See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Intelligent approach to video transmission over 2.4 GHz wireless technology Conference Paper in IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems · July 2008 DOI: 10.1109/FUZZY.2008.4630372 · Source: IEEE Xplore CITATIONS READS 2 25,310 2 authors: Prof. Hassan Kazemian Soamsiri Chantaraskul London Metropolitan University The Sirindhorn International Thai-German Graduate School of Engineering (TGGS), … 80 PUBLICATIONS 635 CITATIONS 37 PUBLICATIONS 159 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE All content following this page was uploaded by Prof. Hassan Kazemian on 04 August 2014. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. SEE PROFILE Intelligent approach to video transmission over 2.4 GHz wireless technology H. B. Kazemian Senior Member, IEEE and S. Chantaraskul Abstract—Video transmission over dynamic channels like 2.4 GHz wireless technology is unpredictable, because of interferences caused by other wireless devices in the same ISM (Industrial, Scientific and Medicine) frequency band and/or general channel noises. Transmitting Moving Picture Expert Group (MPEG) video stream over wireless technology also presents a challenge, as MPEG demands large bandwidth. Considering these issues, an intelligent transmission is introduced in this research so that the controller may adjust itself to the current state of the wireless channel in order to sustain MPEG video quality during the communication process. A neural-fuzzy controller and a rule-based fuzzy controller are implemented in the design to monitor input – output of a traffic shaping buffer and offer suitable parameters for the MPEG encoder for video transmission over the network. Matlab computer simulation results show that the proposed method reduces data loss and improves image quality as compared with traditional MPEG video transmission over 2.4 GHz wireless technology. I. INTRODUCTION M PEG video compression uses the similarities and/or redundancies between consecutive frames or images in order to reduce the size of video stream. In Variable Bit Rate (VBR) coding, the complex and intricate scenes usually contain more data bits, which demands a larger bandwidth for transmission [1]. This kind of video coding offers constant video quality by statically setting the quantization scale for I- (Intra), P- (Predicted), and B- (Bi-directional) frames while the bit rate is allowed to vary. This paper utilizes an intelligent control system to guarantee that the VBR coding from the host satisfies the traffic situation of the wireless channel during the transmission period. Many researchers have applied soft computing techniques such as neural networks and fuzzy logic to wireless technology. For example, Kumar and Venkataram proposed a Hopfield neural-network-based multicast routing algorithm for constructing a reliable multicast tree that connects the participants of a multicast group for video-on-demand data transmission. Computer simulation results show that the proposed scheme facilitates a multicast routing algorithm for high-speed mobile networks [2]. Zhang and Zhu used fuzzy logic technique to QoS routing allowing efficient use of network resources for transmission and distribution of audio and video. Computer simulation results show that the fuzzy routing algorithm makes use of network resources more effectively [3]. Mar and Kao used Cascade Fuzzy Logic Control (CFLC)-based Movable Boundary Wireless Multiple Access in the UMTS (MBWIMA/UMTS) protocol for voice and video data rate control. The simulation results demonstrate that the CFLC-based MBWIMA/UMTS protocol using the first-duplicated Space Division Multiple Access (SDMA) scheduling can greatly improve both the voice-video dropping probability and data packet delay, compared with the MBWIMA/UMTS and GPRS/UMTS protocols using the first-duplicated SDMA scheduling [4]. Razavi et al have recently researched into fuzzy logic control of automatic repeat request (ARQ). Bluetooth’s default (ARQ) scheme is not suitable for video distribution, resulting in missed display and decoded deadlines. Razavi et al have therefore used fuzzy ARQ with active discard of expired packets from the sent buffer. In summary simulation results demonstrate that in poor channel conditions, fuzzy control of ARQ provides at least 4 dB improvement in video quality [5]. Furthermore, there has been a substantial amount of research work in the application of hybrid artificial intelligence techniques, such as fuzzy logic and neural networks to wireless technology. For instance, Su et al uses a fuzzy neuron network for General Packet Radio Services congestion control. The proposed scheme is capable of adjusting input and output, increase robustness, stability, and working speed of the network. As shown by experimental results, the algorithm is capable of significantly preventing the congestion for video transmission, which proves that the method is more practical and effective than traditional methods for congestion control in wireless networks [6]. Kazemian and Meng applied fuzzy logic to MPEG video transmission over Bluetooth. The computer simulation results demonstrate that the use of the fuzzy controllers reduces excessive data loss at the Host Controller Interface as compared with an open loop VBR/CBR video transmission in Bluetooth [7]. This paper takes the research further by introducing neural-fuzzy to control the departure rate and speeding up the quantization level using fuzzy logic, which results into an intelligent methodology suitable for real-time transmission. II. MOVING PICTURE EXPERT GROUP (MPEG) H. B. Kazemian (e-mail: and S. Chantaraskul, London Metropolitan University, Computing Dept., 100 Minories, London EC3N 1JY, UK. In digital video a major setback of packet loss is that it may lead to degradation in video quality as MPEG 246 c 978-1-4244-1819-0/08/$25.002008 IEEE compression uses temporal dependencies and motion compensation. Therefore, handling and recovering from packet loss has been widely researched upon in video transmission. In this work, we propose such system that recognizes the channel situation and provides the transmission speed in order to keep in line with bandwidth availability, hence providing less packet loss and delay during the transmission process. There are three main components, temporal model, spatial model and entropy encoder, briefly described below [8]. Ropen(k+1) RBF Rate Control Rd(f last) ^ Ra(k+2) X(k) Qscale V(k) RBFC Ra (k+1) MEPG Encoder X(f) Traffic shaper Rd(f) rd(f) X(f) Y(f) Ra (k+1) Y(f) ractual NFC Token bucket ractual HC INTERFACE Wireless Hardware BLUETOOTH MODULE Air Fig. 1. Intelligent video transmission in wireless technology. The P and B pictures first pass through the temporal model. In temporal model, the reference frame is used to achieve the motion vector, known as predictive-coded picture. This process is called motion estimation, where each small block of P or B picture is searched against blocks within the reference frame to get the motion vector. Spatial compression is applied to a single frame of video. The degree of spatial compression affects the overall video quality, and this is the part where our design focuses in order to manipulate the video transmission speed. In general, the concern is to balance between the picture quality and compression degree. However, video transmission speed is a crucial factor in choosing suitable configuration for spatial compression as well as the picture quality and compression degree. Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) and Quantization are the main functions in spatial model. DCT is a method of compressing an N×N block of data into a weighted sum of spatial frequencies. The following equation represents a 2-D DCT for an N×N block, which is employed here. S pq N 1 N 1 ª S (2 x 1) p º ª S (2 y 1)q º D pD q ¦¦ Txy cos « »¼ cos «¬ »¼ 2N 2N ¬ x 0 y 0 (1) where p, q = horizontal and vertical frequency indices = 0,1,2,…,N-1 Dp and Dq are given by: 2008 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ 2008) 247 D p ­ ° ° ® ° °¯ 1 N for p 2 N for p z 0 0 (2) Inverse DCT can be calculated by using Txy where x, y = 0,1,2,…,N-1. Quantization takes the DCT coefficients and maps them into a quantized signal with a reduced range of values. A scalar quantizer is used here, where each coefficient is mapped to obtain an individual quantized value. In an entropy encoder process, probabilities of the symbols, which represent elements of video sequence are assigned. These probabilities are then used in order to produce a compressed bit sequence, which is ready for the transmission. III. INTELLIGENT VIDEO TRANSMISSION Fig. 1 outlines the overall diagram of a rule-based fuzzy (RBF) Controller and a neural-fuzzy (NF) Controller for MPEG VBR video transmission over 2.4 GHz wireless technology. As the diagram shows, in this research a trafficshaping buffer is introduced to manipulate and co-ordinate the VBR encoding video prior entering the wireless channel [9]. The shaper buffer’s role is to smooth the video output traffic and to partially eliminate the burstiness of the video stream entering the network. The inputs to the RBF controller are the fuzzified mean value X (k ) and the fuzzified standard deviation V (k ) of the queue length from the traffic-shaping buffer. The output from the RBF controller is the fuzzified desired arrival rate RÖ a (k 2) . The departure rate of the last frame Rd ( flast ) and the estimated data-rate Ropen (k 1) for an open-loop algorithm are used to calculate the desired arrival rate RÖ a (k 2) . The inputs to the NF controller are the fuzzified queue length X ( f ) from the traffic-shaping buffer and the fuzzified available tokens from the generic cell rate algorithm [10-11] commonly known as token bucket Y ( f ) . It should be noted that token bucket or generic cell rate algorithm is usually associated with data transmission over most wired and wireless standards. However, token bucket rate policing method is largely inadequate to sufficiently regulate transmission of video data sources over wireless standards. The output from the NF controller is the fuzzified departure data rate rd ( f ) . f is denoted for a frame. The range of the departure rate Rd ( f ) is between the arrival rate Ra (k 1) and the actual architecture [12] and uses fuzzy sets (i.e. fuzzy membership functions) as its weights at the input and output layers. The nodes of the hidden layer embody the fuzzy IF-THEN rules. The conventional back-propagation procedure [13] for multilayer neural networks is utilized to train the fuzzy membership functions. The parameters associated with the membership functions change through the learning process such that the network interprets the desired input/output map of the controller as accurately as possible. Finally, the parameters attained from the training procedure are fed back into the fuzzy system to facilitate the best control performance. The NF controller is based on Sugeno or Takagi-Sugeno-Kang method [14]. Therefore, the proposed adaptive scheme is a Sugeno RBF1 controller whose output membership functions are of a first-order. Sugeno method works well with optimization and adaptive techniques. This paper introduces a novel rule-based fuzzy set to automate the rate control in the MPEG encoder. In Fig. 1, the RBF Rate Control is placed before the MPEG encoder. The desired RÖ a (k 2) is an input to the RBF Rate Control. In this approach, Qscale for I picture is attained first, followed by Qscale for P picture and then B picture. The process starts by using initial Qscale and find the difference between the offered Ra and the desired RÖ a (k 2) . The result will determine the next Qscale to be tested. For example, if the offered Ra is higher than the desired RÖ a (k 2) , Qscale could be decreased. Hence the new Qscale to be tested is the minimum Qscale. The same process continues to find Qscale for P picture then B picture. Eventually, a set of Qscale for I, P and B is offered for the new GOP to be used in the MPEG encoder. The rules of this RBF Rate Control are reasonably straight forward yet effective. The input of the RBF Rate Control consists of 11 membership functions shown in Fig. 2 as level 1 to level 11. These levels represent 11 range of values between 0 to 1. The input arrived at the RBF Rate Control is then mapped into this membership function and passed through the rule-based fuzzy set to offer the output. The major advantage of this novel approach is the speed [15], which is one of the most important aspects in video transmission. TABLE 1. MATRIX RELOADED – COMPARISON OF SIMULATION RESULTS FROM VBR AND INTELLIGENT SYSTEM Average GOP size (kbit) Standard deviation of GOP size (kbit) Open-loop system Intelligent system 416.82 454.61 123.06 29.519 transmission (token) rate ractual. An adaptive technique is incorporated into the control scheme through the use of a neural-fuzzy controller in Fig. 1. First, a neural network represents a rule-based fuzzy controller. This network comprises of a three-layered 248 2008 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ 2008) 3000 Ra (kbit/s) level1 level2 level3 level4 level5 level6 level7 level8 level9 level10 level11 1 1000 0 0.6 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 700 800 900 1000 700 800 900 1000 Frame Number 3000 0.4 ractual (kbit/s) Degree of membership 0.8 2000 0.2 2000 1000 0 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Frame Number 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 normalised Rdif Fig. 2. Membership functions of RBF Rate Control input. IV. COMPUTER SIMULATION RESULTS The MPEG decoder developed here needs to be able to cope with missing information. The designed system described in section III shows two buffers, the traffic shaper and the token bucket. At some points in the simulation, when one or both of these buffers are full and data stream is still provided from the MPEG encoder, the excessive data will have to be dropped. In this research, only the B picture can be dropped as the loss of B picture will not affect other frames in the GOP. As a result, the MPEG decoder needs to be modified in order to cope with the loss of B picture. This is done by replacing the missing information with the default values to complete the stream for each component. The components are then ready to be decoded, described in section II. Video clip “Matrix Reloaded” is used in this research to simulate the proposed intelligent system [16]. A Bluetooth channel is used to represent 2.4 GHz wireless frequency for the adaptive video streaming technique. Simulations are carried out for both open-loop encoding system or VBR system and the proposed intelligent system in order to compare the results. Table 1 gives summarized values for both plots showing that the standard deviation of the intelligent system is much lower than the standard deviation obtained for the open-loop encoding system, which results in reduction in burstiness and data loss. Moreover in Table 1, the GOP size is averaged for both systems and there are more GOP sizes for the intelligent system than the open-loop system demonstrating more data for transmission resulting in better picture quality. Ra and ractual (kbit/s) 0 3000 2000 1000 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Frame Number Fig. 3. Matrix Reloaded – Open-loop encoding system results for arrival rate (Ra) and actual transmission rate (ractual). Fig. 3 and Fig. 4 summarise the results obtained from the conventional open-loop system and the proposed intelligent system respectively. It can be seen that in terms of transmission rate, the intelligent technique can manipulate the MPEG encoder as well as regulate the bit rate in order to keep the output bit rate Rd in line with the actual transmission speed ractual much better than the open-loop system. The burstiness of video data in Fig. 4 is much better controlled for the departure rate Rd than the arrival rate Ra resulting in better image quality. The overall data drop is much more for the open-loop system in Fig. 3 than the intelligent system in Fig. 4. Picture frames from both systems were captured for the comparison purposes. It was observed that the frames from the open-loop system display data loss, noise and distortion. However, the original image could roughly be seen and this is because of the advanced technique in spatial compression offered by MPEG scheme. The motion vector is a very important part in reconstructing the image for the B picture, which was allowed to be dropped in this work. With full set or part of motion vector, the image can be reconstructed from the reference frame(s). Furthermore, the open-loop system experienced severe loss in many frames in fast moving events, while the images captured from the intelligent system showed no data loss. In this scenario, no data survives for the particular pictures in the open-loop system, and without motion vectors, the images cannot be reconstructed. 2008 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ 2008) 249 Ra (kbit/s) 3000 REFERENCES 2000 [1] 1000 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 [2] Frame Number Rd (kbit/s) 3000 [3] 2000 1000 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 [4] Frame Number ractual (kbit/s) [5] 3000 2000 1000 0 0 [6] 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Ra, Rd, and ractual (kbit/s) Frame Number [7] 3000 2000 [8] 1000 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 [9] Frame Number [10] Fig. 4. 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The work was carried out at London Metropolitan University, UK. 250 View publication stats 2008 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ 2008)