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CSCI Study Guide: Computer Hardware, Software, and Security

CSCI – Study guide
Module 1
2. Computer - an electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary form,
according to instructions given to it in a variable program
Hardware- collection of physical parts of a computer system
User- person who utilizes a computer or network service
6. A server is a computer dedicated to providing one or more services to other computers or
devices on a network. The services a server provides are storing content and controlling access
to hardware, software, and other resources on a network.
13. Data is a group of unprocessed information while information is a group of data processed in
a meaningful way to the user. Data is an input and information is an output therefore
information is dependent on data. Some examples of data are numbers, videos, audio, and
images. Some examples of information is data that possess context, relevance,and purpose like a
cash receipt.
17. Memory is a component in your computer that allows for short term data access. Storage is
the component in your computer that allows for long term data access.
19. Cloud Storage: Internet service that provides remote storage to computer users. Types of
services offered by cloud storage include public, private, and hybrid services.
24. What is a browser? Describe the purpose of a search engine.
A browser is a software that enables users that have an internet connection to have access
to different webpages on a computer, mobile device, or other electronics. A search engine is
used to find specific information on a topic such as photos, music, videos, or text.
28. Define the term, malware. List ways you can protect yourself from malware.
Malware, short for malicious software, is software that acts without a user’s knowledge and
deliberately changes the computer or mobile device’s operations.
● Use virus protection software
● Use a firewall
● Be suspicious of all unsolicited email and text messages
● Disconnect your computer from the Internet
● Download software with caution
● Close spyware windows
● Before using any removable media, scan it for malware
● Keep current
● Back up regularly
30. Explain physical and behavioral health risks associated with using computers.
Technology addiction: when someone becomes obsessed with using technology.
Technology overload: individuals suffering from technology overload feel distressed when
deprived of computers and mobile devices.
33.define the term operating system. List popular operating systems for computer and mobile
An operating system (OS), in its most general sense, is software that allows a user to run
other applications
Computer- Microsoft, windows and Linux
Mobile- android and ios
37. Define the term, hotspot.
- Hotspot: wireless access point that is created by a dedicated hardware device or a
smartphone feature that shares the phone's cellular data
Module 2
8. An IP address stands for Internet Protocol address. It is the sequence of number that
uniquely identifies the locations the location of each computer or device connected to
the internet or any other network. The two IP addressing schemes are IPv4, and IPv6.
The difference between the IPv4 is it addresses in availability, this being due to the
growth of the Internet. On the other hand, the IPv6 scheme increases the available
number of IP addresses exponentially.
9. Domain name- is a text-based name that corresponds to the IP address of a server,
such as a web server that hosts a website.
Steps to run a domain name:
1. Run a browser.
2. Use a search engine to locate a domain name register and then navigate to the
3. Check to see if the domain name is available that you wish for.
4. Choose how many years you would like to pay and keep the domain name for.
5. Then pay for your domain and services.
10. What is the purpose of TLDs? A TDL is defined as a top-level domain of an internet
address such as .org or .com. It states the corporation that owns it.
12. A DNS server is the way that the Internet holds the Domain Names and their IP
addresses. When you type in a website name, the DNS server changes the domain
name to the IP address so the command can be sent to the computer.
32. Define the term, e-commerce. Differentiate among B2C, C2C, and B2B e-commerce
a. E-commerce is a business transaction that occurs over an electronic network such as
the internet
b. B2C- business to customer; sale of goods or services to the general public
c. C2C- Customer to customer; when one consumer sells directly to another, such as an
online auction
d. B2B- Business to business; when businesses provide goods and services to other
businesses, such as online advertising, recruiting, credit, sales, market research,
technical support, and training
Module 3
3. Protection against malware infections - have strong passwords, log out of websites when
you’re done, carefully read emails, use firewalls
5. A processor, also called CPU (central processing unit), is the electronic component that
interprets and carries out the basic instructions that operate a computer. Memory consists
of electronic components that store instructions waiting to be executed and data needed
by those instructions.
12. You can purchase the appropriate desktop for your needs by considering
1. The specific software you need
2. Determine the operating system you are most comfortable with (MacOS, Windows)
3. Consider buying a more powerful desktop, because technology evolves quickly, and
the least powerful desktop may not fulfil your needs later on.
13. Describe the purpose and functions of server. Differentiate among rack, blade, and, tower
A server is a computer that is used to provide one or more services to a different computer or
device. A server rack is server that is in a slot on a metal frame which has different servers on
different slots. A blade is a single circuit blade which can hold many different blades. A tower is
a server that is built into a tower/ cabinet.
14. Define virtualization as it relates to serves. Define the terms, server farm and mainframe.
Virtualization is the act of sharing/ pooling computing resources. Server virtualization uses
software to enable a physical server which matches the hardware and computing capabilities of
a server. A server farm is several servers in one location. A mainframe is a large server that
handles multiple users at once.
15. Define the terms, terminal and thin client. List the advantages of a thin client.
A terminal is a computer that allows the user to send or receive information from a host or
server. A thin client has a limited amount of capabilities and run programs on the internet.
18.The main AWS blog,Werner Vogels' blog, Charles Babcock, David Linthicum.
Businesses use this to help them maximize their resources.
32. List products that contain embedded computers. List the disadvantages of in-vehicle
a. Some products are consumer electronics (TV, mobile devices, DVD players),
home automation devices (lights security systems), automobiles (engine control
module, airbag controller), robotics and process controllers (power monitors,
medical devices), and computer devices and office machine (copy machines,
printers). The disadvantages to in-vehicle technology is that at any time, the
technology could fail.
33. Describe the trend, the Internet of Things
a. An environment where processors are embedded in every product imaginable,
and those things communicate with one another via the Internet. Examples are
alarm clocks, coffeemakers, vehicles, and refrigerators. An example, when your
refrigerator detects low milk, it sends your phone a text message that you need
to add milk to your grocery list
37. Define the term, backward compatible.
- It means they support older USB devices as well as newer ones.
42. List methods of securing against hardware theft and vandalism.
- Physical access control. Put the hardware in a safe place and secure it by locking the
place and protect the equipment.
- Real time location. System of tracking and identifying the location of high-risk or
high-value items.
- Install alarm systems. When someone breaks into the safe room at a time where he is
not allowed to and tries to steal or break hardware for example, the alarm will let the
security forces know.
- Use cables to lock computers to stationary objects. That way, it will not be easy to move
the computer.
- Install a mini security system. Same as the alarm system.
43. Define the terms, undervoltage and overvoltage, and explain how each can damage a
computer or data.
Undervoltage: occurs when the electrical supply or voltage drops often defined as more than
5%, below the normal volts; Can cause data loss but generally does not cause equipment
Overvoltage(power surge):occurs when the incoming electrical supply or voltage increases,
often defined as more than 5%, above the normal volts.
- A momentary overvoltage, occurs when the increase in power lasts for less than one
millisecond. Uncontrollable disturbances such as lightning bolts can cause spikes.
Overvoltages can cause immediate and permanent damage to hardware.
44. Describe the purposes of surge protectors and UPS devices. Explain the purpose a
fault-tolerant computer.
Surge Protectors: uses electrical components to provide a stable current flow and minimize the
chances of an overvoltage reaching the computer and other electronic equipment.
UPS: device that contains surge protection circuits and one or more batteries that can provide
power during a temporary or permanent loss of power. UPS connects your computer and a
power source
Fault-tolerant computer: has duplicate components so that it can continue to operate when one
of its main components fails.
45. Identify the causes and types of repetitive strain injuries. List symptoms of CVS.
RSI: tendonitis and carpal tunnel syndrome
-from repeated or forceful bending of the wrist
CVS: condition that affects eyesight
-sore, tired, burning, itching or dry eyes
-blurred or double vision
-headache or sore neck
-Difficulty focusing on screen image
-color fringes/ after images when looking away
-increased sensitivity to light