Uploaded by REAGAN BATES

IHP cheat sheet (1)

IHPs – cheat sheet
Already in our IHP Library
Click on Library at top of screen
Click on IHP templates
All templates marked in red are
ones which have already been
downloaded from PSNI
Click on one and it will pop up in
the right hand screen and you can
view it to see if it will work
Don’t see one in IHP Library
Click on Library at top of screen
Click on IHP templates
Click on the browse button at
bottom of the box – it takes you to
PSNI IHP Pavilion
o These are IHPs that have
been submitted and vetted
by nurses
Search for the issue you are looking
for on the left side box
Click on the issue – it will then
show up on the right side box
o If there is more than 1 the
all show up on the right
On right side click on blue hyperlink
– it will show you the template.
Once you find one you like – click
on the download button
Once downloaded the IHP will
show up as red in the IHP library
Making your own IHP
Click on IHP button on
students’ record
Click on new button on top box
Click on condition for what you
Click right arrow key
o Box pops up saying
there is no IHP
template, do you want
to continue – click yes
There start following: 4.b. – if
you want to add another
diagnosis of the Making IHP’s in
SNAP instruction sheet