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Viruses and Bacteria Worksheet: Disease & Prevention

Ms. Sameroff
Objective: SWBAT explain how viruses cause disease.
Activity #2
Quickly scan the cartoon. What do you notice first?
VOCABUALARY- Use your worksheet to define the words below.
Read the passage below. Then answer the questions that follow.
Virus, like bacteria, is another name for germ. A virus can survive by living inside of the cells of living
things. Viruses are smaller than bacteria but can also cause sickness. A virus can’t do anything or
reproduce on its own but once it highjacks cells of living things, it can cause illnesses. Like germs, a virus
can usually just be seen under a microscope. When viruses get inside our bodies, they can make us sick
and cause things like the flu, common colds, Covid-19, chicken pox and measles. A healthy immune system
will be helpful to fight off viruses by making antibodies. Doctors will give vaccinations which is made up
of specific antibodies to prevent certain viruses from attacking, Viruses can live for short periods of
time on surfaces like handles, doorknobs, and counters. This is why it is very important to sanitize high
touch areas and wash your hands frequently while always trying to keep your hands away from your face
which has several facial openings. A virus is very contagious and can be passed on by insect bites,
animals, particles in the air that is breathed and on various surfaces that an infected person has
touched. You can inhale viruses, or they can get into your eyes, nose, ears and mouth with a touch that
has been contaminated by virus particles. Once infected with a virus, it can be spread through coughing,
sneezing, breathing and touching surfaces. Social distancing is one of the best defenses to catching and
spreading viruses.
In your own words, define the word virus.
Explain how viruses are spread.
How can you protect yourself from catching a virus?
Have you or anyone you know had a virus? Explain.
What 3 questions about viruses do you have?
Activity #2
Pathogens are microorganisms that cause infectious disease. Bacteria and viruses are the main
Bacteria are microscopic organisms. They come in many shapes and sizes, but even the largest are only
10 micrometers long - 10 millionths of a meter. They are bigger than a virus. Bacteria can be infected by
viruses where they will replicate inside the bacteria.
Bacteria are living cells and, in favorable conditions, can multiply rapidly. Bacterial cells reproduce by a
process called binary fission (simple splitting).
Once inside the body, they may release poisons or toxins that make us feel ill.
Diseases caused by bacteria include:
food poisoning
whooping cough
gonorrhoea - a sexually transmitted disease
The toxins from the waste products of bacteria are carried around the body in the blood. This is why
you may feel tired and generally unwell in your whole body rather than the specific site of infection.
Bacterial infections can be treated by antibiotics prescribed by a doctor. It is important to continue the
dose of antibiotics even if you start to feel well again. MRSA is a strain of bacteria that is resistant to
methicillin types of antibiotics. MRSA stands for: methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus.
Most bacterial infections can be prevented through living in sanitary conditions, washing your hands
regularly, cooking food properly and having protected sex.
1. What are the main pathogens?
2. Name three diseases caused by bacteria.
3. How can bacterial infections be prevented?
4. How are bacterial infections treated?
Directions: First, read the bullet points below. Then, answer the questions that follow.
Bacterial Diseases Microorganisms that cause diseases are known as pathogens. Bacterial pathogens can
produce many diseases that affect humans and other animals. They do so in one of two general ways:
▶ They destroy living cells and tissues directly or by causing an immune response that destroys tissue.
▶ They damage the cells and tissues of the infected organism directly by breaking down the cells for
▶ They release toxins (poisons) that travel throughout the body, interfering with the normal activity of
the host.
Many bacterial pathogens can be controlled by washing, using disinfectants, preparing and storing food
safely, or sterilizing exposed items. Bacterial diseases can be prevented and treated through the
following methods:
▶ A vaccine is a preparation of weakened or killed pathogens or inactivated toxins. A vaccine can prompt
the body to produce immunity to the disease. Immunity is the body’s natural way of killing pathogens.
▶ When a bacterial infection does occur, antibiotics can be used to fight the disease. Antibiotics are
compounds that block the growth and reproduction of bacteria.
Match the bacterial control method with an example of the method
Bacterial Control Method
________ 11. physical removal
________ 12. disinfectant
________ 13. safe food storage
________ 14. safe food processing
________ 15. sterilization by heat
A. Putting milk in a refrigerator
B. Using bleach to clean a countertop
C. Using boiling water to clean dishes
D. Washing hands
E. Boiling soup
1. A direct indication that the white blood cells of the body are functioning would be
A) an increase in the number of oxygen molecules in the lungs
B) a decrease in the number of pathogens in the body
C) a decreased secretion of hormones by certain glands
D) an increase of carbon dioxide in the cells of the body
2. In 1995, during an Ebola virus outbreak, approximately 80% of the infected individuals died. Which statement
is an inference that could be made based on this information?
A) The individuals who survived were able to produce antibodies against the Ebola virus
B) The individuals who survived were not exposed to the Ebola antigens
C) Eighty percent of the population had a natural immunity to the Ebola virus.
D) Eighty percent of the population was infected with a viral antigen.
3. Which function of human blood includes the other three?
A) transporting nutrients
B) transporting oxygen
C) maintaining homeostasis
D) collecting wastes
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