Uploaded by Dominique.lansley

PLant cell model

Step 1
In a 12×12 inch baking tray, pour some lime jello mixture (or any other green-colored jello
mixture) to represent the cytoplasm. The tray serves as the supporting structure for your model.
Roll some dark brown clay into a tube, and place it on the edges of the tray to indicate the cell
wall. Refrigerate this assembly till the jello is wobbly but firm enough so it will not break or
Cell wall is a strong but flexible structure surrounding the membrane, and provides external
support to the membrane and the cell as a whole. It serves as a physical barrier, and allows only
specific molecules to pass into the cell.
Cytoplasm is a gel-like structure that holds together all the internal structures of a cell. It plays
an important role in the internal movement of cell organelles. It is also involved in the
distribution of oxygen, nutrients and other essential molecules to the appropriate parts of the
Step 2
To represent the nucleus, take a tennis ball, and push it gently into the jello, in one corner of the
tray. If necessary, carefully scrape out some jello with a spoon to place the ball firmly.
Nucleus is the most important organelle, and serves as the control center of the cell. It contains
genetic material in the form of DNA organized into chromosomes.
Step 3
Cut out a circular slice from a large marshmallow, and place it in the corner opposite to the
nucleus to show the vacuole. Now the rest of the organelles can be arranged in the space around
these two organelles.
Vacuoles are the storage organelles of plant cells. They contain water, food molecules as well as
cellular waste.
Step 4
Arrange sugar-coated candy belts around the tennis ball to show endoplasmic reticulum (ER).
ER is a network of membranes present outside the nucleus. The rough ER has ribosomes
attached to it, and is the site for protein synthesis. Smooth ER is devoid of ribosomes, and is the
site for lipid synthesis and protein transport.
Step 5
Place several thermocol balls all over the cytoplasm to indicate ribosomes. Stick a few of them
on a portion of the candy belts to depict the rough ER.
Ribosomes are spherical structures made up of RNA and proteins. Dispersed in the cytoplasm,
and also present in conjunction with the rough ER, they are responsible for synthesizing the
proteins required for various cellular processes.
Step 6
Take some sugar-coated candy belts of a different color than that used for ER, and place them in
concentric curves. Place 2-3 such sets of belts in the jello cytoplasm to show the Golgi
apparatus of the cell.
Golgi apparatus is another intricate network of membranous stacks, and is involved in protein
modification. It also packages molecules into vesicles and transports them around as well as in
and out of the cell.
Step 7
Place 3-4 green jelly beans at random places in the cytoplasm to represent chloroplasts. Ensure
to leave spaces for mitochondria, and do not overcrowd the cell.
Step 8
In the spaces left in the cytoplasm, place 2-3 candy fruit slices (preferably yellow-colored) to
denote the mitochondria.
Mitochondria are known as the powerhouses of cells since these organelles are involved in the
synthesis of energy in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphate). This membranous structure
plays an important role in survival of the cell.
Step 9
Add 4-5 larger thermocol balls to indicate the peroxisomes.
Peroxisomes are spherical organelles which bring about the breakdown of fatty acids. They play
a vital role in several metabolic processes of the cell, especially during seed germination.
Making a plant cell model is an easy and fun task. Make sure you understand the function of
every organelle so that explaining the model to your friends becomes as much fun too!