5/11/2014 ADVANCED OPEN PIT MINE PLANNING AND DESIGN Presenter Prof Emmanuel Chanda The University of Adelaide, Australia ADVANCED OPEN PIT MINE PLANNING AND DESIGN M1-Strategic mine planning M2-Open pit optimisation M3-Mine Production scheduling M4-Optimum Cut-off Grades M5-Mine Planning Software M6-Mine-to-Mill Optimisation M7-Equipment Selection M8-Financial Technical Modelling M9-Dewatering and Pumping Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 2 1 5/11/2014 Objectives Fundamentals of open pit mine design and current developments in planning and design methodology, Current industry practices to maximise economic return. Open pit mine planning and design process in theory and practice, Unit Operations – Drill-Blast-Load-Haul Apply this knowledge to plan/evaluate new open pit projects and/or existing mines. Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 3 What do you expect to learn from this Course? Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 4 2 5/11/2014 Module 1 Strategic Mine Planning 1. What is strategic planning? 2. Mine planning process 3. Mining strategy 4. Feasibility Studies 5. Exercises Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 5 Overview/scope • Big picture mine planning and design process • Big picture decision-making process • Applies to Greenfields as well operating mines • SP takes place at all levels of the company Corporate level: vision, mission, feasibility, etc Business unit level: expansion of production Mine level: medium/long term production strategy Analogy: military strategy Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 6 3 5/11/2014 What is Strategic Mine Planning? Strategic mine planning is concerned with those decisions that largely determine the value of the mining business whereas tactical mine planning deals with the tasks required to actually achieve that value. Both types of planning are necessary; they can be looked at separately, even discussed separately, but they cannot be separated in practice! Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 7 Mine Planning Types of planning and mine life cycle Tactical Mine Planning Strategic Mine Planning Prospecting Exploration Development Production Closure Life cycle of an orebody Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 8 4 5/11/2014 Strategic mine planning focuses on those technical variables that affect the life of a mine and the value of the underneath mineral resource It starts with the discovery of the mineral resource and finishes when it is exhausted or abandoned. Go! List variables (factors) considered in SMP… Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 9 Business Strategy Strategic Planning DecisionMaking Behaviour Economic Evaluation Mine Planning Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 10 5 5/11/2014 Decision-Making Behaviour: Risk Averse – seeks other business goals Risk Neutral – seeks maximise NPV Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 11 Mine Planning Process Flowchart Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 12 6 5/11/2014 Mine Planning Process Four main stages of mine planning process: • Geology of resource • Value of resource • Long-Term planning (Strategic) – feasibility studies • Medium-term/Short-term planning - production Mine Planning Process*: Geology + Data Analysis Resource Model Mining Method Selection Optimisation Mine Design Optimal Schedulling Financial Technical Model * A dynamic and iterative process * Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 13 Activity 1: Work in Groups of 2-4 To plan a new open pit mine in Kerman Province. List all the data required to perform a feasibility study and where these data would come from. Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 14 7 5/11/2014 Technical Aspects: Once the geological features are understood and the physical characteristics of the ore body are determined, the main technical decisions that follow are: Mining method selection Processing route Scale of operation (size) Mining sequence Selective cut-offs (e.g. cut-off grade at the mine) Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 15 •All these variables are inextricably interrelated in the sense that they cannot be determined in isolation from each other •Moreover, they cannot be determined without taking into account the market variables and related data from the geologic, metallurgical, geotechnical, and environmental models……. •……….as shown on next slide… Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 16 8 5/11/2014 MARKET Metallurgical Model Geological Model Mining Method Geotechnical Model Processing Route Scale of Operation Mining Sequence Environmental Model Selective Cut-offs MINE PLAN Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 17 Mining Method Selection • The choice of the mining method depends on the shape, emplacement and properties of the orebody and host rock; again, beyond technical considerations, this is an economic decision • In general, there are two main mining methods: Surface mining (open pit, quarries) Underground mining (block caving, cut & fill) Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 18 9 5/11/2014 • However, depending on the emplacement of the orebody and its grade distribution, there are cases where both methods are feasible – e.g. open-pit followed by underground mining or the other way around • This is the classic case of sub-vertical deposits such as kimberlitic pipes containing diamonds and some porphyry copper deposits Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 19 Economic considerations • Many decisions concerning the choice of the mining method are related to the "opportunity cost” concept • For example: In massive, disseminated deposits that are close to surface, open pit mining is more productive than an underground Underground mining usually requires more development and preparation works Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 20 10 5/11/2014 Considerations in Mining Method Selection Finances: • Finance influences method selection: Length of pre-production development and phases Thoroughness of the ore body delineation program Scale of operations – bulk mining methods, eg., block caving Technology applications - automation Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 21 Markets The mining method should be flexible enough to respond to market changes. When and how to high grade during peak commodity prices Changes to mine development schedule Focus on production of by-products (eg. cobalt in copper ore) Mining companies are price takers. What can be done about this? Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 22 11 5/11/2014 Technology and Human Resources Choice of particular mining method commits operation to certain type of technology, equipment, human resources and processes. Later change in method will be at a cost Must allow for possibility of introducing new technology Necessary skills must be available to operate selected mining system Lack of expertise may eliminate a particular mining method, though technically suitable. Consider specific training and supervision Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 23 Processing route • The selection of the processing route depends essentially on the characteristics of the ore; however, beyond technical considerations, this is a business decision • Essentially, there are basically two main routes: Physical methods (concentration) Chemical methods (hydrometallurgy) Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 24 12 5/11/2014 Mineral Comminution Liberation Unacceptable Classification Acceptable Concentration Separation Physical Chemical Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 25 Factors to consider Products recovered Recoveries and achievable grades Environmental aspects Market considerations Capital and operating costs Cycle times Mine plan Cash flow and profitability In short, technical and financial considerations Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 26 13 5/11/2014 Metallurgical tests • Lab testing – for initial investigation Core samples and samples from outcrops (chip samples) • Pilot tests – to confirm lab tests and design Core samples and some bulk samples from underground workings • Industrial tests – to feasibility Bulk samples from underground workings and additional core samples Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 27 Scale of the operation • The scale of the operation refers to production capacity, which in turn is related to the physical size of the installations at the mine and plants • This is directly related to the capital investment required to produce the final output deemed to put in the market • The larger the scale, the higher the investment and production Case Study: Olympic Dam Expansion Project in South Australia Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 28 14 5/11/2014 • From the point of view of a mining project, the scale of the operation is the dominant factor for establishing the mine life and business value • There is a compromise between the NPV of a project and its size – the optimum size exits, because a very large operation may shorten the mine life too much, making the marginal investment unworthy Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 29 Size-profitability-risk relationship Scenario 500 kt/d NPV (MUS$) Scenario 300 kt/d Scenario 150 kt/d Scenario 72 kt/d Risk 3000 2700 2000 1000 Scale of operation Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 30 15 5/11/2014 Mining Sequence and Final Limits • It refers to the path or trajectory employed to exploit a mine – from an initial situation until reaching the final limits or exhausting the ore reserves • Usually, these two variables are treated separately but because of their co-dependency they should be handled together Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 31 • The mining sequence is usually defined in terms of sequential “cuts” or "sectors“ in which a final mining envelope is split to guide the mining extraction • These sectors can be phases, cut-backs or push-backs as they are usually called in openpit mining; or blocks, panels, rooms or stopes as these are commonly referred to in underground mining Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 32 16 5/11/2014 • It is worth noting that the partition of a final mining envelope into cuts or sectors is done because the time value of money • In effect, the purpose is to postpone expenditures and bring forward revenue as much as possible from production sales Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 33 The scheduling “saw graph” • To illustrate how the time value of money affects the economics of mining it is useful to introduce the “saw graph” tool • It assumes that mining activities always require some preparation works (development) prior to ore extraction: Stripping in open pit mining (t, m3) Developments in underground (m3, m2, m, t) Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 34 17 5/11/2014 The scheduling “Saw Graph” Minimum Ore Exposure yr-1 yr-2 yr-3 yr-4 yr-5 yr-6 Time Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 35 Integral optimisation of the final pit Exploitation phases 500 t (ore) 1 2 100 t (waste) 3 4 5 6 Revenue 2.2 $/t Cost -1.0 $/t Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 36 18 5/11/2014 Partial and cumulative tonnage Phase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Partial tonnage Ore 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 Waste 100 300 500 700 900 1,100 1,300 O/W Ratio 0.2 0.6 1.0 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 Cumulative tonnage Ore 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 Waste 100 400 900 1,600 2,500 3,600 4,900 O/W Ratio 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 Breakeven point Phase 6 Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 37 When neither the time value of money nor other operational factors such as mine and plant capacities are taken into account, the optimal final limit is reached at Phase 6 The implicit assumption is that ore is exposed simultaneously with waste and that ore revenue occurs at the same time as waste cost Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 38 19 5/11/2014 When accepting that ore and waste extraction have to consider certain physical restrictions in their programming (phase size and available equipment), then the time value of money becomes a relevant issue The programming can be done using the “saw graph” early described Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 39 Case 1: Open pit plan with 6 phases • Plant ≤ 500 t/y • Mine ≤ 1,300 t/y 500 1 1 2 3 4 5 yr-1 yr-2 yr-3 yr-4 yr-5 6 yr-6 Time 2 500 3 Waste removal 4 1,000 5 6 Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 40 20 5/11/2014 Economic evaluation: Phase 6 +1,250 1,000 0 yr-1 yr-2 yr-3 yr-4 yr-5 yr-6 Time - 300 - 800 - 1,000 -225 -546 +706 Present value(t=0, r=10%) = - 65 Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 41 Economic evaluation: Phase 5 +1,250 1,000 0 yr-1 yr-2 yr-3 - 400 yr-4 yr-5 yr-6 Time - 500 - 1,000 -331 -376 +776 Present value(t=0, r=10%) = + 70 Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 42 21 5/11/2014 Case 2: Open pit plan with 5 Phases • Plant ≤ 500 t/y • Mine ≤ 1,300 t/y 500 1 1 2 3 4 5 yr-1 yr-2 yr-3 yr-4 yr-5 Time 2 500 3 4 5 1,000 Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 43 Economic evaluation: Phase 5 +1,250 1,000 0 yr-1 yr-2 yr-3 - 100 - 1,000 yr-4 yr-5 yr-6 Time - 800 -83 -601 +776 Present value (t=0, r=10%) = + 92 Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 44 22 5/11/2014 Economic evaluation Net Present Value @ r = 10 % ($) Phase 1 2 3 4 5 6 Case 1 (6 Phases) Case 2 (5 Phases) Partial Cum Partial Cum 1,036 733 485 250 70 -65 1,036 1,769 2,254 2,504 2,574 2,509 1,036 733 485 275 92 - 1,036 1,769 2,254 2,529 2,621 - Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 45 Summary of results 1 2 3 4 5 6 Breakeven final limit (Phase 6) Open Pit Mine Planning and Design Discounted final limit (Phase 5) 46 23 5/11/2014 Considering an underground alternative 1 2 3 4 5 6 Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 47 2 open pit phases, 4 underground lifts 1 2 NPV(1) 3 $ 800 4 5 6 (1) Net present value at the beginning of year 1 Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 48 24 5/11/2014 3 open pit phases, 3 underground lifts…. 1 2 3 NPV(1) 4 $ 450 $ 200 $ 50 5 6 (1) Net present value at the beginning of year 1 Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 49 NPV of underground lifts +800 +450 500 +200 +50 0 3 6 4 6 5 6 6 Lifts NPV Lift 3 (t=0, r=10%) = + 350 NPV Lift 4 (t=0, r=10%) = + 250 NPV Lift 5 (t=0, r=10%) = + 150 NPV Lift 6 (t=0, r=10%) = + 50 Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 50 25 5/11/2014 Economic evaluation (Open Pit vs Underground) Net Presente Value @ r = 10 % ($) Phase 1 2 3 4 5 6 Case 3 (OP/UG) Case 4 (Optimum) Partial Cum Partial Cum 1,036 733 485 275 92 50 1,036 1,769 2,254 2,529 2,621 2,671 1,036 733 485 275 150 50 1,036 1,769 2,254 2,529 2,679 2,729 Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 51 Optimum configuration 1 2 3 4 5 6 Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 52 26 5/11/2014 Summary of evaluations Net Present Value @ r = 10 % ($) Phase 1 2 3 4 5 6 Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4 1,036 1,769 2,254 2,504 2,574 2,509 1,036 1,769 2,254 2,529 2,621 - 1,036 1,769 2,254 2,529 2,621 2,671 1,036 1,769 2,254 2,529 2,679 2,729 Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 53 NPV and Shareholder Value Firm's Information Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4 Net present value ($) 2,509 2,621 2,671 2,729 Firm 's net debt ($) 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Firm 's m arket value ($) 1,509 1,621 1,671 1,729 N° Shares 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 Share value ($/Sh) 1.01 1.08 1.11 1.15 Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 54 27 5/11/2014 Role Of Feasibility Studies • Why Feasibility Study • Scoping Study • Preliminary Study • Bankable Feasibility Study • Risks Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 55 Origin of the FS • The Feasibility Study is a development of mine valuation reports. These had remained almost invariable from 1900 to 1960’s. • More complex and larger mining operations in 1960’s and 1970’s required sophisticated studies and reporting. The FS was developed which: – Brings together all aspects of an operation into one study – Looks at the inter-relationships and tries to solve any problems – Aims to determine technical and economic viability of a project Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 56 28 5/11/2014 Feasibility Studies • Demonstrate that the project is economically viable to the satisfaction of the Board, the shareholders and all other stakeholders. • The FS enable the financing of: – Preliminary earthworks – Engineering construction – Infrastructure Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 57 Feasibility Studies • Provide a detailed analysis of all the factors affecting a project’s viability. • Enable determination of a “go” or “no go” decision • Have become an aid in obtaining financial backing Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 58 29 5/11/2014 Phases • Scoping Study • Pre-Feasibility Study • Final Feasibility Study Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 59 Scoping Study • The Scoping Study is a preliminary investigation into a project between a back of envelope and a pre-feasibility study, or an assessment of necessary size, grade of a target to explore. • It may also be called a ‘Concept(ual) Study.” • The study is normally undertaken with limited technical and other data being available. • There is high reliance on experience and knowledge of similar projects and it normally involves a basic level of literature search. Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 60 30 5/11/2014 Aim of A Scoping Study • Provide a document for decision-making. • Identify key factors that will influence the overall outcome of the project. • Identify and briefly assess possible options, identify risks • Give an indication of the potential financial worth of the project Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 61 MCA – Project Management in Mine Planning and Design Outcomes of Scoping Study • The outcomes will depend on the situation of the particular project and reasons for the study. The outcomes of a scoping study mayl include: – Information for decisions regarding the future of the project. – Identification of key factors and probably risk areas, requiring further early investigation. – Highlighting project activities or aspects which have the greatest influence (sensitivity) on the project value or return. – Highlighting project parameters that require more accurate measurement or definition. – A proposed plan to advance, or close, the project with schedules and estimated costs. Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 63 31 5/11/2014 Scoping Study- Case Study A scoping study for the Flying Fox T1 deposit as a stand-alone underground mine with offsite ore treatment was prepared by mining consultants Golder Associates Pty Ltd. Main outcomes of the T1 scoping study were as follows: Mineable Resources at 196,000t @ 5.4% Ni* Contained nickel in concentrate 10,587 Ni tonnes Gross Revenue (after royalties) A$101 million Operating costs (mining, site, transport, treatment) A$201/tonne ore (A$1.70/lb Ni produced) • Capital costs - Establishment A$6.0 million - Mine development A$12.8 million • Undiscounted Net cash flow (before tax and D&A) A$37.2 million • • • • * Note : Mineable Resources do not constitute a JORC compliant resource or reserve category. Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 64 Preliminary Feasibility Study • Decisions: Abandon project, change or continue? • Planning: Focus continued investigations on projectcritical areas. – Justify detailed site investigation and resource definition. – Determine the optimum project scope. – Identify risks opportunities and potential “show stoppers/fatal flaws”. • Economic justification: Justify a full feasibility study. – Help sell the project. – Obtain private finance. • Development: Support permitting and stakeholder liaison Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 65 MCA – Project Management in Mine Planning and Design 32 5/11/2014 Pre Feasibility – looking at alternate scenarios Andean Gold’s Cerro Negro project in Argentina • Open pit optimization for the Vein Zone was completed using Whittle 4x software and recovered gold block grades. A US$800/oz gold price was used as the base case and the remaining inputs are as shown below: • • • • • • Pit Optimization Parameters Bench Angle 85o Berm Width 9 metres every 20 metres Pit Slope 52o overall slope with ramps Mining Cost $1.50 per tonne mined Processing Cost $14.00 per tonne ore General & Administrative Cost $3.00 per tonne ore Pit Revenue Factor Waste Tonnes ('000) Ore Tonnes ('000) Recovered Au (g/t) 0.30 0.38 0.48 0.58 0.68 0.78 0.84 0.86 0.88 1.00 1.14 1.28 1.42 1.60 1.72 2.00 9,763.1 11,922.4 14,631.9 15,704.0 16,357.2 16,697.4 16,765.5 25,403.2 25,370.3 25,725.8 26,977.6 27,120.3 27,163.4 29,865.5 29,983.6 30,555.8 2,083.3 2,580.3 3,111.4 3,580.2 3,941.0 4,143.1 4,247.6 4,547.3 4,581.3 4,750.5 5,016.1 5,110.1 5,199.4 5,363.9 5,422.6 5,536.6 5.30 4.84 4.43 4.06 3.81 3.68 3.61 3.56 3.54 3.45 3.31 3.26 3.22 3.15 3.12 3.07 1 5 10 15 20 25 28 29 30 36 40 45 50 55 60 67 Recovered Strip Ratio Ounces (W:O) ('000) 355.0 401.3 443.6 467.2 482.6 489.8 493.0 520.4 521.2 526.2 534.3 536.3 537.9 543.6 544.6 546.5 4.69 4.62 4.70 4.39 4.15 4.03 3.95 5.59 5.54 5.42 5.38 5.31 5.22 5.57 5.53 5.52 66 Open Pit Mine Planning and Design Pre Feasibility – scheduling production Open pit schedule Period Pre-production Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Totals Oxide "Ore" (000's Tonnes) 2.4 644.1 670.6 643.1 758.0 1,186.7 279.6 4182.1 Oxide "Ore" (g/t Au) 2.58 3.05 3.71 4.62 4.39 2.55 4.39 3.59 Mix "Ore" Mix "Ore" (000's (g/t Au) Tonnes) 28.2 4.7 31.7 89.3 163.3 130.4 447.7 4.00 2.18 3.65 3.45 2.76 2.52 2.96 Totals (000's Tonnes) Totals (g/t Au) 672.3 675.3 674.9 847.3 1,350.0 410.0 4,629.8 3.09 3.7 4.58 4.29 2.58 3.8 3.53 Waste (000's Tonnes) 2,290.7 3,615.3 5,063.0 2,022.2 7,476.7 7,619.7 2,287.7 30,375.3 Strip Ratio 5.38 7.50 3.00 8.82 5.64 5.58 6.56 Open pit and underground schedule Vein Zone Period Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Totals Portable Ore 000's Tonnes 672.3 675.3 674.9 847.3 1,350.0 410.0 4,629.8 Eureka g/t Au 3.09 3.70 4.58 4.29 2.58 3.80 3.53 Portable Ore 000's Tonnes 677.7 674.7 675.1 502.7 2,530.2 Cerro Negro Total g/t Au g/t Ag 11.54 14.07 12.97 6.69 242.81 258.86 203.05 120.41 11.63 212.16 Portable Ore 000's Tonnes 1,350.0 1,350.0 1,350.0 1,350.0 1,350.0 410.0 7,160.0 g/t Au g/t Ag 7.33 8.88 8.77 5.18 2.58 3.80 6.39 121.89 129.37 101.55 44.84 0.00 0.00 74.97 67 Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 33 5/11/2014 Pre Feasibility – things will change over time Brisas Gold Mine Venezuela Key Economic Parameters and Results Mill Through-Put Range (tonnes per day) 2008 2006 75,000 - 68,000 70,000 83% 87% 82% 83% 83% 87% 81% 83% 8.35 1,156 8.41 1,113 457,000 63 456,000 60 Metallugy Recovery Plant Recovery - Gold Plant Recovery - Copper Net Payable Metal - Gold Net Payable Metal - Copper Life of Mine Production (payable metals) Gold (million ounces) Copper (million ounces) Average Annual Production Gold (ounces) Copper (ounces) Mine Life (years) 18.25 18.5 Initial Capital Cost ($million) 2008 $ 59.0 314.7 67.8 38.3 63.4 16.7 127.6 43.8 $731.3 2006 $ 76.6 241.5 65.8 23.8 55.6 18.3 97.0 59.4 $638.0 Mine Mill Infrastructure Tailings management facility Owner's Costs Pre-Stripping Indirect Costs (includes EPCM and Camp) Contingency Total Initial Capital 69 Open Pit Mine Planning and Design Pre Feasibility – things will change over time Base Case Economics 2008 $ 2006 $ Gold per ounce Copper per pound $600 $2.25 $470 $1.80 Cash Operating Cost Per Ore Tonne Mining and Dewatering Processing General and Administrative Transport and Freight Smelting and Refining Total cash operating cost per tonne $2.68 3.00 0.43 0.43 1.08 $7.62 $2.08 2.59 0.42 0.34 1.02 $6.45 Cash per Ounce of Gold Cash Operating Costs Exploitation Tax Capital Cost (initial, sustaining and sunk) Total Costs (including sunk costs) Total Cost (excluding sunk costs) $120 22 135 $277 $268 $126 16 111 $253 $245 20.5% 15.4% $2.77 $1.29 $1.91 $0.78 Metal Prices Pre-Tax Internal Rate of Return Net Present Value (NPV) @ 0% discount (billions) @ 5% discount (billions) 70 Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 34 5/11/2014 (Final) Feasibility Study (FFS) • The Feasibility Study Report is a decision-making document based on verified facts and minimum assumptions (criteria). The report may be used for several purposes: – Assemble a comprehensive framework of facts. – Present a detailed project description. – Forecast profitability. – Facilitate partners and/or sources of finance. – Basis for detailed engineering. Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 71 MCA – Project Management in Mine Planning and Design Requirements of a FS to be bankable • A FS must be; – Credible – Definitive – Relevant – Independent Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 72 35 5/11/2014 Final Feasibility – high level issues • Geology and ore reserves - size, shape and depth of the ore, the grade of the ore and distribution, how homogeneous, any major faults or intrusions and hydrological reports. • Mining method and schedule – surface, open cut, underground, annual production rate vs life of mine, phasing of development, envisaged ROM grade, capital equipment and manning levels required. (High production rate, high capital expenditure, shorter mine life – what is the optimum?) • Infrastructure requirements - including ancillary buildings, roads, drainage, tailings disposal, general arrangement drawings of infrastructure layout. • Metallurgy/concentrator/washery design – recovery factor, concentrate grade, product quality. Recommendations for the process plant including: Flow diagram Material and water balances Equipment list (major items) together with budget quotations General arrangement plan and elections of process plant to scale 1:100 Electrical system (line diagram) 73 Open Pit Mine Planning and Design - high level issues continued • • • • • • • • • Infrastructure, water, power, accommodation and environmental issues – source, capital and operating cost, disposal of tailings. Permits – right to mine and discharge waste and make good. Construction schedule – timing, how long to first production – the quicker the better. Logistics - of supply materials, equipment and manpower to site including an investigation of transport modes. Identification of strategic decisions required - early ordering of long delivery items, early starts to opening of negotiations for right-of-way dispensation etc. Preliminary programme -for carrying-out the Project. Construction cost – minimum expenditure to get the project operating, which varies depending on type and size of mine. All costs to include transport and commissioning costs, fees and all management costs except for Client's own costs. Markets and marketing – transport to market (FOB or CIF), price for product quality sold, secondary processing costs, adequate demand for product. Financial analysis – put all of the above together to determine if the project is financially viable. 74 Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 36 5/11/2014 Things can go wrong – Mt Todd gold mine • Combination of many errors in forecasting can be fatal for any project. • Project owner is Pegasus Gold Inc and wrote off US$353.5 million in November 1997 after closing down the project. • This write down of shareholders funds was of balance sheet items amounting to US$122.6 million of acquisition costs, US$49.4 million of deferred preproduction and development expenses and US$181.3 million for property and equipment. Rudenno, 2008 Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 75 Case Study – Mt Told Gold Project • Commodity price overoptimism resulted in a forecast gold price of US$385 per ounce, including a hedging premium above expected spot prices. • Spot prices while the project was operating were about US$315 per ounce and the hedging premium was small. MCA - Risk Assessment in Mine Planning and Design Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 76 37 5/11/2014 Case Study – Mt Told Gold Project Forecast Actual Change 1.07g/tAu 84% 8 Mt 0.96g/tAu 74% 6.7 Mt -10% -12% - 16% Crushing costs Contract mining Power costs $1.36/t $1.00/t $0.058/kwh $2.49/t $1.15/t $0.075/kwh +83% +15% +29% Cyanide usage Total cash costs Cash costs per ounce gold produced Gold price 0.68kg/t $11.86/t US$287/oz 0.86kg/t $13.58/t US$415/oz +26% +15% +45% US$385 US$315 -18% 0.7 0.74 +6% Reserves grade Metallurgical recovery of gold Throughput per year Exchange rate, A$1.00=US$ Open Pit MineinPlanning and Design MCA - Risk Assessment Mine Planning and Design 77 NATURE & PURPOSE OF FEASIBILITY STUDIES IN MINING Your Audience Type Scoping Preliminary Feasibility Audience Internal Technical Mixed Professional External Executives Boards Joint venture Financiers Extracts to stake holders Investors Exploration Business Development Executive Their Interests Consultants Critical factors Optimum project scope Profitability Potential Profitability Costs Cost of next stage Schedule Risks, etc Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 78 of 10 38 5/11/2014 Cost Accuracy Scoping Preliminary Feasibility Study Feasibility Study Project Control Estimate Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class IV (+/- 30% - 50%) (+/- 25%) (+/- 10% - 15%) (+/- 5% - 10%) Equipment factor estimate Forced detail estimate Order of magnitude Capacity factor estimate Definitive; Fall out detail estimate Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 79 of 10 Mining is a Business, but risky Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 80 39 5/11/2014 MINING PROJECT RISKS ECONOMIC / FINANCIAL RISKS TECHNICAL RISKS OH&S RISKS POLITICAL RISKS Participants discuss these elements of Risk in Mining Projects. 81 Open Pit Mine Planning and Design Conclusion Strategic planning (SP) involves developing a range of options, carrying out some form of evaluation, assessing criteria and decision-making. Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 82 40 5/11/2014 Activity 2: Individual learning Refer to worksheet 1 – Development of a mining strategy: open pit and/or underground? Complete the task and discuss the calculations with the person(s) sitting next to you! Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 83 Module 2 OPEN PIT OPTIMIZATION What you will learn: • Block Values and Cost calculation • Pit Optimisation techniques • Pit Optimisation Software Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 84 41 5/11/2014 Block Grade to Block Value Dollar Value = Revenue - Costs 0.3%Cu -$1.13/t Some factors to consider: • Location of the block relative to the surface – effect on cost • Processing costs my depend on rock type Dollar Value = Revenues - Costs • Revenues can be calculated from: – Ore tonnages – Grades – Recoveries – Product price • Costs can be calculated from: – Mining cost – Milling cost – Overheads Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 86 42 5/11/2014 A Formula for a Block Value used in Whittle VALUE = (METAL*RECOVERY*PRICE - ORE*COSTP) - ROCK*COSTM Calculate the value of ore block X: • 200 grams of metal X • 100 tonnes of rock/ore • Metallurgical recovery = 97% • Selling price of metal $10.00 per gram • Cost of processing $12.00 • Cost of mining $5.00 BV = [200x0.97x10 – 100x12 – 100x5] = $240 Calculating Costs • Must calculate values for: – Mining Cost per Tonne Mined – Processing Cost per Tonne Processed – Rehabilitation Cost per Tonne of Waste – Selling Cost per Unit of Product • Some Time Costs must be included Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 88 43 5/11/2014 Include • Any cost which is directly proportional to the tonnes or units of product: • Fuel oil • Wages • Spare parts • Explosives • etc • Include with the appropriate activity Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 89 Include • Time costs which would stop if mining stopped: • Site administration • Site infrastructure maintenance • Interest on working capital loan • Fall in resale value of equipment • Capital replacement • Truck purchase (long project) Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 90 44 5/11/2014 What to do with Time Costs • When mill limited – Divide annual time cost by annual mill throughput and add the result to the processing cost • When mining limited – Divide annual time cost by annual mining capacity and add the result to the mining cost N.B. Even add the mill time costs! • When selling limited ... Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 91 Don’t Include • Time costs which continue whether you continue mining or not • Up-front/sunk costs Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 92 45 5/11/2014 Activity 3: Individual learning Refer to worksheet 2 – Block Values and Cost Calculation Complete the task and discuss the calculations with the person(s) sitting next to you! Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 93 Open Pit Optimisation Resource Model Resource Classification Resource estimate Measured Indicated Inferred Beneficiation factors position in mine planning flow sheet Mine survey Dilution & ore losses Diluted Resource Process Parameters Economic Parameters Operating Costs Ore Reserve Model Potential Ore Reserve Reserve Classification Open pit optimisation and design Revenue, cost and slope parameters Mining production schedule Overburden & sub-grade Ore Reserve estimate Proved and Probable Beneficiation product Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 94 46 5/11/2014 Activity 4 : Individual learning Refer to worksheet 3 Pit Optimisation – Task 1 Complete the task and discuss the calculations with the person(s) sitting next to you! Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 95 Definition of the Optimal Outline • Any feasible outline has a Dollar Value. In this context “feasible” means that it obeys safe slope requirements •The optimal outline is defined as the one with the highest dollar value (Profit = Revenue – Costs) • Nothing can be added to an optimal outline which will increase the value without breaking the slope constraints. • Nothing can be removed from an optimal outline which will increase the value without breaking the slope constraints. 96 Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 47 5/11/2014 Pit Optimisation Techniques • Moving/Floating/Dynamic Cone Algorithm • Lerchs-Grossmann 2-D Dynamic Programming Algorithm • LG 3-D Graph Theory Algorithm. • Network Analysis Algorithm • Linear Programming (integer programming) • etc Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 97 Floating Cone Method • Position an inverted cone, with the required slopes, on each block with a positive value • If the total value of all blocks in the cone is positive, “mine” those blocks • Repeat these steps until no cone has a positive value • There are two problems Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 98 48 5/11/2014 Floating Cone Method Courtesy: Kores Corpration Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 99 Floating Cone- Mining too little -30 -80 +100 Open Pit Mine Planning and Design -80 +100 100 49 5/11/2014 Floating Cone- Mining too much Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 101 Lerchs-Grossman Algorithm • Works with block values • Works with block mining precedence • Guarantees to find the three-dimensional outline with the highest possible value Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 102 50 5/11/2014 Lerchs-Grossman Algorithm • Works with block values • Works with block mining precedence • Guarantees to find the three-dimensional outline with the highest possible value Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 103 Lerchs-Grossman Algorithm Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 104 51 5/11/2014 LG 3d block and graph representation • Orthogonal set of blocks – 2 basic geometries to represent open pit • Arrows point to the blocks that first need to be removed to access the underlying block (at the base) Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 105 Final Pit Design – composite plan Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 106 52 5/11/2014 Activity 5 : Individual learning Refer to worksheet 3 Pit Optimisation – Task 2 Follow the example calculation of the LG pit optimisation algorithm Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 107 Precautions with the OP algorithms 1) Ascribing costs to blocks • The algorithms to determine the final pit limit assume that an economic value can be assigned to each block • However, many of the costs are time costs; it means that assigning them to blocks requires an assumption about what is the unitary operation that restricts production (to express these costs in terms of that activity) Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 108 53 5/11/2014 2) Assumption of a breakeven grade • To calculate the net value of a block one has to assume a breakeven cut-off grade • A common assumption is to classify as ore those blocks with a positive value and waste those blocks with a negative value. If the mine is the limiting operation, this misses the opportunity to create value. Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 109 3) Time value of money • There are costs that can not be estimated without a mining plan. This is the case of waste material, which has to be placed in a dump and the cost will depend on the time that this happens – because of the haul distance • This can be solved by iterations! Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 110 54 5/11/2014 4) Blending requirements • There are cases where blocks should be blended with others to be classified as ore. But that again requires a mining plan in advance. • This can also be solved by iterations! Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 111 Major General Mine Design Systems Fully functional packages (with build-in CAD systems): • VULCAN • DATAMINE/CAE • SURPAC/GEMCOM • MineSight • Minex/Gemcom - WHITTLE • Micromine CAD overlaying packages: • AutoCAD • SurvCADD/Carlson • LKAB System Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 112 55 5/11/2014 Data Import Import + 3D Borehole Processing Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 113 Geological Interpretation Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 114 56 5/11/2014 Block Model + Grade Assessment Block Model with Grade Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 115 Economical Model - Grade >>> $Value Au [g/t] >>> Value $$$ Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 116 57 5/11/2014 Optimisation/Design Major optimisation programs based on LerchsGrossman algorithm: • Whittle FX Optimiser (stand alone) • MineMax Planner (stand alone) • Pit Optimizer (Vulcan 3D) • NPV Scheduler (Datamine) • Pit Optimiser (Surpac) Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 117 Whittle FX Strategic Mine Planning Software Pit by Pit Graph Import Block Model Constrains: • Economical • Geometrical • Operational • No access constrains • No haul road/ramp Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 118 58 5/11/2014 Optimal Pit Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 119 Mine Design Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 120 59 5/11/2014 Mine Design Geomechanics/Geotechnical Access constraints Equipment selection Ventilation network (underground) Rehabilitation Environmental constraints Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 121 Final Optimal Pit Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 122 60 5/11/2014 Final Optimal Pit & Pushbacks Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 123 Reporting & Evaluation Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 124 61 5/11/2014 Scheduling Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 125 The Pushbacks Generation Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 126 62 5/11/2014 Optimizing Production Schedules Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 127 of 26 Optimizing Production Schedules + = Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 128 63 5/11/2014 Activity 6 : Individual learning Review the following technical paper: Chanda, E.K., Spencer, E. (1999). Maximising Resource Utilisation in Open Pit Design, in Proc. 28th International Symposium on Computer Applications in the Minerals Industry, 20-22 October, Colorado School of Mines, pp359-366, (SME-AIME, Littleton). 1) What is unique about the the approach used by the authors? Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 129 waste dump planning What you will learn: • Principles of dump design and • Dump optimisation Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 130 64 5/11/2014 Why waste dump planning? • A strip ratio of 10:1, say, implies that for every unit of ore mined, 10 times of waste rock is mined. • The waste rock ends up being stored in a waste dump • Traditionally little attention has been paid to dump design and planning, the focus being on planning of ore extraction • It has been recognised that dump design and planning is an integral part of pit design. • Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 131 Rock flow in an open pit mine Yu (2014) Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 132 65 5/11/2014 Waste Dump Design • Two main approaches: 1) Top-down dumps – waste rock is dumped over an advancing face (angle of repose) – approx 38o from horizontal. After dumping is complete . The dump is reshaped to its intended configuration, usually using bulldozers. Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 133 of 10 Waste Dump Design 2) Bottom-up storage – waste rock is dumped in series of piles , and then spread to form a relatively thin layer. Also known as paddock dumping. Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 134 of 10 66 5/11/2014 Waste Dump Design • Hybrid dumping– whereby top down used is used to produce relatively thick layers (10 or 15 m, say), which are then overlain by subsequent equally thick layers. This approach is safer and requires leas reshaping. Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 135 of 10 Waste Dump Design Dump progression with shortest haul first strategy Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 136 of 10 67 5/11/2014 Waste Dump Design Dump design considering NAF PAF material (Yu 2013) Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 137 of 10 Waste Dump Optimisation- how? MINEMAX Software Simultaneous pit and waste dump design Dump modelled as blocks WHITTLE Software Dump optimisation as mirror image of open pit optimisation XPAC – Advanced Destination Scheduler) Software Module schedules rock placement Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 138 of 10 68 5/11/2014 Waste Dump OptimisationRecent Developments Integrated modelling of dumping system (Yu 2013) Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 139 of 10 Module 3 PRODUCTION SCHEDULING What you will learn: • Principles of production scheduling • Scheduling Software Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 140 69 5/11/2014 Mine Scheduling (definition) • A mining schedule, which tell us when things occur, can be constructed by applying production constraints to the mining sequence • Basis for preparing and controlling the mine’s development and production • A schedule determines the cash flow ($$$) associated with mining. Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 141 Typical Timeline Year -2 -1 Pre-production (Development Construction) +1 +2 Production Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 142 70 5/11/2014 Inputs • The scope of the work to be done from Mining Layout Designs • Rates at which this work is normally prepared, from Key Performance Indicators (KPI) • Labour working hours and rosters from Strategic Planning module • Plant capacities, from the Strategic Planning modules • Production schedules, Ore reserves, tonnes and grades, recoveries and dilutions Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 143 Types of Mining Schedule • Production schedules – Long Term or Life of Mine (10+ years) – Medium Term (5 years approx.) – Short Term (3 months – 2 years) – Extremely Short Term (down to a shift, or for specific jobs) • Exploration drilling schedules • Development schedules • Production drilling schedules • Equipment schedules • Labour schedules • Filling schedules • Consumable schedules • Special project schedules Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 144 71 5/11/2014 Scheduling Packages • • • • • • XPAC iGannt MS Project MS Excel Whittle 4D In-house Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 145 XPAC • Developed by Runge Software • Business focussed mine scheduling application • Specifically developed for forecasting, reserve database and mine scheduling management of all types of mineral deposits and mining methods • Easy-to-use tools for the adaptation, analysis and scheduling of mineral resources • Designed for surface/underground coal mining • Has limitations in underground mining or in pits with complex geometries Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 146 72 5/11/2014 iGantt • Developed by MineMax • Tool for open-pit and underground production scheduling • Integrates Gantt chart, 3D visualization and spreadsheet views of a production schedule • Used for scheduling a single operation or multiple operations across an enterprise Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 147 Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 148 73 5/11/2014 Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 149 Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 150 74 5/11/2014 Financial Technical Model • • • • • • • • • • Plant design Infrastructure (road, power, water, village, etc.) Equipment selection Capitals Operating costs Royalty Tax Revenue … NCF NPV, IRR, PB, etc. Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 151 Activity 8 : Individual learning Refer to worksheet 4 Production Scheduling Calculate the monthly production figures for a small gold mine Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 152 75 5/11/2014 Module 4 Cut-off grade optimization 1. 2. 3. 4. Background The model Example 1: an hypothetical case Example 2: a copper open pit mine & mill 5. Conclusions 6. References Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 153 1. Background • This model was developed in the early 1960s by Ken Lane, a mathematician who made his professional career in the Rio Tinto Group • At the time, the model was used in various mines of Rio Tinto – including Palabora mine in South Africa, and Bougainville mine in PNG. Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 154 76 5/11/2014 2. The model Final product Qr Concentrates Ore R Qc C Cut-off gx Slag Qm Tailings Waste M Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 155 Variables used in Lane’s Model M = Mine capacity per period (t of material) C= Plant capacity per period (t of ore) R= Refinery capacity per period (t of product) Qm = Quantity of run-of-mine material (t of material) Qc = Quantity of ore (t of ore) Qr = Quantity of final product (t of product) = Qc·g·y T= Time to mine, process or refine Qm P= Profit Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 156 77 5/11/2014 Model’s variables (cont’) d= annual discount rate m= mining costs ($/t of material) c= concentrating costs ($/t of ore) r= refining and marketing costs ($/t of product) f= fixed costs, per period ($/period) s= selling price ($/t of final product) y= overall metallurgical recovery Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 157 The profit equation for Qm P s - r Qr c Qc m Qm f T As (1) Q r Q c· g · y P s - r g y c Qc m Qm f T Open Pit Mine Planning and Design (1a) 158 78 5/11/2014 Profit from Qm and Present Value f Qm Qc V W gx V = W= Grade Present value at the beginning of period T Remaining present value after mining Qm Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 159 V P P2 P3 P4 Pn •••••• Time 0 W T PW V (1 d)T Open Pit Mine Planning and Design (2) 160 79 5/11/2014 If time T is small: (1 + d)T 1 + d·T (3) Replacing in (2): PW V (1 d T) (4) Re-arranging: V·(1 + d·T) = P + W (5) Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 161 Re-arranging: v = V - W = P - d·V·T (6) Where v is the contribution that the fraction Qm of the ore deposit makes to the present value of the business As such, v is the variable to maximise when choosing the optimum cut-off grade Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 162 80 5/11/2014 Replacing (1) in (6): v s r Qr c Qc m Qm f d V T (7) But the optimum present value V on the right side of equation (7) is unknown until the cut-off grade policy is optimised This “chicken and egg problem” is solved by iterations, using an arbitrary value of V in the first iteration and stoping when V converges Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 163 Economic cut-off grades v s r Qr c Qc m Qm f d V T (7) In equation (7), time T depends on the stage that limits the pace at which ore is mined That is, the quantities Qm, Qc or Qr and their respective capacities M, C, or R This leads to three economic cut-off grades: Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 164 81 5/11/2014 a) When the mine imposes a limit (M) In this case, T Qm M Replacing this in expression (7): m f d V v m s r Qr c Q c Qm M Max vm v m 0 g Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 165 As Qm is given, g only affects Qc and Qr Then g must be chosen to make (s-r)·Qr - c·Qc as large as possible s - r Qc g y c Qc Therefore: gm c s r y Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 166 82 5/11/2014 b) When the plant imposes a limit (M) T In this case, Qc C Replacing this in expression (7): f d V v c s r Qr c Q c m Qm C Max vc v c 0 g Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 167 In the same way, as Qm is given, g must be chosen to maximise: s - r Qc g y c f d V Qc Therefore: gc c C f d V C s r y Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 168 83 5/11/2014 c) When the refinery imposes a limit (R) In this case, T Qr R Replacing this in expression (7): f d V Q c Q m Q v r s r c m r R Max vr v r 0 g Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 169 In the same way, as Qm is given, g must be chosen to maximise: f d V Q g y c Q s r c c R Therefore: gr c f d V y s r R Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 170 84 5/11/2014 Balancing cut-off grades The operation is sometimes limited by two or eventually three stages simultaneously Then, three balancing cut-off grades can be introduced into the analysis gmc: Mine-Plant gmr: Mine-Refinery grc : Refinery-Plant Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 171 Mine-mill example Qm f gm gmc gc Grade gmc fully utilises mine and mill capacities; that is, maximum stripping ratio at the mine and throughput at the mill Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 172 85 5/11/2014 Mine capacity: 650,000 t/d Mill capacity: 150,000 t/d gm: 0.25 %Cu gc: 0.65 %Cu Possible throughputs: Cut-off % Cu Mine t/d Mill t/d Grade % Cu 0.25 450,000 150,000 0.9 0.50 650,000 150,000 1.2 0.65 650,000 120,000 1.3 0.5 %Cu is a balancing cut-off Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 173 In summary, Lane’s model considers six cut-off grades: • three economic cut-off grades, and • three balancing cut-off grades The former depend on economic factors and capacities whereas the latter are determined by the grade distribution that can vary widely throughout irregular ore bodies None of these considers mining costs! Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 174 86 5/11/2014 Optimum cut-off grades The overall optimum is one of the six cutoff grades already defined: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) gm gc gr gmc gmr grc To assess which one is the optimum it is best to consider each pair of stages in turn Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 175 To see which one is the optimum it is best to plot the value functions considering each pair of stages in turn Mine-Concentrator m f d V v m s r Qr c Q c Qm M f d V v c s r Qr c Q c m Qm C Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 176 87 5/11/2014 v vm vc gm gmc Gmc = gmc g gc v vc vm gmc gm Gmc = gm g gc Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 177 v Gmc = gc vm gm gc gmc vc g In a similar way, by considering the other pair of stages, it is possible to obtain Gmr and Grc Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 178 88 5/11/2014 The overall optimum cut-off grade is: G = Middle value (Gmc,Gmr,Grc) v vr vm vc gm grc gmr gmc gc gr g Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 179 3. Example 1: an hypothetical case • Mine capacity (M) = 100 • Plant capacity (C) = 50 • Refinery capacity (R) = 40 • Mining costs (m) =1 • Concentrating costs (c)= 2 • Refining costs (r) =5 • Fixed costs (f) = 300 • Selling price (s) = 25 • Overall recovery (y) = 100 % • Annual discount rate (d)= 15 % Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 180 89 5/11/2014 Grade-tonne relationship f(t) Grade interval Quantity 0.0 – 0.1 100 0.1 – 0.2 100 0.2 – 0.3 100 . . 100 . 0.9 – 1.0 100 1000 0 0.5 g 1.0 Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 181 Balancing cut-off grades Cut-off Tonnage Ratios Mine Mill Grade Ref. M/C M/R C/R 0.0 1000 1000 0.50 500 1.00 2.00 2.00 0.1 1000 900 0.55 495 1.11 2.02 1.82 0.2 1000 800 0.60 480 1.25 2.08 1.66 0.3 1000 700 0.65 455 1.43 2.20 1.54 0.4 1000 600 0.70 420 1.67 2.38 1.43 0.5 1000 500 0.75 375 2.00 2.67 1.33 0.6 1000 400 0.80 320 2.50 3.13 1.25 0.7 1000 300 0.85 255 3.33 3.92 1.18 0.8 1000 200 0.90 180 5.00 5.56 1.11 0.9 1000 100 0.95 95 10.00 10.53 1.05 M/C = 100/50 = 2.00 gmc = 0.50 M/R = 100/40 = 2.50 gmr = 0.45 C/R = 50/40 = 1.25 grc = 0.60 Open Pit Mine Planning and Design Balancing cut-off grades 182 90 5/11/2014 Economic cut-off grades gm gc gr c 0.10 s r y c f d V C s r y For V = 0 0.40 c 0.16 f d V s r y R Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 183 Optimum cut-off grades Gmc = Mid (0.10, 0.40, 0.50) = 0.40 Gmr = Mid (0.10, 0.16, 0.45) = 0.16 Grc = Mid (0.16, 0.40, 0.60) = 0.40 G = Mid (0.16, 0.40, 0.40) = 0.40 Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 184 91 5/11/2014 Intermediate mine plan Year Cut-off Mine Mill Ref. Profit 1 0.4 83.3 50 35 216.7 2 0.4 83.3 50 35 216.7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 0.4 83.3 50 35 216.7 P = (25 - 5)·35 – 2·50 – 1·83.3 – 300·1 P = 216.7 PV@12y and 15% = 1174 Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 185 Second iteration gm gc gr c 0.10 s r y d V C 0.58 s r y c f For V = 1174 c 0.25 f d V s r y R Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 186 92 5/11/2014 Optimum cut-off grades Gmc = Mid (0.10, 0.50, 0.58) = 0.50 Gmr = Mid (0.10, 0.25, 0.45) = 0.25 Grc = Mid (0.25, 0.58, 0.60) = 0.58 G = Mid (0.25, 0.50, 0.58) = 0.50 Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 187 A new mine plan... • With the new cut-off grade of 0.5, a new mine plan can be developed but this time changing the present value from year to year • If annual profits are discounted to time 0 and added up, it gives another estimate of V • If the difference of the initial and final value of V exceeds a defined tolerance threshold, the whole process is repeated Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 188 93 5/11/2014 Annual profit for the first year... For a 0.5 cut-off grade, the annual profit and present value is as follow: P = (25 - 5)·37.5 – 2·50 – 1·100 – 300·1 P = 250 PV@ 10y and 15% = 1255 Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 189 Optimum mine plan and cut-off grades policy Year Cut-off Mine Mill Ref. Profit PV 1 0.50 100 50 37.5 250 1255 2 0.50 100 50 37.5 250 1194* 3 0.50 100 50 37.5 250 1123 4 0.50 100 50 37.5 250 1041 5 0.50 100 50 37.5 250 947 6 0.50 100 50 37.5 250 840 7 0.50 100 50 37.5 250 716 8 0.49 97 50 37.1 245 573 9 0.46 93 50 36.5 238 414 10 0.41 89 50 35.9 229 238 11 0.41 21 13 8.8 55 45 1000 513 380.8 2517 PV @ 11y and 15%= 1256 * W = V·(1+d) - P W = 1255 · 1.15 – 250 = 1194 Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 190 94 5/11/2014 4. Example 2: a copper open pit mine & mill Relevant data: • Mine capacity (M) = 18.9 Mt/a • Plant capacity (C) = 7.2 Mt/a • Mining costs (m) = 0.85 $/t material • Milling costs (c) = 3.7 $/t ore • Fixed costs (f) = 3.5 M$/a • Copper price (s) = 2205 $/t Cu ($1.0 /lb) • TC/RC & selling cost (r) = 705 $/t Cu ($0.32 /lb) • Overall recovery (y) = 85 % • Annual discount rate (d) = 10 % Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 191 A set of four pushbacks A B C D Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 192 95 5/11/2014 Input to the model: four scheduled, nested pits (periods) from a preliminary mine plan 2 PP 1 1 3 1 3 2 4 3 4 Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 193 Grade-tonnage relationship for the four pits Cut-off Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4 % Cu Mt % Cu Mt % Cu Mt % Cu Mt % Cu 0.0 20.3 1.05 36.5 0.79 56.3 0.57 80.1 0.59 0.2 18.7 1.13 30.1 0.92 40.8 0.76 60.4 0.77 0.4 15.3 1.32 24.4 1.08 28.5 0.97 50.2 0.87 0.6 12.9 1.47 19.7 1.22 21.7 1.11 38.3 0.98 0.8 11.0 1.61 13.7 1.45 15.1 1.30 22.7 1.18 1.0 8.6 1.80 10.2 1.64 10.0 1.49 14.6 1.35 1.2 7.1 1.95 7.6 1.83 6.9 1.67 9.0 1.49 1.4 5.9 2.08 5.6 2.02 4.4 1.88 5.0 1.65 1.6 4.4 2.27 4.0 2.24 2.7 2.11 2.9 1.75 Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 194 96 5/11/2014 Output for a “Base case” Year Period 1 Cut-off Mine (% Cu) (Mt) Mill (Mt) (% Cu) Ratio Profit PV (W/O) (M$) (M$) 1 1 0.85 14.2 7.2 1.67 0.97 110.3 475.5 2 1 0.78 6.1 3.4 1.59 0.82 49.6 412.8 2 2 0.78 9.8 3.8 1.43 1.56 44.8 412.8 3 2 0.72 16.8 7.2 1.37 1.34 81.3 359.6 4 2 0.67 9.9 4.7 1.31 1.13 50.4 314.2 4 3 0.61 6.7 2.5 1.12 1.62 19.4 314.2 5 3 0.61 18.9 7.2 1.12 1.62 56.3 275.8 6 3 0.60 18.6 7.2 1.11 1.58 55.8 247.0 7 3 0.56 12.1 4.9 1.08 1.45 36.5 215.9 7 4 0.56 4.5 2.3 0.96 0.98 14.9 215.9 8 4 0.53 13.6 7.2 0.94 0.89 44.5 186.1 9 4 0.50 13.1 7.2 0.92 0.82 43.3 160.3 10 4 0.47 12.6 7.2 0.91 0.75 42.4 132.9 11 4 0.44 12.1 7.2 0.89 0.68 41.4 103.9 12 4 0.41 11.6 7.2 0.87 0.61 40.2 72.9 13 4 0.37 11.2 7.2 0.86 0.55 38.9 39.9 14 4 0.33 1.5 1.0 0.84 0.50 5.1 5.0 94.6 1.11 1.04 193.2 PV = 475.5 Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 195 Output for an expanded case (Mill from 7.2 to 9.0 Mt/a) Year Period 1 Cut-off Mine (% Cu) (Mt) Mill (Mt) (% Cu) Ratio Profit PV (W/O) (M$) (M$) 1 1 0.78 16.3 9.0 1.59 0.81 131.8 521.2 2 1 0.71 4.0 2.3 1.53 0.71 33.1 441.6 2 2 0.67 14.0 6.7 1.30 1.10 71.3 441.6 3 2 0.65 18.5 9.0 1.29 1.05 95.4 381.3 4 2 0.60 4.1 2.2 1.22 0.86 22.1 324.0 4 3 0.45 14.2 6.8 1.00 1.10 46.6 324.0 5 3 0.45 18.9 9.0 1.00 1.10 62.0 287.7 6 3 0.45 18.9 9.0 1.00 1.10 62.0 254.4 7 3 0.45 4.2 2.0 1.00 1.10 13.7 217.9 7 4 0.51 12.9 7.0 0.93 0.84 43.2 217.9 8 4 0.48 15.9 9.0 0.91 0.76 54.1 182.8 9 4 0.45 15.2 9.0 0.89 0.69 52.9 146.9 10 4 0.42 14.6 9.0 0.88 0.62 51.5 108.8 11 4 0.38 14.1 9.0 0.86 0.56 50.0 68.1 12 4 0.34 7.4 4.9 0.84 0.51 26.4 25.0 103.9 1.06 0.86 193.2 Open Pit Mine Planning and Design PV = 521.2 196 97 5/11/2014 Conclusion for this case The “Base Case” produces a declining cut-off grade policy starting at 0.85 %Cu and yielding a PV of $ 475.5 million The “Expanded Case” lowers the initial cut-off from 0.85 to 0.78 %Cu and increases the PV by $46 million – from $475.5 to $521.2 million If the expansion capital investment is less than $46 million, then it is worth going ahead Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 197 5. Concluding remarks Lane’s cut-off grade model is a first attempt to define economically what material is ore in a life-of-mine (LOM) plan It requires a holistic view of mining in that the optimisation needs a preliminary LOM plan. That is, a final pit limit, pushbacks design and scheduling based on a breakeven cut-off - the mine or plant cut-off grade, for instance Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 198 98 5/11/2014 Activity 8 : Individual learning Refer to worksheet 5 Cutoff Grade Optimisation Follow the calculations to the problems Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 199 Lane’s model considers various variables as fixed input – capacities, and downstream cutoffs such as metallurgical recovery at the mill Most recent developments have expanded the model to include some of these variables and handle them simultaneously When the problem becomes too complex, it is solved using other mathematical tools, integer linear programming being one of them Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 200 99 5/11/2014 6. References Kenneth F. Lane - The economic definition of ore, Mining Journal Books, London 1988 Kenneth F. Lane - Choosing the optimum cut-off grade, Colorado School of Mines Quarterly. Vol. 59-4, 1964, pp. 811829 Blackwell, M. Some aspects of the evaluation and planning of the Bougainville copper project, Decision-Making in the Mineral Industry, CIM Special Vol 12, 1971 pp. 261-269 Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 201 Module 5 Mine Planning Software • • • • Software Packages Categories Capabilities Providers Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 202 100 5/11/2014 Common Software Packages Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 203 Categories of Mining Software Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 204 101 5/11/2014 Mapping Software Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 205 Geological & Data managent Source: (Sable, 2013) Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 206 102 5/11/2014 Geological Modelling/ Resource Estimation Drill hole display (Source: Geovia, SUPARC) Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 207 Geological Modelling/ Resource Estimation Ore body model(Source: CAE, STUDIO 3) Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 208 103 5/11/2014 Mine Design Pit Design (Source: Maptek, VULCAN) Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 209 Planning and Scheduling Pit Design (Source: Geovia, MineSched) Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 210 104 5/11/2014 Financial Evaluation Financial Analysis Software (RungePincockMinarco) Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 211 Optimisation/Risk Analysis Pit Optimisation (Geovia, WHITTLE) Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 212 105 5/11/2014 Monitoring & Control Truck Dispatching (Modular Mining System; (DISPATCH) Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 213 Simulators Coal Mining Simulator (Immersive Technologies) Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 214 106 5/11/2014 Virtual Reality ViMine VR Software – 3D Ore body model Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 215 Summary • Advances in Computer technology has made it possible to model complex mining environments • Most widely software is for Mine Design & Planning • Further developments in simulation and risk modelling • Mining software harmonisation by suppliers Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 216 107 5/11/2014 Module 6 mine to mill optimisation • Concept embraced and practiced by mining companies • The philosophy is base on: Characterise Track Measure Model • Potential to save mining companies thousands of Dollars Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 217 Mine production system processes • Drilling • Blasting • Loading • Hauling • Milling (Crushing, grinding) Examine total “system” with regard to cost, productivity, product quality, optimisation... Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 218 108 5/11/2014 • Loading: increased fragmentation => higher rate of shovel productivity, hence lower costs per BCM. • Hauling: Truck production per hour will increase with greater fragmentation due to faster shovel loading rates. Reduced cycle time. • Crushing: Lower crushing costs result from increased fragmentation as more material pass through as under size. • Drilling and blasting costs are harder to relate to fragmentation). Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 219 Optimum Fragmentation Curves • Unit costs as a function of the degree of fragmentation • Systems optimisation: Overall Cost Curve Degree of fragmentation Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 220 109 5/11/2014 Exploration Drilling Intact rock data Crushing/grinding Energy data Bond's Work Index Settings Mineralogy data Ore body modeling and pit design Fracture frequency data Hauling Payload data Voids ratio* LCM TKPM rating Autonomy Routing data Process Optimization Blast design, Load-Haul Excavation/Loading Digability* Dig rate* Dipper design Power consumption Swing analysis Autonomy Blast Design Pattern layout VOID Powder factor Explosive S01U264007 Percentage Passing (%) 120 100 80 S01U264007 35.2Mtpa ROM Target 60 40 20 0 1 10 100 1000 Size (mm) Muckpile properties Size distribution* Voids ratio* LCM Visualization Density Blasthole Drilling Bore diameter Hole deviation monitor Geophysical data Real time drilling data Blast Modelling Displacement model Fly rock Heave mechanics Optimum Fragmentation • Examine individual components and the whole system • Goal: “achieving a prescribed level of fragmentation at minimum cost” • In-situ ore with particle size considered to be very large and reducing to size in the order microns (eg -80 mesh). • Measuring Fragmentation, how? Diggability (BCM/HR) Size distribution of muckpile (WIPFrag Software), Split-Desktop software Photographs are taken from muck pile, digging face, moving truck, etc. Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 222 110 5/11/2014 Drilling and Blasting SubSystem Fragmentation evaluation • Measurement of parameters- correlate with fragmentation Photographs are taken from muck pile, digging face, moving truck, etc. Crusher monitoring - energy, feed, product size, throuputghput Shovel monitoring- load, wait, down time, swing, power Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 223 Case Study Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 224 111 5/11/2014 Case Study Modeling Muck Pile Fragment Size to Optimize Excavator Productivity in Open Pit Mining Prominent Hill Copper Mine, South Australia Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 225 Prominent Hill Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 226 112 5/11/2014 Prominent Hill Muckpile Image Analysis using SPLIT DESKTOP: • The split desktop system uses digital image analysis technology to convert an image captured from a digital camera to a distribution of defined areas within the photograph. • The software was developed from a system of manual image analysis where a photographic image was manually delineated and the diameter of each particle measured Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 227 Prominent Hill Camera Photo of muckpile Photo collection and scale placement on flitch face. Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 228 113 5/11/2014 Prominent Hill Blast master 10040RL Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 229 Prominent Hill Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 230 114 5/11/2014 Prominent Hill Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 231 Prominent Hill • Our modelling of the excavator production rates has suggested that P80 of 800 mm would be the optimal size to maximise excavator productivity at 6300 t/hr. • However due to mine machinery and crusher constraints we believe a revised figure of 600 mm would be more appropriate Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 232 115 5/11/2014 Module 7 Equipment Selection • Simulation modelling using GPSS/H – Case Study • Cost Estimation (Capital & Operating) Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 233 Simulation and Animation of an Australian Surface Mine • • • • • • Study Background Methodology Results Discussion Conclusion Recommendations Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 234 116 5/11/2014 Wilcherry Hill Iron Ore Mine • The Wilcherry Hill project is located 30 km north of the township of Kimba in South Australia. • The Wilcherry Hill project comprises of four tenements and covers an area of 976 square kilometres. • The tenements are EL4162Wilcherry Hill, EL4286-Valley Dam, EL4421- Peterlumbo, EL3981-Eurilla Dam. Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 235 Project Development • Development at Wilcherry Hill is proposed in three phases; stage 1, 2 and 3. • Stage 1 will be the focus of this project • Comprises mining, crushing and export of Direct Shipping Ore (DSO) • Ore sourced from the upper parts of the mining pits. Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 236 117 5/11/2014 Methodology Aim • Simulation and animation model using the Stage 1 layout of the mine • Determine the optimum number of shovels and trucks required for this mining scenario • Provide the company with a model they can use for many “what if?” scenarios. Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 237 Programming in GPSS/H • Approximately 1,200 lines of computer code were used to model this mining scenario • Over 60,000 command lines were used to generate this animation Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 238 118 5/11/2014 Methodology GPSS/H Simulation Main Commands Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 239 Methodology Variables, User Information and Generate • • • Variables: REAL &X,&Y,&Z,&A,&B,&C,&D,&E,&F,&G,&H,&I User Information: PUTSTRING PUTSTRING PUTSTRING INTEGER GETLIST (' ') ('HOW MANY TRUCKS?') (' ') &TRUCKS &TRUCKS Generate: GENERATE 3,,0,&TRUCKS,,12PH,12PL Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 240 119 5/11/2014 Methodology Animation Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 241 Methodology Mine Layout (Draw, Class and Paths) Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 242 120 5/11/2014 Methodology Run Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 243 Methodology Animation Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 244 121 5/11/2014 Methodology Animation Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 245 Results Assumptions HD 785 EMPTY: LOADED: LOADED SF: ORE WEIGHT: STRUCK BODY CAPACITY: ORE SPECIFIC GRAVITY: FULL STRUCK LOAD ORE WEIGHT: HOURS PER SHIFT: 72 164 147.6 75.6 40 4 160 8 t t t t m3 t Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 246 122 5/11/2014 Results Ore Results TRUCKS: ORE DUMPS PER SHIFT: STOCKPILE DEPOSITION PER SHIFT: STOCKPILE WITHDRAWAL RATE: COMPARISON (IRONCLAD): 3 9 1440 180 4 13 2080 260 5 17 2720 340 291 Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 6 20 3200 400 7 23 DUMPS 3680 T 460 T/HR T/HR 247 Results Ore Results Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 248 123 5/11/2014 Results Waste Results TRUCKS: WASTE DUMPS PER SHIFT: DUMP DEPOSITION PER SHIFT: DUMP RATE: COMPARISON (IRONCLAD): 3 68 5140.8 642.6 4 87 6577.2 822.15 5 104 7862.4 982.8 885 Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 6 123 9298.8 1162.35 7 142 DUMPS 10735.2 T 1341.9 T/HR T/HR 249 Results Waste Results Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 250 124 5/11/2014 Conclusion • GPSS/H Simulation and Animation – Number of shovels: one shovel – Number of trucks: five trucks and possibly an extra standby truck • TALPAC simulations – Number of shovels: one shovel – Number of trucks: six trucks Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 251 Acknowledgements Postgraduate Students: • Sophie Mellor • Jian Liu Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 252 125 5/11/2014 Cost Estimation • Capital Costs • Operating Costs Capital cost estimation: general considerations • Indicative capital cost estimates – Based on empirical data from other projects – Estimates are within +/- 30% accuracy – Suitable for scoping or pre-feasibility studies – Often use “rules-of-thumb” to estimate costs Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 254 of 10 126 5/11/2014 Capital cost estimation: general considerations: • Indicative capital cost estimates (cont.) – The sixth-tenths rule (Mular, 1978): • Cost 1 / Cost 2 = (Capacity 1 / Capacity 2)0.6 • Capacity 2 and Cost 2 relate to a known similar operation in a similar environment • Capacity 1 relates to the operation being studied • Cost 1 is then estimated – Annualised cost per tonne rule: • Annualised cost per tonne of a known operation = {Total capital cost} ÷ {tonnes per year} • Use this factor directly to estimate capex for another, similar operation. Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 255 Capital cost estimation: general considerations • Cost indices – Most cost estimations are based on historical data available to the estimator. – These data date and cost indices can be used to update them: Cost now = {cost then}{cost index now/cost index then} – Indices available from Cost Guides Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 256 127 5/11/2014 Capital cost estimation: general considerations • Working capital – This is the capital component of operating costs needed to support the operation prior to substantial revenue inflows. – Often underestimated and can result in project failure. – Sometimes a factor (such as 10% of fixed capital cost) is applied. However a more detailed analysis is usually good practice. Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 257 of 10 Capital cost estimation: general considerations • Options for capital equipment – Contract mining • capital not available; • short duration; • specialist skills required; and/or • specialist equipment required. – Hired equipment – machine only and hirer responsible for fuel, oil, servicing and operation (dry hire); or – full hire (all inclusive), usually hourly rate with standby rate. Open Pit Mine 258 Planning of 10 and Design 128 5/11/2014 Capital cost estimation: general considerations • Ownership cost – Fixed cost per hour irrespective of whether the machine is working or not – It is a function of: • purchase price • cost of any extras • freight charges • tyre costs • resale value • depreciation period Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 259 Capital cost estimation: general considerations • Ownership cost (cont.) – Straight-line depreciation formula: – D = (P - R) / (N.H) where D is depreciation per hour, P is purchase price, R is residual value, N is useful life in years, H is hours of service per year. – Interest component of the cost: – I = P(r + i)(N + 1) / 200 N.H where I is interest cost per hour, r is interest rate on capital (%), i is insurance rate (%). – Total hourly ownership charge in $/hour, C = D + I Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 260 129 5/11/2014 Capital cost estimation: general considerations • Ownership cost example: – Assume: • Cost $400,000; • Life 10,000 hours over seven years; • residual value 35% of capital cost; and • interest and insurance is 12% per year. – D = (400,000 - 140,000) / 10,000 = $26.00/hour – I = (400,000 x 12 x 8) / (200 x 10,000) = $19.20/hour – C = 26 + 19.20 = $45.20/hour Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 261 Capital cost estimation: general considerations • Equipment replacement – Equipment becomes uneconomic when actual owning and operating cost exceeds that of a new unit – Overhaul or replace? • Cost of overhaul? • Time to overhaul and requirement for temporary replacement? • How long will economic life be extended? • Other work required during the extension of life? • Rate charged to mining operation to cover cost compared with cost of new equipment and economics of mine? • Will overhauled equipment have acceptable availability? Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 262 of 10 130 5/11/2014 Infrastructure capital (cont.) • Access and site works – location and logistics – access and service roads ($65,000 to $230,000/km depending on purpose) – port facilities – airstrips ($700,000 to $4.5 million) – site works (highly variable; $65,000 to $400,000/ha). – drainage – fencing and security Open Pit Mine 263 Planning of 10 and Design Infrastructure capital (cont.) • Industrial facilities – workshops and servicing facilities – warehouses – materials handling – mobile equipment • Utilities – power generation, transmission, distribution – water supply (source, quantities, storage, distribution) – fuel storage and distribution – sewerage and solid waste disposal Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 264 131 5/11/2014 Infrastructure capital (cont.) • Communications – external – internal • Port and marine facilities • Waste disposal systems – overburden dumps – water management – tailings handling and storage – solid wastes Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 265 Infrastructure capital (cont.) • Administration facilities – – – – – – – – – administration building laboratories training facilities change rooms crib/lunch rooms safety and medical facilities fire station core storage security Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 266 of 10 132 5/11/2014 Infrastructure capital (cont.) • Transportation – road transport – rail transport – slurry pipeline – overland conveyors – sea or river transport – cableways (aerial ropeways) Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 267 Infrastructure capital (cont.) • Townships – housing – roads – services – recreation facilities – shopping facilities – medical facilities – educational facilities – service industries • Construction facilities Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 268 133 5/11/2014 Estimating of Operation Costs • Before any economic analysis or decision-making can be undertaken the operating and capital costs of equipment must be estimated. • Equipment operating costs vary between mine sites and there is no cost which can be applied universally. • Equipment costs are generally derived from mine statistics, from suppliers or estimated from first principles. • The standard presentation of costs is Dollars per Operating Hour or Dollars per Tonne • Make sure to cross-check your estimated costs with currently prevailing mine sites. Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 269 Major Mine Equipment Operating Costs Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 270 134 5/11/2014 Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 271 Cost Calculation Steps Daily Production Rate Select Equipment Production Rate for each equipment Capital and Owning Costs for the equipment ore and waste Shovels, trucks, drills, excavators etc. # of machines required Mine buildings and costs associated with the mine development period Some equipment needs to be replaced. Equipments have lifetime as 5, 10, 20 yrs. Ownership Costs consists depreciation and average annual investment cost. AAI=(n+1)Capital Cost / 2n AAI should include tax, interest, insurance. So AAIC with a percent Other capital expenditures Milling Costs (ownership and capital costs) AAIC=P x AAI Ownership Cost = Depreciation + AAIC Direct operating costs, total operating costs, direct operating costs + maintenance Ore and Waste Mining Costs # of production & support employees salaries Other Costs Operating Costs Productivity (tonnes/manshift) Materials, supplies, power Total and labour costs ($/hr or $/m or $/tonnes) Ore and waste separation will be Open Pit Mine madePlanning and Design Total Mining Cost = Total Operating Cost + ownership Cost Mining Cost 272 135 5/11/2014 Module 8 Financial Technical Modelling • • • • • • • What is Financial Technical Modeling? Revenue Assumptions Project Financing Evaluation Guidelines The Frame Work of Evaluation Project Cost of Capital Conclusions Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 273 WHAT IS A FINANCIAL TECHNICAL MODEL (FTM)? • Financial/technical models of mining projects are spreadsheets in which the technical processes of ore and waste mining, ore processing and production of salable product are incorporated as quantities mined, processed and sold and, in turn, as generating the revenues earned and costs incurred in such processes. • The revenues earned depend on forecasts of product prices, generally supplied by sources external to the mining operation. • The costs are determined by technical analysis of the project by project staff. Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 274 136 5/11/2014 • Other financial inputs, such as interest rates, debt raisings and repayments and depreciation schedules will normally be supplied by head office corporate staff. • Forecasts of future inflation rates and exchange rates may well be supplied by external sources. • Example 1 of Financial Technical Model Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 275 REVENUE ASSUMPTIONS - 1 • World market prices dominant but hard to predict • World economic conditions are volatile • Uneven outlook throughout the world • Supply and demand dominates - excess supply is usual but not now (China!) • Potential for major economic disruptions, e.g. oil price shocks, Soviet collapse, GFC, war, China effect, etc. Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 276 137 5/11/2014 PROJECT FINANCE • Money lent for developing a project • Secured against assets and cash flow of project • Repayable from earnings of project • Limited recourse (sometimes no recourse) to other assets of project owners Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 277 SOURCES OF FINANCE • EQUITY: – New Issues (shares, options, hybrids, units) – Asset sales – Retained earnings – Term loans – Securities (bills, bonds, notes, debentures) – Commodity loans-Leases – Project finance • DEBT: security, recourse to borrowing Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 278 138 5/11/2014 ADVANTAGES OF EQUITY FINANCING • It's less risky than a loan because you don't have to pay it back, and it's a good option if you can't afford to take on debt. • You tap into the investor's network, which may add more credibility to your business. • Investors take a long-term view, and most don't expect a return on their investment immediately. • You won't have to channel profits into loan repayment. • You'll have more cash on hand for expanding the business. • There's no requirement to pay back the investment if the business fails. Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 279 DISADVANTAGES OF EQUITY FINANCING • It may require returns that could be more than the rate you would pay for a bank loan. • The investor will require some ownership of your company and a percentage of the profits. You may not want to give up this kind of control. • You will have to consult with investors before making big (or even routine) decisions -- and you may disagree with your investors. • In the case of irreconcilable disagreements with investors, you may need to cash in your portion of the business and allow the investors to run the company without you. • It takes time and effort to find the right investor for your company. Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 280 139 5/11/2014 ADVANTAGES OF DEBT FINANCING • The bank or lending institution has no say in the way you run your company and does not have any ownership in your business. • The business relationship ends once the money is paid back. • The interest on the loan is tax deductible. • Loans can be short term or long term. • Principal and interest are known figures you can plan in a budget (provided that you don't take a variable rate loan). Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 281 DISADVANTAGES OF DEBT FINANCING • Money must paid back within a fixed amount of time. • If you rely too much on debt and have cash flow problems, you will have trouble paying the loan back. • If you carry too much debt you will be seen as "high risk" by potential investors – which will limit your ability to raise capital by equity financing in the future. • Debt financing can leave the business vulnerable during hard times when sales take a dip. • Debt can make it difficult for a business to grow because of the high cost of repaying the loan. • Assets of the business can be held as collateral to the lender. Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 282 140 5/11/2014 EQUITY/DEBT FINANCING MIX • Most businesses opt for a blend of both equity and debt financing to meet their needs when expanding a business. • The two forms of financing together can work well to reduce the downsides of each. • The right ratio will vary according to your type of business, cash flow, profits and the amount of money you need to expand your business (50:50; 30:70, etc) Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 283 EVALUATION GUIDELINES Made at a point in time Sunk costs (don’t worry!) Constant $ or current $ For comparing alternatives, make sure techniques used permit fair comparisons • Computer financial models (spreadsheet modeling) • Investment decision versus sale/purchase evaluation • • • • Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 284 141 5/11/2014 FRAMEWORK OF EVALUATION • A construction of cash flows - in and out • Express every aspect in terms of cash • Express uncertainty in ranges of values, creating multiple models of the one project • Cash flows not accounting profits • Evaluate on a stand alone basis • Ignore side issues unless the side issue is the purpose of the project Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 285 MAJOR ITEMS IN FTM CASH ($): • Cash is the lifeblood of the enterprise • “Cash flows” are actual $ spent or received • Non-cash items (e.g. depreciation) are important as far as they affect cash flows • Project cash flows for a period are inflows minus outflows - may be +ve or -ve • Periods are usually years; may be quarters or months, depending on the size of the project Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 286 142 5/11/2014 INFLOWS AND OUTFLOWS* • Inflows: sales revenue; may include other minor items • Outflows: Initial capital expenditure, working capital, maintaining capital, operating costs, taxes, royalties, rehabilitation costs, etc • Royalties: ?Treat as reductions in revenue • Off site costs, such as realisation costs, ? Treat as reductions in revenue Open Pit Mine Planning and Design * Very important! 287 WORKING CAPITAL • Component of initial Cap. ex. - to fund op. costs until sales revenues arrive - in theory recovered at end of mine life • Required throughout project life but generally supplied by sales revenues • Itemised on a period by period basis in detailed financial models • Avoid double counting in financial model but must be counted in initial funding requirement Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 288 143 5/11/2014 CURRENCY Local currency (A$ for Australian projects in Australia) Because costs in local currency Convert revenues to local currency Forecast exchange rates can dominate the evaluation Foreign projects in host country currency - limited conversion to A$ needed • In cases of foreign country hyperinflation, use a stable currency, e.g. US$, if sales revenues in US$ • • • • • Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 289 EXCHANGE RATES • $ EXCHANGE RATE IS QUITE VOLATILE • Moves with commodity prices but affected by other influences as well. • Forex turnover in all currencies in Australian market represents 4.3% of global turnover, 7th largest forex market in the world. • A$/US$ pair ~45% of total turnover. Euro/US$ pair ~14%. A$/JPY only 1% • Aust. forex market grew with world market. Also, helped by carry trade and hedge fund activity, plus growing funds under management in Australia seeking to invest overseas. Bulk of trades with overseas FIs • Aust. banks hedge ~ 100% of forex deals. Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 290 144 5/11/2014 CONSTANT VS CURRENT $ • $ change in value over time • Constant $ - generally average value of $ of the day at time of evaluation, preserved throughout project life. • Current $ - $ of the day for each period in the future - requires calculation of the change in value from period to period, i.e. usually inflation rates • Costs affected by local inflation, revenues by world inflation, up to a point. Mineral commodity revenues controlled by supply and demand most of the time. Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 291 MORE CONSTANT VS CURRENT $ • Constant $ evaluation easier • Present day costs known but not future revenues • Current $ evaluation both costs and revenues based on forecasts of future events • But current $ are the real world - constant $ is artificial simplification • Constant $ evaluations can be misleading by ignoring inflation but can be very effective in choosing between alternatives • Constant $ cost of funds different from current $ cost of funds Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 292 145 5/11/2014 INTEREST RATES • A function of the time value of money • On debt, represent low risk return • Therefore, risky investments offer higher return • Diversified equity investments offer about 6% above the risk free rate • Government bonds represent risk free rate • Interest rates and discount rates closely linked Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 293 PROJECT COST OF CAPITAL • Invested funds are recovered from future returns with interest • What rate of interest is appropriate for using funds in this project? • Must be above the risk free rate but how much above? • Individual resource projects generally have a slightly higher cost of capital than the company as a whole • Function of project risk, diminishing reserves and need for exploration • The appropriate cost of capital should be the discount rate for project evaluation purposes. Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 294 146 5/11/2014 COMPANY COST OF CAPITAL • Co funds - equity plus debt • Cost of equity - empirical measures • Cost of debt - average after tax interest rate on debt - factual • Cost of funds = weighted average cost of equity and debt • Current $ cost of capital - includes allowance for inflation -can be converted to constant $ Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 295 CURRENT $ TO CONSTANT $ 1 + CONSTANT $ COST OF CAPITAL = (1+ CURRENT $ COST OF CAP)/(1+ INFLATION RATE) Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 296 147 5/11/2014 MORE ON COST OF CAPITAL • Cost of equity capital applies for 100% equity funding • Debt lowers the cost of capital but increases risk • What is the minimum acceptable return on equity? • Historically, 8% real on all equities - therefore, higher in current $ terms • Should it be higher for “risky” mining investments? Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 297 CAPITAL ASSET PRICING MODEL Developed from long term studies of equity markets in USA: R = Rf + B(Rm -Rf) Where: • R = required rate of return • Rf = risk free interest rate • B =relative risk of particular stock • Rm = average market return Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 298 148 5/11/2014 MARKET RISK PREMIUM • Rm-Rf = market risk premium • Expected premium, but based on historical data as proxy • Australian data over 100 years indicates 5% to 6% arithmetic average - 6% geometric average • US data indicates 5% to 6% geometric average • Volatility of returns means (Rm-Rf) geometric average is 2% to 10% with 95% confidence. A pretty big range. Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 299 WEIGHTED AVERAGE COST OF CAPITAL WACC* = (E/A)R +(D/A)Rd(1-tc) Where; • E = market value of equity • D = debt • A =debt + equity • R = cost of capital, from CAPM • Rd = interest rate on debt • and tc = corporate tax rate • R is after tax, Rd is pre-tax *used where a mix of DEBT & EQUITY applies Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 300 149 5/11/2014 PROJECT PERIODS • Equal length periods cover entire life of project • Permits use of standard compound interest relationships and rules • Periods = years, generally • May be quarters or months for small projects • Project commences with the first period of investment • Evaluation relates to beginning of first period Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 301 SUNK COSTS: • Past expenditures have no bearing on the evaluation,e.g., exploration expenditure. • The evaluation is considering future expenditures and revenues resulting from a decision yet to be made. • True of cost of evaluation and confirmatory work except for tax benefits Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 302 150 5/11/2014 END OF PERIOD CONVENTION • Expenditures and receipts occur irregularly through time - but, for purposes of evaluation, all cash flows are deemed to take place at the end of the period • Generally conservative • Midpoint of period can be used Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 303 PAUSE – REFLECT! • Cost of Capital •WACC • Project periods • Sunk Costs • Lagged revenue • Working Capital • Constant vs Current $ • Currency, Exchange rates • Revenue assumptions • Sources of finance • Cash • In- Outflow $ • CAPM • Interest rates • Equity vs Debt Financing • Royalties • End of period convention Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 304 151 5/11/2014 DEPRECIATION • Depreciation is the means of recovering capital expenditure • Depreciation deducted from cash flow to determine taxable income, and thus tax payable • Depreciation then added back to after tax profit to determine period cash flow • Dividend payments are not part of the project evaluation. • Positive NPV of cash flows mean capital has been serviced at the discount rate while invested, has been recovered and excess return has been received Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 305 Capital Expenditure • Expenditure providing for mine operations for longer than one year • Expenditure for operations within the year are expensed, not capitalised • Depreciation schedules – straight line over life of asset, life of mine or 10 years; declining balance depreciation can defer tax but eventually returns to straight line. Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 306 152 5/11/2014 Tax payable calculations • Taxable income = sales revenue for year minus all operating costs, overhead costs, interest payments and depreciation • Tax rate 30% at present (Australia) • Negative taxable income, no tax paid and no tax refund except where group taxation makes immediate use of tax losses possible • Usually, tax losses carried forward to reduce taxable income in later years Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 307 Period cash flows • Project cash flows for each year (or shorter period) made up of: After tax profit or loss Plus any depreciation added back Plus adjustments for any after tax items such as capital expenditures, loan drawdowns or loan repayments made or received during the year. Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 308 153 5/11/2014 ROYALTIES • Charge levied by State or Federal Government in return for permission to mine • Reflects “Crown” ownership of minerals • Various forms of royalty: ad valorem, pro rata, profit share, resource rent taxation in different jurisdictions • Check what applies to specific project and treat as a reduction in revenues Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 309 LAGGED REVENUE • Example: Smelter pays to the company based on the waiting period to produce the expected amount of product depending to the shipping capacity. • For gold it is not much time to produce gold from ore/concentrate to gold bullion, say1 week, but base metals may take more time, say 2-3 months lagged. Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 310 154 5/11/2014 Module 9 Dewatering and Pump Selection • Case Study • Pump & Pipe Selection • Pumping Costs Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 311 Introduction • Proposed mine is in the Mudgee area of NSW – Populated towns nearby in every direction – Long history of coal mining in the Central West NSW with several active coal mines nearby; deposits of high-grade coking coal are endemic • The old abandoned open cut mine had 4 identical pits. Water has filled these pits to an average depth of 50m • Coking coal prices are expected to rise, thus prompting a review of the feasibility of recommissioning and extending the abandoned mine pits Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 312 155 5/11/2014 Dogweed Coking Coal Mine Mudgee Sydney Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 313 Objectives • Design a suitable system to dewater the pits ahead of the mining operation – Determine capital costs and pump operating costs per year Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 314 156 5/11/2014 Methodology • 3 methods of water volume estimation: – Volume by Integration – Volume by Parts – Volume by using a modelling program eg AutoDesk Inventor Dewatering times, depth of water with time Calculation of required pump head over water depth at different velocities/pipe diameters Pipe system selection and costing Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 315 Geometry of the Pit Dimension 70m wide, 75o highwall, 36 lowwall of spoil 80m high, 9m thick, dipping at 6 Depth of water – 50m Infrastructure setting In – situ density Waste 2.3t/BCM Top Overburden lowwall highwall 89 m Bottom Overburden α=36⁰ β=75⁰ Coal 1.4t/BCM Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 316 157 5/11/2014 Volume of water estimation Dimensions of the water in pit Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 317 Method#1 Estimate volume by parts • The dimension of the water in the pit can be considered as different parts adding together: Volume/m3 Formula Rectangle 𝑥×𝑦×ℎ Low Wall Edge 𝑎×ℎ×𝑦 2 𝑏×ℎ×𝑦 2 2×𝑏×ℎ×𝑥 2 2 × ℎ × 𝑏2 3 2×ℎ×𝑎×𝑏 3 High Wall Edge Sides Corners 1 Corners 2 Paramete Formula r x y 1km-2b h a b Open Pit Mine Planning and Design ℎ tan 36𝑜 ℎ tan 75𝑜 Value 70 973.21 50 68.82 13.40 318 158 5/11/2014 Method #2 Estimate volume by integration • Looking at the model from top, we can evaluate width X and length Y in terms of the incremental height Z: 𝑋= 𝑎(ℎ−𝑍) 𝑏(ℎ−𝑍) + ℎ ℎ 2𝑏(ℎ−𝑍) +𝑦 ℎ +𝑥 𝑌= Therefore, the volume is calculated by integrating the area of the cross section over the height of the model: ℎ 𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 = ℎ 𝐴𝑟𝑒𝑎 𝑐𝑟𝑜𝑠𝑠 𝑠𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑑𝑍 = 0 2𝑎𝑏ℎ 3 2𝑏2 ℎ 𝑋𝑌 . 𝑑𝑍 0 𝑎𝑦ℎ 𝑏𝑦ℎ That is, 𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 = + 3 + 2 + 2 + 𝑏𝑥ℎ + 𝑥𝑦ℎ This confirms the volume by parts. By inputting known variables, volume of the water in the pit is 5.49x106 m3 Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 319 Method #3 Estimate volume by using Inventor Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 320 159 5/11/2014 Method #3 Estimate volume by using Inventor Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 321 Dewatering time • The disposal flow rate limit is 200 L/s, therefore the dewatering time can be calculated: Volume of water per pit (m3) Rate of dewatering (m3/s) V Q 5490065 0.2 Time to Number of Total time dewater pits taken for one pit dewatered dewatering (days) per year (years) T=V/(Qx24x N=365/T TT=Nx4 60) 317.7 1.15 3.48 Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 322 160 5/11/2014 Depth of Water Over Time Depth Of Water In Pit Over Time 60.00 50.00 Depth of Water 40.00 y = -0.0001837707x2 - 0.0958277546x + 49.5843902089 R² = 0.9996479452 30.00 Depth 20.00 10.00 0.00 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Days Since Dewatering Commenced Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 323 Calculating Pump Head • Pressure drop: Bernoulli’s Equation 𝑝1 𝑉12 𝑝2 𝑉22 + 𝛼1 + 𝑧1 = + 𝛼2 + 𝑧2 + Σℎ𝐿 𝛾 2𝑔 𝛾 2𝑔 • Major head loss: 𝐿 𝑉2 ℎ𝐿𝑚𝑎𝑗𝑜𝑟 = 𝑓 𝐷 2𝑔 • Minor head loss: 𝑉2 ℎ𝐿𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑜𝑟 = 𝐾𝐿 2𝑔 • Friction factor: Reynold’s number and Moody Chart Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 324 161 5/11/2014 Pipe System Model Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 325 Calculation Example Dept h 30 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Target Velocity 2 hZ 30 30.5 30.5 30.5 30.5 80 80 hV 0 0.20408 0.20408 0.20408 0.20408 0.20408 0.20408 Pipe Diameter (m) 0.356825 hP 0 -0.70408 61.75476 61.74711 60.66451 10.08396 0 Pipe Length (m) 76.25 hLM 0 0 0 0 1.082598 1.070343 10.06611 hLm 0 0 0 0.007653 0 0.010204 0.017857 TOTAL PUMP PRESSURE HEAD (m) Open Pit Mine Planning and Design Reynolds Number 71364.96 Friction Factor 0.022 V (m/s) L (m) (0 if negligible) 0 0 2 2 0 2 0 2 86.039 2 85.065 2 800 62.46 326 162 5/11/2014 Variation of Pump Head with Depth Pump Pressure Head wrt Velocity (V)/Pipe Diameter (D) 115 105 Required Pump Pressure Head 95 85 2.829421211 0.3 75 0.439714514 0.761 1.123896216 0.476 65 y = -x + 109.53 55 1.390120911 0.428 1.763489674 0.38 2.228982782 0.338 45 y = -x + 96.312 35 y = -x + 89.115 y = -x + 85.056 y = -x + 82.993 y = -x + 80.325 25 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Water Depth Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 327 Pump selection • Must be capable of meeting largest flow rate • Must be capable of pumping largest pressure head • Relatively acceptable costs – ALLIGHT SYKES-HH220I Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 328 163 5/11/2014 Pump Power Curve HH220i Power Curve at 200 L/s 400 350 300 250 kW y = -0.0003x3 + 0.0837x2 - 4.411x + 187.66 200 150 100 50 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Total Head (m) Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 329 Pump selection • Features: Diesel, electric or hydraulic drive Low fuel usage, reduced engine size Lower maintenance costs Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 330 164 5/11/2014 Pipe system selection • Pipe type: HDPE – Suited to butt welding – Corrosion, abrasion, weathering and chemical resistant – Relatively low item cost – Easy installation – Flexible and resilient • Keep in mind: – Velocity must be high enough to prevent too much settling Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 331 Electricity Consumed by Pump kW-Hours Consumed by Pump During Dewatering of a Pit for Different Pipe Diameters 330 kW Required by Pump 280 0.761 230 0.476 0.428 0.38 180 0.338 0.3 130 80 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Time (Days) Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 332 165 5/11/2014 System Costs Change in Costs per System with Increasing Pipe Diameter 700000 600000 Cost ($) 500000 400000 Cap cost of pipes Op cost of system 300000 Total 200000 100000 0 0.25 0.35 0.45 0.55 0.65 0.75 0.85 Pipe Diameter (m) Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 333 Optimised System Costs • Optimal pipe diameter = 380mm – Costs from R2, Australian suppliers, PIPE DIAMETER 380mm Capital cost of pipe $115697.7 Pipe, transport, installation Capital cost of pump $81960 Installation costs required Electricity costs $174935.6 At 10.2 c/kWh TOTAL $303301.5 Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 334 166 5/11/2014 What Have We Achieved? Fundamentals of open pit mine design and current developments in planning and design methodology, Current industry practices to maximise economic return (technology, operations). Open pit mine planning and design process in theory and practice, Unit Operations – Drill-Blast-Load-Haul Mining Economics Apply this knowledge to plan/evaluate new open pit projects and/or existing mines. Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 335 Bottom Line is….. We mine for profit !!! Open Pit Mine Planning and Design 336 167