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growth and development 2019 Exam ATI

growth and development 2019 Exam
Answered (Jan 2022) A+ Guide
Full file at: https://www.stuvia.com/doc/1504260/answered-growth-and-development2019-proctored-exam-review-elaborated-distinctively.
The nurse in a pediatric clinic is performing well-baby checks. The nurse is checking an
infant who is 7 months old for developmental milestones. Which finding is of greatest
concern to the nurse?
1. The infant remains flat when in a prone position.
2. The infant exhibits a Babinski reflex.
3. The infant opens and closes her hands to grasp objects.
4. The infant exhibits a lack of startle reflex to sound.
The nurse in a pediatric clinic is checking the developmental milestones for a 3-year-old
patient. Which finding causes the nurse to perform additional assessments?
1. The patient's tee-shirt is on backward.
2. The patient loses balance when kicking a ball.
3. The patient draws a circle that is closed but oblong.
4. The patient jumps with both feet about 2 inches high.
A mother of a 9-month-old infant asks the nurse about what toys are age appropriate.
Using Piaget's theory of development, which toy does the nurse recommend?
1. Building blocks
2. Colorful mobiles
3. Picture books
4. Musical rattles
During a well-baby checkup, the mother of an infant states, "Even if he is occupied with
a toy, he cries as soon as he notices I have left the room." Which explanation by the
nurse is best?
1. "Your baby does not know you exist if he cannot see you."
2. "Babies learn very quickly how to get an adult's attention."
3. "You should move the baby with you if you leave the room."
4. "Just ignore him; he will soon learn that you are still present."
The nurse is visiting the home of a new mother and a 2-month-old infant. The nurse
notices the infant vigorously sucking on the fist and whining but not crying. The mother
validates that the behavior is common. Which information does the nurse need to obtain
from the mother?
Full file at: https://www.stuvia.com/doc/1504260/answered-growth-and-development2019-proctored-exam-review-elaborated-distinctively.
1. If the mother is breast or bottle feeding
2. How long the infant sleeps at night
3. What type of feeding schedule is followed
4. If the infant draws up the legs when crying
The nurse works in an elementary school with students ranging from 6 to 11 years of
age. The nurse uses knowledge related to Freud's psychosocial theory to identify which
behavior in this pediatric population?
1. Oedipal or Electra conflicts
2. Energy focused on socialization
3. Curiosity about anatomical differences
4. Mild struggles with sexuality
The nurse in a pediatric clinic is counseling a parent who expresses concern about a
toddler who plays alone at daycare and does not interact with the other children who are
present. Which information does the nurse provide to alleviate the parent's concern?
1. Parallel play is being exhibited and is normal at this age.
2. The toddler is likely to grow into a shy, introverted adult.
3. It is important for the child to learn to be alone at this age.
4. The toddler is exhibiting the normal behavior of solitary play.
The school nurse in a high school setting expresses concern to school administration
regarding the increase in student complaints about bullying, physical violence, and
rejection. Which concern related to psychosocial development does the nurse share as
being most important?
1. Students are preoccupied with how they are seen in the eyes of others.
2. Students who are bullied will develop issues related to sexual orientation.
3. Students may be unable to provide a meaningful definition of self.
4. Students who are aggressive will develop a strong sense of guilt as adults.
The nurse is counseling parents about management of their children who are 2, 4, and 6
years of age. One of the parents states, "We believe in Kohlberg's theory of social-moral
development." The nurse is aware that the preconventional stage of this theory involves
which characteristic?
1. Behavior is adjusted according to good/bad and right/wrong thinking.
2. A personal and functional value system is constructed by the child.
3. The focus of the child is on following rules and maintaining social order.
4. Value systems are independent of authority figures and peers.
The nurse is teaching a parenting class being held in a community clinic. The nurse is
focusing on behaviors that will assist in increasing the number of children who score
well in kindergarten readiness screening. Which comment by a parent indicates the
need for additional information?
Full file at: https://www.stuvia.com/doc/1504260/answered-growth-and-development2019-proctored-exam-review-elaborated-distinctively.
1. "I am not athletic, but the kids would love an outdoor play area."
2. "Practicing counting with the kids while traveling is a good idea."
3. "I like the suggestion to label basic items for word recognition."
4. "In our family we watch TV; books are a waste of money."
The nurse in a pediatric clinic is performing an assessment on an infant in the presence
of both parents. The parents are short and moderately overweight. The father states,
"We are going to do everything we can to raise a strong, tall, athletic child." How does
the nurse respond?
1. Provides materials about healthy diets and lifestyles for families
2. Shares the impact of genetics and environmental conditions on growth
3. Suggests to the parents how to alter their lifestyles
4. Recognizes the parents for having positive attitudes and goals - 2,
The pediatric home-care nurse is visiting a toddler born with a genetically related
illness. Which comment by the parent is the greatest cause for the nurse to assess for
additional information?
1. "I am having more difficulty keeping her confined."
2. "A chronically ill child affects the entire family."
3. "The other children seem so accepting of the illness."
4. "Hospitalization would cause some severe stress."
The nurse is performing a development assessment on a 3-month-old infant who was 6
weeks premature. The nurse states the infant's development is normal. The parent
expresses that the baby seems behind what other babies the same age are doing. Which
information does the nurse share to provide reassurance to the parent?
1. The infant will catch up developmentally by age 1 year.
2. Developmental milestones vary from infant to infant.
3. The infant's age is adjusted because of prematurity.
4. Each infant is an individual with unique development. - 3,
The pediatric nurse is providing care for a 14-year-old female patient. After the patient's
parents leave the hospital, the patient begins to cry. The nurse explores the patient's
feelings using therapeutic communication. Which information causes the nurse to
report suspected sexual abuse?
1. The patient is frequently denied access to needed health care.
2. The patient reports frequent episodes of genital irritation.
3. The patient admits to multiple incidences of skipping school.
4. The patient states that an older brother frequently "hurts" her. - 2,
Erickson's psychosocial development theory proposes that the school-aged child
between ages 6 and 12 years is in the stage of industry vs. inferiority. Based on this
Full file at: https://www.stuvia.com/doc/1504260/answered-growth-and-development2019-proctored-exam-review-elaborated-distinctively.
theory, how will the pediatric nurse design activities as part of a diversional program for
children who are in a long-term medical facility? Select all that apply.
1. Identify adequate activities suited for solitary play.
2. Provide activities that involve more than one person.
3. Allow participation in simple tasks on the unit of care.
4. Designate methods of recognition for completed tasks.
5. Set guidelines and policies that are clear and enforceable.
The nurse is gathering information during a routine checkup for a preschool-age child
who lives with grandparents. The grandmother expresses distress about "how loud and
busy" the child is, and "how expensive it is to feed and clothe" the child. Which referrals
does the nurse make to the grandmother? Select all that apply.
Community programs for the child aimed at playing and learning
Social service for determination of benefits available for the care of the child
Legal services to assist in obtaining financial support from the parents
Child protection services to survey the home and psychosocial environment
Caretaker programs and support groups for grandparents performing as parents
A widowed parent of two children informs the nurse of an upcoming marriage to a
woman who has three children. The expressed intention is to adopt the three
stepchildren. Which definition of family will the nurse apply? Select all that apply.
A nuclear family after the adoption of the stepchildren.
A nonnuclear family after the marriage has taken place.
A blended family after the marriage of the adults occurs.
A nuclear family before adoption if all children live in the home.
A blended family after the intention of marriage is expressed.
The nurse is performing a clinic assessment on a 1-month-old new patient. During the
interview, the mother shares personal information. Which comments will cause the
nurse concern about growth and development? Select all that apply.
"I was anemic during pregnancy and still take iron pills."
Full file at: https://www.stuvia.com/doc/1504260/answered-growth-and-development2019-proctored-exam-review-elaborated-distinctively.
"Fat people are gross; I only gained 16 pounds during pregnancy."
"I don't think I even had a single cold during my pregnancy."
"During my pregnancy I never even took care of the cat."
"I really decreased my smoking habit during my pregnancy."
The nurses on a pediatric unit are concerned about developmental delays in patients
who are hospitalized frequently and for extended periods of time. Which interventions
do the nurses initiate to alleviate the concerns? Select all that apply.
Design a play/recreational area with age-appropriate sections.
Provide nurses with allotted time to play with confined children.
Extend the services of the child-life specialists to all patients.
Encourage family to bring favorite toys and books from home.
Have age-appropriate educational TV channels available.
The school nurse is asked to assess a student in the third grade who is failing to
demonstrate academic success. Using Maslow's hierarchy of needs, the nurse can create
a needs list based on which comments by the student? Select all that apply.
"I have to go to bed at 10:00 every night."
"I worry because my mom and dad fight all the time."
"Game and movie nights are always fun at my house."
"My grandma says I'm stupid just like my mother."
"I taught my little brother to ride a bike in just one day."
When the nurse notes that an infant can lift her head before she can sit, the nurse is
A. specific to general development
B. Proximodistal development
C Cephalocaudal
D. General t o specific development
Full file at: https://www.stuvia.com/doc/1504260/answered-growth-and-development2019-proctored-exam-review-elaborated-distinctively.
AN infants birthweight is 7 pounds, 8 ounces. the nurse can project the weight at 6
months to be
a. 12 pounds
b. 15 pounds
c 18 pounds
d. 22 pounds
The nurse assessing patterns of growth in a child would investigate further if
A. previous weight was in the 75th percentile, and present weight is in the 25th
B. Height is in the 90th percentile, and weight is in the 75th percentile
C. Last weight was in the 5th percentile and present weight is in the 10th percentile.
D. Weight is in the 50th percentile, and siblings weight at the same age was in the 75th
A mother reports that she and her husband have had one child together, but both have
children from previous marriages living in their home, The nurse will base the care
planning on the fact this family types is a
A. nuclear family
B. blended family
C. Alternate family
D. Extended family
The mother of a 7 month old reports that the first lower central incisor has erupted. She
asks the nurse, how many teeth will he have by his first birthday? The nurse would
explain that by 1 year of age, the infant usually has
a. two teeth
b. four teeth
c. six teeth
d. eight teeth
At a well baby visit, parents of a 6 month old ask when to take the infant for the first
dental visit. The nurses best response would be:
a. If the teeth are brushed regularly, the child should see a dentist by 3 years of age
b. the first dental visit should be arranged after the first tooth erupts
c. the child should have a dental examination when all deciduous teeth have erupted
d. a dental visit by 1 year of age is recommended by the American academy of pediatric
The nurse planning anticipatory guidance for the caregiver of a preschool-age would
explain that permanent teeth begin erupting about the age of
a. 4 years
b. 6 years
Full file at: https://www.stuvia.com/doc/1504260/answered-growth-and-development2019-proctored-exam-review-elaborated-distinctively.
c. 8 years
d. 10 years
A mother asks the nurse how much food should be offered to her 2 year old. The nurse
responds that a good rule of thumb for serving size would be
a. 2 tablespoons
b. 3 tablespoons
c. 4 tablespoons
d. 5 tablespoons
The nurse encourages a Puerto Rican family to bring food to a child because he is not
eating the food served on his tray at the hospital. The nurse would expect the child to eat
a. dried beans mixed with rice
b. crisp vegetables
c. spaghetti and metaballs
d. wild berries, roots, and seeds
The nurse observes that a 2 year old is able to use a spoon steadily at mealtime. The
nurse recognizes that being able to feed himself is important to the toddler in
a. good nutrition
b. a sense of independence
c. adequate height and weight
d. healthy teeth
To meet Ericksons developmental task of industry, the nurse caring for a 7 year old
would choose an activity such as
a. working a jigsaw puzzle
b. looking at a comic book
c. Playing a competitive board game
d. coloring a picture in a coloring book
The nurse recognizes Piagets concrete operational thinking when
a. 2 year old says, its night time when his room is darkened
b. 4 year old refers to the hospital as my house
c. a 5 year old coloring a picture of a puppy says, this is my puppy
d. a 7 year old says, I am sick because I have germs in my chest The nurse has discussed with the mother about introducing sold foods to the 6 month
old infant. The nurse determines that the mother understands the information when she
states the first food she will give to the infant is
a. rice cereal
b. yellow vegetables
Full file at: https://www.stuvia.com/doc/1504260/answered-growth-and-development2019-proctored-exam-review-elaborated-distinctively.
c. egg yolks
d. fruits
When the 8 year old child comes to the school nurse with his central incisor in his hand
and reports he knocked his tooth out on the water fountain, the nurse should
a. give him an ice cube to suck on
b. have him wash his mouth out with peroxide and water
c. wrap the tooth in a clean tissue
d. wash off the tooth and place it in a container of milk
The mother of a 7 month old states, the baby is eating food now. Should I give him
regular milk, too? the nurse would respond
a. you should give the baby low fat milk
b. try the milk, see if he has any digestive problems
c. continue breast milk or iron fortified formula until 1 year of age.
d. at this age, infants can tolerate a lactose free or soy based milk
When a small group of preschool age children were playing house, each child was
pretending to be a particular family member. The nurse recognizes this as which type of
a. Parallel
b. Cooperative
c. Symbolic
d. Fantasy
When the nurse asks the 10 year old American Indian if he is ready to go to therapy, he
does not answer immediately. the nurse assesses this as
a. indecision
b. considering the answer in silence
c. shyness with strangers
d. fear of medical personnel
A mother tells the nurse, my 11 month old son is not as active as my other children were
at this age. He is the youngest of four and the other children love to dote on him. Which
factor is influencing this childs language develpment?
a. Heredity
b. Sex
c. Mothers heath during pregnancy
d. Ordinal position
The nurse explains that when a mother tells her 4 year old child that balls should be
played with outside and not inside the house, the child is likely to obey the rule because
Full file at: https://www.stuvia.com/doc/1504260/answered-growth-and-development2019-proctored-exam-review-elaborated-distinctively.
a. does not want to be punished
b. wants to please her mother
c. respects authority figures
d. believes that following the rules is right
When demonstrating a bath procedure to parents of Vietnamese origin, the nurse
should avoid
A. Talking directly to the mother
B. Exposing the child's genitals
C. Touching the child's head
D. Using cool water
Full file at: https://www.stuvia.com/doc/1504260/answered-growth-and-development2019-proctored-exam-review-elaborated-distinctively.
Full file at: https://www.stuvia.com/doc/1504260/answered-growth-and-development2019-proctored-exam-review-elaborated-distinctively.
Full file at: https://www.stuvia.com/doc/1504260/answered-growth-and-development2019-proctored-exam-review-elaborated-distinctively.
Full file at: https://www.stuvia.com/doc/1504260/answered-growth-and-development2019-proctored-exam-review-elaborated-distinctively.
Full file at: https://www.stuvia.com/doc/1504260/answered-growth-and-development2019-proctored-exam-review-elaborated-distinctively.
Full file at: https://www.stuvia.com/doc/1504260/answered-growth-and-development2019-proctored-exam-review-elaborated-distinctively.
Full file at: https://www.stuvia.com/doc/1504260/answered-growth-and-development2019-proctored-exam-review-elaborated-distinctively.