TERMS OF USE Thank you for your purchase! By purchasing this RESOURCE, the original purchaser (hereon out referred to as YOU) agrees that the contents are the property of Ken Kosowan & Kosowan’s Korner and are licensed to YOU only for classroom/personal use as a single user. I retain the copyright and reserve all rights to this RESOURCE. The original purchaser may: - Make copies for the purchaser’s classroom, which includes homeschool or tutoring sessions. - Make one copy for backup purposes, but not for the purposes of distribution. - Reference or review this RESOURCE (without distributing more than 10% of the contents within) in blog posts, seminars, professional development workshops or other venues, SO LONG AS credit is given to myself as the author and the link to my TpT store is included in the presentation. YOU may not however: - claim the work as your own, alter the RESOURCE, remove or attempt to remove copyright/logo/watermarks or repackage it for your own sale or purposes. - share this RESOURCE with others in its entirety or parts thereof without buying an additional license for each user. - distribute the RESOURCE to other educators, parents, administrators or any stakeholders without buying additional licenses for each user. Thank you for abiding by the internationally recognized codes of professional conduct, copyright law and this Terms of Use agreement. Thank you for supporting a local teacher and entrepreneur.