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Low Back Pain Massage Therapy

Low Back Pain Massage Therapy
You may be surprised to find that low back discomfort is not typically treated on the "low back."
Each week, I meet with individuals who need massage treatment for low back discomfort. They come in
droves, the "huddled masses" who have had it with the nagging discomfort or the intense screaming
agony that stabs at them constantly. We encounter repeat offenders in a variety of situations, including
sports injuries, automobile accidents, job dangers, pregnancy, and bad posture. Their suffering is as
unique as their personalities, and so are their therapies.
Frequently, a client's discomfort is caused by opposing muscles in other parts of the body, such as the
hamstrings, quadriceps, psoas, or latissimus. Each of these muscles contributes to the hip posture.
Consider muscles as pulleys and bones as levers. Consider what would happen if one of the pulleys was
shortened and the lever was left in an altered position, causing all the other pulleys to compensate. In
essence, a "tug of war" is taking place. When a single muscle is out of equilibrium, discomfort and/or
stiffness follow.
As massage therapists, we evaluate a variety of factors while evaluating a client's low back discomfort.
In a therapeutic setting, we examine posture, the relationship of the hips to one another, and the
texture of the surrounding soft tissue. Equally, the relevant information is the client's background;
health history, past injuries, pain tolerance, and degree of commitment in proportion to the client's
expectations. In that instance, therapy for low back pain in a 50-year-old inactive client would be much
different from treatment for a 30-year-old active client who has been involved in a motor vehicle
The patterns of malfunction and the treatments available are as numerous as the constellations. We use
deep tissue massage methods such as myofascial release, trigger point treatment, and neuromuscular
therapy, as well as complementary therapies like Kinesio taping, stretching, reflexology, and craniosacral
therapy, in our massage therapy practice. By physically elongating shortened muscle fibers and
connective tissues to restore equilibrium in the lower back, a massage therapist plays a unique role in
the treatment of lower back pain.
There is one universal component that contributes to the effectiveness of a massage therapy treatment
session, and that is an engaged client. Clients who are actively involved in their treatment and
consistently execute stretches and exercises at home in conjunction with ice and/or heat are
significantly more likely to break free from the pain cycle. Visit https://www.eacuwell.com/injectiontherapy for further information on how therapeutic massage might benefit you. If you're ready to begin
practicing self-care, please visit our website for helpful stretches you may do at home.
The Advantages of Decompression Therapy in the Treatment of Back Pain
Millions of individuals suffer from low back pain as a result of herniated or bulging discs and are unsure
where to seek treatment. The majority of them merely take prescription pain medications to alleviate
their discomfort. Medications, on the other hand, may only give brief comfort. Surgery is another
possibility, but it is costly and does not always ensure success. For these reasons, pain patients seek
alleviation through complementary and alternative medicine.
Decompression therapy is a non-surgical, drug-free procedure authorized by the FDA that employs
computer-controlled traction to gently lengthen the spine and relieve pressure in the spinal discs. It is
indicated for people who are experiencing back discomfort as a result of a herniated disc. Additionally, it
may be beneficial for patients who have not received relief from traditional therapies and those who
have additional diseases such as neck pain, degenerative disc disease, sciatica, radiculopathy, spinal
arthritis, spinal stenosis, and facet syndrome.
Back discomfort may be experienced by someone who has a bulging or ruptured disc. With the use of
decompression treatment, the disc may be restored to normal. While the patient is comfortably
positioned on the decompression table, the computer-controlled traction device is set to extend the
vertebra gently. This exercise aids the disc in absorbing the nutrients necessary for healing, alleviating
pain and suffering. The treatment is painless, and patients report feeling relaxed and relieved, with
some even falling asleep during the process.
Decompression therapy is a good alternative to back surgery. Apart from being prohibitively costly, back
surgery often produces suboptimal pain relief and carries a slew of dangers and problems. That is why,
wherever feasible, it is preferable to avoid surgery.
Although it is a traction-based treatment, decompression therapy is not the same as conventional
traction. Spinal decompression is used to separate the afflicted spinal segments alone to enable
nutrients to reach the injured discs. On the other hand, regular traction only strains the muscles.
Decompression therapy may be a beneficial treatment for the vast majority of people suffering from
back pain, for the simple reason that it works. It has been used to treat a variety of conditions, restoring
function and boosting patient health. Numerous patients with lengthy and unpleasant histories of
chronic pain have reported full recovery or significant pain reduction after therapy.
Decompression treatment begins with a visit with a chiropractor who can conduct a thorough history
and physical assessment of the patient. This therapy is safe and may be effective for acute or chronic
back pain. A series of treatments may provide long-lasting pain relief.