Student(s): MARCO MIGUEL P. FRANCIA Artwork Being Interpreted: Love and Effort Date: Floral Design- Art Interpretation Project Final Step- Arrangement Rubric 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Design (Worth Double Points) Shows high quality of design. Needs little or no improvement. Shows some use of design. Needs improvement. Shows little or no use of design. Needs much improvement. Balance Shows visual and actual balance. Needs little or no improvement. Shows attempt at balance. Needs some improvement. Not balanced. Needs much improvement. Proportion Container and flowers are in good proportion. Needs no improvement. Shows attempt at proportion. Needs some improvement. Shows lack of proportion. Needs much improvement. Harmony Component parts blend together. Needs little or no improvement. Component parts blend together Component parts do somewhat. Needs not blend together. some improvement. Shows good use of rhythm. Eye moves smoothly through arrangement. Needs little or no improvement. Shows some use of rhythm but needs improvement. Shows little or no use of rhythm. Needs much improvement. Shows use of repetition to add interest to the arrangement. Shows use of repetition but needs some improvement. Incorrect use of repetition. Needs much improvement. Unity Whole composition is a complete unit. Needs little or no improvement. Shows use of unity but needs improvement to become a complete unit. Complete lack of unity. Needs much improvement. Color Combination of color is pleasing and appropriate for occasion. Combination of color needs improvement. Poor use of color or is not suitable for occasion. SelfEvaluation Student(s) show honesty, knowledge of floral design, and completeness in evaluating the design. Rhythm Repetition Student(s) show some Student(s) lack honesty, honesty, knowledge knowledge of floral of floral design and design and completeness in completeness in evaluating the evaluating the design. design. Total Points Earned out of 100 Points Possible Points Earned X2 On the back of this worksheet, you must evaluate your arrangement. Be sure to answer the questions completely and use names and terms you have used in Floral Design. Answer the Following Questions: Describe/explain what was done correctly. I looked up ideas for this floral arrangement on the internet before making it. Then I create my own design and thoughts, and that is the end outcome. This is a flower arrangement I made in the shape of an L. This is for a special occasion or holiday. They're beautiful colors. Flowers in white, yellow, orange, and red should be included. I centered a bright color and mxed it with yellow color because this is a nice color combination, and the outside is white to complete the look. To build an L-shaped flower arrangement, I used a long redcolored vine. I blend it color by color. To have a pleasant and elegant look. Also, some of the flowers and materials are readily available in my area. Describe/explain what you could have improved or done differently. The thing that stands out is when you see the red vines and the flower shape, which isn't far from a heart shape, because I put all of my effort into designing this flower arrangement with a creative mind. And with the heart. Also, the colours are different since the colors are exploding. Just like a heart were full of wisdom and effort.