See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Thermochemical Properties Chapter · January 1976 CITATIONS READS 0 128 3 authors, including: Kallarackel Thomas Jacob Indian Institute of Science 558 PUBLICATIONS 6,131 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Gibbs energy formalism of dilute liquid metals View project Thermodynamics of Metallurgical Processes View project All content following this page was uploaded by Kallarackel Thomas Jacob on 24 March 2015. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. Reprint from "ATOMIC ENERGY REVIEW' Special Issue No.6 "ZIRCONIUM: PHYSICOCHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF ITS COMPOUNDS AND ALLOYS" INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY VIENNA, 1976 b I. THERMOCHEMICAL P R O P E R T I E S C. B. ALCOCK, K.T. JACOB, S. ZADOR Department of Metallurgy and Materials Science, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada NOTATION Symbol a Meaning Common units ' activity molar heat capacity c a l / K . rnol AG Gibbs energy of reaction per mole cal/mol, kcal/mol A Gx, partial molar f r e e energy of solution of one mole of X2 cal/mol, kcal/mol AH heat of reaction cal/mol, kcalfmol A Hf heat of formation a t 298 K cal/mol, kcal/mol A& partial molar heat of solution of solute i cal/mol, kcalfmol In 1% log log10 molar heat of evaporation, fusion, sublimation o r transformation P L e , f, I, t mole fraction of element A A atm R pressure gas constant cal/K rnol S298 standard entropy a t 298 K cal/K rnol AS entropy of reaction cal/K . rnol AZ, partial molar entropy of solution of solute i cal/K rnol 'Je, f, r. t molar entropy of evaporation, fusion, sublimation o r transformation cal/K . rnol T absolute temperature <> solid state P { 1 ( 1 gaseous state [ 1 dissolved state (subscript denoting solvent) liquid state ' Some unia are given pcr gram-atom rather than pcr gram-mole. 8 1. ALCOCK et el. ZIRCONIUM $ 9 8 ( ~ar), = 9.32 H2,(Zr, a ) = + 0.05 cal/K g- at. [ I ] 0 Comprehensive studies were made on zirconium metal by Lustman and Kerze (21 and Miller [31; Hultgren et al. (41 published a reliable assessment of the thermodynamic information available up to 1966. A review of the metallurgy of zirconium by Douglass 151 gives a compilation of recent investigations. F o r the values recommended here, the assessments of both Hultgren et al. and Douglass were considered, supplemented by some work published since. . 1.1. Heat capacity of solid zirconium There a r e a few recent measurements of the heat capacity of solid zirconium. Klein and Danielson (6 1 obtained their values by pulse-heating techniques. Douglass and Victor (quoted by Douglass [5]) used a Bunsen ice-calorimeter to measure the heat capacity. Vollmer et al. [7] derived their heat capacity values by an adiabatic calorimeter technique. The results of all the above investigators were expressed in equations of the form of Cp = a + bT + c T 2 cal/K g-at., and the respective constants a r e tabulated in Table I. The Table also contains the heat capacity values of both solid and liquid zirconium assessed by Kelley [8]. By combining the heat capacity values computed by the above workers, the following equations a r e obtained: Cp(rn)(cal/K. g-at.) = 5.463 + 2.144 X Cp(p) (cal/K g-at.) = 5.137 + 1.5705 X T - 0.166 X lo5 T - ~ (298 - 1136 K) lom3T + 8.776 X 105 T - ~ (1136 - 2125 K) 1.2. Heat capacity and entropy of gaseous zirconium Hultgren et al. [41 tabulated the heat capacity of gaseous zirconium. Their data were fitted by least-squares calculations to give the following equations: Cp(Zr) ( c a l / ~ g-at.) = 5.496 + 0.730 X 10" T + 0.8708 X 10' T - ~ S;,,(Z~) ( c a l / ~g-at.) = 43.315 [4] 1.3. Condensed phases of zirconium * , The a (hexagonal) p (b.c.c.) transformation of zirconium was found by Douglass and Victor (in Ref.[5]) to take place a t 1137 K with a heat of transformation of 913 cal/g-at. Klein and Danielson [6 1 found TaeB = 1138 K, and Vollmer et al. [7] reported 1155 K a s the transition temperature. Hultgren et al. [41 selected T,B = 1136 5 K, and this value is recommended 930 20 cal/g-at. i s the suggested value for the heat of transhere. L&,~= formation incorporating the value recommended by Hultgren et al. * 4 * PART I. THERMOCHEMICAL PROPERTIES TABLE I. TRANSFORMATION DATA AND CONSTANTS OF THE Cp EQUATIONS Cp ( c a l / ~g-at.) . = a + bT + CT-2 Present [41 assessment The melting point of zirconium was reported by Douglass [51 a s 21 18 f 25 K and 2128 f 15 K, depending on the nature and magnitude of the impurities present. Elyutin e t al. 191 found the melting point to be 2125 K and the heat of fusion Lf = 5000 f 300 cal/g-at. In a n assessment 01 e a r l i e r data, Hultgren et al. recommended the value of the melting point a s 2125 f 5 K. Considering the stated experimental e r r o r s , a n e r r o r limit of f 10 K would seem m o r e reasonable. Hultgren e t al. 141 in a l a t e r assessment suggest 4.05 kcal/g-at. for the heat of fusion of zirconium. Combining this with the value found by Elyutin e t al., Lf= 4500 f 500 cal/g-at. is suggested. 1.4. Vapour p r e s s u r e Hultgren et a1.[4] in their assessment selected L, = 145 500 f 1000 cal/g-at. a s the heat of sublimation of zirconium. They report 4 = 29.71 cal/Keg-at., at a boiling point of 4682 K. The boiling point of zirconium is given a s 4644.05 K by Schick 1101 in his assessment. The value selected h e r e is derived from the vapour p r e s s u r e equation for liquid zirconium by Ackermann and Rauh 11 11, Tb = 4577 f 100 K. Trulson and Goldstein 1121 measured the vapour p r e s s u r e over solid and liquid zirconium in a 300 deg range around the melting point, employing 10 ALCOCK et al. TABLE 11. HEAT OF SUBLIMATION OF ZIRCONIUM Ref. Temp. range (K) AH:, (kcal. g-at.) 2nd law tzr} [ 111 (21) [ 131 { 211 [ 141 (21) [ 121 (211 [I21 1990 -2540 - 2054 2230 - 2800 1966 - 2112 2148 - 2274 1950 143.7 5 3rd 1.1 law 143.1 140.4 t 2.2 145.3 148.4 t 4.4 141.9 135.1 t 3.6 141.6 134.6 141.6 t 4.9 Knudsen cell and mass-spectrometric techniques. No equation was derived to describe the vapour p r e s s u r e dependence on temperature. Values for the heat of sublimation a r e given in Table 11. Koch and Anable 1141 conducted vapour p r e s s u r e measurements over liquid zirconium by the Langmuir free evaporation method and obtained the following equation: log p (atm) = -30 940 T' + 6.52 (2229-2795 K) More recently, Ackermamand Rauh 1111 measured the vapour p r e s s u r e over both the solid and the liquid metal by a combination of m a s s effusion and m a s s spectrometric techniques when the sample was contained in a singlecrystal tungsten crucible. There is reasonable agreement between the measurements of the two groups of workers. Preference is given h e r e to the values obtained by Ackermam and Rauh, because of their very careful experimental techniques. Thus we have the following equation for liquid zirconium : log pzr(atm) = (-29 940 * 240) T-' + (6.541 * 0.080) (T > 2134 K) The vapour p r e s s u r e over the solid metal was computed a s log pzr (atm) = (-30 810 * 240) T-' + (6.950 * 0.080) (T < 2134 K) Ackermam and Rauh suggest constant heat and entropy values for zirconium in their temperature measurement range: Le = 137.0 f 1.1 cal/g-at. a, = 29.93 * 0.11 cal/K. g-at. PART I. THERMOCHEMICAL PROPERTIES The vapour p r e s s u r e values measured by Ackermann and Rauh 1111 for liquid and solid zirconium were combined with the heat capacity equations of a, 8, liquid and gas and with the heats and entropies of transformation and fusion recommended in the present assessment. Thus the roomtemperature heat of sublimation of zirconium was calculated a s L,, 2g8 = 143.67 kcal/g-at. In Table 11, room-temperature heats of sublimation obtained by secondand third-law calculations a r e shown, measured by several workers and compiled by Ackermann and Rauh 111 I. 2. 2.1. ZIRCONIUM FLUORIDES Zirconium di- and trifluoride Murad and Hildebrand 1151 have studied the equilibria between gaseous species over mixtures of CaF, + Z r held in a graphite Knudsen cell, using a - m a s s spectrometer. The multiplier efficiencies and ionization crosssections used by these investigators in calculating absolute p r e s s u r e s a r e not reported. Since ZrF4 does not ionize to give a parent ion, i t s intensity was calculated by subtracting from the ion intensity of ZrFQ a t 17.5 eV the contribution due to ZrF3, assuming a linear variation of intensity with electron energy above threshold. F r o m the results, the Gibbs energy changes for the following reactions can be calculated in the temperature range 1665 - 1745 K: (Ca) + (ZrF4) -. (CaF) + (ZrF3) (1) Since the derived Gibbs energies scatter (f1200 cal), meaningful second-law heats and entropies cannot be derived from these results. The standard Gibbs energy changes a t 1700 K accompanying reactions (1) and (2) a r e : Murad and Hildebrand 1151 have derived third-law heats of the reactions (1) and (2) and have combined these with available information on the heats of formation of (CaF) and (ZrF4) to obtain the heats of formation of gaseous zirconium di- and trifluoride a t 298 K: ALCOCK et a1. 2.2. 2.2.1. Zirconium tetrafluoride Allotropy Solid zirconium tetrafluoride exists in four different allotropic modifications (0, @, 7 and a n amorphous form) 116 1. The cr, 7 and amorphous forms transform irreversibly to the @-form a t 723-773 K. The transition temperat u r e for the cr (tetragonal) to @ (monoclinic) transition i s 72 3 K 117]. No other information is available on the temperature ranges of stability of the various forms o r on the heats of transformation. 2.2.2. Heat capacity Westrum 1181 has measured the heat capacity of solid ZrF4 from 5 to 307 K by adiabatic calorimetry. The heat capacity a t 298 K is 24.79 cal/K* mol. McDonald e t al. 1191, using a copper block drop calorimeter, have measured the heat capacity from 284 to 1225 K. Smith et al. [20] employed a Bunsen ice calorimeter in their study of the heat capacity of ZrF4 in the range 273-1150 K. The agreement between the two s e t s of hightemperature heat capacity measurements is poor. The crystal structures of the samples used in the two studies have not been specified. It i s possible that the measurements relate to two different allotropic forms. Since the heat capacity measured by McDonald et al. a t 298 K (24.74 cal/K mol) i s in good agreement and joins smoothly with the low-temperature heat capacity measurements of Westrum, their data a r e selected f o r internal consistency. The heat capacity of solid Z r s can be represented by the following equation: 2.2.3. Standard entropy The standard entropy a t 298 K of solid ZrF4 calculated from the calorimetric heat capacity measurements of Westrum i s 25.00 (k0.05) c a l / ~ ' m o l . TABLE 111. VAPOUR PRESSURE OF ZIRCONIUM TETRAFLUORIDE lnvutigaton Technique Flrcher [ 221 - Flrcher et al. [ 231 Bell method Senre et a1. [ 24.251 Transpiration Cantor et a1. [261 Quasi-tatlc method Galkln et PI. [271 Knudsen cell Aklrhin et al. [281 and Sldorov et al. [291 Knudsen cell, mass spectrometer Selected value - Temp, range (K) -r PART I. THERMOCHEMICAL PROPERTIES -(K) FIG. 1. Vapour prulurer of ZrF,, shown as a functlon of reciprocal temperature. 2.2.4. Heat of formation Greenberg et al. L21.1 have determined the heat of formation of solid ZrF4 by fluorine bomb calorimetry: The product of synthesis in the calorimeter was primarily 0-ZrF4. 2.2.5. Heat of fusion The heat capacity measurements of McDonald e t al. [191 show that the melting point is 1 2 0 5 k 2 K and the heat of fusion is 15.35 (k0.15) kcal/mol. 14 2.2.6. ALCOCK et a1. Gibbs energy of formation Direct measurements of the Gibbs energy of formation of solid ZrF, are not available. The Gibbs energy of formation calculated from the thermal data referred to above can be represented by the following equation: A ~ ~ ( c a l / m o= l-455 ) 440 + 77.0 T (f400)(300-1205 K ) . The corresponding standard Gibbs energy of formation of liquid ZrF, is 2.2.7. Vapour pressure The vapour pressure measurements are summarized in Table I11 and compared in Fig.1. Galkin et al. [271 used a-ZrF4 as the starting material. Since the 8-phase is stable above 723 K , the a-phase presumably would transform to the 8-phase during the vapour pressure measurements above this temperature. The vapour pressure over the u-phase above 723 K would be higher than true equilibrium pressure. The presence of the a-phase probably explains the fact that the vapour pressures reported by Galkin et al. are considerably higher than those of other investigators. Akishin et al. [28] and Sidorov et al. [ 2 9 ] measured the vapour pressure of 8-ZrF4 by following the time dependence of the ion intensity of ZrF3+ions accompanying the complete evaporation of the material held in a graphite Knudsen cell attached to a mass spectrometer. The absolute pressures are calculated from the formula where B = a J m , I' is the ion intensity. T is the absolute temperature in K , V is the weight of ZrF, taken, a is the area of the Knudsen orifice, R is the gas constant, M is the molecular weight and t represents time. Sufficient information is not available to critically assess the accuracies attainable by this technique. Akishin et al. [281 were able to detect ZrOF; ions at 1300 K ; they estimate the partial pressure of ZrOFz as l o 9 torr at this temperature. ' Sense et al. L24.251 used a transpiration method. The vapour pressures obtained by them are 10-30% lower than those obtained by static or quasistatic methods [22,23,261. This might be due to lack of saturation of the inert gas with ZrF4 vapour. The two independent measurements using the static method [22,231, and the measurements of Cantor et al. [ 2 6 ] using a quasi-static method are in good agreement; the selected values are based on these measurements. The heat of sublimation corresponding to the selected values is 53 250 cal/mol and represents the average second-law heat of sublimation obtained from all the experimental measurements in the temperature range 650-1200 K. The selected values indicate a sublimation temperature of 1177 f 5 K. Since this value is below the melting point. PART I. THERMOCHEMICAL PROPERTIES ZrF, sublimes before it melts. formation a r e a s follows: 2.2.8. 15 The third-law heats of sublimation and ZrF, in Zr-Na-F system Sidorov et al. [30] carried out a mass-spectrometric study of the ZrF4-NaF system. Apart from ZrF,, NaF and Na$, in the gas phase, NaZrF, was found a s a mixed halide molecule. The calculated heat of dissociation for the reaction (NaZrF5)-. (NaF) + (ZrF, ) in the temperature range 877-1167 K was h AH,,,, = 62.2 f 4.6 kcal/mol Estimating the heat capacities of gaseous ZrF,, NaF and N a Z r S , ACP = 2.5 c a l / K * mol is obtained; thus AHdlts., 298 = 60.6 kcal/mol. 3. ZIRCONIUM CHLORIDES 3.1. 3.1.1. Zirconium tetrachloride Heat capacity The heat capacity of solid ZrC1, was measured by Todd [31] from 53 to 297 K. Coughlin and King [32] measured the high-temperature heat capacity from 336 to 567 K. By extrapolation of the results of Todd to 0 K, the standard entropy of <ZrCl,> a t 298 K can be obtained a s 43.5 (f0.6) cal/K-mol. The heat capacity of solid ZrCl, above 298 K can b e represented by the following equation 3.1.2. Heat, entropy and Gibbs energy of formation Siemonsen and Siemonsen [331 measured the heat of formation of < ~ r ~ la,s>-232.0 (f0.5) kcal/mol, by direct chlorination of the metal in a n enamelled bomb calorimeter. Experimental details, purity of the zirconium metal used, and analytical details a r e not fully discussed in their publication s o that a critical assessment of their work is difficult. Gross e t al. [34] obtained a value of -225.9 kcal/mol for the heat of reaction of solid zirconium with liquid chlorine to form one mole of < ~ r ~ l , > . A value of -234.7 (f0.4) kcal/mol may be calculated from these measureme@s for the standard heat of formation of <zrcl4>a t 298 K. A m o r e detailed account of direct chlorination of high-purity zirconium in a bomb calorimeter has been published by Gal'chenko et al. 1351. They demonstrated by chemical analysis the completeness of the reaction and the absence of lower chlorides of zirconium in the residues. Their value, 16 ALCOCK et a t AH:^^ = -234.2 (k0.3) kcal/mol, is in good agreement with that of Gross = -234.4 (k0.3) kcal/mol. The correset al. The selected value is = -72.4 (k0.5) cal/K. mol, ponding standard entropy of formation is when the standard entropy of zirconium selected in this compilation is combined with a value of sozg8 = 53.29 c a l / ~ . m o lfor (C12). The standard Gibbs energy of formation of solid ZrC1, obtained from thermal data in the temperature range 298-700 K can be represented by the following equation: 3.1.3. AH^^^ AS^^^ Vapour p r e s s u r e The vapour p r e s s u r e of ZrC1, has been measured by Palko e t al. [361 in the temperature range 480-750 K, using three different techniques: the diaphragm method for the pressure range 10-1000 mmHg, the capillary bridge method for the p r e s s u r e range 1000-9000 mmHg, and a molten-tin manometer for p r e s s u r e s above 10 000 mmHg. Static vapour p r e s s u r e methods have been used by Rahlfs and Fischer [371 (535-607 K), Nisellson e t al. [38] (711-773 K), and Denisova e t al. [39, 401 (626-708 K). The vapour p r e s s u r e s obtained in these investigations agree within k 15%. The leastmean-squares fit t o a l l the experimental data points gives the following equations for the variation of the vapour p r e s s u r e with temperature: < z r c 1 4 > : log p (mmHg) = -5409 T-' + 11.78 {ZrCl,): log p (mmHg) = -3580 T-' + 9.21 C * (400-710 K) (710-800 K) < The melting point of ~ r ~ 1 ,is) 710 K [36,37,391. The sublimation temperat u r e is 608 K. The liquid phase is therefore thermodynamically unstable. The vapour p r e s s u r e equations given above, when combined with the heat capacities and the estimated entropy of (ZrCl,), equal to 88 c a l / ~ . m o l , yield a third-law value of 26.5 (k0.3) kcal/mol for the standard heat of sublimation a t 298 K. When the heat of sublimation is combined with the heat of formation of solid ZrCl,, the standard heat of formation of gaseous ZrC1, a t 298 K is -207.9 (k0.4) kcal/mol. 3.2. Zirconium trichloride Turnbull and Ways [41] determined the equilibrium p r e s s u r e s for the reaction in the temperature range 613-723 K, using a cooling curve modification of the dew-point method, log p (mmHg) = -6246 T-' + 11.632 (k0.05) More recent work by Copley and Shelton [42], using a thermogravimetric effusion method, indicates that in the range 388-573 K,<ZrC13> disproport i o n a t e ~a s follows: > 6 <zrc13 -, 5<zrc12. 8> + (ZrClJ log p (mmHg) = -6138 T-l + 12.29 c' 18 A K O C K et al. -155 (f1.7) kcal/mol. Rahlfs and F i s c h e r [371 report 723 K a s the melting point of < ~ r B r , > . Since the sublimation temperature i s lower than the melting point, the liquid phase i s thermodynamically unstable. 4.2. Zirconium di- and tribromide Schlafer and Skoludek [46] have measured the p r e s s u r e of (ZrBr, ) over samples of < z r B r 3 in spiral quartz manometers. They assumed that the disproportionation reaction was > There i s a considerable difference between the measured p r e s s u r e s at the end of the disproportionation of each sample of ZrBr, and the pressure calculated assuming the validity of the ideal gas laws. The deviation increases with the weight of < z r ~ r , > taken o r the pressure of (ZrBr,) a t the end of disproportionation. This cannot be explained in t e r m s of the non-ideal behaviour of (ZrBr,). Tsirelnikov [47] has suggested the presence of ( Z r B r 3 ) above the product of disproportionation, which explains the differences between measured and calculated p r e s s u r e s adequately. ) 500 T-I log K = log ( P ; , ~ , , / P ~ , ~=~-16 5. + 22-58 ZIRCONIUM IODIDES 5.1. Zirconium tetraiodide 5.1.1. Heat capacity The heat capacity of ZrI, has not been measured. Kelley [441 has estimated the high-temperature heat capacity of solid ZrI,, which can be represented by the following equation: Cp (cal/K mol) = 26.3 + 12.3 X T The heat capacity of gaseous Zr14 has been estimated [441 a s 22 cal/K 5.1.2. Heat of formation Turnbull [45] has measured the heat changes associated with the following reactions of Zr1,with alkaline solutions: > from reaction (1) i s The standard heat of formation of < z ~ I , deduced -115.6 f 0.8 kcal/mol, while the value obtained f r o m reaction (2) i s .mol. PART I. THERMOCHEMlCAL PROPERTIES -SELEFTw + VALUE I lo3 FIG. 2. Vapour prururu of ZrI,. plotred against the reclpmcal temperature. * -116.3 0.8 kcal/mol. An average value of -115.9 selected for AH^^^. 5.1.3. * 1.0 kcal/mol is Vapour p r e s s u r e Rahlfs and Fischer [371 measured the vapour p r e s s u r e of solid ZrII in the temperature range 558-671 K, using a boiling-point method. Sale and Shelton [481 measured the vapour p r e s s u r e using a nickel Knudsen 503 K. The calculated vapour effusion cell in the temperature range 423 p r e s s u r e s were found to be dependent on the orifice size. The saturation vapour p r e s s u r e s were deduced by extrapolating the measured p r e s s u r e s to zero orifice area. The Zr14 used in this study was prepared by direct - 20 ALCOCK et al. synthesis and purified by sublimation. The results of the Knudsen and boiling-point measurements a r e compared in Fig.2 with the selected value, which can be represented by the following equation: log p (mmHg) = -6280 T-' + 11.84 This corresponds to a sublimation temperature of 701 K, which i s below the melting point, 772 K, reported by Rahlfs and Fischer [37]. The liquid phase is therefore unstable a t unit atmospheric pressure. The secondlaw heat of sublimation of Zr14 is 28.73 kcal/mol. Because of a lack of heat capacity data on ZrI,, an accurate third-law evaluation of the heat of sublimation cannot be made. Larsen and Leddy [49 1 have studied the reaction from 473 to 973 K and a t 5 to 15 atm pressure and report data on fractional reaction. The authors express doubt about the attainment of equilibrium. These results have not been used to calculate the thermodynamic properties of ( Z r h ) o r <zr13>. Sale and Shelton [501 have shown that the disproportionation of < z ~ I , > proceeds to the di-iodide via an intermediate phase: 1 2 log p (mmHg) = -8700 T-1 + 12.47 log p (mmHg) = -26 367 T-I 6. + 37.70 ZIRCONIUM-OXYGEN SYSTEM The phase diagram of the Z r - 0 system published by Domagala and McPherson [51] shows ZrOz a s the only stable solid compound. At high temperatures, vapour species of both ZrO and ZrOz have been shown to be present over condensed ZrOz. Phase.transitions and relevant temperatures in the Z r q system a r e shown in Fig.3 1521. The melting point of ZrOz of near stoichiometric composition was found by Latta et al. 1531 to be 2953 f 15 K. 6.1. Zirconium-oxygen alloys and oxygen-deficient ZrQZ The structure of the zirconium-oxygen system, up to 2 at.% oxygen, has been studied by Holmberg and Dagerhamn 1541 who showed various degrees of ordering in the solid solution. Komarek and Silver [55] measured the oxygen activities in alloys of oxygen and zirconium by equilibration with known partial pressures of magnesium o r calcium and their respective oxides, making use of the Gibbs energies of formation of MgO and CaO, respectively, in their calculations. The partial molar Gibbs energy of oxygen in zirconium is obtained a s follows: 6 PART I. -273 0 1W 21 THERMOCHEMlCAL PROPERTIES 3000 20a) TEMPERATURE 4000 (OC FIG.3. Schematic diagram of the effect of total external pressure on the stable and the metastable phases of Z r q . The equations of the f r e e energy of formation of MgO and CaO employed in these measurements a r e a s follows: Boureau and Gerdanian [561 measured the partial molar heat of solution of oxygen in Z r - 0 alloys and in non-stoichiometric zirconia by means of a Tian-Calvet microcalorimeter at 1300°C. Their results a r e in good agreement with the Z r - 0 phase diagram a t the low oxygen content end and they found no change in the value of the partial heat of solution of oxygen a c r o s s the a - Z r / Z r O z y phase boundary. In the oxygen-deficient region of Z r 0 2 , near the stoichiometric composition, the Gq curve has a maximum and a minimum, which suggests that there a r e two different mechanisms of defect accommodation in this oxide, each dominating at different defect concentrations. The values of the oxygen potential in Z r - 0 alloys measured by Komarek and Silver [551 a r e combined with the partial heats of solution determined by Boureau and Gerdanian [561 t o calculate the partial molar entropy of solution of oxygen in this sytem and a r e shown in Table IV. 46 ALCOCK et al. TABLE XIII. INTEGRAL PROPERTIES OF ZIRCONIUM FOR THE Zr-H SYSTEM xZr(a) + N ~ r 16.3. - (H2) ZrXH1? A G (900 K) (cal/g-at. ) AS ( c a l m . g-at. ) Gibbs energy of formation Numerous studies on the hydrogen pressures in equilibrium with solid Zr-H alloys in the a-, P- and 6-phases, reported in the literature, a r e summarized in Table X. Since the chemical potentials of hydrogen calculated from these measurements do not differ by more than 570, average values have been derived for the chemical potential and the partial molar heat of solution of hydrogen, giving greater weight to the results obtained with purer materials. Several investigators have shown that oxygen in the alloys has a significant effect on hydrogen solubility. The average values were plotted a s a function of composition, and the chemical potentials and partial molar heats of hydrogen were obtained from the smoothed curve a t regular intervals of composition. The results a r e shown in Table XI. Sievert's law i s obeyed by hydrogen in a - Z r alloys. Measurements of McQuillan and Wallbank [1481 indicate that Sievert's law i s not obeyed in dilute P-phase alloys in the temperature range 1150-1220 K. It i s interesting to note (Fig.7) that the partial molar heat of solution of hydrogen is found to become more negative in 8-phase alloys with increasing hydrogen concentration. The compatibility of the selected values with the phase diagram i s demonstrated in Fig.8, where the composition dependence of the chemical potential of hydrogen i s superimposed on the boundaries of the singlephase and two-phase regions at 900 K. The partial molar properties of zirconium in Zr-H alloys obtained by Gibbs-Duhem integration a r e summarized in Table XII. The calculated integral properties of zirconium for the Zr-H system a r e shown in Table XIII. Measurements of Morton and Stark [I411 indicate that the dissociation pressure of deuterium in the Zr-D system i s higher by a factor of four than the corresponding pressure in the Zr-H system a t 700 K. The secondlaw heats of solution of hydrogen and deuterium a r e the same within experimental e r r o r . The zirconium used by Morton and Stark contained 2 2.870 oxygen. More recent measurements by Ricca [1471, using purer materials - , PART I. THERMOCHEMICAL PROPERTIES 47 at 773 K and No = to lom4,show that the pressures of deuterium and hydrogen a r e the same (*lo/a). At higher temperatures (1150-1200 K), McQuillan and Wallbank [1481 have shown that the partial Gibbs energy of deuterium i s more negative by 4 to 6 kcal/g-at. for ND = 3 X to 0.5 than the partial Gibbs energy of hydrogen a t equivalent compositions. In view of the apparent discrepancy in the information now available, values for the Zr-D system a r e not tabulated. 17. Zr-X-H SYSTEMS Katz and B e r g e r [1491 have measured the composition dependence of the hydrogen pressure in four alloys, ZrHfoe3,ZrHfo.5, ZrHfie4 and ZrHf4.,,, in the range 0-60 at.% H and a t 773 - 1173 K. Their results indicate significant deviations from Sievert's law for dilute alloys and do not extrapolate through zero, indicating the absorption of hydrogen a t defect sites like dislocations and pores. The addition of hafnium appears to increase the activity coefficient of hydrogen in a-Zr. Since corrections for hydrogen interaction with the defect structure cannot be estimated from the reported data, meaningful thermodynamic information cannot be derived from them. 17.2. Zr2Cu-H, ZrCrz-H, ZrV2-H, Z%Ni-H and ZrMq-H Pebler and Gulbransen [150, 1511 have measured the composition dependence of the hydrogen pressure in some intermetallic compounds of zirconium. They classify the intermetallic compounds into four categories, based on the nature of their reaction with hydrogen: (a) The intermetallic compound (e.g. Zr2Cu) decomposes after forming a saturated solid solution of hydrogen, resulting in a mixture of zirconium hydride and a zirconium-deficient intermetallic compound. In the c a s e of the Zr-Cu-H system, the composition and structure of the zirconiumdeficient phase a r e unknown. At N,/N,, + Nc, = 0.62, a l l the Zr2Cu i s consumed by the reaction. (b) The intermetallic compound forms a ternary hydride phase after being saturated with hydrogen (e.g. ZrNiH o r ZrN%) [152]. (c) The intermetallic compound absorbs l a r g e amounts of hydrogen without any change in crystal structure. The Laves-type phases ZrCr2, ZrV2 and ZrMo2 belong to this group. (d) The intermetallic compound neither dissolves, nor reacts with, hydrogen (e.g. ZrFe2, ZrCo2). Pebler and Gulbransen [150,15 11 have corrected their data f o r the initial absorption of hydrogen by defects in the lattice of the intermetallic compound to obtain the t r u e solubility of hydrogen. The corrected values show that Sievert's law i s obeyed in the a-phase alloys: 48 ALCOCK e t al. TABLE XIV. THERMODYNAMIC DATA FOR (r-SOLID SOLUTIONS OF HYDROGEN IN INTERMETALLIC COMPOUNDS OF ZIRCONIUM Intermetallic compound AHH (kcal/g-at. ) ASH AGH. 773 K Temperature (cal/K - g - a t . ) (kcal/g-at. ) (K) Composition range (at. 70H) where p ~ i, s the hydrogen pressure in atrn, kH is the Sievert's law constant, AGH, ASH and AHH a r e the Gibbs energy, entropy and enthalpy of solution ) the intermetallic compound. The chemical potential of hydrogen of $ ( H ~ in over the alloys is related to AGH by the relation The infinitely dilute solution i s chosen a s the reference state such that the activity of hydrogen equals its mole fraction (NH). F r o m the variation of the Sievert's law constant with temperature, the partial enthalpy and entropy of solution of hydrogen in the intermetallic compound were calculated. The value for AHH and ASH obtained from the measurements of Pebler . respectively, and Gulbransen [150] in 0-Zr a r e -14.4 and - 13.8 c a l / ~ g-at., which compare with the values of 13.75 and 13.13 cal/K g-at. selected in this compilation. F o r the sake of internal consistency, the values of AHH and ASH calculated from the measurements have been normalized using the selected values for the Zr-H system. The normalized values a r e shown in Table XIV, along with the temperature range of measurement and the composition range in which Sievert's law is obeyed. - - < 18. BINARY ALLOY SYSTEMS WITH ZIRCONIUM The binary alloys of zirconium have not been studied extensively. In some cases, the solubilities have been determined a t a few temperatures only. T h e r e a r e also several systems which were subjected to wider thermodynamic investigations. In this section, the available solubility data and other thermodynamic information a r e compiled f o r the following systems: PART I. THERMOCHEMICAL PROPERTIES 49 Zr-Al: Gibbs energies and heats of formation of three Al-Zr intermetallic compounds Zr-Bi: Partial molar Gibbs energies of solution of zirconium in liquid bismuth Zr-Cd: Partial molar Gibbs energies of solution of cadmium in zirconium Zr-Fe: Gibbs energy of formation of Fe2Zr Zr-Ga: Gibbs energy of formation of ZrGa, Zr-Mg: Solubility of zirconium in liquid magnesium Zr-Na: Solubility of zirconium in liquid sodium Zr-Ni: Activity coefficient of zirconium in liquid nickel Zr-Pt: Gibbs energy and heat of formation of ZrPt, Z r - r a r e earth metals: Heats of solution Zr-Ti: Activity coefficient of titanium in liquid zirconium Zr-Zn: Gibbs energies of formation of Zr-Zn compounds 18.1. Zirconium-aluminium svstem The Gibbs energies of formation of some of the intermetallic compounds in the systems Zr-Fe and Zr-A1 were calculated from the solubility products, which were determined by means of liquid magnesium solution calorimetry by Schneider e t al. [1531. They calculated the Gibbs energies of formation from the elements of three Zr-A1 intermetallic compounds; these were measured a t one temperature only (740°C): Argent and P e r r y [1541 determined the heats of formation of zirconium aluminides using the small furnace calorimeter of Kubaschewski and Dench. Their measurements can be summarized a s follows: Compound 18.2. AH1,,, (kcallg-at.) Remarks 'ZrAl,' -10.6 f 0.4 not quite homogeneous ZrA12 -10.6 f 0.4 homogeneous 'Zr2A131 -7.4 not homogeneous Zirconium-bismuth system The solubility of zirconium in bismuth a t 973 K was measured by Wiswall and Egan [155 1. The activity of zirconium in a dilute {Zr-Bi) solution was determined by measuring the emf of a zirconium concentration T A B L E XV. VAPOUR P R E S S U R E AND R E L A T I V E P A R T I A L MOLAR F R E E E N E R G Y O F CADMIUM I N Z r - C d ALLOYS A ~ C ~ in B-Zr (cal/g-at.) 15.4 11.0 8.227 7.545 - 5720 T - I - 21.695T +453 8.040 + 5.751 T logT - 6340 7.654 - 6200 T-' 7.918 7.410 3.0 6.915 2.1 7.150 1.0 5.690 - 6000 T - I - 5660 T-' - 6150 T-' - 4800 T-' - 6250 T' + 5.751TlogT 7.5 5.0 - 6310 T-' -828 - 22.312T +I27 - 24.577 T + 5.751 T log T 7.227 -1514 - 23.502 T + 5.751 T logT 7.168 +4662 - 30.181 T + 5.751 T log T 6.880 T-I - 5960 T-1 - 6100 T-' - 6100 T-I - 18.575 T + 5.751 Tlog T -1972 - 19.430 T + 5.751 T log T -2384 - 19.988 T + 5.751 T log T -2246 - 21.196 T + 5.751 T log T - 23: 150T + 5.751 T log T Temp. range of transformation (K) 1158-1166 R .= E 1152-1160 -645 1150-1162 - 23.419T + 5.751 T log T -1286 - 24.737 T + 5.751 Tlog T - 1167-1173 1165-1170 -1743 -1286 k 1149-1160 1147-1160 PART I. 51 THERMOCHEMICAL PROPERTIES cell with a NaF.ZrF4 electrolyte, a t 973 K. Their results a r e summarized below: %I = RT log azr (kcal/mol) log azr in {Bi) RT log 7 = A (kcal/mol) 0.0015 -20.85 -4.68 -8.28 0.0040 -19.65 -4.41 -8.75 0.0064 -18.45 -4.15 -8.53 0.0194 -16.61 -3.73 -8.80 0.0220 -15.59 -3.50 -8.01 G~, Mean -8.47 The measurements indicate that Henry's law i s obeyed up to a t least 2 at.70 of zirconium in solution, with the mean value of the activity coefficient The partial molar heat of solution of zirconium in bismuth y = 1.05 X in this concentration range and around 973 K i s -8.6 f 0.4 kcal/mol. 18.3. Zirconium-cadmium svstem The properties of the zirconium-rich section of the Zr-Cd system were studied by F r y e et al. [1561. The cadmium vapour p r e s s u r e over Zr-Cd alloys of various composition was determined by the dew-point method. /3 transformation These authors also investigated the extent to which the a of zirconium is affected by the cadmium solid solution in the alloy. Table XV shows the cadmium vapour p r e s s u r e s measured by F r y e e t al. and the relative partial molar Gibbs energy of cadmium in the alloy calculated therefrom. The value of the vapour pressure over pure liquid cadmium used in the calculation was compiled by Kubaschewski e t al. [120]. The a//3 transformation temperature ranges observed in the course of the vapour pressure measurements differ by about 10 degC from those reported in the phase diagram of Zr-Cd. * 18.4 Zirconium-iron system Schneider et al. [I531 measured the Gibbs energy of formation of Fe,Zr in their liquid magnesium calorimetry studies. It is described by the equation: A G O (cal/mol) = -17 700 5.2 T (1023 K). The activity coefficient of iron in liquid zirconium was determined a t only one temperature by Peyzulayev e t al. [1571 by means of the Langmuir f r e e evaporation method a s applied to spherical surfaces. The measurements were taken at 2475 K, and the concentration of iron in liquid zirconium was 0.16 at.70 and 1.62 at.70. The mean activity coefficient found was a s follows: - yFe = 0.15 f 0.04 for 0.16 at.70 F e yFe = 0.23 f 0.04 for 1.62 at.% F e 55 THERMCCHEMICAL PROPERTIES PART I. TABLE XVI. VAPOUR PRESSURE OF ZINC OVER Zn-Zr ALLOYS log pZn (aun) = a ~ -+' c Temp. range Phases in equilibrium a c (K) -12 918 9.603 800-1180 ZrZn, ZrZb -8 440 6.401 940-1225 ZrZn,. ZrZn, -8792 7.053 900-1200 ZrZn,. Z ~ Z Q -7448 6.488 650-1200 Z ~ Z Q . ZrZn,, -7 171 6.441 750-820 Zr. ZrZn 18.11. Zirconium-titanium system Peyzulayev e t al. [I571 measured the activity coefficient of titanium in liquid zirconium a t 2475 K by the Langmuir f r e e evaporation method. The titanium concentration in zirconium was 1.89 at.% and 0.19 at.%, respectively. They found nearly ideal behaviour with the mean activity ~ , ) 0.19. coefficient for [ ~ i ] ~= 0.92 * 18.12. Zirconium-zinc svstem The thermodynamic properties of the zirconium-zinc system were studied by Chiotti and Kilp [165] employing the dew-point method and the Knudsen cell technique. The temperature range investigated was 750-1225 K. Combining the measured zinc vapour pressures over the two phase equilibria with the standard Gibbs energy of vaporization of zinc, given by Kelley [44], the standard Gibbs energies of formation of the intermetallic compounds of zinc and zirconium were calculated. Constants for the equations describing vapour p r e s s u r e and o,ther thermodynamic quantities a r e given in Tables XVI and XVII. The authors claim an e r r o r limit of rt500 cal on the Gibbs energy values. 19. TERNARY ZIRCONIUM SYSTEMS Zirconium + iron + oxygen Buzek and Hutla [1661 measured the effect of zirconium addition on dissolved oxygen in molten iron. The measurements were carried out at 1800°C in an atmosphere of argon, and the zirconium content was varied between 0.007% and 1.55%. An average value for the interaction coefficient = -800 (f300). is €8 Zirconium + iron + nitroeen Evans and Pehlke [77] have measured the effect of zirconium on the solubility and activity coefficient of nitrogen in liquid iron a t 1600°C. F r o m their measurements the first- and second-order interaction parameters = a2 1nyN/a~2Zr = 145. may be calculated: c$ = alnyN/aNZr= -240; pir T A B L E XVII. THERMODYNAMIC FUNCTIONS F O R T H E REACTION < ~ r+)x {Zn) -. < Z r ~ n , > AGO (cal/mol) = A Compound ZrZs A B ZrZn -28 198 -1.096 + BT + DTlog T + E'? A@ (calfmol) = A + BT+ E T ~ . E x lo4 A B 6.03 2.75 -28 198 -2.62 D E X lO' -2.75 AS' (cal/K. mol) = A A -1.524 -5.5 x l o - d -6.030 x x -12.060 -35 909 -16.842 12.06 5. 50 -35 909 -5.24 -5.50 11.60 -11. 0 ZrZn, -45 231 -29.605 18.09 8.25 -45 230 -7.86 -8.25 21.745 -16.5 -15.72 -16.50 -36.68 -38.50 -54749 -75.646 36.18 16.50 -54 749 ZrZn14 -69 993 -200.150 84.42 38.50 -69 990 59.926 163.47 c B Zr Zn, Zr Zn, + BT + C l o g T 10- -18.09 -33. 0 x lo-d -36.18 -77. 0 x lo-d -84.42 PART I. 57 THERMOCHEMICAL PROPERTIES TABLE XVIII. PARTIAL MOLAR F R E E ENERGIES, E N T H A L P E S AND ENTROPIES OF SOLUTION OF OXYGEN IN UyZrlyOz+, at 1250 K Y x (kcal/mol) (kcal/mol) ( c a l m . mol) ( c a l k mol) 58 ALCOCK e t al. 19. lc. Zirconium + iron + s d ~ h u r Banya and Chipman [l66a] have measured the effect of zirconium on the activity coefficient of sulphur in liquid iron a t 1600°C. The results may = -20. be expressed a s 19.ld. Zirconium + nickel + nitrogen The effect of zirconium on the activity coefficient of nitrogen dissolved in liquid nickel at 1600°C can be obtained from the solubility measurements = -90; = 50. of Tripolitov et al. [161b] : & 19.2. Double oxides with zirconia 19.2.1. Li20.Zr02, and oxide of alkaline earth metals + Z r 9 Kubaschewski [167] in his assessment of the properties of double oxides gives the heats of formation of the alkaline earth metal-zirconium double oxides formed from the oxides, based on calorimetric work by Lvova and Feodosev [168]. The values of estimated entropy contents a r e also listed. AH^^^ (kcalfmol) sig8( c ~ / K m0l) . LiQ.Zr02 -15.2 f 1.5 21.9 f 2.0 (estim.) Ca0.Zr02 -7.3 f 2.0 22.4 f 2.0 (estim.) Sr0.Zr02 -17.8 f 2.5 26.0 f 2.0 (estim.) BaO. Z r 0 2 -28.6 f 2.5 TABLE XM. HEATS OF FORMATION OF RARE-EARTH ZIRCONATES Structure Zirconate tYPe Pymchlore x Fluorite Pyrochlore Pyrochlore Pyrochlore Fluorfte Fluorite Fluorfte Pyrochlore (kcal/mol) (from oxides) -&Il, - A @ , (kcal/mol) (from elements) PART I. THERMOCHEMICAL PROPERTIES 59 The thermodynamic properties of urania-zirconia solid solutions were measured by Aronson and Clayton [1691 by means of high-temperature emf measurements. These authors estimate the limits of solid solubility a t 13 molo/o zirconia, based on e a r l i e r studies, but state that Zr0,-UO, solid solutions of much higher zirconia content (=30 mol%) a r e metastable when quenched from 1700°C, with no phase segregation appearing, even after prolonged heating a t 1000°C. The partial molar quantities were determined for UyZrly02+, These compounds were prepared from powdered oxides a t T > 1700°C in hydrogen and then equilibrated a t 800°C in a controlled O2 atmosphere to dissolve the required excess oxygen. The results a r e shown in Table XVIII. Aronson and Clayton proposed a model in which the excess oxygen ions take random interstitial positions and th_e us+ions a r e distributed randomly. The partial molar entropy of solution, ASq, based on this model, then incorporates the configurational entropies of 012,;and u5+and the vibrational entropies : The value of Q, according to this model, i s expected to be reasonably constant ' for a given U:Zr = y:(l-y) and independent of the amount of excess oxygen present. However, when plotting Q ( c a l / K W mol) versus x, curves with a minimum around x = 0.08 a r e obtained instead of a straight line. Later experiments by W i l l i s [1701 on UOz+xshow the formation of groups of defects within the U02 matrix. It is probable that similar defect i n t e r actions occur in the UyZrl- 02+xsystem,thus invalidating Aronson and Clayton's model for the calculation of contributors to the partial molar entropy of solution of oxygen. 19.3. Rare-earth zirconates and CaZrOg The heats of formation of rare-earth zirconates were determined by Korneev e t al. [I711 from zirconium and the respective rare-earth oxide by combustion in an oxygen bomb calorimeter. They also determined a value for the heat of formation of CaZrO, which is in good agreement with that of Lvova and Feodosev [168]. However, their value for the heat of formation of ZrOz is more than one kcal below the value recommended in the present assessment. The heats of formation a s determined by Korneev et al. a r e given in Table XM. The heats of formation, standard entropy and other important thermochemical values (where available) of all the compounds discussed in this assessment a r e listed in Table XX. TABLE n. SUMMARY O F THERMOCHEMICAL VALUES OF ZIRCONIUM AND ITS COMPOUNDS ,:s ( d K mol) TrdounaUon temperature AHt Melting point a (K) !cal/mol) (K) PART I. THERMOCHEMICAL PROERTIES 62 ALCOCK e t al. REFERENCES TO PART I 111 121 131 141 KELLEY, K.K.. KING. E. 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