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Bacteria in Food Production Worksheet

What is the role of bacteria in the production of cheese?
-Lactic acid bacteria are often called "starter cultures", as they play the main role in converting
the basic milk sugar, lactose, into lactic acid, a step which lowers cheese pH and makes the
cheese inhospitable to many spoilage organisms and is the first step towards deliciousness.
What is the role of bacteria in the production of pickles?
-As lactic acid bacteria grow in your pickle crock, they digest sugars in the cucumbers and
produce lactic acid. Not only does this acid give the pickles their characteristic sour tang, it
controls the spread of spoilage microbes.
What is the role of bacteria in the production of foods?
-Bacteria play an essential role in recycling nutrients, for example fixing nitrogen from the
atmosphere into the soil. ... Bacteria are used to make a wide range of food products. The most
important bacteria in food manufacturing are Lactobacillus species, also referred to as lactic