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תוכניות סיוע באנגלית

Subject: Assistance programs.
On August 10, 2018, I joined a social movement called
"Overcome" - a movement that seeks to promote the
status, quality of life, and rights of the "transparent
disabled" - people like me who suffer from medical
problems and severe disabilities that are not
conspicuously visible - and consequently suffer very
extensive denial of rights.
I have heard that large technology companies such as
Google, Facebook, or Amazon run social assistance
programs - to which these organizations can apply for
financial assistance, which is tested according to criteria
and criteria set by these companies.
I am looking for more detailed information about these
assistance programs.
Best regards,
Assaf Binyamini,
Costa Rica Street 115,
Entrance A-Apartment 4,
Kiryat Menachem,
Jerusalem, Zip code: 9662592.
Phone numbers: at 972-2-6427757.
fax number-972-77-2700076.
Post Scriptum. 1) The founder of the "Get Over"
movement I joined, and the person who still runs it
today is Mrs. Tatiana Kaduchkin, with whom you can
contact the phone number 972-52-3708001.
Telephone contact with her is possible Sunday
through Thursday between the hours of 11: 00-20: 00,
except for Jewish holidays
and various Israeli holidays.
Below is a link to our website:
2) Here are some explanatory words about our
movement, as they appeared in the press:
TatianaKaduchkin, an ordinary citizen, decided to
form the "Overcome" movement with the help of what
she calls the
"transparent disabled." So far, about 500 people from
all over the
the country has gathered for its movement. In an
interview with Channel 7 Diary, she talks about the
project and those disabled people who do not receive
proper and sufficient assistance from the relevant
parties, just because they
are transparent.
According to her, the disabled population can be
divided into two groups: disabled people with
wheelchairs and disabled people without wheelchairs.
She defines the second group as "transparent disabled"
because she says they do not receive the same services
as the disabled with a wheelchair receive, even though
they are defined as having a 75-100 percent disability.
These people, she explains, cannot make a living on
their own, and they need the extra services that the
disabled with wheelchairs are entitled to. For example,
the transparent disabled receive a low disability pension
from the National Insurance Institute, do not receive
certain supplements such as special services allowance,
escort allowance, mobility allowance and they also
receive a lower allowance from the Ministry of
According to a study conducted by Kaduchkin, these
transparent disabled people are hungry for bread despite
the attempt to claim that in Israel in 2016 there are no
people hungry for bread. The study she conducted also
states that the suicide rates among them are high. In the
movement she founded, she works to include the
transparent disabled on waiting lists for public housing.
This is because she says they do not usually enter these
lists even though they are supposed to be eligible. She
holds quite a few meetings with Knesset members and
even participates in meetings and discussions of
relevant committees in the Knesset, but she says those
who can help do not listen and the listeners are in
opposition and therefore cannot help..
She is now calling on more and more "transparent"
disabled people to join her, to contact her so that she
can help them. In her opinion, if the situation continues
as it is today, there will be no escape from a
demonstration of the disabled who will claim their
rights and the basic conditions for living.
3) My ID number: 029547403.
4) My email addresses:029547403 @walla.co.il or:
asb783a@gmail.com or: assaf197254@yahoo.co.il or:
ass.benyamini@yandex.com or: a32assaf@outlook.com
Or: assaf002@mail2world.com
5) The therapeutic framework in which I find myself:
Reut Association - Avivit Hostel,
6 Avivit Street,
Kiryat Menachem,
Jerusalem, Zip code: 9650816.
Phone numbers at the hostel offices:
972-2-6432551. Or: 972-2-6428351.
The hostel's email address: avivit6@barak.net.il
6) The social worker of the "Avivit" hostel, in my
meeting with her on Tuesday, the 12.12.2017 at 1:30
p.m., I was strictly forbidden to provide any details
about her and/or other employees of the "Avivit" hostel
or the "Reut" association.
7) The family doctor with whom I am being monitored:
Dr. Brandon Stewart,
"Clalit Health Services" - Promenade Clinic,
6 Daniel Janowski Street,
Jerusalem, Zip code: 9338601.
A phone number at clinic offices: 972-2-6738558.
The fax number at clinic offices: 972-2-6738551.
8) Age: 48. Marital status: Single.
9) In-home computer type/model:
Processor Intel (R) Core (TM) i5-3470 CPU @ 3.20
Installed memory (RAM): 8.00 GB
(GB 7.88 can be used)
System Type-64-bit operating system, processor-based
Computer name: 111886-PC
I'm renting it from day one
Monday, December 30, 2019, from the "Computer
Adapters" company.
10) I am using the operating system
windows 10
11) I surf the web using a browser, chrome, and uses
considerable magnification of screen characters due to a
vision problem.
12) My ISP: Hot.
13) Date of birth:11/11/1972
14) I will note that I am a person who speaks Hebrew and my knowledge of other languages is very limited.
Except for medium to low-level English and very lowlevel French, I have no further knowledge in this area. I
enlisted the help of a private translation company to
write this letter.
15) Below is the correspondence I conducted on the
social network Facebook with Mrs. Orai Nir-El from a
"themasters ":
Assaf Binyamini
Assaf Shalom, what are you doing??
Oray Nir-El
2 days ago
I have something interesting that will light your way in
my humble opinion. Would like to hear?
Tuesday 19:53
you sent
what's the matter? I will note that in recent years I have
not been able to return to the job market. A little over
two years ago I joined a social movement called
"Overcome", which seeks to promote the rights of the
visually impaired, i.e: people like me who suffer from
disabilities and serious illnesses who suffer from
widespread disenfranchisement solely due to the fact
that disability is not noticeably visible. On August 10,
2018, I met the movement's director, Mrs. Tatiana
Kaduchkin, at a committee in the Knesset — and since
then I have been trying to help her promote our
movement. Regards, Assaf Binyamini.
You can now call each other and see details such as
active status and when you read messages.
you sent
23 hours ago
I now ran the phone number on Google 972-508787115-and I saw that this is a company that sells
electric bicycles located in Beit Shemesh and that they
offer for sale a pair of bicycles at a price of about NIS
1,900. I will note that due to my physical disability, this
means of transportation is not suitable for me - and even
if I am wrong (it could be - I never tried to use this
means of transportation) - I will not be able to pay NIS
1,00 for a pair of bicycles - due to my severe financial
distress. In any case, I will not be able to come to Beit
Shemesh every day, if they have jobs to offer if they are
currently looking for employees (because I am limited
in mobility due to my physical disability). Other than
that I was impressed by the media that electric bikes are
a very unsafe and dangerous means of transportation
and that in recent years many of those who have used it
have been involved in accidents. Hard as.
Call me tomorrow probably not by chance you came to
Oray Nir-El
23 hours ago
you sent
23 hours ago
OK. What hours can you call?
you sent
23 hours ago
And another note: I did come to you by chance - in the
struggle for the disabled in which I have participated in
recent years I come to many places - and very many
times I turn to different places without knowing at all
where I am turning...
Oray Nir-El
23 hours ago
9 In the morning it is possible. If it does not work out,
text me if it is available and I will return.
you sent
40 minutes ago
To Urai Shalom: Following our phone call this
morning, I realized that you have an idea regarding the
field of the job search or a suitable job. Can you write
to me about what this is about? in which field? What is
the procedure in question?
you sent
40 minutes ago
Regards, Assaf Binyamini.
Oray Nir-El
39 minutes ago
You are free to zoom in at 9 p.m.?
Oray Nir-El
39 minutes ago
You will hear details
Oray Nir-El
39 minutes ago
It is also possible tomorrow at 21:00
you sent
38 minutes ago
I do not use zoom software (it is not installed on me at
all) - nor iodine Rule how to make video calls in other
you sent
36 minutes ago
I prefer that you write me the details here - is it
possible, or for you can you convey this information to
me only by phone call and not in writing? Assaf
Oray Nir-El
36 minutes ago
For today I'm done. I have webinars tonight. Offers you
to listen
you sent
33 minutes ago
What is the webinar? I'm not in that area at all. Do you
have a channel where you teach lessons? And if so what is the field you are teaching? Regards, Assaf
post Scriptum. I do not know you personally and do not
want to determine things-however for me people who
are not willing to write to me what it is.
you sent
26 minutes ago
This is suspicious conduct — just a point for thought.
Such conduct shows me that the person in front of me
has something to hide and that it may be related to an
activity that may even be, in some cases criminal. This
is because my line of thought says that if things were
not so it is not possible to understand from a beheaded
person insisting not to explain what it is. And I
emphasize: I do not know you personally so I do not
know if it is true or not - but as long as you are not
willing to explain what it is, this is my starting point. If
you still choose to explain things, my opinion may
change. so what are you saying? I in any case can not
make any decisions when I do not know at all what it is.
Regards, Assaf Binyamini.
Oray Nir-El
15 minutes ago
you sent
About a minute ago
I do not use zoom software. I still do not know what it
is or what "jobs" you offer. And in short: very strange
and puzzling. I understand that you are "busy" - but
even the busiest person can find 30 seconds (maybe 31
??) to explain, at least what it is about. As long as you
do not explain what it is or what "jobs" you are
supposed to offer, nothing can be done. Maybe this is
an attempt to perform a sting exercise? Maybe a crime
of a different kind? A person who uses such a style will
always arouse suspicion...
Oray Nir-El
About a minute ago
Apologies back at me. Let's hang up. All the best.
16) Below is a link to the channel youtube in Hebrew,
which I opened on April 28, 2020, in which I
occasionally upload videos related to the subject of the