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AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Study Plan 2020

Ultimate AWS Certified Cloud
Practitioner - 2020
Study Plan
This study plan is here to help you ​learn AWS​ and ​pass the AWS Certified Cloud
Practitioner exam​.
It is spread out over 2
​ weeks​, with o
​ ne hour of learning a day​ and rest on weekends.
It is not too late to get started with AWS, finish the course at 100% before June 30th, and ​get a
chance to be among one of the five lucky winners who will win their certification cost
paid for​ (value $100).
Of course, you can adapt this study plan to your own pace and schedule!
Happy learning & good luck with the contest :)
Week 1
❏ Day 1 - Monday, June 15th
❏ Section 1: ​Introduction​ ​(13min)
❏ Section 2: ​Code & Slides Download​ ​(1min)
❏ Section 3: W
​ hat is Cloud Computing? ​(29min)
❏ Day 2 - Tuesday, June 16th
❏ Section 4: ​Identity and Access Managemen​t ​(47min)
❏ Day 3 - Wednesday, June 17th
❏ Section 5 - ​EC2 - Elastic Compute Cloud​ ​(1h10min)
❏ Day 4 - Thursday, June 18th
❏ Section 6: ​EC2 Instance Storage​ ​(32min)
❏ Section 7: ​ELB & ASG​ ​(34min)
❏ Day 5 - Friday, June 19th
❏ Section 8: ​S3​ ​(55min)
Not all services’ logos are shown. In total, you’ll learn more than 49 services!
© Stephane Maarek
Week 2
❏ Day 6 - Monday, June 22th
Section 9:​ Databases & Analytics​ ​(28min)
Section 10: ​ECS​ ​(8min)
Section 11: ​Lambda​ ​(16min)
Section 12:​ Deployments & Managing Infrastructure at Scale​ ​(29min)
❏ Day 7 - Tuesday, June 23th
❏ Section 13: ​Leveraging the AWS Global Infrastructure ​(37min)
❏ Section 14: ​Cloud Integrations​ ​(14min)
❏ Section 15: C
​ loud Monitoring​ ​(36min)
❏ Day 8 - Wednesday, June 24th
❏ Section 16: ​VPC & Networking​ ​(26min)
❏ Section 17: ​Security & Compliance​ ​(35min)
❏ Day 9 - Thursday, June 25th
❏ Section 18: ​Machine Learning​ ​(5min)
❏ Section 19: ​Account Management, Billing & Support​ ​(56min)
❏ Day 10 - Friday, June 26th
❏ Section 20: ​AWS Architecting & Ecosystem​ ​(30min)
❏ Section 21: ​Preparing for the Exam + Practice Exam​ ​(25min)
❏ Section 22: C
​ ongratulations​ ​(3min)
🎉🎉 CONGRATULATIONS!!! You’ve made it! Welcome to AWS 🎉🎉
If you have been happy with this course, ​can I ask you to leave a rating for this course​? I'd
love to hear about your experience, this is the most rewarding aspect for me to take this course!
- Stephane
Not all services’ logos are shown. In total, you’ll learn more than 49 services!
© Stephane Maarek
Study collections