Uploaded by Amr Magdi Salem

Cost Element Group Hierarchy

61101000 Basic Salaries
61102000 Overtime
61103000 Employee Bonus
61104000 Housing Allowance
61105000 Transportation Allowance
61106000 Work Type Allowance ‐ Hardship Site
61107000 Leave ‐ Pay (Unutilized Leave)
61108000 Secondment (Per Diem)
61109000 Personal Incentives & Rewards
61110000 Employees Tickets
61111000 Relocation Allowance
CCR‐L1: Employee Related Expenses‐L
61112000 Family Allowance
61113000 Medical and Maternity Allowance
61190000 Other Allowances & Expenses
61201000 Employer's Pension & Retirements Auth.Co
61202100 Over/Under recovery from Insurance claim
61202000 GOSI Employer Contribution
61203000 Non Claimable Medical Expenses
61204000 Medical Insurance
61205000 Children School Fees
61206000 Employee Accommodation Rent
61301000 End of Service Expense
65908000 Staff Hire Charges
21001 Maintenance cost settled
21002 Cost settled from IO
21003 Plant P/L Closing (Billing Variance)
21101 PS settlement ‐ Material
21102 PS settlement ‐ Labor
21103 PS settlement ‐ Var Project Cost
21104 PS settlement ‐ Fixed Project Cost
21105 PS settlement ‐ Fin. and GA
CCR‐L: Employee Related Cost‐L
21110 Project settle REV
21120 Labour Camp Cost Internal Allocation
31001 RA CE Materials
31002 RA CE Labor
31003 RA CE Var. Project Cost
31004 RA CE Fixed Project Cost
31005 RA CE Fin and GA
31006 RA CE Rev
42001 Labour cost from CATS difference posting
42002 Labour camp cost assessed
CCR‐L2: Other Operating Expenses‐L
42003 Project office/ management overheads
42004 Genera Admn assessed to PA and PCA
43001 Labor cost Activity type
43002 Labor cost Allocation
43003 Mason labour
43004 Labor Cost Plant Activity Type
43005 Labor Visa&Ins&other Activity Type
65603000 Residence Permit Fees
65604000 Work Permit Fees
65605000 Blood Test and other Exp
65607000 Recruitment charges
65608000 Training Expense
65611000 Conveyance Expense
65806000 Insurance ‐ Workers. Compensation
65909000 Labor Hire Charges
66004000 Security Services
66301000 Business Travel ‐ tickets
66302000 Business Travel ‐Accommodation Expenses
66303000 Business Travel ‐ Per Diem Expenses
66304000 Business Travel ‐ Other Expense
CCR‐L3: Inter‐Company Expense Accounts‐L
67104000 Inter Company Visa Cost Reallocation
67105000 Inter Company Camp Cost Reallocation
62101000 Raw Material ‐ Consumption
62101009 Raw Material ‐ Adjustments
62102000 Finished Products ‐ Consumption
62103000 Trading Goods ‐ Consumption
62104000 Operating Supplies ‐ Consumption
62105000 Spare Parts ‐ Consumption
62107000 Gen Tools ‐ Consumption
62108000 Fabricated /SFG Consumption
62109000 Packaging Consumption
62110000 Transport cost
CCR‐M1: Material Expenses‐M
62111000 Unallocated Contract Cost
62201000 Raw Material ‐ Change in stock
62202000 Finished Products ‐Change in stock
62203000 Trading Goods ‐ Change in stock
62204000 Operating Supplies ‐ Change in stock
62205000 Waste ‐ change in stock
62206000 Spare Parts ‐ change in stock
62207000 General Tools Change in stock
CCR‐M: Material Related Expenses‐M
62208000 Fabricated /SFG Change in stock
62209000 Packaging change in stock
62210000 Expense on capital account ‐ AUC
64104000 Other Equipment ‐ Depreciation
CCR‐M2: Depreciation Amortization‐M
64105000 Information Technology ‐ Depreciation
64107000 Furniture & Fittings ‐ Depreciation
64107009 Furniture & Fittings ‐ Dep Adjustment
65106000 Repair & Maint. Service‐ Furniture and F
65401000 Electricity & Water Expense
65402000 Gas Expenses
65403000 Diesel Expenses
65404000 Vehicle Fuel
CCR‐M3: Other Operating Expenses‐M
CCR: Cost Control Report
65601000 Printing & Stationery
65606000 Uniform Exp
65701000 Inventory Provision Expense
65702000 Invoice Price Variance
65703000 Gain or Loss of Inven. Discrepancie, Wri
65704000 Inventory Revaluation Adjsutment
65807000 Insurance ‐ Freight
63101000 Subcontractors
CCR‐S1: Subcontractor Work‐S
63102000 Maintenance & Defect Liability Costs
63103000 Inter‐company Sub‐contracting costs
CCR‐S: Subcontractor Related Work‐S
63201000 Other SubContractor Work
CCR‐S2: Other Operating Expenses‐S
65101000 Repair & Maintenance Service‐ Buildings
65201000 Research & development
64103000 Construction Equipment ‐ Depreciation
64109009 Const. Tool ‐ Depreciation Adjustment
64103009 Const. Equipment ‐ Depreciation Adjustme
CCR‐E1: Depreciation Amortization‐E
64106000 Motor Vehicles ‐ Depreciation
64106009 Motor Vehicles ‐ Depreciation Adj.
64109000 Tools ‐ Depreciation
64110000 Expensed Assets ‐ Depreciation
64120000 Scaffolding‐Foamworks ‐ Depreciation
65102000 Repair & Maint. Service‐ Construction Eq
65103000 Repair & Maintenance Service‐ other Equi
65105000 Repair & Maintenance Service‐ Motor Vehi
CCR‐E: Operating Exp and Depreatiation‐E
65107000 Repair & Maintenance Service‐ Tools
65405000 Vehicle Hire Charges (Expense)
65602000 Vehicles License Fees
CCR‐E2: Other Operating Expenses‐E
65801000 Insurance ‐ Plant & Equipment
65802000 Insurance ‐ Vehicle
65902000 Renting and Leasing ‐ Equipment
65903000 Renting and Leasing ‐ Motor Vehicles
65904000 Renting and Leasing ‐ Scaffolding
66105000 Equipment Transport License
66106000 Equipment Yearly Circular Tax
CCR‐E3: Inter‐Company Expense Accounts‐E
67101000 Inter Company Equipment Rental
67102000 Inter Company Plant Services
64101000 Lands and Land Improvement ‐ Depreciatio
64102000 Buildings ‐ Depreciation
CCR‐O1: Depreciation Amortization‐O
64108000 Leasehold Improvements ‐ Depreciation
64201000 Amortization of Goodwill
64202000 Amortization of Patents & Trademarks
65104000 Repair & Maint. Service‐ Information Tec
65108000 Repairs & Maintenance Service‐Other
65301000 Advertising Expense
65302000 Exhibition Expense
65303000 Market Research Expense
65304000 Hospitality Expenses
65406000 Parking Charges
65501000 Internet Expenses
65502000 Landline & Fax ‐ Telephone
65503000 Mobile‐ Telephone
65504000 Postage & Courier Expenses
65610000 Tender Fee
65612000 Refreshment Expense
65613000 Entertainment Expenses
65614000 Gift Expenses
65803000 Insurance ‐ Fire
65804000 Insurance ‐ Cash in Transit
65805000 Insurance ‐ Fidelity
65808000 Insurance ‐ Contractor all risk
CCR‐O2: Other Operating Expenses‐O
65809000 Insurance ‐ others
65901000 Renting and Leasing ‐ Property
66001000 Legal Services
66002000 Audit Services
66003000 Consultation Services
CCR‐O: Overhead Related Expenses‐O
66005000 Seminars‐Conference Services
66006000 Journals & Magazines Subscriptions
66007000 Membership Fees
66008000 Management Fee Inter company (Expense)
66101000 Trade Licence and Registration Fees
66102000 Commercial Registration and License Se
66107000 Fiscal Stamps for Contracts and General
66108000 Assigned cost
66201000 Bad Debts
66401000 Bank Transaction Charges
66402000 LC Commissions
66403000 LG & LC Charges
66404000 Bid Bond Commissions
66405000 APG Commissions
66406000 PB Commissions
66407000 Retention Release Guaranty Commissions
CCR‐O3: Inter‐Company Expense Accounts‐O
67103000 Inter Company Shared Services
70101000 Bank OD Interest Expense
70102000 HOD Interest Expense
CCR‐O4: Financial Interest Charges‐O
70103000 Commitment Fees
70104000 Other Financial Charges
70901000 Other Financial Charges
78102000 Deferred Expense for Tax
CCR‐O5: Other Miscellaneous Expenses‐O
78901000 Donation, Social & Environmental Service
78902000 Zakat Expense
78903000 Compensation & Penalties Expenses
79001000 Tax on Credit Interest
CCR‐O6: Tax Expenses‐O
79002000 Income Tax on Profit
79003000 Tax on Previous Years Studies
79004000 Other Taxes