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Parkgate Junior School Christmas Lunch 2021

Southwold Road
WD24 7DN
Tel: 01923 243905
Email: admin@parkgatejm.herts.sch.uk
Head Teacher: Mrs S. L. Pipe BEd (Hons), NPQH
Deputy Head Teacher: Mrs S. J.Croxford B.Prim Ed (Hons)
11th November 2021
Dear Parents/Carers,
Caterlink Christmas Lunch – Mon 20th December 2021
This year the Christmas dinner for the children will take place on Monday 20th December. The cost of the meal will
be £2.50.
Please can we ask you to complete the form (following the link below) no later than Friday 26th November even if
your child is entitled to free school meals to enable the kitchen to order the food. We will be unable to accept late
requests because the food will already have been ordered. Children who do not wish to have a Christmas dinner, or
those who do not return the form will be expected to bring a packed lunch on this day.
For the first time we are able to offer a Halal Roast Chicken option. This will be prepared using separate kitchen
equipment but not in a separate Halal kitchen.
If your child requires a vegetarian or Halal option, please do not forget to tick the box on the online form.
I would like to remind parents that payment should be made by Monday 13th December, using the online payment
Yours Sincerely,
Sarah Pipe