6) In rail failure analyses one of two avenues for the calculation of reliability or failure rates can be followed: 1. A maximum number of failures, defects or occurrences, per distance of track, of a certain nature can be decided upon beforehand. Once this level of failures has been reached it is assumed that 100% of occurrences had been experienced and some action like replacing of the rail is taken. o 5-17 x 2. No previous decision regarding the number of defects that is allowable in the track has been taken. Here use is made of the so called Median Rank to allocate a value of F(T) to failures. The Median Rank will, in this case, again be based on a unit length of track. In order to obtain relevant results from a Weibull analysis of rails the track must be divided up in homogeneous units. Information required for analysis includes: 1. The type of defect (Classification of failure); 2. Tonnage to failure; 3. Time to failure; 4. History of repairs and maintenance; 5. Infrastructure data. Position in track etc. Lengths of rail in a unit may vary upon conditions. In general lengths from 5 km to 50 km may be used. The considerations for lengths of rail to be identified, tested and analysed will be discussed later. The following example illustrates the typical use of the Weibull function. Failure data for heavy haul-line 20 to 40 km: Failure type Line length (km) : Kidney shaped crack : 20 Max. defects per km : 5 (Has to be decided on as policy) Table 5.1 shows data from a spreadsheet program used for the calculation of the Weibull parameters. o 5-18 x Tonnage (mgt) 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 Table 5.1: Results from Weibull analysis Failures Ave. Failures % Failed Years per km per period 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 5 8 4 8 4 6 5 9 8 0.25 0.65 0.85 1.25 1.45 1.75 2.00 2.45 2.85 5 13 17 25 29 35 40 49 57 The columns in Table 5.2 are: F(mgt) % of failures of the Kidney shaped crack type. Based on the max. defects allowable per km. Tonnage (mgt) Actual gross load carried by rails.   1  Y = ln  ln ï£ 1 − F ( MGT )  x = ln (Tonnage) Weibull parameter calculation :0 Location parameter, γ F(mgt) 5 13 17 25 29 35 40 49 57 Table 5.2: Calculation of Weibull parameters Tonnage (mgt) Y X 100 -2.9702 4.6051 200 -1.9714 5.2983 300 -1.6802 5.7037 400 -1.2459 5.9914 500 -1.0715 6.2146 600 -0.8421 6.3969 700 -0.6717 6.5510 800 -0.3955 6.6846 900 -0.1696 6.8023 Regression Output: (Linear regression done on Y and X columns) o 5-19 x Constant -8.50235 Std Err of Y Est R 0.088236 0.991049 No. of Observations 9 Degrees of Freedom 7 X Coefficient(s) 1.207463 Std Err of Coef. 0.043373 Shape parameter, β = X coefficient = 1.207463 β ln η = 8.502351 (Constant) ln η = 7.041499 η = 1143.099 From Table 5.2 the values of the Weibull parameters were obtained: η = 1143.1 β = 1.207 γ =0 Using the Weibull parameters obtained above the following typical calculations are now possible: Reliability at certain life T − γ R (T ) = e −  ï£ η    β  2 000 − 0 R (2 000) = e −  ï£ 1143.1 R (2 000) = 0.14 = 14% 1.207    In terms of our model of five allowable kidney shaped defects per km the rail will after carrying 2000 mgt have a 14% reliability; i.e., only 0.14 x 5 = 0.7 defects per km will be allowable or 4.3 defects per km will already exist. o 5-20 x Failure rate at a certain life λ (T ) = β η T − γ  ï£ η    ( β − 1) (1.207 − 1) 1.207  1500 − 0    1143.1 ï£ 1143.1  = 0.00111 failures / defects per MGT per km λ (1500) = When a certain defect level will be reached Should it be decided to start ordering rails when defects have reached a level of 4.5 defects per km: F (T ) = 4.5 = 90% 5.0 T − γ = 1 − e  ï£ η −    β 1.207  2280 − 0  = 1 − e−   ï£ 1143.1  (By means of replacement of T in computer model). = 0.90 = 90% This means that the defect level of 4.5 defects/km will be reached by the time 2280 mgt has passed over the rail. Further refinements to this model by for instance adding confidence limits is possible. 5.2.6 Modes of Rail Testing An effective rail test is one in which all defects which could present a hazard to the safe passage of trains, at the time of testing and projected forward to the time of the next test, are located and sized to an accuracy that permits a valid decision to be made on its removal. A skilled test operator can perform a reliable test at a spot location with hand probes within a few minutes. The problem is in knowing where to look for the defect. The solution is to use a machine to locate potential defects at speed. o 5-21 x Thus, there are two distinct components to rail testing: 1. Location of defects by machine. 2. Description of defects by the operator. The basic elements that are necessary to ensure that a defect is correctly located and identified are: 1. The equipment used for detection must represent the size of the defect sufficiently accurately to produce a recognizable indication(s) on the operator’s display under all rail surface conditions that could be expected. 2. The indication presented to the operator must be clearly identifiable as a rail defect. 3. The operator must have sufficient training, experience, and vigilance to respond to a defect indication with very high reliability and to correctly perform hand testing to identify the defect. The two aspects of detection, involving machine and operator, explains why rail testing is carried out in a variety of ways: “Non-stop” hand testing, where an operator pushed trolley-mounted equipment along at a walking pace and carries out a pedestrian sweep, stopping to explore and confirm indications. This offers the advantage that the information is presented to the operator at a slow speed and he may perform a simultaneous visual check of rail surface conditions. The major disadvantage is the high cost per test kilometre due to slow test speed and the need to test each rail separately. While some railways still do out-of-face rail testing with ultrasonic hand trolleys, their use is waning due to high labor costs, the need for a chase vehicle anyway to regularly recharge water supplies and safety considerations. Therefore, further comments will focus on flaw detection by vehicle. “Stop and confirm” machine testing, where the test vehicle stops at each indication and the hand operator gets out to verify and mark the defect. o 5-22 x Advantages are: • Less sophisticated equipment means lower capital cost. • Rail is marked for renewal at detection. • Detection can run in sync with rail repair. • Test vehicle may be hi-rail equipped, increasing its flexibility to move between sites over roads and to set on and off track at road crossings. Disadvantages are: • Slower operation than non-stop testing. • Test equipment may have to run under rules for track equipment to permit backup moves. • Crew of hi-rail equipped ultrasonic cars must travel to other lodging. “Non-stop” machine testing, where a multi-probe machine travels the section at typically 35 – 40 km/h. Real time computing attempts to recognize signal indications, which could possibly be defects, and to paint the location for follow up hand testing. Advantages are: • Less interference with traffic. • Lower unit cost of testing. • Higher productivity. • In some territories, signal systems will not allow railbound equipment to back up, leaving a long walk if immediate verification is required. Disadvantages are: • Higher capital cost of equipment. • Ultrasonic car may leave behind more defects than can be fixed in a day, leading to slow orders. o 5-23 x • Longer time interval between detection and verification. • Rail surface fatigue can cause excessive indications. • Real time detection by computer must necessarily be conservative leading to a tendency to paint too much rail. • Hand test results are not available to recognize for recalibration.. “Tandem machine testing” is a variation on non-stop testing. In this approach, a “chase vehicle” working in the same track possession follows the principal testing vehicle. The led test car works non-stop as fast as the rail condition will allow, while the satellite car regulates its average speed, stops included, to match the site advance. This method is capitalintensive, but addresses many of the disadvantages of non-stop testing. Rail Testing Equipment Various types of non-destructive methods have been employed for testing rail in track, the main ones being: • Induction, where a low voltage eddy current is passed along the rail between two moving probes, inducing a strong magnetic field around the rail. An internal rail defect causes distortions in the field around the rail, which are picked up by search coils (see 5.2.10). Induction methods can detect railhead defects and certain web defects outside of the joint bar area. • Residual magnetic, where the rail is magnetized, and search coils generate a weak current at irregularities in the rail. • Ultrasonic, where ultrasonic waves are beamed into the rail and the echoes are studied for irregularities. As ultrasound is the technology most frequently used by heavy haul railways, future comments will deal with ultrasonic rail flaw detection only. o 5-24 x 5.2.7 Ultrasonic Principles While ultrasonic is a very specialized field usually left to the experts, it is helpful for the railway user to have a grasp of the principles involved. The test tool is a beam of electro-acoustic energy with a frequency in the region beyond the hearing range. The beam – which can be linked to that of an electric torch or flashlight – is some 20 mm (1 in.) in diameter at its origin and diverges from cylindrical at 3–5 degrees. The beam is pulsed – switched on then off – at a set distance along the rail, usually 2, 4, or 5 mm. Ultrasonic transmitter crystals may be fitted in sliding shoes or in rotating wheels. The sliding shoes are in closer contact with the rail and afford a good angular stability, as the mounting is flexible and adaptable. The wheel probes deal better with irregular rails and offer a broad base for scanning the railhead. A combination of both systems exist on some machines. Like light, the transmitted ultrasonic energy is refracted upon changing from medium to medium, and reflected upon meeting a suitable surface that is roughly perpendicular to its propagation. In the flaw detection operation, two phenomena are of interest. A beam hitting a discontinuity can reflect back and disclose an “appearance” that indicates a potential defect. And a beam masked from an expected end-echo cannot reflect back, and thus gives a “disappearance” that indicates a potential defect. In practice, one is looking for various types of defects, each with its own characteristics. The major characteristic distinguishing different defect types will be the defect’s plane of propagation. Thus, a transverse defect will be situated on a plane across the railhead and sloping at some 70 to 90 degrees to the vertical, while horizontal split heads and vertical split heads describe themselves. In order to achieve reflection, the search beam must meet the defect plane at about right angles. From here, it becomes clear why rail-testing cars are fitted with several probes on each rail. The beams are centered on the longitudinal axis of the rail by mechanical means with reference to the gauge face. As the o 5-25 x beams descend the web, and cannot radiate out from that path, there are zones in the rail foot hat are not tested by the ultrasonic method. The passage of the ultrasonic energy is not as clean as one would like. In particular, there is a disturbed zone of about 10 mm at the interface between the probe and the rail. The passage from one medium to the other is assured by a film of water that acts as a couplant. Nevertheless, the first several millimetres of the entry into the rail cannot be exploited. Other parasite effects occur also. Thus the first stage in the recovery of the test information is to filter the returning energy to remove the misleading effects. The second stage is to set adjustable gates to select the areas in the rail that are of interest. At this point, the energy reflected can be visualized on a cathode ray oscilloscope, an illustration referred to a an A-scan. Defects will be recognizable from a set shape of the oscilloscope trace. They are said to have a “signature.” In principle, this information suffices to locate potential defects. In practice, the traces are lively and require great attention for interpretation, and there are simultaneously several channels of information for each rail. The problem is now one of information technology to assure the recognition of potential defects among the mass of tested data that will flow through the system. For example, some 10 information points are generated every few millimetres along the rails, while travelling at 15 – 25 km/hr. Another visual aid may be a pictogram. Known as a B-scan, this is a picture of a rail section, with diode lights or computer graphics given a "“quick glance” view of suspicious echoes. An audio tone signal can give a supplementary indication. All of the above indications are usually presented to the operator in real time, but are usually stored on a multi-channel line recorder for later consultation in cases of controversial findings. o 5-26 x 5.2.8 Inspection Effectiveness Rail flaw detection reliability is a system in which total reliability is the joint result of the performance of test probes, data processing clarity of information displays to the operator, the operator himself, and the management of rail testing intervals. Where there is a weak link in the system, it must be compensated by the other elements of the system. For example, weak performance from the ultrasonic probes can be compensated somewhat by more sophisticated processing. Or overly complicated or confusing information displays must be compensated by an experienced operator. Most importantly, poor overall performance from rail testing can be compensated somewhat by very frequent testing intervals. The following discusses some of the factors affecting railtesting reliability. Test Probes To locate an internal defect in rail, ultrasonic or induction energy must be transmitted along a pathway and at an energy level sufficient to produce a clearly anomalous reflection from the fracture surface. This reflection must be distinguishable from the base of the rail itself and from railhead surfaces, and the signal received from the fracture surface must be substantially greater than the overall noise level introduced by the grain structure of the rail or from the probe itself. And the signal received must be sampled sufficiently frequently to have captured sufficient pulses or “echoes” to have “seen” the defect. Fortunately, the larger the defect, the greater the signal reflected. The difficulty arises in the detection of threshold defect sizes. The pulse count from a small transverse defect, for example, can be very similar to the “noise floor,” particularly in older, less clean rail steels. Furthermore, the full size, or length of the defect, is almost never seen. This is because the full size of the defect is only seen if it happened to be oriented at exactly 90 degrees to one of the search beams. As there are an infinite number of o 5-27 x possible defect orientations and a finite number of probe orientations, this is rare. What is usually seen as the reflecting surface is therefore the projection of the fracture surface onto the plane of the probe. True sizing of the defect only occurs when the defect is linear and oriented at 90 degrees to one of the search beams, As there are an infinite number of defect orientations and a finite number of probe orientations, this is rare. In the example shown in Figure 5.6, a 32 mm (1-1/4 in.) curvilinear bolt hole crack emanating at 45 degrees from the bolt hole is seen as a 25 mm (1 in.) defect by the ultrasonic probe arrangement. A particular problem is experience in those rare circumstances where the crack emanates vertically from the bottom of the bolt hole. This type of crack is susceptible to pull-apart, but is transparent to the 0 degree probe and underrepresented by 43% by the 35° probe. Figure 5.6: Length of a Bolt Hole Crack 32 mm Long and Growing at 45° as seen by 35° and 0° Ultrasonic Probes Another example of undersizing by ultrasonic occurs when defects are located in the extreme corners of the railhead, the initiation point for detail fractures from shell (Figure 5.7).7 8 Here the problem is due to the diverging angles of the ultrasonic beam. A centrally-located ultrasonic beam, 20 mm thick and diverging at 3–5 degrees, is unable to illuminate the parts of the crack surface near the gauge corner and in the o 5-28 x head-web fillet area. Flaws larger than 65% of the head area are therefore characteristically undersized. This can be counteracted to some degree by the addition of 70 degree probes on field and gauge side, but the lateral separation of such probes is constrained by the possibility of “taking air” when encountering a severely worn rail gauge corner. Figure 5.7: Illustration of Characteristic under Sizing of a Large Transverse Defect by a Single 70° Ultrasonic Probe Signal Processing The electronic signals received by the test probes must be adjusted to discern a recognizable signal, while eliminating spurious “noise.” Signal processing may affect overall testing reliability if filters are not adjusted to recognize returning signal thresholds that could constitute valid defects. For example, processing logic that does not lower the threshold level for defects found deeper in the railhead whose reflected energy will be less than a shallow defect, would potentially miss smaller defects deeper in the rail. o 5-29 x Displaying Indications to the Operator Most testing systems use a “gating logic” whereby an ultrasonic echo is divided into reflections from head, web, base, and possible defect. An indication of a potential defect is presented to the operator only if sufficient signal pulses or echoes have been received within a time interval that would constitute the “defect zone.” System test reliability depends upon the successful definition of the time interval through which echoes from the probes should be counted as an indication of both the presence and size of a defect. Recent developments have also sought to assist the operator by recognizing patterns typical of rail ends, bolt holes, bond pin drillings, etc. The objective is to present to the operator only those patterns, which cannot be, explained by typical track features. This prevents the operator from being flooded with information that he must mentally process. Operator Vigilance Current testing systems continue to be operator sensitive. The ideal operator can maintain mental vigilance over extended periods of time, using his training and experience to identify suspicious pen indications or patterns, in spite of various distractions within the test car. Such operators exist, but there are an equal number of excessively conservative operators who frequently stop and hand test and may mark a rail for unnecessary removal where they do not recognize the pattern of indications. On the other hand, some operators are production-oriented, or are perhaps too quick to attribute unusual indications to a rail surface condition. Operator performance should be reviewed regularly be selecting random samples of recorded signal indications, ideally in territories where the number of detected defects has changed dramatically between tests. These recordings should be reviewed with the operator to locate areas where he may have missed a potential rail defect. o 5-30 x Estimates of Rail Testing Reliability The effect of defect size on the probability of finding a defect is well illustrated in Figure 5.8.8 It was compiled by the Transportation Systems Center and the AAR, and is an assessment of typical testing capabilities of current contractors’ equipment. The AAR model estimates that a defect covering 60% of the railhead has a 90% chance of detection in a given test. At the same time, a flaw covering 10% of the head is likely to have a probability of detection of only 45%. Figure 5.8: Estimated reliability of conventional rail test equipment The American Railway Engineering Association is more demanding in their recommended minimum performance guidelines for rail testing. These guidelines, summarized as Table 5.3,9 define the minimum acceptable percentage of defects that must be detected by a single ultrasonic test. The detection rate recommended by the AREA as indicative of a fair to good ultrasonic inspection varies with the type of defect, its size range and the class of track. For example, the AREA recommends that rail testing services be considering to be operating below acceptable performance if more than 65% of o 5-31 x transverse defects in the 5-10% range go undetected. On the other hand, 98% of transverse defects covering 60% of the railhead must be correctly identified and marked for removal. The specification also defines the minimum sizes of defects that are considered both worthy of reporting and within the size range for reliable detection. Such a specification invites questions to as how the required testing performance can be verified. The best method is to have a section of test track containing defects of know sizes. This tests the capabilities of the test equipment, but is not a realistic test of the vigilance of the operator in normal service. Some railways run tandem tests where two test cars will alternate running in the trailing position. Defects found by one test car and operator and not the other, after verification by breaking open or lab inspection, would be considered missed defects for the purpose of verifying performance to the specification. o 5-32 x Table 5.3: Minimum Performance for Rail Testing Size (Length or % of head Area) Defect Type Transverse Defects in the Rail Head eg. transverse fissure compound fissure engine burn/welded burn fracture Detail Fracture from Shelling or Head Check Defective welds – Plant Welds (Head) - Plant Welds (Web) - Field Welds (Head) - Field Welds (Web) Longitudinal Defects in the Rail Head eg. horizontal split head vertical split head Web Defects * eg. head and web separation split web Piped rail Category I II 5-10% 65% 55% 11-20% 21-40% 85% 90% 75% 85% 41-80% 98% 95% 81-100% 10-20% 99% 65% 99% 55% 21-40% 85% 75% 41-80% 95% 85% 81-100% 3-5% 6-10% 11-20% 98% 65% 75% 85% 95% 65% 75% 21-40% 90% 85% 41-80% 95% 95% 81-100% 99% 99% 12-25 mm 75% 65% 25-50 mm 95% 90% more than 50 mm 99% 95% 5-10% 75% 65% 11-20% 80% 70% 21-40% 85% 80% 41-80% 95% 90% 81-100% 99% 95% 12-25 mm 75% 65% 25-50 mm 90% 85% more than 50 mm 99% 95% 50-100 mm long 80% 70% 100 mm - 1 m 95% 95% more than 1 m 99% 99% 50-100 mm 95% more than 100 more mm than 200 99% mm any Any size with non vertical orientation, evidence of bulged web or progression into weld. Web Defects in Joint Area * eg. bolt hole crack head and web separation Reliability Ratio (% of such defects properly indicated as flaws in any single test) 85% 85% 90% 95% 75% 12-25 mm 75% 65% 25-50 mm 75% 65% 85% 50-100 mm 90% more than 100 99% 99% mm more than halfway through the web. * defects must have progressed o 5-33 x 5.2.9 Selecting Rail Testing Intervals It can be seen from the above that management of rail testing incorporates two abstract disciplines: • Risk management: an outlay of known prevention costs to achieve a hypothetical reduction in the probability of damage. • Statistical performance: the evaluation of detection success rates in relation to probability tolerances. Furthermore, the subject matter is not definitive. The growth rates of known types of defects are not narrowly predictable. There are sources of rail breakage that are clearly not predictable, such as defects in the rail foot, and there are random events such as infrequent but significant impacts from wheel defects. The well documented defect growth experience of the FAST Heavy Tonnage Loop presents a unique opportunity to explore the theoretical relationship between rail testing frequency and the possibility of a service break. For illustrative purposes, assume that the 11 defects shown in Figure 5.5 represents the full population of defects initiated and growing over a one year period in a 20 km line carrying 40 million gross ton annually. Based upon practical experience, it can further be assumed that a transverse defect left in track with a size greater than 60% could represent a significant risk of sudden fracture, and that it would be the objective of ultrasonic testing to prevent this eventuality. It can be seen that in the absence of testing, from 1–3 of these defects could be expected to have covered more than 60% of the railhead by 20 million gross ton of accumulated traffic; 2–4 more would reach this threshold by 30 million gross ton. By the time 40 million gross ton had passed over this rail, it could be speculated that two broken rails would have been experienced, representing a 1 in 100 chance of a broken rail derailment using U.S. average statistics. This case study can be used to illustrate the reduction in risk that can be expected with rail testing. For example, if testing at 9 million gross ton intervals (10 mgt), the rail flaw o 5-34 x detector car would pass over the defect identified with the asterisk at the time when it would cover 23% of the railhead. According to AREA specs in Table 5.3, it would have a 90% chance of detecting and marking this defect for removal. If the defect were missed and the flaw detector care were to again pass over the site at 13 million gross ton (15 mgt), the flaw would now cover 55% of the railhead and should be detected with 98% probability. The net probability of detecting this particular defect before it reaches the 60% size is therefore calculated as 0.90 + 0.10 (.98) = 0.998. Of course, this makes the perhaps gross assumption that there is no particular recurring condition that is preventing detection. Using this same methodology, one can calculate the net effect of different test intervals on the probability that one of these defects will reach the 60% level before being detected and marked for removal. Using the AREA Minimum Performance Guideline as an assessment of the typical detection performance of the test car, the results shown in Table 5.4 are obtained for the year. Table 5.4: Effect of Test Interval on Expected Number of Undetected Defects in a Hypothetical 20 km Line with Transverse Defect Growth Rates as Measured in the FAST Heavy Tonnage Loop Test Interval Expected No. of Defects that will reach the 60% Level Undetected 36 mgt (40 mgt) 11 18 mgt (20 mgt) 0.700 9 mgt (10 mgt) 0.234 4 mgt (5 mgt) 0.004 It can be seen that the probability of leaving a transverse defect undetected to a size representing a high risk of failure is very dependent upon the testing frequency. Again, this assumes that the probability of success is independent from test to test. On the surface it would appear that very frequent rail testing is economical, but there is a case of diminishing returns. o 5-35 x Assume for example that it costs $2,500 to replace a rail detected behind a rail flaw detector car costing $50 for the test. An emergency replacement, on the other hand would involve delay of trains and could cost $10,000 per occurrence. For transverse defects, perhaps 1% of service failures may be expected to lead to derailments costing an average of $400,000. Using these cost numbers, the value of the different test intervals can be calculated from the above probabilities for the hypothetical 20 km. The results are tabulated in Table 5.5. This example would indicate an optimal testing interval of 5–18 million gross ton, with 9 million gross ton as potentially the most economical. To illustrate the value of reliable testing, assume that a rail flaw detector vehicle is used that does not meet the AREA Performance Guidelines, but instead performs as predicted by Figure 5.9. When testing for defects in this line at 9 million gross ton (10 mgt) intervals such a car would be calculated to leave an expected 2.02 defects that would progress to the 60% level. A comparison of the economics of the two vehicles is included as Table 5.6. Test Interval 40 mgt 20 mgt 10 mgt 5 mgt Table 5.5: Economics of Test Frequency in a Hypothetical Line Cost of Expected Total Cost Annual Cost of Defect Testing Annual per year Repairs per year Broken Rail Detected Service Derail. Cost $1000 $2500 $111,000 $44,000 $158,500 $2000 $30750 $7000 $2800 $44,550 $4000 $31915 $2340 $936 $39,191 $8000 $32490 $40 $16 $40,546 Figure 5.9: Decision Matrix to Direct Risk Reduction o 5-36 x Table 5.6: Economics of Rail Testing Performance in a Hypothetical Line at 9 mgt Testing Interval Specification Cost of Annual Cost of Defect Expected Total Defining Car Testing Repairs Annual Cost per Performance per Broken Rail year Detected Service year Derail. Cost AREMA $4000 $31915 $2340 $936 $39,191 TSC/AAR $4000 $27443 $20,228 $8092 $59,763 Model This example calculates that the less accurate test vehicle would cost this heavy haul line an additional $20,000 each year in this 20 km line segment, or $1000/km. There is clearly value in maintaining good quality control on testing. In this example the difference is chiefly due to the differences in the testing performance in the 30 – 60% size. As a general statement, if a rail flaw detection vehicle is to be cost effective, it must be very good at detecting defects such as transverse defects in the 30 – 80% size range, as this likely will represent that last time the defect is seen by the detector car before crack out unless test intervals are exceedingly tight. Performance-Based Adjustment of Test Intervals In light of the inexact nature of the science, most heavy haul railways control risk by monitoring the occurrence of both detected and service defects. In North America heavy haul railway practice, risk is typically judged to be sufficiently high to merit tightening test intervals when: • Service defect rates exceed 0.17 service failures/km (0.1 service failures/mi/yr). • Service plus detected rail defects exceed 0.04 failures/km/million gross ton (0.06 failures/mi./mgt). • The ratio of service to detected defects exceeds 0.2. In fact, risk can be the result of track condition that is not matched to service demand, test intervals that are not matched to the reliability of testing systems, or both. The appropriate o 5-37 x course of action can be determined by comparing service failure statistics and the number of detected failures. Figure 5.9 illustrates the decision matrix that could be used to direct an effort to reduce risk. For example, if service failures are exceeding 0.04/km/million gross ton (0.06 failures/mi./mgt), it is apparent that the railway property is living with a significant risk of a broken rail derailment. The obvious question is whether ultrasonic testing is reliable and is being performed frequently enough to find the defects. Should it also be the case that service failures represents more than 20% of all rail defects recorded, it can be surmised that testing intervals must indeed be tightened as a first step to reducing risk. On the other hand, if service failure rates are low, but detected defects are high, it can be presumed that rail testing is effectively compensating for a track that may have stress problems or cumulative fatigue damage. A Parametric Approach In 1991, Committee 4 of the American Railway Engineering Association developed a quantitative guidance for specifying recommended ultrasonic testing intervals. The emphasis was not on specifying the intervals themselves, but on illustrating how different railways have perceived the relative effects of different parameters on risk, and hence the resultant test interval. The results represent the experience of two major US railroads that have developed inspection interval planning equations. The multipliers suggested to account for different conditions are given in Table 5.7: Table 5.7: Inspection Multipliers per Parameter Significant Parameter Parameter Range Inspection Interval Decrease Annual Tonnage Rate 10:1 ratio increase 70-80% Track Class (as defined by U.S. FRA Class 1 to 6 60% maximum allowable freight (16 km/h – 133 km/h speed) Existence of Passenger vs. exclusive freight 50% Trains line Rail section Size 68 kg/m vs. 45 kg/m 70% Prior Rail Defect Rate 10:1 ratio increase 50-70% o 5-38 x Cluster Testing When addressing the risk of a rail-caused derailment, it is wise to look at the rail plant comprising a routing as a series of shorter sections of track, with different defect-producing potential. In older railway lines, lack of homogeneity is a natural result of the relaying of sections of track in different years, resulting in rails with different accumulated service tonnage. Curved track also generally produces more defects due to the additional stresses imposed by lateral loading. This occurs even if the sections of track has rail with the same accumulated service tonnage with uniformly good track support conditions. Finally, variations in track and sub-grade support conditions, rail metallurgical cleanliness and rail weld quality can have profound influences on defect occurrence rates. As an example of the impact of metallurgical cleanliness in the period 1972 – 1980, Canadian Pacific Rail found that fully 38% of transverse defects had occurred in rails from the “A” or top position of the ingot, which potentially has the greatest density of non-metallic inclusions. “A” ingot rails would have constituted only 18% of the population of rails in track.8 It follows then, that the greatest risk reduction pay-off from rail testing will result from tests in those locations with higher defect occurrence rates. The practice of scheduling additional tests in high defect locations is called “cluster testing.” To reduce the additional cost of testing intervals governed by high defect locations, rail-bound rail testing cars may deadhead without testing over intervening track segments with acceptable defect occurrence rates. Many railways schedule “cluster testing” on the basis of some known characteristic of track. For example, a high curvature section of an otherwise tangent routing might receive an extra test, as could a length of older rail, or jointed rail within a continuous welded rail routing. Other railways monitor service and detected rail failures and schedule testing based upon the limits of high defect rate locations. o 5-39 x Hi-rail based cars are particularly adapted to cluster testing, where road access and frequent level crossing permit easy access to spot locations without tying up track in deadheading. As there is a cost to deadheading between sites to be cluster tested, for scheduling purposes, high defect locations should be 10–20 km in length, with sufficient defect occurrence rates, when averaged over this length, to trigger the selected threshold for an additional test. Therefore, when selecting test intervals for a routing, these should be somewhat related to the potential for a service failure, in turn leading to a derailment. Test intervals should target specific longer track sections with significantly different characteristics of rail age or quality, rail weight, jointed vs. welded rail, track support quality and curvature. When, after tailoring testing intervals to these characteristics of track, defect occurrence rates in any homogeneous grouping of track are still high, an additional test should be performed in the offending location to control overall risk. Special Care in Special Track Work The turnout area represents a particularly difficult area to test due to change in the cross-section of the rails and castings. This means that the ultrasonic echo will return at a different time than expected or that some probes will contact the running surface at unusual angles. As a further complication, castings have a considerably coarser grain structure than the surrounding steel leading to different base echoes. As a general rule, only the standard rail cross-sections within the turnout area and railway diamonds are effectively tested with flaw detection vehicles. In at grade crossings, the fouling of the rail surface by road-borne materials, particularly salt, can obstruct a good ultrasonic indication. This can be overcome by sweeping out the crossing in advance, slowing down the test and reversing if an unusual indication is seen. Welds are another problem. Because of the change in grain structure and the fact that fractures can propagate rapidly from very small cracks or stress raisers, welds are very difficult to test either with ultrasonic or induction. One possibility is to have automated ultrasonic o 5-40 x recognition of the weld upset, which could trigger a change in the signal gain and the use of tighter inspection tolerances. Most heavy haul railways ensure more careful testing through special track work. Some have retained a program of hand testing, however hand testing typically uses the same probes that are used by rail flaw detector cars. Rail Testing Intervals – Canadian Pacific Approach Canadian Pacific Rail System uses a risk management approach whereby rail-testing intervals are adjusted according to different categories of risk. The approach used is to first segment all tracks into homogenous sections with the same tonnage, weight of rail, type of traffic and rough levels of past defect occurrence rates. These segments must be at least 16 km (10 miles) long to be practical for an additional test. The approach is to first select a basic testing interval that is dependent upon tonnage, which is a proxy both for the rate of accumulation of fatigue in the rails and the probability that a service failure will be encountered by a train. As Table 5.8 shows, there are six basic testing intervals based upon the level of tonnage. The testing interval for each track segment may then be upgraded to the test frequency corresponding to the next highest risk class if there is an additional element of risk associated with the track segment. The factors that will qualify for a more frequent risk are: o 5-41 x Higher Risk Traffic: Line carries passenger trains Line carries hazardous materials Lower Standard Rail: Non control cooled rail is being used in a line Carrying more than 1 million gross ton per year 50 kg/m (100 lb/yd.) or lighter rail is being used in a line carrying more than 2.7 million gross ton/year. 50 kg/m (100 lb/yd.) or lighter rail is being used in a line where train speeds exceed 67 km/h (40 mph). Evidence of Rail Fatigue:Detected rail defects exceed 0.7 defects per km (1.2 defects/mi.) per test Evidence of Low Inspection Effectiveness:Service failures exceed 0.12 failures per km (0.2 failures per mile) per year. Table 5.8: CP Rail Testing Standards are Based Upon Eight Testing Frequencies Traffic Density + Traffic + Rail Type + Defects = Test Class (mgt/yr.) < 0.5 5 yrs. Hazardous 0.5 – 2.7 3 yrs. Materials Non – > 0.7/km/yr. Service/detect 2.8 – 7.2 2 yrs. Cooled ed ratio > 0.2 7.3 – 13 annual Passenger < 50 kg/m 14 – 27 2/yr. > 70 km/h > 27 3/yr. 4/yr. 5/yr. If any three of the above factors are in evidence in the line segment, the testing interval is tightened by two classes. Therefore, in the example of Table 5.9, a line carrying 10 million gross ton per year would be tested once per year. But if it carried hazardous goods a well, it would be tested twice per year. If in addition to this the line was laid with lighter than 50 kg/m (100 lb/yd) rail and had a service to detected defect ratio of 0.25, it would be tested three times per year, or after every 3 million gross ton of traffic. o 5-42 x Table 5.9: Test Interval Class is Tightened Based Upon Risk Factors Traffic Density + Traffic + Rail Type + Defects = Test mgt/yr. Class 7.3 – 13 7.3 – 13 7.3 – 13 annual Hazardous Materials Hazardous Materials 2/yr. < 50 kg/m Service/detected ratio > 0.2 3/yr. 5.2.10 Induction Measuring Principles The induction testing technique requires the injection of a direct current into the rail. The current is generally around 3600A. The injection takes place through the application of two sets of brushes that are placed on the railhead. The spacing between the brush sets is of the order 120cm (4ft). The current flows into the rail through the leading brush set and out through the trailing brush set. The rail thus becomes part of an electrical circuit. Once motion is introduced, a magnetic field associated with the current flow in the rail is induced. The magnetic field is the means by which information about the condition of the rail is coupled to the sensor unit. The sensor unit is located between the two sets of brushes. The sensor unit is set up to maintain a constant lift-off between the underside of the unit and the surface of the railhead. If this is not done, the data recorded will be noisy and thus very difficult to interpret. The mechanism by which rail condition is inferred starts with the current. In general for modern rail weights, only the head and the top part of the web is “filled” with current. In the past with smaller rail sections, the whole rail section has been filled with current. As the current flows through the rail, if any features such as a defect block the current path, the current will take the shortest possible route to get around the obstruction. This distortion of the current flow will also lead to a distortion of the associated magnetic field. It is this distortion of the magnetic field that is detected by the sensor unit (see Figure 5.10). o 5-43 x Figure 5.10: Distortion of Induced Magnetic Field around Two Types of Flaws The sensor unit itself houses multiple coils or Hall Effect devices. Often the arrangement is differential in nature to help keep the number of false indications down. By differential it is meant that two identical sensors located next to each other across the railhead will be wired together. Thus it is only when one sensor sees a disturbance and the other doesn’t that a signal will be sent to the test system. For example, a rail end is essentially a gross transverse defect, both sensors will see the rail end so no signal will be sent to the test system. A transverse defect will generally only be seen by one sensor, so the asymmetrical disturbance will send a signal to the test system. Multiple sensors are used to allow the detection of all of the components of the field disturbances. Considering the current flow through the rail, as it is longitudinal, current distortion will not occur as a result of longitudinal features in the rail. The features that will produce the most current disturbance are those that are transverse in the railhead. Unlike the ultrasonic technique, the induction technique does not have trouble with inspecting right to the top surface of the railhead. The nature of the current flow is o 5-44 x such that it is the very center of the railhead that is likely to be missed if the system is unable to fill the railhead with energy. The signals sent to the system are generally observed to determine if they exceed a set threshold. If they do, a count is started. The number of threshold exceedances then determines whether the data is presented to the inspecting operator as a potential defect or not. With increasing computer power new analysis algorithms, some combining information from different channels (both induction and ultrasonic), are becoming more common. The data can be presented in many different formats. Most often it is a combination of processed (counted) data and raw analog data side-by-side. The processed data is often the mechanism that highlights the problem area and then the subtle features of the indication can be extracted from the analog waveform. 5.2.11 Conclusion While recent research has provided some clues to assessing risk, it is not yet possible to develop a solid mechanistic relationship between the risk of derailment and the frequency of tests. To control the likelihood of service failures, rail can either be tested very frequently with lower accuracy equipment, as it will be likely that the rail is scanned while the defect is larger and more easily detectable. Alternatively, a more accurate test system can be employed on a longer cycle, as it is likely that even if the test happened to coincide with the early appearance of the defect it will still be detected. In fact, heavy haul operators have found that the costs of poor service reliability are such that it is profitable to both use very effective testing systems, with particular emphasis on high reliability in detection of larger defects, while also maintaining frequent testing. 5.3 Rail Wear Measurements 5.3.1 Rail Wear Measurement Techniques It is true in the rail industry as in any other that “What Gets Measured Gets Managed.” A regular program of rail cross sectional/wear measurements is critical to the ability to o 5-45 x proactively plan maintenance and renewal of specific lengths of rail. The cross sectional profile measuring techniques can be categorized as: • Manual mechanical feeler and tracing gauges. • Manual electronic tracing gauges. • Non contact-optical measurement systems. The manual rail-wear gauge is the most common technique used to obtain a spot measurement of both the crown and gauge wear as referenced from the field side bottom crown corner. Figure 5.11 defines the measurement locations on the rail cross section relative to the original profile.10 Figure 5.11: Wear Measurements One widely used system is the MINIPROF portable rail measurement system. It consists of a notebook computer connected to a rail-measuring unit that magnetically clamps to the rail-running surface with a gauge bar resting perpendicularly on the opposite rail. Data communication between notebook and measuring unit takes place via dedicated electronics built into a small extension box connected to the parallel printer port of the notebook computer. The sensing element consists of a small magnetic wheel, with a diameter of about 12 mm, attached to the o 5-46 x extremity of two joint extensions. This magnetic wheel ensures contact during measurement with the rail surface. By moving the magnetic wheel manually the extensions rotate. The measuring system uses a polar coordinate system with 2 degrees of freedom. The two angles are measured with the aid of optical encoders, having accuracy in the order of microns, see Figure 5.12.11 reference l 1 ø1 optical encoders l 2 ø2 magnetic wheel profile Figure 5.12: MINIPROF Measurement Principle The computer samples the transducer data, which are in polar coordinates, and calculates the profile in Cartesian coordinates. By averaging closely spaced values accuracy is further improved. After these calculations the true profile is displayed on the computer screen together with a reference profile and some characteristic parameters. Besides, digital data are calculated and stored in ASCII format for later processing. These data consist of x and y coordinates. The measured profile is overlaid and aligned with a reference profile and crown gauge and side wear is calculated as shown in Figure 5.13 o 5-47 x Figure 5.13: MINIPROF Wear Calculations The use of the MINIPROF has been expanded to incorporate wheel, turnout, point, and frog profile measurements. Figure 5.14 shows the measuring set-up. An example of successive cross sectional Frog profile measurements is shown in Figure 5.15. While the MINIPROF is widely used there are several other Systems (either electronic or laser based) that are used to conduct the same functions as the MINIPROF. While it is feasible to annually measure in every curve by hand, automated systems developed over the last 20 years are now capable of measuring the rail profile to accuracy of +/0.127 mm at track speeds. These systems became feasible due to the development of real-time processing hardware and highspeed personal computers. The technology is currently widely accepted as an efficient method for the collection of rail profiles and determining rail wear characteristics for most large heavy haul railways and numerous other general freight as well as high-speed passenger and rapid transit applications. The available systems use optical measurements, normally mounted underneath a track geometry car, grinding machine or hi-rail vehicle. Cross section of the rail is typically illuminated by a laser and captured using a high-resolution video cameras. One example of such a system is the ORIAN (Optical Rail Inspection & Analysis) system set-up is shown in. Figure 5.16. 12 o 5-48 x Figure 5.14: Examples of MINIPROF on Wheel, Rail, and Turnout o 5-49 x Figure 5.15: Examples of MINIPROF frog measurements Figure 5.16: ORIAN system key components This system consists of four key components: 1. Two rail measurements sensor heads; 2. Control Electronics; 3. Central Computer; and 4. ORIAN Network Interface for data communications o 5-50 x Each of the two rail measurement sensor heads consist of two high resolution CCD cameras and two laser modules. The measurement sensor heads are attached indirectly to the axle of the vehicle to allow for the system to measure in any degree of curvature and provide accurate rail inclination and gauge measurements. While the vehicle is moving encoder pulses are generated at precise intervals (i.e. every 3 m). These encoder pulses tell the video cameras and lasers to snap a picture of the rail. Each rail image acquired by the system is translated into real-world X-Y coordinates by the computer and synchronized to a unique track location. From this coordinated rail profile data the rail dimensions and type can be determined and the wear and metal flow can be calculated by comparing the current profile to the original profile. Additionally the rail inclination and track gauge can also be determined from the relative position and orientation of rail profiles. The rail inclination or rail seat cant and gauge can also be used to identify locations where poor sleeper conditions may contribute to increased rail wear. The rail profiles and wear measurements are computed in real-time which allows for the immediate display and reporting of rail wear parameters. Rail wear can be reported in many ways. Automated systems allow for the collection of vast amounts of data due to the frequency of measurements. Typically railways will configure these systems to measure the rail every 2-5 metres and collect data on their rail condition from 1 – 4 times a year. Crown rail wear side wear rail cant and track features can be plotted in the format as shown in Figure 5.17 Figure 5.18 shows the display of both rail’s cross sectional profiles. o 5-51 x Figure 5.17: Display of Measurements Figure 5.18: Cross Sectional Display 5.3.2 Rail Wear Projection When comparing the priorities for rail renewal between many different locations, some railways use a summary report, which identifies each curve or length of tangent as a single Rail Quality Index. The usual index number is expresses as a percentage of the maximum wear limit. With the use of o 5-52 x automated rail wear measurements, it is possible to use a statistical average of several rail wear measurements in the curve or tangent. Use of the 90th percentile rail wear measurement, representing the wear measurement exceeded by 10% of measurements is used as the planning standard on Canadian Pacific Railway. Figure 5.19 presents one such report plot. In this display, each bar represents an individual curve or 1/10 mi. (0.16 km) of tangent rail. Often, these reports include a projection of the time for renewal or transposition of the rail. In Figure 5.19, the cross-hatching represents wear projected 2 years into the future. The TQI = 100 is the 100% wear limit level. Rail wear projections can be on the basis of statistical studies of rail wear, engineering estimates, or empirical projections based upon the current wear level measured in the curve, divided by the accumulated tonnage since new. With the use of an accurate rail wear measurement (within 0.4 mm), it is more reliable to make projections of rail wear specific to each individual curve. This of course requires a good database on the year of installation and accurate track locations. Once a rail wear projection procedure has been established, a rail renewal estimate can be drawn up. Rails identified for renewal or transposition can be identified for both left and right rail if the rail wear limit will be reached within 5 years of the rail measurement. Such a report should also integrate similar projections of the progress of rail defect occurrences to a specified trigger limit. o 5-53 x Figure 5.19: Canadian Pacific Railway – Rail Wear Index Report 5.4 Rail Profile Maintenance Practices Two techniques are used to maintain the required rail profile. The more commonly used grinding practice where the amount of metal to be removed is limited and rail planing generally used to salvage rail that has been neglected to such an extent that large volumes of material must be removed to return the correct profile 5.4.1 Rail Grinding Objectives of Rail Grinding The natural processes of wear and deterioration of rail steel can proceed at a pace that results in a long service life, or they can result in rapid condemnation of a rail. The difference lies in the applied contact stresses and the yield strength of the steel itself. When these are not in balance, the rail economy suffers. o 5-54 x Then grinding of rails has evolved as a maintenance technique to insert some control of the processes of rail surface fatigue and plastic flow. Heavy haul lines in particular are characterized by frequent occurrences of both surface and shape distortion through plastic flow. On mixed freight lines ride quality and noise abatement may be the major concerns, while track occupancy times may be very limited. In spite of very different practices on different railways around the world the objectives are the same: 1. Attempt to maintain a balance between all wear mechanisms to prevent premature replacement due to surface or subsurface fatigue of rail. 2. Facilitate steering and dynamic stability of vehicles. 3. Control rail surface conditions that give rise to higher dynamic loadings and track vibrations. 4. Control the wheel/rail contact and interaction characteristics. Longitudinal Rail Profile Correction The vast majority of rail grinding is performed by rail-bound machines using rotating grinding stones. The stones are annular, the flat side being applied to the rail as opposed to the edge of the stone, as in machining applications. The removal of metal occurs through the abrasion and gouging action of the rotating cutting grains. Metal removal is dependent upon the characteristics and condition of the abrasive and the application pressure on the grinding wheels (Figure 5.20) as well as the grinding speed and the angle between the grinding stones and the surface being ground. The removal of rail corrugations and other longitudinal irregularities in the rail surface occurs through: 1. Ensuring that the stone bears down on the peaks of the corrugations in preference to the valleys. 2. Surging power and pressure on the stone to produce a differential cut when encountering a corrugation peak. o 5-55 x The diameter of the stone itself acts as a baseline that ensures that corrugation peaks of shorter wavelength are bridged by the stone and are thus subject to preferential grinding. The usual stone diameter is 250 mm, so that the grinding stone easily works to establish a level plane over this span. For corrugation wavelengths longer than the wheel diameter, it is very important that the individual grinding motor is not permitted to follow the profile of the corrugation, for to do so would result in the same amount of metal removal from the valleys of the corrugation as from the peaks. One way of extending the baseline is to block two motors together so that they will rise and fall in unison. This causes them to bridge over all irregularities in rail surface over a longer rail length (Figure 5.21). Another method is to control the rate at which the grinding stone will be permitted to rise and fall in following the rail surface using a hydraulic cylinder or active feedback based upon changes in motor torque. Figure 5.20: Grinding Metal Removal is Dependent Upon Pressure and Angular Orientation of Stone The profiles shown are exaggerated in the vertical scale and shifted to line up o 5-56 x Figure 5.21: Bridging of Grinding Motors and Damping Facilitate Longitudinal Profile Correction The damping in the motor suspension means that any bump in the rail surface with a wavelength of less than 1 m will result in an increase in the contact pressure between the grinding stone and the rail. This will increase the torque on the motor and increase the current draw. If the resulting power surge is permitted, the energy input will increase the depth of cut at the leading edge of the corrugation. Most high production rail grinders will permit a timed overload of the electric motor, while regularly grinding on straight level rail at the rated capacity of the motor. Similarly, as the rail surface drops away at the trailing edge of the corrugation, the motor torque drops off, and with it the depth of cut. As corrugations have a sinusoidal shape, grinding of the peaks initially produces substantial reduction in the amplitude of the corrugation. But as the peaks are ground, the area of metal in direct contact with the grinding stone on subsequent grinding passes increases and the depth of cut is proportionally less. Transverse Rail Profile Correction Railways with a more mature grinding practice will typically devote most grinding to the preventive practice of reshaping the transverse profile. Rectifying the profile in the transverse o 5-57 x plane can improve the contact geometry between the wheel and the rail. Producing conformity between the worn wheel and rail reduces the contact stresses. High contact stresses are the cause of plastic flow and surface fatigue such as spalling, shelling and head checks. Internal stresses which give rise to rail defects within the railhead, such as transverse defects, are also directly related to the level of contact stresses. Internal stresses are also increased when the wheel is permitted to ride heavily on the gauge corner of the rail, or far to the field side of the rail, due to the torsion of the railhead. So from the point of view of rail stresses, rail grinding should seek to maintain a rail shape that conforms well to the worn wheel, while ensuring that the wheel's reaction is supported through the web of the rail. Another objective of transverse rail re-profiling is to support good vehicle behavior, particularly in curving. In the practice of "profile grinding," the head of the rail is re-profiled to control the location of contact between the wheel and the rail. This is illustrated schematically in Figure 5.20. By concentrating grinding on the field side of the high rail and on the gauge side of the low rail, the wheel contact is shifted from point A to point B in Figure 5.22. The outer wheel is thereby forced to ride toward the gauge side of the high rail leg and the inner wheel to ride toward the field side of the low leg. The differential in the rolling radius causes the wheelset to steer toward the smaller wheel radius, i.e. the inner wheel. This produces limited self-steering up to 873 - 700 m radius of curvature. Note in Figure 5.22 that the gauge corner of the high rail has also been relieved slightly to avoid contact with the throat of the wheel. This dresses gauge corner head checking and eliminates a high stress contact. By grinding to form a radius of curvature on the railhead that is slightly sharper than the radius of curvature of the head hollow on typical worn wheels, the contact band could be tightly controlled. o 5-58 x The objectives of maintaining conformal contact, minimizing loading eccentricity and maintaining loading reaction through the web of the rail can be at odds with one another. In contrasting the re-profiling practices of different rail most of the differences can be seen to be related to the relative importance placed upon control of rail fatigue vs. wheel and rail wear in curve negotiation. In fact, flat annular grinding wheels can only produce an approximation of the "optimal" rail profile. Worn rail and wheel shapes are comprised of intersecting curves of varying radii. But each grinding stone grinds a flat facet into the rail. By sequencing a series of stones at different angles along the length of the grinder, each subsequent stone grinds on a new plane (Figure 5.23). As a result, the as-ground rail profile is actually a polygon approximation to the curvatures of the desired rail profile. Figure 5.22: Asymmetric Profile Grinding Increases Rolling Radius Difference by Shifting Both High and Low Rail Contacts to Inside of Curve o 5-59 x Figure 5.23: Typical Geometries of Cross Sectional Areas Removed During (A) And (B) the First and (C), (D) and (E) the Following Grinding Machine Pass(Es) Effects of Rail Shape Parameters on Rail Damage Simulation studies indicate that a corrugated rail surface will significantly increase dynamic wheel loads (Figure 5.24). The increased loading is non-linear with both the depth of corrugation and the train speed. It is generally felt that corrugations need to be controlled to within 0.5 mm in slow speed track to avoid noticeable foreshortening of the life of track components. This limit needs to be tightened to 0.25 mm in track with speeds of 80 km/h or greater. o 5-60 x Figure 5.24: Estimated Effect of Corrugation Depth and Speed on Dynamic Vertical Contact Forces Contact too close to the gauge corner of the outer rail (Figure 5.25), while ideal to promote steering, produces a stress situation that is difficult to manage under conditions of heavy axle loads or high curvature. The reasons are: 1. The radii of curvature of the wheel throat and the rail gauge corner, while of the same orientation, are small, so that any mismatch has a large relative effect on the size of the contact area. This amplifies contact stresses. 2. Single-point wheel rail contact at the gauge corner results in a single contact area supporting all vertical and lateral forces, as opposed to having these spread between the wheel flange and the wheel tread. 3. The contact area is not planar to the rotational axis of the wheelset, causing a component of spin creep. This spin creep contribute to material flow. 4. Contact near the gauge corner occurs in an area with very little supporting metal. An incremental shear collapse of the corner can result from excessive loading, analogous to a progressive slope failure in a railway embankment. o 5-61 x Figure 5.25: Single Point Contact between Wheel and Rail Finite element studies show that compressive stresses in the railhead are concentrated just under the gauge corner and are more than double the case where the gauge corner has been undercut by grinding. Contact of a wheel with a worn hollow on the field side of the rail is also generally avoided through rail grinding and good control of gauge. (Figure 5.26). Contact between the wheel and the far field of the rail would typically occur at a point where the wheel tread profile has developed a reverse tread curvature. Again, a high contact stress can be expected. Hollowed wheel treads produce high stresses and overturning moments on the field side of the low curve rail. Figure 5.26: Removal of field side metal from curve low leg reduces eccentric loading of rail o 5-62 x In addition. contact with the far field of a rail produces an eccentric loading condition. The resulting torsion of the railhead can lead to vertical split heads or "shear breaks," particularly if the rail is worn to condemnable limits. Grinding for Surface Condition Grinding is also performed to correct rail surface conditions that will lead to further rail deterioration. Cooper 13classifies this type of grinding as: 1. Preparative: Cleaning mill scale or nicks introduced in construction from newly laid rail, smoothing high welds, to ensure a good start to revenue service for the rail. 2. Preventative: Removing layers of fatigued metal before micro cracking leads to more serious damage. 3. Curative: Recovering rail that has been damaged by engine burns, ballast pressed into the rail surface. Preventive grinding for removal of fatigued metal may require regular removal of only 0.15-0.4 mm of metal from the surface. Surface cracking is seen to reduce the rail's resistance to flow and is observed to accelerate under heavy axle loads or poor contact geometry. Of course, all grinding will involve some rectification of a fatigued surface. However, for effective preventative grinding, the treatment must be done frequently, at intervals of roughly 12 million gross ton in curves, depending on a wide range of conditions, including: rail type, severity of track curvature, grinding equipment, axle loads, and wheel/rail profiles. In spite of the reason for the grind, any grinding pass does contribute to the removal of fatigued surface materials. In addition, the regular removal of surface metal through grinding may postpone the initiation of rail shelling defect initiation. Theoretical studies of the effects of vertical wear rate on rail life suggest that the fatigue life of rail can be extended by progressively moving the point of maximum fatigue damage down through the railhead by vertical wear and metal removal. The longest net rail life under traffic with 30 ton axle loads was o 5-63 x found to result when the rail gauge corner is worn at a rate of 0.02-0.05 mm per million gross ton of traffic. This is 3-4 times the natural wear rate to be expected in the absence of grinding. Therefore, in territories where rail is removed because of rail shelling or transverse defects as opposed to achievement of wear limits, it may be economical to supplement natural wear with artificial wear in the form of rail profile grinding. It is shown in this work that it is possible to actually wear away rail shells before they grow to detectable size. On the other hand, it has been demonstrated in the same study that excessive rates of metal removal may contribute to vertical split heads, emanating at 10-12 mm below the contact surface. As there is the obvious penalty in early achievement if vertical wear limits, this strategy would require a large section rail and/or extended wear limits, and would only be merited in a location with a history of surface fatigue defects. Grinding Stones and their Effects Abrasive Stone Technology The performance of the rail grinding stone is the key to effective and productive rail grinding. Grinding stones are specifically engineered to perform within a given range of contact pressures, revolutions per minute and heat inputs. In effect they are engineered to balance good cutting performance for a given range of energy input to the cutting surface- and to maintain its performance over a long service life. Proper matching of the grinding wheel/abrasive and the grinding equipment is an important feature in an efficient grinding operation. Production grinding wheels consist of a disc of varying thickness, starting between 50 and 75 mm in thickness. These discs are made up of a matrix of thousands of abrasive grains held together in a synthetic resin-bonding agent (Figure 5.27). Each grain acts as a cutting tool and the bond material is the "tool post.” A good abrasive is one which: 1. fractures along many different cleavage lines, each fracture producing a sharp cutting surface; 2. is resistant to abrasive wear for long life; and o 5-64 x 3. has a moderate to high fracture toughness to prevent premature fracture. Figure 5.27: Fracture and Release of Cutting Grains at Grinding Wheel Interface Maintains Cutting Performance As the wheel rotates at around 3600 RPM, the cutting grain gradually dulls. A good abrasive will then continue to fracture along its cleavage planes to expose new cutting edges. For example a zirconia (fired) alumina abrasive will continue microfracturing to remain sharp through 80% of its life. For a regular aluminium oxide grain, the equivalent figure is 30%. At some point in its life, the grain becomes too small to regenerate a cutting surface and will remain dull. As this continues, the friction on the grain builds up and it absorbs heat. The bond is formulated to respond by ultimately permitting the entire grain to dislodge from the matrix, exposing a fresh grain beneath. And in fact the abrasive grains are spaced in the stone's structure to specifically permit this without clogging the grinding interface. Hence the process starts again. If the contact pressure at the grinding stone interface are less than the design envelope, "friction plowing" occurs rather than the desired cutting action. The abrasive grains may not dislodge on dulling and the stone will glaze up. This causes the wheel to heat up resulting in discoloration of the rail. Good grinding performance requires a stone selected for the operating parameters and good grinding power and pressure control and dynamic motor stability. Section 5.5 will discuss several ways to recognize the quality of the work done at the critical grinding wheel interface. o 5-65 x Stone life is a major concern to the grinding contractor as it represents a high proportion of his costs. The railway authority, on the other hand, is concerned with the volume of metal removed per hour. As a compromise, stone life should be at least the length of the longest track occupancy (e.g., 6-8 hrs.). Surface Finish There are two aspects of the surface finish of the as-ground rail; the ridges left by the facets and the surface roughness left by the grinding marks or scratches. The ridges left by the polygon approximation of grinding to the desired rail profile are related to the sequence of the stone angles, in particular the last 6-8 stones to grind the rail. Pattern design targets controlling the difference in the angles of subsequent cuts to within specified limits to avoid large ridges, which may become the sites of flow over or surface fatigue. The action of grinding stones produces a saw-tooth shape of surface profile. These grinding "scratch" marks trace the rotation and forward advance of the cutting grains. The rough nature of the as-ground rail surface is dependent upon the stone grit size and the grinding motor control. Surface finish may or may not be a concern to a railway authority. The stated concerns are: 1. If the ridges fold over under traffic, the valley of the ridge may act as an initiation point for a micro-crack. 2. The heat of grinding forms martensite of the surface. 3. The ground surface will result in an audible whine under passage of trains for several days after grinding. The particular opinion of the railway authority on the importance of the surface finish has very important consequences for the cost of rail grinding. If a rougher surface finish can be tolerated, a considerably more aggressive grinding stone can be used. Aggressive stones are characterized by a zirconia alumina cutting grain, which produces a swarf-like particle. The payoffs are big, as there is at least a six fold difference in the volume of metal removed per pass at the o 5-66 x same grinding speed between the aggressive stones used in North America and the finishing stones common to European practice (Figure 5.28). Figure 5.28: Metal Removal Per Pass Aggressive vs. Finishing Stones A smoother rail finish is not required of heavy haul lines but is sometimes specified for passenger lines or in urban areas. In this case a finer grit stone can be specified.. Grit size refers to the physical size of the abrasive grain particles. Production rail grinders generally use grain sizes between a 14 and 18 grit. Grit sizes can be used in rail grinders up to a 32 grit for a fine finish, with a corresponding reduction in metal removal rates, and some risk that the grinding stone can become contaminated. Tests on Canadian Pacific Railway with rail sections removed from freshly ground rail14 have confirmed that some of the heat of grinding is indeed absorbed in the uppermost layers of the steel, transforming it to hard martensite. Fortunately, the martensite is brittle and is confined to the peaks of the ground surface. As a result, it is sheared off with the passage of a few long trains. Any cracks that may be formed in the process are significantly smaller than those that o 5-67 x develop through contact fatigue, and within days, the running surface of the rail is usually restored to its original surface roughness. It is not apparent, however, that this benign mechanism can be extrapolated to European experience, as the "disappearance" process for scratch marks may be different under light axle loads. Effects of Speed and Pressure Grinding stones that operate at the corners of the railhead will be subject to higher contact pressures and will tend to cut more deeply on a ratio of perhaps 4 or 5 to 1 versus a stone grinding on the top surface of the rail. Some grinding contractors use different grades (hardness) of stones to achieve good stone life for stones confined to work on the far field and gauge of the rail. Hardness is related to the amount of bond material used, which in turn determines the ease with which grains are released from the matrix. If the bond material is too hard, the wheel can overheat; if too soft, the wheel life is short. In spite of the use of harder stones, there is nonetheless a tendency for a "cupping" to develop on the stone and it is good practice to alternate stone angles to "dress" the cutting surface. Similarly, repeat patterns of the rail grinder should alter stone settings to avoid repeated grinding on the same planes. Grinding production is dependent upon always grinding at an angle different from the previous cut. o 5-68 x Figure 5.29: Relationship between Metal Removal Rate (MRR) and Grinding Power (kW) The cut rate delivered by an individual grinding stone is directly proportional to the applied grinding (Figure 5.29). On the other hand, grinding wheel life is reduced with increasing power. Therefore it is important for the railway supervisor to ensure that grinding motors are drawing the desired amperage to ensure a good production rate. Some railway authorities also require grinding contractors to submit records of stone consumption. A rail grinder with a good versatile stone composition and dynamically stable mounting of grinding motors will exhibit a linear inverse relationship between depth of metal removal and the speed of the grind. Within the operating speed range of the grinder, which may be 3-20 km/h, it can usually be assumed that a doubling of speed will halve the depth of metal removal. In fact, recent research has indicated that at higher speeds, some of the energy of the forward advance of the grinder may result in proportionally greater cutting rates at higher speeds. Again, this assumes that there continues to be a balance between the stone composition and the energy in the system. o 5-69 x The pivot point of the rail grinder motor is also important to ensure that the grinding stone maintains contact within the rail on an axis that passes through the center of the inside diameter of the stone under all angle positioning. Where this does not occur, the stone will contact on its side instead of the leading edge of the stone. This reduces the length of the contact path for each cutting grain and may result in cupping of the stone. Grinding Patterns and their Use A grinding pattern refers to a combination of grinding motor angle settings and accompanying pressures, which enable the sequence of grinding stones passing over the rail to produce a given net reshaping of the rail. Corrective grinding patterns can be described by the relative percentage of grinding motors deployed in each of the six key grinding zones of Figure 5.30. Figure 5.30: Rail Grinding Patterns are Described by the Relative Numbers of Stones Displayed in Six Key Segments o 5-70 x The following describes the effect of directing grinding effort in each of these zones. Increase Relative Grinding Effort by: Moving Stones to: If Desired to: Far Field Dress field side lips on low rail. Provide false flange clearance on low rail for locations with good gauge, e.g. on concrete ties. Increase the rolling radius riding the high rail to improve steering in shallow curves by moving contact to gauge. Near Field Sharpen head radius on excessively flat low rails. Provide false flange clearance for locations with wide or varying gauge. Center Broaden a contact band showing evidence of excess stress such as one over peaked by frequent profile grinding. Remove corrugations that have developed to their deepest on rail center. Remove head checks in the contact band. Dress engine burns or high/dipped welds. Near gauge Reduce the rolling radius riding the low rail to improve steering in shallow curves by moving contact to field. Flatten a former high rail that has been transposed to the low rail position. Remove gauge corner cracks and spalls that are progressing towards the center of the rail. Mid gauge Remove gauge corner cracks and spalls in territories with good gauge. o 5-71 x Remove gauge corner flow in low rails. Dress a flow lip and associated subsurface cracks transposed to the gauge corner of a high rail from the field side of a former low rail. Provide conformal contact or relief from contact between the gauge corner and throat of the wheel. Deep gauge Remove spalls and offload shells in severe shelling conditions, or where poor tie conditions and/or sharp curve, permit rail to hollow. Remove gauge side flow lips. Figure 5.31 presents a sample diagram detailing a grinding pattern for the 44 stones grinding one rail for an 88-stone production rail grinder. The dots on the grid at the top of the page plot the angle setting for each motor. The numbers from top to bottom refer to the carriage or module number. Each module controls 3-4 grinding motors. Each radial line plotted on the rail cross-section below indicates the center of where each grinding facet would fall on a new 68 kg/m rail on a 1 in 20 rail cant. This particular pattern will perform preferential removal of metal from the gauge corner of the rail to work on gauge corner cracking or spalling. o 5-72 x Figure 5.31: Example of a Grinding Pattern Note in Figure 5.31 that the dot map of motor angle positions makes an "X" shaped pattern across the rail. This is done deliberately to specify that each stone will be angled relative to the last facet for good grinding production. This improves the cut rate and ensures that the facets are separated and distinct. The angular difference between subsequent motors is important to establish the pitch of the ridges left o 5-73 x after grinding. On the gauge corner, a tight spacing of facets is necessary to reform the gauge without sharp ridges. Table 5.10 lists a set of standard patterns used by Canadian Pacific Railway to deal with different rail conditions. These consist of both corrective patterns designed for heavy grinding on the gauge, field or center of the rail, profiling patterns designed for slight alteration of the rail profile or to shift moderate grinding effort to different locations on the railhead, and maintenance patterns, designed to cover all areas of the railhead without changing the rail shape that already exists. Note that the list contains patterns providing different levels of attention to each of the zones shown in Figure 5.30. Table 5.10: Sample Patterns used by a North American Heavy Haul Railway Pattern Type Pattern Description Corrective Severe Gauge Relief Patterns Severe Field Relief Centre-Concentrated Extreme Field and Gauge Concentration Profiling Patterns Tangent profiling High Rail - Mile Curve Standard Profiling High Rail - Sharp Curve Low Rail - Standard profiling Tangent - Heavy Gauge Cut Maintenance High Rail Profile Maintenance Patterns Low Rail Profile Maintenance Equal Metal Removal The usual patterns used by Canadian Pacific Rail for the initial profiling of both high and low rail leg in mild curvatures are illustrated in Figure 5.32 in terms of both histograms showing the distribution of grinding effort, and the usual depth of grinding at 4 km/h. o 5-74 x Figure 5.32: Standard Canadian Pacific Railway Grinding Settings and Results for Reprofiling of Intermediate Curves Corrective Grinding Patterns Corrective grinding profiles are designed for heavy concentration of grinding effort on field, gauge or center of the rail. They are used as initial passes when the longitudinal profile is very corrugated, or if the transverse profile departs substantially from the target profile. They are also used to address plastic flow lips. Corrective patterns are also called "production" patterns. Profiling Patterns Profiling patterns are designed to apply a specified feature to a rail profile, while providing full coverage of the rail ball. o 5-75 x They might provide, for example, a slight additional field side or gauge relief, as judged to be desirable as a target rail profile. Maintenance or Finishing Patterns Maintenance patterns are designed to retain the existing rail shape, or to add slight correction. When these are used, it is judged that the rail has already attained the optimal shape. They are typically used where rail is being ground frequently, to remove light surface fatigue. Maintenance patterns are geared more toward equal metal removal across the full railhead. They are also useful as a final higher speed pass after multiple passes using corrective grinding patterns. As a finishing pass, they help in blending facets left from previous passes, and in ensuring that the full head has received some grinding. North America Grinding Practice North American freight railways make extensive use of rail grinding primarily to prevent premature rail replacement from surface fatigue. Axle loads of 30 ton and greater, plus the imperfect rail support conditions offered by timber sleepers and a wet environment combine to place a premium on the fatigue resistance of rail. North American tolerances on rail surface condition are typically broad, but are tightening with adoption of more frequent grinding. A typical specification on rail surface conditions requiring grinding is at least 50% of corrugations in a curve exceeding 0.25 mm in depth. When grinding, the transverse profile might typically be left within 0.12 mm of a template gauge in main lines and 0.25 mm in secondary lines. Historically, the control of rail corrugations has been the impetus for rail grinding. In the past, however, grinders have operated with fixed stone positions and an inability to grind at sharp angles. As a result, grinding for corrugations would typically flatten the rail while long grinding intervals would ensure that fatigue cracks were left in the valleys of the corrugations to weaken the rail's resistance to plastic flow. Grinding was seen as a temporary measure, as corrugations would return quickly to the same locations. The first major breakthrough in the productivity of rail grinding in North America occurred when it was determined o 5-76 x that rail corrugations were initiated by high contact stress between the "false flange" of a worn wheel tread and the field side of the rail, particularly under wide gauge conditions. Preferential grinding of the field side of the rail (Figure 5.33) was found to reduce the occurrence of high stress contacts toward the field side of the rail, with the result that corrugation growth rates were retarded. It has also been found that the problem of rail gauge corner checking, spalling and ultimately shelling could be reduced markedly with aggressive relief of the rail gauge corner. Figure 5.33: Field Side Grinding of Low Leg to Retard Corrugation Re-Growth Rates The trends recently have been to move away from the aggressive relief of the low leg field side and high leg gauge corner toward a more conformal contact between the worn wheel and rail. The logic has been to spread fatigue damage over a broad area of the rail crown. But railways that have departed too much from the themes of high rail gauge corner relief and low rail field have seen an increase in internal rail defects.15 Railways in North America have now virtually standardized upon regular undercutting of the field side of the low leg. Most have also standardized upon undercutting of the high leg gauge corner, however there is some variance in the extent of the undercutting. o 5-77 x Figure 5.34: Differences in Treatment of the High Rail Gauge Corner Figure 5.34 illustrates the differences in treatment of the high rail gauge corner. A conformal contact is advisable to promote steering. The extent of undercutting of the gauge corner is dependent upon just what is required to control gauge corner fatigue. Extreme undercutting of the gauge corner should be avoided as it increases lateral forces. Optimizing Rail Profiles North American railways have standardized on the National Research Council of Canada's eight 200 mm 8” railhead profiles (Figure 5.35) that were presented in 1991. Beginning with the TT profile designed for (tangent track profile), the H1-H4 provide progressively larger gauge corner relief, in steps of about 0.5 mm, while the L1 to L3 provide progressively larger field side relief. The graduate relief allows this family of profiles to be applied to a variety of track conditions, including wide gauge, large dynamic rail rotations and soft metallurgy. The eight-inch railhead was a compromise – the “ideal” value was recognized as 10 inch. But given the rates of wear and plastic flow over a typical grinding interval, a rail that starts with an 8-inch head was found to flatten to a 12 inch, providing the favored 10 inch as an average for that grinding cycle. o 5-78 x Figure 5.35: NRC’s Complete Set of Eight 200 mm (8 in.) Profiles The NRC templates were developed, and application guidelines provided, to maintain a two point conformal contact with respect to the average worn wheel. This was required to prevent gauge-corner collapse under excessive one-point contact loads. Proper gauge face lubrication is recommended to minimize the impact on wheelset steering performance. Improved rail steels, elastic fasteners, high horsepower railgrinders and accurate profile measurement systems are prompting further evolution of rail grinding. Railways that have made the commitment to rigorously maintaining a preventive rail-grinding interval are finding it possible to control gauge corner fatigue with less aggressive relief of the gauge corner. It is proving possible to retain control over rail fatigue while promoting good steering action. An example of how template selection has evolved in the last decade is shown in Table 5.11. Table 5.11: The evolution of NRC template application on the BNSF Pacific Northwest (new starting 1998). LOCATION Sharp corrective Preventive > 7° Preventive 3.5° to <7° Preventive 1.5° to < 3. 5° Preventive < 1.5° Tangent HIGH RAIL OLD NEW H4 H4 H4 H3 H2 TT H3 H2 H2 H1 TT TT LOW RAIL CURVATURE GAUGE ≥3.5° ≥3.5° ≥3.5° <3.5° <1.5° o 5-79 x > 25 mm < 13 mm < 13 mm < 13 mm All NEW L3 L2 L1 TT TT More recent rail grinding programs on BNSF and Canadian Pacific have included the development of optimized rail profiles as an integral element of the modernized program. These profiles are custom designed to promote a healthy interaction with the specific wheels and car types running over that territory. A separate high-rail profile for mild and sharp curves is common and one or two low rail profiles are usually required. On both BNSF and Canadian Pacific, two tangent rail templates are being applied to spread contact across the wheel tread to inhibit hollowing, a practice that has proven successful at Spoornet and QCM. Rail Profile Design In the 1990’s, rail profiles were developed from the average worn wheel profile, using computer aided design packages. Considerable emphasis was necessarily placed on developing the proper average wheel. The goal of the design exercise was to generate rail profiles that maximized stability in tangent track, but minimized contact stress without overly compromising steering in curves. In heavy haul environments, a 2 point conformal contact was usually sought, while in transits the objective was a one point conformal contact. The NRC uses the term conformal to refer to the general condition where (as per the Webster's definition) the wheel and rail profiles have "similar shapes.” Figure 5.36 shows NRC's definitions for conformity between the wheel and high-rail profile at an L/V of approximately 0.6, for various new and worn rail profile combinations. One and two-point contact conditions are shown. Be it a single or two-point contact scenario, a contact is closely conformal if the gap d or s between the un-deformed wheel and rail is approximately 0.1 mm (0.004 inch) or less. Upon loading, elastic deformation of the wheel and rail will cause that gap to be closed, resulting in a wide contact ellipse that spans an appreciable portion of the wear band, e.g. 1.0 to 1.5 inches. A larger gap, up to 0.4 mm (0.015 inch), provides a contact that is still conformal but only becomes closely conformal after appreciable wear or plastic flow. For values of d or s exceeding 0.4 mm (0.015 inch), the contact is considered non-conformal, since the profiles are now fully separated and do not take advantage of the reduced o 5-80 x contact stresses available by employing more conformal geometries. While some apply the term “conformal contact” to both the one and two point conformal contacts, the NRC has found that the difference in stress, creepage and overall performance warrants the “complication” of retaining the more precise definition. Figure 5.36: Conformity between the Wheel And High Rail Profile at an L/V of Approximately 0.6 (Slight Rail Rotation) Rail Stresses and Pummeling Contact fatigue of the rail surface is the result of excessive contact stress and creepage. Both contact stress and creepage are governed by the wheel/rail contact geometry, which in turn depends not only on the initial, unworn geometry of each component, but also the changes in geometry that occur with wear, fatigue and plastic flow. As an example, wheel/rail creepage tends to pull metal from the high-rail shoulder into the gauge-corner, filling in any initial relief. The high rail then takes the shape of the average wheel. The 50% of wheel population that has more flange-root metal than average will steer well through the curve but apply a very high normal stress to the gauge corner, contributing to subsurface fatigue. These are the 1-point conformal and non-conformal contacts. The other half of the wheel population - the 2 point contacts continues to steer poorly and plastically deform and wear the surface. o 5-81 x Modeling software has proven valuable for the design of optimal rail profiles that in practice must deal with a distribution of wheel profiles – from unworn to very worn, new to hollow, wide flange and thin flange. The NRC for example has developed a Profile Optimization (Pummeling) Model that applies measured worn wheel profiles to a truck characteristic of that fleet and derives distributions of contact stress, fatigue damage, stability and curving performance. Through an iterative process, the model is used to engineer rail profiles that optimize the wheel/rail interaction in tangent and curved track. The accumulated normal contact stress between wheel and rail for the population of wheel profiles analyzed may be plotted in a Pummeling Diagram. Figure 5.37 shows photographs and pummeling diagrams for typical preventive and corrective rail profiles. The rail surface cracks are highlighted with the use of dye penetrant. Figure 5.37a and b are for a 6.5 degree curve, with a track gauge of 12 mm (0.47") wide, maintained at preventive intervals of 13.6 mgt (15 mgt) to NRC templates H2 / L2. The rail surface condition shows visible but very shallow cracks. These cracks can be removed and the profile restored to the NRC template in one pass at a speed of 12.8-kph using a highproduction rail grinder. Figure 5.37c and d are of a 6.5 degree curve, with a track gauge of 22 mm (0.87") wide, maintained at corrective intervals of 54.4 mgt (60 mgt) to NRC templates H4 / L2. The rail surface cracks on the high-rail gauge-corner and low-rail fieldside are very deep. These cracks are caused by high contact stresses from a large percentage of wheels contacting the highrail gauge-corner and false-flange contact on the field side of the low-rail. This surface condition requires three to eight passes on the high-rail and five to nine passes on the low at 10 kph will restore profile and remove the cracks. o 5-82 x A B C D Figure 5.37: Rail Surface Fatigue and Pummeling Diagrams on Preventive (a and b) and Corrective (c and d) Ground Rail in the Lakeside Test Site o 5-83 x Tangent track Most railways conscientiously apply a central 200-mm radius running band to all tangent rail. As geometry cars, ties and fasteners improve, this means that more and more wheels are running continuously at the same contact band on the wheel tread, a practice that promotes wheel hollowing. The NRC developed new templates that provide two distinct running bands, separated by about 12 mm – one biased towards the gauge (TG) and the other biased towards the field (TF). Both profiles were designed to avoid excessive reshaping of the rail by grinding, minimize contact stress, minimize surface damage, improve curving and minimize the potential for hunting. Figure 5.38 illustrates the impact of the new profiles on the distribution of contact – together the profiles broaden the pattern of wear on the wheel tread, reducing both the number of hollow wheels that develop and the rate at which they hollow. The benefits of this profile strategy will be increased rail life in curves and tangent track, reduced grinding effort, lower lateral track forces (through better steering overall), increased wheel life and reduced fuel consumption. Figure 5.38: The Distribution o Contact Across the Wheel Tread when the TG and TF Rail Profiles are Applied, Compared with that for the NRC-TT Alone High Rail Profiles Optimal high rail profiles must avoid concentrations of stress and fatigue but also maximize the vehicle curving performance. Pummeling analysis showed that the NRC high rail templates exhibited excessive contact-stress and poor curving when mated with a particular group of measured worn wheels. Improved profiles were developed for the high rail of mild o 5-84 x (HM) and sharp curves (HS). Figure 5.39 illustrates the substantial reduction in expected surface fatigue damage for the new profiles compared with the current NRC templates. The amount of metal that must be removed to re-profile the rail is reduced by 0.38 mm and 0.63 mm for mild and sharp curves respectively. As well, the steering performance of vehicles was substantially improved. (a) (b) Figure 5.39: Plot of (A) Surface Fatigue Distribution for the NRC-H1 and HM in Mild Curves and (B) the Distribution of Expected Internal Fatigue Damage for NRC-H2 and HS Profiles in Sharp Curves Low Rail Profiles The presence of hollow wheels on heavy haul railroads has dictated heavy field side grinding in the past. Wide gauge further exacerbates that problem. Under preventive grinding and with modern steels, less plastic flow takes place and less metal needs to be removed. A pummeling analysis was carried out on the three NRC low rail templates, and an improved design, called the L10, was eventually developed. Instead of continually relieving the field side to avoid low-rail/false-flange contact, the contact stress was instead reduced by increasing the head radius to 250-mm from the usual 200-mm. The final design reduced the surface damage index by 30% for mild curves and 23% for sharp curves. The steering moment was little affected by the low rail design. The L10 reduces metal removal by 75% compared to the NRC-L2 (Figure 5.40) which translates into improved rail grinding production and increased o 5-85 x rail life. The L10 will be applied to all low rails of mild and sharp curves, rather than the three profiles currently used. Figure 5.40: A Comparison of the New L10 and Previous NRCL2 Rail Templates Lubrication and Grinding Rail surface fatigue cracks grow fastest when contaminated by water and somewhat slower when contaminated with a mixture of water and lubricant. On the other hand, lubrication substantially reduces the tractive stress at the wheel/rail surface and therefore reduces the number of contact cycles that contribute to fatigue. For this reason, preventive rail grinding (where surface cracks are eliminated) in combination with lubrication can significantly increase rail life. Conversely, the application of lubricants to damaged rail can increase the rate of crack growth. Since lubrication also minimizes gauge-face wear of the high-rail and controls lateral forces in the curve, an effective lubrication program is essential to a successful preventive grinding program as well as to maximize rail life. Optimal Wear Rate The optimal wear rate is the rate of wear required to just control rail surface fatigue. Insufficient wear results in rail fatigue, while excessive wear reduces rail life. The optimal wear rate will vary across a railway property and depend on differences in tonnage and axle load, type of traffic, rail metallurgy, track curvature, environment / season, track gauge, lubrication standards, etc. Under preventive grinding, the grinder removes only a thin skin of fatigued and micro-cracked metal from the rail surface, artificially controlling the wear rate but leaving behind a healthy work-hardened layer. o 5-86 x One process for determining the optimal wear rate starts first by analyzing service worn rail samples to determine the fatigue crack growth rates and direction of propagation. For example, a micrograph from a sharp curvature (6º), high-rail (Figure 5.41) shows a gauge corner free of fatigue and only short, approx. 0.35-mm, perpendicular cracks on the ball of the rail. This demonstrated that the current grinding interval and metal removal rate on sharp curves was adequate to control fatigue. The same study found that at 27 mgt (30 mgt), surface fatigue was more severe - 1 mm (0.040 in) oblique cracks populated the rail. As examples, the optimal metal removal rate for sharp curve high rails at a 13.6 mgt (15 mgt) grinding interval was found to be 0.1 mm (0.004 in) on the center ball area and 0.25 mm (0.010 in) on the gauge corner. On another railway with 23 mgt (25 mgt) cycles grinding intervals, it was determined that 0.18 mm (0.007 in) should be removed from the gauge shoulder and the gauge corner. These metal removal depths were adopted by their respective railroads as minimum metal removal targets for all curves on preventive cycles. Figure 5.41: Distribution of Surface Cracks in a Sharp-Curve High-Rail under Preventive Grinding o 5-87 x Grinding Patterns Implementation of the optimal metal removal rate requires accurate knowledge of the metal removal for each grinding pattern at various grinding speeds. Today’s high production equipment regularly grind track in the preventive mode at speeds ranging from 9.6 to 22.4 kph (6 to 14 mph). Data collected is utilized in a table for each pattern giving the maximum grinding speed to ensure the optimal metal removal rate. These maximum grinding speeds are carried out on all grinding territories. These patterns were fine-tuned when created to match the existing rail condition to the new NRC BAR Gauge profiles. As grinding machine configurations changed over the years, the patterns were automatically mapped to the new equipment configurations, introducing minor variations from the original pattern at each iteration. The typical rail shape also changed over time due to changing traffic, loads and wheel profiles. The two factors combined to result in patterns which often exhibited ridges at various locations on the rail surface, and were not well suited to meeting the rail profiles desired. A redesign of the grinding patterns is necessary to improve the efficiency of the preventive grinding strategy. Rail and profile specific patterns concentrate the metal removal where it is needed most to address profile and rail surface conditions without wasted metal removal on areas of the rail which don’t need it. Improved patterns also reduce crack growth rates through closer conformance to the desired profile and better geometric smoothness. Rail Grinding Strategies Preventive Rail Grinding The current trend in North America is to continue to push production rail grinding speeds as high as possible while maintaining control over rail fatigue. The advantages are reduced grinding costs and reduced loss of rail metal. Railways such as the Burlington Northern, Canadian Pacific Rail and Canadian National now have many kilometres of rail where they have achieved the desired rail profiled through grinding. o 5-88 x Grinding is usually completed in a single pass at grinding intervals of between 7 and 22 million gross ton. Preventive vs. Corrective Rail Grinding As demonstrated on the BNSF Canadian Pacific and CN and many other railroads, even the best premium rail cannot prevent surface fatigue from developing in the outermost layer of the rail steel under today's traffic and axle loads. The growth of surface (and subsurface) fatigue cracks is governed by the contact stress and slip. From studies conducted by the NRC, micro-cracks develop at the most stressed portion of the rail surface within 4.5 to 7.3 mgt (5 to 8 mgt). In their early stage, the microscopic cracks grow very slowly. Since cracks grow faster as they get longer, their growth rate accelerates with time. The preventive grinding strategy is designed to address the damaged surface of the rail before the micro-cracks enter their stage of rapid growth. By completely removing all short cracks, the preventive mode takes advantage of the crack initiation phase and period of slow growth. Removing the thin skin of the rail surface that contains the micro-cracks can be accomplished with a single, high-speed pass of the grinder. At the same time, the "optimal" profile is maintained on the rail and a good, protective layer of work-hardened material retained. Under preventive grinding, the rail surface is maintained to control contact stress and promote wheelset steering, while at the same time retaining resistance to crack initiation and growth by virtue of its work hardened layer. Corrective grinding results in the rail being subjected to higher contact stresses for longer intervals. Even the toughest premium rail cannot withstand this assault. Corrective grinding therefore must apply many passes at low speed to address very deep cracks. This heavy metal removal from the rail strips away the work hardened layer, while at the same time usually fails to eliminate the deepest cracks. Corrective grinding is thus associated with larger overall metal removal rates, and therefore contributes to shorter rail life. In addition, the failure to regularly address the profile results in greater lateral forces to the track structure and trucks, leading to excessive strain on fastening and truck components. The potential for truck hunting also increases considerably. Failure o 5-89 x to regularly address welds and other surface irregularities contributes to ballast and tie deterioration. Table 5.12: Summary of Differences between Preventive and Corrective Rail Grinding Strategies Preventive Grinding Corrective Grinding Grinding frequency Cumulative Traffic (mgt) Cumulative Traffic (mgt) Sharp curves 7.3 to 18.2 (8 to 20) 36.4 to 72.7 (40 to 80) Mild curves 14.5 to 36.4 (16 to 40) 54.5 to 109.1 (60 to 120) Tangent track 21.8 to 54.5 (24 to 60) 72.2 to 181.8 (80 to 200) Grinding speed 9.6 to 19.2 km/h (6 to12 mph) 4 to 9.6 km/h (2.5 to 6 mph) Grinding passes 1 3 to 9 Characteristics Grinding interval depends on curvature Interval depends on traffic levels (mgt) grind even if there are no visible surface defects all surface cracks removed usually out-of-face crack initiation period available Existing cracks start to propagate immediately work hardened layer removed by many grinding passes profile deteriorates within about 18.2 mgt (20 mgt). work hardened layer retained Optimal profile always maintained (lower contact stresses, better stability in tangent track and steering through curves) welds addressed regularly usually time based (e.g. annual grinding) grind rail with visible/severe deterioration Deepest cracks not removed welds addressed infrequently. Weld dipping leads to fastening, tie and ballast deterioration. Transitioning from Corrective to Preventive Grinding Traditional methods of implementing preventive grinding programs required significant short-term increases in grinding resources to first restore all of the rail to a good profile and clean surface condition before preventive cycles could be implemented. But many railroads that recognize the benefits of preventive grinding are simply unable to acquire sufficient additional budget for the initial "clean-up" phase. The “preventive-gradual” grinding strategy was devised by the NRC to address this scenario. o 5-90 x Preventive-Gradual Grinding The preventive-gradual grinding strategy involves embarking straight onto preventive grinding intervals from the current corrective scheme without first undertaking the expensive task of “cleaning” all the rail. The rail is transitioned to the desired profile and crack-free state on a gradual basis. This strategy starts with frequent one-pass grinding as with traditional preventive grinding, but with additional metal removal each pass – a method that is only feasible with today’s modern highperformance grinding equipment. The objective is to immediately gain the benefits of an optimized preventive grinding strategy while gradually catching up to the profile and surface cracks. Figure 5.42 shows the staged profiling and crack removal process. The desired rail profile is achieved in Stage 1 of the strategy within one to three passes. Stage 2 includes the next one to three cycles, which gradually stop the initiation of new cracks. The final stage consists of a further one to three cycles to remove the remaining inactive cracks to produce a clean rail surface. The entire process typically takes three passes on tangent and shallow curves, and up to nine passes on sharp curve low-rails. Figure 5.42: Staged Crack Removal with the PreventiveGradual Strategy o 5-91 x Two essential components of the preventive-gradual strategy are effective lubrication and proper track gauge. Lubrication significantly reduces lateral forces in a curve, essential to maintaining contact stresses on the rail at manageable levels. Wide gauge in curves causes the false flange on hollow wheels to contact the running area of the low rail, resulting in very high contact stresses and poor wheelset steering. This strategy was first implemented by the BNSF on its Pacific Northwest (PNW) corridor in February 1998.16 This territory consists of 8,300 track-km (5160 track miles) with annual tonnage over the core routes of 27 mgt (30 mgt) to 81 mgt (90 mgt). A significant proportion of the track consists of sharp curves on concrete ties with heavy mountain grades. Rail in sharp curves is predominantly 136RE deep headhardened premium rail. One 88 stone rail grinder was assigned to this corridor. The PNW was selected because it was the most demanding of BNSF’s four grinding territories and most likely to rapidly demonstrate the success or failure of the preventive-gradual strategy. Grinding cycle intervals were established of 13.5 mgt (15 mgt) on sharp curves 3.5 degrees or greater, 26 mgt (30 mgt) on mild curves and 41 mgt (45 mgt) on tangent track. The preventive-gradual grinding strategy had begun demonstrating significant benefits by the end of the first year. Visible rail surface defects had decreased, 98% of the rail was at the desired profile, and test site measurements verified that rail wear and grinding costs were reduced compared to other grinding strategies. Results Through adoption of the preventive-gradual grinding strategy BNSF has achieved significant productivity gains in its rail grinding program. Comparing 2000 performance to 1997, grinder utilization improved by 31%, grinding passes per curve per year decreased from 3.9 to 2.4, and the mean cycle interval declined from 56.2 to 24.5 mgt (62 to 27 mgt). These gains directly translated into the ability to cover more territory with the same amount of grinding resources, at a lower cost. o 5-92 x Rail Wear A 8 km (5 mile) long test area was established on the PNW corridor to measure the effects of different grinding strategies on rail wear. The test site consisted of 10 curves between 5°51’ and 6°31’ curvature, and two mild curves. Train speeds averaged 48 kph (30 mph) at under balanced speed, on concrete tie track. Annual tonnage during the test varied between 55.3 and 60.7 mgt (61 and 67 mgt). The following grinding strategies were applied to specific curves in the test site to determine the relative merits of each approach: • No Grind – Correctively ground prior to the beginning of the test to remove all visible surface defects, then left unground for the duration of the test. • Maintenance – Correctively ground at 27 mgt (30 mgt) intervals • Corrective – Correctively ground at 54.5 mgt (60 mgt) intervals • Preventive-Gradual – 1 pass preventive-gradual intervals of 13.5 mgt (15 mgt) • Preventive-Immediate – Correctively ground at the start of the test, then 1 pass preventive grind at intervals of 13.5 mgt (15 mgt) Rail surface conditions were extremely poor at the beginning of the test. All curves except the preventive-gradual received 3-5 passes on the high-rails and 5-9 passes on the low rails to remove all visible surface defects and cracks. Rail wear test results after the first year of the PNW preventive-gradual initiative were presented in.16 The test sites continued to be monitored over the second year of the program until 113 mgt (125 mgt) of traffic and 8 grinding cycles of 13.5 mgt (15 mgt) intervals had been completed. The second year rail wear data is shown in Figure 5.43. Although the no-grind scenario exhibited low wear, the development of severe spalling and corrugation on the low rail, o 5-93 x and heavy checking and shell development on the high rail precluded this approach as a viable option. The effects of wide gauge on low rail wear can been seen in the second year preventive immediate results. False flange contact on the center of the low rail caused rapid flattening, fatigue crack formation, and accelerated rail wear. Figure 5.43: Grinding Strategies in the Test Site, showing Total Wear from Grinding and Traffic after 113.6 mgt (125 mgt) (bottom segment of each bar shows results at end of first year) The test results show that the preventive-gradual method is the most effective strategy for minimizing total rail wear. As a result of the preventive-gradual strategy and improved rail lubrication practices, BNSF’s 2000 curve rail relay program was 44% lower than 1997 levels. Rail Surface Condition In the test site the preventive-gradual and preventiveimmediate curves demonstrated the best and most consistent rail surface condition, while corrective and no-grind yielded the worst, with significant checking, shells, spalls and corrugation. Rail surface condition on BNSF has improved dramatically on its preventive-gradual territories. Premature rail relay because of rail surface condition in 2000 was 53% lower. Additionally main track rail detection exceptions, where poor rail surface condition prevents ultrasonic rail flaw inspection, have decreased from 238 locations in 1998 to 5 in 2000. o 5-94 x Detail Fracture Rates Tangent detail fractures in 2000 declined 16% from 1999 levels, the first significant reduction in 8 years. Detail fractures on curves were at a 10 year low. BNSF believes these reductions are a direct result of the grinding optimization methods instituted at the end of 1999. Advance Planning to Increase Grinding Production A key to a productive grind is to have a regular grinding cycle and a grinding production plan. The grinding production plan should be available in advance of the arrival of the grinder on site. The plan should be based upon an advance survey of the territory identifying the types of conditions that are being targeted for correction. Surveys should use a grinding template and a straight edge with taper gauge. The Track Manager should accompany to discuss his requirements. The grinding plan should specify the patterns to be used, the number of passes and the grinding speed. It is recommended that they be done on a track profile chart to relate the curve locations to such features as signals and crossings. The objective is to develop a production approach to grinding that enables the grinding operator to set up patterns in advance and to use grinding speed to advantage to cut only as deep as is required. The railway’s grinding supervisor is therefore freed to concentrate on required deviations from the plan and on quality control. Grinding Production Plans make sure that all involved know what the plan is. In fact, they are often used to inform the Train Dispatcher of the track occupancy requirements of the grinding operation. With this knowledge, he may be able to work out improved track blocks. Figure 5.44 is a sample grinding plan used by Canadian Pacific Railway. These plans are done on a PC and are displayed on computer onboard the grinder. The program used also estimate elapsed times for use in work block planning. Some railway authorities are now contracting for a completed track mile and paying the contractor on basis of o 5-95 x dollars per kilometre ground to within specifications. The contractor therefore both surveys rail conditions and performs the grind. In some cases, (Mitchell et al., 1989),17 the contractor also performs his own post grind measurements. This can be an effective way to operate as it encourages the contractor to plan and innovate and can improve the railway’s control of the grinding expense. At the same time, it requires that the railway have a good understanding of rail conditions and well written contract. Maintaining Quality Control As discussed before, good grinding performance requires that each grinding motor is operating at the correct pressure and angle. Maintaining a regular inspection of the grinding operation can yield premiums in grinding effectiveness. The following checks should be performed by a railway supervisor as least once per track occupancy of two hours or more. Grinding Power Check the grinder control panel to see that at least 9 out of 10 grinding motors are running at their rated capacity. This is typically 80 percent of rated capacity for motors grinding on the top surface of the rail and 65 percent of rated capacity for motors grinding sharper angles on the gauge and field side. Ground Rail Profile The grinding supervisor should spend as much time as possible walking behind the rail grinder to check that his plan has produced an effective treatment of the rail. Where an additional pass is required he may communicate this need by radio to the grinder operator. o 5-96 x Figure 5.44: PC-Based Preparation of Rail Grinding Production Plan o 5-97 x While inspecting the ground rail, he should look for signs of grinding wheel malfunction. The following are possible problems: • • • • • • There are gaps in the rail surface that are not being ground. This indicates some grinding wheels are not working. There are sharp ridges left after grinding. This indicates that some stones are not working or grinding angle positions are not correct. Some grinding facets have grinding marks diagonal to the rail or in line with the rail’s longitudinal axis. This indicates that an inoperative stone is being dragged or that it is not positioned laterally and is grinding outside of its inside diameter. There are extensive black marks on the rail. This indicates overheating of the rail. Consistent brown or black marks may indicate excessive downward pressure on the motor. The rail surface finish consistently shows deeper scratch marks that are still in evidence on the contact band within 1 – 2 weeks of the grind. The rail surface shows evidence of gauges due to a grinding carriage miss-adjustment, causing contact of the corner of the grinding stone with the rail. Longitudinal Rail Profile The removal of corrugations can be checked with a straight edge and taper gauge. A minimum length of 600 mm is recommended. Each railway’s standards on the extent of corrugation removal may differ. Corrugations that exceed 0.25 mm (0.010”) are known to re-grow fairly rapidly. Transverse Rail Profile Transverse rail profile should be measured with a template gauge mounted on a bar that will sit on the plane of the top of the two rails. This is important to correct for rail cant. The templates should cover portions of the gauge corners of the high and low leg to ensure correct shaping of these critical locations by higher angle stones. A taper gauge or gap gauge can be used to judge the extent of the fit of the as-ground rail o 5-98 x profile to the template. As considerable grinding time can be spent in achieving a perfect fit, a tolerance level is recommended. Use of the template gauge should correctly locate the contact band, except in locations where there is significant loss of rail cant under loading. This can be verified by spray painting the rail and observing the width and location of the contact band as well as whether one or two-point contact has been achieved. Metal Removal There are several methods for periodically verifying the depth of the cut achieved after one or more grinding passes. Some railways apply indentations to the rail with a hole punch. The depths of these are measured before and after grinding using a Starret Dial Gauge. Dial Gauges, displacement transducers and lasers are also used to measure the distance of the rail surface to a measuring frame that is affixed to the rail. For regular verification of grinder performance, the use of a template gauge on a bar is probably sufficient. An experienced supervisor can see by the change in the gaps as measured with his taper gauge whether or not the metal removal is within specification and properly distributed across the rail. The careful application of the measuring equipment discussed in Section 5.3 may also be used to measure metal removal. 5.4.2 Rail Planing When a rail profile is allowed to wear or deform due to plastic deformation to such an extent that large volumes of material must be removed to return the correct profile, grinding may prove uneconomical. In such a case a rail planing machine can be used to correct the rail profile. Such a situation developed on the South African Iron Ore export line and the Plasser & Theurer SBM 140 Rail Planer was used to correct the rail profiles. The SBM 140 is capable of removing large volumes of material and restoring the design rail profile rail within the required tolerances.18 o 5-99 x Description of the SBM 140 Rail Planing Machine The SBM 140 rail planing machine is made up of two sections, the four-axle planing machine and the single-axle swarf collector. Weighing approximately 80 ton, the SBM 140 is driven on all four axles to give the machine the necessary thrust force required to remove the metal from the rail crown. The metal shavings produced during the planing work are removed from the track by two chain type electro magnets on drums on either side of this trailing swarf collector. They are approximately 95% effective provided the cribs are properly filled with ballast. Two bi-directional planing units are positioned between the bogies and are supported on the rail by a number of tool guide rollers that are hydraulically pressed onto the rail with a force of 6 ton. The tool guide rollers will prevent the tools from following the surface profile of the rail where short defects occur thus ensuring the removal of corrugations and a fine planed surface on the rail. Each planing unit has a tool holder for securing the tool inserts. Four different tool inserts are being used. Some of these tungsten carbide tool inserts are standard commercial tool bits whereas others where specially developed for the planing machine. These tool inserts are used in different configurations depending on the tool holder used. Tool holders can be changed within seconds due to their dovetail design. Accurate transverse positioning of the tools on the rail surface is achieved using datum rollers on the field side of the rails. Accuracy of ±1 mm from the design transverse position was consistently achieved. To produce the rail profile required the blending in of the various cuts is achieved by an onboard control system that enables the tools to be adjusted in increments of 0.1 mm. Figure 5.45 shows the general arrangement of the planer, as well as the planing unit. o 5-100 x Figure 5.45: SBM 140 Planing Machine 5.4.3 The Planing Process Figure 5.46 shows a typical worn profile as well as the required profile after planing. Figure 5.46: Typical Worn Profile and Restored Profile o 5-101 x Figure 5.47a: Planer Cut Sequence o 5-102 x Figure 5.47b: Planer Cut Sequence (continued) 5.5 Wheelset Failure Risk Management and Maintenance Wheels are not managed independently but as wheelsets and because of the large number of wheelsets present in heavy haul trains, the reliability of these components have to be extremely high. The failure of one wheel or bearing could lead to a o 5-103 x derailment costing the railway millions of dollars in damage of infrastructure and rolling stock as well as loss in production. FRA Reported Safety Statistics for 19991 shows 3% of the accidents were wheel related and 2% were axle and journal bearing related. Figure 5.48 shows the distribution of accidents reported for wheel defects per type for the last 5 years. Figure 5.48: Distribution of Accidents per Wheel Type The wheelset failure risk management and maintenance discussion below is given from a Spoornet perspective with specific reference to the practices on the COALlink coal export line. The required reliability for wheels is as high. To achieve high reliability levels the wheelset is seen as a subsystem of the total train. The subsystem reliability depends on the reliability of the wheelset as well as the reliability of the condition monitoring system, as depicted in Figure 5.49. In simple terms the reliability of the wheelset sub-system can be expressed as: R wheelset sub-system = 1 – [(1 – R wheelsets) x (1 – R Condition monitoring system)] o 5-104 x For example, if the reliability, R wheelsets = 0.999 995 and the reliability, R Condition monitoring system = 0.9, then, R Wheelset sub-system = 0.999 999 5. Improvement of the wheelset subsystem can thus be substantially enhanced by the reliability of the wheelset condition monitoring system. Figure 5.49: Wheelset Sub-System Reliability Model 5.5.1 Wheelset Reliability (Spoornet) New Components High wheelset reliability depends on the reliability of the wheels, axles and journal roller bearings. From a wheel point of view reliability is ensured through meticulous wheel specifications, covering all aspects of the wheel from design stress levels, to effects of heat input. Material properties and allowable flaw sizes in different parts of the wheel are specified to ensure high reliability and wheel tread wear resistance. The wheel specification includes non-destructive testing requirements to ensure acceptable wheels. Destructive tests and material property tests are performed on a regular basis to ensure conformance of new wheels to the specification. Each wheel manufactured is tested, ultrasonically, in the rim area to ensure that no flaws larger than 1 mm in diameter is present in the highest stress areas. Further magnetic particle inspection is done on the whole wheel to ensure that no surface cracks are present in the wheel. Finally the wheel bore is visually inspected during final machining when the wheel is fitted to the axle. Only limited flaws are allowed in the wheel bore. o 5-105 x Similar specifications and test methods are used to ensure high reliability of new axles. As far as roller bearings are concerned, there are a number of factors that determine the roller bearing life and reliability. These factors range from axle load, wheel and track condition, and environmental factors through to seal type and lubrication used. Because of the complexity of these factors replacement cycles for roller bearings are usually refined as service performance data becomes available. The choice of new versus remanufactured bearings is also influenced by wheel wear rates, costs and required reliability. Typical bearing cycles for COALlink are: • 1 million km for class F bearings on 26-ton axle load wagons. • 700 000 km for class D bearings on 20-ton axle load wagons. These bearings operate on short turnaround cycles between high altitude, dry environment to low altitude, marine environment. Moisture ingress and corrosion related damage have a major influence on the performance of these bearings. Used Components Wheels are normally only replaced when their minimum diameter is reached. Standard minimum diameters as per AAR recommendations are used. Axles are recycled. When wheels reach their minimum diameter, they are removed from the axle and the axle is reused. In addition to the normal ultrasonic testing of axles, axles being recycled are also tested by means of magnetic particles during the recycling operation. Bearings are removed at the end of their cycle and returned to bearing manufacturers for re-manufacturing to Spoornet’s own bearing specification. o 5-106 x Condition Monitoring Wayside Condition Monitoring (see Par 5.6.2) Realizing the importance of a reliable condition monitoring system, COALlink has been investing in the development of an Integrated Condition Monitoring System (ITCMS) over the last 3 to 4 years. A schematic of the COALlink ITCMS is shown in Figure 5.50. Wayside measuring points are connected to a computer network along the track, either directly or through modems. An automatic vehicle identification system reads wagon numbers from ID tags. The measured data, together with the wagon numbers are stored in a database. In addition measured values are compared to preset warning and train stop limits. Any critical alarm is relayed to Centralised Traffic Control from where a command to stop a train is issued. The information in the database is used to analyse wagon condition and for research purposes. An example of such an analysis is to identify performance trends and components wear rates. The information can also be used to learn more about inter relationships that exist between different measurements on the same wagon. For example bogie couple forces can be related to wheel diameter differences and or load distribution on a wagon. Figure 5.50: Schematic of the Spoornet COALlink ITCMS Measuring points operational on the ITCMS are: • Hot bearing detectors; These systems are seen as short term warning systems as a bearing normally overheats very rapidly only a short distance before final failure. • Acoustic defective bearing detection system (system under development); This system is seen to be an early o 5-107 x warning system as bearings emit sounds indicating eminent failure for long distances before final failure. • Brake efficiency measurement – wheel temperature; These measurements are done in a location on the track where brakes are normally applied. Wheel temperatures give an indication of the efficiency of the braking system throughout the train. Too high wheel temperatures may indicate sticking brake systems, hand brakes on or leaking valves. Low wheel temperatures may indicate brakes not working for any of a number of reasons. • Brake problem measurement – wheel temperature; These measurement are done in a location on the track where brakes are normally not applied. Sticking brake systems or hand brakes that were left on will in this case cause high wheel temperatures. • Wheelset lateral force and bogie couple forces; The purpose of this measuring system is to identify wheelsets on wagons that are exerting high lateral forces or couple forces to the track. It is used to identify bogies (trucks) that require maintenance. • Weighing In Motion – Wheel Impact Measurement (WIM-WIM); This system is used to identify wagons with load distributions out of allowable limits. Further wheel impacts are measured to identify skidded wheels that require attention. • A measuring point for the measurement of wheel profile and wheel diameter is currently being planned. Run-in inspections The wayside condition monitoring system is currently still being enhanced by run-in inspections. These inspections are visual and audio inspections of wagon condition at the arrival yard. Major success has been achieved with these inspections to identify, among others, wheel and roller bearing problems. At this stage the run-in inspections still enhances the total condition monitoring system reliability, but it is foreseen that the wayside system will in future reduce the need for run-in inspections on wheelsets. o 5-108 x Four Monthly Maintenance Depot Inspections Every wagon in the COALlink fleet is inspected, every four months, at a maintenance depot. During this inspection the condition of wheels and bearings are visually inspected. Wheel treads are examined for the presence of thermal cracks on the tread. If these cracks are present, the depth of cracks is measured. If crack depths exceed a certain limit, the wheels are removed for reprofiling. During these inspection opportunities, components such as brake shoes are replaced. When the need arises for special test programs, these tests are also performed at the maintenance depot during the inspection cycle. This normally happens when a particular high-risk problem has been identified on a certain group of wheels. Workshop Maintenance During workshop maintenance of wheelsets wheels and axles are tested ultrasonically. Tests on the axles are concentrated on high stress areas and areas where fretting may occur. Attention is also given, during this inspection, to areas where service damage may occur, such as damage caused by dragging brake rods. On-wheels-tests are concentrated on the tread area. A surface wave ultrasonic test is done on reprofiled wheels to ensure that all cracks have been removed from the wheel tread area. The wheelset failure risk management approach described here is very successful in improving wheelset reliability and wheelset problems are currently at a low level. Wheel Profile Monitoring Wagons are inspected with every round trip in the arrival/departure yards (run-in inspections), during this inspection the wheels are inspected. If found to be close to the limits the wheels are gauged with a go/no-go gauge and those that fail are sent to a maintenance depot where the wheelsets are changed-out and reprofiled. Typical wheel life cycles are as follows: o 5-109 x 1. Number of cuts before 20 ton/axle wheels are scrapped New diameter = 863 mm (new) Minimum diameter = 812 mm (min) Available for cuts (863-812)/2 = 25.5 mm A typical cut for 2 mm tread wear will result in a 5 mm diameter loss (2 mm for wear and 3 mm undercut). This will result in 5 cuts or 6 cycles in a wheel life. 2. Number of cuts before 26 ton/axle wheels are scrapped New diameter = 915 mm (new) Minimum diameter = 870 mm (min) Available for cuts (915-870)/2 = 22.5 mm A typical cut for 2 mm tread wear will result in a 5 mm diameter loss (2 mm for wear and 3 mm undercut). This will result in 4 cuts or 5 cycles in a wheel life. On OREX Spoornet’s Iron Ore export line a monitoring system that measure the wheel flange height on a continuos basis was installed. These measurements give Spoornet the wheel wear rate for the fleet which is used for wheel maintenance planning purposes. The measured wear rate is confirmed on a smaller sample of wagons with "MINIPROF" measurements. As the wheels on this line only experience tread wear and no or little flange wear, there is a direct relationship between this flange height measurement and tread wear. Therefore this measurement (flange height) can be used with confidence to predict tread wear, and maintenance cycles. 5.5.2 Wheelset Maintenance Reprofiling of 2-wear or multi-wear wheels for thin flange is a usual practice on heavy haul railways worldwide. Recently, TTCI has reported on some very interesting work on the economic costs of permitting wheel tread hollows to develop. A hollow tread situation develops when tapered wheels are permitted to wear in the center, particularly where there is heavy brake shoe contact. Unlike Europe, Australia and South Africa, there is no standard in North America on how deep a wheel tread may be permitted to hollow. This is the flipside of o 5-110 x typical rail grinding standards which call for grinding when the low rail becomes too flat. TTCI’s survey of 6,500 wheels found that 6% had more than 3mm of wheel tread hollowing. They also predicted that wheel with 3 or more mm (> 0.12 in.) of wheel hollowing had a large effect on train resistance and hence fuel consumption, and imparted higher forces in tangent and low curvature track, and truing at this point was a net positive cost. A large cost of damage to special track work is also speculated due to the high stress impacts of the wheel’s “false flange.” Inclusion of wheel hollowing as a wheel maintenance standard is being pursued by TTCI through the AAR. Figure 5.51: Heavy Haul Railways with Wheel Lives Considerably Longer than the Norm in North America Maintain Maximum Limits on Wheel Tread Hollowing The Australians and South Africans have bragging rights on their average wheel lives, and indeed these are impressive by North American standards. Spoornet reported that 1 million miles was the average life for a 2 wear wheel, with many exceeding 1.5 million miles. This compares to about a 320,000-mile average in North America. These long lives are achieved through regular turning of wheels on a lathe to restore the profile, akin to rail profile grinding. Very little metal needs to be removed at each turning. So, for example, the South Africans will make 5 cuts of a wheel over its life, with an obvious benefit in maintaining a good profile. A prime o 5-111 x deterrent to this practice in North America at present is the regulation in the AAR Wheel and Axle Manual that new or reconditioned bearings must be applied at each visit to a shop, including for wheel reprofiling. In North America it is typical19 to replace the candidate wheelset from a freight car when it needs reprofiling, replacing it with one from the inventory. The wheel shop is often some distance from the location where the wheelset was removed. This repair technique makes frequent reprofiling to control wheel shape costly. Many heavy haul railways use under floor or above floor wheel lathes that do not require the wheelset to be removed. The most recent machines are called “centerless.” They support some of the weight of the vehicle on the bottom of the roller bearing housing, and therefore between axle centre and tool. They are attractive in that they do not require removal of the bearing end caps. They use contour milling cutters to re-profile two wheels on one wheelset simultaneously. Some machines can handle two wheelsets simultaneously. Underfloor lathes are expensive at $2-3 million but are more productive than wheelset removal, taking 30 to 60 minutes per car. Again the downside is that the bearings are not necessarily replaced. On the other hand, there have been recent improvements in roller bearing reconditioning and mounting practice to improve bearing performance. Acoustic detectors would assist in alleviating any concern about bearings being left on for the life of the wheel. Above floor lathes maybe another possibility. Here the foundation is less expensive and the setup for reprofiling is faster. But whatever the technique that makes most sense for a particular railway, it is clear that regular reprofiling to address wheel hollows is essential best practice for heavy haul railways. 5.6 Wheel and Vehicle Interaction Condition Measures As the demand for railroads to haul heavier loads and faster trains continues to grow, so does the need to ensure that and wheelsets and vehicles are in safe operating condition. Unsafe o 5-112 x operation of rolling stock can lead to increased costs especially in the Heavy haul environment. By introducing reliable measuring devices to measure wheel and vehicle component conditions and interaction performance the risk increased cost and derailments can be reduced. The most basic application of the digital wheel and rail profiles is that it allows the rail profile to be matched against the prevailing wheel profile to examine the wheel/rail contact characteristics. 5.6.1 Wheel Wear Measurement Techniques The wheel profile undergoes very large dimensional changes through its life (Figure 5.52), usually more so than the rail. Wheel profile measurements quantify the wear in the zones as specified. Figure 5.52: Wheel Wear Zones Techniques to dimensionally measure the wheel profile condition can be categorized as: • Manual mechanical feeler and tracing gauges • Manual electronic tracing gauges • Non contact-optical measurement systems Presently, wheel inspections are performed by car inspectors utilizing a variety of hand held gauges in accordance with Association of American Railroads (AAR) specifications (Examples as used by Canadian Pacific Rail are shown in Figure 5.53 and Figure 5.54). However, such gauges are not o 5-113 x often used. More often a wheel is visually assessed by an inspector to determine if a gauge measurement should be made. As a result, complete wheel evaluations are rarely performed. Figure 5.53: Example 1 of Manual Mechanical Feeler Gauge o 5-114 x Figure 5.54: Example 2 of Manual Mechanical Feeler Gauge A variation of the electronic tracing MINIPROF gauge exist that measure a wheel profile as shown in Figure 5.55. o 5-115 x Figure 5.55: MINIPROF Wheel Profile Measurement When a hand held evaluation is performed, the measurements generally made are vertical flange (flange height), flange width, and rim thickness. While shelling, cracking, flange radius, and other parameters are also important, these parameters are not generally measured quantitatively as part of the wheel inspection process. Even though only a few measurements are routinely performed, the process is still time consuming, prone to inaccuracies, and performed inconsistently due to differences in the subjective visual assessment of the inspector. Some railroads perform measurements based on the mileage of a car, which is hard to accurately quantify, while other railroads inspect wheels erratically due to the inconsistent availability of inspectors. The railway industry has long sought an economical roll-by system to measure wheel wear parameters and detect wheel defects. The development of non-contact optical measuring principles has only recently been applied in a practical roll-by wheel wear parameter measuring system. The WheelScan12 system is an example that has been put in service to measure flange height, flange width, tread width, and rim thickness. o 5-116 x The WheelScan incorporates an optical/laser-based technique to determine the extent of the wheel rim wear and wheel flange wear as a wheel passes over the system, see Figure 5.56. The optical instrumentation consists of a laser-based light sources and CCD video cameras. Figure 5.56: WheelScan System Overview The light source produces a plane of laser light at the exact time the wheel comes into the field of view of the CCD camera, see Figure 5.57. This plane of light illuminates a narrow band on the wheel across the wheel tread and flange. The CCD cameras capture the images and subsequently transfer this information to a microprocessor, which calculates the critical dimensions of the wheel profiles. o 5-117 x Figure 5.57: WheelScan Laser/Video Camera System The source of illumination is a laser synchronized with the passing of the wheel. The laser is utilized to freeze the motion of the wheel at track speeds and provide a reliable light source for field applications. Special optics are utilized to allow the laser light to be spread across the entire wheel width. By utilizing a combination of custom filters and high-speed CCD cameras, the system acquires sunlight free images of the wheel profile. Once the wheel enters the cameras field of view, the WheelScan system sends a signal to the video cameras to acquire two video images of each wheel of a given axle of the train. The video images are time stamped to allow for the correlation of train tag information and axle identification. Each video signal is then transferred in analog form to the WheelScan host computer. The computer’s internal parallel processors convert the analog signal to digital information, Figure 5.58(a). After the correction of the digital data, the image is scanned to locate the edge of the rim and the inside of the wheel flange. These two reference points allow for the determination of the wheel’s center line, see Figure 5.58(b). o 5-118 x After locating the wheel’s center line, the WheelScan system scans for a maximum flange height. The flange height is calculated by subtracting the vertical component of the wheels center line from the maximum flange height, see Figure 5.58(c). C (a) (b) Tread Width Vertical Flange Height 3/8” C (c) Flange Thickness (e) C (d) C Rim Thickness (f) Figure 5.58: Wheel Wear Parameters The WheelScan system computes the tread width by measuring the lateral distance between the flange and the rim. The distance measured is referenced from the face of the rim to a point on the flange which is 3/8" vertically above the centerline of the tread, see Figure 5.58(d). The WheelScan system computes the flange thickness by locating the transition point where the wheel flange interfaces o 5-119 x with the tread and then subtracting the outside flange, see Figure 5.58(e). The WheelScan also computes the rim thickness by locating the most extreme point on the digital rim data. Using the vertical component of the wheel’s centerline, it computes the rim thickness, see Figure 5.58(f). 5.6.2 Wheel and Vehicle Track Interaction –Wayside Measuring system. To integrate damage control strategies from different disciplines in railway engineering a vehicle track interaction measuring system to evaluate the performance of the vehicles moving over the track is an important ingredient for the success of a heavy haul operation. Such a system provides an essential part of the information to determine if synergy exist between the vehicle, track and the profitability of the heavy haul operation. As an example the Spoornet Integrated Condition Monitoring System (ITCMS) will be described below. This system monitors the COALlink fleet as it passes a number of wayside measuring points occurring regularly along the line. Refer to Section As each measuring point have unique measuring requirement its location next to the track will be determined by the track layout and train operating characteristics at that point. These measuring points comprise of the following: 1. Visual vehicle inspections placed at the entrance to large yards with camera/video equipment to identify loose or missing components, e.g. springs, hoses, brake pads etc. 2. Hot bearing detectors (called Hot Box detectors). 3. Brake efficiency measurements (called Hot Brake detectors). 4. Brake problem measurement (called Cold Brake Detectors). 5. Acoustic defective bearing detection. o 5-120 x 6. Dragging Equipment Detectors (called DED’s) are spaced every 10km to detect shifted wheels or dragging equipment. 7. Weighing In Motion and Wheel Impact Measurement (called the WIM-WIM). 8. Skew bogie detection measures the induced lateral forces to identify misaligned bogies. 9. Flange height detection provides an indication of the wheel wear. 10. Automated Vehicle identification. (AVI). These devices are not necessary at each measuring point. Weighing In Motion and Wheel Impact Measurement (WIM-WIM) Figure 5.59: Track Mounted WIMWIM and Analysis Systems The WIMWIM system measures the induced loads to determine skew and overloading as well as impacts caused by wheels with flats or out of round shapes. Spoornet has invested in 6 WIMWIM systems on its heavy haul lines. This is a strain gauged based system capable to measure high speed traffic in excess of 250 km/h. All instrumentation can be fitted to rails without removal of the rails or interruption to the traffic flows. To accommodate different wheel radii of 730 to 1220 mm some re-arrangement of sleepers/ties, is required to obtain full coverage. o 5-121 x The WIMWIM system is able to measure and determine the following: 1. Wheel impacts in ton-force 2. Dynamic angle of attack – as a function of lateral forces expressed in a couple force.(ton) 3. Mass of all vehicles inclusive of skew loading. Various reports are generated on the system. These include stop train alarms, maintenance reports and a full report for archiving. Bad actors are eliminated when impacts exceed 45 ton (99kips) by stopping the train and 27 ton or above to mark a wheel for maintenance. The mass measuring is used to warn of skew loading patterns or overloading. Overloading can cause major problems for the allocated traction, which contributes to skidding of under certain conditions. Skew loading must be controlled to ensure that loads are within the applicable design axle load of the line. The Low-speed Weigh Bridges Figure 5.60: Low Speed Weigh Bridge with Individual Weighing Cell Low speed weigh bridges are mass measuring systems certified by the South African Buro of Standards as a device approved for the use in trade to measure weights. The weigh bridges are used by the commercial department for revenue measurement purposes. o 5-122 x These weigh bridges have a maximum speed limit of 8km/h and could create problems for high density lines due to the time factor. (20-35 minutes for a 200 wagon train). Hot-Box, Hot and Cold Brake Detectors Figure 5.61: Hot Box Detectors and the Processors Within a Wayside Container Hot bearing detectors placed at regular intervals to measure journal bearing temperature. The hot box systems are regarded as safety-critical systems. Exceptions immediately generate an alarm within the local CTC (Central Traffic Control) Office. The temperature of each axle bearing is captured for trending purposes. Presently the system is sensitive to the ambient temperatures, resulting in problems with trending the data. Upgrading of the systems will lead to more accurate and reliable systems. Brake efficiency measurements (called Hot Brake detectors) measures wheel temperature at a location on the track where brakes are normally applied; i.e., (after steep downgrade). Brake problem measurement (called Cold Brake Detectors) measures wheel temperature at a location on the track where brakes are normally not applied; i.e., (after a long upgrade). The hot and cold brake systems are derivatives of the original hot box system, except that the measuring eyes are not aimed at the bearing housing, but at the brake block locations. o 5-123 x The Acoustic defective Bearing Detection Figure 5.62: Acoustic Bearing System on Track and Inside the Wayside Container This measuring system was developed by Transportation Test Center Inc. (TTCI) Pueblo CO U.S.A. as part of the proactive bearing management program to detect defective bearings. It uses a microphone system to listen to the bearings. The signal from each bearing is compared to the unique signal template of a healthy bearing and exceptions are generated. From the photo it can be seen that single track is used as multilane traffic cause difficulties with signal analysis. 5.6.3 Design Considerations Figure 5.63 shows a diagrammatic representation of the ITCMS At each measuring point, data is collected and passed to a Field Measuring Station (FMS). Each FMS can accommodate up to four measuring points (e.g. 2 hot box detectors and 2 wheel impact detectors – or- 2 weigh bridges and a skew bogie detection measuring point). The FMS’s then sends the data from the field to an office machine known as the “Data Concentrator.” This is usually located at a main CTC offices. From the CTC’s the data is then passed through to the main server at a head office where the analysis system resides. Vehicle numbers are attached to the data received. All exception parameters are generated and Emails would be addressed to the proper departments to deal with any exceptions. All measurements are kept in a central database for analysis purposes. o 5-124 x Figure 5.63: Diagrammatic Representation of the ITCMS 5.7 Practical Application Of Wayside Lubricators North American railroads have been applying lubrication to the wheel/rail interface for many years to control wheel and rail wear, reduce lateral forces in curves and produce substantial savings in train energy (fuel) consumption. The o 5-125 x traditional method of applying lubricant to the rail was by means of wayside lubricators. In recent years substantial improvements in wayside equipment technology has improved equipment reliability, reduced maintenance requirements, increased the track miles covered by each lubricator and minimized wastage of the lubricant. Wayside systems however do not always provide the maximum benefit of effective wheel/rail lubrication. Results on Canadian Pacific Rail demonstrate that wayside systems alone cannot produce the recommended friction levels for the top of the rail. Wayside systems must be supported by on board systems, currently under development, such as hi-rail or locomotive systems, to provide effective top of rail friction management in addition to gauge face lubrication. Best practice friction management guidelines for wayside systems are provided in this chapter. 5.7.1 Friction Management Friction Management is the process of controlling the frictional properties at the rail/wheel contact to values that are most appropriate for the particular operating conditions20. In general terms, this means that the goals are: • Lubrication of the gauge face of the rail to minimize friction, wear and curving resistance (µ between 0.1 and 0.25). • Provide an intermediate friction coefficient (µ between 0.30 and 0.35) at the top of the rail under rail cars to control lateral forces in curves, and rolling resistance in both curved and tangent track. A special class of products is generally required to achieve the intermediate friction conditions21, 22, 23 - lubricants are generally not suitable since they compromise locomotive traction and safe braking of trains. • Improve traction under driven locomotive wheels (and possibly under emergency braking situations) through the application of adhesion enhancers. Sand is most commonly used to improve adhesion but other products, including alumina [JAPAN high speed] and solid stick products24 are also used. o 5-126 x 5.7.2 Benefits of Effective Rail Lubrication Benefits from effective wheel and rail lubrication have been reported in many recent studies with wayside lubricators and top of rail friction modifiers. Some of the benefits from effective lubrication have been reported as follows: 1. J.deKoker 25 reports on tests on Spoornet which have demonstrated 51% reduced energy required to traverse a 200 metre radius curve, 28% less energy used by trains on the Richards Bay Coal Line, and a 6 fold increase in wheel life. 2. J.deKoker 25 reports lubrication studies by Sante Fe, Conrail and ICG Railroads where energy savings of 25% to 30%, 24% and 17.5% respectively were achieved. 3. Reiff26 documents the reductions in fuel consumption at FAST of 30% with generous lubrication compared to dry conditions. Also numerous lubrication tests in the field on Class 1 railroads with long tangents, sharp curves and grades have demonstrated fuel savings of 5% to 15%. Also a lubricated top of low rail and generous high rail gauge face lubrication significantly reduces curve lateral forces. 4. TTCI28 NUCARS analysis demonstrated energy savings of: 15% with wayside lubricators, 39% with Top of Rail friction modifiers alone and 65.5% with top of rail and good wheel flange (gauge face) lubrication. 5. J.Rucinski27 of Queensland Rail reports energy savings on their narrow gauge coal lines of 4.3% for loaded trains and 1.4% for empty trains. 6. Canadian Pacific Rail have found in recent studies that improved wayside lubrication with preventive rail grinding has increased rail life on average by 80% for the high rail gauge face and 50% for the high rail top surface. Canadian Pacific are working on top of low rail lubrication strategies to improve the life of the low rail. o 5-127 x New systems are being tested on board locomotive and on hi-rails to improve “top of rail” friction management through the use of lubricants with modified coefficients of friction. This section will focus on the application of wayside lubrication equipment. 5.7.3 Wayside Lubrication – Capabilities and Operation Wayside lubrication systems have the potential to provide substantial savings to railroads through reduced wheel and rail wear, minimize track deterioration, and reduce fuel consumption. Proper application includes: 1. Selection of the most appropriate equipment for dispensing lubricant 2. Selecting the optimal type of grease for the particular operating environment 3. Measurement and management of lubrication effectiveness 4. Positioning of lubricators 5. Lubricator placement model 5.7.4 Selecting the Most Appropriate Equipment for Dispensing the Lubricant The performance of grease in the track is dependent on the climate, the railway operating conditions, the dispensing equipment utilized for the task and using a dedicated lubricator maintainer. Field trials are required to determine the suitability of the lubricant and the lubricator hardware for the territory. Narrowing down the selection of the final grease for field trials can be best achieved with laboratory test to determine performance of the grease against key performance characteristics as described in Section 5. New equipment technology is available today, which has greatly improved wayside lubrication effectiveness. Each railway has its own specialized application. Overall, the choice of the best lubricator system for the railway is dependent on the following: o 5-128 x 1. Ease of installation and simplicity of operation 2. Reliability of performance and ease of maintenance 3. Availability of spare parts 4. Availability of lubricant to be used 5. Financial considerations The majority of wayside equipment in use today is the mechanical contact or hydraulic system. The newer technology lubricators are electronic which provide improved reliability and serviceability. The systems employ a non-contact rail mounted sensor, which detects the passing of wheels and signals the electric motor to dispense grease. Control box settings can be adjusted to regulate the volume of grease dispensed to minimize wastage and maximize the distance covered by each unit. The wayside lubricator wiping bars vary in length from 61 cm (24 in.) with 18 grease ports to 140 cm (55 in.) with 48 grease ports. The longer bars will dispense grease over the entire circumference of the wheel and minimize grease flingoff and wastage. Usually 2 bars per rail are installed in a tangent location preferably adjacent to low to medium curvatures (less than 3 degrees curvature), allowing the grease to carry for greater distances. Reiff22 reports that Norfolk Southern Railway introduced longer and improved lubricator bars and found 107% improvement in grease carry distance for gauge face protection, 67% reduction in grease consumption, and 57% reduction in grease wastage. Improvements in lubricator efficiency reduced the number of lubricators from 49 to 20 in an 80-mile mountainous territory. Also train stalls were completely eliminated. Implementing an effective wayside lubrication strategy requires a trained and dedicated lubricator maintainer. Canadian Pacific and Canadian National Railways have employed full time lubricator maintainers to greatly improve the reliability and efficiency of the lubricators. This strategy ensures grease is on the rail all the time and reduces rail/wheel wear and fuel used by the locomotives. o 5-129 x 5.7.5 Selecting the Optimal Type of Grease for the Particular Operating Environment The three key characteristics of lubricants that impact performance in wayside systems are: 1. Lubricity refers to the lubricant’s capacity to reduce friction, with poor lubricity being associated with higher wear rates. But since the rates of wear under “dry” conditions are orders of magnitude greater than those under lubricated conditions, the key is to ensure that there is lubricant where needed at the wheel/rail interface. Of less importance is whether the lubricant provides a friction coefficient in the field of 0.10 or 0.25. Recent test results from various manufacturers show greases have about the same lubricity. 2. Retentivity is a measure of the time (or number of wheel passes, or mgt) that the lubricant is able to retain its lubricity. For example, grease, which operates under boundary lubrication conditions, can only partially separate the surfaces of the wheel and rail. The individual microscopic protrusions on each surface – referred to as asperities – are engaged with each other. The frictional heat generated by any such encounter can yield a “flash temperature” measured in hundreds of degrees Celsius. Flash temperatures of 600 to 800ºC are typical of rail/wheel contacts. The lubricant is consumed at these microscopically localized hot spots, literally being “burned up.” Once all the lubricant is gone, the coefficient of friction quickly climbs from its “lubricity” coefficient of friction of 0.05-0.1 to its “dry lubrication” coefficient of friction of about 0.6. Retentivity is a function of load and creepage. Laboratory tests show that retentivity decreases with increasing load and increasing lateral creepage (angle of attack). The practical implication of this is that loaded trains consume (“burn”) grease at a much higher rate than empties, and sharp curves consume grease much faster than mild curves. o 5-130 x 3. Pumpability: The importance of technical variables and actions to ensure a continuous delivery of lubricant to the wheel/rail interface cannot be overemphasized. Preventing gauge face wear in curves thus depends greatly on the pumpability (which is affected by, among other things, the stirability of the grease) and ensuring that lubricators are not allowed to go dry or be shut down for prolonged periods of time. The performance of lubricants at various temperatures in track depends on their ability to be pumped at all temperatures experienced on the railway system. For example on the Canadian Pacific, the operating temperature range is – 40° to + 60° Celsius. Testing of the lubricant in a cold chamber at temperatures of – 40°C shows that grease become stiff, while at hotter temperatures of say + 60°C the grease tends to separate and slump from the rail. The performance of greases is often stated in terms of Timken or 4 ball performance tests, which are high pressure, high-speed evaluations of the ability of the lubricating constituent to be drawn from the carrier to perform its function in a millimetre sized contact zone. These tests correlate poorly with field tests of railway lubricant performance. The rail/wheel contact occurs over a dime-sized patch and is macroscopic when compared with the thickness of the lubricant film. At the wheel/rail interface, the lubricating constituent (e.g. graphite or moly) is taken into the interface along with the carrier (e.g. soaps) to provide the final performance. Laboratory wheel/rail simulations, using fullsized and smaller scale test rigs, have proven effective in evaluating the comparative performance of various greases at the wheel/rail interface. But ultimately, the performance must be measured under real operating conditions. Canadian Pacific used the laboratory testing of various greases to selected a candidate grease with high retentivity, good gauge face lubricity, was suitable for summer and winter o 5-131 x operation in their northern climates and was within their budget. 5.7.6 Measurement and Management of Lubrication Effectiveness In order to achieve savings from an effective lubrication strategy railroads have to properly manage wayside lubrication strategies. Typical track locations have to be measured and monitored at regular intervals. Lubrication effectiveness has been measured by a hand-operated tribometer for a number of years (Figure 5.64). This equipment applies a known load to a wheel which is set to run on the rail gauge corner or top rail surface. The wheel is initially free running and rolling resistance gradually increases until slippage occurs. The resistance (force) is proportional to the coefficient of friction between the wheel and the rail. This equipment is useful when applied to short distances of track for monitoring purposes. A Hi-Rail tribometer (Figure 5.65) allows a railway to measure large distances of track at speeds of up to 30 mph. Data is collected simultaneously from the top and gauge corner of both rails. Examples of data collected on Canadian Pacific Railway by both systems in the years 2000 and 2001 are shown in Figure 5.66 and Figure 5.67 o 5-132 x Figure 5.64: Hand Operated Tribometer used on Canadian Pacific Rail Figure 5.65: Portec Hi-rail Mounted Tribometer used on Canadian Pacific Rail o 5-133 x Figure 5.66: Friction Data from the Hi-Rail Tribometer on Canadian Pacific Thompson Subdivision between Milepost 0 and 50 In October 1999 Canadian Pacific conducted a hi-rail tribometer run over their system. Figure 5.66 shows the coefficient of friction on the top surface and gauge face over a 50-mile section of the Thompson Subdivision. At that time 18 hydraulic lubricators were used in this section of track. This hirail tribometer run demonstrated to Canadian Pacific how poor their lubrication conditions were. Although, the section forces were spending considerable time maintaining these lubricators and continuously replacing parts the lubricators and the grease were not effective. In October 2000, Canadian Pacific installed 10 new electric lubricators with a new grease in this 50 miles of track and a dedicated lubrication maintainer was appointed for the entire sub-division. The grease was selected from performance in laboratory tests and the cost from the manufacturer. The effectiveness of the lubrication improved significantly (refer to Figure 5.67). o 5-134 x Figure 5.67: Friction Data obtained from the Hand Operated Tribometer on Canadian Pacific Thompson Subdivision in 2000, between Milepost 10 and 14.5 The Thompson Subdivision between milepost 10 and 14.5 consists of a series of back to back, sharp curves, of up to 11 degrees in curvature. In January 2001, a measurement of lubrication effectiveness, Figure 5.67, demonstrated the improved gauge face lubrication achieved in a representative section of the subdivision. The coefficient of friction on the gauge corner is below the target level of 0.25. Previously three hydraulic lubricators were used in this section of track and now there are two. Note that the target top of rail coefficient of friction has not been achieved using wayside lubricators alone. Canadian Pacific has established best practice targets for lubrication so that the process can be better managed and improved in the future. Canadian Pacific is also working on a formulae (refer to Section 5.9) to optimize the location of lubricators based on various performance parameters. Having a formulae allows a railway to compare the performance of new greases and new equipment introduced in future years. The coefficient of friction guidelines that Canadian Pacific has adopted for lubrication management are as follows: 1. Maintain top of rail friction coefficient differential, left to right <0.1µ 2. Top of Rail friction 0.3 ≤ (µ) ≤ 0.35 o 5-135 x 3. Gauge face of high rail coefficient (µ) ≤ 0.25 Although top of rail friction coefficients are not being achieved, Canadian Pacific is investigating better strategies at this time. Lubricators are being continuously evaluated, adjusted and fine-tuned to provide the optimal placement and optimal settings. 5.7.7 Positioning of Lubricators Every railway territory is different. Variations are experienced in curve radii, tangent lengths, track gradients, traffic type and wear state, train speed and braking requirements, axle loads, rail grinding strategies, climate, etc. All these factors influence the migration and retentivity of the lubricant on the rail. The optimal placement of lubricators must consider these environmental and operational factors, within the constraint that the lubricator must be maintained. Controlled field testing can establish the reliability and efficiency of wayside lubricators based on the following factors: 1. Prevention of wastage by fling-off and build up on the top of the rail 2. Monitor grease burn-off with the passage of trains 3. Measure the distance covered by each lubricator 4. Good pumpability at all temperature ranges 5. Prevention of plugging of the lubricator ports 6. Ensuring no washing of grease with rain and snow 7. Ensuring the grease remains on the gauge corner, does not contaminate the top of rail and does not slump off the gauge corner with high ambient temperatures 8. Other factors not related to the grease or the lubricator are: ensure that the rail gauge corner on the high rail after grinding is smooth with no deep grinding facets (this prevents the transfer and spread of grease); ensure that track gauge is within +/- 1mm at the lubricator site; ensure that trains are not hunting at the lubricator site o 5-136 x The consequences of poor wayside lubrication are as follows: 1. Locomotive wheel slip and loss of braking capability on grades 2. Poor train handling 3. Prevents ultrasonic rail flaw inspection 4. Gauge corner shelling on infrequently ground rail 5. Wastage of lubricant 6. High lateral forces in curves and increased degradation of track Tests were conducted on Canadian Pacific Rail using electric lubricators in the Thompson Subdivision to determine the optimal setting for reduced lubricant wastage for long and short bars. Lubricators either side of one electric lubricator were turned off for 3 days with traffic of 30 trains per day to dry down the influence of surrounding lubricators. The track between the rails was covered with clear plastic for 15 metres either side of the lubricator and lubricator control box settings were increased with the passage of each train varied until flingoff occurred. With long bars in place the optimal setting for the Canadian Pacific lubricator was ¼ second of motor operation for every 16 wheels. At this setting, the volume of lubricant dispensed was measured in ounces per wheel. The distance covered by the spread of grease on the gauge corner of the rail was measured to the point where the coefficient of friction exceeded 0.22. At the same time all the factors listed in items 1 to 8 were evaluated during the winter and summer months. The lubricator maintainer was trained by the equipment supplier in the operation and maintenance of the new technology electronic lubricators. In the past Canadian Pacific had a formulae for lubricator placement. This added the product of curvature times the length of the body of the curve (including half the transition length) not to exceed 600 degrees. On Spoornet,25 wayside lubricators on bi-directional lines, i.e. carrying traffic in both directions, were spaced about 6 km of high leg curve distance o 5-137 x apart, or between 300° and 360° of deflection angle of the curve. The Richards Bay Coal Line had lubricators installed at 87° of deflection angle or 1.5 km of accumulative high leg rail apart. 5.7.8 Lubricator Placement Model Spoornet, has developed criteria and an equation for positioning wayside lubricators.29. The approach has also been applied to the Canadian Pacific specific traffic conditions. The placement of lubricators is influenced by a number of factors listed and discussed below. In general, the length of track being considered for lubrication is adjusted by a number of track related factors. The adjusted length is then divided by a number of traffic related factors to determine the placement increment. These factors known to influence the carry distance of the grease will be discussed. Track Related Factors Length of the curve; this factor is determined by each curve length in the length of track adjusted for its degree of curvature. This factor is considered to be the primary track related factor in the final equation. Length of straight between curves; this factor is added to the primary length of the curve, and in effect extends the effective length of curvature. On straight track the play between the wheel flanges and the side of the rail is between 15-35 mm depending on wheel flange wear. "Hunting" or lateral sinusoidal movement occurs when the trucks or wagons oscillate between the two rails, resulting in contact between the wheel flanges and the rail. The grease on the wheel flanges is wiped off due to this contact and it should be taken into account when calculating the position of rail lubricators. The straight track contact should be determined for each site considered. Gradient; the influence of the gradient is difficult to determine but it is known that steep gradients are usually associated with sharp and long curves, few and short straight sections, slow train speed and continuous application of brakes on the trains. These factors should be considered on their own merit. o 5-138 x Type of grease used; each railway usually standardizes on one type of grease for an extended period of time or would use special types of grease for certain sections of track. If a change is made from one type of grease to another, the carry distance of the new grease should be determined by laboratory and field testing. The necessary adjustments to the distance between lubricators should be made when the new type of grease is introduced for general use on a track section. If this factor is neglected, over or under lubrication could result. Applicator bar configuration; if shorter applicator bars are used, less grease is applied to the wheels, with the resultant reduction in grease available for carry down the track and reduced length of curves that are lubricated. Traffic Related Factors Direction of traffic; on bi-directional lines trains run in both directions on the same track and the lubricators move grease towards each other. On lines carrying traffic only in one direction, this does not happen and double the number of lubricators is needed. For Canadian Pacific Rail the traffic patterns on bi-directional track are equivalent to directional traffic. Several trains are scheduled to run back to back in one direction followed by several trains in the opposite direction. The gauge face has been measured to dry down when lubricator are placed at a spacing suitable for bi-directional traffic. Thus traffic patterns are site specific. Type of bogie (or truck); the design of the bogies traversing the line plays a major role in the usage of grease. The equation has to be adjusted based on the curving capability of the bogies. If most of the bogies are self steering there is less need for lubrication. In general for Canadian Pacific frame braced bogies can steer in 5 degree curves and 3 piece bogies can steer in up to 2 degree curves. For Spoornet, self-steering bogies can steer through 8 degree curves. Axle loading of the rolling stock; as the axle loadings on the trucks and locomotives increase, the lateral component of the flange force will also increase, thus axle loading and distribution should be taken into account. o 5-139 x Locomotive bogie wheel base; the longer the wheel base the more likely that the wheel of the locomotive will contact the rail. Speed of the train; as the speed of the train increases, the dynamic forces created by the train also increase, which adversely affects the lubrication distribution. Angle of attack between the wheel flange and rail; the angle of attack determines the forces acting on the grease film applied on the rail. The more acute the angle, the higher the lateral forces. Miss-aligned and skew bogies; tests indicate that significant additional train resistance is generated by trucks with misaligned bogies and axles, mainly on tangent track. It was reported that a misalignment of 4 mrad could double the rolling resistance of a truck on tangent track. Canadian Pacific reported an average misalignment of 1 mrad on all bogies (trucks). Thus bogie conditions should be considered. Braking of the train; the application of brakes on the train causes the wheels to heat up and the grease is burnt off where severe braking takes place. In areas where this happens the distance between wayside lubricators should be reduced. 5.7.9 Case Study: Lubrication: Richards Bay Line: South Africa Locomotives, operating the Richard’s Bay line between Ermelo and Richard’s Bay experienced extreme flange wear (between 50 and 100 000 km between wheel reprofiling). Lubrication was applied to the gauge corner of the high leg in all curves of less than 1 000 m radius by means of apparatus mounted to a motorized rail trolley. The improvement in flange wear, in relation to the amount of grease applied, is illustrated by Figure 5.68. It may be concluded that wheel life is a function of the amount of lubrication and of the vehicle type (axle load, bogie wheelbase). o 5-140 x Figure 5.68: Wheel Life and Grease Consumption vs. Time The track was laid with 60 kg/m manganese rails (1065 mm gauge) with curvature distributions as shown in Figure 5.69. The locomotives type 11E, 7E1, 7E3 are of Co-Co configuration with characteristics as shown in the table. Locomotive Type 11E 7E1 7E3 Nominal Axle load 28 21 21 Distance between Outer Wheels of Truck (m) 4.4 4.4 4.06 What is interesting to note from Figure 5.68 is a 2.5 times increase in the amount of grease applied to the line resulted in a tenfold increase in the wheel life of type 7E locomotives. The application of less than 1 000 kg of grease per month o 5-141 x however had little affect on wheel life. The amount of grease applied was to a degree related to the number of curves which were lubricated on the line and led to the following hypothesis: Figure 5.69: Spoornet Coal Line Curve Distribution Consider a locomotive running on a track of length (say) 100 km. After one trip the flanges have worn by 10 mm. This wear is represented by the graph indicated “worst” in Figure 5.70. Figure 5.70 o 5-142 x A mechanism (for instance lubrication) is introduced on the whole line which reduces the rate of wear of the flanges by a factor of 10. The wear rate is now represented by the graph “best.” If the lines is now cleaned of all lubricant and only the first 50% of the track is lubricated the wear may be represented by the graph indicated by the term “50%.” This process may be repeated for various “percentages” of lubricant applied or curves lubricated. Now, if resultant wheel life is plotted against the percentage of the line lubricated, the result shown in Figure 5.71 is obtained. This indicates that the maximum returns on lubrication is achieved only with complete lubrication and may go some way to explaining the vast differences experienced by railroads in applying lubrication to combat wear. This hypothesis has not been verified. Figure 5.71 5.8 Optimizing Wheel And Rail Life The wheel and rail together are responsible for transmitting the static and dynamic loads from the car body through to the track structure. At the contact patch between the wheel and rail, the vertical load of the wheel must be supported, and the steering, braking and traction forces transmitted. The interactions that occur at the wheel and rail contact play a pivotal role in the end performance of the vehicle/track system. Looking at the rail, wheel, and its interface o 5-143 x independently as well as managing the wheel/rail interface as a system will optimize the performance of a heavy haul operation. 5.8.1 Rail Optimization The rail is the static component of the wheel/rail interface and thus easier to measure and maintain. To optimize the rail life the limits of the rail fatigue and rail wear should be reached simultaneously, preferably removing the rails for wear before the risk for rail fatigue becomes too high. When rail fatigue is brought under control through regular rail re-profiling, rail in any curve or tangent section can be targeted for replacement at the full limits of wear. The Rail Management Decision Zones Experience has shown that rail performance is by no means uniform, and a mature rail line will see varying levels of rail wear dependent upon track curvature, lubrication regime and even sub-grade type. It makes good economic sense to look at rail planning units as individual legs of individual curves and at 300–400m (0.18-0.25 mi.) lengths of tangents. In fact, the overwhelming influence of rail material costs over the cost of rail installation makes it usually uneconomic to replace both legs of a curve in the same year, if there is at least one year of additional life in one of the legs. A rail’s passage through various stages of wear can be plotted on a wear diagram such as that shown in Figure 5.72. The two-dimensional representation with vertical wear on the y-axis and gauge face wear on the x-axis is in recognition of the fact that both the geometrical constraints on rail wear and the build-up of internal stresses, are jointly related to the loss of railhead height and lateral wear. The representation is useful to plot a rail’s wear progress. The progress of the rail wear through its life can then be visualized as a vector. The objective is to chart the pathway that results in the maximum rail service life, stopping just short of incurring risk or of affecting other cost areas, including foreshortened life of other track components. Projections of the progress of rail wear can follow the same vector direction. o 5-144 x On this diagram, there are a number of decision points that invite an improved service life. Assuming that fatigue is being controlled, wear will progress to the point where it must be considered whether the rail in its current condition would better serve the railway in a secondary line, called the “Zone of Possible Relay.” This decision depends upon the ratio of the demand for second position rail to new rail, a function both of the railway’s tonnage distribution over the network and the policy on the traffic density that merits laying with new rail. The objective is to relay a rail that has some remaining wear life into a curve with a greater need for rail of that quality. Often the relay decision is contingent upon the value of using a newer, premium steel in the main line. Another common cause of relay is a critical need of rail in a secondary line. Where partly worn continuously welded rail is relayed to a line previously laid with jointed rail, there is a benefit gained in improved track performance in the secondary line. Figure 5.72: Rail Management Decision Zones o 5-145 x In jointed track, wear can only progress to that combination of vertical and lateral wear that ultimately results in contact between the flange of tread worn wheels and the top of the joint bar (Line A). New joint bar designs that remove material from the location of the interference (Figure 5.73) open the way for extended wear limits. These designs make full use of modern finite element techniques and improved understanding of the relative contribution of shear and flexural action in the joint bar under dynamic loading. With the use of joint bar assemblies with improved flange clearance, emergency rail repairs can also be made in heavily worn continuous welded rail. Figure 5.73: New High Clearance Joint Bar Design The joint limit threshold may also be retained as a wear limit for a rail that has shown a history of past internal defects, as it has probably sustained such accumulation of subsurface fatigue that it should not be taken to extended wear limits. o 5-146 x On the other hand, a rail in continuously welded rail territory, which has been regularly reprofiled by grinding, can be worn to an extended limit (Line B). But it must be certain that the renewal has taken place by the time these stresses have reached the point where the risk of sudden fracture is unacceptable (Line C). In a mixed freight railway, rail between Line A and Line B may be removed prematurely to serve as maintenance rail, replacing individual lengths of rail removed because of rail defects. This rail needs to have some service life left and to match the cross section of existing rails. Rail between Line B and Line C may be suitable for slow speed use in a yard. Rail beyond Line C must be scrapped. By using well defined riskbased wear limit standards like these, again assuming that grinding and testing have managed the fatigue issues, can maximize the utilization of the expensive rail asset on a railway. The wear condition of each individual curve can be plotted in the manner as shown in Figure 1. At various points in the progress of this wear vector, the track engineer is faced with one of the following decisions: • Re-profile rail by grinding • Adjust lubrication • Adjust cant • Re-gauge • Transpose rail • Replace and use in a lower tonnage line • Replace and scrap rail With good, regular condition assessment and a clear understanding of the maximum limits of rail deterioration, it should be possible to recognize the value of these various options and to proactively manage each individual curve or length of tangent to a long life in track. There is frequently a value to transposing a curve rail with a high ratio of lateral to vertical wear to get full use of its o 5-147 x vertical wear limits. Transposing can involve either exchanging a high and a low rail in the same location to expose a new gauge face, setting the high leg down to the low leg and putting new steel into the high leg, or exchanging worn with another curve or tangent. The “Transpose Zone” would represent the stage of wear at which it may be feasible to consider a transposition. To be economical, transposition requires somewhat greater lateral wear than vertical wear. Because the optimal shapes of the high and low rail are different, and transposition reverses the direction of flow, timely rail reprofiling by grinding is an important element of this strategy. Some railways do not do strict transposals for this reason, but would set a used high rail down to the low rail position (a “setdown”). To result in an overall net saving relative to leaving the rail in its initial condition, transposition must be done at the right time. Wear studies6 have shown that the “window of opportunity” may be quite short. Controlling Rail Wear (Maximum Rail Wear Limits) The objective of extended wear limits is to replace rail just before its expected cost of remaining in track exceeds the value of deferring its replacement. If there is not a major distortion of the rail’s shape with age, or substantial loss of gauge, this economic limit is likely correlated with the build up of an unacceptable level of rail stresses internal to the rail. High internal rail stresses will ultimately lead to higher rates of rail failure, which have clear economic consequences. Therefore, it makes business sense to determine maximum limits of internal rail stresses for setting targets for planned renewal of rail. Stress-based wear limits must of course be backed up with frequent grinding and rail inspection practices. Rail internal stresses are largely related to the depth of material left in the railhead. The highest stresses come from gauge corner loading, but are controllable with rail grinding. A critical condition exists where the height of the rail is reduced such that the influence zone of contact stresses and the stresses of railhead and web bending coincide. Rail web stresses are generally below 207 MPa (30 ksi). o 5-148 x These influences were investigated in a study sponsored by CPR and BC Rail (Igwemezie, 1992). The study utilized Linear Elastic Finite Element Analysis to examine stresses in 100 lb/yd. (50 kg/m) Canadian Pacific Re, 115 RE (57 kg/m) and 136 RE (68 kg/m) rail at different wear levels and loading configurations. Typical peak vertical loading of 173 kN (19.5 tons) was assumed in the analysis. These were applied in the model in conjunction with an 87 kN (9.8 tons) transverse frictional force simulating peak curving forces and an 87 kN (9.8 tons) longitudinal force to simulate support, however the difference in internal stresses were minimal. Experience in the past with excessively worn rail has shown increased rates of occurrence of vertical split heads. Therefore, the criterion set for maximum wear was that level of wear that causes unacceptable stresses in a zone of exclusion defined by investigating the envelope of crack initiation point for vertical split heads found in track. This zone of exclusion is shown in Figure 5.74. o 5-149 x Figure 5.74: Maximum von Mises Stress for all Load Cases vs. Total/Combined Railhead Wear for 115 lb/yd RE Rail Figure 5.74 plots the maximum von Mises stress against total wear for three wear patterns: 1. Wear that is exclusively vertical wear. 2. Wear that is 50% vertical and 50% lateral wear. 3. Wear that is exclusively lateral wear. The latter is not practical in the field, but was required to establish a wear envelope. By selecting a given stress level, and reading off the intersection points with the curves established for each of the three wear patterns, it was possible to define the wear envelope of Figure 5.75. In this figure, wear levels corresponding to different maximum stresses in the zone of o 5-150 x exclusion are plotted against the former rail wear limits used by CPR and BC Rail. Figure 5.75: Wear Interaction Curves for 115 lb/yd RE Rail It was determined that the maximum safe stress level for internal rail defects was 67% of the yield strength of the lowest yield rail used (517 MPa (75 ksi) standard carbon rail), or 345 MPa (50 ksi). This yielded a basic Line A outline for new wear limits which was modified to consider the need to limit rail gauge face wear to control gauge. The resulting rail wear limits for 136 RE (68 kg/m) and 115 RE (57 kg/m) rail are shown in Figures 5.76 and 5.77. Line C represents the point at which trains must be slow ordered until the rail is replaced. In fact, it is targeted to plan replacement to correspond with reaching Line B. Line B represents a stress level of 276 MPa (40 ksi). o 5-151 x Figure 5.76: Rail Management Decision Zones for 68 kg/m (136 lb. RE) o 5-152 x Figure 5.77: Rail Management Decision Zones for 57 kg/m (115 lb. RE) Figure 5.78 is an accurate representation of the total rail wear of a 68 kg/m rail (136RE) at Line C. o 5-153 x Figure 5.78: Accurate Representation of the Total Rail Wear of a 68 kg/m Rail (136RE) at Line C Rail Use Strategy The strategy for achieving maximum rail economics is to regularly re-assess the progress of a rail through its wear vector. Regular rail grinding with advance rail condition assessment is designed to prevent premature replacement due to excessive rail surface fatigue. Re-profiling also controls field side wheel/rail contact that would introduce eccentric loading. Excessive gauge corner damage is also controlled as a strategy. In mild to intermediate curves, the objective is to plan to replace rail at Line B (Figure 5.79). In the high legs of sharp curves, transposal is targeted to achieve maximum rail utilization if and when the rail passes through the Transpose Zone (Figure 5.80). o 5-154 x Figure 5.79: Rail Renewal Strategy – Mild to Intermediate Curves Parallel ultrasonic rail testing and defect projections are performed to assess the need to replace the rail due to internal rail failure. Using harder and cleaner steel has a number of advantages for the rail/wheel interaction. In terms of rail grinding, another positive influence of harder, cleaner rail steels is that they should require less grinding. When ground to templates that reflect natural wear patterns, i.e. conformal contact, their shape remains stable and requires less grinding to compensate for plastic flow. Harder rails require tighter tolerances on the profile, but with the right shape and the right yield strength and cleanliness, alloyed heat treated rail steels have the capacity to withstand today’s loadings without premature fatigue. If o 5-155 x they must be reshaped frequently, the grinding template is wrong. Figure 5.80: Rail Renewal Strategy – Sharp Curves o 5-156 x Lubrication and Curve Elevation Monitoring A good rail wear measurement system is also useful in monitoring whether a site is effectively lubricated, permitting early correction. If there is a systematic variation in the rail gauge face wear between one end of a curve and the other, this may indicate ineffective lubrication distribution through the curve. If there is a correlation between rail wear variations and cant deviations as seen in track geometry car traces, this may indicate a need to correct cant. In addition, comparison of reported ratios between gauge face and vertical wear against standards of the track curvature can be used to identify priority locations for correction or cant or lubrication. Canadian Pacific Rail has developed the gauge face to vertical wear rates typical of well maintained curves (Table 5.13) for use in identifying locations that may require adjustments to either lubrication or curvature to achieve maximum rail life. Table 5.13: Gauge Face to Vertical Wear Ratios for Well Maintained Track on CP Rail (95% Conventional bogies) RADIUS IN HIGH LEG METRES 1746 R 0.20 873 R 0.29 582 R 0.31 437 R 0.35 349 R 0.45 291 R 0.50 249 R 0.52 < 249 R 0.60 Such measurements for the high leg can be compared with average elevation through the curve compiled with the rail wear files as the track geometry car measures both rail wear and cant. If the ratio is out of standard and the curve is not seen to be under-elevated, lubrication effectiveness is suspected. The equivalent figures for the low leg might indicate over-elevation. o 5-157 x Transposition Rail transposition can be an economical practice in some lines. The range of situations where it is beneficial is becoming increasingly restricted with effective lubrication and use of steerable bogies. On the other hand, modern rail profiling has reduced past problems with poor profiles for rails moved from high to low leg positions and vice versa, as well as the contact fatigue problems attending redirection of the plastic flow. A stress analysis on transposed rail (Igwemezie, 1993) showed that it is beneficial to transpose only if the gauge face wear is considerably greater than the vertical wear. Referring again to Table 5.13, this should not be the case except for very sharp curves. Figure 5.81 shows the results of the stress analysis for 115 RE (57 kg/m) rail. In Figure 5.81, the von Mises stress increases from 156 MPa (23 ksi) when the rail is new to 345 MPa (50 ksi) with 22 mm of total wear, comprised of 11 mm vertical wear and 11 mm gauge face wear. If the rail were to be set down to the low rail position at point B, i.e. with 7 mm of vertical wear and 7 mm of gauge face wear, the rail in the low rail position would jump up to position D and continue along to point E. This would represent a stress level in the zone of influence of 283 MPa (41 ksi). In the low rail position, the rail would reach the 345 MPa (50 ksi) stress threshold after an additional 6 mm of vertical wear. The total wear on the rail if it were left to run to maximum wear limits in its original position is therefore 22 mm, which is greater than the 20 mm total wear for the transposed rail. o 5-158 x Figure 5.81: Maximum von Mises Stress vs. Total Wear for Transposed 57 kg/m (115 lb/yd) Rail 5.8.2 Wheel Optimization As the wheel negotiates high rails, low rails and tangent track, at narrow and wide gauge, the contact patch moves all across the wheel profile. The worn wheel shape is therefore an “envelope” (Figure 5.82) of all the rails that it contacts. At portions of the profile where there is a greater frequency of contact, more slip and higher stresses, wear will be greater than at other sections of the profile. A freight railway with good track alignment and primarily tangent track can be expected to wear mostly at the wheel tread and encounter little flange wear. Territories with considerable curved track will encounter gauge face wear and often fatigue at the field-side of the wheel. The design of a wheel profile is thus specific to its operating environment; for a captive fleet the design is easier than for a railway that combines heavy haul and general traffic. Some railways like BHP Iron Ore in Australia, Spoornet in South Africa and others around the world have worked at developing profiles optimized for their service. o 5-159 x Figure 82: The Worn Wheel Profile is an "Envelope" of All the Rails that it Contacts The optimization of the wheel profile in North America has been influenced by the unique nature of the North American Railway industry. The concept of the “worn wheel” profile appeared in the 1970’s and has gone through various iterations. Currently the AAR1B is the current NA interchange standard. It has been recognized that this wheel is not a good representation of the North American service worn wheels. A number of developments have recently taken place where wheel profiles are designed for specific applications. Such an example is the NRC –ASW. The NRC-ASW is a “worn” wheel profile designed to minimize creepage and contact stresses that contribute to rolling contact fatigue shelling of steel wheel treads. This wheel profile provides the following geometrical features compared with the AAR1B (see Figure 5.83): • The addition of 1.6mm of metal in the flange root, which significantly improves steering performance, reducing creepage and wear. • The 1:20 cone angle in the tread contact region (same as the AAR1B) leaves unchanged the wheel’s resistance to hunting in standard gauge, tangent track. • A 20” field-side roll-off is another notable change, since it further improves the wheelset steering moment, and increases significantly the time to development a false flange. o 5-160 x Figure 5.83: Comparison between the NRC-ASW and AAR1B Wheel Profile The rail and wheel profiles have to be designed as a system (refer to Part 2.4) and the way the wheel profile mates with its rail has a direct bearing on a variety of performance issues including: 1. Wheel and rail wear 2. Wheel and rail fatigue 3. Wheel climb and L/V derailments 4. Track hunting The flange face must be at an angle sufficiently large enough to inhibit wheel-climb derailments. The flange root must minimize contact stress with the gauge corner of the rail but simultaneously provide adequate curving. The wheel tread must provide stability. A false flange on the field side of the wheel must be avoided since it compromises steering and is responsible for very high contact stresses at the low rail. The establishment of a hollow wheel limit is the subject of recent intense research in North America. Some railroads, such as Spoornet in South Africa and the Cartier Railway Company in Canada have already adopted a wheel-hollowing limit for their operations, re-turning wheels at about 2 mm of hollowing. As captive operations, they are able to quantify and capture the benefits of an improved wheel/rail interaction, which include reductions in wheel shelling, curving resistance, wear and fatigue. Most North American Class 1’s are waiting for an AAR ruling to emerge before considering a similar practice. It appears that a 3-mm hollowing limit may be established for interchange service based on current economic models. o 5-161 x The wheel profile undergoes very large changes through its life, usually more so than the rail, which in most railroads is regularly re-profiled through grinding. The unworn freight wheel (Wide and Narrow flange standards) generally starts with a flange of width 30-37 mm that can narrow to about 24 mm before being condemnable. Tread wear, meanwhile, is limited to about 11 mm, since at greater levels, the “high flange” can impact joint bars, wayside lubricators, turnout components etc. All of the above have to be taken into account including the environment and layout in which the service is provided. Tournay30 suggest the following “recipe” for profile design: • Recognize that the lateral creep force is the most damaging mechanism to wheel and rail • Recognize the symptoms in the form of wear and rail and wheel damage attributable to the lateral creep force • The lateral creep force may be appreciably reduced by the use of steering bogies • Steering can be enhanced by conformal flange contact • Conformal flange contact is an optimum condition for non-steering vehicles and supports lubrication • Lubrication is a most effective “panacea” in preventing rail and wheel wear and damage • Hollow wear control will improve wheel and rail damage and prevent the impairment of the vehicle steering properties • Hollow wear rates may be extended by gauge variation on tangent track • Gauge control in curves will improve tracking and reduce wear of the high leg and contact fatigue on the low leg o 5-162 x 5.8.3 Friction Management (Interface Optimization) The benefits of lubrication have been known for quite a while and have been highlighted as a “best practice.” It is only in recent years that substantial improvements in wayside equipment technology have improved reliability, increased the track miles covered by each lubricator and minimized wastage of lubricant. Wayside systems must be supported by other systems to provide top of rail friction management to improve lubrication effectiveness benefits. New systems are being tested on board locomotive and on hi-rails to improve “top of rail” friction management through the use of lubricants with modified coefficients of friction. TTCI predictions using their NUCARS model peg fuel savings up to 13% when the top of rail is lubricated. The high rail and low rail friction must be in balance, however. High lateral loads were predicted when the gauge face is lubricated, but the top of both rails is dry, or when the top of the high rail is lubricated, but the low rail is quite dry. TTCI’s guidelines can be stated as: • Maintain top of rail friction coefficient differential, left to right <0.1µ • Maintain top of rail friction>0.30 µ • If the top of the high rail becomes lubricated, lubricate the low rail too. • Maintain gauge friction coefficient of <0.25 µ Recently, hi-rail powered tribometers are available that can survey both top of rail and gauge face friction continuously over a subdivision. The “best practice” should include: 1. Periodic measurement of top of rail and gauge face friction and managing the friction in correlation with rail wear rates. 2. Selection of the optimal type of grease by laboratory testing. o 5-163 x 3. Selection of the best equipment (wayside, moving or a combination) for lubricant application in-track. 4. In-track testing of the optimal lubricator setting, which minimize rail wear and grease wastage. 5. Develop the formulae for the optimal location of lubricators on a specific territory. 5.8.4 A System Approach for Managing the Wheel/Rail Interface If each of the disciplines responsible for maintaining the vehicle and the track independently pursue optimization actions for the wheel and the rail, these actions can counteract any possible improvements and in some instances have disastrous consequences. A good example is the introducing of harder rails without taking the effect on the wheels into account.31 The biggest challenge is to get the departments responsible for the vehicle and the track to work together and define a wheel rail interaction strategy to obtain synergy between the vehicles, track and the long term profitability of the heavy haul operation. Referring to an existing operation: to put such a strategy into place measures have to be introduced to define the existing conditions from which standards can be developed to guide maintenance procedures taking long term profitability into account. These are: 1. Vehicle • Wheel profiles • Wheel wear limits • Wheel out of round and flats limits • Bogey alignment standards • Impact limits 2. Track • Rail gauge o 5-164 x • Rail hardness • Rail profiles • Rail wear limits 3. Friction control standards With these standards in place, the wheel and rail should be corrected to the required profiles. The measures should then be used in an integrated manner to achieve conformity between the wheel and the rail and to move to a preventive mode of maintenance. An important part of this approach is the information system that needs to be in place that can make the information available to all the role players that need to manage the wheel/rail interface. 5.9 Conclusion Rail performance cannot be optimized without a consideration of wheel profiles and bogie performance. The reverse is also true. Optimizing wheel and rail performance means optimizing the wheel/rail system. This involves: • Recognizing that lateral creep is the most damaging mechanism for wheel and rail and taking steps to improve curving. • Controlling the risk of rail failure through rail grinding and testing so that rails will always be removed for wear. • Managing the friction between wheel and rail through the use of lubrication. • Regularly reprofiling rails to shapes that conform to the wheel and reduce high stress contacts. • Avoiding wheel tread hollowing through reprofiling. • Maintaining gauge to less than 15 mm wide. • Using clean, harder rail steels where they make economic sense. o 5-165 x Click Here To Go Back To Table of Contents Acknowledgements Most of the content of this chapter is based on course notes (“Rail/Wheel Interaction and Metallurgy”) presented as part of the Chair in the Railway Engineering Program at the University of Pretoria. Additional inputs were also received from Peter Sroba and Eric Magel, Canadian Centre for Surface Transportation Technology, Johan Marais, Principal Engineer, Spoornet, Michael D. Tomas, Senior Technologist, Spoornet, Daniel L. Magnus, KLD Labs Incorporated, Robin Clark, Sperry Rail Incorporated, John Stanford, Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad, Leon Zaayman, Product Specialist, Plasserail, South Africa, and a number of IHHA and related publications. 1. References Railroad Safety Statistics, Annual Report 1999, US Department of Transportation, Federal Railroad Administration, August 2000. 2. D.D. Davis, M.J. Joerms, O. Orringer and R.K. Steele, “The Economic Consequences of Rail Integrity,” in proceedings of the Third International Heavy Haul International Heavy Haul Association Conference, Vancouver, Canada, 1986. 3. R.K. Steele, “Overview of the FAST/HAL Rail Performance Tests,” in proceedings of a Workshop on Heavy Axle Loads, Pueblo, CO., 1990. 4. P. Clayton, “Fatigue Behaviour of Rail Steels in a 33-kip Wheel Load Experiment at FAST,” Bulletin 731 of the American Railway Engineering Association, May, 1991. 5. CP Rail System, “Standard Practice Circular 27, Rail Testing,” Montreal, Canada, 1992. 6. J. Igwemezie, S.L. Kennedy, X. Feng, and W. Rowan, “Dynamic Rail Fracture Under Dynamic, Thermal and Residual Stresses,” The 5th International Heavy Haul International Heavy Haul Association Conference, Beijing, China, June, 1993 7. A.M. Zarembski, “Misreading Rail Flaw Size,” in RT&S, March, 1986 o 5-166 x 8. O. Orringer, et al, “Detail Fracture Growth in Rails:Test Results,” Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Volume 5, No. 2, 1986. 9. American Railway Engineering Association, “Manual for Railway Engineering,” Chicago, IL, 1992. 10. “Rail-Wheel Interaction and Metallurgy” Course, Chair In Railway Engineering, University of Pretoria, South Africa, 1993. 11. C. Esveld, L. Gronskov, “Rail Profile 2: Progress in Wheel and Rail Measurement” The 6th International Heavy Haul International Heavy Haul Association Conference, Cape Town South Africa, 1997. 12. D. L. Magnus, “Track Speed Rail and Wheel Inspection Technology for Preventative Maintenance Planning,” Conference on Railway Engineering, Rockhampton, Queensland, Australia 6-9 September 1998. 13. J. Cooper 1993 1 “Rail Flaw Detection: A Particular Challenge,” The 5th International Heavy Haul International Heavy Haul Association Conference, Beijing, China, June, 1993 14. J. Kalousek, P.S. Sroba, C. Hegelund, 1989 1”Analysis of Rail Grinding Tests and Implications for Corrective and Preventative Grinding” The Institution of Engineers, Australia National Conference Publication No. 89/13, Brisbane Australia. 15. S. Linn D. Abell, J. Kalousek, 1993 1 “Planning of Production rail Grinding on the Burlington Northern Railroad,” The 5th International Heavy Haul Association Conference, Beijing, China, June, 1993. 16. J. Stanford, P. S. Sroba, E. Magel, “Burlington Northern Santa Fe Preventive – Gradual Grinding Initiative” AREMA, Chicago, IL September 1999. 17. R. Mitchell, P. J. Stewart, P.S. Sroba, 1989 1 “Rail Grinding from a Contractors and Operators Perspective” The institution of Engineers, Australia National Conference Publication No. 89/13, Brisbane Australia. o 5-167 x 18. H. Höne “Rectification of Rail Profiles on the SishenSaldanha Iron-Ore Export Line with the Rail Planing Machine,” International Heavy Haul Association, Special Technical Session, Moscow Russia, July 1999. 19. G. S. Hamilton,., “Alternate Means of Re-Profiling Freight Car Wheels,” Transportation Technology Center, Inc., Pueblo, Colorado, April 2000. 20. J. Kalousek and E. Magel, “Managing Rail Resources,” AREA, Vol. 98, Bulletin 760, May 1997, pp. 139-148 21. R. Runyon, “Recent Developments in Top-of-Rail Lubrication,” Advanced Rail Management’s Wheel/Rail Interface Seminar, Chicago, May 4-5, 1999 22. R. Reiff and S. Gage, "Evaluation of Three Top of Rail Lubrication Systems,” TTCI report No. R-936, December 1999 23. D.T. Eadie. J. Kalousek and K. Chiddick, "The role of high positive friction (HPF) modifier in the control of short pitch corrugations and related phenomena,” Proceedings of Contact Mechanics and Wear of Rail/Wheel Systems, 5th International Conference, Tokyo July 2000, p. 42. 24. S. Gage and R. Reiff, "Evaluation of Century Oil Lubrication Products,” TTCI report P-91-107, July 1991. 25. J.DeKoker., “Rail and Wheel Flange Lubrication” Read to South African Permanent Way Institute, Oct 1993. 26. R.Reiff and D.Creggor “ Systems Approach to Best Practice for Wheel and Rail Friction Control” International Heavy Haul Conference 1999 27. J.Rucinski, J.Powell “Assessment of Wheel and Rail Lubrication Strategies at Queensland Rail” 28. AAR Annual Research Review 1998 and 2000. Pueblo Colorado 29. J.DeKoker., "Development of a Formulae to Place Rail Lubricators,” Fifth International Tribology Conference, 27-29 September, 94. o 5-168 x 30. H. M. Tournay, “Rail/Wheel Interaction from a Track and Vehicle Design Perspective,” International Heavy Haul Association, Special Technical Session, Moscow Russia, July 1999. 31. A. Durham, “Case Study: The Coal Line Wheel and Rail Interaction Strategy,” International Heavy Haul Association, Special Technical Session, Moscow Russia, July 1999. o 5-169 x Click Here To Go Back To Table of Contents GLOSSARY Association of American Railroads (AAR) An industry association whose responsibilities include safety standards (including design standards and approval), maintenance, operations, service and repair standards, and car service rules. AAR Manual of Standards and Recommended Practices (MSRP) Publication containing the technical specifications Acceleration Rate of change of speed miles per hour (change) per second or miles per hour per minute. Adhesion Coefficient of friction between wheel and rail for acceleration and retardation. When this force is exceeded, wheel slipping or sliding takes place. Adhesion Coefficient The percent of the total weight on the driving wheels of a locomotive that is available for traction. It is largely dependent on the condition of the rail, and can vary from a low of 10% (.10) on wet rail to a high of 40% (.40) on dry sanded rail. Average coefficient of adhesion is about 0.25. Adhesion Limited Speed A speed at which adhesion (friction) between wheel and rail limits the acceleration possible from the available locomotive tractive effort horsepower. Attempting greater acceleration causes the locomotive wheels to slip. Adhesion (of Drivers) A measure of the ability of locomotive driving wheels to accept rotational force without slipping on rails, usually expressed as a percent of the total weight on the drivers. Alignment The position of track in the horizontal plane expressed as tangent or curve. Alloy Steel Steel with added silicon, manganese, nickel, or other elements to give greater strength, or to impart other desirable properties for a particular use. o G-1 x American Railway Engineering & Maintenance-of-Way Association (AREMA) Professional organization whose membership is comprised of Railroad Maintenance-of-Way officials. The AREMA develops and establishes material Specifications and Track construction standards. Ampere The fundamental unit of measure for electric current. One ampere is defined as the current the flows when a potential of one volt is impressed on a resistance of ohm. (Ohm is a unit of electric resistance. One ohm is equal to that resistance required to cause a one volt drop in potential when the current is one amp.) Anchor, Rail A device installed on the rail base preventing longitudinal rail movement and build-up of axial force. Anchors have been available in a variety of designs throughout the history of the rail industry. Rail anchors available today include the following: Unit Rail Anchor Co. (Unit Spring Anchor and Unit-IV Drive-On), Portec Inc. (Improved Fair), Woodings-Verona Transportation Products (Woodings). True Temper Railway Appliances Inc. (Chenneloc and Trueloc), and Rails Co. (Compression Rail Anchor). Axle The steel shaft on which the car wheels are mounted. The axle holds the wheels to gage and transmits the load from the journal bearing to the wheels. Axle Seat The cylindrical surface of a car wheel which comes in contact with the axle (also called “the wheel bore”). The corresponding part of an axle is called “the wheel seat.” Both surfaces are critical for a proper wheel fit on the axle. Axial Force The lengthwise force resulting from train movement and/or thermal contraction/expansion in rail. Balance Speed The speed of a train on a curve when the wheel loads are evenly divided between both rails. Also see superelevation, balanced. Ballast Material selected for placement on the roadbed to hold the track in position, distribute weight, dissipate force, and provide drainage. o G-2 x Ballast Depth The vertical depth of ballast between the bottom of a tie and the sub-ballast. Ballast Section The cross-section profile of ballast in a track. Ballast, Broken Stone Any ballast consisting of crushed quarry stone. Ballast, Cemented Ballast that has lost all drainage capability due to hardened fines or mud between stones. Ballast, Crushed Rock See ballast, broken stone. Bogie The running gear of a highway semi-trailer which may be removable or longitudinally adjustable. Also, the European railway term applied to railway freight and passenger car trucks. Brake The whole combination of parts by which the motion of the locomotive car or train is retarded or arrested. Brake Shoe A block of friction material formed to fit the curved surface of the tread of a wheel, and riveted or otherwise bonded to a steel backing plate having provision for quick and positive securement to the brake head. Braking Force The pressure of the shoe against the wheel. Braking Power A term used to describe the ability of a car to stop during a brake application. Braking Ratio The relation of the weight of the car or locomotive to the braking force by the weight of the car or locomotive. Brinell Hardness (Bhn) The numerical expression of a metal's hardness; the harder the metal, the higher the number. For example, standard or plain steel rail has a Bhn of approximately 260. Broken Rail Term commonly used to describe any rail defect rendering a rail unfit for normal operation. o G-3 x Buckled Track A short length of track that is radically out of its desired alignment. This track defect usually occurs at locations with continuous welded rail and is caused by sub-standard conditions or deficiencies coupled with high rail temperatures, high axial forces, and the dynamic loads of moving trains. See sun kink. Buff A term used to describe compressive coupler forces. Cant To lean or tilt an object, such as a rail, slightly from level. Cant is usually expressed as a rate of inclination, such as 1 in 40, etc. Capacity As applied to a freight car, the nominal load in pounds or gallons which the car is designed to carry. Car Body The main or principal part in or on which the load is placed. Carbon Steel Steels alloyed with carbon, manganese and silicon; the properties of which are due essentially to the percentage of carbon in the steel. Cast Steel Wheel A railway wheel made by pouring molten steel into a mold under well controlled conditions, followed by appropriate cleaning and heat treating. Center Sill The center longitudinal structural member of a car underframe, which forms the backbone of the underframe and transmits most of the buffing shocks from one end of the car to the other. Circuit (Electrical) A complete path of an electric current including the generating device. Coach Screw A spike with a round shank and threads. Code (Rules) A general term used to describe any set of regulations dealing with some specific subject, such as interchange of freight cars or per diem. o G-4 x Code of Federal Regulations Regulations issued by various branches and agencies of the federal government under the authority of statues. Coefficient of Friction The measure of friction in percentage, between the brake shoe and the wheel. Cold Working The process of rolling and shaping metal without using heat to shape or increase hardness. The railhead becomes hardened, after time, due to the passing of rolling stock wheels. Compression A general term used to describe forces which have a tendency to squeeze together. Compressive Strength The maximum compressive stress which a material is capable of sustaining without permanent deformation. Compression of a Train The bunching of cars in a train caused by run-in of slack from the rear end. Contact Patch The band of contact between a wheel tread and the rail tread. Contaminant Any physical, chemical, biological, or radiological substance or matter that has an adverse affect on air, water, or soil. Continuous Welded Rail (CWR) Rail lengths welded end to end into rail strings providing a track without rail joints; also called welded rail or ribbon rail. Controlled Cooled The process of eliminating hydrogen gas in steel by controlling the cooling rate of hot steel. Corrosion The deterioration or eating away of the surface of metal through chemical action. o G-5 x Corrugated Rail A rail flaw consisting of the wave-like wearing of the rail tread visualized as peaks and valleys. There are many causes of this condition, and it is generally accepted that each location experiencing it has a unique cause. Short-wave corrugation or roaring rail or simply corrugations, has a wavelength of 1 to 3 inches. This type of condition is common on heavy rail transit, light rail transit, and high speed passenger operations. Short-wave, or intermediate wave corrugation, or undulations, has a wavelength of 3 to 24 inches. This type of condition is common on heavy freight operations. Very long wave or long wave corrugations, has a wavelength greater than 24 inches and is common on very high speed operations. Furthermore, this type of corrugation has a very shallow depth between peaks. Corrugation A wave-like rail tread caused by uneven rail wear. Coupler A device located at both ends of all cars and locomotives in a standard location to provide a means for connecting a locomotive units together, for coupling cars together or for coupling cars together to make up a train. The standard AAR coupler uses a pivoting knuckle and an internal mechanism that automatically locks when the knuckle is pushed closed, either manually or by a mating coupler. A manual operation is necessary to uncouple two cars whose couplers are locked together. Crack Separation of material extending partially but not necessarily completely through the cross section of the plate. Cross Level The vertical relation between the top of the two rails of a track. Cross tie See tie. Cut Spike A spike consisting of steel nail-like device. The cut spike has a square shank and a chisel end with the point perpendicular to the wood fibers, thereby reducing splitting of the tie during driving of the spike. The head of the spike hooks over the rail base. In North American, the cut spike is the most common type of rail fastener in use. o G-6 x Damaged Rail A rail damaged or broken due to a derailment, improper handling, or other causes. Dead Load In car design calculations, the weight of the carbody with all attachments and appurtenances that will be supported by the trucks. See Live Load. Density Weight per unit of volume, generally expressed as pounds per cubic foot or pounds per gallon in the English system; or kilograms per cubic meter, or kilograms per liter, in the metric system. Derailment Anytime the wheels of a car or engine come off the head of the rail. Detail Fracture A rail defect consisting of a fracture of the railhead caused by surface imperfections. This condition usually arises from shells, head checks, flaking, or welded bond wire connections. Direct Fixation Method of attaching rail directly to bridges or to concrete slabs without using ties or ballast. See Slab track. Resilient fasteners are also commonly called direct fixation. Draft A term used to describe forces resulting in tension in the coupler shank. The term "draft" means the opposite of the term "bluff." Draft Gear A term used to describe the energy-absorbing component of the draft system. The draft gear is installed in a yoke which is connected to the coupler shank and is fitted with follower blocks which contact the draft lugs on the car center sill. So-called "standard" draft gear use rubber and/or friction components to provide energy absorption, while "hydraulic" draft gear use a closed hydraulic system consisting of small ports and a piston to achieve a greater energy-absorbing capability. Hydraulic draft gear assemblies are generally called "cushioning units." o G-7 x Draft System The term used to describe the arrangement on a car for transmitting coupler forces to the center sill. On standard draft gear cars, the draft system includes the coupler, yoke, draft gear, follower, draft key, draft lugs and draft sill. On cushioned cars, either hydraulic end-of-car cushion units and their attachments replace the draft gear and yoke at each end; or a hydraulically controlled sliding center sill is installed as an integral part of the car underframe. Drawbar The mechanism for coupling together cars and locomotive units. A term formerly used synonymously with coupler. It has been used indiscriminately to designate both the old link and pin drawbar and the modern automatic car coupler. Drawbar Force The force exerted through the couplers by the locomotive on coupled cars, by one car upon another, etc. This force is usually greatest at that coupler between the last locomotive unit and the first coupled car in the train. Drawbar Pull The tensile coupler force. Locomotive pulling power is sometimes expressed in terms of "pounds of drawbar pull." Empty Weight see light weight. False Flange The flange on the overhanging portion of a wheel tread; it is caused by wear on the wheel tread in the area where the wheel and rail normally make contact. Fastener, Elastic See fastener, resilient. Fastener, Rail A general term describing the method of attaching the rail to the tie or tack bed. Fastener, Resilient Any type of rail fastener other than cut spikes that provide a more positive connection between the rail and tie or slab track. A variety of proprietary designs are currently available from many manufacturers. Two common examples of resilient fasteners are the Lineloc Rail Fastener and the Pandrol Clip. Field Weld See weld, thermite. o G-8 x Flaking A rail flaw consisting of the gouging of metal on the railhead; it is indicated by small chipping and cavities. Flange (1) The portion of a wheel that protrudes down from the rail tread to guide rolling stock along a track; (2) one side of a rail base; (3) a projecting edge of any structural object, for strengthening, guiding, or securing. Frog The portion of a turnout or track crossing where wheels cross from one track to another; named because of its resemblance to a frog (animal). Frog Number The ratio between the theoretical frog heel length and frog heel spread of a frog or half the cotangent of half the frog angle. Frog, Bolted Rigid A frog made of tee rails milled and fitted to form an assembly held together with frog bolts and filler blocks. Frog, Cast Manganese A frog consisting entirely of cast manganese steel. Frog, Movable Point (MPF) A frog with movable rails at a shallow angle which form a continuous path. The movable point frog is used in diamond crossings and slip switches and/or high tonnage routes. Frog, Rail Bound Manganese A frog with a manganese casting fitted between and into tee rails and held together with frog bolts. Frog, Spring A frog without fillers between the frog point and one wing rail, and with springs holding the wing rail up against the frog point. Main track traffic travels on the side of the frog with the uninterrupted surface for the passage of wheels. The diverging traffic opens the sprung wing rail when each wheel passes. Spring frogs are right and left-hand depending on which track requires the unbroken path. Frog, Swing Nose A frog in a turnout with a movable frog point connected to a switch machine for positioning relative to the switch position. The types of swing nose frogs include Welded V, Bolted V, Cast V, or Forged V. o G-9 x Gauge In general terms, any device used for measuring an independent quantity such as pressure rate of flow, volume, length, area, etc. An instrument with a calibrated scale or dial for measuring or indicating quality. An analog typed readout. Gauge Corner The edge of a railhead on the gauge side. Gauge Line The spot on the side of the railhead 5/8 inch below the rail tread, where track gauge is established. Gauge lines other than 5/8 inch are found on light rail transit. Gauge, Track Measured at right angles, the distance between running rails of a track at the gauge lines. Gauge, Wide Any track gauge greater than a nominal design standard as a result of improper installation or track component deterioration. Geometry Car A car equipped with electro-mechanical sensors used to automatically detect and record track geometry over long distances. The geometry car may be either self-propelled or pulled by a locomotive. Grade, Percent of The rise or fall of track over a distance of one hundred feet. For example, a rise of one foot in 100 feet equals one percent. Gradient The difference in pounds per square inch between brake pipe pressure on the locomotive and maximum obtainable on the rear of the train. The direct result of brake pipe leakage. The rate of inclination of track in relation to the horizontal. Hard Conversions When products are hard converted, the design of the item in SI metric units result in a physical change and the produce is not interchangeable with earlier products built to conventional unit design. Head Checks A rail flaw consisting of shallow surface cracks in the railhead usually found on the gauge corner. Head checks generally run at a 45 degree angle to the axis of the rail; they usually occur on the high rail of curves. o G-10 x Head-Hardened Rail A rail with only the railhead heat treated to provide a harder steel for locations of extreme service, such as curves. Heat -Treated Heating and cooling a metal or alloy in such a way as to obtain desired conditions or properties. Heating for the sole purpose of not working is excluded from the meaning of this definition. Heat Treatment The process of altering the properties of a material, usually steel, by specific heating and cooling operations. Heat treated track components are good in locations requiring high strength and durability. Joint The junction of members or the edges of members that are to be joined or have been joined. Journal That part of an axle or shaft on which the journal bearing rests or a roller bearing is applied. Journal Bearing The general term used to describe the load bearing arrangement at the ends of each axle of a railcar truck. So called plain journal bearings are block of metal, usually brass or bronze, shaped to fit the curved surface of the axle journal, and resting directly upon it with lubrication provided by free oil contained in the journal box. Journal roller bearings are sealed assemblies of rollers, races, cups and cones pressed onto axle journals and generally lubricated with grease. Vertical loads are transferred from the journal bearing to the truck side frame through the journal bearing wedge (in plain bearing designs), or through the roller bearing adaptor in roller bearing trucks. Lateral Force Any sideways force in the track. Lateral Motion Sideways movement of a railcar and/or its components, resulting in large measure from dimensional clearances between parts of the truck assembly. Excessive lateral motion in truck assemblies is a major cause of premature wear of the truck and car body components. o G-11 x Light Weight Empty weight or tare weight (of cars or of the train). The empty weight of a railroad car or of train including its trucks and any other appurtenances considered standard to the car. The light weight is stenciled on every freight car in conjunction with the capacity and load limit stenciling, and is abbreviated Lt. Wt. Limit Gauge A term applied to many forms of gauges which are used for determining whether pieces exceed or fall below a certain specified range of dimensions. Limit gauges are sometimes called "Go-No-Go" gauges. Live Load In car design, the live load is the load imposed on the car structure by outside forces such as the lading and any other specified supplemental loads such as accelerations due to vertical irregularities in the track structure. Load Limit The maximum weight of lading that can be loaded in a car. For cars meeting standard AAR design criteria, the load limit is equal to the maximum allowable gross weight on rails (determined by axle and wheel size) less the light weight of the car. Lubricant Any liquid or grease employed to coat a surface upon which another surface rotates or slides in order to reduce the friction. Lubricator, Rail A device (mechanical or hydrostatic) used to supply oil to parts of the compressor and compressor governor under pressure and to reduce friction between wheel flanges and the railhead. L/V Ratio The L/V ratio is defined as the ratio of the lateral force to the vertical force of a car or locomotive wheel on a rail. It is an important factor affecting the tendency to turn over under load, and is often a point of discussion in evaluating the cause of a train derailment. When the lateral force is greater than the vertical force, wheel climb is imminent. When the ratio is approximately .64, unrestrained rail can turn over. An L/V ration of 1.29 may cause a wheel to climb new rail. Note: Studies by the AAR show there are some situations where an L/V of about 0.29 can turn the rail over. o G-12 x Magnetic Particle Testing A non-destructive test method for identifying cracks or discontinuities in castings or machined parts. Maximum Gross Weight on Rails For a single car, the maximum permissible weight of both car and lading permitted for operation in unrestricted interchange service. Meter One of the standard length measurements in the metric system, equivalent to 39.368 inches in the English system. Metric System A decimal system for measuring length, capacity, surface and weight, using the meter as the unit of length, the liter as the unit of volume, and the gram as the unit of weight. MGT An abbreviation for Million Gross Tonnes, MGT is a measurement of track and rail wear. It is the number of tonnes of traffic load, expressed in millions, that have passed over a given section of line in a specified time span. Usually, MGT is calculated on an annual basis. Modulus of Track The vertical stiffness of a track. Measured by instrumented measurements, modulus is the amount of vertical deflection under a train. Movable Point Frog (MPF) A frog with movable rails at a shallow angle which form a continuous path. The movable point frog is used in diamond crossings and slip switches and/or high tonnage routes. Multiple-Wear Wheel A steel railway wheel made with sufficient original rim thickness to permit turning ufll flange and tread contours at least twice during the life of the wheel. Narrow Gauge Railroads built to less than the standard 4’ 81/2” between rails gauge. Net Force A force which causes an object such as a train to accelerate. Total force applied to the train less drag forces. Net Weight The weight of only the contents of the car. o G-13 x NFL Bearing A factory lubricated journal roller bearing assembly made with superior seals and requiring no field lubrication during its normal service life. NFL bearings can be identified by the absence of grease fitting in the end cap. One-Wear Wheel A steel railway wheel designed with a rim thickness such that full flange and tread contour cannot be restored by turning. Plain Bearing As distinguished from a journal roller bearing; a journal bearing arrangement whereby a brass or bronze bearing is held in place against a polished axle journal, and lubricated by free oil in a journal box fed to the bearing by a lubricating device. Preferred Rail Laying Temperature (PRLT) The optimum temperature at which continuous welded rail is installed and anchored to reduce thermal stresses when hot or cold. Pressure A unit force generally measured in terms of pounds per dquare inch (or kilograms per square centimeter) created by the action of a compressed gas or fluid in a confined space. Preventive Maintenance Inspection to discover if something needs repairing before it fails and performing the necessary work in order to stop or slow that failure. Profile (1) A graph of a longitudinal length of a track depicting humps and dips. (2) The surface uniformity of a rail measured at the mid-point of a chord. Quenching To quickly cool a hot metal to produce a hardened surface. Oil quenching is a common treatment for track materials, such as track bolts and rail. Rail As used in car construction, any horizontal member of a car super-structure. The term is usually used in combination with some additional identifying word such as "belt rail" or "hand rail." As used in track, a rolled steel shape, commonly a T-section, designed to be laid end to end in two parallel lines on cross ties or other suitable supports a form a track for railway rolling stock. Auxiliary rails include guardrails and third rails. o G-14 x Rail Anchor A device installed on the rail base preventing longitudinal rail movement and build-up of axial force. Anchors have been available in a variety of designs throughout the history of the rail industry. Rail anchors available today include the following: Unit Rail Anchor Co. (Unit Spring Anchor and Unit-IV Drive-On), Portec Inc. (Improved Fair), Woodings-Verona Transportation Products (Woodings), True Temper Railway Appliances Inc. (Channeloc and Trueloc), and Rails Co. (Compression Rail Anchor). Rail Clip Generic term used to name various rail hold-down devices other than common spikes. There are many proprietary designs of rail clips currently available. See fastener, resilient. Rail Creep The occasional lengthwise movement of rails in track. Rail creep is caused by the movement of trains or temperature changes. It is common practice to stop the effect of creeping by the use of rail anchors or resilient fasteners. Rail Defect Rail condition consisting of a complete fracture or sufficient fissures that may render the rail unfit for normal operation. See rail flaw. Rail Flaw Imperfections in the surface or interior of the rail. Imperfections are not considered dangerous in themselves, but can propagate into rail defects. Rail Grinding The removal of surface metal on the railhead. The removal of metal occurs by use of production equipment with rotary abrasive grinding stones. Rail Grinding, Corrective Rail grinding that eliminates incipient cracks, shells, engine burns, and corrugation. Rail Grinding, Maintenance Cyclical rail grinding to eliminate incipient cracks, shells, engine burns, and corrugation. Rail Grinding, Profile Rail grinding that reshapes the railhead to a desired contour to optimize the contact patch. o G-15 x Rail, Heavy An electric railway with the capacity for a "heavy volume" of traffic and characterized by exclusive rights-of-way, multi-car trains, high-speed and rapid acceleration, sophisticated signaling and high platform loading. Also known as "rapid rail," "subway," "elevated (rail-way)," or "metropolitan railway (metro)." Rail Lip The overhanging metal at the corner of the railhead. A rail lip results from the metal flow of steel that occurs on the railhead. Rail Lubrication Any type of lubricant placed on the gauge line to reduce the friction between the railhead and wheel tread. Rail Lubricator A device designed to apply grease to the gauge side of the rail head at the beginning of a curve in order to minimize wear of the rail and wheel flange, or to eliminate noise. Rail Neutral Axis The point in the rail web in which internal pressure is compressive (pushing) above and tensile (pulling) below during vertical loading of the rail. Rail Neutral Temperature (RNT) The temperature when there is no axial force in the rail. Rail Neutral Temperature Shift The difference between an existing rail neutral temperature and its original or adjusted neutral temperature. A downward shift to cooler temperatures is common due to maintenance activities and train movements. Rail Tread The top portion of the railhead where rail/wheel tread contact occurs. Also called running surface. Rail Wear A rail flaw consisting of reduction of the railhead as a result of abrasive action between the steel wheel on the steel rail. Wear on the top of the railhead — caused by the wheel tread — is called "top wear," "tread wear," "vertical wear," or "head height loss." Wear on the side of the rail — caused by wheel flanges — is called "side wear," "gauge wear," "horizontal wear," or "gauge face loss." Rail Web The vertical member of a rail that provides bridge or beam strength to carry the rolling stock loads from tie to tie. o G-16 x Rail, Alloy Rail containing special metal elements for increasing the hardness of rail. Alloy rails are used in locations of extreme service. Rail, carbon Rail made of steel containing 10 points of carbon. Rail, Continuous Cast Rail rolled from steel manufactured by a process in which molten steel is drawn without interruption from a special casting machine. Rail, Continuous Welded (CWR) Rail lengths welded end to end into rail strings providing a track without rail joints. It is also called welded rail or ribbon rail. Rail, Controlled Cooled Rail with steel having hydrogen gas eliminated by a controlled process of temperature reduction. After rolling the steel into the rail shape, the hot rail is reduced to air temperature over a specified time. The controlled cooled process was introduced in 1936. Rail, Corrugated A rail flaw consisting of the wave-like wearing of the rail tread visualized as peaks and valleys. There are many causes of this condition, and it is generally accepted that each location experiencing it has a unique cause. Short-wave corrugation or roaring rail or simply corrugations, has a wavelength of 1 to 3 inches. This type of condition is common on heavy rail transit, light rail transit, and high speed passenger operations. Short-wave, or intermediate wave corrugation, or undulations, has a wavelength of 3 to 24 inches. This type of condition is common on heavy freight operations. Very long wave or long wave corrugations, has a wavelength greater than 24 inches and is common on very high speed operations. Furthermore, this type of corrugation has a very shallow depth between peaks. Rail, Head-Hardened A rail with only the railhead heat treated to provide a harder steel for locations of extreme service, such as curves. Rail, Heat Treated Rail that has been hardened by a heating Rail, High Carbon A rail with extra carbon added to the steel during the manufacturing process to increase its hardness. o G-17 x Rail, Work-Hardened Rail that has a hardness greater than when manufactured, as a result of the cold working of the steel by repeated traffic loading. Railhead (1) The top of the rail in which rolling stock wheels are guided. The railhead also accepts the weight from rolling stock in a very small area at each wheel/rail contact oint. (2) The end of a railroad line. Railroad The entire system of track together with the stations, land, rolling stock, and other property used in rail transportation. All forms of non-highway ground transportation that run on rails or electromagnetic guideways, including (1) commuter or other short-haul rail passenger service in a metropolitan or suburban area, and (2) high-speed ground transportation systems that connect metropolitan area, without regard to whether they use new technologies not associated with traditional railroads. Such term does not include rapid transit operations within an urban area that are not connected to the railroad system of transportation. Raised-Wheel Seat Axle See Axle. Regenerative Braking The retardation system on electric cars or locomotives which can return power developed by traction motors acting as generators to the third rail or catenary for use by other units. Resilient Fastener Any type of rail fastener other than cut spikes that provide a more positive connection between the rail and tie or slab track. A variety of proprietary designs are currently available from many manufacturers. Two common examples of resilient fasteners are the Lineloc Rail Fastener and the Pandrol Clip. Resistance In general, resistance denotes opposition to movement or flow. In mechanical systems, any force that opposes motion such as friction or action of a spring could be termed as resistance. In electrical circuits, resistance is opposition to the flow of current, and is measured in units called ohms. o G-18 x Rim On a railway car wheel, that portion around the outer circumference that forms the edge of the tread. The thickness of the rim is a measure of the amount of wear remaining in the wheel, and when this dimension reaches a given limit (as measured with the AAR steel wheel gauge), the wheel must be scrapped. Rim Quench Following heat treatments, all rims are quenched to harden wheel treads. Rollability A term generally applied in classification yards pertaining to the characteristics of individual cars and their ability to roll. Roller Bearing The general term applied to any group of journal bearings that employ hardened steel rollers to reduce rotational friction. Roller bearings are sealed assemblies that are mechanically pressed onto an axle, and transfer the wheel loads to the truck side frames through a device known as a roller bearing adapter that fits between the bearing outer ring and the side frame pedestal. Roller Bearing Adapter A casting that fits between a freight car roller bearing and the truck side frame to transfer the load from the side frame to the bearing. Roller Side Bearing A side bearing fitted with rollers to reduce the friction in curving. See Side Bearing. Rolling Equipment Includes locomotives, railroad cars, and one or more locomotives coupled to one or more cars. Rolling Radius Differential The different radius contact points between the wheel tread and rail tread on the low rail vs. the high rail, accomplished by tapered wheels. When in curves, the wheel flange on the high rail is up against the gauge line, with the wheel flange on the low rail pulled away from the low rail gauge line. This action results in a longer radius contact point on the wheel contacting the high rail, thereby inducing a steering affect of wheel sets through curves. In addition, wheel wear and rail wear is minimized due to a reduction in wheel slip. o G-19 x Rolling Stock (1) Any on-track wheeled equipment. (2) A general term used when referring collectively to a large group of railway cars. The vehicles used in a transit system, including buses and rail cars. Includes locomotives, railroad cars that carry commodities and passengers, and one or more locomotives coupled to one or more cars. Running Gear A general term used to describe the group of parts whose functions are related to movement of the car. Running gear includes the wheels, axles bearings, suspension system and other components of the trucks. Running Surface The top portion of the railhead where rail/wheel tread contact occurs. Also called rail tread. Screw Spike A spike with a round shank and threads. Section Modulus The bending strength of a particular rail section. Shatter Crack Minute shallow cracks that occur in steel after exposure to the intense heat, which occur during torch cutting or locomotive wheel slipping. Shelling A wheel defect characterized by pieces of metal flaking out of the tread surface, and caused by fatigue failure of the metal in the tread. Very shallow shells are called spalls. Side Bearing A loaded bearing component, located either on the truck or body bolster, and arranged to absorb vertical loads arising from the rocking motion of the car. There are various types of side bearings ranging from simple flat pads to complex devices which maintain constant contact between the truck bolster and car body. See Truck Side Bearing. Side Bearing Roller A solid steel cylindrical roller which fits loosely in a rectangular retainer or "cage," fastened to the truck bolster, and contacts the body side bearings during lateral rocking of the car. The rollers are used either singly or in pairs, and have the advantage of decreasing resistance to truck rotation when the car is rounding a curve. o G-20 x Side Bearing Truck A truck in which the weight of the car is transmitted at the side instead of the center. Side Frame In the conventional three-piece truck, the heavy cast steel side member which is designed to transmit vertical loads from the wheels through either journal boxes or pedestals to the truck bolster. Side Frame Key A short steel retainer bolted to the bottom of a pedestal type side frame to prevent roller bearing assemblies from becoming dislodged from the side frame pedestals. Sometimes called a roller bearing key. Slab Track Track constructed without ties using a concrete base. The rails are connected to the concrete with direct fixation fasteners. Slid Flat Wheels Railcar wheels with flat spots resulting from sliding on the rail; generally, due to over braking or failure to release the car handbrake. Flat spots larger than the AAR maximum allowed are a cause for wheel replacement. Slide Wheel sliding is where the wheel does not rotate on its axle and motion exists between the wheel and the rail. Speed, Maximum Authorized The highest speed trains may travel over a given segment of railroad as established by operating rules and timetable special instructions, unless otherwise restricted. Sometimes referred to as normal speed. Speed, Overbalance The speed of rolling stock on a curve at which wheel loads place more force on the low rail than the high rail. This occurs when trains are operating slowly on a curve with superelevation, or there is too much superelevation in a curve. Speed, Underbalance The speed of rolling stock on a curve at which wheel loads place more force on the high rail than the low rail. This occurs when trains are operating faster than balance speed. Curves often are intentionally under-elevated to force the wheel up against the high rail to achieve a smooth ride, or in high speed track where a high amount of superelevation would be undesirable. o G-21 x Spike Any device that fastens a rail, tie plate, switch stand or other object to a tie. Spike, Cut A spike consisting of steel nail-like device. The cut spike has a square shank and a chisel end with the point perpendicular to the wood fibers, thereby reducing splitting of the tie during driving of the spike. The head of the spike hooks over the rail base. In North America, the cut spike is the most common type of spike in use. Spike, Drive A spike consisting of round nail-like device with fluted (thread-like) sides. The drive spike is driven into predrilled holes and used to fasten a variety of items to the track, such as guard logs, spacing straps, etc. Also called drive lag. Spike, Screw A spike with a round shank and threads. Spring A general term referring to a large group of mechanical devices making use of the elastic properties of materials to cushion loads or control motion. Spring Frog A frog without fillers between the frog point and one wing rail, and with springs holding the wing rail up against the frog point. Main track traffic travels on the side of the frog with the uninterrupted surface for the passage of wheels. The diverging traffic opens the sprung wing rail when each wheel passes. Spring frogs are right and left-hand depending on which track requires the unbroken path. Spring Group Any combination of standardized coil springs used in each truck side frame, and selected to match car capacities and obtain desired vertical suspension characteristics. Cars are often stenciled to show the number of specific springs of various designations, e.g., 5 D5 outer 3 D5 inner, that make up the spring group standard to the car. Spring Nest Two or more coil springs of different diameters, one fitting inside the other and acting in combination. Truck springs are commonly made up of standardized outer and inner coils, nested and arranged in various spring groups. o G-22 x Spring Plank A steel plate fitting under each end of the truck bolster on older trucks to provide a bearing surface for the spring group. Spring Seat A cup-shaped piece of cast steel, or cast wrought iron, on which the bottom of a spring rest. Also called "spring plate." They are further distinguished by the name of the spring for which they serve such as bolster spring seat, equalizer spring seat. Spring Switch A switch in which the switch rails are connected to a spring mechanism allowing trains to make a trailing movement with the switch set in the improper position, thereby forcing the switch rails back to the original position after the passage of each wheel. Also called Vaughn Spring Switch, invented by D.F. Vaughn of the West Jersey and Seashore Railroad, circa 1880. Standard Gauge The standard distance between rails of North American railroads, being 4 feet 8.5 inches measured between the inside faces of the rail heads. Stress A term used in engineering to denote force per unit of area in structural members, expressed commonly in units of pounds per square inch, (psi). Stresses are classified by the type of reaction they produce in the fibers of the material they affect. Tensile stress tends to pull apart, compressive stress tends to press together, and sheer stress tends to slide parallel adjacent surfaces against each other in opposite directions. Stress Relief Commonly used as a synonym for post weld heat treatment. Stress Relieving Heating to a suitable temperature, holding long enough to reduce residual stresses, and the cooling slowly enough to minimize the development of new residual stresses. Surface (1) The geometrical condition of the track at the rail tread over a given distance. Surface is best described as the smoothness of the track over distances. (2) See Profile. o G-23 x Suspension The resilient system through which a car body is supported on its wheels. Suspension systems involve the use of hydraulic devices, friction elements and coil, elliptic, rubber or pneumatic springs. Swing Bolster A truck bolster suspended by hangers or links so that it can swing laterally with relation to the truck and thus lower the effects of lateral impact received through the side frames and wheels. Trucks equipped with swing bolster are known as swing motion trucks. Swing Nose Frog A frog in a turnout with a movable frog point connected to a switch machine for manipulation relative to the switch position, swing nose frog types include Welded V, Bolted V, Cast V, or Forged V. Swing Hanger Bars or links, attached at their upper ends to the frame of a swing motion truck, and carrying the spring plank at their lower ends. Also called "bolster hanger." Swing Motion Truck A truck with a bolster and spring plank suspended on swing hangers so that they can swing laterally in relation to the truck frame. Switch The component of a turnout consisting of switch rails and connecting parts providing a means for making a path over which to transfer rolling stock and on-track equipment from one track to another. Tamp or Tamping The process of compacting ballast under ties to provide proper load bearing. Tare Weight The weight of the empty car. The sum of the empty weights of the cars is the tare weight of the train. Temperature Effect Change in temperature, produced by the expansion or contraction of air due to variation in pressure. Temperature, Preferred Rail Laying (PRLT) The optimum temperature at which continuous welded rail is installed and anchored to reduce thermal stresses when hot or cold. o G-24 x Temperature, Rail Neutral The temperature which there is no axial force in the rail. Testing, Non-Destructive Rail Any method of inspecting for internal fissure in rail without physically damaging it. Testing, Ultrasonic Rail The process of testing for fissures in rail by passing ultra high frequency sound through the rail. Sound waves that reflect off fissures are detected and measured to determine the location and size of the fissure. Thermal Cracking A wheel defect characterized by fine cracks running transversely across the tread and caused by excessive heat generated at the tread surface during heavy prolonged braking. Undetected thermal cracks will propagate through the flange or rim into the wheel plate and cause failure. Thermite or Thermit Weld The process of welding the ends of two rails together with a foundry-like process. The thermite process consists of iron oxide and aluminum powder. This material is ignited with a magnesium charge, and a reaction occurs resulting in molten steel, which is poured between the rail ends causing fusion. Also see continuous welded rail. Tie The portion of the track structure generally placed perpendicular to the rail to hold track gauge, distribute the weight of the rails and rolling stock, and hold the track in surface and alignment. The majority of ties are made from wood. Other materials used in the manufacture of ties include concrete and steel. Also called cross tie. Tie Pad A material made from rubber or fiber placed between the tie plate and tie to reduce abrasion, inhibit plate cutting, and cushion load impact. Tie Plate A metal plate placed between the rail base and tie to distribute the weight of trains over a larger surface, thereby reducing tie damage. Tie plates also give lateral stability to the rail by restraining movement. o G-25 x Tie, Concrete A tie made of concrete with reinforcing rods. The rods are pulled into tension during the curing cycle of the concrete then cut when the concrete cures to place the tie into compression. Track An assembly of fixed location extending over distances to guide rolling stock and accept the imposed dynamic and static loads. See track structure. Track Defect An anomaly in any part of the track structure requiring repair or other action, such as a reduction in speed. Track Inspection Car A passenger car used in regular consists from which the track may be inspected but not necessarily containing track geometry evaluation equipment. Track Modulus The vertical stiffness of a track. Modulus is determined by instrumented measurements of the amount of vertical deflection under rolling stock loads. Track Structure The railroad track comprised of rail, tie plates, fasteners, cross ties, rail anchors, guardrails, ballast, and subgrade. Track-Train Dynamics The study of the motions and resulting forces that occur during the movement of a train over a track under varying conditions of speed, train makeup, track and equipment conditions, grades, curves and train handling. Track Twist Any change from point to point from the designated cross level or superelevation in the track. Also called warp or change. Tractive Effort The force (at the wheel/rail interface) at a given speed the locomotive exerts to move itself and any coupled cars. Train An engine or more than one engine coupled, with or without cars, displaying markers. For practical purposes, a train is a group of coupled cars hauled by a locomotive. Train Brake The automatic brake. The combined brakes on locomotive and cars that provides the means of controlling the speed and stopping of the entire train. o G-26 x Train Consist The composition of the complete train excluding the locomotive. The cars in a train. Train Mile The movement of a train a distance of one mile measured by the distance between terminals and/or stations and includes yard switching miles, train switching miles, and work train miles. Yard switching miles may be computed on any reasonable, supportable, and verifiable basis. In the event actual mileage is not computable by other means, yard switching miles may be computed at the rate of 6 mph for the time actually engaged in yard switching service. Train Resistance A force which resists or opposes movement of a train. Resistance to motion along the track, attributed to bearings, wind and air resistance, flange contact with rail, etc. Transverse Defect A group of rail defects that have transverse components, such as transverse fissures, compound fissures, and detail fractures. Transverse Fissure A rail defect consisting of a break in the crosswise plain of the rail, beginning at or near the center of the railhead. The fracture begins at a hydrogen inclusion and spreads outward. The resulting break will usually show the hydrogen inclusion as a dark spot in the center growing into an oval or round smooth spot within the railhead. Tread In car wheel nomenclature, the slightly tapered exterior running surface of the wheel that comes in contact with the top surface of the rail, and also serves as a brake drum on cars with conventional brake arrangements. In rail nomenclature, the top surface of the rail which contacts the vehicle. Tread Brakes Those wherein the brake shoes bear against the tread of the wheel when brakes are applied. Truck The complete assembly of parts including wheels, axles, bearings, side frames, bolster, brake rigging, springs and all associated connecting components, the function of which is to provide support, mobility and guidance to a railroad car. Truck Bolster The main transverse member of a truck assembly that transmits carbody loads to the side frames o G-27 x through the suspension systems. The ends of the bolster fit loosely into the wide openings in the side frames and are retained by the gibs, which contact the side frame column guides. Truck bolster contact with the carbody is through the truck center plate, which mates with the body center plate and through the side bearings. Truck Center Plate The circular area at the center of a truck bolster, designed to accept the protruding body center plate and provide the principal bearing surface for carbody support on the truck bolster. Truck center plates are often fitted with a horizontal wear plate and a vertical wear ring to improve wearing characteristics and extend bolster life. Truck Centers On a single car, the distance between the truck center pins as measured along the center sill from the center line of one body bolster to the center line of the other. Truck Frame A structure made of cast steel in one piece, to which the journal boxes or pedestals, springs and other parts are attached, and which forms the skeleton of a truck. One piece truck frames are not generally used for freight cars, but are often found on locomotives and passenger cars. Truck Hunting A lateral instability of a truck, generally occurring at high speed, and characterized by one or both wheelsets shifting from side to side with the flanges striking the rail. The resulting motion of the car causes excessive wear in car and truck components, and creates potentially unsafe operating conditions. For freight vehicles, the phenomenon occurs primarily with empty or lightly loaded cars with worn wheelsets. Trucks, Radial Railroad freight car trucks whose wheelsets are suspended in the truck frame in such a way as to allow the wheelsets to align themselves to the radius of a curve in the track. This is usually accomplished by low yaw constraints between the wheelsets and truck frame, together with interconnections between the wheelsets for good hunting stability. o G-28 x Truck Side Bearing A plate, block roller or elastic unit fastened to the top surface of a truck bolster on both sides of the center plate, and functioning in conjunction with the body side bearing to support the load of a moving car when variations in track cross level cause the carbody to rock transversely on the center plates. See Body Side Bearing, Side Bearing and Side Bearing Roller. Truck Springs A general term used to describe any of the several types of springs used in the suspension system of trucks to provide a degree of vertical cushioning to the car and its load. Truck Wheel Base The horizontal distance between the centers of the first and last axles of a truck. Underframe (1) The term used to refer to the entire structural framework of the car below the floor, including the center sill, side and end sills, bolster, cross members, stringers and other attached components. (2) The supporting matrix in the understructure. Generally the body bolsters, sills, platforms, floor stringers, cross bearers and cross ties that support the superstructure. Vehicle Passenger car, freight car, locomotive, motor car, etc.; a general name to include any of the various means of hauling or the power units used on the railroad trains. Vertical Bounce An instability at high speed where the vehicle oscillates vertically on the suspension system. Visual Inspection A non-destructive test method using ordinary vision to detect surface imperfections in materials and welds. Voltage Drop The decrease in voltage to a current carrying conductor. Weld A seam where two members are joined, formed by any of several heating processes resulting in melting and fusing together of the metal on either side of the joint, often with the addition of filler metal to improve the properties of the joint. Welding processes are extremely important in modern car construction. o G-29 x Weld Bead A weld deposit resulting from a pass. Weld, Electric Butt The process of fusing together rail ends by use of electric current. The process consists of passing high electric current between the rail ends, drawing an arc, and thereby heating the steel to a plastic state. The heated rails are forced together resulting in fusion. This type of rail welding is the process used in modern welding or rail into continuous lengths. Generally, this operation is performed at a central location with long strings of rail transported to the construction site. Some welding machines are attached to on-track equipment for on-site welding. Also see continuous welded rail. Weld, Thermite or Thermit A method process of welding the ends of two rails together with a foundry-like process. The thermite process consists of iron oxide and aluminum powder. This material is ignited with a magnesium charge, and a reaction occurs resulting in molten steel, which is poured between the rail ends causing fusion. Also see continuous welded rail. Welder A person who joins metal parts by the application of a fusion process, either manually or with semi-automatic welding equipment. Welding The process of joining two members by the addition of heat and filler metal. Weldment An assembly whose component parts are joined by welding. Weld Pass A single progression of welding or surfacing along a joint or substrate. The result of a pass is a weld bead, layer or spray deposit. Weld Root The point at which the back of the weld intersects the base metal surfaces. o G-30 x Wheel The specially designed cast or forged steel cylindrical element that rolls on the rail, carries the weight and provides guidance for rail vehicles. Railway wheels are semi-permanently mounted in pairs on steel axles, and are designed with flanges and a tapered tread to provide for operations on track of a specific gauge. The wheel also serves as a brake drum on cars with on-tread brakes. Wheel Base The horizontal distance between centers of the first and last axles of a locomotive or car. Wheel Bore The hole through the hub of the wheel which is machined to precise dimensions to create a press fit on the axle wheel seat. Wheel Burn Damage to the tank shell or jacket due to frictional contact with a rotating wheel, resulting in metal flow and/or discoloration due to frictional heat. Wheel Creep An operating condition wherein the wheel is not purely rolling on the rail, yet, it is not purely slipping on the rail. The coefficient of friction between wheel and rail is greatest in this transition between purely rolling and purely slipping. Wheel Flange The tapered projection extending completely around the inner rim of a railway wheel, the function of which, in conjunction with the flange of a mate wheel, is to keep the wheel set on the track by limiting lateral movement of the assembly against the inside surface of either rail. Wheel Grinding A process of refining the tread contour of steel railway wheels by rotating them against a grinding wheel under precise controls. Wheel Peener A process to induce compressive stresses on plate surface of wheel. Wheel Plate The part of a railway wheel between the hub and the rim. Wheel Rolling The wheel rotating on its axle theoretically without motion existing between the wheel and the rail at the area of contact. o G-31 x Wheel Seat The term used to describe a pair of wheels mounted on an axle. Wheel Sliding The wheel not rotating on its axis and motion existing between the wheel and rail at the area of contact. Wheel Slip An operating condition wherein there is wheel rotation on its axis with motion of the wheel at the point of contact with the rail. Wheel rotation speed during wheel slip is greater than it is during rolling. Wheel Slipping The wheel rotating on its axle with motion existing between the wheel and rail at the area of contact. Wheel Tread The slightly tapered or sometimes cylindrical circumferential surface of a railway wheel that bears on the rail and serves as a brake drum on cars with conventional truck brake rigging. Wide Gauge In general usage, the distance between the heads of the rails of a railroad when it is significantly greater than 4 feet 8.5 inches (4' 8 1/2"), in contrast to broad gauge, which means a material increase, as to 5 feet 6 inches (5' 6") or 6 feet.. Wrought Steel Wheel A railway wheel made by hot forging and rolling as opposed to the pressure casting process. o G-32 x Click Here To Go Back To Table of Contents View publication stats