Unit 7: Practical Sport Performance Learning Outcomes, A+B Owen Scarborough Rules, Laws and Officiating Introduction: Within this assignment I will be taking you through the rules and regulations of the sport (table tennis) which will include starting and restarting the game, the service orders of singles and doubles, table dimensions, players, lets, scoring points, if the ball hits the nets and other rules that are associated with table tennis. I will talk about the national governing bodies, length of matches and breaks, and details of the table’s nets, any equipment used within table tennis and jewelry etc. Also, some of the unwritten rules and etiquette of the sport. Roles and responsibilities of the officials such as how many officials are required, describing their appearance, fitness required, necessary qualifications, how they control play, enforcement of rules. Also, the infringements within table tennis like rules that were broken, and officials that were necessary at that time to prevent this rule break or to ensure that points are given correctly. And analyzing all off the incorrect points being played and how poorly the game is played and officiated. Individual Sport: Table Tennis Section 1 - Rules section ● AIM= The aim of the game is to hit the ball over then net onto the opponent’s side, a point is generally won if your opponent fails to return the ball onto your side e.g., they miss the ball, they don’t get the ball back onto your side, or the ball it’s the net. Or if they are volleying the ball aka hit the ball before it bounces on their side of the table. ● SERVING IN SINGLES AND DOUBLES= Within serving in singles, a player takes two serves before the ball switches over, and the opponent then has the next serve, it alternates every two serves. Except during periods of extra play where it changes each time. The first person to serve at the start of the game can be determined in many ways such as rolling the ball back and picking a hand, or a flip of a coin. Service in singles can be diagonal or in straight line depending on how the player serving feels fit for the best benefit out of their service game to win them a point. While in doubles service must be diagonal from the right side of the court (which is marked by the white line) to the opposite side of the court which is the opponent’s right half of the court. The service change overrules in doubles: At the start of the game, the serving team decides which player will serve first within their team, the first player to serve is A1 and: A1 serves to B1 (two services) B1 then serves to A2 (two services) A2 the serves to B2 (two services) B2 the serves to A1 (two services) This then needs to be repeated continuously until 1 team wins, however if the game ventures into extra play instead of two serves each then swap, it’s 1 serve each and then swap. After the first point is won the team who didn’t serve in the last point serve first within the next point. TABLE DIMENSIONS= Table tennis tables and dimensions of nets etc. do not change for singles and doubles other than the central white line placed in the center of the table. The markings of fully regulated table tennis table should consist of 2cm end line at each end of the table and a 2cm sideline that travels the full way around the edge of the table, and a 3mm center line for doubles so they are able to serve diagonally to Unit 7: Practical Sport Performance Learning Outcomes, A+B Owen Scarborough their opponent without any obstruction. While this doesn’t apply for singles due to them being able to serve anywhere, they want being straight or diagonally. Other dimensions required on a table tennis table created by the ITTF are: 274cm in length, 152.5 cm in width, and 76cm in height There are no restrictions on the thickness of the table, however it must achieve a ball being able to bounce 26cm, after being dropped from a 30cm height. There is no weight limit, but generally the weight of an average table tennis table is around about 136kg. There is no color specification on the table if it is a darker color with a matte finish. And as for the material of a table tennis table there is no legal requirement on the material but in regulated games the main materials used tend to be MDF or HDF. ● PLAYERS= Within a game of table tennis there is two ways that it can be played, these are as singles or as duos. Now, within singles you only have one player at either end of the table returning it to each other until one of them wins enough points to win the game. While in duos you will have two people at either end of the table taking in turns to return, receive, and serve the ball. Those who play singles, cannot compete against those who play singles. Aka one person cannot play two people at once as it puts them both at a disadvantage. Unlike many sports, Table tennis is an equal opportunity sport, in many tournaments’ adults play kids, and men can play women if they want too. ● SERVE= Within serving in table tennis the serves are an important part of the rules, you must start with an open palm so that you can’t put any spin on the ball and catch the opponent out. The ball must be thrown vertically in the air 16cm so that the opponent will always be able to see the ball and are always at a fair game or thrown up too net height. The ball must be above and behind the table to ensure the opponent can again always see the ball, so they have a fair chance of returning the ball. Once the serve has been taken the opponent must get their hand and free arm out of the way to ensure there is no impeding of the players view. The only difference on the serve is that in singles you can serve anywhere on the table but in doubles you must serve diagonally to the opponent. ● HOW DOES A LET WORK= On a serve, if the ball hits the net, but still bounces on the opponent’s side of the table that point is a let. This means that the point needs to be replayed. However, if the ball hits the net and doesn’t make it over the net, the opponent will receive a point. ● SCORING= A game of table tennis is now played up too 11 points, the winner is the team that normally hits 11 first however, if the game reaches 10-10 this is called deuce and the game must be won by two points. The game can be won on anyone’s serve as it is always alternating between the players on every two serves. In table tennis it is best 3 of games, if the game reaches 11-11 you continue playing until you have won by two points over the opponent. You can earn points by the opponent being unable to return the ball to you, you unable to return the ball, the ball going off the table, hitting the net or even volleying can earn you or your opponent a point. ● WHAT HAPPENS IF THE BALL HITS THE NET? Within a serve if the ball hits the net and stays on your side that is a point to the opponent, if you serve and the ball hits the net and goes over that is called a let and the point is replayed. If the ball goes round the net in Unit 7: Practical Sport Performance Learning Outcomes, A+B ● ● ● ● Owen Scarborough either a rally or a serve and hits the table, you will still get the point. Within a rally if the ball hits the net and doesn’t go over the net then the opponent gets the point, however if the ball hits the net and slows down and bounces on their side before they can get too it then it’s your point, but you don’t cheer about this point as its unfair and not good etiquette, so you apologize. WHAT HAPPENS IF YOUR BAT OR ANY BODY PART TOUCHES THE TABLE? You are able touch the table with your racket hand without losing a point for example if you are leaning in for a short serve and you touch the table with your racket hand then there is no issue with this, however in the incident that the table moves when you touch it leaning in then in that case you will be deducted a point. Also, the only body part that you cannot touch the table with is your free hand, if you’re in a rally and your free hand touches the table because you’re using it too lean on then you will be deducted a point immediately and the other opponent will get that point for that round. WHAT HAPPENS IF YOU SERVE INTO THE NET? If you serve into the net on your serve and the ball does not go over, then this will result in the opponent taking that point, and even resulting in them taking the lead. But in the case that the ball hits the net and lands on the opponent’s side, this is called a let and the point will be replayed until the point is won fairly by one of both performers. STARTING AND RETSARTING GAMES= Starting and restarting games in table tennis alternate as usual, whoever started serve in the first game will then serve second in the next game and the games are best of 3m out of 5 games and you will always alternate who starts game. If restarting a game midway through you will just continue and restart from the serve that you left out on so that the game in continued fairly but the officials will ensure this is all carried out correctly, so the performers have a fair playing game. WHAT OTHER RULES ARE THERE LINKED TO TABLE TENNIS? Of course, in table tennis you have all the official rules that must be followed to ensure that all points are won fairly and that the game is correctly officiated, not only so tournaments and games can be ran correctly but also to ensure the unique nature of the game is never lost. But we cannot forget the importance of etiquette and non-written rules within the sport, for example midway through a rally if the ball hits the net and bounces on the opponent’s side and they’re unable to get the ball back over the net you apologize due to the luck and unfair nature of the point, sometimes even give them a free point in return. This is etiquette of the game. There is also the banning system of 1, 2 and 3. The banning system is used in case of illegal play, violent acts and other bad infringements. Level 1 is a verbal warning, if this is repeated, they will be shown level 2 which is a yellow card, and in the unlikely circumstances that level 3 is needed for repetitive bad play etc. then a red card will be shown to the player and the game will most likely will be abandoned and a fine to the illegal performer. Section 2 - Regulations ● NATIONAL GOVERNING BODY FOR TABLE TENNIS= The national governing body for table tennis are called The International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF). The role of the ITTF includes to oversee the rules and regulations in table tennis to see if any improvements can be made in the future to make the sport more interesting to play and to watch. Also too be able to search and watch for any technological advancements that can be bought into the sport to allow for more accurate pointing system, so all decisions are fully correct and there is no unfair judgement. Also, the ITTF Unit 7: Practical Sport Performance Learning Outcomes, A+B Owen Scarborough take care of the banning system, which is of 1, 2 and 3 stages. The banning system is used in case of illegal play, violent acts, and other bad infringements. Level 1 is a verbal warning, if this is repeated, they will be shown level 2 which is a yellow card, and in the unlikely circumstances that level 3 is needed for repetitive bad play etc. then a red card will be shown to the player and the game will most likely will be abandoned and a fine to the illegal performer. ● LENGTH OF MATCHES AND BREAKS= The length of a match depends on how many people there are so within doubles the length of a full match is 50/60 minutes, while in singles the length of a full match is 40/50 minutes. However, within each single point that is played within the full match it can only be 10 minutes long unless of course 18 points has already been played. So, unless 18 points has been played if the game reaches 10 minutes the expedite rule is bought into action (requires both players to alternate serves until a game is won. Between each game you are allowed a 1-minute interval which allows you to catch your breath have a drink and refresh for the next point/match. DETAILS OF TABLE, POST AND NET, AND BALL= The table tennis table is 274cm long, 15.25cm wide, and 76cm high with a single continuous material if the table yields a uniform bounce of 26cm after being dropped from a 30 cm height. The net shall consist of its suspension and supporting posts, including the clamps attaching them to the table. The nest shall be suspended attached at each end of the posts that are stood upright 15.25cm high. The top of the net, along its full length is needs to be 15.25cm from the playing surface. This means the net must be 6 feet long, 15.25cm high, the top of the net must be the same height the full way across, the net must be as low to the table as possible without any part of the net touching the table itself, and the ends of the net must be attached to the supporting posts from top to bottom. The material of the net is using string nylon. So, it can slow down the ball well but is also easy to set up etc. Ping pong balls or table tennis balls, have a diameter of 40mm and a circumference of 125.6mm, weighing 2.7grams. The ping pong balls are spherical polymer balls fabricated specifically for the sport. They also only come in the colors of orange and white, so they are clearly visible to the opponent so neither are at an unfair advantage. EQUIPEMENT, CLOTHING AND JEWLERRY= In table tennis there is no real restrictions on your clothing that you need to wear, you will generally where a t-shirt and shorts that has your team uniform or badge on it, so the officials know which team you are a part of and will be able to score correctly but also so you’re in comfortable playing clothes foe the table tennis game. You will also where shoes you don’t only find comfortable to play in but also have lots of grip so when you make quick sharp movements you won’t slip which will allow you to recover easier and quicker so won’t be using as much energy and it won’t be as difficult to return the shot. With jewelry, you are advised and required to remove all jewelry as with the quick short movements you could possible strange yourself, but in the incidence that if you Unit 7: Practical Sport Performance Learning Outcomes, A+B Owen Scarborough had an earring in and it got caught on you and you caught yourself open, not only is there the possibility that you could severely bleed, but the game also have to be abandoned and you lose. But in the incident, it is very severe then you must go to the NHS, and they must stitch you up, that is more money the NHS are using, this will increase tax pay when this could have been easily avoided if jewelry was removed from the start. A main piece of equipment and the only real piece of equipment is a table tennis racket, this is usually made from laminated wood covered with rubber on one or two sides. The actual bat is 17cm on the area you hit the ball with, with the handle being about 9cm in length to grip onto and the width of the racket bring around 15cm. Section 3 – Unwritten rules and etiquette ● Etiquette and unwritten rules are put in place to hold respect and sportsmanship within the sport. Etiquette is polite behavior towards another person, in this case it would be being polite to your opponent in table tennis. Whether it be because of a lucky shot or it hits the net etc. unwritten rules are things like if the ball hits the net through a rally and bounces on your opponent’s side and you win the point you should apologize and not celebrate that point. Unwritten rules and etiquette are to uphold respect and fairness. The players play in the “spirit of the game” often taking an active approach to respect and fairness not just too not breaking the rules of the game. Some unwritten rules and etiquette in table tennis are serve announces the score, so before each point in played the serve must shout the score so both him and the opponent know the score so they both know if they need to defend a point or take risks and attack to win the point. This is affective because it allows an even chance to both performers too know what they need to do to win the next point too edge them closer to winning the game without losing track of the score. If the ball is an edge ball, then the player closest should try their best to determine whether the ball hit the table or not. This is affective because they don’t have to rely on the umpire too possibly make the incorrect decision but also keeps it a fair game between both performers and building a form of trust. Fair play first if there is a debate between two performers they should try and resolve this before the umpire gets involved, showing effectiveness as it allows both players too feel they were treated equally and not biased due to an umpire’s decision. Also, a final few etiquette rules are that if you have an edge ball or the ball hits the net and rolls over, you should not celebrate these and apologies as it was unfair the player could not reach and get there in time. You must also always shake the hand of your opponent before and after the match too show respect to one another before and after the match no matter what the result. Section 4 –Roles and Responsibilities of the Officials. There are only 5 officials within a table tennis match. This consists of a referee, umpire, assistant umpire, stroke counters, and a timekeeper. REFEREE= A referee must be in formal clothes, generally a navy-blue jacket which is part of the ITTF uniform, which is to be worn at all matches of table tennis. They will need a watch with a timing mechanism on it or a stopwatch, two caution cards (red and yellow), Unit 7: Practical Sport Performance Learning Outcomes, A+B Owen Scarborough the scorecards, a clipboard, and a pen. There are no necessary fitness levels required to be a table tennis referee. However, they would need to do a table tennis refereeing course so that they could understand how the game works and the importance of being a referee and what being one consists of and all the rules and regulations. You would do this until you reached the ITTF leveled course allowing you to referee matches that are of the highest level. The referee controls the players by upholding the rules and enforcing the where necessary, for example the banning system of levels 1,2 and 3 possible leading to the opponent gaining a point. There is no real necessary in controlling the spectators unless abusive language is shouted putting the performers off or even vice versa. The referee will always check every part of the equipment with his umpire to ensure that it is up too playing conditions. They will have some form of technology so they can overview each point that is given and to ensure that there is no illegality within the point. The referee can be both communicated with both verbally and non-verbally if a point is awarded or if a performer needs to be penalized, he will give them warnings verbally. The main role of a referee is to always be present during the game upholding the rules and regulations of the game to ensure fair play. UMPIRE= An umpire again the same as a referee must wear navyblue suit and tie handed to them by the ITTF. An umpire needs the exact same equipment as a referee due to a referee only really confirming the umpire’s decision, this consists of a stopwatch, two caution cards (yellow and red), and the scorecard. Again, no fitness levels are required as an umpire due to them only giving the correct decisions with no strenuous activity required. They would need a qualification in table tennis umpiring and complete all the courses up too the ITTF standard so you can umpire at the top level. Too control the players they use the banning system and follow rules and regulations of the game. They protect the spectators by having the rules and regulations in place that shouldn’t be broken. The umpire is most responsible for checking if all the equipment is in good playing condition and any officiating equipment so there are no false points given through the game or false information recorded. The umpires give the first initial decision which the referee will then either confirm or turn down and discuss and possible change. The umpire has no technology and must choose points and give everything on his own accord, he communicates through hand signals and verbally explaining the reasoning the point was given. The umpire is appointed to give points for each rally won and are required to use their judgement when applying laws and checking equipment. ASSISTANT UMPIRE= Now as an assistant umpire they are mostly identical to a normal umpire as shown above, they wear the same ITTF/ uniform, they require no equipment as they are only an assistant umpire to the main umpire, there is no fitness required under any circumstances, they will need the exact same qualifications, however assistant umpires specify in tight edge ball decisions, deciding if they hit the table or not and make the final decisions on those points. They stay out of player involvement unless they notice something that the main umpire or referee does not, and they will let them know immediately so they can act depending on the severity of the issue. They second check all the equipment and the health and safety; they also help to enforce rules and give second/third decisions. However, the difference between an umpire and an assistant umpire is that an assistant umpire is solely responsible for the decisions on edge balls at the side of Unit 7: Practical Sport Performance Learning Outcomes, A+B Owen Scarborough the table nearest to them. Also has some power of an umpire to decide the legality of the point on the mainly the edge balls, but also some other decisions. STROKE COUNTERS= A stroke counter, again like any other official is required to wear a navy-blue suit to represent the ITTF. There is no immediate equipment needed other than a stroke counter which they’ll click between each stroke, this may then be returned too mid game to ensure all information is correct and they haven’t gone over game time etc. of course to count strokes no fitness is required. However, they will need a qualification in understanding the rules and regulations of table tennis to understand the meaning of strokes and how they work to ensure you’re counting them correctly. There is no necessity to control the players as this is all controlled by the umpire and the referee. Again, there is no participation in the protection of the spectators due the referee and umpires taking responsibility. They will always check the stroke counter to ensure that both are getting the same and they can compare so they know they are accurate and correct. The stroke counters enforce the rules through passing them to the umpire and referee to confirm they’re correct. The stroke counters main job is to count the number of strokes under the expedite system (how many rallies completed). TIMEKEEPERS= Timekeepers will still wear the navy-suit and tie provided by the ITTF to represent the ITTF. They will need a stopwatch and a time keeping station to ensure they are 100% accurate with their timing skills they have produced. They will need a qualification in understanding when time keeping is necessary and the reaction times would need to be tested. They will play no part in controlling the play unless of course the timer has run too 10 minutes in the point and the expedite system must be bought into play. They will always check the stopwatch accuracy ensuring that everything is in good shape. They will be trained to use their stopwatches as best as they can to a sufficient standard for the table tennis math to commence and the ITTF. The timekeeper’s main role is to monitor the duration of practice, of play in a game, of intervals between games, and of any authorized suspensions. The timekeeper’s decision is final on the time that is elapsed. Video Scenario Tasks (Merit) Table Tennis Scenario Videos 1. What do you think was the score in each of the clips? GAME 1= Video 22: 1-2 GAME 2= Video 18: 1-3 GAME 3= Video 5: 6-5 2. Have they broken any rule or regulation? - Table (inc. Net) - Bat - Serving - Other infringements Unit 7: Practical Sport Performance Learning Outcomes, A+B Video Number(s) 22 18 18 Infringement A free hand was placed onto the table midway through the point, meaning the player gained an advantage of leaning on the table to be able to reach the ball to make a shot. On one of the serves, it was not served with an open palm it was served with a closed/cuffed palm and not thrown above the net, meaning that visibility was hampered, and the opponent would have been at a disadvantage not being able to see the ball or any spin if there was spin put on the ball so he could have been caught out and lost the point. The opponent instead of letting the ball bounce, volleyed the ball before it hit the table, which is illegal, the ball must bounce on your side of the table before you can hit the ball, unless the ball is travelling off the table, and you leave the ball to drop. Owen Scarborough Which official(s) could have been responsible for identifying this? The officials responsible would be Referee Umpire The officials responsible would be Referee Umpire Assistant umpire The officials responsible would be Referee umpire 5 The infringement here was that the payer threw the bat in anger, which could have delt great damage to one of the present officials, the opponent or even one of the spectators. Luckily no injury was caused by this action. The officials responsible would be Referee Umpire 5 The infringement here was not a dangerous or violent act but more accidental, one of the players served three times in a row without swapping to the opponent after two like usual without realizing. The officials responsible would be Referee Umpire What should have happened if this was identified by the officials? If all three of these officials had been present, then this infringement would have been recognized and a point would have been awarded to the opponent. If all three officials had been present, then they would have noticed the illegality of the serve and would have either awarded a point to the opponent for being at a disadvantage or they would have replayed point. If both officials had been present at the infringement, they would have stopped the play and awarded the point to the opponent and then begun the next point. If both officials had been there then the banning system would have been bought into place, and a red card would have been handed out meaning time had to be taken out the game, but also a point would have been awarded to the opponent due to the violent nature of the action. If all three would have been present they would have been able to prevent the same opponent from serving twice, however if not they either would have awarded a point to the opponent or decided to replay the point instead. Unit 7: Practical Sport Performance Learning Outcomes, A+B Owen Scarborough Video Scenario Analysis (Distinction) 3. Explain which officials you think we required in the videos to reduce infringements? Within video 22, where a free hand was placed onto the table to gain an unfair advantage and reach over the table to make a shot the referee was not present which resulted in play being continued illegally. So, the referee, if he would have been present in this scenario, would have been very poor for letting this infringement run and allowing the game to play as this could have led to the player who did perform this infringement scoring an illegal point possibly giving an advantage to the opponent. However, if the referee had been present in this scenario his role would have been to call back for this infringement giving a point to the opponent. Stopping the play and restarting the point would have been necessary and explaining why the play was stopped and a point was awarded to the opponent so there would be no tension or confusion within the game, and it could be continued as a free-flowing game. Within the video the referee would have completed all this too make sure the points were even and the game could have continued legally. Another official necessary within this infringement would be an umpire, this is because an umpire in this situation would have moat likely noticed this infringement and the told the referee about this infringement or even took charge and then awarded a point to the opponent using a specific hand signal too show why the point was given, if the performers don’t understand as too why the point was given again he will explain so they do understand and as long as this point is confirmed by the referee the point will continue and play will continue as usual in a fair manor. Within video number 18 there was 2 infringements within this video, one of which was a ball was served with a closed palm and the ball not being thrown up above net height which puts the opponent at a disadvantage. Now the referee in this situation would be to notice this situation and the call it back to either be replayed or for a point to be awarded in this situation again explaining why this has happened and continuing with free-flowing play. The umpire in this situation would have either taken full action doing what the referee has done and explaining the situation, or he will mention this too the referee and he will take action, but this may not necessarily always be the case as the assistant umpires job is to make decisions on tight edge balls but there is also the possibility that they will have to mention some things that the umpires and referee haven’t noticed and the assistant referee will take charge on an be responsible for dictating and giving the point. There was also another infringement which was instead of letting the ball bounce onto the table first, the opponent volleyed the ball back. Now due to the lack of officials at the game the play continued, and an illegal point was given, which shows poor officiating from the officials. Now the referee would have noticed this and immediately awarded a point to the opponent giving the correct hand signals too award the point. In the unlikely circumstances the opponent doesn’t understand what the point was given for then the referee will provide reasoning. The umpire is basically the referee’s assistant now he would either give the point over the referee, second the referees opinion on the point or have his point second opinioned by the referee to ensure the game is kept under correct management. If the officials haven’t been present at the game, then it would be incorrectly scored and an unfair match up. Now finally in the video footage of video number 5, again there was 2 infringements, 1 of which was in anger, one of the performers threw the bat in anger which could have resulted in injury to anyone around that area. The second infringement was not a purposeful one but more of an accidental one, one of the performers took 3 serves in a row. Now for the first infringement both the referee and the umpire would play the same role in this, they would both see the severity and the danger of this action and would decipher between themselves which level of action in the banning system that will need to be taken. This will most likely be level 3 which is minutes out for the opponent and a point gifted to the opponent and a red card against that name, and they will then continue the game. The next infringement, precaution will be taken as usual with a point being awarded or a replay in point after the accidental extra serve. Now overall in conclusion, in the videos the refereeing performance of officiating was poor, however if all the officials officiated correctly or as I explained and gave examples of then all the games would have been fair and correctly played without any issues of infringements and arguing against given point within the match that would have resulted in incorrect scoring and possible incorrect match winner. Unit 7: Practical Sport Performance Learning Outcomes, A+B Owen Scarborough 4. What impact did the infringements that were not given by the officials have on the game? (e.g., disrupted flow, poor etiquette, decreased competitiveness etc.)? (Explain this for each scenario you have spoken about above) Within video 22 an infringement of a free hand being placed onto the table occurred. Now, if all the required officials had been present at the game the infringement would have been noticed action would have been taken where necessary and the game would have continued as usual. However, there was no officials present in video 22 meaning that none of this happened, instead the play continued causing disruption to the game occurred where it shouldn’t have. As a result of this the play for both opponents were stopped and not a free-flowing game, there was lots of tension, poor etiquette of shouting at each other and cheering on an unreachable lucky shot with all forms of respect being lost in the game. There was an increased confidence due to the unfair nature of the game both performers both performers were keeping a close eye on any infringements and trying to win as many points as possible even if they were illegally. Therefore, the game was very unfair and disruptive. Within video 18 there was 2 infringements, one being the serve was with an open palm and not chucked above net height, and the second was that the ball was volleyed instead of letting the ball bounce first and then returning the ball, again due to the lack of officials these infringements were not noticed and went un-recognized but caused disruption in play. In this game there was lack of concentration due to the first infringement not being noticed, neither was the second which of course impacted the performer if they noticed trying to argue why they should get the point. This will cause disruption in the game, poor etiquette and causing a lack of confidence. This is because if an opponent feels that they deserve a point in a game a don’t get this point and then because of this lose the game, they may lose confidence in their knowledge of the game so when they go into their next game, they may go with too much caution dropping points and then continuing this cycle. Finally in video number 5 there was 2 infringements, one where someone serves three times in a row and the second one was one of the performers threw a bat which could have caused damage to the opponent or anyone in the surroundings. Due to the lack of officials once again no action was taken. So, this caused a disruption in flow of the game due to arguing of the danger of the action, how many serves were taken and who won the points. Also, a loss of etiquette again due to the violent actions and the respect lost and an increase of competitiveness due to the tension building and loss of respect and etiquette the concentration increased to try and win the game. Overall, we can conclude that without the officials present it has a negative impact on the unique nature and respect of the table tennis industry and without officials the game would be un fair, un ethical and absolutely no point in table tennis even being played as a professional competitive game.