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1804 Naval Battle Report: British Capture Spanish Frigates

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^ubiupeli bp
From ©aturUelp October 20, to CttCSftag October 23, 1804.
Admiralty-Office, October 2 3 , 1804.
Cc/»y o/"a Letter from tbe Honorable William Co
iornwallis, Admiral of tbe White, iffc. <$c. Sssc. to IWilliam
•Marfden, Esq; dated on board the Ville de Paris, in
Torbay, the zoth of Odober 1804.
H A V E the H o n o r to enclose, for t h e Information of the Lords Commiffioners of the A d m i ralty, Copies of the several Communications transmitted to me from Captain Moore, of the Indefatigable, giving an Account of his Proceedings in the
Execution of the Service he was sent upon, in which
• he has, in Company with the Medusa, Lively, and
A m p h i o n , succeeded in detaining t h e Spanisli Frig a t e s therein named.
Admiral Montagu communicated t o me the A r rival of the Lively at Spithead, on t h e 17th, with
•the F a m a .
I have the H o n o r to be, Sec.
Admiral's F l a g ; Captain G o r e being the' headmost
Ship, placed the Medusa on the Weather Beam of
t h e C o m m o d o r e ; the Indefatigable took a similar
Position alongside of the R e a r - A d m i r a l ; the A m phion and Lively each taking an Opponent in the
same Manner, as they came u p : ' A f t e r hailing
to make them shorten Sail, without Effect, i
fired a Shot across the Rear-Admiral's ForeF.oot, on which he shortened S a i l ; and I sent
Lieutenant Ascott, of the "Indefatigable, to inform him, that m y Orders were -to detain his
Squadron ; t h a t it was m y earnest Wish to execute
them without Bloodshed ; but that his. Determination must be made instantly : After waiting some
T i m e , I made the Signal for the Boat, and fired a
Shot a-head of the Admiral.
A s soon as the
Officer returned with an unsatisfactory Answer, I
sired another Shot a-head of the Admiral, and bore
down close on his- W e a t h e r - B o w ; at this Moment
the Admiral's Second a-stern fired into the A m phion ; the Admiral fired into the Indefatigable;
and I made the Signal for close Battle, which was
instantly commenced with all the Alacrity.and V i gour of Englisli Sailors. In less tjian T e n Minutes •
L a Mercedes, the Admiral's Second a-stern, blew
up alongside the A m p h i o n , with a tremendous E x plosion. Captain Sutton having, with great J u d g ment, and much to my Satisfaction, placed himself
tb Leeward os that Ship, the Escape of theSpar.ifh.
Admiral's Ship was rendered almost impossible; in
less than H a l f an H o u r she struck, as did the O p p o nent of the Lively. Perceiving at this Moment the
Spanisli Commodore was. making off, and seeming
to have the Heels of the Medusa, I made the Signal for the Lively to join iii the Chace, having before noticed the superior Sailing of that Ship..
Captain Hammond did not lose an Instant ;• and we
had the Satisfaction, long before Sunset, to see from
•our Mast-Head that the only remaining Ship .had
surrendered to the Medusa and Lively.
Indefatigable, at Sea, 08. 6," 1804.
H A V E tlie H o n o r to acquaint you, that I have
executed the Service you did me the Honor to
ccharge me with.
On the Morning of the 29th of September, the
Indefatigable got o'ff Cadiz ; on t h 4 30th, we fell in
w i t h the Medusa ; Captaiii Gore having informed me
the Amphion'was in the Streight's Mouth, and that
t h e Triumph was off Gibraltar, ancl that Sir Robert
Barlow meant to go into Cadiz for the T r a d e there,
on his. W a y to England ; I thought fit to fend the
'Medusa to apprise t>ir Robert Barlow of the Nature
of my Order, that he might then judge whether or
not he (hould go into Cadiz, and I directed Captain
G o r e to rejoin me with the Amphion as soon as
possible off (Tape St. Mary. On tlie zd Instant, I
was joined by the Lively, and o n . t h e 3d, by the
Medusa and Amphion ; the latter having communi-'
.cated, what I thought necessary, to Sir Robert
A S soon as our Boats had taken Possession of the
Yesterday Morning, Cape St. Mary bearing N . E . Rear-Admiral, we made Sail for the floating F r a g Nine Leagues, the Medusa made thc Signal for ments of the unfortunate Spanish Frigate whicli
F o u r Sail W . by S. I made the Signal for a general blew up ; but, except Forty taken up by the A m Chace ; at E i g h t A . M . discovered them to be phion's Boats, all on board perislied. T h i s SquaFour large Spanish Frigates which formed the Line dron was commanded by D o n Joseph Bustamente,
of Battle a-head on our A p p r 6 a c h , and continued " K n i g h t o f t h e Order of-St. James, and a Rear•to steer in for Cadiz, the Van Ship carrying a Admiral. T h e y are from Monte Video, Rio de la
Broad Pendant, and t h e Ship next to her a Rear- Plata, and, from the Information pf the Captain of
the Flag Ship, contained ahout Four Millions of
Dollars, Eight Hundred Thousand of which were
on board the Mercedes which blew up. Other Ac-,
counts state the Quantity of Specie to be much
greater, public and private, and there is besides
much valuable Merchandize on board the captured
Ships. -Our Loss has been very trifling. I have j
not yet had-the Returns from the other Ships, but
the Indefatigable did not lose a Man. The Spaniards suffered chiefly in their Rigging, which was
our Object. The Captains of the different Ships
conducted themselves so $bly, that no Honor could
accrue'to me but the fortunate Accident of being
Senior Officer.
The Zeal, Activity, and Spirit of the Officers,
Seamen, and Maiines of the Squadron is belt
evinced by the complete Manner in which they performed their Work. Lieutenants Gore,' Parker,
and Ascott, of the Indefatigable, ai)d Lieutenants \
Haviland and Hole, of the Marines, gave me that
Support which their uniform good Conduct formerlytaught me to rely on. Mr. Griffith's, the. Master,
Conduct has my perfect Approbation. I presume
to recommend, in the strongest Manner, Lieutenant
John Gore, of the Indefatigable, to your Favour
and Protection.
1 have the Honor to be, &c.
Sacks of Cafcaiilla, 1627 Bars of Tin, 203 Pigs
of Copper, and 521,940 Dollars in Silver.
Fama.—300 Bars of Tin, 28 Planks of Wood, and
330,000 Dollars in Silver.
Mercedes.—20 Sacks of Vienna Wool, 20 Chesta
and Sacks of Cafcarilla, 1139 Bars of Tin, 961
Pigs of Copper," and 221,000 Dollars in* Silver.
Clara.—20 Sacks of Vienna Wool, 20 Chests and
Sacks of Cajcarilla, 1666 Bars of Tin, 571
Pigs of Copper, and 234,694 Dollars in Silver.
Total.—75 Sacks of Vienna Wool, 60 Chests,,
aid Sacks of Cafcarilla, 4732 Bars of Tin,
17*35 Pigs of Copper, 28 Planks of Wood,
and 1,307,634 Dollars in Silver.
Force qs the Spanish Squadron.
La Medee, (Flag Ship.)—Forty-two Guns, Eighteen-Pounders, on the Main Deck, and Three
Hundred Men, taken j Two Men killed and Ten
La Fama, (Commodore's Ship,)—Thirty-fix Guns,
Twelve Pounders, on the Main Deck, and Two
. Hundred aud Eighty Men, taken ; no Returns.
La Clara.—Thirty.six Guns, Twelve Pounders, on
the Main Deck, and Three Hundred Men-,
' taken ; no Returns.
La Mercedes.—Thirty-six Guns, Twelve-Pounders,
on the Main Deck, and Two Hundred and
Eighty Men, blew up ; Second Captaiii and
Forty-Men saved.
Indefatigable, Plymouth Sound,
' Odober 19, 1804.
H A V E to inform you of tbe Arrival at this
Port, of His Majesty's Ship tinder my Command, with the Amphion, which I thought proper
. to order to England for the Security of the Two
Spanish Frigates La Medee and La Clara, which
\re have brought in with us. We have seen nothing
of the Medusa and Lively, with the Spanish Frigate
La Fama, since the Evening of the Action, when
they parted from us. I enclose a Copy of the Ac*
count delivered to me by.the Spanish Major of the
Squadron, of the Treasure and Cargo on board the
Four Ships.
I h<tve the Honor to be, &c,
' The Honorable Admiral Cornwallis,
ESV. &c. &c.
. -, "
A General Statement of the Goods and Effeds brought
by the Frigates of this Divifion, commanded by Don
Joseph de tiustmante y Guerra, Chief of the Squadron os the Royal Navy.
On Account of tbe King.
Medee.—35 Sacks of Vienna Wool, 20 Chests and
On Account of the Marine Company.
Medee.—8995 Seal Skins.
Fama.—H»930 Seal Skins.
Clara.—10 Pipes of Seal Oil.
Total.—26,925 Seal Skins and 10 Pipes of
Seal Oil. .
On Account of the Merchants.
Medee.—32 Chests of Ratinia, 952,6(9 Dollars in
Silver, 279,502 Gold, reduced into Dollars, and
124,^60 Ingots of Gold reduced into Dollars.
Fama.—316,597 Dollars in Silver, 217,756 Gold,
reduced into Dollars,,.and .25.411 Ingots of Gold
reduced into Dollars.
Mercedes.—1590,000 Dollars in Silver.
Clara.-r-'622,4O0 Gold, reduced into Dollars.
Total.—32 Chests of Ratinia, 1,859,216 Dollars in Silver, 1,119,658 Gold, reduced into
Dollars, and 150,011 Ingots of Gold, reduced into Dollars.
Admiralty-Office, October 23, 1804.
Costy of a Letter from Captain Moore, of His Majesty's Ship the Indefatigable, to William Marfden^
Esq; dated the 2 ist Instant,
H E R E W I T H transmit to you, for their Lordfliips' Information, a Return of, the Killed and
Wounded on board His Majesty's Ships in the
Action of the 5th of October 1804, together with
the Loss of the Spaniards.
. 1 am, Sir,&c.
Medusa.—Her Return not received.
Amphion.— Lieutenant William Bennett, wounded,
3 Seamen and 1 Marine, wounded, badly.
Lively.—2 killed ; 4 wounded.
La Medee (the Spanish Admiral).—z Killed; 10
La Clara.— 7 Killed ; 20 Wounded.
La Fama.— 11 Killed, and 50 Wounded.
La Mercedes.—Blown up, the Second Captain, and
i 45 Men saved by the Amphion, all the Rest
' perished.
Commiffions in the Middlesex Militia, figned by tbe
Lord Lieutenant.
Royal Westminster Regiment.
George Gascoyne, Esq; to be Captain. Dated October 15, 1804.
E 13 n ]
Royal Western Regiment.
The Average Price of the Annuities, after the
T . E . Wells,-Gent, to be Ensign. Dated October Rate of Five Pounds per Centum per Annum,
• 1$, 1804.
granted by an Act of the Twenty-fourth Year of
His present Majesty, and by several subsequent
^Commissionsfignedby the Lord Lieutenant ofthe County
Acts, was Eighty-eight Pounds Ten Shillings and
of Middlesex.
. Six Pence.
zd Battalion of sheen's Royal Volunteers.
Notice 1*3 hereby given* that all Persons who
-Alexander Adam, Gent, to be Second Lieutenant, signified to the Governor and Company of the Bank
•vice 'Rattenbury, promoted. Dated September of England, on or before the Fifth Instant, according
27, 1804.
to the Directions of the said Act, their Desire to
James Pymas, Gent, to be Ditto, vice Robinson, take the Benefit of the Terms therein contained,
promoted. Dated as above.
will be entitled to hold the Capital Stock for which
they signified their Desire as aforesaid, as consoLoyal Britons Volunteers.
Henry Cutler, Esq; to be Captain, vice Stockdale, lidated with, and making Part of the Consolidated
Annuities, after the Rate of Five Pounds per Cen(resigned. Dated September 29, 1804.
Donald M'Donald, Gent, to be Ensign, vice Geoige tum per Annum, created by an Act made in the
Twenty-fourth Year of His present Majesty, and
Cutler, promoted. Dated as above.
several subsequent Acts, receiving thereon one Half
Commiffion inthe Argyll and Bute Militia, figned by Year's Dividend on the Fifth Day of January One
the Lord Lieutenant of Argyllshire.
thousand eight hundred and five; and in Addition
Charles George Jones, Esq; to be Captain, vice thereto, for every One Hundred Pounds of such
• Campbell, resigned. Dated July 16, 1804.
Annuities, will be entitled to the Capital Stock of
Twenty Pounds, Nine Shillings, and Eight Pence
in Reduced Annuities, after the Rate of Three
Pounds per Centum per Annum, the fame being
Ordnance-Office, Odober 20, 1804.
equal to the Difference between the Sum of One
• Royal Regiment of Artillery.
Second Captain Richard J. J. Lacey, to be Adju- Hundred Pounds Sterling, and the Value of One
tant, vice Brome, promoted to a Company. Dated Hundred Pounds Capital Stock in the said Consolidated Annuities, after the Rate of Five Pounds
August 13, 1804.
<Jentlemau Cadet Eliott Seward to be Second Lieu- per Centum per Annum, computed according to
tenant, vice Faddy, promoted. Dated Septem- the Directions of the said Act.
ber 29, 1804.
Gentleman Cadet Lloyd Dowse to be Second Whitehall, Treasury Chambers,
Odober 11, 1804.
Lieutenant, vice Clarke, promoted. D#ted as
Gentleman Cadet George J. Belson t o b e Second
Lieutenant, vice Stanhope, promoted. Dated as O F F I C E F O R T A X E S , S O M E R S E T above.
October 23, 1804.
Peter Stewart, Gent, to be Second Lieutenant, vice
JJ Ursuant to an Ad pasted in the Forty-second Tear
Napier, promoted. Dated as above.
* of His present Majesty's Reign, Notice is hereby
given, That, the Price of Three per Centum Reduced
Bank Annuities, fold at the Bank of England on this
Day, was fj.^6 and under £.$'] per Centum.
F I V E P E R C E N T S , 1797.
By Order ofthe Commissioners for the Affairs of Taxes,
H E R E A S the Governor and Deputy GoMatthew Winter, Secretary.
vernor of the Bank of England, have, pursuant to an Act passed in the last Seffion of PailiaNavy-Office, October 11, 1804.
.ment, intituled «* An Act for granting Additional fTHE Principal Officers and Commiffioners of His
•*• Annuities to the Proprietors of Stock created by *• Majesty's Navy do hereby give Notice, that on
" Two Acts passed in the Thirty-seventh and Wednesday the zqth Infiant, at Onco'Ctock, they will be
« Forty-second Years of His present Majesty," ready to treat witbsucb Persons as may be willing to
Declared that the* Value of every One Hundred contrad for supplying His Majesty's Tard at PortsPounds of Reduced Annuities, after the Rate of mouth with
Three Pounds per Centum per Annum ; and in An- . Metal Coaks for Sheeves of Blocks, to be comnuities after, the Rate of Five Pounds per Centum
posed as follows, viz. 16 Parts of pure Copper,
per Annum, granted by an Act of the Twenty2 Parts of pure Tin, and 3 Parts of Yellow
fourth Year of His present Majesty, and by several
Brass of Commerce.
subsequent Acts, computed and taken on the average
Patterns of the Coaks, with a Form qf tbe Tender,
Price of such Annuities respectively, pn the last
Ten Days on which any Transfer of Stock was made, may be seen at this Offce.
No Tender will be received after Twelve o'Clock on
preceding the Tenth Day of October One thousand
eight hundred and four, on which any-Transfcr was tbe Day of Treaty, nor any noticed, unless the Party,
R. A . Nelson.
made in either of the said Capital Stocks at the or an Agentfor him, attends.
Bank of England, after making Deduction of the
Navy-Office, October 22, 1804.
AVnount of the Dividend due or accruing thereon, rTTtHE Principal Offcers and Commissioners of His.
was as follows:
-*- Majesty's Navy do bereby give Notice, that on
The Average Price of the Reduced Annuities, Thursday tbe Z$th Instant, at Ten o'Clock in tbe Foreafter the Rate of Three Pounds per Centum per noon, Commiffioner Sir Charles Saxton, Bart, will exAnnum, was Fifty-ftx Pounds and Six Pence.
pose to $*lt at the Pay-Offtt, in His Majesty's Tard,
*3*2 . 1
• . . . • Westminster Fire-Office, Bedford-Street,
near Portsmouth, the Hull of the Medea Army. Prison
•October 19, 1804.
Ship, lying at Cowes, with ft veral Articles belonging
to her; the Particulars whereof may be seen at the '• A Special General Meeting will be held at this Offce
'•^*- on Thursday the Kth Day of November next, at
Commissioner's Offce.
The Ship is to be removed from the Place where ste Twelve 0'Clock at Noon precisely, to confirm the Mi-'
now des, immediately on the Arrival ,qf the Dido at nutes of the last General Meeting.
G . H . Browne, Secretary.
that Station.
. .=?
L o n d o n , October 2 2 , 1864.•
Exchequer-Bill Offce, St.
that an Account of Sales of
Westminster, z^d Odober 1804.
^ * '. the French Ship La Nymphe, captured by HisInterest on Exchequer-Bills to be paid.
Holders of Exchequer-Bills, dated ih the Majesty's Ship Doris, Richard Harrison Pearson, Esq;
. •*- Months of June, July, Augiist, and September Captain, on the qth os June 1893, is registered in the
1803, desirous of receiving the Interest that will be due High Court of Admiralty, agreeable lo Ad of Par- .
thereon -refpedively to Wednesday the 7th Day qf No- liament.
vember next inclusive, in Money, and of taking New
Boger, of Plymouth, Agents.
Exchequer-Bills in Exchange for the Principal, bearing
an Interest of $\d. per Centum per Diem, and payable
N o . 13, Barn'ard's-Irin, L o n d o n ,
into the Public Revenues after the $th Day of April
October 19', 1864.
1805^ unless sooner'discharged, who stall signify such
AjOtice is hereby given to the Captains, Officers, and
their Destre'to this Offce, on or before the $d qf Novetn- •*• Crews of His Majesty's Ships Northumberland,
ber next, may receive tfie fame accordingly.
Le Genereux, Champion, Princess Charlotte, Penelope, •'
Attendance ivill begiven daily's Sundays- and Holi- Success, Santa Teresa, La Bonne Citoyenne, Vincejo,
days excepted) until Saturday the $d of November next Bull Dog, Port Mahon, Minorca, and Strombolo, who
inclusive, from Ten o'Clock in the Morning till One in the were at the Capture of the French Frigate La Dianne,
Afternoon, for the Purpose of receiving the same : And, on the <Zfyh Day qf August 1800, that an Account of.
for the greater Dispatch, the Bearers qf the said Bill's •the Net Proceeds of. Head-Money arising from the Capare defired lo. bring Lifis thereof containing the Numbers ture of said Ship is lodged in the Regi/lry of. the High
in Numerical Order, according to the Value of the said Court of Admiralty agreeable to Ad of Parliament.
F . Sawyer, for Nicholas Brown apd J . T y - ,
Bills atid Times of Commencement of Interest, with the
• son, Efqrs. Agents. °
Priticipal Sums and Interest due thereon, computed from
the Days on which they are refpedively dated, exclufive to
•London, October 2 3 , 1 8 9 4 .
the satd 'jth Day of November next inclusive, when the
Otice is hereby given, that'an'Account of Sales of
New Bills tvill be dated; and they are defired to write
the following Prizes captured by His Majesty's
their Names and Places of Abode on fuch Lifts, and Ship Jamaica, and condemned in the High Court of
indorse their Names on thesaid Bills.
Admiralty, viz.
The New Bills will be delivered on Friday the gth
Hull ahd Sioret, and the unclaimed Part ofthe Cargo of
of November, andfollowing Days.
the Jeune: Carolie, captured zd of June 1803 ; •
The Hull, Stores, and Cargo of the Sirene, captured
Royal Hospital for Seamen at Greenwich,
the igth of June 1803 ;
J u l y 3 1 , 1804.
'Salvage of-the Brigs Eagle and beamier, recaptured
HHHE Commissioners and Governors of the said Hosthc -cth of January 1 8 0 4 ;
•&• pital hereby give Notice, that- at belter'.-; Fall, in
' The Marie .and Madaline French Fishing Vessels,,
London^ on Wednesday the Zist Day os N'-vjmber
captured} the sth of June 1803 ; '
next, or as soon aster as conveniently may be, the un&'iyAnd
the Fanny French Privateer, with Head Money
memioned Farms will be let on Leases, to commence upin
for the fame, captured the i**th of August .1803,
the iztb Day of May 1805, f°f_ 2 * -Tears, tbat is to
sav '; Hartburn-Grasnge~ EastsFarm,7and
'Hartburn-') ™M~be delivered into the Regijlry of "the said Court.
-• the
• Parish
- • qs -Hartburn, and- 1
T h o s . Maude, Agent.
County of Northumberland.
• Such Persons as may be dstrous qf taking either of tic
named in the last Will ond Testament of William Davies,.
of the City of Coventry, Brazier and I i n Plate Worker,
abovementioned Farms are requested to deiiver or fend \
d5ceal'ed,-do hereby give Notice, that they declined carrying
their Proposals to John lbbetfon, Efqi at Greenwich
Hospital, any Time before- the zist Day of November ] on the laid Trades, on the 9th Day of August last, in Favor.
of William Edwards, of the said City of Coventry, Brazier
next, or oa that Day, before the Hour os Eleven o'Clock and Tin Plate Workers.and which Trades will in futui'e be
in the Forenoon, at Salter's-Hall, in London, after carried on by and on the Account of the said William ]idnvhich Hour no Proposals will be received; and for wards only: As. witness their Hands* .this 19th Day of
Jame) Whittem.
Particulars to apply to Meffrs. Walton and Forster, October 1804;
Receivers for thesaid Hospital, at their Offce at NewNalh.
castle-upon-Tyne, or Jo Mr. Edward Bell, Bailiff for J
•• Wm. Edwards..
tbesaid Farms.
.6tice Is hereby giveA, that tlie Partnership latpiy carried oirbetween George Seaile and Joseph Frankly 11,
Corporation of the Sons of the Clergy.
of Louth, in the County <Jf Lincoln, in tke several Businesses
General Annual Court of the Governors ofthe of Mercers, Drapers, and Grocers, under the Firm of Searle
. •*• Charity for the Relief qf Poor Widows' and Chil- and Frank lyn, was, on the 18th Das of SejJtember'lasl, disjdrenof Clergymen will beholden at the Corporation- solved, by mutual Consent,; • and that the above Businefles
will in future be carried on solely by tlie said fJeorge Searle,
Office,'No. 2., Bloomstury-Place, on Thursday lhe Sth j by whom all Debts owing, from or to the said Copartnerfliip
Day of November 1804, at One o'Clock, precisely, for- will be paid and received.: As witness our Hands, thi* 15th
the.Choice os Offcers for the ensuing Tear, in'pursuance Dayof October 4.804, *i •
GeorgeSearle. r
jof the Charter-*
H e n r y s t e b b i n g , Registrar* i
Joseph Frahklya.
AKE^Notiee, that the Partnership lately subsisting between James Richardson and William Richardson, of
'••Chancery-Lane, in the Liberty of the Rolls, in the County
-of Middlesex, carried on under thc Firm and Stile of James
«nd William Richardson, Carpenters and Undertakers, was
Tin the 9th "Day of this present Tnstant October dillblved by
mutual Consent; and •all Debts due to and owing by the
•said Copartnership will be received and paid by the laid
James-Richardson, who in future carries on the respective
Businefles on his own Account: As witness their Hands this
tothDayof October 1804,
.James Richardson.
•William Richardson.
LL Persons (if any) whohave any unsatisfied Cfalaw
or Demands on the Estate and Effects of. Mrs. Frances
Hay, deceased, late of Glynbourne, in the County of Sussex,
and-of Henrietta-Street, Cavtndish-Square, are requirsd to
deliver in Sn "Account of such Claims or Demands on or
before the x$l\i Day of November next, either to William
Anthony Hodfon, Esq; of Westmeston, near Lewes, or to
Mr. John Boodle, Lower Brook-Street, Grosvenor-Sqxtire.
Plymouth-Dock, Devon, October 15,1804.
'LL Persons indebted to -the Estate of tiie late Richard
Nelson, Esq; of> this Town, deceased, are hereby re^Otice is hereby given, "that the Partnerfliip between quested forthwith to pay the said Debts into tbe Hands of
John Critchiey, William Jones, and Samuel Shnistcr, R. T. Nelson, the Son and Administrator of tlie Deceased,
- carrying on Trade as Cotton-Manufacturers, - at Manchester at Plymouth-Dock, Devon; and all Persons having just
•and Warrington, under the Firm of John Critchiey and Claims on the aforesaid Estate are requested to produce iuch
*Company,.and as Dealers, in Twist at Manchester, under the Demand.beforethe said >R. T. Nelson, that the same may be
. 'Name of Samuel Si mister, was. this Day 'dissolved by mutual discharged.
Consent. All .Debts due to or owing from the said Firm of
HE Creditors who have proved their Debts under a
•John Critchiey 3nd Company will be paid and received by
Commiflion of Bankrupt awarded- and istiied against
.the said John Critchiey and William Jones; and all Debts James Campbell, of the Shakespiar Tavern, Covent-Garden,
•due to or owing from the said Concern of Samuel Simister in the County of Middlesex,Vintner, Dealer and'Chapman,
.will be paid and received by the said Samuel Si mist er.
are desired to meet .the Affignees of the said Bankrupt's
_John Critchiey.
Estate and Effects on Thursday }jext the 35th Day of October
instant, at Sis of the Clock'in the Evening, at the Shake•William Jones.
spear Tavern aforesaid, to astent to or dissent from the said
_, ^Samuel Simister.
Assignees selling or disposing of the said Bankrupt's Effects
Bristol, August ao, 1804. by public Sale or ..private -Contract, and to determine by
TVTOtice is' hereby given, that the Partnerlhip lately sub- whom she*fame are tb be sold and disposed of; apd further
J ^ sisting between Henry Bonner, John Bonner, and Jo- to assent to or disient from the said Assignees commencing,
: feph Page of'this City,'Printers, under the Firm of Bonners prosecuting, or defending any Suit or Suits at Law or in
and Page, was this Day'dissolved by mutual Consent; and in Equity lor Recovery of any Part of the laid Bankrupt's
that the.Business will be continued by the laid Henry Bon- Estate and Effects; or to the compounding, submitting to
ner and Joseph Page, who-will settle the Accounts of the Arbitration, or otherwise agreeing any Matter or Thin*
• late Copartnership.
.'Henry Bonner.
relating thereto; and on other special Assairs.
John Bonner.
'Joseph Page.
HE Partnership lately subsisting between Joseph Sowter,
of Castle Donnington, in the County of Leicester,
'Cornfactor; Robert Sowter, of Newhill, near -Wath upon
.Dearne, in the'County .of York, Merchant; John Hopkin-:
son, ofthe Town of Derby,. Cornfactor; and William Br-om.ley, of Mexbrough, near Doncaster, in the County of York,
Engineer,iin the Business of Pot-Manufacturers, lately-cartried on by "them at Mexbrough aforesaid .under the Firm of
-Sowters,'Hopkinson, and.Bromley, was this .Day dissolved,
so far as the fame relates to the said .William Bromley ; and
• all Debts due to or owing from the said Partnersliip .will be
'received and paid'by the said Joseph Sowter, Robert Sowter,
-and John .'Hopkinson, -who ^continue to carry on the said
.Business -Of Pot-Manufacturers -at Mexbroiigh aforesaid.
iBated this, ist Dayvof Qctober.i;8o4Jos. Sowter.
[John Hopkinson.
Rob. Sowter.
•Wm. Bromley.
Otice is Miereby given, .that .the Partnersliip between
Richard Boulton and John Wainwright, of Alvechurch, in lhe County of Worcefier, Drapers, Grocers, &c.
under the'Firm xif .Uoulton and Wainwright, was by mutual
•Consent distolved this Day. All Demands ^pon the above
"Firm will be paid by the said Richard Boulton, who is empowered to receive and discharge all Debts.due to the said
"Partnership. Witness our Hands this .19th Day of October
.Richard Boulton.
John Wainwright.
HE Creditors who have proved their Debts under a "
.Commission of Bankrupt awarded and issued forth
against Henry Aveson, of Manchester, in the County of
Lancaster, Publican, Dealer and Chapman, (Partner with
Samuel Aveson, of fame Place, Corn-Dealer,) are desired to
meet the Assignee of the said Bankiupt's Estate and Effects
on the 26th of November next, at Four o'Clock in-the Afternoon, at theDog Tavern, in Deansgate, Manchester afore*
saTd, in order to assent to or dissent from the said assignees
•commencing, prosecuting, or defending any Suit or Suits at
L3w or in Equity, for Recovery of any Part of the said
Bankrupt's Estate and Effects; and also to their compounding, submitting to Arbitiation, or otherwise agreeing any
• Matter, or Thing relating thereto; and on other speciai
HE Creditors of Elizabeth Parsons, fortnerly of PentonStreet, Pentonville, in the County of Middlesex, late
of Yauxhall, in the County of Surrey, Widow, last a Prisoner for Debt in-the King's Bench Prison, and who was discharged therefrom at the General Session of the Peace,
holden at St. Mary, Nevington, in and for the County of
Surrey, on Monday the 3d Day of September last, by virtu*
of an Act lately pafled sor the Relief of certain Insolvent
Debtors, are requested to meet at Brown's Cossee-House,
Mitre-Court, Fleet-Street, London, on Friday the ad Day
of November next, at Six o'Clock in the Evening, sor thi
Purpose of choosing an Assignee or Assignees of the Estate
and Effects of the said Elizabeth Parsons.
Ursuant to an Order made -by the Right Honorable John
Lord F.ldon, Lord High ChanceUor of Great Britain,
for Enlarging the Time sor Francis Courtney Devcnifh, late
Otice is hereby given, tliat the Copartnership lately sub- of Saint Martin's-Lane, in tlie County of Middlesex, Upfisting between Messrs. Thomas Rendall j James .Brad- holder, (a Bankrupt,) to surrender -himself and make a full
fliaw, and James Hall, of Dun-Mill, in the Parisli of Hun- Discovery and Dilclosure of iiis Estate and Essects, for Eight
gerford, in the County of Berks, Mealmen, was diiiolved by Days, to be computed from the 33d Day of October in- t
mutual Consent on .the Jtoth Day .of October last'. All stant; This is to *ive Notice, that the Commissioners' in
(akl Commission named, and authorised, or the major
JDebts due to the said Copartnerfliip are to be .paid to the the
of them, intend to meet on the 31st Day of October
said James Bradlhaw, by whom all legal Demands upon the Part
instant, at Eleven in the Forenoon, at Guildhall, London,'
;fame will be paid. Witnsss.our Hands tips i7th'Day of where Æhe said Bankmpt is required to surrender himself
.May 1804,
T. Rendall
between the Hours of Eleven and One of the fame Day, and
James Brad/haw.
.make a full Discovery and Disclosure qf his Estate ao.d
Effects, and iiniih his Examination, and the Creditor*, whs
James Hail.
fl®& 15747.
t '3M- 1
have not already proved their Debts, may then and there Days of November next, and on the 4th Day of December
come and prove the fame, and aflent to or dissent from the j following, at Eleven o'clock in the Forenoon on <gach Day,
at the House of John Honlt, the Legs of Man and Bull
Allowance of his Certificate.
Inn and Hotel, at Prescot aforesaid; and, make a full Dis'Hereas a Commiffion of Bankrupt, bearing Date very and Disclosure of his Estateand Effects; when and
the ist Day of June last, was awarded and istued where the Creditors are to come prepared to prove their
fortli against William Gedge, of Leicester-Square, in the Debts, and at the Second Sitting to chuse Assignees; and at
County of Middlesex, Linen-Draper and Callco-Printer; the Last Sitting the said Bankrupt is required to finisli his
This is. to give Notice, that the' said Commission is, under Examination, and thc Creditors are to assent to or distent
the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and from the Allowance of his Certificate. All Persons inIreland, superseded.
debted to thesaid Bankiupt, or that have any of his Ef'Hereas a Commission of Bankrupt is awarded and fects, arc not to pay or deliver the fame but to whom the
issued forth against Charles Battersby, of Wapping Commissioners fliall appoint, but give Notice to Mr. Thomas'
High-Street, in the County of Middlesex, Ship-Chandler, Blackstock, St. Mildred's-Court, Poultry, London, or to Mr.
Pealer and Chapman, and he being declared a Bankrupt is Harvey ;Wright, Attorney, Prescot. •
hereby required to surrender himself to the Commissioners in
7 Hereas a Commission of Bankrupt is swarded and
the said Commission named, or the major Part of them, on
/ issued forth against Edward Cooper, now or late
the 30th Day of October instant, on the 6th Day of No- of the Newark, in Leicester, in the Countyof Leicester,
vember next, and on the 4th Day of December following, Hosier, Dealer and Chapman, and he being declared a
at Ten of the Clock in the Forenoon on each of the said Bankrupt, is hereby required to surrender himself ito the
Day, at Guildhall, London, and make a full Discovery and Commissioners in the said Commission named, or the major
Disclosure qf his Estate and Elsects; when and where the. Part of them, on the 8th of November next, at Four o'Clock
Creditors are to come prepared to prove their Debts, and in the Afternoon, on the 9th Day of the same Month, and
at the Second Sitting to chuse Assignees, ^nd at the Last on the 4th Day of December follpwing, it Twelve o'Clock
Sitting the' said Bankrupt is required to finish his Exa- at Noon, at the House of Mrs. Julien Dibbin, the White
mination, and the Creditorsare to astent to or dissent from Hart Inn, in Leicester,in the County of Leicester, and make a
the Allowance of his Certificate. All Persons indebted to full Discovery and Disclosure of his Estate and Effects; when
the said Bankrupt, or that have any of his Effects, are not and where the Creditors are to come prepared to prove
to pay or deliver the fame but to whom the Commissioners their Debts, and at the Second Sitting to chuse Assigshall appoint, but give Notice to Mr. Elstob^ Catherine- nees, and at the Last Sitting the said Barikrupt is required to
Court, Trinity-Square, London.
finish his Examination, and the Creditors are to astent to or
Hereas a Commission of Bankrupt is swarded and dissent from the Allowance of his Certificate. All Persons
issued forth against WiUiam Walker, Of Ch'ancery- indebted to the said Bankrupt, or that have any of his EfLane, in the Liberty of the Rolls, in the County of Mid- fects, are not to pay or deliver the fame but to whom the
dlesex, Tailor, Dealer and Chapman, and hefcfeingdeclared Commissioners shall appoint, but giveNotice to Messrs. ,Bleasa Bankrupt is hereby required to surrender-himself to the dale and Alexander, Attornies, New-Inn,' London, or'Mr.
Commissioners in the said Commission named, or the major Robert Bond, Attorney at .Law, Leicester.
Part of them, on the 30th of October instant, at Ten in the
HE, Commissioners, in a .Commission of. Bankrupt,,
Forenoon, on the 6ih of November next, at Eleven o'Clock in
awarded and issued against John Baines, late of Bolton,
the Forenoon, and on the 4th Day of December following, at Twelve o'Clock at Noon, at Guildhall', London, .and in the County of Lancaster, Cotton Manufacturer, and Joha
shake a full Discovery and Disclosure of his Estate and Essects; Gardner, late of the City of London, but then of Over,' in
when and where the Creditors are to come prepared to prove the County of Chester, Cotton Manufacturer, Dealers and
their Debts, and at the Secosid Sitting to chuse Assignees, Chapmen, Copartners and Bankrupts, (trading under, the
and at the Last Sitting the said Bankrapt iis required to Firm of Batnes and Gardner,) intend to meet o.n Thursday
finish his Examination, and the Creditors are to assent to or the 25th Day of October instant, at Eleven of the Clock
dissent from the Allowance of his Certificate. All Persons in the Forenoon, .at the House of Nathaniel Chadwick, the
indebted to the said Bankrupt, or that have any of his Effects, Sign ofthe Swan, in Bolton aforesaid, when and where the
arenot to pay or deliver the fame but.to whom the Commis- Creditors of the said Bankrupts, who have already proved
sioners sliall appoint, but give Notice to Messrs. Parker, their Debts under, the said Commission, are to attend in
Cuppage, Young, and Hughes, Esiex-Street, Strand, London. order to choose one or more Assignee or Assignees,of the.
said Bankrupts' Estate and Effects, in, the Room of Ellis
of Bolton aforesaid, lately deceased, and of Richard
'Hereas a Commission of Bankrupt is awarded and Sweetlove,
of the same Place, lately become Bankrupt, the late
issued forth against John Birkitt, of fceccles, in the Cliff,
County of Sussolk, Draper and Taylor, Dealer and Chapman, and he being declared a, Bankrupt is hWcby required
^ H E Commissioners in a Commission of Bankrupt
to surrender himself to the Commissioners in the said Com, awarded and issued forth against John Lodge, now
niission named, or the major Part of them, on the 5th and
6th Days of November next, and on the 4th of December or late of London-Wall, in the City of London, Carpenter,
following, at Eleven of the Clock in the Forenoon on each Dealer and Chapman, intend to meet on the aoth of No-.
of the said Days, at the House of John Smith, called or vember next, at Ten inthe Forenoon, at Guildhall, London,,
known by the Name or Sign of.the Bell Inn, in Sax- (by Adjournment from the aoth of October instant,) to take
mundham, in the said County, and make a full Dis- the Last Examination of the said Banknipt; when and where
covery and Disclosure of his Estate and Effects; when and he- is required to surrender himself and make a full Diswhere the Creditors are to come prepared to prpve their covery and Disclosure of his Estate and Essects, and finilh
Debts, and at the Second Sitting to chuse Assignees, and his Examination; and the Creditprs. who have not already
at the last Sitting the said Bankrupt is required to finisli proved their Debts, are to come prepared to prove the
his Examination, and the Creditorsare to assent to or dissent fame, and, with those who have proved theirDebts, assent
from the Allowance of his Certificate. All Persons in- to or dissent from the Allowance of his Certificate.
debted to the said Bankrupt, or that have any of his Effects,
H E Commissioners in a Commission'of Bankrupt
are not to pay or deliver the fame but to whom the Comawarded and ifliied against John Lester, of Barbican,,
missioners fliall appoint, but give Notice to Mr. Thomas
Mitchell, Solicitor, Saxmundham, or Mr. Robins, Solicitor, in the City of London, Coal-Merchant, Dealer and Chapman, intend to meet on the 17th Day of November next,
KJray's-Inn-Place, London.
at Twelve of the' Clock at Noon, at Guildhall, London, (by
'Hereas a Commission of Bankrupt is awarded and Adjournment from the aoth JDay of October instant,) in
• issued forth against George Jepfon, late of Prescot, order to take the Last Examination of the said Bankin"the County of Lancaster, Grocer, Dealer and Chapman, rupt; when and where he is required to surrender himand he being declared a Bankrupt is hereby required to sur- self and make a full Discovery and Disclosure of his Estate
render himself to the Commissioners in the said Commission and Essects, and finilh his Examination ; and the Creditors,
aamed, or the -major Part of them, on the iath and 23th who have not already proved their Debts, are to come pre-
spared to prore the same, and, with those who have already,
H E Commissioners iri a Commission of Banknipt,
proved theirDebts, assent toor dissent from the Allowance
bearing Date the 22d Day of June 1804, awarded and
of his Certificate.
issued forth against William Burwood, of the Sun Wharf, in
the Parifli of Saint John, Wapping, in the County of MidH E Commissioners in a Commission of Bankmpt dlesex, and of Green-Bank, in the Paristi of Saint George in
awarded and issued forth against John Stork, Thomas the East, in the fame County, Wharfinger and Coal-Mer•Whitby, and Matthew Botterill, of Great Driffield, in the chant, Dealer and Chapman, intend toTmeet on the 17th of
County of York, Merchants, Cornfactors, Copartners, Dealers November next, at Eleven in tlie Fdfenoon, at Guildhall,
.and Chapmen; (carrying on Business under the Firm of Stork London,to make a Dividend of the Estate and Essectsof the
and Whitby,) intend to meet on the 17th of November next, said Bankrupt; when and where the Creditors.'who have not
at Twelve at Noon, at Guildhall, London, (by Adjournment already proved their Debts, are to come prepared to prove
from the zoth Day of October instant,) in order to take the the fame, or they will be excluded the Benefit of the said
Last Examination of the said Bankrupts; when and where Dividend. And all Claims not'then proved will be disthey are required to surrender themselves, and make a full Dis- allowed.
covery and Disclosure of their Estate and Effects, and finisli
their Examination; and the Creditors, who have not already
H E Commissioners ia a Commission of Bankrupt,
proved their Debts, are to come prepared to prove the fame,
bearing Date the 19th Day of March i8co, awarded
and, with those who have proved their Debts, are to assent and issued forth against George Lumsdon, of Newcastlet o or dissent from the Allowance of their Certificate.
upon-Tyne, joiner, Dealer and Chapman, intend to meet
on the 29th of November next, at Eleven in the Forenoon,
H E Commissioners in a Commission of Bankrupt, at Belle's Coffee-House, in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, to make
bearing Date the 29th of February last, awarded and a Dividend of the Estate and Effects of the said Bankistued forth against John Newbold, of Manchester, in the rupt; when and where the Creditors, who have not already
County of Lancaster, Draper, Dealer and Chapman, intend proved their Debts, are to come prepared to prove the fame,
to meet on tlie 17th Day of November next, at Eleven of or they will be excluded the Benefit of the iaid Dividend.
the Clock in the Forenoon, at the Coach and Horses iu And all Claims not then proved will be disallowed.
Deansgate, in Manchester aforesaid, in order to receive
H E Commissioners in a Commission of Bankrupt,
Proofs of Debts under the said Commission.
bearing Date the ist Day of October 1803, awarded
H E Commissioners in a Commission of Bankrupt, and isliied against Charles Robert Ellis, of Middle New
bearing Date the 19th of January 179J, awarded and Street, in the Parisli of St. Bride, alias Bridget, Fleet-Street,
Jssued forth against Robert Frederick Eagle King, late of Jeweller, intend to meet on the 17th Day of November
Little Clacton Lodge, in the Parisli of Little Clacton, in next, at Eleven in the Forenoon, at Guildhall, London,
the County of Estex, Dealer and Chapman, intend to meet to make a Dividend of the Estate and Effects of the said
on the 16th Day of November next, at Eleven in the Bankrupt; when and where the Creditors, who have not
Forenoon, at the House of Thomas Webb, commonly already proved their Debts, are to come prepared to prove
^called or known by the Name or Sign <©f ths Maid's-Head the fame, or they will be excluded the Benefit of the said
Inn, in Thorp le Soken, in the said County of Estex, to Dividend. And all Claims not. then proved will be dismake a Final Dividend of the Estate and Effects of the said allowed.
Bankrupt; when and where the Creditors, who have not
already proved their Debts, are to come prepared to prove
H E Commissioners in a Commission of Bankrupt,
the.fame,.or they will be excluded the Benefit of the said
bearing Datethe 3d Dayof August 1803, awarded and
-Dividend. And all Claims not then proved will be disat- istued forth against George Losli, William Lolh, and John
Diederich Lubbren, of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Merchants,
HE Commissioners in a Commission of Bankrupt, (trading under the Firm ef Lofh, Lubbren, and -Company,)
to meet on the 26th of November next, at JEleven
bearing Date the 20th of August 1803, awarded and
issued against Isaac Hoseh, Emanuel Bientz, of Budge-Row, o'Clock in the Forenoon, at the Shakespear-Taverri, in NewLondon, George Lolh, John Deitrick Lubbren, and William castle-upon-Tyne, to make a Dividend os the Estate and
Losli, of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Factors and Copartners, Dea- Essects of the said 'Bankrupt; when and where the Crelers and Chapmen,) trading under the Firm of Hosch, Bientz, ditors, who have not already proved their Debts, are to come
and Company, (intend to meet on the 20th of November prepared to prove the fume, or they will be excluded the
next, at One in the Afternoon, at Guildhall, London, co Benefit of the said Dividend. And all Claims not theiv
make a Dividend of the Estate and Effects of the said Bank- prov-ed will be disallowed.
rupts ; when and wliere the Creditors, who have tiot alH E Commissioners in a Commission of Bankrupt,
ready proved their Debts, are to come prepared to prove
bearing Date the ijth of December-i8o3, awarded
the fame, or they will be excluded the Benefit of the said and iflued forth against William Hazell, late of Ram (bury,
Dividend. And all Claims not then proved will be disal- in the County of Wilts, Mealman, Dealer and Chapman,
intend to meet on the 16th Day of November next, at
H E Commissioners in a Commission of Bankrupt, Eleven of the Clock in the Foen ton, at the Black Bear
in tl e Pariih of Hungerford, in
bearing Date the 26th of November 1803, awarded Inn, in Charnham-Street,
.-and issued forth against Joseph Wheeler, of Blackheath, the County of Wilts, in order to make a Dividend of the
in the County of Kent, Miller, intend to- meet on the Estate and Effects ofthe (aid Bankrupt; when and whc:«
20th Day of November next, at One o'Clock in thc Af- the Creditors, -who have not already proved their Debts, are
ternoon, at Guildhall, London, to make a Dividend of the to come prepared to prove the fame, or they will be exEstate and Effects of the said Bankrupt ; when and where cluded the Benefit of the said Dividend. And ali Claims,
•.the Creditors, who have not already proved their Debts, not then proved will be disallowed.
are to come prepared to prove the fame, -or they will be
H E Commissioners, in a Commission of Bankrupt,
excluded the Benefit of the said Dividend. And ali Claims
hearing Date the iSth Day of April 1804, awarded
not then proved will be dilallowed.
and issued forth against William Sandbach, of Northwich, in
the County of Chester, Shopkeeper, Dealer and Chapman,
HE Commissioners in .a Commission of Bankrupt, intend to meet on the 19th of November .next, at Three in
bearing Date the 26th of April 1803, awarded and the Afternoon, at the Dog Tavern, in Deansgate, in Manissued forth against Reuben Marfden, of Saint John-Street, chester, in the County of Lancaster, in order to make 3
in the County of Middlesex, Upholsterer, Dealer and Chap- Dividend of the Estate and Effects of the said Bankrupt;
man, intend to meet on the 17th Day of November next, when and where the Creditors, who have not already
^ f Ten of: the Clock in the Forenoon, at Guildhall, proved their Debts, are to come prepared to prove the fame,
London, in order to make a Dividend of the Estate 3nd or they will be excluded the Benefit of the said Dividend.
Effects of the said Bankrupt; when and where the Cre- And ali Claims not then proved will be disallowed.
ditors, who have not already proved their Debts, are to
come prepared to prove the fame, or they will be excluded
H E Commissioners in a Commission of Bankrupt,
the Benefit of the said Dividend. And all Claimsnot then.
bearing Date the 28th of February 1800, awarded and
proved will be disallowed.
; ifliied.forth against John Howard, of Turton, in the County
*jff 'Lancaster, Cotton-Manufacturer, Dealer. and Chapman,
intend to meet orj the ioth of November next, at Three of
the Clock in the Afternoon, at the Star fnn, in Manchester,
in the said Connty,.to make.a Dividend of the Estateand Effects of the s?;d Bankrupt; when and where the Creditors,
whohave not already prpved their. Debts, are to come prepared to prove the. fa me,, or .they will be bxcluded tlie
Benefit of the said Dividend.1 .And all Cfcfims not the
proved will be-disallowed.
H E following Persons beitig Prisoners' Tor
D e b t ' in the respective Gaols or Prisons
hereafter mentioned, and not being charge*! in Custody, on thp Fivsc D a y o f January One thousand
eight hundred and four, with any Debt or Debts,
Damages, Sum or 'Sums of Money, which did riot
in the Whole on the said First Day of January
One thousand eight hundred and Four, or at an.y
H E Commissioners in a 'Commission-Of Bankrupt, Tirne or Times since .amount to a greater Sum than
bearing Date the 5th o f December 1803, awarded and One Thousand Five Hundred Pounds, do • hereby
issued forth against Mary Hansoid and Susanna Leonard, of give this Public Notice, That they intend to
•Dover-Street, Piccadilly,'in tire County df Middlesex, Milli- take the Benefit of an Act, pafied in the Fortyners, Dealers, Chapwomen, and Copartners, intend to meet
on.the 4th Day of-December next, at Ten qf the Clock fourth Year of His present Majesty's Reign, in'-in the Forenoon, at Guildhall, London, to make a Dividend tituled, An Ad for ihe Relief of.certain Insolvent Debtofthe Estate, and Effects of the said Bankrupt; when and ors., at the next General Qiiarter Seffion,- or Genewhere the Cieditors, who have not already proved their TJ] Seffion, or Special Session of the Peace, to be
'Debts, are to come, prepared to prove the sam<ji or they will held in and for the .County, Riding, • Division, City,
•be excluded the Benefit of the said Dividend. And all
Town, 'Liberty, or Place, or any Adjournment of
'.Claims not then proved wiil be disallowed.
any General Quarter Seffion, or General Session of
H E Commissioners in ft Commission of'Banknipt, the Peace, which sliall ha'p'pen next after T W E N T V tearing Date the "6ih"Day o'f August.(802, awarded ONE Days from the Publication of their F I R S T
^Lrid issue'd against Abraham De "Mendes, late of the Pavement, Moorfields, in'the'City of London, Merchant, "In- NOTICES in the London Gazette. And they do
surance-Broker, Dealer and Chapman, intend towireetpn the. hereby give Notice that true and perfect Schedules,
.4th of. December next, at Ten in the Forenoon, at Guildhall, containing Discoveries of all their Real and PerXondon, to make a Dividend ofthe Estate and Effects ofthe. sonal Estates,; hereafter to be sworn to,- are. now
said Bankrupt; when and where the Creditors, who.have, not ready to be delivered to any Creditors applying for
•already proved their Debts, are to come prepared to prove the fame, in Manner as by the said Act is directed,
the fame, or-they will be excluded: the Benefit of thesaid
^Dividend. And all Claims not then proved vvill be dilal- to the Keepers or Gaolers, or their Deputies, as
the said Prisons.
' lowed.
"Hereas the acting Commissioners inthe Commission
of Bankrupt awaided an'd issued forth against Prisoners m the KING's BfiNCH Prison
William'Cook, of Cannon-Street Road, 'in the County,
in the County of Surrey.
of Middlesex, Mariner, Dealer and Chapman, have" cer-'
tified to Che.Right-Honorable John Lord Eldo.n, Lord High.
First' Notice.
Chancellor of Great Britain, that, the said William Cook :
bath in -all Things • conformed himself, according to the' John Evans, formerly of Fore-Street, in the City of London,
and late qf High-Street, in the Borough of Southwark, ia
Directions of tlie several. Ads of Parliament made con-"
the County .of Surrey, Linen-Draper.
cerning Bankrupts.; Thisis to give Notice, that, by virtue
• f an Act passed : in the-Fifth Year of His late Majesty'sReign,.-his Certificate will be allowed and confirmed as the
Second Notice.
said Act directs, unless Cause besliewnto the contrary on or' Jeremiah Crawley, formerly and late of Abridge, in the Pabefore the-i3th Day of November next.
rifli of Lambourn, in.the County of Essex, Wheelwright.
'Hereas the. acting Commissioners in the Commission
Third Notice.
of Bankrupt awarded and issued fortli against;
Whitfifeid Bloore, lateof Sur|-Street, Bisliopsgate-Street, in James'Rogerson, formerlyof .Manchester, and late of-Liverpool, both.in the -County.bf .Lancaster, Merchant.' '
the City of London,Timber-Merchant,Dealer and Chapman,;
- have certified to tlje Right Honorable John Lprd Eldou, Lord- Edward. Heseltine, formerly of !Bread-Street, and hte o'f
•Upper Thames-Street, -both -in the City of London,
High Chancellor of Great Britain, that 'thejfaid Whitfield
-. • • •• : Bloore hath in all Things conformed himself according tb the
.Directions of the several Acts of Parliament made concerning Samuel Huxtable, formerly los Ratcliss*Cross, 'in thc Parilh of Stepney, otherwise Steboiiheath, and late of the
Bankrupts.; This is. to give Notice, that, by virtue of an Act,
.pasted in the Fifth Yeai:-of His late Majesty's Reign, his . .Hamlet of .Poplar and Blackwall, both-in the County of
Middlesex, Ship-Builcler, Ship-Own er., aiid Merchant.
Certificate will.be allowed .and confirmed :as the laid Act d i rects, unless Cause be sliewn to the contrary on or before the Christopher Morris, foimerly of Thorney, and late of Whitijth Day of November next.
"> '
, tlesca, both i,n the Ifle of Ely, .in'the .County of Cambridge, Grocer.
Hereas the-acting .Commissioners-in the Commission, Thomas Still, formerly of Little John-Street, Horfelydown,
of Bankrupt awarded and isiued against'Henry Lee,,
and late of Horse]ydown-Xane, both in tb.e County of
late of Shire-Lane. Temple-Bar, in the Countyof Middlesex,r
Surrey, .Victualler.
Victualler, Dealer .and .Chapman, have certified to the Right • William Carter, formerly, of Hamilton-Street, Piccadilly, and
Honorable John 'Lord Eldon,' Lord -High Chancellor of
• late.of South Audiey-Street, Grosvenor^-Squar«, .both in
Great Britain, that the'said Henry Lee hath in all Things
the.County o'{ Middlesex., Gentleman..
conformed himself according to the Directions of the several
Acts of Parliament made concerning Bankrupts; This "is|
"JV. B. Tf any'Person -in. the 'foregoing 'Lift -of
to give Notice, that,-by virtue of.an Act passed in'the
Fifth Year of His late Majesty's Reign, his Certificate will Prisoners-stiall find, on the-Perusal of this Gazette,
he allowed, and confirmed as the laid Act directs, unless that there is «n Error, such'Error shall, upon Notice
Cause be sliewn to. the.contrary .on.or. before.the.ijth.Day
.be> rectified: in..the-next Gazette .Gratis.
.of November next.
Printed by
; A N I > R E W STRATH A N ,
Printers Street, 'Gough .Squra&
I [ P r i c e One Shilling. 3
.. -. , f r*