4/26/2021 Cloud Journey with AWS: Beginner to Advance level | BITM Training This training is organized by BITM. Training will be held in BITM. Course Outline: Class 01: Introduction to Amazon Web Services (AWS) About AWS Elastic computing Advantage of cloud computing Types of Cloud Computing Introduction to the AWS products AWS Security Compliance Regions and Availability Zones Signing up for AWS AWS Free usage tier Introduction AWS management console Class 02 & Class 03: EC2 Instances & ELB (Elastic Load Balancer) Understanding AMI Launching your first AWS instance Hands-on Exercise on EC2 On-demand Instance pricing Reserved Instance pricing Spot instance pricing Settings up security groups Amazon Machine Images (AMI) IP Addressing Scheme Public and Private IP’s Key Pairs Elastic IP’s ELB (Elastic Load Balancer) Introduction to ELB Basic ELB concepts Internet-facing ELB VPC-facing ELB Create an ELB (Elastic Load Balancer) Adding and removing instances on ELB EBS (Elastic Block Storage) Create EBS volumes Delete EBS Volumes Attach and detach EBS volumes Mounting and un-mounting EBS volume Creating and deleting snapshots Creating volumes from snapshots Auto scaling Horizontal vs. vertical scaling Boot strapping Create a launch configuration Create an Auto Scaling group Create a policy for your Auto Scaling group Setting up an auto-scaled, load-balanced Amazon EC2 application Class 04: Relational Database Service (RDS) Selecting the Database type Configuring the database Hands-on Exercise on EC2 Creating database Configuring backups Configuring the maintenance windows Connecting to the database Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) What is VPC? VPC configuration VPC security Elastic IP’s Inbound and outbound ACL’s AWS Cloud Trail What is CloudTrail How it works Class 05: Route53 Creating zones Hosting a website Understanding routing policies Weighted simple and failover policies S3 (Simple Storage Service) What is S3? RRS (Reduced Redundancy storage) S3 durability and redundancy S3 Buckets S3 Uploading Downloading S3 Permissions S3 Object Versioning S3 Lifecycle Policies Glacier storage Cloud Watch Dashboard Configuring Monitoring services Setting thresholds Configuring actions https://bitm.org.bd/course-details/396/cloud-journey-with-aws-beginner-to-advance-level 1/2 4/26/2021 Cloud Journey with AWS: Beginner to Advance level | BITM Training Creating a cloudwatch alarm Getting statistics for EC2 instances Monitoring other AWS services Configuring Notifications Integrating cloudwatch with Auto scaling Class 06: Simple Notification Service (SNS) What is SNS? Creating a topic Create subscription to different AWS Services SES (Simple Email Services) SQS (Simple Queue Service) Identity access management (IAM) Creating Users and Groups Applying policies Password Policy Roles Command Line Management. Class 07: Elastic Beanstalk Creating environment Application Versioning Deploying a sample app Hands-on Training Cloud Formation What is Cloud Formation? Deploying template Create Stack Delete Stack Provisioning application resources with Cloud Formation Class 08: CloudFront Use of cloudfront Creating a cloudfront distribution Hosting a website of cloudfront distribution Implementing restrictions Configuring origins and behaviors CDN (Content Delivery Network) AWS Lambda What is Server-less Architecture Anatomy of Lambda Function Lambda Execution Model Common Lambda use cases Amazon Api Gateway Class 09: AWS Certification Preparation AWS Certification Program Mockup Exam Class 10: Review of the full training Trouble shooting Curriculum https://bitm.org.bd/course-details/396/cloud-journey-with-aws-beginner-to-advance-level 2/2