GENERAL PATHOLOGY CELL INJURY DR. AHMED SAMI JARAD INTRODUCTION Pathology is the scienti c study (logos) of disease (pathos). It mainly focuses on the study of the structural and functional changes in cells, tissues, and organs in disease. Study of pathology can be divided into: • General pathology: It deals with the study of mechanism, basic reactions of cells and tissues to abnormal stimuli and to inherited defects. • Systemic pathology: This deals with the changes in speci c diseases In medieval times, diseases were attributed to “evil humors,” “miasma,” and other equally nebulous and unprovable causes. One of the most fundamental advances in human biology and medicine was the realization that the cell is the structural and functional unit of living organisms and abnormalities in cells underlie all diseases: Individuals are sick because their cells are sick. All diseases share the common feature that they alter cellular function and structure. Therefore, the foundation of pathology and medicine is an understanding of how cells are injured. OVERVIEW OF CELL INJURY In response to stress, cells may adapt, may be injured reversibly and recover, or may be irreversibly damaged and die. Cells normally maintain a steady state, called homeostasis, despite being constantly exposed to countless potentially damaging agents. Cells deal with external or internal stresses by undergoing changes that are grouped into three broad categories. • Adaptations are alterations that enable cells to cope with stresses without damage. • Reversible injury refers to structural and functional abnormalities that can be corrected if the injurious agent is removed. If the injury is persistent or severe, it can become irreversible and lead to cell death. • Irreversibly injury (Cell death) is the end result of injury. As we discuss later, there are two major pathways of cell death, necrosis and apoptosis, and they occur upon exposure to a variety of injurious agents. Causes of Cell Injury ETIOLOGY OF CELL INJURY The cells may be broadly injured by two major ways: A. Genetic causes (Genetic abnormalities), including mutations that impair the function of various essential proteins and other mutations that lead to the accumulation of fi fi Page 1 of 13 GENERAL PATHOLOGY CELL INJURY DR. AHMED SAMI JARAD damaged DNA or abnormal, misfolded proteins, both of which cause cell death if they cannot be repaired or corrected B. Acquired causes The acquired causes of disease comprise vast majority of common diseases a icting mankind. Based on underlying agent, the acquired causes of cell injury can be further categorized as under: 1. Hypoxia and ischaemia Hypoxia (reduced oxygen supply) and ischemia (reduced blood supply), which are caused by blockage of arteries or loss of blood; both deprive tissues of oxygen. 2. Physical agents. (Environmental insults, such as physical trauma, radiation exposure, and nutritional imbalances). 3. Chemical agents and drugs and Toxins, which abound in the environment, as well as some therapeutic drugs 4. Biological agents Infectious pathogens, which injure cells by producing toxins, interfering with critical cellular functions, or by stimulating immune responses that damage infected cells in the course of trying to eradicate the infection. 5. Immunologic agents Immunologic reactions against self antigens (as in autoimmune diseases) or environmental antigens (as in allergies), which cause cell injury, often by triggering in ammation. 6. Nutritional derangements 7.Aging, a form of slow, progressive cell injury. 8. Psychogenic diseases 9. Iatrogenic factors 10. Idiopathic diseases. CELLULAR ADAPTATIONS TO STRESS Adaptations are reversible changes in the number, size, phenotype, metabolic activity, or functions of cells in response to changes in their environment. Cellular adaptations may be part of physiologic cellular responses or may be pathologic. # Physiologic adaptations usually represent responses of cells to normal stimulation by hormones or endogenous chemical mediators (e.g., the hormone-induced enlargement of the breast and uterus during pregnancy), or to the demands of mechanical stress (in the case of bones and muscles). # # Pathologic adaptations are responses to stress that allow cells to modulate their structure and function and thus escape injury, but at the expense of normal function. Physiologic and pathophysiologic adaptations can take several distinct forms. • Hypertrophy is an increase in the size of cells resulting in enlargement of the organ ffl fl Page 2 of 13 GENERAL PATHOLOGY CELL INJURY DR. AHMED SAMI JARAD It can be physiologic or pathologic and is caused either by an increased functional demand or by hormonal stimulation. For example, physiologic enlargement of the uterus during pregnancy is caused by increased estrogen levels. Muscle hypertrophy following weight lifting is an adaptation to increased mechanical stress. Cardiac hypertrophy in hypertension or aortic valve disease is an example of pathologic hypertrophy resulting from increased work load. In all forms, hormones and mechanical sensors activate signaling pathways that lead to increased protein synthesis and assembly of more organelles, and thus enlargement of the cell. Although an adaptation to stress, hypertrophy can progress to functionally signi cant cell or organ injury if the stress is not relieved. For example, cardiac hypertrophy can cause myocardial ischemia due to relative lack of oxygen delivery, and eventually give rise to cardiac failure. • Hyperplasia is an increase in the number of cells in an organ that stems from increased proliferation, either of less-di erentiated progenitor cells or, in some instances, di erentiated cells. - Hyperplasia occurs if the tissue contains cell populations capable of replication and may occur concurrently with hypertrophy and often in response to the same stimuli. - Hyperplasia can be physiologic or pathologic and, in both situations, cellular proliferation is stimulated by hormones and growth factors that are produced by a variety of cell types. - Postpartum enlargement of the breast due to increased proliferation of ductular epithelium is an example of physiologic hyperplasia induced by hormones. - Growth factors are responsible for stimulating proliferation of surviving cells after death or removal of some of the cells in an organ (e.g., growth of residual liver following partial hepatectomy, called compensatory hyperplasia). - Pathologic hyperplasia is typically the result of inappropriate and excessive stimulation by hormones and growth factors, as in endometrial hyperplasia resulting from a disturbed estrogen, progesterone balance. - It is important to distinguish hyperplasia from neoplasia: Unlike neoplastic growths, hyperplasia is reversible when the growth signals abate. In some cases, persistent pathologic hyperplasia, such as that a ecting the endometrium, sets the stage for the development of cancer because proliferating cells are susceptible to mutations and oncogenic transformation. • Atrophy is a decrease in size or function of an organ that occurs under pathologic or physiologic circumstances. It is caused by decreased protein synthesis (due to reduced metabolic activity) and increased protein breakdown mediated by the ubiquitinproteasome pathway. ff ff ff fi Page 3 of 13 GENERAL PATHOLOGY CELL INJURY DR. AHMED SAMI JARAD - Physiologic atrophy (i) Atrophy of lymphoid tissue with age; (ii) Atrophy of thymus in adult life; (iii) Atrophy of gonads after menopause; (iv) Atrophy of brain with ageing; and (v) Osteoporosis with reduction in size of bony trabeculae due to ageing. - Pathologic atrophy (1) Starvation atrophy; (2) Ischaemic atrophy Gradual diminution of blood supply due to atherosclerosis may result in shrinkage of the a ected organ; (3) Disuse atrophy Prolonged diminished functional activity is associated with disuse atrophy of the organ; (4) Neuropathic atrophy Interruption in nerve supply leads to wasting of muscles e.g. poliomyelitis; (5) Endocrine atrophy Loss of endocrine regulatory mechanism results in reduced metabolic activity of tissues and hence atrophy; and (6) Pressure atrophy Prolonged pressure from tumors or cyst or aneurysm may cause compression and atrophy of the tissues. • Metaplasia is a change of one adult cell type to another. It is a response to stress in which a cell that is sensitive to that stress is replaced by another cell type that is better able to survive the adverse environment. - The mechanism is thought to be reprogramming of tissue stem cells to di erentiate along a new pathway. Examples include squamous metaplasia of the bronchial columnar epithelium in chronic smokers and columnar metaplasia of the esophageal squamous epithelium in patients with chronic gastric re ux. - Also, with the persistence of triggering stimuli, metaplastic epithelium can be the site of neoplastic transformation, as in the bronchi (squamous cell carcinoma of the lung) and upper gastrointestinal tract (esophageal adenocarcinoma arising in the setting of Barrett esophagus). Other conditions with su x(-asia ) • Dysplasia means ‘disordered cellular development’, often preceded or accompanied with metaplasia and hyperplasia; it is therefore also referred to as atypical hyperplasia. Dysplastic changes often occur due to chronic irritation or prolonged in ammation. On removal of the inciting stimulus, the changes may disappear. In a proportion of cases, however, dysplasia may progress into carcinoma in situ (cancer con ned to layers super cial to basement membrane) or invasive cancer. • Aplasia is failure o f cell production during embryogenesis (e.g., unilateral renal agenesis). • Hypoplasia is a decrease in cell production during embryogenesis, resulting in a relatively small organ (e.g., streak ovary in Turner syndrome). REVERSIBLE CELL INJURY Reversible injury is characterized by functional and structural changes in cells that are not permanent. The earliest changes associated with cell injury mostly a ect cytoplasmic structures but do not damage nuclei (nuclear damage is usually irreversible) and include the following: HYDROPIC SWELLING ff fl ff ff fi fl ffi fi Page 4 of 13 GENERAL PATHOLOGY CELL INJURY DR. AHMED SAMI JARAD Hydropic swelling is characterized by a large, pale cytoplasm and a normally located nucleus. The greater volume re ects an increased water content. Hydropic swelling re ects acute, reversible cell injury and may result from such varied causes as chemical and biologic toxins, viral or bacterial infections, ischemia, excessive heat or cold, etc. - Hydropic swelling is entirely reversible when the cause is removed. - Hydropic swelling results from impairment of cellular volume regulation, a process that controls ionic concentrations in the cytoplasm. - This regulation, particularly for sodium (Na+), involves three components: (1) the plasma membrane, (2) the plasma membrane Na+ pump and (3) the supply of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). - The plasma membrane imposes a barrier to the ow of Na+ down a concentration gradient into the cell and prevents a similar e ux of potassium (K+) from the cell. However, the barrier to Na+ is imperfect, and the relative leakiness to that ion permits its passive entry into the cell. To compensate for this intrusion, the energy-dependent plasma membrane Na+ pump (Na+/K+-ATPase), which is fueled by ATP, extrudes Na+ from the cell. Injurious agents may interfere with this membrane-regulated process by (1) increasing the permeability of the plasma membrane to Na+, thereby exceeding the capacity of the pump to extrude Na+; (2) damaging the pump directly or (3) interfering with the synthesis of ATP, thereby depriving the pump of its fuel. In any event, the accumulation of Na+ in the cell leads to an increase in water content to maintain isosmotic conditions; the cell then swells. - With persistent or excessive noxious exposures, injured cells pass a nebulous “point of no return” and undergo cell death. Although there are no de nitive morphologic or biochemical correlates of irreversibility, it is consistently characterized by three phenomena: the inability to restore mitochondrial function (oxidative phosphorylation and ATP generation) even after resolution of the original injury; altered structure and function of the plasma membrane and intracellular membranes-, and DNA damage and loss of chromatin structural integrity. IRREVERSIBLE CELL INJURY (CELL DEATH) Necrosis and apoptosis, the two main forms of cell death, di er in causes, mechanisms, and functional consequences. Necrosis and apoptosis are usually distinct forms of cell death, with di erent morphologic changes and other distinguishing features. Necrosis may be thought of as “accidental” cell death, re ecting severe injury that irreparably damages so many cellular components that the cells simply “fall apart”. When cells die by necrosis, there is a local in ammatory response that clears the scene of the “accident.” By contrast, apoptosis is “regulated” cell death, because it is mediated by de ned molecular pathways that are activated under fl ff fi ff fl ffl fi fl fl fl Page 5 of 13 GENERAL PATHOLOGY CELL INJURY DR. AHMED SAMI JARAD speci c circumstances and kill cells with surgical precision, without in ammation or the associated collateral damage. * In some situations, cell death may show features of both necrosis and apoptosis, or may start with apoptosis and progress to necrosis, so the distinctions may not be as absolute as once thought. Nevertheless, it is useful to consider the two forms as largely non overlapping pathways of cell death because their principal mechanisms and functional consequences are usually di erent. Necrosis Necrosis is the result of severe injury and is a pathologic process in which cells spill their contents into the extracellular milieu, causing local in ammation. The hallmarks of necrosis are: • Dissolution of cellular membranes, including the plasma membrane and lysosomal membranes, because of damage to membrane lipids and activity of phospholipases • Leakage of lysosomal enzymes that digest the cell. • Local in ammation in response to the released contents of dead cells. Some speci c components of these contents have been called damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs). These released factors include ATP (from damaged mitochondria), uric acid (a breakdown product of DNA), and numerous other molecules that are normally contained within healthy cells and whose release indicates severe cell injury. These molecules are recognized by receptors expressed by macrophages and most other cell types, and trigger phagocytosis of the debris, as well as the production of cytokines that induce in ammation. In ammatory cells produce more proteolytic enzymes that exacerbate the damage and the subsequent reaction, until the necrotic tissue has been cleared. The main causes of necrosis include ischemia, exposure to microbial toxins, burns and other forms of chemical and physical injury, and unusual situations in which enzymes leak out of cells and injure adjacent tissues (as in pancreatitis). All these initiating triggers lead to irreparable damage to numerous cellular components, which culminate in membrane damage, the basis for the subsequent steps in necrosis. Morphology. Necrotic cells show more di use cytoplasmic eosinophilia compared with that seen in reversible injury. Nuclei undergo sequential changes, from condensation of chromatin (pyknosis) to fragmentation of nuclei (karyorrhexis) to their complete dissolution (karyolysis). Necrosis from di erent causes is manifested by di erent morphologies, and recognition of these patterns is helpful for determining the underlying etiology • Coagulative necrosis, the underlying tissue architecture is preserved, at least for some time, even though the constituent cells are dead. This form of necrosis is characteristic of hypoxia-induced cell death, caused most commonly by a loss of blood fi fl fl ff ff fl ff fl ff fl fi Page 6 of 13 GENERAL PATHOLOGY CELL INJURY DR. AHMED SAMI JARAD supply (ischemia). The resultant necrosis, called infarction, is seen in most solid organs, such as the heart and kidneys. • liquefactive necrosis, the dead cells are digested by released enzymes. This is seen in necrosis resulting from bacterial and fungal infections and in ischemic infarcts of the brain. • Caseous necrosis is characteristic of chronic disease such as tuberculosis and some fungal infections such as histoplasmosis. The dead tissue breaks down, creating a cheesy consistency on gross examination. Microscopically, the necrotic focus is a collection of fragmented or lysed cells with an amorphous granular pink (eosinophilic) appearance. Cellular outlines cannot be discerned, and there is often a peripheral collection of macrophages forming & granuloma. • Gangrenous necrosis is a clinical term used for the death of soft tissue and is often applied to a limb that has lost its blood supply and has undergone coagulative necrosis involving multiple tissue layers. It results from ischemia (e.g., from diabetic vascular disease, a ecting the lower limbs) and is called dry gangrene if the dead tissue remains intact or wet gangrene if the tissue su ered from liquefaction necrosis or Gas gangrene. • Fat necrosis refers to focal areas of fat destruction, typically resulting from the release of activated pancreatic lipases into the substance of the pancreas and the peritoneal cavity. This occurs in acute pancreatitis. On histologic examination, the foci of necrosis contain shadowy outlines of necrotic fat cells surrounded by basophilic calcium deposits and an in ammatory reaction • Fibrinoid necrosis is a characteristic microscopic nding seen most commonly in immune reactions in which complexes of antigens and antibodies and extravasated plasma proteins are deposited in the walls of blood vessels, where they have a bright pink, amorphous appearance reminiscent of brin. * * The laboratory diagnosis of necrosis may be made by detecting an increase in serum levels of intracellular proteins, which leak out of the necrotic cells because of membrane damage. This is the basis of measuring serum troponin for diagnosis of myocardial infarction, transaminases for liver disease, and pancreatic enzymes such as amylase for pancreatitis. Apoptosis Apoptosis is a form of cellular suicide that eliminates cells that are no longer needed or are damaged beyond repair, without eliciting a potentially harmful in ammatory response. In this pathway of cell death, enzymes activated by speci c signals dismantle the nucleus and cytoplasm, generating fragments that are recognized and rapidly cleared by phagocytes. Causes of Apoptosis fl fi fi ff fi fl ff Page 7 of 13 GENERAL PATHOLOGY CELL INJURY DR. AHMED SAMI JARAD Apoptosis occurs in many physiologic situations and serves to eliminate potentially harmful cells and cells that have outlived their usefulness. It also occurs as a pathologic event when cells are damaged, especially when the damage a ects the cell’s DNA or proteins; thus, the irreparably damaged cell is eliminated. • Physiologic apoptosis - Death of cells during the development of organisms, such as cells of primordial tissues that are replaced by mature tissues - Death of leukocytes (neutrophils and lymphocytes) after in ammatory and immune responses have eliminated o ending agents - Elimination of dysfunctional or auto reactive lymphocytes or lymphocyte precursors, particularly in the bone marrow and the thymus - Cell loss that alternates with cell proliferation in hormone-responsive tissues such as the endometrium - Elimination of lymphocytes that recognize self antigens • Pathologic apoptosis - Severe DNA damage, after exposure to radiation or cytotoxic drugs - Accumulation of misfolded proteins, giving rise to ER stress - Certain infectious agents, particularly some viruses such as hepatitis B and C, which trigger immune responses that destroy infected cells. Mechanisms of Apoptosis There are two pathways of apoptosis, the mitochondrial (intrinsic) pathway and the death receptor (extrinsic) pathway, which di er in their initiation and molecular signals. • Clearance of apoptotic fragments. When cells undergo apoptosis, they begin to express a number of molecules that are recognized by receptors on phagocytes. Phagocytes ingest and destroy the fragments of apoptotic cells, often within minutes, before the cells undergo membrane damage and release their contents. The phagocytosis of apoptotic cells is so e cient that dead cells disappear without leaving a trace, and in ammation is virtually absent. The morphologic appearance of apoptotic cells is distinctive and di erent from necrosis. In H&E-stained sections, the nuclei appear pyknotic, because of the condensation of chromatin, and the cells are shrunken, appearing to lie in vacuoles. Other Pathways of Cell Death Although necrosis and apoptosis are the best-de ned pathways of cell death, several other mechanisms have also been described recently. • Necroptosis is induced by activation of speci c kinases in response to the cytokine tumor necrosis factor (TNF), which is produced as part of the host response to microbes and other irritants. Signals from these kinases lead to plasma membrane ff fl fi fi ffi ff ff ff fl Page 8 of 13 GENERAL PATHOLOGY CELL INJURY DR. AHMED SAMI JARAD injury, as in necrosis, but the process is regulated by speci c molecules, like apoptosis, so it is considered to have features of both. • Pyroptosis is a form of cell death induced by bacterial toxins in which the dying cell releases cytokines, such as interleukin-1, that induce local in ammation and fever (hence pyro in the name). • Autophagy is a form of “self-eating” (Greek, phagia - to eat) in which cells starved of nutrients digest their own organelles and recycle the material to provide energy for survival. In this process, organelles and portions of the cytosol are enclosed within vacuoles, which fuse with lysosomes, and the contents are destroyed by lysosomal MECHANISMS OF CELL INJURY AND DEATH The degree of injury from any injurious stimulus varies depending on the type of the o ending agent, its severity, and its duration, as well as the adaptive ability and genetic makeup of the target cell. Small amounts of a toxin or brief periods of ischemia may cause reversible injury but larger doses of the toxin or more prolonged ischemia may cause necrosis. Striated muscle in the leg survives ischemia for 2 to 3 hours, whereas cardiac muscle, with its higher metabolic needs, dies after 20 to 30 minutes of ischemia. The genetic makeup of the individual may also determine the reaction to injurious agents. Polymorphisms in genes encoding members of the cytochrome P450 family a ect the rate of metabolism of many chemicals and hence the e ects of toxins. Cell injury results from abnormalities in one or more essential cellular components, mainly mitochondria, cell membranes, and the nucleus. The consequences of impairment of each of these cellular organelles are distinct but overlapping. • Mitochondria are the sites where ATP, the primary carrier of energy in cells, is produced by oxidative phosphorylation. Injury due to hypoxia, ischemia, radiation, or other insults impairs oxidative phosphorylation, leading to the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and decreased ATP production. Mitochondria also sequester molecules, such as cytochrome c, whose release into the cytosol is an indicator of damage and a trigger for apoptosis. • Cellular membranes are composed of lipids and contain protein and carbohydrate molecules. They maintain the structure of cells and organelles and serve numerous critical transport functions such as uid and ion homeostasis. Damage to lysosomal membranes, by ROS or other agents, leads to release of enzymes that digest the injured cell, the hallmark of necrosis. Damage to the plasma membrane results in loss of cellular constituents, the end result of necrosis. • Nuclei store most of the cell’s genetic material. Nuclear damage disrupts transcriptiondependent cellular functions (i.e., protein synthesis), as well as cell proliferation. Irreparable damage to DNA triggers apoptosis. fl ff fi ff fl ff Page 9 of 13 GENERAL PATHOLOGY CELL INJURY DR. AHMED SAMI JARAD • Other cellular components that su er damage upon exposure to various injurious agents include the ER (one site of protein synthesis and post- translation processing) and the cytoskeleton (the structural sca old and “motor” of cells). • In addition to cell injury resulting from impairment of these intrinsic structures, cells may be damaged from the outside, for example, by the products of leukocytes during in ammatory reactions. FREE RADICAL INJURY I. BASIC PRINCIPLES A. Free radicals are chemical species with an unpaired electron in their outer orbit. B. Physiologic generation of free radicals occurs during oxidative phosphorylation. 1. Cytochrome c oxidase (complex IV) transfers electrons to oxygen. 2. Partial reduction of O2 yields superoxide (O2ꜙ), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2 ), and hydroxyl radicals ( ̇ OH ). C. Pathologic generation of free radicals arises with 1. Ionizing radiation - water hydrolyzed to hydroxyl free radical 2. In ammation - NADPH oxidase generates superoxide ions during oxygendependent killing by neutrophils. 3. Metals (e.g., copper and iron)-Fe2+ generates hydroxyl free radicals (Fenton reaction). 4. Drugs and chemicals - P450 system of liver metabolizes drugs (e.g., acetaminophen), generating free radicals. D. Free radicals cause cellular injury via peroxidation of lipids and oxidation of DNA and proteins; DNA damage is implicated in aging and oncogenesis. E. Elimination of free radicals occurs via multiple mechanisms. 1. Antioxidants (e.g., glutathione and vitamins A , C, and E) 2. Enzymes I) Superoxide dismutase (in mitochondria) - Superoxide (O2ꜙ) → H2O2 II) Glutathione peroxidase (in mitochondria) - 2GSH + free radical → GS-SG and H2O III) Catalase (in peroxisomes) - H2O2 → O2ꜙ and H2O 3. Metal carrier proteins (e.g., transferrin and ceruloplasmin) II. EXAMPLES OF FREE RADICAL INJURY A. Carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) 1. Organic solvent used in the dry cleaning industry 2. Converted to CCl3 free radical by P450 system of hepatocytes 3. Results in cell injury with swelling of RER; consequently, ribosomes detach, impairing protein synthesis. 4. Decreased apolipoproteins lead to fatty change in the liver (Fig. 1.12). B. Reperfusion injury ff ff fl fl Page 10 of 13 GENERAL PATHOLOGY CELL INJURY DR. AHMED SAMI JARAD 1. Return of blood to ischemic tissue results in production of O2-derived free radicals, which further damage tissue. 2. Leads to a continued rise in cardiac enzymes (e.g., troponin) after reperfusion of infarcted myocardial tissue Cellular Aging Cells age because of accumulation of mutations, progressively decreased replication, and defective protein homeostasis. People age because their cells age. Although much of the public’s attention on aging is focused on its cosmetic and physical consequences, the greatest danger of cellular aging is that it promotes the development of many degenerative, metabolic, and neoplastic disorders. Numerous intrinsic molecular abnormalities are believed to cause the aging of cells. - Accumulation of mutations in DNA, which occurs naturally and may be enhanced by ROS and environmental mutagens. - Decreased replication of cells because of progressive loss of the enzyme telomerase, which maintains the normal length of the enzyme telomeres. These short DNA sequences at the ends of chromosomes protect the ends from fusion and degradation. Telomeres shorten with every replication but can be maintained by the activity of the enzyme telomerase. Because most cells (except germ cells) contain little or no telomerase, telomere shortening is inevitable in dividing cells. With complete loss of telomeres during cellular aging, the “naked” chromosome ends activate the DNA damage response, causing the cells to enter a state of replicative senescence. - Defective protein homeostasis, due to increased turnover and decreased synthesis of intracellular proteins, together with accumulation of misfolded proteins. - Altered signaling pathways that may a ect responses to growth factors. There has been great interest in de ning these pathways, in part because of the intriguing observation that calorie restriction prolongs life. One possibility is that calorie restriction reduces signaling by insulin-like growth factor, so cells cycle less and su er fewer DNA replication-related errors - In addition to these intrinsic abnormalities, damaged and dying cells induce low-level in ammation, and chronic in ammation predisposes to many diseases, such as atherosclerosis, type 2 diabetes, and some types of cancer. ❖In humans, the modest correlation in longevity between related persons, the excellent concordance of life span among identical twins and the presence of heritable disease associated with accelerated aging (progeria) lend credence to the concept that aging is in uenced by genetic factors. ff ff fl fi fl fl Page 11 of 13 GENERAL PATHOLOGY CELL INJURY DR. AHMED SAMI JARAD PATHOLOGIC ACCUMULATIONS IN CELLS • Cells may accumulate abnormal amounts of various substances, which may be harmless (e.g., carbon particles in the lungs and mediastinal lymph nodes of city dwellers) or may cause varying degrees of injury. • The substance may be located in the cytoplasm, within organelles (typically lysosomes), or in the nucleus, and it may be synthesized by the a ected cells or it may be produced elsewhere. • The main pathways of abnormal intracellular accumulations are inadequate removal and degradation or excessive production of an endogenous substance, or deposition of an abnormal exogenous material. Some examples are described in the following. Fatty change (steatosis). - Steatosis is the accumulation of lipids, most often in the liver following prolonged alcohol consumption or in obese individuals as a component of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Cholesterol and cholesteryl esters. - Phagocytic cells may become overloaded with lipid (triglycerides, cholesterol, and cholesteryl esters) in several di erent pathologic processes, mostly characterized by increased intake or decreased catabolism of lipids. Of these, atherosclerosis is the most important example. Pigments. Pigments of several types may accumulate in cells. Exogenous Substances Anthracosis refers to the storage of carbon particles in the lung and regional lymph nodes Virtually all urban dwellers inhale particulates of organic carbon generated by the burning of fossil fuels. These particles accumulate in alveolar macrophages and are also transported to hilar and mediastinal lymph nodes, where the indigestible material is stored inde nitely within macrophages. Although the gross appearance of the lungs of persons with anthracosis may be alarming, the condition is innocuous. Tattoos are the result of the introduction of insoluble metallic and vegetable pigments into the skin, where they are engulfed by dermal macrophages and persist for a lifetime. Endogenous pigments - Lipofuscin is a brownish, granular material composed of lipids and proteins that is produced by free radical-mediated lipid peroxidation. Its accumulation in cells is a sign of free radical-mediated injury, so it is often seen in older individuals and in atrophic tissues. - Hemosiderin is a hemoglobin-derived brown pigment that accumulates in phagocytes and other cells in conditions of increased red cell breakdown or iron overload. ff ff fi Page 12 of 13 GENERAL PATHOLOGY CELL INJURY DR. AHMED SAMI JARAD - Melanin is an insoluble, brown-black pigment found principally in the epidermal cells of the skin but also in the eye and other organs. It is located in intracellular organelles known as melanosomes and results from the polymerization of certain oxidation products of tyrosine. The amount of melanin is responsible for the di erences in skin color among the various races, as well as the color of the eyes. It serves a protective function, owing to its ability to absorb ultraviolet light. In white persons, exposure to sunlight increases melanin formation (tanning). Glycogen. - Excessive intracellular deposits of glycogen are associated with abnormalities in the metabolism of either glucose or glycogen. Glycogen may accumulate in poorly controlled diabetes or in glycogen storage diseases. Calcium. Calcium salt deposits are seen in a variety of disease states. - Dystrophic calci cation occurs in the setting of normal serum calcium and is the deposition of calcium salts in injured tissue (e.g., in areas of caseous necrosis and in advanced atherosclerosis). Dystrophic calci cation can have functional consequences, as in calci c stenosis of the aortic valve causing left ventricular hypertrophy due to pressure overload . - Metastatic calci cation occurs in the setting of hypercalcemia, which is seen in states of hyperparathyroidism , or increased bone destruction, as in cancers involving the bone. Metastatic calci cation occurs widely throughout the body but principally a ects the interstitial tissues of the vasculature, kidneys, lungs, and gastric mucosa. It usually does not cause clinical dysfunction. Amyloid. - Amyloid consists of one of many di erent proteins that assume a brillar conformation and are deposited in extracellular tissues, where they may interfere with the normal functions of organs. Amyloid deposition is often related to immune processes. ff ff fi fi ff fi fi fi fi Page 13 of 13