Improving Auditory Comprehension Strategies _______ Seat student in an optimum place free of distractions; preferably next to or near the teacher. _______Call student`s name before giving directions. _______Stand directly in front of student`s visual range. _______Use “Give me Five” visual to model listening skills; can be printed and taped to students desk (I have a poster size if needed too) a. b. c. d. e. f. STOP! And Listen! Eyes on the speaker Mouth is quiet Body is still Ears are listening Hands are free _______Give directions in steps and allow student to complete one step at a time; give related directions together. _______Use props or visuals to integrate while giving directions; model what needs to be done. _______Exaggerate important words that you want the child to know (highlight, underline, stress, repeat). _______Agree on a sign that both student and teacher can use to check for understanding. (i.e. thumbs up). Monitoring Chart: Prior to an activity; ensure that student is engaged by listening and sustaining eye contact. Follow the cueing levels until expected performance is reached and add a description of student`s execution. Student name: 1. Date: Activity completed? Yes: No: 2. Date: Activity completed? Yes: No: 3. Date: Activity completed? Yes: No: 4. Date: Activity completed? Yes: No: 5. Date: Activity completed? Yes: No: Level 1 Oral/Written Instructions + repeat using simple wording Level 2 Instructions O/W + repetition in simple wording + provide a model Level 3 Instructions O/W + simple wording + provide a model + offer visual/tactile cues. Observations