Uploaded by Shisung Choi

Asian American Hate Crime

Shisung Choi
Joan Dantoni
English 101 Monday 10 o’clock
5 April 2021
The Asian Community has Another Virus to Fight
With our previous president aiming the blame of COVID-19 on the wrong
people, this created an opening for a deadly possibility to occur: A second virus of
hatred and misinformation for the Asian-American community to spread. On
March 16, 2021, a series of shootings occurred in multiple spas in Atlanta,
Georgia. The police have arrested a man that is highly likely to be the killer as his
car has been seen on the site. Somehow, this man, Robert Aaron Long, has not
been charged for a hate crime yet. His defense for his actions relied on his religious
beliefs of not falling for his sexual addiction.
I believe that this is clearly a hate crime against the Asian-American
community that must be put down. The first evidence that shows the clear colors of
a hate crime is in the statistics. Out of more than 150,000 businesses in Atlanta,
Mr. Long, has clearly shot three Asian businesses. Also, the fact that he waited an
hour in front of the Asian business before committing the crime clearly shows this
was a deliberate plan instead of a blind rage against the Asian businesses. This
evidence should and must erase the possibility presented by the Cherokee County
Sheriff, Jay Baker, that the shooter was just having a bad day. One bad day does
not and should not aim to kill specifically Asian-American communities during
this time when they are already enduring physical and verbal assault for a virus
they are not responsible for. Next, the majority of people killed speaks for itself.
Six out of the eight people that were shot dead were confirmed to be of Asian
descent which gives a physical picture of his desired motive of killing Asians.
Finally, to put the icing on top of the cake, a further implication gives
evidence to Mr. Long’s baseless hatred for Asians during this virus. The police
were able to capture the murderer on the road as he was riding down south of
Atlanta. The south of Atlanta lies the state of Florida. With the noticeable 2.95
percent of Florida’s population being Asian, there is an unmistakable implication
that the shooter was driving down to Florida to continue his murder spree. With
this clear evidence and implications brought to the table, I believe that if America’s
justice system still refuses to name his intention under Asian hate crime, that is the
real Asian-hate crime to consider.
If I had to pick a symbol to represent America as a whole, I would choose
the statue of liberty as she stands for the idea of freedom for all. She champions
this idea as she holds her tablet inscribed with the words of freedom, the freedom
for anyone to strive for the American Dream. However, as I see the mistreatment
of my fellow Asian-Americans whether that be through verbal or physical abuse, I
see no chance given to them to strive for something better because they are too
preoccupied, to scared of the possible abuse around every corner. During these
rough times of COVID-19, the Asian-American community is fighting off and or
enduring another virus built of hatred and ridicule from other Americans. Is this
the price that Asians must pay to have a glimpse of that freedom America is so
proud of holding?
This mistreatment of Asians is now heightened to an all-time high
because of a president that directed his finger to the Asian communities as
the cause of the COVID-19. As the Asian minority in the United States face
racism in another form or another, I cannot stand idly by as I see an America
that isn't free at all. My community is continually getting mistreated from
just a few words from a president who knew no better! I ask you to stand
with me to bring America back to its foundation and its purpose: A land
where one is free to run towards their dreams no matter their background or
religious affiliation. A place where anyone can walk down the streets feeling
safe and secure not needing to worry about their own safety in the
neighborhood they call their new home. Let us remind America of its own
foundation it was so proud of standing on! Unlike the virus that affects the
body, a virus of hatred may leave a permanent scar for many future
generations to come. The vaccine for this hatred starts with a single person
willing to stand against the tide of undeserved hatred. Everyone came to
America with a purpose they wanted to fulfill in their lives. I believe
America is a land where we should be free to do so without being murdered
for being in a specific race or kind. Will you be the vaccine for the hatred
virus that are affecting countless Asian minorities in America?