MARGIE'S TRAVEL rSir Jhim’sTravel 1 M Stages of Human Acts by Thomas Aquinas w w w. p o g i . s i . s i r. j h i m . c o m TRAVEL MARGIE'S Sir Sir Jhim’sTravel Jhim’sTravel 2 M Prayer 3 CONTENT Standard TRAVEL MARGIE'S Sir Jhim’sTravel Sir Jhim’sTravel Module 3 – Grade 10 M The learners demonstrate understanding of: the stages of Human Act that move man/woman to the good not by his/ her will alone but also to the bodily condition that sums up the elements of the material world. 4 PERFORMANCE Standards TRAVEL MARGIE'S Sir Jhim’sTravel Sir Jhim’sTravel Module 3: Grade 10 M The learners demonstrate ways of: Carrying out personal actions and decisions based on the stages of the Human Act. 5 FORMATION Standards TRAVEL MARGIE'S Sir Jhim’sTravel Sir Jhim’sTravel Module 3: Grade 10 M The learners enflesh that.. Through his very bodily condition he sums up himself the elements of the material world. Through him they are thus brought to their highest perfection and can raise their voice in praise freely given to the Creator (CCC 364) 6 LEARNING Objectives: TRAVEL MARGIE'S Sir Jhim’sTravel Sir Jhim’sTravel Module 3 – Grade 10 M Guided by these standards, you will explore more on the following learning targets which will tell you the specific skills and knowledge you need to master for the entire week: 7 LEARNING Objectives: Module 3 – Grade 10 TRAVEL MARGIE'S Sir Jhim’sTravel Sir Jhim’sTravel Targets: M 1. Explain the stages of the Human Act presented by St. Thomas Aquinas and that the stages of the human act show the importance of the deliberation between the intellect and will in coming up with moral decisions and move him/her to do good and attain his/her holistic health and highest perfection. 8 LEARNING Objectives: Module 3 – Grade 10 TRAVEL MARGIE'S Sir Jhim’sTravel Sir Jhim’sTravel Targets: M 2. Infer that moral perfection is the result of human act that allows/him/her to move to the good not only by his/her will but also by his/her sensitive appetite that enables him/her to attain the highest perfection and lead him/her to sing for joy in the living God. 9 LEARNING Objectives: TRAVEL MARGIE'S Sir Jhim’sTravel Sir Jhim’sTravel Module 3 – Grade 10 M Targets: 3. Analyze personal actions and decisions made based on the stages of human act. 10 LEARNING Objectives: TRAVEL MARGIE'S Sir Jhim’sTravel Sir Jhim’sTravel Module 3 – Grade 10 M Targets: 4. Carry out actions and decisions that agree to every stage of the human act that sums up the elements of the material world through his bodily conditions. MARGIE'S TRAVEL 11 M Before: What are your usual habits? Magbanggit ng kahit na ano…. MARGIE'S TRAVEL 12 M Now: What are your usual habits? Magbanggit ng kahit na ano…. TRAVEL MARGIE'S Sir Jhim’sTravel Sir Jhim’sTravel 13 M Originality? Uniqueness? What do you think? Share it with us. TRAVEL MARGIE'S Sir Jhim’sTravel Sir Jhim’sTravel 14 M Lets take a step forward. TRAVEL MARGIE'S Sir Jhim’sTravel Sir Jhim’sTravel 15 M TRAVEL MARGIE'S Sir Jhim’sTravel Sir Jhim’sTravel 16 M INTELLECT WILL 1. Apprehension of end ex. A girl sees the latest model of Iphone 1. Wishing of end Ex. All her life she wanted to own one 2. Judgement of attainability Ex. Is her money enough to buy the Iphone? 2. Intention of end Ex. She set her goals on how to attain 3. Deliberation on means. Ex. Should she buy in cash? Installment using her credit card? 3. Consent to means Ex. Consent to the different means: if he has the money, then buys in cash; if money is tight, she’ll use her credit card and buys it on installment basis. 4. Practical judgment of choice Ex. Judges which is the best option: cash? Installment? 4. Choice Ex. She chooses the best means- this installment, for she lacks the exact amount, and; 5. Command Ex. Purchase the Iphone thru installment using her credit card. 5. Use Ex. She uses the iphone. 6. Intellectual attainment of end Ex. She was happy with her decision to go on installment basis for she can still earn money for the next payment. 6. Fruition ipsum dolorfinally sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut Ex. She enjoys theLorem item for she has gravida eros erat. Proin a tellus sed risus lobortis sagittis purchased the phone she bought to own. TITLE GOES HERE 17 MARGIE'S TRAVEL M 18 TRAVEL SirMARGIE'S Jhim’sTravel Sir Jhim’sTravel Let us keep this up! M REMEMBER: REMEMBER: • human actions come to be through a human agent’s free self-determination. • The goal of all human life is happiness, • the right of a people to determine its own destiny • At ito ay karapatan natin. • a human agent has mastery over these actions and bears responsibility for them • and this consists in a perpetual human action of knowing God ‘as he is’ in heaven. 19 TRAVEL SirMARGIE'S Jhim’sTravel Sir Jhim’sTravel Let us keep this up! M REMEMBER: REMEMBER: • In this life, a person can share in the happiness found in God — though imperfectly — by the human actions of hope, faith, contemplation, and charity • Created goods can contribute to temporal happiness in their own way, so long as the human actions by which these goods are used or enjoyed accord with God’s will. 20 JHIM SANTIAGO Sikretong Malupit TRAVEL Sir SirMARGIE'S Jhim’sTravel Jhim’sTravel jimsonross.santiago@stja M THANK YOU w w w. f a c e b o o k . c o m / j h i m . s a n t i a g o 1