Marke&ng Techniques Print and Commercial Main Points Eng. 9 Basics of Argumenta&on Unit Color Usage: Colors symbolize specific things: • • • • • • • • • • Yellow: youth, happiness Dark blue: intelligence, sophis&ca&on, wealth Light blue: freedom/peace Black: elegance/serious Red: power/passion Pink: sweetness Green: nature Brown: health, earth Black and white: classy/sophis&ca&on White: purity Hooks: Method used to grab our aOen&on • • • • • • • • Music Celebrity Kids or animals Narra&ve story Humor Fear, shock, guilt Coolness factor Ideal---fantasy of self, family, love • Cinema&c visual effect • Tes&monial • Sta&s&cs/Doctor Emo$onal Branding EMOTIONAL BRANDING Crea&on of devo&on beyond reason to a product or brand • Marketers seek customer loyalty, iden&fica&on, LOVE – Lovemarks: when a brand possesses in&macy (feeling that a brand cares about and understands you), mystery (there is a magical quality or charm to a brand). Emo&onal Branding contd. • Brands seek to replace community, church, schools in our hearts • Rather than iden&fying one as an Ann Arborite or a small town girl, one might claim to be a Mac User, a Chevy driver, a Monster drinker. Primal Needs All products meet a primal need: • SAFETY AND SECURITY • POWER AND DOMINATION • ATTENTION AND RECOGNITION • TRIBAL BELONGING AND ACCEPTANCE • FEAR OF REJECTION/ ISOLATION • LOVE AND SEX • PROTECTION OF OFFSPRING • PROTECTION FROM HUNGER • PROTECTION FROM SCARCE RESOURCES Examples of how brands fill primal needs: • Hummer = power need • Chanel or Rolex = aOen&on need • Pampers = need to protect offspring • Ford = tribal belonging (patrio&sm) and power • ADT = safety Perceived Value—the worth the consumer gives to a product based on the image created by the marke&ng. We pay more for higher perceived value. • If I wear Beyonce’s perfume I will be as alluring as Beyonce. • If I eat Ben and Jerry’s ice cream, I will appear as unique, free, funny. • If I wear Under Armor clothing, I will be cool and super athle&c. • If I drive a Lexus, my peers will envy me. Other techniques to note: • Word Choice • Font Style • Amount of text (wordy means educated audience) • Product placement in film • Ad films: Lego Movie!!! • Intended audience – Age, class, gender, region, educa&on