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Science: Definition, Branches, and Impact

Science is the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the
structure and the laws of nature with thorough experiment and practical observation. Science is
divided into three branches: Natural sciences, Social sciences, Formal sciences.
When we talk about Science, it is a broad subject of discussion. It was what helps human beings
to mold this present world into we live in. Science has helped a lot in human development, and
it’s even the key to human developments.
Science has brought so many of the things in the purview of rational understanding and
Science and rationality
Science has made it possible to find an explanation for most things that take place around us. In
ancient times, people were being taken advantage of their ignorance by those who had even a bit
of grasp over the laws of science. People’s fears were manipulated into an advantage for the
unscrupulous elements. Science has largely eliminated that harassment.
Science and information
Science has made information so easy that it is realistically available at one’s fingertips. It is
easily exchanged within seconds and globally available as well as accessible.
Blessings of Science
The study of science helps to read, study and understand the earth and other
planetary bodies.
The knowledge of science helps to study our planet earth. To know when and
where precipitation will occur, to study climate change, to predict, mitigate and
escape natural disasters, etc.
It shapes the development of human being in many ways like innovations.
Innovations come about with the help of Science. Machines invented helps to carry
out more tedious work without consuming much time and energy. An invention of
home appliances. Fertilizers for farming and mechanization. Improvements in the
health system. Weapon and artilleries for the military. Advance learning system —
dissemination of Information.
Science is one of the crucial aspects of human life. It creates immensely in our ways of life both
the natural and social sciences. It’s what help to shape the present world we live in. With the ease
that we move around in life today, what else can we call science but a blessing!