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2-Day Body Sugaring Course Outline

2-Day Course Outline
Training fee:
Salon - $600.00 per person / School - $150.00 per student
(Exception to the fee – If there is more than 1 person signing up for a class from one salon, the first person will be charged $600.00
and $150.00 per extra person.
Every person must purchase the minimum Salon Starter Kit. If more than one person is being trained per salon/business, each extra
person must purchase a Practice Kit.)
Duration – 16 Hours+
Certificates will be mailed after the practitioner has returned for the Refresher Day and written the
Practitioner Exam. This can be achieved with a face to face at training facility, face to face at on site of the
practitioner’s salon, or via Skype for the Refresher on technique and submission of exam online.
9:00 -12:30
(11:00 – 11:15 Break)
Discuss and fill out Client Record Card
About AP
(Ch. 1 – 4)
History of Body Sugaring
Alternative Hair Removal Methods (depilation vs. epilation)
Advantages of Alexandria Professional®
Dispelling Myths (in the case of “shaving makes the hair grow thicker – Please use drawing board to
detail this issue – diagrams pg. 32)
Alexandria Professional® Products
Pre & Post treatment care
Pre & Post support treatment products
Sugar Paste
Review Tropical, Regular and LK sugar paste, color variation, texture, softening and stiffening the paste
and variables that can affect the sugar paste. Share tips!
The Hair
Structure of the hair
Structure of the hair follicle – discuss relevance of inner & outer root sheath
Stages of the hair growth
Four classifications of hair
Causes of hair growth
The Skin
Discuss the skin layers
Skin functions
Skin Types
Skin Disorders
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2-Day Course Outline
Skin Infections
Bacteriology and Safer Aesthetics
Discuss how bacteria enter the body
Discuss how to prevent contamination – ++remind them about use of gloves, Cavicide and Presept™
Discuss all areas that should not be treated and explain why
Chemical & Mechanical Exfoliation
The Kennedy Theory® for Sugaring
Define the Theory
What is an ingrown hair & how to prevent them from forming
Moulding the sugar paste
Waxing application
Sugaring - Extracting hair in the natural direction of growth
Waxing - Extracting hair against the natural direction of growth
Length of hair: Anagen vs. Telogen… extracting short “unshaven” hair
Regression: discuss how the follicle is empty for a longer period of time
Repetitive extraction in the early anagen stage: discuss advantages of treatments in early anagen even if
only 5-10%of hair is exposed at time of treatment… faster permanent reduction!
The Kennedy Sugaring Technique Theory®
6 STEPS™ To Achieve a Perfect Sugaring Technique – demonstrate each step in dry run at front of class
All students practice “dry run” of 6 Steps on massage tables
12:30 - 1:30
Lunch Break - Students can view 6 STEPS To Perfect Sugaring DVD
1:30 - 6:00
(4:00 – 4:15 Break)
Have students practice technique on massage table without paste using “The 6 Steps”
Demonstrate each body part (prior to the student beginning with specific body part)
Students sugar the table… if possible. Otherwise begin with lower legs
Stress the difference in pressure of #2 vs. #3 release of pressure on cushion of table; and the proper
parallel Kick-Off by applying “Kick” + “Handshake” + “Off”
Review prepping procedure
Pair up students and have them prepare for lower legs sugaring
Continue on with upper legs if time permits
Review post procedure
Switch students and repeat prior steps
Have students cleanup work area and sanitize massage tables
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2-Day Course Outline
Retail Products – Remind Students that we have Product Knowledge Classes
How to Use
How to Retail
Marketing Materials – talk about Sweet Soirees and Sugar Parties
Treating Vellus Hair
Discuss Patch Testing, when to do it and how
After treatment advice for the face is very important
Discuss why the client may get pustules, hives or redness and itching
Redness and itchy skin treatment
Teach the importance of educating clients
Ingrown hair treatment
Types of ingrown hair
HOW TO HELP REDUCE REACTION – Mud Puddle®, CC’me™, Salt Spring® compress
The Male Client
Facial hair
Male back and chest – immediately reducing reaction
Aftercare for terminal hair removal
Explain why it is so important for the male client to exfoliate and use our Salt Spring®
The Kennedy Sugaring Technique Theory® …cont:
Purpose & Value of Each Step: Use the board to discuss each P&V for each step and interact with
Variables and Non-Variables: Interact with students to teach the V&NV
Snap-back: You can demonstrate the snap-back and you can show them on the DVD.
10:30 – 10:45 Break
10:45 -12:30
Begin or finish practical on upper legs (switch at 11:30… Clean up at 12:15)
12:30 – 1:30 Lunch Break - Watch 6 STEPS To Perfect Sugaring® DVD
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2-Day Course Outline
1:30 – 6:00
(3:00 – 3:15 Break)
Demonstrate Underarm Sugaring
Explain procedure and importance of checking for lymph node swelling or lumps before sugaring
Pair up students for underarm sugaring wearing gloves on both hands
Explain pre treatment procedure for Bikini
Demonstrate Bikini Sugaring; discuss Classic Bikini vs. LA Bikini
Pair up students for Classic Bikini sugaring
Explain post treatment procedure for Bikini
Review pre treatment procedure for faces
Demonstrate Facial Sugaring, including Brows and Upper Lip
Pair up students for upper lip and eyebrow sugaring
Review post treatment procedure for faces
Demonstrate how to use our KiSS Waxing™, Mud Puddle® and Salt Spring®
Students must cleanup work area and sanitize tables.
Pre & After Treatment Advice
Pre Treatment Advice -General client advice
Post Treatment Advice -General client advice
-Redness & itchy skin; hives; breakouts; ingrown hair
Tips & Troubleshooting
Explain how a practitioner can get stuck and how to become unstuck
Discuss how bruising the skin can occur and how to prevent it.
Heating Advanced Sugar Paste
Give students a small amount of paste to handle and show them how to add water or KiSS Adjuster.
Advanced Classes
Professional Learning Library – AP has produced valuable learning DVD’s for all body parts
Social Media – recommend students “like” AP North America Facebook
Notes to Educator
 Special reminder that no certificates will be passed out until they return for a Refresher
Class within 30 days.
 You should constantly quiz students on theory pertaining to body parts being sugared.
 Have students study their Reference Guide the evening of day one.
 All students must achieve 80% pass mark on the theory exam to certify.
 Fill out MTF#3 Practitioner Technique Report Form for each trainee beginning on day one.
Continue your comments throughout day two. You will be able to certify without an actual
practical exam by watching the progression of their technique.
 Ensure you have the following forms legibly printed for each practitioner:
1. MTF#2 Practitioner Certification Data Form with the students’ information and signed.
Fill in Educator’s section.
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2-Day Course Outline
2. MTF#3 Practitioner Technique Report Form. Make sure all Applications are legible and
include the postal/zip code.
3. Branding Agreement is non-optional.
4. VIP Agreement is non-optional.
It is the responsibility of the Educator to enter all pertinent information along with mandatory order
within 24 hours of completing the class. The certificates will be issued directly to the new
practitioner. No certificates will be issued until the AP office receives ALL mandatory forms.
In the case of training students registered at a cosmetology/aesthetic school who have not yet
graduated, the certificates will be forwarded to the student upon the Company Alexandria
Professional receiving the Student’s State Board License # unless otherwise requested by the
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