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100 IELTS Flashcards: Exercises & Sample Answers

About this ebook
This ebook contains a collection of 100 quick IELTS exercises, which were originally
published as daily ‘challenges’ on a website.
There are 7 different types of exercise on the flashcards:
Paraphrase a sentence
Give your opinion
Give a reason
Give an example
Fill a gap with the most suitable word
Finish a sentence
Brainstorm a typical IELTS topic
These 7 exercise types encourage you to practise a variety of IELTS writing skills, and to
prepare for a wide range of questions and topics for IELTS writing and speaking.
You will also find sample answers for all 100 flashcards, and I have highlighted the
‘less common vocabulary’ that I used.
Finally, there are some extra exercises at the end of the ebook to reinforce what you have
learnt from my sample answers.
Who is this ebook for?
I wrote the flashcard exercises with both IELTS students and IELTS teachers in mind.
If you’re a student, try doing one (or more) of the exercises each day, and compare your
answers with mine. The tasks will encourage you to practise your English and prepare
vocabulary ideas for common IELTS topics.
If you’re a teacher, try using the flashcard exercises as a ‘warmer’ at the beginning of
your lessons. This is how I would use them myself.
Please note: This ebook does not to give you a full course of IELTS lessons, and the sample answers are
not full essays. It is simply a collection of quick, useful exercises.
Pages 1 to 100
100 flashcards
Pages 101 to 138
Sample answers
Pages 139 to 142
Further practice
100 IELTS Flashcards: sample answers
‘Less common’ vocabulary is highlighted in yellow.
Flashcard 1
Paraphrase this:
The company’s profits were higher this year than last year.
Sample answers:
• This year, the company's profits have gone up.
• There was an increase in the firm's net earnings this year compared to last year.
Flashcard 2
Give your opinion:
People are too distracted by their phones.
Sample answer:
I agree with this. Mobile phones are a major distraction for many people. I have seen
people looking at their phones while walking along the street and even whilst driving,
which is extremely dangerous.
Flashcard 3
Give a reason:
Many people dislike their jobs.
Sample answer:
I think people dislike their jobs mainly because they would like to be free to follow their
own rules, rather than be at the mercy of a boss.
Flashcard 4
Give an example
of an interesting person.
Sample answer:
I think Elon Musk is an interesting person. He has an unusual name, for a start! But more
importantly, I find it amazing that he manages to run so many different companies and
projects, from his Tesla electric cars to his space travel business. I would like to know
how his mind works.
Flashcard 5
Fill the gap:
They spend too much time _____ television.
Correct answer:
Note: This was a trick question! Many people will think that "on" is the correct answer,
but it isn’t. If you say that you spend time "on" television, it sounds like you are someone
who can be seen on TV (e.g. a TV presenter).
To avoid the confusion that "on television" causes, we need to say "They spend too much
time watching television”.
Flashcard 6
Finish the sentence:
I’m studying English because…
Sample answer:
…because I know that it will open doors to future job opportunities for me, either in my
home country or abroad.
Flashcard 7
Brainstorm this topic:
The benefits of eduction
Sample ideas (from my ebook):
• Education gives people knowledge and skills.
• People with qualifications are more likely to find work.
• They can earn a higher salary.
• They can contribute positively to society.
• Schools aim to teach young people moral values such as tolerance and sharing.
• Schools prepare children to be members of a society.
Flashcard 8
Paraphrase this:
The map shows the development of a city.
Sample answers:
• The diagram shows stages in the expansion of a city.
• The map gives information about a city’s growth in size over a period of x years.
Flashcard 9
Give your opinion:
How can we reduce traffic congestion?
Sample answer:
I believe that the best way to reduce traffic on the roads is by improving the public
transport infrastructure and by building more lanes for cyclists. Perhaps these measures
would encourage people to leave their cars at home and travel by train, bus or bicycle
Flashcard 10
Give a reason:
Some people choose not to eat meat.
Sample answer:
Some people choose to become vegetarian or vegan for moral or ethical reasons. In other
words, they do not believe that humans have the right to kill animals for food.
Flashcard 11
Give an example
of an animal that people like.
Sample answer:
Here in the UK, dogs are probably the most popular animal. Many people have a pet dog,
and we consider dogs to be faithful friends or even part of the family.
Flashcard 12
Fill the gap:
Juvenile delinquency is _____ the increase.
Correct answer:
Flashcard 13
Finish the sentence:
Children’s behaviour is influenced by…
Sample answers:
…their parents, siblings and peers, and by what they see on television and on the
…the behaviour of those around them, including celebrities and the people they follow on
social media applications.
Flashcard 14
Brainstorm this topic:
Arguments for and against private healthcare
Arguments for (from my ebook):
• Private hospitals have shorter waiting lists for operations and appointments.
• Patients can benefit from faster treatment.
• Many people prefer to pay for a more personal service.
• Patients have their own room and more comfortable facilities.
Arguments against:
• Good healthcare should be available to everyone for free.
• State healthcare is paid by the government using money from taxes.
• Therefore, everyone has access to the same quality of care and treatment.
• Private healthcare is unfair because only wealthy people can afford it.
Flashcard 15
Paraphrase this:
The graph shows changing levels of unemployment in three countries from 2008 to 2018.
Sample answer:
The line graph compares the unemployment rate in three countries over a 10-year period.
Flashcard 16
Give your opinion:
Parents do not spend enough time with their children nowadays.
Sample answer:
This is probably true for the majority of parents, although there are exceptions of course.
Most of the parents that I know work long hours, and they are lucky if they spend more
than an hour or two of quality time with their children on weekdays.
Flashcard 17
Give a reason:
Many students want to study abroad.
Sample answer:
The main reason for this trend, in my opinion, is that students hope to improve their
employment prospects by gaining qualifications from prestigious universities.
Flashcard 18
Give an example
of a possession that you couldn’t live without.
Sample answer:
I have to admit that I would find it difficult to live without my car. It would take me twice as
long to get to work by public transport, and I don’t know how I would visit certain friends
and family members. I really do depend on my car, and I would need to make big
changes to my lifestyle without it.
Flashcard 19
Fill the gap:
Each person should _____ responsibility for his or her actions.
Correct answer:
You can also use verbs like have, bear, shoulder and accept with the noun responsibility.
However, we tend to use these verbs in other contexts (e.g. accept responsibility for a
mistake). In the context of “responsibility for your actions”, “take” is by far the most
natural choice.
Flashcard 20
Finish the sentence:
I use my mobile phone to…
Sample answers:
…make calls, send text messages, check my email, search the Internet, and to do
countless other things.
…do almost everything that you can imagine, from chatting with friends to preparing
documents for work.
Flashcard 21
Brainstorm this topic:
Some possible causes of crime
Here are some ideas (from a quick Google search):
• poverty, unemployment
• lack of opportunities in the local area
• parental neglect
• lack of guidance during childhood and adolescence
• lack of direction in life
• mental disorders
• negative influences e.g. family members, peer group, local gangs
• certain crimes may be glamourised in films and music
Flashcard 22
Paraphrase this:
The flow chart shows six stages in the bread-making process, from mixing to baking.
Sample answer:
The diagram shows how bread is made from a mixture of raw ingredients in a six-step
Flashcard 23
Give your opinion:
Children’s toys should be educational, not just fun.
Sample answer:
I would have to disagree with this statement because I do not think that all toys should be
designed with education in mind. Toys should be fun, and the act of playing is beneficial,
in the sense that it encourages children to use their imagination and creativity.
Flashcard 24
Give a reason:
Immigration is often a subject of political debate.
Sample answer:
Immigration is often debated by politicians because it is an issue that divides voters. On
the one hand, immigrants may bring skills, find employment, and therefore contribute to
the economy of the host country. On the other hand, some voters worry that immigrants
will take their jobs, especially if they are willing to work for lower wages.
Flashcard 25
Give an example
of a practical skill that you think children should be taught.
Sample answer:
I believe that children should be taught more about managing money. Most of us leave
school with no idea about how taxes, savings or household bill payments work. It would
be so easy for teachers to introduce these money management skills, and young adults
would benefit greatly.
Flashcard 26
Fill the gap:
Governments should invest in _____ energy.
Possible answers:
• renewable
• sustainable
• green
• solar
• nuclear
Flashcard 27
Finish the sentence:
One argument in favour zoos is that they…
Sample answer:
…play an important role in wildlife conservation.
Flashcard 28
Brainstorm this topic:
Some positives and negatives of globalisation
Some positives:
• It promotes free trade between countries.
• This can strengthen political relationships.
• It may create employment opportunities as companies become multinational.
• It encourages investment in less developed countries.
• It could reduce poverty in the developing world.
Some negatives:
• Companies move to countries where labour is cheap.
• This creates redundancies in the country where the company closed its operations.
• Employees cannot be confident that they have stable jobs.
• Companies may exploit workers in developing countries.
• Global trade creates more waste and pollution.
Flashcard 29
Paraphrase this:
Please respond to my request as quickly as possible.
Sample answers:
• I await your prompt response.
• Please get back to me as soon as you can.
Note: The first sample answer above is the best sentence to use at the end of a formal
letter. The second answer is less formal, and could be used at the end of an email.
Flashcard 30
Give your opinion:
The problem with advertising is that it makes us more materialistic.
Sample answer:
I agree that advertising creates the desire for material possessions and therefore makes
us more materialistic. The aim of any advertisement is to provoke an emotional response
in the consumer. Advertisers want us to feel a strong urge to buy their products or
services, and this is the essence of materialism and our consumer culture.
Flashcard 31
Give a reason:
Many high street shops have gone out of business in recent years.
Sample answer:
I would blame the Internet and online shopping for this trend. High street shops cannot
compete with giant companies like Amazon, which sell a wider variety of products at
cheaper prices than any physical store.
Flashcard 32
Give an example
of a popular tourist destination.
Sample answer:
The nearest popular tourist destination to where I live is probably the Lake District in
northern England. It is a protected national park, so people go there for the unspoilt
beauty of the lakes and mountains. It is a great place for outdoor activities like walking,
climbing and mountain biking, and it is also known as the home of some famous English
writers like Beatrix Potter.
Flashcard 33
Fill the gap:
I believe that the Internet will _____ television.
Correct answer:
Note: Other words or phrases might be possible, but ‘replace’ is the natural choice.
Flashcard 34
Finish the sentence:
My ideal job would be working…
Sample answers (notice the different possible prepositions):
…as a doctor.
…for a multinational company.
…in a school.
…from home.
…with people I admire.
Flashcard 35
Brainstorm this topic:
How should we tackle the problem of climate change?
Some ideas from my ebook:
Governments could:
• introduce laws to limit emissions
• invest in renewable energy
• impose ‘green taxes’ on drivers and airline companies
Individuals could:
• take public transport rather than driving
• try to be ‘greener’ e.g. use less energy in the home, turn lights off
• take fewer flights abroad
Flashcard 36
Paraphrase this:
University enrolment figures doubled between 1990 and 2010.
Sample answers:
• From 1990 to 2010, there was a twofold increase in the number of students entering
• Twice as many students enrolled in universities in 2010 compared to 1990.
Flashcard 37
Give your opinion:
English has become too dominant as the world’s lingua franca.
Sample answer:
I disagree with the idea that English has become too dominant, because that would seem
to suggest that the use of English as a global language is having a negative impact. I
believe that we need a global language for trade, scientific research, education and many
other areas of life. English just happens to fulfil this role at the present time.
Flashcard 38
Give a reason:
The gap between rich and poor people is becoming wider in many countries.
Sample answer:
Perhaps the global economic crisis of 2008 is the main reason for this trend. Following
the crash, many governments pursued policies of austerity. In other words, they cut
spending on the kind of services that help poorer members of society. In some European
countries, the salaries and pensions of working people have been cut because
governments are in debt to central banks and lenders. These measures have made many
people poorer, while the rich have remained unaffected.
Flashcard 39
Give an example
of a person who was kind to you.
Sample answer:
I had a particularly kind teacher at university. I remember being stuck on the same grade
in every assignment that I completed, and this one teacher took me aside and helped me
to see what I was doing wrong. After following his advice, which was to synthesise
information from a wider range of sources, my grades improved dramatically.
Flashcard 40
Fill the gap:
People are migrating from rural to _____ areas.
Correct answer:
Note: ‘city’ would also be possible, but the collocation ‘urban areas’ is more natural.
Flashcard 41
Finish the sentence:
In my opinion, the main duty of government is…
Sample answers:
…to protect citizens.
…to create jobs and economic growth.
…to raise people’s standard of living.
Flashcard 42
Brainstorm this topic:
Why is obesity on the rise in so many countries?
Some ideas:
• junk food, fast food, processed food, pre-prepared meals instead of traditional cooking
• the abundance of food choices, overeating
• levels of fat, sugar and salt in many foods
• sedentary lifestyle, lack of exercise
Flashcard 43
Paraphrase this:
Governments should spend more money on healthcare and education.
Sample answers:
• Governments should increase spending on schools and hospitals.
• Schools and healthcare providers should receive a larger proportion of government
Flashcard 44
Give your opinion:
Plastic packaging for food and household products should be banned.
Sample answer:
My instinct is to agree with this suggestion because plastic packaging is so damaging to
the environment. I worry about the plastic particles that end up in the oceans and
ultimately in the food chain. A complete ban on plastic packaging might be the best way
to solve this problem.
Flashcard 45
Give a reason:
It is important for people to celebrate festivals and other special occasions.
Sample answer:
I would say that celebrations are important because they bring people together and make
our relationships stronger. Festivals and parties are the glue that holds families,
communities and whole societies together.
Flashcard 46
Give an example
of something you bought online.
Sample answer:
The last item that I bought online was a copy of an English language teaching textbook
called ‘The Natural Approach’. I think this book is out of print, so it isn’t available in any of
my local bookshops. I found a second-hand copy on Amazon, and it was delivered to my
door a couple of days later.
Flashcard 47
Fill the gap:
What have you been _____ to since we last saw each other?
Correct answer:
‘to be up to something’ means ‘to be doing something’, and it is a common phrase in
informal, spoken English.
For example:
• What are you up to? = What are you doing?
• What did you get up to at the weekend? = What did you do at the weekend?
• He’s up to no good. = He’s doing something bad / naughty / illegal.
Flashcard 48
Finish the sentence:
Although some people prefer to work alone, I believe that…
Sample answers:
…it is better to cooperate with others.
…more can be achieved when people work together.
…teamwork is the key to success in most areas of life.
Flashcard 49
Brainstorm this topic:
How can the number of road accidents be reduced?
Some ideas:
• stricter punishments for speeding e.g. fines, losing your driving licence
• more speed cameras and traffic calming measures e.g. road bumps
• campaigns to promote safer driving e.g. TV advertisements showing the consequences
of careless driving
• in the future, driverless cars will reduce human errors that cause accidents
Flashcard 50
Paraphrase this:
The table compares six rail networks in terms of yearly passenger numbers.
Sample answers:
• The table shows the annual number of passengers who use six different railway
• The table shows the number of people using rail networks in six different cities /
countries each year.
Flashcard 51
Give your opinion:
School children should be grouped according to academic ability.
Sample answer:
I have mixed feelings about this idea. On the one hand, I can see how it might be more
efficient to put children of similar ability levels together. Streaming can make the teacher’s
job easier because he or she can give the same tasks to every child, and because one
pace of work is likely to be suitable for everyone. On the other hand, it does seem wrong
to judge children in this way. I worry that children in the bottom groups may start to
believe that they are not capable of doing academic work, and that they may lose interest
in education. It seems more ethical to put all children together, regardless of their
academic strengths or weaknesses.
Flashcard 52
Give a reason:
More than ever before, young adults remain dependent on their parents.
Sample answer:
I think the cost of living is probably the main reason for this trend. House prices, in
particular, are so much higher than they were twenty or thirty years ago, and many young
adults find it impossible to get onto the property ladder without help from their parents.
Flashcard 53
Give an example
of a profession in which robots may soon replace human workers.
Sample answer:
Well, if we can consider a driverless car to be a type of robot, I imagine that many driving
jobs, such as taxi driver or lorry driver, will no longer exist.
Flashcard 54
Fill the gap:
I am writing with _____ to an item that I bought recently.
Correct answer:
‘Regard’ is more natural than ‘reference’ in this context. I might use ‘I am writing with
reference to…’ if I’m writing about a job application, or perhaps something that has been
given a specific ‘reference number’.
Flashcard 55
Finish the sentence:
The traits that employers look for when recruiting staff are…
Here are some possible traits:
…emotional intelligence
We need to use nouns to complete this sentence.
Flashcard 56
Brainstorm this topic:
What is the difference between knowledge and skill?
• learnt information
• the result of reading, studying, schooling, education
• facts and figures
• understanding of a subject
• e.g. you can learn the grammar of English
• a practical ability
• the result of repeated practice
• expertise or the ability to do something well
• doing and using, rather than merely understanding
• e.g. in order to speak English, you need to practise
Schools usually teach languages as if they were giving students a ‘body of knowledge’,
whereas I believe that we should consider language learning to be a ‘skill development’
Flashcard 57
Paraphrase this:
People have different views about whether criminals can be rehabilitated.
Sample answers:
• Some people believe that it is possible to rehabilitate those who commit crimes,
whereas others argue that offenders should simply be punished.
• Opinions differ as to whether criminals can be re-educated so that they become lawabiding members of society.
Flashcard 58
Give your opinion:
A university degree does not have the same value and status that it used to have.
Sample answer:
In my opinion, university qualifications are still valuable, and they continue to give
graduates a higher status and more opportunities for employment. However, it is true that
a university degree no longer guarantees employment or a high salary. For example, many
graduates find themselves unemployed or working in jobs that are unrelated to their fields
of study. The main reason for this, I imagine, is that a far higher proportion of young
people study at university these days.
Flashcard 59
Give a reason:
The job market has become more competitive over the last twenty years.
Sample answer:
I suppose that globalisation could be the main reason for this. Many companies now
operate at a multinational level, and they aim to recruit the best staff that they can find,
regardless of nationality. Google, for example, hires the best computer programming
graduates from around the world, and there is fierce competition to work there.
Flashcard 60
Give an example
of a book that you would recommend to others.
Sample answer:
I would recommend a book called Atomic Habits. It is about the compounding effect that
small decisions and minuscule changes can have on people’s lives. I found the whole
idea of the ‘science of tiny habits’ fascinating.
Flashcard 61
Fill the gap:
School leavers _____ the dilemma of whether to get a job or continue their education.
Correct answer:
‘face’ is the best word here, but you could also use ‘are faced with’.
Flashcard 62
Finish the sentence:
Some people believe that everybody should be allowed to…
Here are some possible answers:
…own a gun.
…take paid maternity or paternity leave.
…live according to their own moral convictions.
Flashcard 63
Brainstorm this topic:
What are your predictions for the future of education?
Some possible ideas:
• more online learning, fewer face-to-face classes
• a huge increase in self-study courses
• a massive increase in the range of subjects and lessons
• teachers will continue to be important
• people will still want some face-to-face contact
• the ‘flipped classroom’* approach will become more popular
*The ‘flipped classroom’ idea is that students can watch video presentation lessons at
home, and then work on tasks in the classroom. The teacher no longer needs to present
information; the teacher’s role becomes that of ‘guide’ or ‘monitor’.
flipped = turned over / the other way around
(e.g. classwork becomes homework and homework becomes classwork)
Flashcard 64
Paraphrase this:
The table compares deliveries (in kilos) of rice and pasta to three supermarkets over a 12month period.
Sample answers:
• The chart shows the amount of two types of food, namely rice and pasta, that were
delivered to three supermarkets during one year.
• The table gives information about 12 months of rice and pasta deliveries to three
Flashcard 65
Give your opinion:
It is wasteful and unnecessary to produce paper versions of books and newspapers.
Sample answer:
I would probably have to agree with this in the case of newspapers, but not when we’re
talking about books. I do think that the daily production of newspapers is wasteful and
unnecessary, especially because online news sites are just as good. Books, however, are
different and special. They can be read and reread, and they can be given as presents or
kept in libraries. So I believe that physical books are important, and I think they can be
made from recycled paper to avoid waste.
Flashcard 66
Give a reason:
Many museums allow visitors to enter free of charge.
Sample answer:
This is certainly true here in the UK, and it is because museum exhibits are seen as part of
our national heritage. Museums are subsidised by governments so that residents and
tourists can all have access to important artefacts and great works from the past. I think it
would be wrong to charge entry fees and limit access to these treasures to wealthier
people only.
Flashcard 67
Give an example
of a controversial issue or opinion.
Sample answer:
Here in the UK, the issue of Brexit, and any strong opinion related to it, is controversial.
Flashcard 68
Fill the gap:
Scientists found no _____ between the two variables.
Correct answer:
Other words (e.g. link, connection, relationship) are also possible, but “correlation
between variables” seems to be the strongest collocation - it’s such a common phrase in
science and statistics.
Flashcard 69
Finish the sentence:
People who have a good sense of humour…
Here are some possible answers (found on Google):
…are easy to talk to.
…are perceived as being more intelligent and attractive.
…do better in their careers.
Flashcard 70
Brainstorm this topic:
Professional sports stars earn too much money. (Discuss)
Some ideas from my ebook:
Opinion A
• Sports professionals earn too much money.
• They do not provide a vital service.
• Football players, for example, earn enormous salaries by simply kicking a ball.
• We could all live happily without professional football.
• Sports salaries should be compatible with the wages most people earn.
Opinion B
• It is fair that the best professionals earn a lot of money.
• Sport is a multi-million-pound industry.
• There is a large audience of sports fans.
• Sports on television attract many viewers.
• Sports stars have dedicated hours of practice to developing their fitness and skills.
Flashcard 71
Paraphrase this:
In 2005, there were around 300,000 marriages in the UK.
Sample answers:
• Approximately 300,000 people got married in the UK in 2005.
• The figure for UK marriage ceremonies in 2005 stood at roughly 300,000.
Flashcard 72
Give your opinion:
Old, traditional buildings are much more attractive than modern buildings.
Sample answer:
Generally speaking, I would have to agree with this opinion, although there are
exceptions. When I think about old buildings, those that come to mind tend to be historic,
landmark buildings like the great cathedrals, palaces, museums and libraries that can be
seen in the UK and across Europe. These are ornate, beautiful works of art that were built
by skilled stonemasons. By contrast, most modern structures are made of concrete, steel
and glass, and I have to say that they are ugly and dull by comparison.
Flashcard 73
Give a reason:
News broadcasts tend to focus on negative rather than positive news.
Sample answer:
I think it has been shown that negative news ‘sells’ better than positive news because it
provokes a stronger emotional reaction. Negative news makes us worried, afraid or angry,
and news journalists know this. They present news stories that grab our attention and
keep us watching; after all, most news broadcasters are commercial companies, and their
aim is to increase their audience size in order to increase profits.
Flashcard 74
Give an example
of something that rich countries could do to help poorer countries.
Sample answer:
Rich countries can, of course, send money to poorer countries. However, in my view, it is
vital that this money is invested properly. So I think the governments of richer countries
should offer more support on the investment side, rather than just handing money to
political leaders.
Flashcard 75
Fill the gap:
An internship can be a good way for young adults to _____ experience.
Correct answer:
We can also use ‘get’, but ‘gain’ is better for more formal or academic contexts.
Flashcard 76
Finish the sentence:
Universities should…
Here are some possible answers (found on Google):
…be free.
…be accessible to everyone.
…put lifelong learning at the heart of their work.
…focus on good teaching more than brand.
…teach students how to access knowledge.
Flashcard 77
Brainstorm this topic:
The qualities of a good teacher, and of a good student.
A good teacher:
• should have good subject knowledge, be passionate about the subject
• should explain clearly, create interesting and challenging lessons
• other personality traits: understanding, patient, dynamic, fair, organised, systematic
A good student:
• should be a keen learner, be truly interested in the subject
• should trust his/her teacher, ask questions, be willing to make mistakes
• other personality traits: motivated, hard-working, curious, open to new ideas
Flashcard 78
Paraphrase this:
Technology has revolutionised communication.
Sample answers:
• There has been a revolution in communication due to technology.
• New technologies have completely transformed the way we communicate.
My main paraphrasing technique in the above sentences was to change the word form
e.g. revolution, technologies, communicate.
Flashcard 79
Give your opinion:
Family relationships are more important than friendships.
Sample answer:
I agree with this opinion, mainly because I have seen how friends can come and go. For
example, we have school friends, but then we make new friends at university and in the
different jobs that we do. By contrast, relationships with family members tend to remain
constant throughout most people’s lives, and these are the people with whom we share
our most important moments.
Flashcard 80
Give a reason:
It is difficult to explain what ‘happiness’ means.
Sample answer:
The main reason for this difficulty is that happiness is subjective, and so it means
something slightly different to each person. While one person may find happiness in
social or family situations, other people need to achieve things in their professional lives in
order to feel contented.
Flashcard 81
Give an example
of a film that conveys a positive message.
Sample answer:
The first film that comes to mind is ‘Forrest Gump’, probably because the main character
is so memorable. In the film, Forrest is a simple man who retains a childlike innocence,
honesty and decency. He has no real opinions or ambitions, but simply accepts what life
gives him. So I think the message of the film is that we could all be a bit more like Forrest.
Flashcard 82
Fill the gap:
Advertising that is _____ at children should be banned.
Correct answer:
We can also use ‘targeted at’.
Flashcard 83
Finish the sentence:
The best way to improve my city / town would be to…
Here are some possible answers:
…redesign one of its central squares, which is currently very ugly.
…provide more cycle lanes to encourage people to use their bicycles.
…create more green spaces, such as parks and gardens.
Flashcard 84
Brainstorm this topic:
How can teachers improve the behaviour of pupils?
Some ideas:
• set clearer expectations about good behaviour
• be firm but fair with all pupils
• agree on a set of rules with pupils
• introduce a system of punishments that pupils understand
• introduce rewards for good behaviour
• highlight examples of good behaviour among pupils in the class
• the teacher should set a good example, and be a good role model
Flashcard 85
Paraphrase this:
The UK prison population rose by 40,000 between 1990 and 2010.
Sample answers:
• From 1990 to 2010, the number of prisoners in the UK increased by 40,000.
• The figure for imprisonment in the UK went up by 40,000 over the 20 years from 1990 to
I used two main techniques in my sentences: 1) change the sentence order 2) paraphrase
‘prison population’.
Flashcard 86
Give your opinion:
Landing on the moon was humankind’s greatest achievement.
Sample answer:
Landing on the moon was an incredible feat of human ingenuity, so I find it hard to
disagree with this statement. If we could go back in time and talk to people from any era
before the moon landing, I think they would find it unbelievable that humans would one
day travel to the moon. So from this perspective, I cannot think of a greater achievement.
Flashcard 87
Give a reason:
Some people prefer to rent rather than buy a house.
Sample answer:
When people choose to rent, even if they can afford to buy a house, I imagine that the key
reason is flexibility. Renters can move from one home to the next without having to worry
about the buying or selling processes. Renting gives people the freedom to live in
different cities or even in different countries.
Flashcard 88
Give an example
of a food brand that might be considered ‘junk food’.
Sample answer:
I suppose the brand that is most commonly associated with junk food is McDonald’s. This
is the most famous name when we think of pre-prepared foods that are full of salt, sugar
and other unhealthy artificial ingredients.
Flashcard 89
Fill the gap:
December saw by _____ the most traffic accidents.
Correct answer:
Flashcard 90
Finish the sentence:
The best way to improve your spelling is by…
Here are some possible answers:
…learning from your mistakes.
…making a list of the words that you find difficult.
…learning difficult spellings by heart.
Flashcard 91
Brainstorm this topic:
The advantages and disadvantages of spending time alone.
Some possible advantages:
• rest and relax
• have time to think and reflect on life
• work, read or do hobbies without any distractions
• take a break from our usual responsibilities
Some possible disadvantages:
• time alone can be boring
• lack of human interaction can cause loneliness
• shared activities are often much more enjoyable than solitary hobbies
• working alone is difficult in terms of motivation and creativity
Flashcard 92
Paraphrase this:
The media has a major impact on the way we behave.
Sample answers:
• The media influences our behaviour to a great extent.
• Our behaviour is greatly influenced by mass communication through broadcasting,
publishing and the Internet.
Flashcard 93
Give your opinion:
Motivation is more important than ability.
Sample answer:
I tend to agree with this statement, because it is very difficult to achieve anything
worthwhile if you are not motivated to do the necessary work. For example, I remember a
school friend who was a gifted athlete, but who had no real desire to train hard. I think his
potential was wasted due to his lack of motivation.
Flashcard 94
Give a reason:
We are losing our traditional values and customs.
Sample answer:
The main reason for this must be the globalisation of culture. In particular, most young
adults are exposed to the new cultural world through their phones and through the social
media platforms that they use. Instead of spending time with family members and
learning the values of their elders, young people are on their phones looking at photos,
videos and news items from around the world.
Flashcard 95
Give an example
of something that you think is unfair.
Sample answer:
I think it is unfair that young people now have to pay university fees here in the UK, when
higher education was completely free until about 20 years ago. I think it was wrong for
politicians, who studied for free, to introduce tuition fees that place a huge burden on
young graduates.
Flashcard 96
Fill the gap:
A fair society is one in _____ everyone has the same opportunities.
Correct answer:
Flashcard 97
Finish the sentence:
One thing that makes me angry is…
Here are some possible answers:
…when I leave the house and realise that I’ve forgotten something.
…people who drop litter.
Flashcard 98
Brainstorm this topic:
Do computer games do more harm than good?
• Computer games are addictive.
• They are a huge waste of people’s time.
• Some of them are violent.
• They encourage young people to stay indoors.
• Video game fans could be exercising or doing something more productive.
• Video games can improve motor skills.
• They can be educational.
• People can play games together and make new friends online.
• Some games promote fitness and exercise.
• Games may encourage young people to learn computer programming.
Flashcard 99
Paraphrase this:
I came to live in the UK just over a year ago.
Sample answers:
• I moved to the UK in early 2019.
• A little over a year ago, I immigrated to the UK.
Flashcard 100
Give your opinion:
Have our lives really improved in the last 50 years?
Sample answer:
Yes, I would say that our lives have improved in several ways since 50 years ago.
Technology has obviously changed completely, and we now have access to infinitely
more information through the Internet. There have also been some real advances in
medicine, and we are now more likely to survive illnesses that would have been fatal in
the 1970s. Transport also comes to mind, because it was much rarer for people to go on
overseas holidays back then; the world seems much smaller these days.
Exercises for further practice
1. Less common vocabulary
Go through my sample answers to the flashcard exercises, and look closely at the ‘less
common’ vocabulary that I highlighted in yellow. If you have time, do the following
Make a list of any words or phrases that you didn’t know before.
Use a dictionary to find the meaning of any vocabulary that you don’t understand.
Look carefully at how the vocabulary is used in the context of full sentences.
Try making your own sentences using some of the ‘less common’ phrases.
As an example, here are 9 ‘less common’ words / phrases from my sample answers. Can
you use them in your own full sentences?
be at the mercy of
quality time
employment prospects
peer group
stable jobs
feel a strong urge to
a twofold increase in
cut spending
If you look through the sample answers, you’ll see how I used the vocabulary above.
2. Opposite opinions
For the sample answers that give my opinions, think about what the opposite opinion
would be, and how you would support it.
For example, I agreed with the opinion that people are too distracted by their phones.
What would you say if you had to argue against this view?
3. Verb and noun collocations
A collocation is a group of words that commonly go together. For example, here are some
verb-noun collocations from my sample answers:
follow rules
run a company
earn a salary
reduce traffic
improve public transport
gain qualifications
take responsibility
find employment
manage money
encourage investment
As you go through my answers, make a list of verbs and nouns that ‘collocate’ (go
An extra step could be to think of other verbs that could go with the same nouns.
For example, using the noun ‘rules’, here are some other possible collocations:
follow rules
obey rules
break the rules
bend the rules
impose rules
Can you think of other verbs that collocate with the nouns company, responsibility and
Here’s a link to an online collocation dictionary that I often use:
4. Rewriting model answers
Try this exercise with some of my longer answers (when I give opinions or reasons):
Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
Step 4:
Read my sample answer.
Note down the main ideas on a piece of paper.
Rewrite the answer using your notes only.
Compare your new answer with my original answer.
If you do this exercise diligently, you will notice weaknesses in your own writing ability,
and you will see where improvements can be made.
5. Write paragraphs using my ideas
Use the “Brainstorm this topic” flashcards for paragraph writing practice.
For example, flashcard 7 asks you to brainstorm ‘the benefits of education’, and I gave
you the following ideas:
Education gives people knowledge and skills.
People with qualifications are more likely to find work.
They can earn a higher salary.
They can contribute positively to society.
Schools aim to teach young people moral values such as tolerance and sharing.
Schools prepare children to be members of a society.
Can you write a 5-sentence paragraph using some of the ideas above?
Here’s a quick example:
(1) Education has a wide range of benefits. (2) First and foremost, a good education gives
young people the knowledge, skills and relevant qualifications that they need to find work.
(3) Well-qualified people tend to earn higher salaries, and their skills allow them to
contribute positively to society. (4) Another beneficial aspect of education is that school
children are taught moral values such as tolerance and sharing. (5) Effective schooling
therefore prepares young people to be well mannered members of society.
Final tip
Notice that my main focus in the sample answers and the exercises above is vocabulary,
not grammar.
The key to a high IELTS scores is vocabulary, because vocabulary is what we use to
express our ideas and to answer questions.
Accurate grammar is desirable, of course, but grammatical structures and linking words
are worth nothing if they are not accompanied by the ‘true content’ of your answers.
So, the best way to improve both your overall level of English and your IELTS score is to
work on the ‘true content’ part, which means ideas and vocabulary. In this regard, I hope
that you find these practice materials useful.
Enjoy improving your English!