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Introduc)on to Global Trade Management Asli Yimenicioglu Principal Product Strategy Manager October 27, 2014 Copyright © 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | Program Agenda 1 Strategy & Overview 2 Product CapabiliIes 3 4 Future Plans Open Q&A Copyright © 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Oracle |C onfidenIal – Internal/Restricted/Highly Restricted 3 Strategy & Overview Copyright © 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Oracle |C onfidenIal – Internal/Restricted/Highly Restricted 4 Oracle Global Trade Management Solu)on Global Trade
• OpImizes and executes the customs and compliance acIviIes across all orders and shipments • CapabiliIes – Denied Party Screening Distributed
Supply Chain &
Order Mgmt
– SancIon & Embargo Screening – Product ClassificaIon – Trade Control DeterminaIon & License Management – Customs Management Fleet
Copyright © 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | Typical Supply Chain Today 3) Export from US to EU • Product ClassificaIon • Embargo Check/ DRPL Screening • Export License Management • PrinIng of Export Documents • Electronic CommunicaIon (AES) 1) Import to US from China • Product ClassificaIon • Embargo Check • DRPL Screening • Import License Management • PrinIng of Import Documents 4
2) Import to US from Mexico • Product ClassificaIon • Embargo Check • DRPL Screening • Import License Management • NAFTA 5) Export from EU to Other Countries 4) Import to EU from US • Product ClassificaIon • Embargo Check • DRPL Screening • Import License Management • Free CirculaIon • Transit Procedures • Duty & VAT CalculaIons • PrinIng of Import Documents • Electronic CommunicaIon • Product ClassificaIon • Embargo Check • DRPL Screening • Export License Mgmt • PrinIng of Export Docs • Electronic CommunicaIon (NCTS, ATLAS, etc.) • Trade Preference Processing • ResItuIon Handling (NCTS, ATLAS, etc.) 5/29/14 Copyright © 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Oracle |C onfidenIal – Internal 6 Global Trade Remains Manual Process In many key areas, most companies have no automated capability • “Forty percent of respondents uIlized manual/spreadsheet-­‐
based processes to manage their import operaIons and compliance…” Import Opera+ons and Compliance Benchmark Study (2011), American Shipper Copyright © 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | Oracle Global Trade Management Go-­‐to-­‐Market Strategy Delivers… GTM 6.3
Complex Global
Basic Imports
Aerospace & Defense
GTM 6.1
High Tech Exports
Industrial Mfg/Life
Replace Vastera
GTM 6.4.x
ELC (Import/
Duty Relief
Early Adopter Support Oracle
wanted GTM
GTM 6.2
ERP Integration
GTM 6.3.3
Expanded Trade Content
Complex Import
Global Trade Analytics
Copyright © 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | Oracle GTM Strategy Council Established in 2007 Copyright © 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | Oracle GTM DifferenIators • Na)ve Trade & Transporta)on PlaQorm – Oracle GTM is built on the same plaQorm as Oracle Transporta)on Management (OTM) providing customers with a holis)c global logis)cs plaQorm to manage their trade and transporta)on requirements. • Adapt Quickly – No hard-­‐coded regulaIons – Company-­‐specific, configured trade rules – Changes to regulaIons made by business user vs. custom coding – Adapt quickly to new markets, products, mergers, regulaIons, etc. • Global Design – Automate and manage the trade compliance and import/export challenges encountered in global cross-­‐border transacIons. – Single source of truth for global trade 5/29/14 Copyright © 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Oracle |C onfidenIal – Internal 10 ERP IntegraIon • ERP agnostic
• SAP, Oracle, etc • Multiple sources
integrated to
single GTM
• MulIple order types • Sales order Master Data XML / Web Services TransacIon
al Data Global Trade Manageme
nt Manua
l • Purchase order • Service order • Shipments TransacIons Received Engine Calls 5/29/14 Copyright © 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Oracle |C onfidenIal – Internal 11 Enterprise-­‐Wide Global Trade Management Mul)-­‐domain architecture Top Level Full Visibility Parent Compan
y Business 1 Business 2 … Business n Domains Par++oned Visibility & Func+onalit
y Configure Sonware for Specific Divisions / Lines of Business •
Business Logic: User interface, workflow, reports, integraIons Security: Segmented data and funcIonal security “CustomizaIon” via configuraIon Expand without having to buy another system 5/29/14 Copyright © 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Oracle |C onfidenIal – Internal 12 Architecture: Configure vs. Customize • Flexibility to model your unique processes without customizaIon Hold Screen Assign License Create Order Configurable Rules Engines, Workflow, and User Interfaces Monitor & Audit Ship Create Docs Declare Export 5/29/14 – Reduces implementaIon Ime – Easy to change and evolve – Automate funcIons • Benefits – Increases long-­‐term flexibility & responsiveness – Improves return on investment – Lowers total cost of ownership Copyright © 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Oracle |C onfidenIal – Internal 13 Value of OTM+GTM Plaporm • Reduced IntegraIon – 1 set of internal integraIons for orders, shipments, items, parIes, etc. – 1 set of external party integraIons for suppliers, brokers, carriers, etc. – No integraIon between TransportaIon & Global Trade systems • Unified InformaIon – Single, global repository of master data & transacIons (items, orders, shipments, documents) – ReporIng & business intelligence • Shared Processes & Workflow – Integrated & synchronized transportaIon and trade processes – no silos, no latency – Trade driven transportaIon decisions and vice versa • Visibility & Event Management – End-­‐to-­‐end order-­‐shipment status & milestone tracking – ProacIve resoluIon & alerIng (e.g., compliance hold à updated delivery ETA à impact on shipments) Copyright © 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | Oracle GTM DifferenIators • NaIve Trade & TransportaIon Plaporm – Oracle GTM is built on the same plaporm as Oracle TransportaIon Management (OTM) providing customers with a holisIc global logisIcs plaporm to manage their trade and transportaIon requirements. • Adapt Quickly – No hard-­‐coded regula)ons – Company-­‐specific, configured trade rules – Changes to regula)ons made by business user vs. custom coding – Adapt quickly to new markets, products, mergers, regula)ons, etc. • Global Design – Automate and manage the trade compliance and import/export challenges encountered in global cross-­‐border transacIons. – Single source of truth for global trade 5/29/14 Copyright © 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Oracle |C onfidenIal – Internal 15 Oracle GTM DifferenIators • NaIve Trade & TransportaIon Plaporm – Oracle GTM is built on the same plaporm as Oracle TransportaIon Management (OTM) providing customers with a holisIc global logisIcs plaporm to manage their trade and transportaIon requirements. • Adapt Quickly – No hard-­‐coded regulaIons – Company-­‐specific, configured trade rules – Changes to regulaIons made by business user vs. custom coding – Adapt quickly to new markets, products, mergers, regulaIons, etc. • Global Design – Automate and manage the trade compliance and import/export challenges encountered in global cross-­‐border transac)ons. – Single source of truth for global trade 5/29/14 Copyright © 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Oracle |C onfidenIal – Internal 16 Oracle Global Trade Management Single Global PlaQorm Control Globally… •
Classify, screen, monitor, & file for all orders / shipments -­‐ All divisions -­‐ All product flows (inbound, outbound, internal) -­‐ All modes of transportaion • Visibility across the global network Execute Locally… • Accommodate line of business, geographic region, and supply chain flow-­‐specific business pracIces -­‐ Workflows, business logic, reports, etc. • Using mulIple languages and currencies -­‐ User interface configuraIon by region / country, user groups Manage Centrally… •
All operaIonal informaIon in one locaIon -­‐ Centralized visibility -­‐ Centralized reporIng • Single set of integraIon points for customers, brokers, & other partners • Single informaIon technology infrastructure to support 5/29/14 Copyright © 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Oracle |C onfidenIal – Internal 17 A Few of Our Customers. . . High Technology Industrial Aerospace & Defense Manufacturing Life Sciences Oil & Gas Retail 5/29/14 LogisIcs & Services Copyright © 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Oracle |C onfidenIal – Internal 18 Product CapabiliIes Copyright © 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Oracle |C onfidenIal – Internal/Restricted/Highly Restricted 19 Oracle Global Trade Management Product Family Classify Execute Screen File / Report Audit Global Trade Management Global Trade Management Trade Compliance Customs Management Global Trade Intelligence Content Management Trade Control DeterminaIon Customs Policy Management Trade AnalyIcs Master Data Management Policy Management Shipment ConsolidaIon Global Trade KPI Library Product ClassificaIon License Management Customs Filing + AES Import & Export Dashboards Restricted/SancIon Screening ITAR Compliance Customs Documents Mobile BI Plaporm 5/29/14 Copyright © 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Oracle |C onfidenIal – Internal 20 Oracle Global Trade Management Product Overview CHALLENGE Provide a centralized, global solu)on to manage worldwide trade compliance processes, collabora)on, and connec)vity • Centrally manage master trade data for global operaIons – Items, ParIes, & Bill of Materials synchronized with your ERP(s) – RegistraIons required for customs and compliance • Product ClassificaIon for all countries and classificaIon types – Visibility of DuIes, Taxes, OGA Codes, and ADD/CVD flags • Screen master data and transacIons – Missing Product ClassificaIons; Denied/Restricted Party Lists; SancIons & Embargoes • System Infrastructure – Workflow, Messaging, Business Monitor, Security, User Management, Advanced Layout, Work Queues, Documents Copyright © 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | Centralized Trade Data Repository Global Approach • Trade Item (as shown) • Bill of Materials
• Trade Party – Customers, Suppliers, Brokers, etc
• RegulaIon Management – Government regulaIons – Process specific business rules – Company specific policies Copyright © 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | “As many classifica)ons as you want!!” Bill of Materials (BOM) Trade Item Structure • Product ClassificaIon • Compliance Screening “What does my Bill of Material look like?” – Regulatory Controls – License Requirements – DocumentaIon Required – InspecIon Requirements Copyright © 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | Product ClassificaIon Trade Item Data “What classifica)on is appropriate for my item?” • ClassificaIon Lookup • ClassificaIon TranslaIon • ClassificaIon Templates • Detect Invalid ClassificaIon • Mass Update • Integrate with Product Data Hub Copyright © 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | Duty & Tax Analysis “What du)es and taxes apply?” Copyright © 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | Tariff Details – OGA, CVD, ADD and UOMs “Do Other Government Agencies restrict this item on import?” “Are there any du)es and taxes?” Copyright © 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | Export Control Regulations
Sample from Export Administration Regulations
“Is my item
subject to any
“What else do I
need to know?”
Copyright © 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | Munitions Lists
Example Data from US Munitions List
“Which items are
covered on the
“What else do I
need to know?”
Copyright © 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | Trade TransacIon Management • Trade TransacIon creaIon – Trade TransacIon – models purchase order, sales order, shipment, etc. – Integrate with any external source (ERP systems) – NaIve integraIon with OTM • Trade Compliance processing “Which transac)ons are on hold?” “Poten)al restricted par)es on this order?” – Restricted ParIes – Controls: licenses, documents, filings, etc – AutomaIcally hold/release Copyright © 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | Restricted Party Screening • Screen any type of party “How conserva)ve do I want my screening to be?” – Customers, suppliers, banks, employees, etc. • Screen any type of transacIon “Which par)es need to be reviewed?” – Purchase order, sales order, service parts • Screen against mulIple lists “Who are my poten)al matches? Which list are they on?” – Government agencies, internal lists • Support mulIple processes – QuoIng, booking, shipping, service, hiring, front desk Copyright © 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | Oracle Trade Compliance Product Overview Party Created
Ship Goods
& Product Classified
Order Creation
CHALLENGE Provide a centralized, global solu)on to manage worldwide compliance regula)ons, trade controls, and licenses Party
Tender to
Pick &
Create Export
• Trade Control Management – Screen at the Item or Component Level for Trade Controls requiring Licenses or ExcepIons on Imports & Exports – Screen for OGA, ADD, CVD, and Quota flags on Imports – Flexible business rules engine allows modeling customer process to respond toany global regulaIons, corporate policies, or other applicable trade controls and processes • License Management – Repository to store licenses, permits, or other import/export authorizaIons – AutomaIcally assign matching licenses to shipments – Manage and monitor licenses during their lifecycle – Assign Licenses at either the Item or Component Level based on regulatory controls Copyright © 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | Trade Control DeterminaIon Anywhere-­‐to-­‐Anywhere “What type of control? US export license” • Trade Control Examples – Licenses – License ExcepIons – Documents • Compliance Rules Engine 1
– Auribute based – Product classificaIons, ship-­‐
from, ship-­‐to, quanIIes, end-­‐
use, jurisdicIons, etc, “Which agributes trigger this control” – Model and enforce regulatory and corporate policies – Screen Items & Components 1
Copyright © 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | License Management “Which licenses do I have available?” “Which licenses can I use for this transac)on?” “When does this license expire? What is the remaining balance” Copyright © 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | Oracle Customs Management Product Overview Authority CHALLENGE Provide a centralized, global solu)on to manage worldwide customs processes, collabora)on, and connec)vity Importer / Exporter with Oracle Global Trade Management • Delivered as a new module of Oracle Global Trade Management • Centrally manage worldwide customs operaIons – Determine electronic filing & documentaIon requirements – Virtually consolidate shipments if needed – Prepare & validate data including currency & UoM conversion – Transmit filings & documents to regulatory bodies or trading partners – Standardize global processes, communicaIon, and error resoluIon • Reduce spend & reliance on trading partners • CerIfied with US Census/Customs for AES Filing Copyright © 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | Customs Brokers Filing Vendors Customs Filing Capabili)es in Oracle Customs Management Determine Filings Required Determine Documents Required Ensure Data Availability Review Criteria Consolidate Shipments Determine Required Data UoM Conversion Validate Data Format Data Generate Filing Generate Documents Transmit to Partners & AuthoriIes Monitor Status Audit Filings Copyright © 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | Store Response Generate Appropriate Workflow Create Shipment • Consolidate from MulIple TransacIons • Both Lines from Original Shipments Copied in EnIrety • QuanIIes & Values Summed to Reflect New Totals • Matching Data AutomaIcally Copied Over Copyright © 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | Managing a Document’s Lifecycle “Where do I manage revisions?” “Can I preview a document?” • Easily review documents or electronic filings associated with a shipment Copyright © 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | Document Management • Shipment Document DeterminaIon • Document Statuses • Define Reviewers, Subscribers, etc • Manage Revisions • Include Text Templates based on TransacIon • Barcode support Copyright © 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | Oracle Global Trade Intelligence
Product Overview
CHALLENGE Leverage global trade data in order to op)mize processes in support of both strategic and tac)cal corporate ini)a)ves • Configurable dashboards with user-defined global trade performance metrics
• Ability to monitor metrics against business targets, benchmarks, and forecasts
• Role-based alerting to ensure the right personnel are notified of exceptions and
deviations from plan
• Drill down from a metric into supporting shipment data to pinpoint trouble spots
• Ad-hoc querying and reporting of your customs and compliance information
• Single platform for trade and transportation analytics and visibility*
• Delivered as a new module of Oracle Global Trade Management
* Also requires Fusion Transportation
Copyright © 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | Oracle Global Trade Intelligence
GTI Default Dashboard
Copyright © 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | Oracle Global Trade Management Cloud Service Connec)ng Your Business Globally XML Web Services Product Classifica)
on ITM Adapter for EBS Sanc)ons and Embargoes Restricted Party List Screening Customs Procedures Global Trade Content Regulatory Compliance Metrics and Analy)cs CustomsInfo Content Interface Content Management Interoperability Service File Sharing via Email Scalable Extendable Secure Copyright © 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 41 Roadmap & Future Plans Copyright © 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Oracle |C onfidenIal – Internal/Restricted/Highly Restricted 42 Safe Harbor Statement The following is intended to outline our general product direcIon. It is intended for informaIon purposes only, and may not be incorporated into any contract. It is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or funcIonality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. The development, release, and Iming of any features or funcIonality described for Oracle’s products remains at the sole discreIon of Oracle. Copyright © 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Oracle |C onfidenIal – Internal/Restricted/Highly Restricted 43 Oracle GTM Proposed Roadmap Phase 4 Special Duty Programs Free Trade Agreement Support Phase 5 Complex Retail & Trade Finance • Customs Management • Customs ValuaIon • Duty & Tax CalculaIon • Landed Cost Sımulator • Entry Management • Duty Relief Programs • Expanded Filing Partnerships (US/EU) • Trade Agreements • Eligibility Screening • Campaign Management / Supplier SolicitaIon • Trade Agreements • FTA QualificaIon • Rules of Origin • CerIficates of Origin • Trade Finance • Leuers of Credit/Open Accounts • Wire Transfers • Bank Payment ObligaIons (BPO) • Invoice Matching/ReconciliaIon • Document Management • Single AdministraIve Document (SAD) [EU] • ISF [US] Phase 6 Supply Chain Security & IntegraIon • Global Trade Management • IntegraIons: Tax, LCM, Procurement, • Supply Chain Security • AEO (EU) • C-­‐TPAT (US) • Other Security Program Support • Reporlng & Analy)cs • Carrier Broker Scorecards • Document Management • Intrastat [EU] • Packıng Slıp • Other Customer Drıven Documents Copyright © 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | Q&A
Q&A Copyright © 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | Copyright © 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Oracle |C onfidenIal – Internal/Restricted/Highly Restricted 46 