Uploaded by MUSKAN JAIN


Muskan Jain
Kanoria PG Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur
Until the mid-nineteenth century, chemistry ushered in revolution. The inception of Green
Chemistry was prominent during this era. Green chemistry (GC) is defined as chemistry that is
environmentally beneficial and long-lasting. It involves the creation of chemical products and
procedures that reduce hazardous chemical manufacturing. It takes into account the entire life
cycle of a chemical product, including its manufacturing, use, design, and eventual disposal.
Green chemistry can help prevent pollution at the molecular level, provide innovative scientific
solutions, and reduce the negative impacts of chemical products on human and environmental
health. It's a revolutionary ideology that aims to bring government, education, and industry
together. Green chemistry could be a feasible solution for environmental conservation if more
attention is paid to environmental effects and their mitigation. This article gives a fast summary
of how various green chemistry principles are used to control pollution in basic and applied
research which could be beneficial for the society.
Keywords – Green chemistry, hazardous chemicals, environment, effects, pollution and
sustainable chemistry.
According to the United States' environmental law, "The Pollution Prevention Act of 1990,"
the first step in preventing pollution is to design industrial processes that do not produce
waste[1,2]. This paved the way for green chemical methodology. Green chemistry is described
by the Environmental Protection Agency as the development of goods and processes that
reduce or eliminate the use or generation of hazardous substances. This entails fewer waste
products, nontoxic materials, and more efficiency. In 1991, Paul T. Anastas coined the term
"green chemistry”. The goal is to create chemicals and chemical processes that are less
damaging to people's health and the environment[3]. It is the application of a set of principles
in the design, manufacture, and application of chemical goods that lowers or eliminates the use
or generation of hazardous compounds. Green chemistry emphasizes the creation of new
chemical re-activities and reaction conditions that could enhance chemical synthesis in terms
of resource efficiency, energy efficiency, product selectivity, operational simplicity, health,
and environmental safety[4].
Green chemistry's foundation
Oxford University, through academics Paul Anastas and John Warner, developed 12 items to
help chemists activate the concept of green chemistry in their book ‘Green Theoretical
Chemistry and Practice’.
Principles of green chemistry
In 1998, Paul Anastas (who led the US Environmental Protection Agency's green chemistry
programme) and John C. Warner published a set of principles to guide green chemistry
practise. It covers twelve concepts that integrate techniques for limiting chemical production's
environmental and health consequences. It also identifies research objectives for green
chemical technology development[5].
Atom economy
Less hazardous chemical synthesis
Designing safer chemicals
Safer solvents & auxiliaries
Design for energy efficiency
Use of renewable feed stocks
Reduce derivatives
10 Design for degradation
11 Real time pollution prevention
12 Safer chemistry for accident
The ability of chemists to adapt chemical processes to
reduce hazardous waste creation is a crucial first step in
pollution prevention. It's like the old adage, "prevention is
better than cure," and it's better to avoid waste than to clean
it up after it's happened.
Synthetic procedures should be developed to maximise the
incorporation of all process components into the end
product, reducing waste at the molecular level.
Synthetic processes should be intended to employ and
manufacture substances that are low or non-toxic to human
health and the environment whenever possible.
Throughout the design process, chemical goods should be
designed to serve their intended function while limiting
their toxicity and environmental impact.
For each phase, the safest available solvents must be
chosen, and organic solvents must be avoided wherever
Choose the chemical technique that requires the least
amount of energy. The temperature and pressure in the
environment are ideal.
Instead of chemicals derived from dwindling resources,
use compounds generated from renewable (i.e. plantbased) resources.
When possible, avoid unnecessary derivatization (blocking
group, protection/deprotection) because these operations
take more reagents and generate more waste.
In reactions, use catalytic reagents rather than
stoichiometric reagents.
Develop chemicals that disintegrate and break down into
harmless substances that do not persist in the environment
once they have served their purpose.
Monitor chemical reactions in real time while they're
happening and take action before they turn into a
dangerous compound.
Select and develop safer chemical processes and chemicals
to reduce the risk of chemical accidents, explosions, and
fires. The most well-known and arguably one of the
deadliest disaster occurred in Bhopal, India, in 1984, when
a chemical facility accidentally released toxic gas, killing
thousands of people and injuring many more. [6-8]
TABLE 1 - 12 Principles of Green Chemistry proposed by Anastas and Warner (Anastas and
Warner, 1998)
The green chemistry craze has also reached our shores as it is the need, to safeguard our future.
We must work practically on promoting green chemistry techniques. Collaborations between
industrial and academic partners are critical for bringing substantial green products to market
as quickly as possible.
Education, information gathering and distribution, research, and worldwide collaboration are
all part of this endeavour to promote green chemistry. Under an agreement with the Green
Chemical Institute, the University of Delhi has been accepted as an international chapter.
Governments could undoubtedly aid in the formation of more effective industrial-academic
cooperation. Analytical chemistry in India is primarily concerned with solid phase, ultrasonic,
and microwave extraction. For an agro-economy-based country like India, heavy metals and
pesticides must be monitored and analysed. The Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI)
and the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) are working hard in this
The majority of industrial research & development is aimed at lowering costs rather than
developing environmentally friendly solutions. Technology transfer from academic labs to
industry units is critical for considerable implementation of green research. There has been
some collaboration between academics and industry, but greater collaboration is required.
One of India's most profitable industries is textiles, which is shifting to microbial decolorization
and degradation. Enzyme utilisation across a number of industries, from pharmaceuticals to
leather, is one of the best examples. Biodiversity research for natural dyes and the development
of environmentally friendly synthetic dye techniques are becoming increasingly essential.
Green chemistry can be aided by governments raising public awareness and establishing strict
environmental rules. One of the most recent and disputed examples of government initiative is
the conversion of diesel cars to compressed natural gas (CNG). The Delhi government has
taken yet another bold step by moving businesses from residential parks to industrial zones.
The government should support green chemistry research by providing financial assistance. By
fostering green chemistry education at all levels, the government can lay a solid foundation for
green chemistry in India. Some of the interesting ideas include aspirated H-cylinder engines
for commercial vehicles, satisfying India 2000 emission regulations, battery-powered cars for
pollution-free driving, hydrogen energy, and energy towers.[10]
Environmental pollution is one of the world's most life threatening dilemma. It is defined as
the pollution that affects the soil, rivers, oceans, or atmosphere is an undesired alteration in the
chemical, physical, or biological aspects of the natural environment caused by man's actions.
The loss of vegetation and biological diversity is indicative of a decline in environmental
quality as a result of pollution. Environmental incidents are becoming more common, posing
a hazard to life support systems.
TYPES - Environmental pollution may broadly be classified into:
1. Natural Contamination: Natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, droughts, and
cyclones contaminate the environment.
2. Man-made Contamination: Human activities(combustion process, unsystematically
disposed of solid waste, depletion of ozone layer & increase the level of sulphur oxides,
nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, photochemical oxidants, suspended particulates and
hydrocarbon in the air etc.)[11]
The environmental pollution can also be classified further as, air pollution, water pollution, soil
pollution, food pollution, noise pollution and radio-active pollution, etc.
a) Population growth - Many modern thinkers believe that population expansion is the primary
cause of many human issues. This is also true in terms of environmental damage. Increase in
population will have a multiplier effect, necessitating a commensurate increase in all
necessities required for human survival. To meet the day-to-day necessities of living,
population increase necessitates abnormal exploitation of natural resources. It leads to
population increase and migration, resulting in additional health, environmental, and human
sustenance issues.
Population in millions
In March 2021, India's population grew to 1,355.0 million people, up from 1,341.0 million in
March 2020.[12]
b) Economic growth & increased general affluence- In the man-resource-environment
interaction, affluence (i.e. material elements of per capita consumption of commodities and
resources) is a significant determinant. The expansion in output of goods and services in
developed and emerging countries is being absorbed by the rising per capita demand of the
wealthy. Surprisingly, despite having a significant impact on the environment, the affluent
component is rarely discussed.
GDP growth in last 5 years.[13]
c) Deforestation - Soil protection practice helps in improving the quality of soil by making it
fertile and nutrient-rich with a high organic matter concentration. Forests are the nation's
"lifeline," and a healthy forest cover is intimately linked to the wealth and well-being of the
society. Conversion of forest area to agricultural land, shifting cultivation, overgrazing, forest
fires, lumbering, and multifunctional river projects are all key drivers of deforestation on a
global and regional scale. Deforestation has a cascade effect that has a negative impact on the
natural environment. Accelerated soil erosion, increased sediment load in rivers, reservoir
siltation, and river bed siltation are all examples of chain effects. Increased frequency and size
of droughts, changes in precipitation distribution patterns, and intensification of greenhouse
impacts are all factors.
Collection of Litter
Cut Stamps
Fuel Wood
Consequences of deforestation [14]
d) Agricultural development - Man stands at a cross roads, surrounded by perils from all sides.
Agricultural development harms the environment in a variety of ways, including (i) the use of
chemical fertilizers, herbicides, and insecticides, (ii) increased irrigation and irrigation volume,
(iii) changes in biological populations, and so on.
Agriculture growth in India [15]
e) Industrial development- The quick rate of industrialization led in a rapid rate of natural
resource extraction and an increase in industrial production. Today industrialisation is
regarded as a marker of modernity and a crucial component of a country's socioeconomic
progress. The deterioration of the environment has occurred from the exploitation of natural
resources in order to supply the industrial need for raw materials. Pollutants released by
factories have damaged the ecosystem to a critical level in the air, water, and land. Human
civilisation is on the verge of extinction as a result of industrialization.
Industrial growth in India [16]
f) Urbanization - In terms of urbanization, the world's industrialised countries have already
reached their pinnacle. The rapid loss of natural resources, as well as a range of environmental
degradation and pollution, are all due to urbanization. The development of income and job
possibilities has resulted in the concentration of population in congested metropolitan areas.
This leads to a growth in the number of buildings, roads and streets, sewage and storm drains,
automobiles, factories, urban garbage, aerosols, smokes and dusts, sewage waters, and other
environmental issues.
IN %
India : Degree of urbanization [17]
g) Coal burnt thermal power plants -Approximately 62 percent of our country's coal mines are
used to create energy, resulting in fly ash. The volume of fly ash alone accounts for over 70%
of the total. The ash must be stored in such a way that it causes as little harm to the air, water,
and land as possible. Fly ash smaller fractions deposit in the lungs/pulmonary tissues of the
respiratory track when inhaled, which can be harmful. [18]
Air pollution causes hypertension, cardiovascular
disorder, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
(COPD) & other respiratory distress, cancer, dermatitis
& other skin diseases, oxidative stress induced various
tissue damages, neurobehavioral disorders, reduced
energy levels, premature death, asthma, headaches and
dizziness, irritation of eyes, nose, mouth and throat,
reduced lung functioning, disruption of endocrine and
reproductive and immune systems. [39-41]
Water pollution has caused diseases such as giardiasis,
amoebiasis, hookworm, ascariasis, typhoid, liver and
kidney damage, Alzheimer’s disease, non-lymphoma,
Hodgkin’s multiple sclerosis, and hormonal issues that can
disrupt development and reproduction. People were
infected with stomach aches, encephalitis, hepatitis,
diarrhoea, vomiting, gastroenteritis, respiratory infections,
ear ache, pink eye, and rashes due to contaminated beach
water. [42-43]
Soil pollution - Benzene exposure is associated with a
higher incidence of leukaemia. Mercury and cyclodienes
are also known to induce higher incidences. PCBs and
carbonates can induce a chain of responses leading to
neuromuscular blockage. For the above-mentioned and
other compounds, there is a wide range of additional
health consequences such as headache, nausea,
exhaustion, eye irritation, and skin rash. [44]
Plastic pollution causes asthma, pulmonary cancer
(due to inhalation of poisonous gases),damages liver
& central nervous system and kidney diseases. [46]
Radioactive pollution causes lung cancer (exposure to
radon), thyroid -tumor (exposure to radioactive Iodine),
skin cancer (exposure to prolonged UV rays).[45]
Thermal pollution causes decrease in dissolved oxygen,
increase in toxins, reproductive problems, reduce fertility
in some organisms and increases metabolic rate.[47]
Artificial light pollution causes obesity, depression,
sleeping disorders .
Green Chemistry reduces pollution by employing a number of
environmentally friendly alternatives to traditional processes.
1) Ionic liquids - Ionic liquids are substances that are entirely made up of ions and are liquid
at room temperature or close to it. They're non-volatile and thermally stable, and their polarity,
hydrophobicity, and solvent miscibility may all be easily tweaked with the right cation and
anion modifications.
Scheme 1. Simple aldol reaction using Ionic liquids as solvent [19-22]
2) Solvent free reactions - Hydrocarbons, esters, alcohols, ammonia, water, carbon
di-sulphide, and other liquid solvents are utilized in most organic processes.
However, in order to produce environmentally friendly synthetic techniques, it is
necessary to reduce the usage of solvents, which are a major source of pollution.
Reformatsky reaction[23], and solvent free aldol condensation are examples of
solvent-free processes.
Scheme 2 : Reformatsky Reaction
Scheme 3: Solvent free aldol condensation
3) Organic synthesis in water - Water is a good solvent for organic reactions,
despite the fact that it is a challenge for organic synthesis and the purification
process and drying in final products are both time consuming. Because some
chemicals are not soluble in water, it speeds up some processes and provides
selectivity. Hydrophobic effects may result in unique reactivity and selectivity.
Scheme 4: Diels-Alder Reaction
Synthetic Diels-Alder reactions, for example, where the hydrophobic characteristics
of particular chemicals make water a suitable solvent.[24-26] New technologies,
such as combining microwave and ultrasonic irradiation, may be able to alleviate
this problem. Microwave-assisted water reactions are a relatively new area in which
to develop revolutionary green chemistry.
4) Microwave assisted solvent free organic synthesis - To affect chemical reactions quickly,
microwave irradiation in the solid state is being used. This approach does not use solvents and
is therefore deemed "greener" than traditional procedures. In open vessels, microwave-assisted
solvent-free processes can be carried out. Friedlander coupling condensation (0.1–0.5 equiv.)
has been described as a microwave-assisted solvent-free production of quinoline derivatives in
under 4 minutes has been described by kwon[27]. This approach resulted in product yields of
up to 85%, whereas the output from traditional heating under identical conditions was only
about 24%.
Scheme-5 Preparation of quinoline derivatives under microwave in the absence of solvent.
5) Supercritical fluids - A super-critical fluid, like a gas, may pass through solids and dissolve
things. The most often employed supercritical fluids are carbon dioxide and water. In a variety
of industrial and laboratory operations, supercritical liquids can be used as a substitute for
organic solvents. They're commonly referred to as "Green Solvents" since they produce good
yields in a variety of processes, including alkylations[28], hydroformylations[29], and
hydrogenation[30]. Polymerization, polymer composite manufacture, polymer mixing, particle
generation, and microcellular foaming are some of the applications of supercritical CO 2 in
polymers. The extraction industry is where supercritical CO2 is most widely used.
6) Organic synthesis in polyfluorinated phases - Chemists use polyfluorinated two-phase
solvent solutions to dissolve catalysts with lengthy hyper fluorinated alcyclo or aliphatic
chains in these procedures. The reagents are suspended in an organic solvent. In the hyper
fluorinated phase, it is insoluble, reheating the mixture speeds the reaction while maintaining
a high product yield. CF3O(CF2CF2O)xCF2-CONHCH2CH2CH2CH2Si(OCH3)3 is a new
polyfluorinated anti-staining coating material that uses a liquid-phase direct fluorination
process using elemental fluorine as a crucial step. It was also used to develop a novel
perfluorinated bifunctional sulfonate monomer CF2=CFOCF2CF2CF2OCF(CF2SO2F)2 for
fuel cell polymer electrolyte membranes (PEMs)[54].
7) Sonochemistry- Organic synthesis, materials chemistry, and biological applications all
benefit from ultrasound. Because industrial manufacturing generates waste and hazardous byproducts, all of these processes were developed with green chemistry concepts in mind. The
three forms of sonochemical processes include homogeneous sonochemistry of liquids,
heterogeneous sonochemistry of liquid-liquid or solid–liquid systems, and sonocatalysis,
which overlaps with the preceding techniques.[51-52].Some applications are –
 Ultrasound is used in biomedical devices such as HIFU to ablate cancerous and
undesirable tissues in the body, making treatments easier and less unpleasant.
 For lithium ion battery electrodes, Cu2O-graphene and graphene oxide-Fe2O3 are
1. Biofuels: Biofuels can be made from biomass including sugar cane, corn, rapeseed, straw,
wood, animal and agricultural waste. When burned in a diesel engine with hydrocarbons, biodiesel, which is made from oil or fat through a process called "transesterification", is reported
to minimise petroleum fuel consumption.
Use of unleaded petrol: The higher the octane number, the better the gasoline quality. The
number of octane is enhanced without the use of lead components like tetra-ethyl lead (TEL).
Unleaded gasoline is made by mixing it with methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE), which
provides oxygen to the gasoline and so inhibits the development of peroxy compounds.[31]
Putting out fires the green way: Pyro cool, a novel foam, has been developed to successfully
put out fires without releasing hazardous compounds like previous firefighting solutions.
Chemical firefighting foams, which are widely employed around the world, release hazardous
compounds into the environment, poisoning water and depleting the ozone layer[32].
Biodegradable plastics: Minnesota produces ingeo food containers, which are made of
polylactic acid. BASF created eco flow, a compostable polyester film that is used to create
entirely biodegradable bags. If these bags are used instead of traditional plastic bags, the
municipal corporation system will quickly deteriorate[33].
Green bleaching agents: Lignin is removed from good quality white paper by immersing
small pieces of wood in a solution of sodium hydroxide and sodium sulphide, then reacting
with chlorine. Chlorine reacts with aromatic rings to produce chlorine dioxins and chlorinated
furans during the process. Because these substances are carcinogens, they are harmful to one's
Using a green method to clear turbid water: Alum has traditionally been used to cleanse
municipal and industrial waste water. Alum has been discovered to promote Alzheimer's
disease by increasing harmful ions in treated water. The tamarind seed kernel powder has been
proven to be as effective and cost-effective as alum at making waste water clear.
Ecofriendly paints: As oil-based 'alkyd' paint dries and cures, it emits a considerable amount
of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Water-based acrylic alkyd paints produced from
recycled soda bottle plastic (PET), acrylics, and soya bean oil were invented by Sherwin
Williams. These paints combine the performance of alkyds with the low VOC level of
New lighting technologies: Organic light emitting diodes (OLEDS), for example, are a type
of innovative lighting technology that produces more light while using less energy.
9. Preparation of lighter vehicle: It saves money and reduces carbon dioxide emissions. Modern
synthetic polyesters have been found to reduce the amount of foam used in automobile seats,
lowering their weight and thereby lowering fuel consumption and carbon dioxide emissions
into the atmosphere.
10. Green dry cleaning of clothes: The most common solvent in dry cleaning clothes is
percholoroethylene (perc). Perc is suspected of being carcinogenic, and when it is disposed of,
it contaminates groundwater. Joseph De Simons, Timothy Remark, and James Mc clain
invented micell technology, which uses liquid carbon dioxide as a safer solvent in combination
with a surfactant to dry clean garments[37-38].
11. Biodiesel can be produced from biomass using chemical and physical methods. In 2005,
biomass offered the potential to produce 19 % of the world's energy. Biomass now accounts
for around 4% of all fuel products used in automobiles[48-50].
Green chemistry has advanced from theory to practiceGreen chemistry intend to limit or obliterate the use and production of precarious substances
in the workplace and for consumers. The GC definition is based on the principles of creation
and design. From the start, scientists and technologists must evaluate what kind of product
we're developing and how we'll design its manufacture and use.
In recent decades, the fast development of new chemical technologies and the enormous
number of new chemical products has drawn environmentalists' attention to remedial
activities for the negative consequences (monitoring environmental pollution, reduction of
pollutants, recycling, etc). However, the most effective way to reduce negative impacts is to
design and innovate manufacturing processes, taking into account energy, materials, the atom
economy, the use and generation of hazardous secondary materials, and finally the product
life cycle and practical recycling into new materials. Green chemistry has gained a solid
foothold in research and development in both industry and academia in recent years,
particularly in developed industrial countries. Several international conferences, scholarly
journals, numerous publications, and new university courses attest to Green Chemistry's
growing significance.
Many attempts are being made to develop non-polluting starting materials and safer products
with fewer adverse effects. It has been advocated that better machinery and fuels be developed
that produce less polluting gases such as CO, CO2, SO2, nitrogen oxides, and so on. The
addition of heavy toxic metals and other hazardous compounds to the environment will be
reduced through the use of good fuel and modified green procedures.
The most difficult task is to incorporate green chemistry into industrial, laboratory, and
everyday operations in order to reduce pollution. This can be accomplished through educating
and training the next generation. GC must be included in all students curricular at all levels.
The role of the academia is to bring about a mass understanding about the pertinence of Green
chemistry. It is a new philosophical approach that, by using and extending the concepts, can
help to achieve long-term sustainability. Policy makers should recognise the importance of
"green" science and technology and make pollution prevention their mantra, rather than
pollution control.
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