Uploaded by Christine Dessi

Subject-Verb Agreement Worksheet

Subject-verb agreement
Subject-verb challenge 1
Find the words in the word bank that you need to complete the sentences below. You can use a
word more than once or not at all.
(Use the verb tables for to be, to do and to have, if you need to.)
1. We _____ going out tonight.
2. The sisters ______ the goal-scorers in the last match.
3. These _______ my parents.
4. Mr Jenkins ________ been teaching RE for more than a year now. 5.
This is our favourite café and we ______ here often.
6. The boys _______ finished their writing already.
7. I know you ________ wrong about this.
8. There ________ two gym machines working.
9. There ________ three glue sticks left.
10. ‘We _______ robbed,’ said the bank manager.
11. ‘I _____ sorry but the experiments ______ failed,’ said the teacher.
12. He ____ very angry that he lost the contest.
Word bank:
were are was is has have am comes come
Subject-verb agreement
Subject-verb challenge 2
Find the words in the word bank that you need to complete the sentences below. You can use a
word more than once or not at all.
(Use the verb tables for to be, to do and to have, if you need to.)
1. Michelle, Rick and Paula ______ all been selected for the team.
2. Eggs, butter and salt ______ necessary for an omelette.
3. Both Dan and Becky ______ very good with computers.
4. The mother of the twins ______ having a rest now.
5. Chocolate, nuts and sugar _____ needed for this recipe.
6. The best players in the club ______ all girls.
7. The great actor and campaigner, Tom Black, ______ died.
8. Either Paul or John _______ telling lies.
9. Neither one of the brothers _______ been in trouble.
10. Both of the brothers _______ been away on holiday.
11. The teacher’s ideas _______ been explained very clearly.
12. These great opportunities do not ______ along often.
Word bank:
is have has
are are comes come
Subject-verb challenge 3
Find the words in the word bank that you need to complete the sentences below. You can use a
word more than once or not at all.
(Use the verb tables for to be, to do and to have, if you need to.)
1. All those passengers ______ in the rear coach of the train.
2. Next door’s children ______ a nuisance.
3. The best part of their holidays ______ the day at the seaside.
4. Many children in that group _______ been ill recently.
5. All of the singers except Sam ________ out of tune.
6. Sara and Sophie _______ their scooters every weekend.
7. The chickens on the organic farm ______ allowed to roam freely. 8.
Wearing a school tie ______ you look smart.
9. These trousers ______ too long for you.
10. A pair of new trousers _______ not on my shopping list.
11. The train is full. Where _______ your seats?
12. Where _______ your ingredients?
Word bank:
was were is are has have ride rides makes make am
Subject-verb challenge 4
Find the words in the word bank that you need to complete the sentences below. You can use a
word more than once or not at all.
(Use the verb tables for to be, to do and to have, if you need to.)
1. The flock of sheep _______ all scattered in different directions.
2. None of these stories _______ true.
3. The criteria for success _______ variety, skill and balance.
4. The crowd ______ becoming angry.
5. This academy ______ in equality of opportunity.
6. The family ______ united in its support of Uncle Tom.
7. A pack of dogs _______ roaming the estate.
8. The government _______ on holiday.
9. The pack of cards _______ gone missing.
10. The teachers’ union _______ taking strike action.
11. We students __________ we have a right to be heard.
12. The committee __________ in complete agreement about the plan.
Word bank:
has have is are was were believes believe
Subject-verb challenge 5
Find the words in the word bank that you need to complete the sentences below. You can use a
word more than once or not at all.
When we speak, we often abbreviate or shorten our words. That’s fine, but we must avoid making
mistakes that we might then reproduce in our writing. For example: There’s = is short for there is or
there has … Where’s = is short for where is or where has …
Can you correct the following mistakes? We hear them all around us every day! The first one has been
corrected for you. Write the correct sentence underneath each badly written one.
1. Where’s Tom and Harry? X Where are Tom and Harry?
2. Last week here in the Masterchef class there was ten contestants.
3. Didn’t you know there’s risks involved in buying that house?
4. There’s four hundred applications for two hundred places at our school.
5. There’s far less mistakes in your book today.
6. Here’s Rob and Julie.
7. I’ve told you before there’s no exercise books left in the store.
8. Spongebob and Patrick was singing the F.U.N. song.
9. Where’s your trainers?
10. There was three reception rooms and four bedrooms.
11. If you want to lose weight eat less sweets.
12. I’ve never seen so much smiles.
Word bank:
was were much many is are less fewer am