See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Ecosystem Functioning of Great Salt Lake Wetlands Article in Wetlands · July 2020 DOI: 10.1007/s13157-020-01333-1 CITATIONS READS 0 77 4 authors, including: Karin M. Kettenring Utah State University 90 PUBLICATIONS 1,793 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Holocentric chromosome evolution and the origins of biodiversity in a hyper-diverse plant lineage View project Ecological implications of trait variation in common reed View project All content following this page was uploaded by Karin M. Kettenring on 29 July 2020. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. Wetlands ECOSYSTEM SERVICES OF WETLANDS Ecosystem Functioning of Great Salt Lake Wetlands Maya C. Pendleton 1 & Samuel Sedgwick 1 & Karin M. Kettenring 1 & Trisha B. Atwood 1 Received: 25 February 2020 / Accepted: 19 June 2020 # Society of Wetland Scientists 2020 Abstract Like many wetlands worldwide, Great Salt Lake (GSL) wetlands have been declining. Yet, little is known about the ecosystem functions provided by the different GSL wetland plant species. This knowledge gap hinders predictions of the effects of species loss and restoration practices on ecosystem functioning. To better understand how the loss of different habitat types affects the provisioning of ecosystem functions, we quantified eight functions and multifunctionality (the support of multiple functions simultaneously) across seven dominant GSL wetland habitat types. Habitats varied greatly in their capacity to perform functions. However, no single habitat type supported all eight functions even at 20% of the maximum value for each individual function. We found that native plants Typha latifolia and Schoenoplectus acutus and invasive Phragmites australis had the highest levels of multifunctionality. Although these three species were able to support more functions, we found that a diversity of habitats are required to maintain the breadth of ecosystem functions examined. This study supports the idea that habitat heterogeneity is critical in supporting a multifunctional environment, and that habitat homogenization may cause a reduction in functioning provided by GSL wetlands. Keywords Habitat diversity . Phragmites australis . Ecosystem services . Multifunctionality . Scales of biodiversity Introduction Wetlands cover only approximately 5% of the Earth’s surface, yet they contribute nearly 40% of the ecosystem functions (i.e., sizes of compartments of materials and rates of processing) and services provided by ecosystems (Zedler and Kercher 2005). Despite their importance, wetlands are some of the most endangered ecosystems globally. In the twentieth century, urbanization and the expansion of agriculture accelerated wetland loss, culminating in a 50–87% loss of global wetlands (Zedler and Kercher 2005, Davidson 2014). This loss paired with the functional and economic value of wetlands inspired the U.S. government to create a no-net-loss of wetlands policy (Mitsch and Gosselink 2000). However, current wetland restoration and mitigation practices often fail to produce wetlands that provide functions and services similar to natural Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article ( contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. * Trisha B. Atwood 1 Department of Watershed Sciences and the Ecology Center, Utah State University, Logan, UT, USA wetlands (Zedler and Callaway 1999; Moreno-Mateos et al. 2012). The inability to restore or maintain natural levels of wetland functioning may be due to a lack of understanding of how biodiversity in wetlands influences functions (Zedler 2000; Meli et al. 2014). In addition to habitat loss, the structure and species composition of North American wetlands have been changing as a result of the spread of invasive species (Zedler and Kercher 2004). One of the most prolific invaders across North American wetlands is Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud. (common reed; Chambers et al. 1999). Although P. australis is native to parts of North America and was historically widespread, it was not a dominant species (i.e., high cover relative to other plants) in wetlands (Saltonstall 2003). However, an invasive lineage comprised of multiple haplotypes introduced from Eurasia has resulted in the aggressive spread of P. australis, and the homogenization of North American wetlands (Saltonstall 2003; Lambertini et al. 2012; Chambers et al. 1999; Silliman and Bertness 2004; Kettenring et al. 2012). Accordingly, P. australis control is a top priority for managers across the continent (Hazelton et al. 2014). Although biodiversity-ecosystem functioning research has helped scientists make predictions about the potential outcome of invasive species on ecosystem functions in many systems Wetlands (Charles and Dukes 2008), its applicability to wetland systems has been relatively limited until recently (Meli et al. 2014). Early biodiversity-ecosystem functioning research predicts that a decline in species diversity, in general, should lead to a decline in ecosystem functioning (Cardinale et al. 2006; Hector and Bagchi 2007). However, many wetland systems are naturally species-poor (Zedler and Kercher 2005), at least at the patchlevel, with a mosaic of habitats where plants grow in large monotypic stands. Furthermore, early biodiversity-ecosystem functioning research focused on the effects of diversity on the provisioning of single ecosystem functions (i.e., functions are analyzed independently of one another) (Hooper et al. 2005; Tilman, et al. 2012). The focus on independent ecosystem functions, however, does not account for synergies and trade-offs among functions. As a result, the applicability of independent ecosystem functioning studies to the conservation and management of wetlands is limited because most wetlands are managed for a diversity of stakeholders that value different ecosystem functions (Maltby 1991; Zedler 2000; Euliss et al. 2008). Two advances in biodiversity-ecosystem functioning research has made this discipline more meaningful for understanding the ecology of wetlands and for informing wetland management. First, biodiversity-ecosystem functioning research has expanded the spatial scale over which diversity is measured. In addition to species diversity, biodiversityecosystem functioning studies are beginning to investigate the relationship between habitat- or landscape-level diversity and ecosystem functioning, making the results more applicable to systems that have low alpha diversity but high habitatlevel diversity (Pasari et al. 2013; van der Plas et al. 2016; Alsterberg et al. 2017). Second, biodiversity-ecosystem functioning research has extended the study of ecosystem functioning to multifunctionality. Multifunctionality is the provisioning of multiple ecosystem functions simultaneously, and studies have suggested that even higher levels of biodiversity are required to support multifunctionality compared to the delivery of a single function (Hector and Bagchi 2007; Mouillot et al. 2011; Zavaleta et al. 2010; Maestre et al. 2012a; Lefcheck et al. 2015; Alsterberg et al. 2017). Despite the above advances in biodiversity-ecosystem functioning research, rarely have multifunctionality or habitat/landscape-diversity studies been completed in wetland systems and even less so to P. australis invasion of wetlands. We chose to focus this study on wetland ecosystem functioning in Great Salt Lake (GSL) wetlands located in northern Utah, USA. Wetlands in the GSL are both internationally and locally important ecosystems. In Utah, the GSL wetlands cover >160,000 ha, which constitutes approximately 75% of all of Utah’s wetlands (Petrie et al. 2013; UWAPJT 2015; USFWS 2018), and the site acts as an important stopover for millions of migratory birds (Paul and Manning, 2002; Aldrich and Paul, 2002). In 1983, flooding of the GSL disturbed the native wetland vegetation, allowing P. australis to spread across the landscape (Kettenring et al. 2012). As of 2012, P. australis covered an estimated ~92 km2 of GSL, and its capacity to outcompete native plants is continuing to homogenize the landscape (Long et al. 2017; Kettenring et al. 2012). The goal of this study was to determine how wetland ecosystem functioning varies by different habitat types and how the spread of invasive P. australis may be changing wetland ecosystem functions and ecosystem multifunctionality. The primary objectives of the study were to: 1) determine how independent ecosystem functions vary across different wetland habitat types. 2) determine how multifunctionality varies across different wetland habitat types. To meet these objectives, we chose to focus on eight ecosystem functions that have been identified as important or of growing interest to GSL wetland managers and stakeholders, as well as other wetlands, because they are generally known to support aspects of climate mitigation, water quality, primary production, and habitat provisioning for wildlife (Zedler and Kercher 2005; Petrie et al. 2013; Downard et al. 2014; Rohal et al. 2018). These functions include below- and above-ground carbon storage, below- and above-ground nitrogen storage, above-ground biomass (a proxy for primary production), heavy metal/trace element accumulation, seed nutrient content, and avian diversity and richness. Methods Study Area This study focused on wetlands in the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge (hereafter the Refuge) and The Nature Conservancy Great Salt Lake Shorelands Preserve (hereafter the Preserve) both located on the eastern side of the GSL (Fig. 1). The Refuge and the Preserve were selected for this study because they contain large stands of both native and non-native wetland plants. Within these two locations, we characterized ecosystem functions on five native vegetated habitat types: broadleaf cattail (Typha latifolia L.), alkali bulrush (Bolboschoenus maritimus (L.) Palla), threesquare bulrush (Schoenoplectus americanus (Pers.) Volkart ex Schinz & R. Keller), hardstem bulrush (S. acutus (Muhl. ex Bigelow) Á. Löve & D. Löve), and pickleweed (Salicornia rubra (A. Nelson), one non-native vegetated habitat type (P. australis), and one unvegetated habitat type (playa) (Table 1). These habitats represent some of the most dominant habitat types across the GSL wetland landscape (Downard et al. 2017). Using field surveys, we identified areas that were at least 400 m2 of continuous, unmixed vegetation for each of the seven habitat types. This minimum plot size was selected to reduce any interactive effects on functions from neighboring plant species. In total, we had 68 plots: T. latifolia (8 plots), B. maritimus (10 plots), S. americanus (10 plots), S. acutus (9 Wetlands Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge WA ND MT SD ID OR Great Salt Lake Shorelands Preserve WY NE Great Salt Lake NV UT CO KS CA AZ NM OK TX 0 2.5 5 10 Miles Fig. 1 Map of study site locations. The Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge and The Great Salt Lake Shorelands Preserve are outlined in white Wetlands Table 1 Descriptions and growth parameters of the 7 different habitat types investigated in this study. Habitats are grouped into two wetland types which can be defined as emergent (shallowly flooded seasonally or semi-permanently; fresh to brackish water) and playa (periodically flooded; mostly dry, highly saline and alkaline soils) wetlands. Parameters are from Downard et al. 2017 and the USDA Plant Guide Wetland Type Habitat Water Depth (cm) Salt Tolerance pH Plant Height (m) Emergent Bolboschoenus maritimus Phragmites australis Schoenoplectus acutus S. americanus 5–15 5–50 5–30 10–30 High High Low High 6–9 4.5–8.7 5.2–8.5 6.5–8.5 0.2–1.5 1–4 1–3 0.5–1.5 Low Very High – 5.5–8.7 6.5–9.4 7.5–9.5 1–3 0.1–0.3 – Playa Typha latifolia Salicornia rubra Playa 5–30 0–5 0–5 plots), S. rubra (10 plots), P. australis (10 plots), and playa (11 plots). Individual Function Measurements Below-Ground Carbon and Nitrogen Storage Below-ground carbon and nitrogen stocks were quantified using methods from Howard et al. (2014). We collected one, 15 cm composite soil core from the center of each habitat and transported them to the lab in an upright position (to reduce mixing within the core) where they were immediately processed or frozen. Because of different soil types and soil moisture we used two types of corers to extract sediments: a PVC push corer (5 cm diameter * 15 cm height) and an AMS Inc. (American Falls, ID) hand corer (2.2 cm * 15 cm height). Soils were subsampled from each core at 5 cm intervals, dried to a constant weight, and homogenized into a fine powder. Soil subsamples were analyzed for percent carbon and nitrogen content at the University of Hawaii at Hilo’s analytical lab using a Costech elemental analyzer. We calculated below-ground carbon and nitrogen stocks by combining percent content with dry bulk density. To calculate dry bulk density, we divided the sample dry weight by the core volume (supplementary Fig. S1). We used the following equation to calculate below-ground carbon and nitrogen stocks for each plot: Mg carbon ha −1 or Mg nitrogen ha−1 = (1 Mg/1,000,000 g) * (100,000,000 cm2/1 ha) * subsection thickness (cm) * bulk density (g/cm3)* (% carbon or nitrogen/100) (Howard et al. 2014). All subsections within each core were summed to determine the total carbon/ nitrogen stock per hectare of habitat. Above-Ground Biomass and above-Ground Carbon and Nitrogen Storage We collected plant biomass as a proxy for primary production (above-ground biomass production m−2) using established methods for herbaceous wetland species (Howard et al. 2014). Plant biomass samples were collected at peak production in August and September 2018. Within each vegetated plot, we randomly established three, 0.5 m2 subplots using a PVC frame. Within each 0.5 m2 subplot, we destructively harvested all rooted material (i.e., not wrack) that was both living and dead by cutting the plant at the soil-atmosphere interface. Plant samples were dried to a constant weight at 60o C and weighed. We used subsamples from the above-ground biomass samples to analyze the percent carbon and nitrogen of stems and leaves. Samples were dried at 60o C to a constant weight (~ 72 h) and homogenized to a fine powder. Percent carbon and nitrogen were analyzed at the University of Hawaii at Hilo’s analytical lab using a Costech elemental analyzer. The percent carbon and nitrogen content for each species were averaged across plots to develop a carbon and nitrogen conversion factor for each species (supplementary Table S1). Above-ground carbon and nitrogen stocks were calculated by multiplying the carbon or nitrogen content by the above-ground biomass for each plot. Heavy Metal/Trace Element Accumulation in above-Ground Biomass Within each plot, we collected 5 g of stem biomass for T. latifolia, B. maritimus, S. americanus, S. acutus, P. australis, and the entire above-ground structure for S. rubra. We chose stems because the leaves of S. americanus and S. acutus are often highly reduced and we wanted to standardize the structure of the plant that was collected, as heavy metal/trace element distributions within plant structures can vary (Stoltz and Greger 2002). However, because S. rubra’s stems are very small and not very metabolically active, we chose to collect the entire above-ground biomass. Plant samples were dried to a constant weight, ground to a fine powder, and analyzed for copper, arsenic, selenium, lead, mercury, and cadmium at the Wetlands University of Hawaii at Hilo’s analytical lab using a Varian Vista MPX ICP-OES Spectrometer. Heavy metal/trace element extractions were done using methods from Hue et al. (2000). Briefly, plant samples were dried at 55 °C, ground to a fine powder, and then ashed at 500 °C using a muffle furnace. The ash from samples were then digested in a 1 M HCl solution and the resulting slurry analyzed for heavy metals/trace elements. Heavy metal/trace element uptake by each plant species per m2 was calculated by multiplying the concentration of each metal by the plot above-ground biomass (see methods above). Seed Nutritive Value We calculated the amount of seed nutrient content per m2 by multiplying seed mass by the seed nutrient composition for each plant species. Seeds were collected from the plots in 2018 after seeds had ripened: June–July for S. acutus and S. americanus, late August–September for B. maritimus, September for T. latifolia, late September–October for P. australis, and October for S. rubra. Following this collection, we used slightly different methods to determine seed densities for the bulrush species, P. australis, T. latifolia, and S. rubra. For the bulrushes, we first counted the total number of seed heads in each 0.5 m2 subplot. We then collected three seed heads from each subplot for a total of 90 seed heads for each bulrush species. In the lab, we counted the number of seeds in 15–20 seed heads and developed an allometric equation that described the species-specific relationship between seed head weight and the number of seeds per seed head (supplementary Table S2). We then weighed the remaining seed heads, applied the allometric equation to each head that was not hand-counted, and averaged all 90 seed heads to determine the average number of seeds per seed head. To calculate the seed density in each subplot, we multiplied the average number of seeds per head by the total number of seed heads counted in each subplot. Finally, we calculated the total dry mass of seeds per plot for each species by multiplying the seed density by the average dry weight of an individual seed. For P. australis and T. latifolia, because counting the total number of seeds per seed head was impractical, we made three subsections of each seed head and counted the number of seeds per subsection. We then developed species-specific allometric equations that described the relationship between seed abundance and seed head weight (supplementary Table S2) and used this equation to estimate the number of seeds per seed head for P. australis and T. latifolia. We then used the same methods as for the bulrush species to calculate total seed density and total dry seed mass for each plot of P. australis and T. latifolia. Salicornia rubra does not produce easily identifiable flowering heads and the seeds germinate within the parent plant. Because no established methods for collecting seeds from S. rubra exist and several species of birds are known to consume the fleshy tips of S. rubra (Zedler 1982), we estimated the nutrient content by weighing the entire stem-free above-ground biomass within each subplot. To complete the seed nutrient content analysis, we collected mass amounts of each seed type from 5 plots for each species. Seeds were cleaned to ~95% pure seed. In the case of S. rubra, where seeds were not collected, the tips of the plants were used for nutrient analyses. Seeds and S. rubra tips were sent to a Certified National Testing Forage Center at Bar Diamond Lab in Parma, Idaho for analysis of apparent metabolizable energy (AME) for waterfowl, which is the gross energy of the seed minus the gross energy in the excrement. AME has been widely used in quantifying the energy of feed stuffs for birds (Miller and Reinecke, 1984). In general, the quantification of AME requires lengthy feeding trials with live birds. However, Bar Diamond Lab has developed equations that are used to estimate AME of unusual feed ingredients. See supplementary Table S3 for AME equations. Although quantifying AME through proximate analysis may under or overestimate the true AME value of a food source (which limits comparison of the raw values to other studies), because all seeds are analyzed in the same way it still allows for a relative comparison of seeds of the different study species. In addition to AME, the lab also provided information on crude protein, crude fat, ash, acid detergent fiber, neutral detergent fiber, and general energy (supplementary Table S3). Total AME per m2 of habitat (kcal/m2) was calculated by multiplying the average AME for each seed species by the total dry seed biomass or stem-free above-ground biomass for S. rubra for each plot. Avian Diversity and Richness We calculated bird diversity (Shannon diversity) for each habitat type using point counts. Point counts for each plot were conducted from the center point of each plot. Point counts were chosen because they have been used in other wetland surveys to link avian species with habitat use and are effective in dense vegetation such as P. australis and T. latifolia (Benoit and Askins 1999; Conway 2011; Wiest et al. 2016). Surveys started at sunrise and were concluded 3 h after sunrise. Surveys were conducted during Spring, Summer, and Fall of 2018 to capture the diversity of bird communities across the year. Surveys within each plot lasted 5 min and were done with two observers. It is important to note that most of the plots consisted of continuous habitat that was far greater than the minimum 400 m2 required for site selection. All birds observed and heard anywhere in the target habitat type were counted (for a list of observed birds, see supplementary Table S4). We also counted birds flushing from the habitat patch as we approached the plots to take into account birds that were disturbed by our presence. However, we excluded Wetlands fly-overs that were not specifically using a habitat type. Following the five-minute counting period, we played the calls of two secretive marsh birds, the Virginia rail, and the Sora, to detect their possible presence. Shannon diversity scores and avian richness were calculated using the “vegan” package in R version 3.4.4. We also calculated the Shannon diversity index for overall bird diversity and richness by combining data from each plot for spring, summer, and fall to give one overall index score per habitat type. indicated the average number of metals contributing to each habitat’s threshold score to visualize if metal accumulation was the main driver behind high threshold scores. After calculating maximum values for each function, we determined functional performance using a sensitivity analysis with thresholds at 20%, 40%, 60%, and 80% of the calculated maximum value for each function. The number of functions reaching each threshold was summed for each plot, with a higher sum indicating that more functions were being provided at that threshold. Multifunctionality Measurements Data Analysis To evaluate multifunctionality within each habitat type, we used two methods. The first is known as the “averaging” approach (Byrnes et al. 2014). Using the individual function data, we developed a multifunctionality index (MI) for each of the seven habitat types. We calculated an MI by first taking the mean and standard deviation of each ecosystem function to create a Z-score for each observation of that function (Maestre et al. 2012). For functions that were measured in subplots, the values were averaged together to create one value per plot, which was then Z-transformed. Z-scores are a common method for standardizing functions that have been measured in different, non-comparable units (Byrnes et al. 2014). We weighted all functions equally by adjusting the Z-scores of functions that contained multiple independent measures of that function. For example, heavy metal/trace element accumulation is a single function, however, we measured the accumulation of six different metals, which would up-weight this function if we included a Z-score for each metal independently in the MI. To equally weight the functions, we calculated a Z-score for each independent measure of that function and then took the average Z-score as the final score. To calculate the overall MI of each plot, we averaged the weighted Z-scores for all the functions (Byrnes et al. 2014), with a higher MI indicating a higher level of multifunctionality. In addition to the average MI, we also evaluated multifunctionality performance using the “threshold” approach (Byrnes et al. 2014). This approach allowed for the investigation of how many functions are being maintained above a set of desired thresholds (Byrnes et al. 2014; Gamfeldt et al. 2008; Zavaleta et al. 2010). For this approach, the threshold was based upon the averaged maximum observed value for each function. This maximum observed value was calculated by averaging the top eight scores [this averaging number was determined by using the smallest sample size of the functions measured (Byrnes et al. 2014)]. For bird diversity, we used only the overall annual Shannon diversity index as opposed to individual seasonal indices. Since habitat types varied in their capacity to store different metals/trace elements, we included each independent metal in the threshold approach. Because we did not combine the metals, we We investigated the effect of habitat type (fixed effect) on the response variables below-ground carbon and nitrogen stocks, using an analysis of variance (ANOVA). Differences among habitat types for below-ground carbon and nitrogen stocks were analyzed using a Tukey’s posthoc test. All analyses were done using the “stats” “lme4” and “multcomp” packages in R version 3.4.4. To determine the effect of habitat type (fixed effect) on the response variables above-ground carbon and nitrogen stocks, heavy metal/trace element accumulation, plant biomass, seed AME, MI and MI thresholds, we used a linear mixedeffect model (LME) with subplots as the random effect. An LME was chosen over a linear model to account for the variation that may have occurred among subplots. All analyses were done using the “lme4” and “multcomp” packages in R version 3.4.4. Differences between habitat types for all ecosystem functions were further analyzed using Tukey’s post-hoc test. Results Carbon Storage Post-hoc Tukey’s analyses indicated there was only one significant difference between the habitat types for below-ground carbon storage. Schoenoplectus americanus (63.89 ± 8.70 Mg C ha−1) had significantly lower below-ground carbon stocks than playa (85.69 ± 6.72 Mg C ha−1; P = 0.04). Bolboschoenus maritimus (82.84 ± 6.17 Mg C ha −1 ), P. australis (61.40 ± 3.64 Mg C ha−1), S. rubra (76.99 ± 5.67 Mg C ha−1), S. acutus (80.67 ± 2.89 Mg C ha−1), and T. latifolia (80.50 ± 3.95 Mg C ha−1) were not significantly different from S. americanus or playa (Fig. 2a; P < 0.01). Unlike below-ground carbon stocks, there was a significant difference between habitat types in above-ground carbon stocks (Fig. 2b). Tukey’s tests indicated that P. australis (9.47 ± 0.74 Mg C ha−1) and T. latifolia (7.00 ± 0.55 Mg C ha−1) stored significantly more above-ground carbon than the other habitat types (P < 0.01), with the exception of S. acutus (5.90 ± 0.80 Mg C ha−1) which was not significantly different from T. latifolia (P = 0.89) but was less than P. australis (P = P = 0.006 A AB AB AB B AB AB BOMA PLAYA SCAC TYLA PHAU SARU SCAM 4 3 2 1 0 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 c A A C BC C P < 0.001 AB C BOMA PLAYA SCAC TYLA PHAU SARU SCAM e P < 0.001 A AB B C C C BOMA PHAU SARU SCAC SCAM TYLA Above−ground C Stock (Mg ha-1) a Above−ground N Stock (Mg ha-1) 100 80 60 40 20 0 AME (kcal m-2) Above−ground Biomass (g m-2) Below−ground N Stock (Mg ha-1) Below−ground C Stock (Mg ha-1) Wetlands 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 P < 0.001 AB A b B C C C BOMA PHAU SARU SCAC SCAM TYLA P < 0.001 A d B C C C C BOMA PHAU SARU SCAC SCAM TYLA f P < 0.001 B B B A B B BOMA PHAU SARU SCAC SCAM TYLA Habitat Habitat Fig. 2 Average (± s.e.) individual ecosystem functions: a below-ground carbon (C) stocks, b above-ground C stocks, c below-ground nitrogen (N) stocks, d above-ground N stocks, e above-ground biomass (g m−2), and f apparent metabolizable energy (AME) among Great Salt Lake wetland habitat types. Letters above bars show significant differences between habitat types. (BOMA = Bolboschoenus maritimus, PHAU = Phragmites australis, PLAYA = playa, SARU = Salicornia rubra, SCAC = Schoenoplectus acutus, SCAM = S. americanus, and TYLA = Typha latifolia) 0.007). Bolboschoenus maritimus (1.21 ± 0.14 Mg C ha−1), S. rubra (0.34 ± 0.04 Mg C ha−1), and S. americanus (2.81 ± 0.35 Mg C ha−1) were not significantly different than one another but had 50–96% less above-ground carbon than S. acutus, P. australis and T. latifolia (Fig. 2b). Above-ground nitrogen stocks also significantly differed among habitat types (Fig. 2d; P < 0.001). However, the patterns in above-ground nitrogen stocks varied greatly from below-ground nitrogen stocks. Phragmites australis (0.43 ± 0.03 Mg N ha−1) stored significantly more above-ground nitrogen than all other habitat types (P < 0.01). Schoenoplectus acutus (0.26 ± 0.04 Mg N ha−1) stored the second most aboveground nitrogen and was significantly different from all other habitat types (all P < 0.01). Bolboschoenus maritimus (0.02 ± 0.00 Mg N ha −1 ), S. rubra (0.02 ± 0.00 Mg N ha −1 ), T. latifolia (0.09 ± 0.00 Mg N ha−1), and S. americanus (0.10 ± 0.01 Mg N ha−1) stored 77–97% less above-ground nitrogen than P. australis but were not significantly different from each other (Fig. 2d). Nitrogen Storage We found a significant difference among habitat types in below-ground nitrogen stocks (Fig. 2c; P < 0.001). Typha latifolia (2.65 ± 0.22 Mg N ha −1 ), S. acutus (3.07 ± 0.18 Mg N ha−1), and S. americanus (3.38 ± 0.33 Mg N ha−1) all stored significantly more below-ground nitrogen than the other habitats (all P < 0.001), with the exception of T. latifolia, which did not differ from P. australis (1.99 ± 0.19 Mg N ha−1). The other habitat types did not differ in their capacity to store below-ground nitrogen (Fig. 2c; P > 0.05), but in some cases stored less than 50% of the below-ground nitrogen than the highest storing species (i.e., T. latifolia, S. acutus, and S. americanus). Above-Ground Biomass Our results indicate that P. australis (2404.77 ± 188.77 g m−2) had significantly more above-ground biomass than all other habitat types (Fig. 2e; all P < 0.001), with the exception of Wetlands T. latifolia (1738.69 ± 137.67 g m−2; P = 0.09). Schoenoplectus acutus (1478.29 ± 200.70 g m−2) was not significantly different from T. latifolia (P = 0.92). Bolboschoenus maritimus (306.75 ± 35.20 g m −2), S. rubra (134.91 ± 17.55 g m−2), and S. americanus (698.04 ± 86.73 g m−2) had 66–93% less biomass than P. australis, T. latifolia, and S. acutus, but were not significantly different from each other. Seed Nutrient Content We found a significant difference in seed nutrient content values among habitat types (Fig. 2f; P < 0.001). A post-hoc Tukey’s analysis revealed that the AME of T. latifolia (381.60 ± 84.38 kcal m−2) greatly exceeded the nutrient contents per area (> 60%) compared to all other species (P < 0.001). No other habitats were significantly different from each other. Heavy Metal Accumulation in above-Ground Biomass With the exception of arsenic (Fig. 3a; P = 0.052), metal accumulation differed significantly among habitat types (all P < 0.05). However, the patterns in metal accumulation among the different habitat types varied depending on the metal analyzed. For copper, P. australis stored significantly more than the other habitats (Fig. 3b; 4446.36 ± 1764.35 μg m−2; P < 0.05) with the exception of T. latifolia (2113.97 ± 641.60 μg m−2) and S. americanus (1813.19 ± 463.79 μg m−2). However, T. latifolia and S. americanus did not differ significantly from B. maritimus (292.90 ± 115.50 μg m−2), S. rubra (768.49 ± 198.20 μg m−2), or S. acutus (806.83 ± 173.05 μg m−2) (all P > 0.05). Phragmites australis also stored significantly more mercury compared to the other habitat types (Fig. 3c; 76.54 ± 43.93 μg m−2; all P < 0.05). Schoenoplectus acutus stored significantly more selenium (176.06 ± 52.85 μg m−2; up to 67% more) and lead (340.98 ± 36.76 μg m−2; up to 70% more) compared to any other habitat type (Fig. 3d and e; all P < 0.01). None of the other habitat types significantly differed from one another in selenium or lead storage (all P > 0.05). Finally, S. rubra stored up to 90% more cadmium than any other habitat types (Fig. 3f; 180.72 ± 45.39 μg m −2 ; all P < 0.001). Typha latifolia (20.83 ± 13.64 μg m−2), S. americanus (0.00 ± 0.00 μg m−2), P. australis (6.15 ± 6.15 μg m−2), and S. acutus (0.00 ± 0.00 μg m−2) did not differ from one another in cadmium storage (all P > 0.05). Avian Species Diversity and Richness The Shannon diversity indices (DI) for habitat type varied by season (Table 2). Schoenoplectus acutus had the highest diversity index score in spring (DI = 2.47), T. latifolia had the highest index score in fall (DI = 2.08), and B. maritimus had the highest score in summer, as well as the combined season score (DI = 2.02 and 2.58, respectively). Phragmites australis had the lowest diversity scores across all categories with the exception of fall. Species richness also varied by season (Table 2). Salicornia rubra had the highest richness in spring (R = 19), T. latifolia had the highest richness for fall (R = 14) and B. maritimus had the highest richness for summer and the overall combined score (R = 21 and 29, respectively). Schoenoplectus americanus consistently had the lowest species richness across all categories. Multifunctionality Overall, we found that different habitat types varied greatly in their functional capacities and not one habitat scored consistently high in all functional categories (Fig. 4). There was a significant difference in the multifunctionality of the different habitat types when analyzed using the standardized averaging approach (Figs. 4 and 5; P < 0.001). Typha latifolia (0.41 ± 0.14 MI), P. australis (0.41 ± 0.12 MI), and S. acutus (0.38 ± 0.11 MI) all had a multifunctionality index 1.5–2 times greater than all other habitats (P < 0.001) but were not significantly different from each other. Bolboschoenus maritimus (−0.37 ± 0.04 MI), S. rubra (−0.45 ± 0.06 MI), and S. americanus (−0.18 ± 0.11 MI) were not significantly different from each other. Playa (−0.08 ± 0.05 MI) while not significantly different from B. maritimus or S. americanus, was significantly higher than S. rubra (P = 0.04). The multifunctionality threshold tallies the number of functions that are above a threshold, which in this study were defined as 20%, 40%, 60%, and 80%. We found a significant difference between habitat multifunctionality at all four (20%, 40%, 60% and 80%) functional thresholds (all P < 0.001; Fig. 6). Typha latifolia, P. australis, and S. acutus could maintain more functions at the 20% (~8 functions), 40% (~6 functions), and 60% (~4.5 functions) thresholds compared to the other habitats (all P < 0.001), with the exception of S. americanus which was not significantly different from the three habitats at the 20% threshold. Typha latifolia, P. australis, and S. acutus still maintained more functions than B. maritimus, S. rubra, S. americanus, and playa (all P < 0.05) at every threshold. At the 20% threshold, there was a significant difference between playa (~3 functions) and S. rubra (~5 functions) (P < 0.01) but neither were significantly different from B. maritimus (P > 0.05). Finally, at the 80% threshold, S. acutus and P. australis maintained the greatest number of functions (~3). Typha latifolia could perform ~2 functions at the 80% threshold but was not significantly different from any of the other habitat types. We also found that for the 80% threshold to be reached for all functions simultaneously, at least six of the habitat types (T. latifolia, S. americanus, S. acutus, S. rubra, P. australis, playa) would be required to Wetlands Arsenic concentration (ug m-2) a A P = 0.053 150 A 100 A A A A 50 0 4000 P = 0.039 A 120 100 80 60 40 B 20 B B B B 0 BOMA PHAU SARU SCAC SCAM TYLA A e P < 0.001 300 200 B 100 B B B B 0 Habitat Table 2 Shannon diversity index scores (DI) and richness (R) calculated for birds among different Great Salt Lake wetland habitat types. Calculations were done for each season as well as all seasons combined. (BOMA = Bolboschoenus maritimus, PHAU = Phragmites australis, PLAYA = playa, SARU = Salicornia rubra, SCAC = Schoenoplectus acutus, SCAM = S. americanus, and TYLA = Typha latifolia) Summer Fall AB 3000 AB 2000 B 1000 B B 0 BOMA PHAU SARU SCAC SCAM TYLA Selenium concentration (ug m-2) Lead concentration (ug m-2) 400 c P = 0.009 A 5000 Cadmium concentration (ug m-2) Mercury concentration (ug m-2) 140 b 6000 BOMA PHAU SARU SCAC SCAM TYLA BOMA PHAU SARU SCAC SCAM TYLA Spring 7000 Copper concentration (ug m-2) 200 Fig. 3 Average (± s.e.) aboveground heavy metal/trace element accumulation (μg m−2) in different Great Salt Lake wetland habitats: a arsenic, b copper, c mercury, d selenium, e lead, and f cadmium. Letters above bars show significant differences between habitat types. (BOMA = Bolboschoenus maritimus, PHAU = Phragmites australis, SARU = Salicornia rubra, SCAC = Schoenoplectus acutus, SCAM = S. americanus, and TYLA = Typha latifolia) 250 d A P < 0.001 200 150 100 B 50 B 0 B B B BOMA PHAU SARU SCAC SCAM TYLA 250 f P < 0.001 A 200 150 100 B 50 B B B B 0 BOMA PHAU SARU SCAC SCAM TYLA Habitat be present. In contrast, fewer habitat types and different combinations of habitat types could be used to meet the 20–60% thresholds for all functions simultaneously. Discussion Combined Habitat DI R DI R DI R DI R BOMA PHAU PLAYA SARU SCAC 2.13 1.68 2.14 2.14 2.47 13 11 13 19 14 2.02 0.49 1.82 1.61 1.38 21 11 9 10 9 1.76 1.10 1.16 1.02 1.00 13 7 8 9 7 2.58 1.14 2.38 2.38 2.22 29 16 23 27 19 SCAM TYLA 1.81 2.17 10 18 1.03 1.81 5 12 0.97 2.08 5 14 1.99 2.40 14 27 In this study, we tested the capacity of different GSL wetland habitat types to provide multifunctionaly, as well as a variety of independent ecosystem functions that related to carbon storage, nitrogen storage, primary production, heavy metal/ trace element accumulation, and avian habitat. We found that the different habitat types varied in their capacity to support independent ecosystem functions and multifunctionality. Considering that wetland plants along the GSL and elsewhere grow in large monotypic stands, the results indicate that habitat-level diversity is critical for maintaining a wide range of ecosystem functions. The results on the importance of Wetlands Fig. 4 A comparison of each wetland plant species (colored lines) and their performance for each ecosystem function as calculated by a multifunctionality index (standardized Z-scores). The outer grid line represents the highest Z-score achieved (1.6), and the inner grid line represents the lowest Z-score achieved (−1.03). Playa was not included in this figure. Above.N = aboveground nitrogen, Bird.Div = Shannon diversity for birds, Metals = heavy metal/trace element accumulation, AME = apparent metabolizable energy of seeds, Soil.C = below-ground carbon, Soil.N = below-ground nitrogen, Biomass = aboveground biomass, Above.C = above-ground carbon). (BOMA = Bolboschoenus maritimus, PHAU = Phragmites australis, SARU = Salicornia rubra, SCAC = Schoenoplectus acutus, SCAM = S. americanus, and TYLA = Typha latifolia) BOMA TYLA SCAC PHAU SCAM SARU Above.N Bird.Div Above.C Biomass Metals Soil.N AME Soil.C Average Multifunctionality Index (MI) habitat diversity are consistent with another study that focused on multifunctionality at a landscape-level within highly managed, monotypic stands of forests (van der Plas et al. 2016), and those from smaller-scale studies on grasslands (Pasari et al. 2013; van der Plas et al. 2016). Overall, we found that the GSL wetlands were highly functioning. Below-ground carbon storage for GSL habitats ranged between 64 Mg C ha−1 and 86 Mg C ha−1 in the top 15 cm. This carbon storage is generally greater than that of 1.0 P < 0.001 A 0.0 BC A A 0.5 B C BC −0.5 BOMA PHAU PLAYA SARU SCAC SCAM TYLA Habitat Fig. 5 Average (± s.e.) multifunctionality index (MI) score among Great Salt Lake wetland habitat types. Letters above bars show significant differences between the habitat types. (BOMA = Bolboschoenus maritimus, PHAU = Phragmites australis, PLAYA = playa, SARU = Salicornia rubra, SCAC = Schoenoplectus acutus, SCAM = S. americanus, and TYLA = Typha latifolia) coastal wetlands (seagrass, tidal marsh, and mangroves), which range between 21 Mg C ha−1 and 43 Mg C ha−1 if you rescale their storage to 15 cm (Liao et al. 2007, Engle 2011, Duarte et al. 2013, Atwood et al. 2017; Serrano et al. 2019). Above-ground biomass estimates for S. acutus, T. latifolia, P. australis in the present study were generally above previous studies on these species in different location (~500– 1890 g m −2; Neill 1990; Windham and Lathrop 1999; Maddison et al. 2009; Grisey et al. 2012), as well as above those for coastal tidal marshes (Serrano et al. 2019). Avian diversity was also relatively high, especially in T. latifolia and B. maritimus, which had Shannon indices within the range of other riparian habitats located in Utah (Shannon indices = 2.2– 3.4, White 2011). Although heavy metal storage in plant biomass was relatively low compared to past studies (Behrends et al. 1996; Stoltz and Greger 2002; Aksoy, Duman and Sezen 2005; Grisey et al. 2012; Rycewicz-Borecki et al. 2016; Klink 2017), this result was likely due to the relatively low concentrations of metals found in the soils underlying the sites (S. Sedgwick, unpublished data). In terms of individual functions, T. latifolia supported the highest level of functioning for seven of the functions measured. Typha latifolia did particularly well for functions related to carbon and nitrogen storage, primary production, and some aspects of bird habitat provisioning. Typha latifolia had the highest seed AME. Although not considered a preferred food of wetland birds nor a priority species of wetland managers (Stevens and Hoag 2006; Rohal et al. 2018), Typha 8 a P < 0.001 A A A 8 6 A B BC 4 C 2 0 BOMA PHAU PLAYA SARU SCAC SCAM TYLA c P < 0.001 A 6 A A 4 2 B B B B 0 BOMA PHAU PLAYA SARU SCAC SCAM TYLA Habitat seeds have been found in the gut contents of American avocets, Northern shoveler, Common goldeneye, and Greenwinged teal occupying GSL wetlands (Vest and Conover 2011, Roberts 2013). Furthermore, T. latifolia consistently had some of the highest avian diversity and richness scores throughout the year, second only to B. maritimus. These findings are consistent with another study that focused on avian habitat preferences in remediated wetlands, which found that birds preferred Typha spp. dominated wetlands because they offered ample cover without becoming too dense to prohibit movement (Comin et al. 2001). The invasive plant P. australis had the second highest overall functioning with regard to primary production, above-ground nitrogen, and carbon storage. However, it performed poorly in terms of bird habitat, which is the primary focus of management efforts at the Refuge (Downard et al. 2014; Rohal et al. 2018). Schoenoplectus acutus came in third and performed well for sequestering below-ground carbon and nitrogen as well as selenium and lead. The lowest-performing habitats were playa and S. rubra, likely due to their lack of above-ground biomass, an important characteristic for many of the ecosystem functions we focused on in this study. Although playa scored low on many functions, it was one of the best performing habitats for bird diversity and below-ground carbon storage. Salicornia rubra was also low scoring in most functions but scored well for bird diversity, and was the only habitat that accumulated the heavy metal cadmium. In fact, heavy metal/ trace element accumulation required the largest diversity of habitat types, with copper primarily accumulating in S. americanus, P. australis, and T. latifolia, selenium and lead primarily accumulating in S. acutus, mercury primarily accumulating in P. australis, cadmium primarily accumulating in S. rubra, and arsenic accumulating in all plant species equally. These results reinforce the idea that habitat heterogeneity is Average Functions (40%) 10 Average Functions (80%) Average Functions (20%) Fig. 6 Average (± s.e.) number of ecosystem functions performed by different Great Salt Lakewetland habitats at four different thresholds of the maximum functional value: a 20%, b 40%, c 60%, and d 80%. Letters above bars show significant differences between habitat types. Black solid lines within bars indicate the average number of metals contributing to the threshold index. (BOMA = Bolboschoenus maritimus, PHAU = Phragmites australis, PLAYA = playa, SARU = Salicornia rubra, SCAC = Schoenoplectus acutus, SCAM = S. americanus, and TYLA = Typha latifolia) Average Functions (60%) Wetlands 8 b P < 0.001 A A A 6 B B 4 B B 2 0 BOMA PHAU PLAYA SARU SCAC SCAM TYLA 4 d P < 0.001 A A 3 AB 2 1 B B B B 0 BOMA PHAU PLAYA SARU SCAC SCAM TYLA Habitat needed to support a diversity of ecosystem functions (Pasari et al. 2013; van der Plas et al. 2016; Alsterberg et al. 2017). We found that no single wetland species can support, at a high level, all eight of the ecosystem functions measured. In fact, not a single species can support all eight functions even at the 20% threshold. At the 80% threshold, only S. acutus, T. latifolia, and P. australis were able to provide more than a single function, however, S. acutus’ high threshold score was largely the result of its capacity to accumulate several types of metals which has also been seen in another study focusing on macrophytes and heavy metal/trace element uptake (Rycewicz-Borecki et al. 2016). We also found that T. latifolia, S. acutus, and P. australis, provided the highest level of multifunctionality through the averaging approach. The high levels of multifunctionality provisioned by P. australis suggest that this aggressive invasive plant is capable of supporting multiple services related to nutrient storage and heavy metal/trace elements uptake, which supports its current use in many constructed wetlands for remediation (Calheiros et al. 2009; Kiviat 2013). Unfortunately, P. australis’ capacity to support nutrient storage and heavy metal/trace elements uptake appears to come at the cost of providing bird habitat for GSL avian fauna, a finding consistent with its impacts on avian habitat in other regions (Benoit and Askins 1999; Chambers et al. 1999; Robichaud and Rooney 2017). Native T. latifolia and S. acutus had comparable multifunctionality to P. australis and provided better bird habitat, suggesting that a trade-off between functions that support bird habitat and those that support nutrient and heavy metal/trace element accumulation may not be necessary. The three native bulrush species (B. maritimus, S. americanus, S. acutus) are the focus of most of the restoration efforts for the GSL (Marty and Kettenring 2017; Rohal et al. 2018; Kettenring et al. 2019). Schoenoplectus acutus Wetlands performed the most individual functions of the three species and had one of the highest multifunctionality indices of any wetland species. Specifically, S. acutus had high belowground carbon and nitrogen storage, and also high lead and selenium accumulation. Bolboschoenus maritimus had one of the lowest multifunctionality indices and generally performed poorly for heavy metal/trace element accumulation and nutrient storage. However, B. maritimus had some of the highest bird diversity of any of the habitats. Schoenoplectus americanus also had a low multifunctionality index, similar to that of habitats with lower above-ground biomass such as S. rubra and playa, but performed well for below-ground nitrogen storage. Despite that bulrush seeds are thought to be an important component of the diet of migrating waterfowl in GSL (Petrie et al. 2013), all three bulrushes had similar or lower seed AME compared to the other wetland species. However, the seeds of all the wetland species examined in this study tend to ripen at different times of the year and may be chosen by different types of birds (generalists vs. specialists) and have different seasonal importance in avian diets throughout the year (Swanson et al. 1985; Beerens et al. 2011; Petrie et al. 2013). Overall, these results suggest that to maintain a diversity of functions in the GSL, wetland restorations should focus on maintaining a high level of habitat diversity. Although T. latifolia and P. australis showed high multifunctionality, a more thorough examination of these species and the results is warranted for wetland managers. First, it should be noted that both T. latifolia and P. australis are considered aggressive by managers and spread rapidly (Kettenring et al. 2012; Rohal et al. 2018). Planting these species or reducing the control of them in wetlands may cause further habitat degradation through habitat homogenization, which would be detrimental to the overall functioning and health of the ecosystem as functions unique to other habitats would be lost. For example, playa, S. rubra and B. maritimus are critical habitat for migratory shorebirds (a major priority for the Refuge; Downard et al. 2017; USFWS 2020) and this function cannot be replaced or mitigated with other, more multifunctional, habitats such as T. latifolia. Second, although playa, S. rubra, and B. maritimus had low multifunctionality, this was in part due to the fact that the functions chosen to be measured in this study heavily relied on above-ground biomass. Playa, S. rubra, and B. maritimus had the lowest aboveground biomass which would drive lower values for heavy metal/trace element accumulation, aboveground biomass, and primary production. Third, each species grows best in different physical conditions (i.e., water levels and salinities; Table 1) and these differences likely play into their unique functional roles in the ecosystem (Downard et al. 2017). When developing revegetation goals and restoration plans, different factors including unique functional capacities, multifunctionality, abiotic tolerances, and growth characteristics of different habitats need to be considered. Certain limitations arose from this study because the Refuge and the Preserve are highly disturbed wetlands (impacted by humans, livestock, invasive species, excess nutrient loading, etc.), and some aspects of wetland management techniques may have had an impact on the results. One obstacle these wetlands face is a lack of access to water during the growing season due to their junior water rights within prior appropriation western water law (Downard et al. 2014; Frank et al. 2016). Because these wetlands are located at the bottom of the watershed, they are not always supplied with adequate water to support plant growth (Downard et al. 2014). The water received is diverted and heavily controlled by wetland managers who decide which areas to flood or drain (Downard et al. 2014). This kind of water manipulation could have affected several of the ecosystem functions such as plant biomass and seed production. These wetland systems are also exposed to cattle grazing to remove P. australis (Duncan et al. 2019). Although none of the areas were actively grazed during the collection of the ecosystem functions for this study, historical grazing could have resulted in legacy effects on some of the functions (Davidson et al. 2017). Finally, in some areas of the Refuge, P. australis was heavily treated with herbicides, which could have had legacy effects on its biomass and seed production (Rohal et al. 2019a, b). Although these limitations and disturbances may have affected the expression of the ecosystem functions in this study, many wetlands across the USA and elsewhere are heavily managed and have similar management practices and disturbances to those in the Refuge and the Preserve (Brinson and Malvárez, 2002). Wetlands are highly dynamic in nature and face many threats including invasive species, pollution, urban encroachment, and water loss (Zedler and Kercher 2005). By developing an understanding of the different functions offered by the different wetland habitats, we can make more informed decisions about restoration efforts. The results of the present study suggest that if GSL managers want to maintain a diversity of ecosystem functions, they will need to incorporate a diversity of plant species into revegetation efforts. However, some wetland managers may preferentially target specific functions. In these cases, the results from this study help managers identify potential functional synergies and trade-offs that may occur because of their management decisions. Additionally, this study may extend to other wetland systems given the broad distributions of many of the focal native species (plants.usda. gov) and provide new information to land managers across North America that are also facing P. australis invasions. The results from this study also further the understanding of multifunctionality at a landscape-scale and the importance of maintaining diversity, in this case, habitat diversity, even in relatively species-poor ecosystems. Although the study supports the importance of habitat diversity for functioning, the focus was on a single wetland system in the GSL basin. To further the understanding of the dynamic and complex nature Wetlands of wetland multifunctionality, future efforts should focus on different wetland systems in multiple settings. Understanding the interplay between landscape-level diversity and ecosystem functioning can provide the tools to better manage the wetland resources, plan for future needs, and meet restoration goals in the face of a changing planet (Zedler 2000, Zedler and Kercher 2005; Finlayson et al. 2019). Acknowledgments This research was funded by a Utah Division of Forestry, Fire & State Lands Great Salt Lake Technical Team grant to TBA and KMK, a Utah State University Extension grant (EX00029), and a Utah State University Ecology Center grant to MCP. We would like to thank Aubie Douglas, Emily Leonard, Emily Tarsa, Adam Brewerton, and the Kettenring Wetland Ecology and Restoration Lab for assistance. Finally, we would also like to thank Shane Sterner for assistance with seed cleaning. All bird surveys were done with the approval of the USU IACUC office (2856). References Aldrich TW, Paul DS (2002) Avian ecology of great salt Lake. 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