Uploaded by Logan Cardarelli

Push Pull Legs Workout Plan

“Sometimes you have to stand alone to prove that you can still stand.”
“Either suffer the pain of discipline, or suffer the pain of regret.”
“Winning isn’t everything, but wanting to win is.”
“Strive for progress, not perfection.”
The flat barbell bench press is the “king” of pressing movements. I want you to be sure to
mitigate shoulder involvement by selecting a grip slightly outside of shoulder width. On the
bench press, if your hands are inside shoulder width, you will be working primarily triceps. If
you are slightly outside of shoulder width, you will primarily be targeting your chest. If you
go too wide, you will be putting unnecessary strain on the shoulder and could lead to injury.
I want you to warm yourself up to your working weight by doing about 4 sets of 3-5 reps
(increasing weight each set). I do not want you to expend much energy on your warm up
because I want you to save your strength for your 5 sets of 5 reps. When getting in
position, be sure to have a slight arch in your back, stick your chest out, and pinch your
shoulder blades together. Once you are under the bar, touch your chest and lock out the
elbows at the top of each rep. Control the weight down and explode up. I have you on a
5x5, which in my opinion is by far the best way to build raw strength. Complete 5 sets of 5
reps. Once you can perform the same weight for all sets of 5 without hitting muscular
failure; increase the poundage by 5-10 pounds.
The incline dumbbell bench press is a great way to build the overall chest, especially the
upper chest. I have you doing dumbbells simply because we have a little bit of a different
range of motion using dumbbells as opposed to a barbell. Just like the flat bench, keep
your shoulders pinched, arch in your lower back, and focus on pushing through your
elbows. I want you to fully contract at the top of the rep and lock out. Here, I want you to go
ahead and use a weight that you can hit at least 8 reps and no more than 10 reps. You will
get tired as the sets go on, so adjust your weight accordingly.
This is going to be your last compound movement for today. Select a barbell and grip and
foot placement about shoulder width. Be sure your back is tight and your abs are flexed.
Push straight up and lock out. As you push up, I want you to slightly move your head
forward through your arms. This will contract all three heads of the shoulder. When you
come down on each rep, you do not have to touch the top of your chest, but I would like
you to at least try and clear your chin, then press back up.
There are two ways to do this movement. You can select a rope or straight bar and you can
set up the apparatus at either shoulder level or on the ground. From here, I want you to
perform an overhead rope extension. Be sure to lock out and if you use the rope, be sure to
twist your wrist out to get that last squeeze out of the movement. The benefit to doing this
on a cable is having the tension from the cable pull your muscle back, giving a unique
range of motion. This primarily targets the long head of the tricep, which is the largest head.
On this pushdown, you can essentially use any grip you prefer. I recommend switching
grips every few workouts. You can use the rope, straight bar, v-bar, or the ez bar. Be sure to
completely lock your elbows on the way down and slowly raise the weight, allowing the
cables to pull your tricep.
Set the cables up either at the top, bottom, or shoulder width. You can always change up
the angle! Be sure to keep a very slight bend in your arms when performing this movement.
Go slow and stretch as far back as you can. If you set the cables at the bottom, you will
target mainly upper chest. If you set the cables mid, obviously mid chest, and if you set up
the cables at the top position, you will target mainly the lower pecs.
On this exercise, I want you to select your preference of an overhand or underhand grip.
Keep feet about shoulder width and focus on getting your back as close to parallel to the
ground as you can while keeping it straight. Focus on pulling with your elbows and lats
instead of your grip and biceps. Bring the bar up your thighs all the way until your belly
button. Once you are there, squeeze your lats for a second and release slowly. FORM IS
IMPERATIVE on this exercise. Since you’re going heavy, it is imperative to have solid form.
Here you have a few options. You can either use a basic pull down bar, or a close grip bar. I
always suggest rotating every few workouts or so. Grab a grip that is comfortable to you.
There is no “perfect” place, because everyone is different and feels contractions differently.
Mess around with your grip until you find that sweet spot. Have a SLIGHT lean backwards
and again, pull through with your elbows and squeeze at the bottom of the movement. I
want you to do a full range of motion and breathe out as you pull down.
The previous two movements have been bilateral movement, meaning, we have done both
right and left sides at the same time. Now we are going to focus on single arm movements.
I want you to grab a grip that is most comfortable to you. Complete your reps on one arm at
a time. If needed, rest about 20-30 seconds between arms to ensure you can perform with
the same intensity with both arms.
The straight barbell curl is going to be one of your top mass-builders for the bicep. I want
you to grab a neutral (shoulder width) grip and curl up until your bicep is completely flexed.
DO NOT curl all the way up to your front deltoid. Doing this will take all tension off of the
bicep. Stop about 5-6 inches before getting to your front deltoid. On the way down, control
the weight and complete full extension. Full extension is performed by flexing your TRICEP
at the bottom of each repetition. This will ensure that we are getting a full range of motion.
As opposed to the barbell curl, which is a supinated exercise, we are now going to perform
a neutral grip exercise. You have the option to do alternating curls or both arms at the same
time. Again, flex your tricep at the bottom of each rep and be sure to keep tension on the
bicep by not going all the way up when curling. This is going to give the bicep a “wider” and
“thicker” look. This will also target the brachialis, brachiradialis, and forearm.
This exercise is an isolation exercise to help target the medial deltoid and trapezius. I want
you to either do these seated or standing. Again, you can do one arm at a time or both at
the same time. DO NOT let your ego get in the way of this exercise. You most likely will not
need more than 15-20 pounds to effectively hit the deltoid. I want you to keep an extremely
slight bend in your elbows and bring the dumbbells up to about ear level. When
descending, I want you to go about 6 inches from your leg. By not going down all the way,
you are going to keep tension on the deltoid.
Again, we will be using the 5x5 method that I described earlier. The squats will hit the
glutes, hamstrings, quads, core, and lower back. In order to receive optimal benefits from
squat, we must perfect form. Keep the bar on your traps, keep your feet slightly outside of
shoulder width, point your toes out slightly, keep your CHEST up (this will help keep your
back as straight as possible. Once you are in position, sink your butt down and while
keeping your straight back and high chest, push through the heels of your foot on the way
up from the squat. If you push through your toes, you will have off balance and possibly fall
forward. I like to take a deep breath on the way down and exhale on the way up from the
squat. As far as depth, I want you to work your way down to break parallel. If you stop
above parallel, you will be putting a lot of unnecessary stress on the knee, which we do not
want. By going past parallel, we really activate the glutes and hamstrings.
The leg press is another great compound movement for the legs. I want you to select a
neutral foot position and come down as low as you can. Like the squats, I want you to push
through your heels, not toes. You will feel an extremely painful burn on this exercise, but
fight through it. Another tip, I like to avoid lockout with my knees. This allows constant
stress on the legs.
The Romanian deadlift can be performed with a barbell or dumbbells. Simply keep a
shoulder width foot position and grip, keep your back straight and eyes up, and mimic a toe
touch. You will feel a stretch on the hamstring. Once you are at your full range of motion
(which may vary from individual to individual), come back up using your butt and hamstring.
A bit of lower back will be activated, but we want to isolate the hamstrings.
This exercise can be done on a standing calf machine or smith machine. Calves are a
tricky muscle group because of their unique composition. The gastrocnemius, which is the
“ball-like” muscle on the calf, is made up of primarily slow twitch muscle fibers, which
respond best to heavy weight and low reps. Think of this analogy: we walk on our calves
everyday, so they are used to high reps and low stress. In order to grow them, we must put
a heavy demand on them that they are not used to. I want you to avoid any bend in the
knees, pause at the top for 2 seconds, and pause at the very bottom of the rep for 2
seconds. The key to this exercise is heavy and slow.
This is going to finish off your leg workout. You can either use dumbbells in each hand or a
barbell. Find a place where you have room to complete about 20 reps. You want to take a
large step forward and lower yourself slowly until your back knee is about 1 inch from the
The incline barbell bench press is another great compound movement. I like this for your
heavy sets simply because the change of injury is much less than dumbbells. This exercise
is easy to set up as opposed to getting heavy dumbbells in position. Plant your feet firmly
on the ground and allow a slight arch in your lower back. Pinch your shoulder blades
together and bring the bar down to your chest (or about one inch above your chest if your
flexibility is not at that level). Be sure to tuck your elbows in and do not let them flare out.
Lockout at the top of the movement.
Now that we have gotten the very heavy pressing out of the way, we are going to move to
dumbbells. Follow the same procedures to set up this exercise. Be sure to capitalize on
your range of motion since dumbbells do allow a bit of a longer range of motion as opposed
to barbells.
This is another great compound movement. I like to keep a small arch in my lower back
and bring the dumbbells SLIGHTLY below 90 degrees. This will simply give you a more full
range of motion. Since on PUSH A workout, we used standing and a barbell, I want you to
do these seated to take any sort of momentum out of the equation.
Like PUSH A, this is going to target the long head of the tricep, which is going to cause the
most stress on your overall arms. The key to any overhead movement is getting as deep of
a stretch as possible. Lockout and focus on lowering the weight slowly. You can do this
exercise seated or standing. If you stand, I want you to allow yourself a slight sway on the
last 2 reps and then focus on lowering the weight slowly.
Choose a different bar from PUSH A and be sure you are locking out.
You can do this with an EZ curl bar, dumbbells, or even a straight bar. Be sure to keep
tension on your triceps by not keeping your arms perpendicular to the ground. I suggest
watching my “TRIECEP TERMINATION” video to see this exercise performed correctly. You
will bring the weight past your forehead and lockout at the top of the rep.
I want you to choose the pec dec for your fly. Be sure to keep the arm bend to a minimal
and use your mind muscle connection to contract your chest to the best of your ability. If
you do not have a pec dec at your gym, I want you to do flat dumbbell flies.
The weighted pull-up is a great compound movement for overall back development. I want
you to either put a dumbbell between your legs, or use a chain belt (if your gym has one).
You can either do wide grip, neutral grip, or a chin up. I want you to complete full reps,
meaning, pause at the bottom and clear your chin on the way up. Be sure to pull through
your lats, not biceps. You may need to simply start with your bodyweight to ensure that you
gradually build up your strength. If you are unable to complete the pull-ups, I want you to
perform lat pull downs in replacement. Complete 5 sets of 6 reps as heavy as you can with
perfect form so we can build up your strength.
T-BAR ROW 4X8-10
If your gym has a T-BAR row, then you will use the set up. If your gym does not, then we
will have to make one. Simply grab a straight barbell and load the weight on one side. Be
sure to stack dumbbells or plates on the opposite end (which should be set up in a corner),
to ensure that the bar is set on a foundation. Grab a V-BAR and you’re ready to go. Keep
your back straight, head up, and get in a powerful stance. Pull the bar up with your lats and
focus on squeezing your lats and upper back to the best of your ability. Hold the rep at the
top for a second and lower the weight slowly.
Get set up on a flat bench and you will be doing one arm at a time. This exercise is one of
the best builders for the lats. Set up with your right arm and leg on the bench (when doing
the left arm) and the left leg and arm on the bench (when doing the right arm). Keep your
back straight and pull the dumbbell UP AND BACK. Many times people simply pull up, but
forget to pull back, which activates the lats. Act as if you were starting up a lawnmower. The
dumbbell should start in front of you and you want to simultaneously bring the dumbbell
closer to you while pulling back. Rest a few seconds between arms to ensure you keep a
high intensity.
You can perform these seated or standing. You can also select to do them alternating arms
or both arms at the same time. Start in a neutral position (just like a hammer curl), and be
sure you supinate your wrist on the way up. This means to rotate your wrist so your pinky
comes out. This supination is a function of the bicep, so will give you nice overall
development. If you feel your front deltoid is doing much of the work, decrease the weight.
Flex the tricep at the bottom of each rep and be sure to emphasize the rotation.
So far this week, we have done supinated and neutral curls. Now we are going to do a
pronated curl (means that your palms are facing down). I like the wide grip EZ curl bar, but
you can use a straight bar if you wish. Flex the tricep and come up about ¾ of the way (we
do not want you resting at the top of the movement). This is going to be great for thickness
as well as the brachialis. You can also use a straight bar or EZ curl CABLE if you wish!
CABLE CURL 3x12-15
I want you to select a cable grip that you like. My personal favorites are the EZ bar and the
straight bar. With exercises like the dumbbell curls and barbell curls, I allow my clients to
have a bit of a sway (as long as they don’t break perpendicular with their back) in order to
get their last few reps. When performing this exercise, I want you to focus on higher reps
and squeezing your biceps. Focus on hitting the full range of motion and controlling the
weight up and down. Again, flex your tricep slightly at the bottom of each movement and
use your mind-muscle connection to squeeze the bicep as hard as you can at the top of the
Facepulls are crucial in overall shoulder development and health. Many times, we focus on
pressing movements, so our front deltoid overpowers our rear deltoid, which can have a
negative effect on our posture. I want you to do these seated or standing with a rope. Grab
an overhand grip and pull the rope towards your forehead. I want you to focus on having
your ELBOWS higher than your WRIST during this movement. This is also going to work
your traps!! You will not need crazy weight on this exercise.
The sumo deadlift is great because it is going to strengthen your spinal erectors as well as
overall legs. Set your feet pointed out slightly wider than shoulder width. You will have to
mess around with foot placement to find your “sweet spot” because each individual is
different. Place your hands overhand or a hook grip (one underhand and one overhand).
Your hands should be right at shoulder width. Keep your back straight and butt down. Pull
up with your legs while keeping your back as erect as possible. The bottom half of the
deadlift will be primarily glutes and hamstrings while the lockout will be glutes and lower
back. Be sure to keep your back rounding to a minimum. If you feel like you are rounding,
drop the weight and focus on perfecting form first.
This is another great mass builder to increase the size of your legs. I like selecting a neutral
foot placement. Bring your butt down as low as you can to engage the hamstrings and
glutes. Like the leg press, I like to avoid lockout.
You can do this with a barbell or dumbbell. Typically a dumbbell is called a “goblet squat”,
but both exercises will essentially do the same thing. Rest the barbell on your front deltoid
and cross your arms so that your fingers are touching the opposing shoulder (locking the
bar in place). Just like a squat, use the same principles to set up, drop your butt down, and
push through your heels. This is going to target direct quad. I do not want to say “don’t go
as low as you can”, but if you want to keep tension on the quads, there is not a need to go
“ass to grass”. However, be sure to go as deep as possible on your squats, leg press, and
hack squats.
Unlike the gastrocnemius, the soleus is primarily a fast twitch muscle, meaning that it
responds just like the majority of our other muscles, to the rep range 8-15. Keep the form
slow and controlled and pause at the bottom and top of the rep. I find if I lean back a bit, the
seated calf raise allows me to contract a little bit better. If you do not have a seated calf
raise in your gym, you can do leg press calf raises with a slight bend in your knee. When
you bend your knees, you allow your soleus to take over from targeting the gastrocnemius
(when your legs are completely straight).
To finish off your last workout of the week, we are going to perform seated OR lying leg
curls. I want you to emphasize and focus on your contractions since we are going a bit
higher rep. Focus on squeezing and pushing blood into the muscle. Lower the weight
slowly and make those hamstrings GROW!
We constantly hear that “abs are made in the kitchen”. I believe that this statement
has some truth behind it, but is not all entirely true. Abs are MADE in the gym by
working them, and hypertrophating them (growing them). Just like any other muscle
group, the abs need to be placed under stress in order to grow. Though it is true that
abs will not be visible unless you have a low body-fat (which comes from diet), it is
also true that abs will not be visible if the muscles are not developed. I want you to
complete these three exercises 2-3 times per week. I want you to choose when you
do these ab workouts. This routine can be done after one of your workouts (I
suggest doing them after the workout which leaves you the most energy), or on your
rest days. You are going to notice that there are no crazy, unnecessary, upside down
ab exercises here. These are the bread and butter movements for the abs. You have
one lower ab, one full ab, and one external/internal oblique exercise. Far too often
people get carried away with trying to impress others when these exercises are the
ones that will build your foundation and build up those ab muscles. Focus on getting
STRONGER on these as you grow and gain experience in the gym.
For this exercise, I want you to either hang from a pull-up bar, set yourself up on the machine that
you perform dips, or if your gym has pads that you can hang on, you can use those. Simply bring
both knees up to your chest. The range-of-motion is almost as though you want to bring your knees
all the way up to your ears. You want to rotate your hip at the top and come as high as you can to
ensure you are working the lower abs. I want you to try your best to mitigate any sort of SWAY. You
will sway slightly, but be sure to keep it to a minimum. If you are not able to complete hanging
raises, simply lay on the ground and put your hands under your butt. Bring your knees up towards
your face. If you can complete 3 sets of over 20 reps, put a dumbbell between your feet to add
Grab the tricep rope and set it up on the highest position that your cable apparatus allows you to
go. This is a great exercise because we can add resistance as you get stronger. Put a mat down so
you do not experience pain with your knees and grab the rope. Once you have the rope, tuck your
head in-between your hands and use your abs to crunch down. I want you to EXHALE all of the air
out of your lungs as you come down. When you exhale the air, you will experience a better
contraction. Focus on tightening your stomach as hard as you can and then breathe in as you
come up. Once you can complete 3 sets of 15 reps with a certain weight, increase the poundage.
On this, grab a 10 or 25 pound plate and then hold the plate straight in front of you. (Almost as if
you are driving a car), I want you to allow a slight bend in your arms because if not, you will be
primarily working your shoulders when this exercise is made to target your obliques. Keep your feet
about a shoulder width apart and then twist your body from left to right. Breathe out every time you
switch sides and aim for about 15-20 reps on each side. If the 25-pound plate is too easy, you can
increase weight or simply go at a slower pace.
When your goal is to shed fat, I want you to eventually be doing cardio about 4-6 times per
week. Cardio can be done anytime of day when you can fit it in, HOWEVER, I would prefer
you try and do your cardio either right upon waking, after your workout, on an off day (from
weights), or before bed. You do not want to do cardio too soon before your workout
because it will tire you out and take away from your weight training. As far as WHAT TO DO,
there are a few options I recommend:
1. Treadmill 10.0 incline and 3.5-4.0 speed for 30 minutes
2. Warm up jog for 5 minutes. Once you are done warming up, you will start the high
intensity workout. Sprint for 15-20 seconds and follow the sprint with a 40-45
second power walk or jog. Repeat this sprint/power walk 12-15 times.
3. Stairmaster, Elliptical, treadmill, or any other cardio machine until you burn 400
calories. I would like you to try and finish right under 30 minutes.
4. Go for an outdoor jog for 30 minutes. Keep a pace where you can still hold a
conversation and aren’t gasping for air.
Again, when your primary goal is to shed fat, I want you to find the cardio workout that you
like and stick with it and perform it about 4-6 times per week. Also, feel free to rotate cardio
workouts when you please. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you for
your business, and I am looking forward to hearing about your progress!
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