INTRODUCTION TO LITERATURE 4 Orientation on Literary Criticism Lia Dewinta FOTO/VIDEO Abrams’ orientation of literary criticism mimetic FOTO/VIDEO objective expressive pragmatic Mimetic Art is essentially an imitation of aspect of the universe. He got this idea by concluding the concept of imitation developed by Plato, Socrates and Aristotle. Thus, he asserted that mimetic theory is probably the most primitive theory. As literature is imitation of the universe, we can say that theme and plot of literary works are derived from reality. The theories included in mimetic approach are those which deal with social issues. FOTO/VIDEO Expressive It deals with the critical theories oriented towards the relation between the work and the artist. A work of art is an external manifestation of internal thoughts and feelings of the author. The author’s mind is the central point of attention in an expressive theory. To fully understand the meaning of an art, analyst has to go deeper into author’s mind. Thus, the theory used to analyze an art from expressive approach is psychology, focuses on the psychology of the author. FOTO/VIDEO Pragmatic Concern with the relation between text and audience/reader. The purpose of art is to achieve an end. The value of an art is judged from its success of achieving the end. ‘The end’ of an art is the audience. To teach, to please and to move are the three aesthetic effects to be achieved upon a reader. For pragmatic, poetry is a means to achieve certain responses from its readers. The theory uses to analyze literary work from pragmatic approach is reader response and reception. FOTO/VIDEO Objective Isolate a work of art and evaluate it as an independent entity. The ultimate interpretation of an art can be gain solely from the work itself. The analysis using objective approach deals with the internal aspect of the art which we usually call as intrinsic elements. The theories used are structuralism, formalism, deconstruction, philology. FOTO/VIDEO Reference An Introduction to Literary Studies Mirror and the Lamp