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Section: CRIM-02
What are public safety operations?
To mention a few, public safety operations are actions or operations that enhance
public safety such as Search and Rescue, Fire Drills, and Earthquake Drills
Why do we need public safety?
We need public safety because it is the government’s primary responsibility to
serve and protect the people, according to Article II, Section 4 of the
Constitution. It is only just that we have
What are the responsibilities to observe in public safety?
It includes patrolling assigned areas, observing and researching suspicious
activity, enforcing laws, apprehending individuals, and writing incident reports,
as well as detecting and investigating suspicious behavior
What is public safety and welfare?
Public safety and welfare refers to the general population’s safety, as well as a
scenario in which people are free from injury, oppression, and crimes against
themselves or their property
What is law enforcement operation and planning?
The purpose of law enforcement operations is to ensure that laws, legislation,
executive orders, and ordinances are followed. Just like executing a search and
seizure warrant or serving a warrant to the police if an arrest is made
How important is law enforcement operation?
A law enforcement operation is vital in enforcing the rules and regulations
enacted by the legislature, as well as executive orders and ordinances. It is the
state’s anti-lawlessness and disorderly machinery. It aids in the maintenance of
order and peace.
What is an internal security operation?
Internal security operations are carried out to ensure that the company’s
internal security is maintained. It is a crime against the state’s existence to
conduct operations to combat insurgency, terrorist operations, and other
comparable acts
What is an example of operational security?
Under the umbrella of operational security, a state’s covert and overt operations
are carried out to protect the state’s secrets from foreigners and even domestic
groups seeking to profit or influence the general public based on a particular
fact or information kept by the government, such as the SSID, which works to
protect the state’s military secrets and operations.
What is included in internal security?
Operations to combat insurgency and terrorism are both covered in internal
security. Campaign to defeat the Maute group’s Marawi Siege, for example, is a
counter-insurgency operation carried out by the government. Terrorist counterterrorism actions include even the AFP’s antiNPA operations..
What is the importance of operational security?
This is important because it safeguards the military secret of the state. As a
result, it is crucial to keep the state’s military secrets protected. Even obtains
information that will benefit the state. It is the state’s internal security’s
How do police name operations?
From the already approved list of advanced decided names, each police activity
is given a name. Using exotic birds or animals, as well as a certain movie or
name, they can name it. It all comes down to the pre-approved list.
What is intelligence operational cycle?
The Intelligence Operational Cycle is defined as the process of getting
information that involves proper procedure and sequence of actions starting
from planning, operation, collection, collation and dissemination of information
to relevant personnel.
What are the phases of intelligence cycle?
The phases of intelligence cycle are the following, Planning phase, collection
phase, collation phase and dissemination phase.
What is the process of intelligence?
The procedure begins with establishing the scope and extent of the preparation,
which is the first step in the planning process. Then there’s the gathering of
information, which is done to avoid detection. In the next step, g determines
whether the data is accurate and reliable. In the end, there’s the process of
dissemination, in which the information that’s been processed is passed on to
the right people.
How do you collect intelligence?
So that the subjects can be penetrated successfully, the intelligence must be
obtained in a way that will not be detected. Any information received or
collected that the officer considers to be of little or no utility will be recorded
and, if feasible, saved so that it can be used in future initiatives.
What are the investigation methods?
A collection of practices, procedures, processes, routines, conventions,
theories, and tactics used by police to investigate a crime are used by police to
investigate a crime. Identification of the criminal, establishing his or her
whereabouts, and supplying the evidence required to convict him or her are the
initial steps to a successful prosecution.
What is the operation investigation?
At the heart of operation investigation is a combination of art and science that
revolves around locating the perpetrator and accumulating evidence to prove
their guilt in a criminal case.
What are the duties and responsibilities of the Scene of the Crime Operation
The scene of the crime operation team processed the crime scene; they are the
technicals who forensically evaluate the evidence and provide other scientific
and investigative support. A SOCO team's team commander assumes command
and maintains personnel safety and security at the crime site. The crime scene
is photographed by a photographer and a photographic log recorder. The crime
scene sketches are created by the sketch preparer. Evidence log is kept by the
evidence recorder or custodian.
What are the steps in the crime scene process?
First, a search must be conducted. There are a variety of search methods that
can be employed, and it is up to the SOCO Team to decide which type of search
is most suited to the current crime scene. The purpose of a search is to identify,
gather, and/or serve evidence. The evidence is then marked, tagged, and
collected. Then there's the crime scene photography. Then there's the crime
scene sketching. Unless a laboratory analysis is required, all physical or seized
evidence must be in the custody of the investigator; consequently, he will only
pass the evidence to the evidence custodian and must be placed in the evidence
room for storage.
What is the job description of a crime scene investigator?
A crime scene investigator is a member of the crime laboratory team who
performs forensic procedures using scientific methods of investigation in order
to preserve the crime scene, collect information, document, collect, and
examine all physical and other forensic evidence.
What makes a crime scene?
Crime scene is a venue or place where the alleged crime or event or an
incident has been committed.
How do you start a crime scene?
A police officer must proceed to crime scene and validate information
regarding crime incident. He must record all relevant facts and time of
arrival at the crime scene. Then he must cordon the area. Then identify
possible witness and do the preliminary interview if feasible. Arrest
suspect if they are around or do a dragnet operation. Be ready to take a
dying declaration of an injured person. Evacuate wounded person, and
account the wounded and arrested person. Conduct initial investigation
and briefing for the Investigator on case. Then conduct an initial inventory
of all possible evidence.
What is the first priority at a crime scene?
Safety and physical well-being of officers and other individuals, in and
around the crime scene, are the initial responding officers first priority.
What is the Republic Act No 7438?
An Act Defining Certain Rights of Person Arrested, Detained or Under
Custodial Investigation as Well as the Duties of the Arresting, Detaining
and Investigating Officers, and Providing Penalties for Violations Thereof
What are penalties for violating RA 7438?
1. Any arresting officer or employee, or any investigating officer who fails
to give any arrested person a competent and independent counsel shall
suffer a fine of Six thousand pesos (P6,000.00) or a penalty of
imprisonment of not less than eight (8) years but not more than ten (10)
years, or both.
2.The same penalties shall be imposed upon a public officer or employee,
or anyone acting upon orders of such investigating officer or in his place,
who fails to provide a competent and independent counsel to a person
arrested, detained or under custodial investigation for the commission of
an offense if the latter cannot afford the services of his own counsel.
3. Any person who obstructs, prevents or prohibits any lawyer, any
member of the immediate family of a person arrested, detained or under
custodial investigation, or any medical doctor or priest or religious
minister chosen by him or by any member of his immediate family or by
his counsel, from visiting and conferring privately with him, or from
examining and treating him, or from ministering to his spiritual needs, at
any hour of the day or, in urgent cases, of the night shall suffer the
penalty of imprisonment of not less than four (4) years nor more than six
(6) years, and a fine of four thousand pesos (P4,000.00)
What are the rights of a person under custodial investigation?
1. The right to be informed of his rights.
2. The right to remain silent and to be reminded that anything he says can and
will be used against him.
3. The right to an attorney or to counsel, preferably of his own choice; if not, one
will be provided for him.
4. Right against torture, force, violence, threat, intimidation or any other means
which vitiate the free will of the person.
5. Right against secret detention places, solitary, incommunicado, or other
similar forms of detention.
What is a arrest person?
Arrest person is an individual who is apprehended or arrested by a peace
officer through the virtue of a warrant of arrest and by a peace officer or a
private person through a valid warrantless arrest.
Who is authorized for warrant of arrest?
Judge by the virtue of the court.
How many days does a warrant of arrest valid? *
10 days
What is arrest by virtue of a warrant of arrest? *
It is an arrest conducted by a peace officer with a warrant of arrest given
by the court and approved by a judge. Additionally, when making an
arrest by virtue of a warrant the officer shall inform the person to be
arrested of the cause of the arrest and of the fact that a warrant has been
issued for his arrest, except when he flees or forcibly resists before the
officer has opportunity so to inform him, or when the giving of such
information will imperil the arrest. The officer need not have the warrant in
his possession at the time of the arrest, but after the arrest, if the person
arrested so requires, the warrant shall be shown to him as soon as
What are the grounds for warrantless arrest? *
These are the grounds for warrantless arrest by a private person or a peace
officer under Section 5, Rule 113, Revised Rules of Court
1. When, in his presence, the person to be arrested is actually committing, or is
attempting to commit, or has just committed an offense.
2. When an offense has just been committed and he has probable cause to
believe based on personal knowledge of facts or circumstances that the person
to be arrested has committed it.
3. When the person to be arrested is a prisoner who has escaped from a penal
establishment or place where he is serving final judgment or is temporarily
confined while his case is pending, or has escaped while being transferred from
one confinement to another.
4. Where the accused released on bail attempts to leave the country without
court permission;
5. Violation of conditional pardon, punishable under Article 159 of the Revised
Penal Code as a case of evasion of service of sentence; and
6. Arrest following a Deportation Proceeding by the Immigration Commissioner
against illegal and undesirable aliens
Can arrest be made without a warrant? *
Yes, under section 5 , Rule 113, Revised rules of court there are three instances
that an arrest can be made by a peace officer or a private person without the
warrant of arrest.
When can a private person arrest a person without warrant? *
A peace officer or a private person may, without a warrant, arrest a person.
1. When, in his presence, the person to be arrested is actually committing, or is
attempting to commit, or has just committed an offense.
2. When an offense has just been committed and he has probable cause to
believe based on personal knowledge of facts or circumstances that the person
to be arrested has committed it.
3. When the person to be arrested is a prisoner who has escaped from a penal
establishment or place where he is serving final judgment or is temporarily
confined while his case is pending, or has escaped while being transferred from
one confinement to another. (Section 5, Rule 113, Revised Rules of Court)
4. Where the accused released on bail attempts to leave the country without
court permission;
5. Violation of conditional pardon, punishable under Article 159 of the Revised
Penal Code as a case of evasion of service of sentence; and
6. Arrest following a Deportation Proceeding by the Immigration Commissioner
against illegal and undesirable aliens
What is the method of arrest by a private person?
Citizen's Arrest- Method of arrest by private person.
When making an arrest, a private person shall inform the person to be
arrested of the intention to arrest him and the case of the arrest, unless
the latter is either engaged in the commission of an offense, is pursued
immediately after its commission, or has escaped, flees, or forcibly resists
before the person making the arrest has opportunity to so inform him, or when
the giving of such information will imperil the arrest