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ATI - Pain Management Pretest

ATI – Pain Management Pretest
Q: A nurse is preparing to assess the pain level of a 4-year-old child. Which of the following pain
assessment tools should the nurse use?
The FACES scale can be used for adults or children over the age of 3 and provides a visual assessment tool for the client.
Q: A nurse is speaking with a client who reports experiencing frequent, sever migraines and
asks, “Can you tell me about biofeedback?” Which of the following responses should the nurse
A: “Biofeedback measures skin tension and uses learned techniques to relieve pain.”
Biofeedback uses devices with electrode sensors that monitor a client's physiological response to pain, which gradually
helps the client determine techniques that can control migraines and other types of pain.
Q: A nurse is caring for two clients who are 2 hr postoperative following the same procedure.
Which of the following factors should the nurse expect to be similar for both clients?
A: Prescriptions containing guidelines for pain medication administration
The nurse should expect postoperative clients to have prescriptions for analgesia to treat pain. The prescription should
include guidelines for administration, such as the medication name, dose, route, frequency, whether to administer
around-the-clock or PRN, and which medication to administer based on the client's pain scale rating.
Q: A nurse is planning to administer a dose of morphine sulfate IV for a client who is
postoperative. Which of the following pain management protocols should the nurse use when
caring for this client?
A: Have an opioid antagonist available during the administration.
The nurse should ensure that an opioid antagonist, such as naloxone, is available during the administration, as well as
equipment for providing respiratory support.
Q: A nurse is caring for a client prescribed IV morphine via PCA with a demand of 1 mg every 15
min and a 4 mg/hr lockout. The client reports unbearable pain after attempting six demand
doses within the last hour. After assessing the client's pain, which of the following actions
should the nurse take?
A: Check the IV site and PCA pump for proper functioning.
The PCA delivery system should be assessed to determine if there is any malfunction in the delivery of the medication.
Q: A nurse is caring for a client who was admitted to the emergency department for severe pain
following a fall from a ladder. The client reports taking an opioid prescription for chronic pain.
Which of the following provider prescriptions for initial pain relief should the nurse question?
A: Naloxone
Naloxone is an opioid antagonist agent, not an analgesic. This is not an appropriate medication for this client because it
can cause severe opioid withdrawal in a client who is physically dependent on opioids.
Q: During a pain assessment, a nurse asks questions about the quality of an adult client's pain.
Which of the following statements by the client refers to pain quality?
A: My pain feels like I'm being stabbed by a knife."
This statement describes the quality of the client's pain, or how the client describes the pain in their own words.