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Professional Education Practice Test

Professional Education
Practice Time
1. Which of the following group of materials is
considered to have the highest degree of abstraction?
A. pictures, posters, and slides
B. plants, insects, and other specimens
C. educational televisions, film, and video clips
D. friendly and business letters, novels,
newspaper clips
2. Which of the following factors should Mr. Bautista
primarily consider in his determination of his teaching
and learning objectives and in his utilization of
instructional materials?
A. assessment tools
B. nature of the learners
C. modes of material presentation
D. instructional activity and experiences
3. In instructional development, teachers state
objectives first because it helps them best in
A. operating the equipments to be used for
B. securing available instructional materials.
C. selecting which media to use best.
D. preparing materials beforehand.
4. Mrs. Gavina ensures that the illustrations she is
preparing for her class do not suggest messages that
can be interpreted in variety of ways. Which of the
following principles in media selection and utilization
guides her development of instructional materials?
A. communication effectiveness
B. meaningfulness
C. authenticity
D. interest
5. The following statements are examples of good
practices in the use of printed visuals like charts,
graphs, and drawings EXCEPT for
A. Present the material one by one.
B. Students should pass the material around for
everyone’s benefit.
C. Print visuals should be seen by everyone in
a single presentation.
D. Provide written or verbal cues to support
important information that is to be clearly
understood in the visuals.
6. Prof. Balagtas plans to utilize audiocassettes in his
Literature class the next day. Which of the following
competencies does he want to develop in his
A. Literary criticism
B. Literary appreciation
C. Short story composition
D. Auditory comprehension
7. Hector is asked to present a report regarding the
expedition of Christopher Columbus. He is planning
to deliver his report by making the parts of his
presentation partly hidden to make it more interesting
and exciting. Which of the following materials should
he probably use?
A. Video
C. realia
B. Slides
D. models
8. Ms. Runduin plans to tell a tall tale to her students.
She is planning to tell it in an exciting progressing
presentation by using a group of transparent sheets
placed over a base transparency. Which of the
following materials is she planning to use for her
A. Marionettes
C. silhouettes
B. Puppets D. overlay
9. Mr. Delos Santos, a fresh graduate elementary
teacher is asked by the principal to help the school
develop resources for instruction so that the school
would have available materials for the teachers to
use. The principal described the learners and the
teachers in the school in terms of abilities and
attitudes. Which of the following processes would
you suggest him to do so that he may be well guided
in his development process?
A. development – utilization – evaluation –
B. development – design – utilization –
C. design – development – utilization –
D. design – utilization – evaluation –
10. Ms. Henson wants to determine her teaching and
learning objectives for her science class the next day.
She also plans to think of a material to use so that
she could deliver her lesson with efficiency. Which of
the following factors should Ms. Henson primarily
A. instructional strategy
B. instructional activity
C. assessment tools
D. the learner
11. Mr. Binangonan brought real samples of leaves when
he discussed about differences of plants through the
leaves. Which of the following principles BEST
reflects his decision in the selection of instructional
A. Interest
C. responsiveness
B. Authenticity
D. cost effectiveness
12. Prof. Duque would like to create a presentation
material for his lecture on the normal curve
distribution in statistics. To make his presentation
more efficient and effective, which of the following
tools should he utilize?
A. communicative tool
B. productivity tool
C. informative tool
D. situating tool
13. You grouped your students and asked them to make
a trailer for the novel they have read in your Literature
class. What tool could possibly help the students in
their project?
A. communicative tool
B. productivity tool
C. informative tool
D. situating tool
14. Teacher Silva used video excerpts in teaching new
economic concepts to her 4th year high school class.
However, as the clips are viewed, the students
seemed to have blank responses to them. Students
yawn and feel sleepy. There is an ineffective
utilization of the instructional media in the classroom.
In this situation, educational technology is considered
ineffective because it
A. does not provide vicarious experiences for
the learners.
B. does not help attain the objectives of the
C. induces alienation on the part of the
D. promotes passive reception of the message.
15. Mr. Bautista wants to increase the proficiency of his
students in a newly learned skill and he wants to
refresh an existing skill in the learners. Which of the
following categories of computer-assisted instruction
or CAI should he use to achieve his teaching
A. instructional games
B. drill and practice
C. simulation
D. tutorial
16. Mr. Malaya is teaching a 3rd year high school class in
world history. The students need note taking,
outlining, and study skills. Which strategy should she
start to model, teach, and have students practice
A. main idea
B. sequencing
C. reciprocal teaching
D. rhetorical patterns of expository texts
17. Teacher Sheila does a read-aloud and think-aloud
modeling several times a week in her first and second
grade classroom. Which of the following strategies is
she NOT modeling?
A. asking questions of the text, the author, and
B. making connections with the text
C. checking predictions
D. phonetic analysis
18. Mr. Rodrigo has several students in his fifth grade
class that need more strategies for comprehension of
texts. Which of the following is NOT an effective
strategy for him to model to the students?
A. checking and modifying predictions while
B. looking up vocabulary words during reading
C. activating prior knowledge before reading
D. using context clues for monitoring
19. Which of the following phonological and phonemic
awareness activities is considered to have the LEAST
level of difficulty?
A. substitutions, additions, and deletions
B. segmentation
C. blending
D. rhyming
20. Mrs. Gutierrez has students who are weak in the use
of structural analysis. Which of the following words
would BEST lend itself to the development of the skill
A. Cough
C. fountains
B. Decided
D. previewed
21. Mrs. Ilanan has a new kindergarten class and needs
to obtain some baseline data from her students. She
deems it necessary to assess her students’ print
skills. Which of the following skills would NOT be
included in this particular assessment?
A. recognition of a capital letter
B. pointing the cover of a book
C. left-to-right orientation
D. word segmentation
22. Teacher A has found out that the results of the
curriculum that was implemented call for an alteration
in the set of objectives and competencies. Which of
the following curriculum development stages does
teacher A want to happen?
A. curriculum planning
B. curriculum evaluation
C. curriculum change
D. curriculum improvement
23. Ms. Natividad, a classroom teacher, wants to try-out
to her class another strategy she has learned from a
seminar-workshop she has attended. Which level of
curriculum is shown in this situation?
A. Societal
C. instructional
B. Experiential
D. institutional
24. Mr. Reyes, the principal of Bagumbato National High
School, opted to use the curriculum that employs the
integration of Music, Arts, P.E., and Social Studies on
a longer time block. This situation clearly shows that
the principal prefers to use
A. core curriculum design.
B. correlated subjects design.
C. broad-fields curriculum design.
D. single-subject curriculum design.
25. The sub-processes of curriculum planning,
organization and designing, implementation and
evaluation sum up the process of
A. curriculum and instruction.
B. curriculum management.
C. curriculum development.
D. curriculum assessment.
26. When the aim of the curriculum is to provide the
learners with the needed skills in this ever-changing
world, the curriculum reflects the belief that it should
A. provide learner’s with the knowledge needed
for social relevance.
B. perpetuate cumulative tradition of organized
C. provide avenues for the students to do selfexpression.
D. allow learner’s self-actualization.
27. The following statements are characteristics of the
subject-centered curriculum EXCEPT for
A. The main task is mastery learning.
B. The teacher has full control of the lesson.
C. There is a high level of cooperative
D. It covers much of the content in a short span
of time.
28. The phase of curriculum development which involves
a survey of the current needs of the learners and the
demands of society is curriculum
A. planning.
B. evaluation.
C. organization.
D. Implementation
29. Ms. Oliveros, a language teacher, has noticed that
Bryan, a diagnosed dyslexic child, has already
improved in his reading, writing, gross, and fine motor
abilities. She recommended to her principal that
Bryan should be learning in a regular classroom.
Which of the following does the teacher want to
A. Promotion
C. inclusion
B. Intervention
D. exclusion
30. When developers try to obtain relevant information to
be able to judge the worth of an educational program,
its product, procedures, and objectives, the
developers are in the process of curriculum
A. planning.
C. evaluation.
B. designing.
D. alignment.
31. Johnny, a junior high school student, connected his
lesson on fractions with his Social Studies lesson on
land ownership during the time of Feudalism. Which
curriculum design element is reflected in Johnny’s
A. Articulation
C. continuity
B. Integration
D. balance
32. Teacher B wants to give his student the freedom to
choose what to learn and believe, and allow the
student to set his own identity and standards.
Teacher B clearly shows that he believes in
A. Realism. C. Perennialism.
B. Idealism.
D. Existentialism
33. A curriculum developer wants to combine geography,
civics and culture, and history to complete the subject
area of Social Studies. The curriculum developer
clearly manifests favor for the
A. correlated subjects curriculum design.
B. broad fields curriculum design.
C. fused curriculum design.
D. core curriculum design.
34. Teacher C has found out that there was a mismatch
between the content she was teaching in the class
and the competencies tested in the standards-based
assessment (SBA) given after a year of instruction.
This situation calls for curriculum
A. planning.
C. alignment.
B. designing.
D. implementation.
35. The following are characteristics of the experiencecentered curriculum EXCEPT for
A. The classroom activities are cooperatively
controlled by the learner and the teacher.
B. The emphasis is on the holistic development
of the individual learner.
C. Education aims to develop a socially creative
D. Facts and knowledge are to be mastered for
future use.
36. The students’ first languages are to be the medium of
instruction during the first three years of formal
schooling both in the public and private schools.
Which of the following stakeholders in curriculum
development asks for this requirement?
A. Parents
C. publishers
B. teachers
D. legislators
37. Mr. Delos Reyes believes that curriculum is not
concerned with what the students will do in the
learning situation, but what they will retain in mind as
a consequence of what they do. Which of the
following definitions or conceptions of curriculum
reflects the belief of Mr. Delos Reyes?
A. Curriculum as Plan
B. Curriculum as Experience
C. Curriculum as Subject Matter
D. Curriculum as Result or Outcome
38. Mrs. Benitez, a school principal, has learned that
there is a new trend in the teaching of Science and
Mathematics. She immediately planned for a
seminar-workshop intended for her faculty so that
they may be updated with the current trend. Which of
the following curriculum levels reflects this situation?
A. societal level
B. experiential level
C. institutional level
D. instructional level
39. Annie, a grade six pupil, has learned that she
remembers better when she uses graphic organizers
as study aids when she reviews previous lessons.
Which of the following curriculum levels reflects this
A. societal level
B. experiential level
C. institutional level
D. instructional level
40. An international body of educational researchers has
published a recent finding in the use of Understanding
by Design (UbD) in the Philippine setting. The
experts report that there has been a significant
progress in the achievement of Philippine public high
school students. The government responds to
mandate the use of the framework. Which of the
following curriculum levels is responsible for this
A. societal level
B. experiential level
C. institutional level
D. instructional level
41. Administrative officials of a private school set a day
for the parents to have a conference with their
children’s teachers so that the parents would know
the current status of their children in their classes.
Which of the following curriculum levels is responsible
for this practice?
A. societal level
B. experiential level
C. institutional level
D. instructional level
42. Mrs. Jimenez, an academic coordinator, arranges the
different subjects by identifying a central theme so
that there will be a meeting point of ideas from
different content areas. Which of the following
phases of curriculum development does Mrs. Jimenez
A. curriculum change
B. curriculum planning
C. curriculum organization
D. curriculum implementation
43. Mr. Quiteviz, a guidance counselor, administered a
psychological test to identify the child’s ability,
maturation, mental age, and experiential background.
The test that he administered should BEST help
curriculum developers to decide on
A. time allotment.
B. grade placement.
C. curriculum content.
D. curriculum evaluation.
44. Mr. Calado, a private school owner, ensures that the
equipments and facilities of his school are functional
and safe for the teachers and students to use. This
situation implies that Mr. Calado is in the process of
A. curriculum planning.
B. curriculum designing.
C. curriculum improvement
D. curriculum implementation.
45. Region IV-A and B administered a Standards-Based
Assessment (SBA) to know how their schools perform
against each other. The test was done so that they
could appropriate funding for an educational
intervention for the least performing school. The
regions clearly manifest that they underwent
A. curriculum implementation
B. curriculum organization
C. curriculum evaluation
D. curriculum change
46. Mrs. Dumalanta admits that the current trends in
teaching that are suggested by experts do not fit with
her current classroom conditions for instruction.
Nevertheless, she devices a new strategy to
approach a classroom problem and she anticipates
an improved condition for her class through this
strategy. Which of the following does the teacher
A. responsibility
B. accountability
C. innovativeness
D. professionalism
Mrs. Juntalon taught count nouns and non-count
nouns in the classroom. After the class, when the
pupils went home, Johnny, one of her pupils, points to
the sugar and says, “Non-count, Mama!” Which of
the following types of curriculum is reflected in this
A. tested curriculum
B. taught curriculum
C. written curriculum
D. received curriculum
Mr. Pinzon suggests that the curricular content of
Science should only include practical ways of
applying scientific principles into everyday situations.
Which of the following criteria for curriculum
organization and design is considered by Mr. Pinzon?
A. Integration
C. validity
B. Sequence
D. scope
Which of the following is NOT a function of curriculum
A. Evaluation provides feedback to those who
are concerned in the students’ learning.
B. Evaluation serves as basis for curriculum
change and improvement.
C. Evaluation gives light to curriculum
D. Evaluation could serve as a disciplinary
Mrs. Elena, an academic coordinator, finds it
necessary for most subject areas to have their
contents be repeated across grade levels in
progressing degrees of difficulty and
contextualization. Which of the following curriculum
designs does she want to use?
A. broad-fields
C. spiral
B. correlated
D. core