Classify materials as heat conductors or insulators Describe evidence that gases and liquids are poor conductors of heat Explain why metals are good conductors of heat? Explain why hot fluids and gases rise and cooler fluids and gases sink? Describe how a simple home radiator heats a room? State the how the colour of a surface affects how much sunlight it will absorb (Google) Use ideas of expansion and contraction to describe why hot fluids rise Apply the particle model to convection Using evidence and the particle model (Left) to explain the difference in conductance of heat between metals Use the images below to explain each type of heat transfer method Describe the effect of heating on the density of liquids and gases and use this to explain why hot fluids rise Predict which colour materials will cool or heat faster in the same environment Explain why houses are different colours in warmer climates Explain the use of survival blankets Explain how an IR camera works in detecting temperature