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Magnets and Magnetism: Lesson Plan

Magnets and Magnetism
Developing (3): Magnetic materials, electromagnets and the Earth create magnetic
Secure (4): Field lines flow from the north pole to
the south pole.
Exceeding (5): Field lines can be described by drawing
field lines to show the strength and direction.
Entrance and Engagement
Rally Robin: Explain what the
key words mean.
Key Words
Magnetic Field
Engagement Answers
Magnet: An object that
produces a magnetic field
Magnetism: The force
produced by magnets
Magnetic Field: The
area around a magnet where
there is a magnetic force
Poles: The two opposite
ends of a magnet
Magnetic Fields
• Magnetic fields vary around a magnet.
• Magnetic fields force lines are vectors.
• Magnetic fields are directed from North to
• The Earth has a
magnetic field,
which we can show
using a compass.
• Note the North pole of
Earth is the South pole
of a magnet.
Practical: Drawing lines of magnetic force
• Self Assessment:
Check your results.
Record your Practical
• Method:
To complete the practical I …
• Results.
From the practical I have found that …
Developing (3): Know: How magnets react when placed close together,
Same poles and opposite poles.
Secure (4): Understand: A compass uses the magnetic field Earth’s magnetic
Exceeding (5): Apply: How to create and destroy a magnet.
Entrance and Engagement
Rally Table: Explain what the key
words mean.
Key Words
Engagement Answers
•Compass: A device with a magnetised
needle that points to Earth’s magnetic north
•Magnetise: process of making an object
•Repel: Instance where a force pushes an
object away from itself.
•Attract: Instance where a force pulls an
object towards itself.
Using Magnets and Magnetism
How could you
turn a piece of
iron into a
Magnetising metals.
Not magnetic, magnetic domains (magnetic fields inside metal)are not uniform
To magnetise, rub a magnet along the metal
in the same direction.
Magnetic, magnetic domains are now uniform
Demagnetise a magnet. If hit with a hammer the
domains will become non uniform. No longer magnetised.
Make a compass
Make a compass and use it to find Magnetic North pole of earth.
Safety: Safety Glasses, be careful with pins, sharp items danger of injury.
Step 1: Magnetise the needle
Step 2: Float the cork on water.
Step 3: Carefully, place the
needle on the cork and note the
direction the needle turns to.
Is it North?
Record your Practical
• Method:
To complete the practical I …
• Results.
From the practical I have found that …
Assessment of Learning
Peer / Self Marking
2. The needle will point in the same direction wherever
you point
it in a room because; we are very far from the north pole,
so we cannot see any changes in direction, it is too small.
End Of Lesson Activities
• Hand back borrowed:
• Pens / Rulers / Pencils
• Green pens back into pen block
• Books open on today’s work
• Stand behind your chairs to be dismissed
Developing (3): Know: How an electromagnet works and how to create an
Secure (4): Understand: An electromagnet uses the principle that a current
through a wire causes a magnetic field.
Exceeding (5): Apply: Create and increase the strength of an electromagnet.
Entrance and Engagement
Rally Table: Explain what the key
words mean.
Key Words
Engagement Answers
•Current: An electric current is a flow
of electric charge in electric circuits.
insulated wire wrapped around a core.
Making an Electromagnet
You will now make an electromagnet.
you must:
Know: how to make an electromagnet.
Know: how to change the strength of an
Make a compass
Make a compass and use it to find Magnetic North pole of earth.
Safety: Safety glasses, be careful with wire sharp items danger of injury.
Iron nail, copper wire, battery, connectors, paper clips.
Step 1: wrap the wire around the nail
to make a coil.
Step 2: Connect the coil to a battery.
Step 3: Check how many paper
clips you can pick up.
Step 4: Investigate how you could increase the strength of
the magnet.
Will number of coils change field strength?
Will increasing current change field strength?
Using Magnets
Developing (3): Know: Where are magnets used?
Secure (4): Understand: How eelectromagnets and permanent magnets are
used in various everyday devices.
Exceeding (5): Apply: Describe how magnetic devices function.
Entrance and Engagement
Watch the video.
Discuss with your
partner, the use of
magnets for this
Magnetic Carousel
Positioned around the laboratory are a selection of devices that use
magnetism to function.
For each, discuss with your team, as a group describe how they work
and their purpose. Record your solutions on your feedback sheet.
A: Electric bell
B: Micro Switch
C: Speaker
D: Microphone
E: Screwdriver
F: Circuit Breaker
Magnetic Carousel
• Electric Bell
The circuit is open (not connected).
When the manual switch is pressed the
circuit is complete and starts the electromagnet. The magnetic field
makes the arm move to strike the bell. As it moves it breaks the circuit.
A spring pulls the arm back, this re-connects the electromagnet,
making the arm strike the bell again. This repeats making the bell ring
until the manual switch is open.
• Micro Switch.
When the manual switch it pressed (closed), an electromagnet is
activated connecting the circuit. When the switch is open, the
electromagnet disconnects the circuit.
Magnetic Carousel
• Speaker
When a current is present in the
circuit, an electromagnet causes the centre cone of the
speaker to vibrate. This produces sound that can be
• Microphone.
Sound causes the cone /diaphragm to vibrate. This
causes a magnet to move in a coil, producing an
electric current. This is used by devices to record or
amplify sound.
Magnetic Carousel
• Screwdriver. The screwdriver
has a permanent magnetic tip.
When it is in contact with a screw it
sticks to the screw, if the screw falls it will stick to the
magnetic tip to stop it falling into inaccessible places.
• Circuit Breaker (RCD Switch).
Electrical current passes through the circuit breaker,
which has an electromagnet connected. If the current is
below a safe set level, the magnetic field is too small to
make the core of the electromagnet move. If the current
passes above the set (safe) level, the electromagnetic
core will move, breaking the circuit.
Assessment of Learning
Describe: How this electromagnet works.
• Describe how the electromagnet works.
• Pass your book to your partner.
• Partner to Add, edit or correct the other persons work.
Book Review Title
Topics covered so far:
1. Magnetism
2. Magnetic fields
3. Electromagnets
4. Circuit breakers
5. Electric bell
6. Device selection in
everyday life.
Keyword accumulator:
Look for any spelling errors and write them
correctly below:
Science Intervention
1. Identify the three elements that
can be magnetised.
2. Identify the direction of force for
a magnet.
3. Draw a diagram of Earth and
associated magnetic fields.
4. Draw the magnetic field for an
bar magnet.
5. Draw the magnetic field for an
6. Identify three things that affect
the strength of an
7. Draw a circuit for an
electromagnet circuit breaker.
8. Describe three considerations
when deciding to use a
permanent magnet or