1. <question>Hygienic standards for the air of populated areas are: <variant>maximum permissible concentration, approximate safe level of substances, maximum permissible emission. <variant>maximum permissible concentration, approximate permissible level, maximum permissible discharge. <variant>maximum permissible concentration, maximum permissible level. <variant>maximum permissible concentration, approximate permissible concentration. <variant>maximum permissible concentration, maximum permissible discharge. 2. <question>When normalizing the microclimatic parameters of a room, it is necessary to take into account ... <variant> the exact purpose of using the room. <variant>the number of people in the room. <variant>the heat-retaining property of clothing. <variant>orientation of the room to the cardinal directions. <variant>heating system. 3. <question>The content of chemicals in atmospheric air is allowed according to the indicator: <variant>maximum permissible concentration. <variant>the maximum permissible level. <variant>maximum non-acting concentration. <variant>maximum permissible dose. <variant>minimum effective concentration. 4. <question>Identify the most sensitive segment of the population that is taken into account when developing standards: <variant>children, elderly people. <variant>men. <variant>women. <variant>pregnant women, teenagers. <variant>athletes. 5. <question>During the cold season, the microclimate in the living room is: <variant>permissible relative humidity - 60%, air velocity -0.2 m / s, air temperature -200C. <variant>permissible relative humidity is 65%, air velocity is 0.15 m/s, temperature is 220C. <variant>permissible relative humidity - 45%, air velocity 0.3 m/s, temperature -190C. <variant>permissible relative humidity -30%, air velocity 0.2 m/s, temperature -180C. <variant>permissible relative humidity -70%, air velocity 0.1 m/s, temperature -200C. 6. <question>Explain the adverse effects of "Ozone holes" on humans: <variant>enhancement of the mutagenic effect of ultraviolet rays <variant>reducing the flow of bactericidal ultraviolet rays <variant>reducing the number of skin cancers <variant>increasing the flow of cosmic rays reaching the earth's surface <variant>destruction of all life on earth 7. <question>The human body is influenced by natural and anthropogenic factors. In addition to these factors, there are risk factors that lead to the development of pathological conditions in the body. Risk factors are: <variant>factors that, under certain conditions, lead to impaired health or death <variant>factors negatively affecting performance <variant>factors leading to the development of occupational diseases <variant>factors causing acute poisoning <variant>unfavorable factors of microclimate 8. <question>Specify the concentration of carbon dioxide, which is the standard for air purity when calculating the volume of ventilation required. <variant>0,1%. <variant>1,0%. <variant>4,0%. <variant>2,0%. <variant>3,0%. 9. <question>Antirachitic and bactericidal action is provided by ... <variant>ultraviolet rays. <variant>laser beams. <variant>visible light. <variant>x-rays. <variant>infrared rays. 10. <question>For hygienic assessment of room heating, it is necessary to carry out: <variant>thermometry <variant>psychrometry <variant>anemometry <variant>catathermometry <variant>barometry 11. <question>It is not recommended to arrange in residential buildings and children's institutions ... a type of heating. <variant>steam <variant>furnace <variant>fireplace <variant>water <variant>radiant 12. <question>The most common reason for a significant decrease in indoor illumination is ... <variant>dustiness and contamination of window panes and lamps. <variant>weak voltage in the electrical network. <variant>incorrect selection of lamps by power. <variant>incorrect arrangement of the fixtures. <variant>incorrect orientation of the building. 13. <question>The normative indicators of indoor air temperature depend on the climatic zone because: <variant>radiation heat losses prevail. <variant>man belongs to homoiothermic biological species. <variant>the degree of pigmentation of the skin determines heat exchange. <variant>the height above sea level is different. <variant>the relative humidity of the air affects the heat exchange. 14. <question>Microclimate conditions in which the body is overcooled faster: <variant>high humidity and low temperature. <variant>high humidity and high temperature. <variant>low humidity and high temperature. <variant>low temperature and low humidity. <variant>high humidity and low atmospheric pressure. 15. <question>The amount of nitrogen in the atmospheric air is... . <variant>78% <variant>21% <variant>0,93% <variant>0,04% <variant>0,01% 16. <question>Determine the physiological role of carbon dioxide: <variant>stimulates the work of the respiratory center. <variant>is a plant growth stimulant. <variant> is a sanitary indicator of air purity. <variant> participates in the processes of dissimilation of substances. <variant> is an activator of metabolism in the body. 17. <question>Infrared rays of the solar spectrum ... <variant> have a thermal effect. <variant>have a bactericidal effect. <variant>accelerate photochemical processes. <variant>accelerate the photosynthesis process. <variant>have an antiparalytic effect. 18. <question>Sanitary and technical measures for the protection of atmospheric air include ... <variant>improvement of the ventilation system. <variant>divide the city's territories into districts. <variant>identify toxic substances released into the atmosphere. <variant>use hygiene standards. <variant>/introduce new technological processes. 19. <question>Optimal standards of microclimate of dwellings: <variant> do not depend on age and depend on the climatic region. <variant>does not depend on age and climatic region. <variant>depends on the age and does not depend on the climatic region. <variant>depends on the age and the area. <variant>depends on the job and on the age. 20. <question>From a hygienic point of view, the optimal heating system for residential premises are: <variant>panel <variant>air <variant>water <variant>steam <variant>regional 21. <question>An indicator indicator for evaluating the effectiveness of ventilation is: <variant>carbon dioxide. <variant>oxidizability. <variant>dust. <variant>nitrogen oxides. <variant>carbohydrate dioxide. 22. <question>The leading factor in the development of altitude sickness is: <variant>reduction of partial pressure of oxygen in the air. <variant>decrease in atmospheric air temperature. <variant>reduction of atmospheric pressure. <variant>reduction of blood pressure. <variant>reduction of air humidity. 23. <question>Measures of sanitary protection of atmospheric air are ... <variant>organization of a sanitary protection zone. <variant>the arrangement of cleaning equipment in production. <variant>establishment of MPC for harmful substances in the air. <variant>replacement of toxic substances with less toxic ones. <variant>the establishment of a PDO for harmful substances in the air. 24. <question>The maximum permissible content of carbon dioxide in indoor air is: <variant>0.1% <variant>0,04% <variant>0,5% <variant>1,0% <variant>3,0% 25. <question>The sanitary indicator of air cleanliness in rooms for long-term stay of people is ... <variant> the amount of carbon dioxide in the air. <variant>dustiness of the air. <variant>the amount of harmful gaseous impurities and anthropotoxins in the air. <variant>the number of germinated bacteria. <variant>the amount of water vapor in the air. 26. <question>The maximum permissible concentration of harmful substances in the atmospheric air depends on: <variant>the degree of toxicity of the substance <variant>time spent in a polluted room <variant> of molecular weight <variant>the presence of other chemicals at the MPC level <variant>age, gender and health status 27. <question>An indirect indicator of the sanitary condition of indoor air is: <variant>carbon dioxide concentration <variant>oxygen concentration <variant>ionic composition of air <variant>bacterial air pollution <variant>chemical composition of air 28. <question>From an ecological point of view, vehicles using: <variant>gasoline <variant>diesel fuel <variant>electric current <variant>nuclear fuel <variant>hydrogen fuel 29. <question>The degree of air pollution by microflora can be determined: <variant>using the Krotov apparatus <variant>using Migunov's electric respirator <variant>by gravimetric method <variant>using a thermometer <variant>by oral method 30. <question>"Acclimatization” is: <variant>the process of active adaptation of a person to new conditions of existence <variant>functional changes that occur in the body during climate change <variant>violation of thermoregulation associated with exposure to adverse environmental factors <variant>the process of physiological restructuring of the body under the influence of climatic factors <variant>creating favorable conditions for human life and work 31. <question>Within 1 hour, an adult at rest releases ... carbon dioxide. <variant>22.6l <variant>55l <variant>10 l <variant>15 l <variant>20 l 32. <question>If the air temperature of the workplace in the room is below the permissible limits, then such a microclimate refers to: <variant>cooling. <variant>heating. <variant>universal <variant>neutral <variant>elevated 33. <question>The assessment of the microclimate parameters is carried out by a sanitary doctor: <variant>in accordance with sanitary rules and regulations. <variant>in accordance with the standards. <variant>taking into account the time of day. <variant>taking into account the number of workers. <variant>taking into account climatic conditions. 34. <question>According to the results of the microclimate study , the following is compiled: <variant>protocol. <variant>act. <variant>prescription. <variant>conclusion. <variant>summary. 35. <question>Climatic features inherent in limited spaces are... . <variant>microclimate <variant>macroclimate <variant>restriction <variant>weather <variant>climate 36. <question>During the sanitary and epidemiological examination of the microclimate of residential premises of multi-storey buildings, it was found that in the aeroionic composition of the air, the concentration of heavy aeroions (740 e/cm3) prevails over light ions (400 e/cm3).The necessary hygienic measure in this case is: <variant>frequent ventilation and wet cleaning of premises. <variant>increasing the number of domestic plants. <variant>determination of the efficiency of the supply ventilation. <variant>indoor air quality monitoring. <variant>carrying out interior finishing works. 37. <question>The sanitary protection zone should be greened up to ... % of territories. <variant>40 <variant>80 <variant>20 <variant>60 <variant>70 38. <question>When assessing air quality , it is taken into account: <variant>the nature of the technological process, the temperature regime, the amount of harmful substances released. <variant>the number of workers and the temperature regime. <variant>the area of the premises and the number of rooms. <variant>sanitary protection zone. <variant>ventilation and temperature mode. 39. <question>Institutions of social and consumer services for everyday use include: <variant>schools, convenience stores <variant>outpatient clinics, pharmacies <variant>strong point of public order protection <variant>administrative center of self-government <variant>facilities for physical culture and recreation 40. <question>In the industrial zone of a large city K. a lead factory is located at a distance of 720 meters from residential buildings. Evaluate the above situation: <variant>violation of sanitary and hygienic requirements. <variant>deviation from sanitary conditions. <variant>the possibility of social development of the city. <variant>changing geographical conditions. <variant>increase in production and household factors. 41. <question>Technological measures for sanitary protection of atmospheric air include:<variant>introduction of waste-free production. <variant>control of the content of pollutants. <variant>division of populated places into districts. <variant>development of hygienic standards. <variant>massive landscaping of populated areas. 42. <question>The planning measure of sanitary protection of atmospheric air includes: <variant>organization of the sanitary protection zone. <variant>the device of cleaning equipment in production. <variant>establishment of MPC for harmful substances in the air. <variant>replacement of toxic substances with less toxic substances. <variant>introduction of a closed technological cycle into production. 43. <question>During the hygienic assessment of the insolation regime of a private house located in the southern zone in the summer, it was found: in the children's room, the duration of insolation was 3.5 hours, in the living room - 3.5 hours, in the bedroom and study - 2.5 hours, in the dining room - 2.5 hours. What is the hygienic characteristic of insolation in this case? <variant>excessive insolation. <variant>pronounced insufficiency of insolation. <variant>sufficient insolation. <variant>insufficient insolation. <variant>no insolation. 44. <question>The basis for assessing the adverse effect of atmospheric pollution on the human body as a result of long-term resorptive action is: <variant>average daily MPC. <variant>maximum one-time MPC. <variant>background concentration. <variant>MPC in the air of the working area. <variant>MPC in the air of the atmosphere. 45. <question>In the industrial zone of a large city H. a lead factory is located at a distance of 630 meters from residential buildings. What consequences can violations of sanitary and hygienic requirements lead to in this case? <variant>environmental pollution. <variant>intensive economic growth. <variant>intensive land use. <variant>reducing the number of salvo emissions. <variant>destruction of green spaces. 46. <question>Residents of a large industrial city of A. wrote a complaint to the district OOOZ. They complained about air pollution and pointed to sources located on the territory: CHP, motor transport, bakery. What hygienic consequences can pollution lead to in this case? <variant>deterioration of sanitary living conditions. <variant>improving the economic development of the city. <variant>deterioration of the economic development of the city. <variant>improvement of social living conditions. <variant>improvement of sanitary living conditions. 47. <question>In the microdistrict T. along the road there is a gas station that works around the clock. The distance from the nearest houses is 50 meters, the residents of the houses complain of an unpleasant smell in windy weather.What sanitary and hygienic discrepancy can be traced in this situation? <variant>planning. <variant>technical. <variant>technological. <variant>administrative. <variant>epidemiological. 48. <question>The majority of residents of the industrial city of A. during an in-depth medical examination, specifically pulmonary granulomatosis was found. What was the cause of the development of this disease in residents in this case? <variant>beryllium content in atmospheric air. <variant>lead content in drinking water. <variant>the content of fluoride in the soil. <variant>arsenic content in food products. <variant>copper content in atmospheric air. 49. <question>Among the population of the city of N. living in the zone of influence of emissions from cement plants, an in-depth medical examination revealed an increase in the incidence of lung diseases. What sanitary and hygienic measure should be applied to reduce the disease in this situation in the first place? <variant>introduce a new technological process. <variant>conduct an annual medical examination. <variant>increase the planting of green spaces. <variant>constant air quality control. <variant>to carry out explanatory work among the population. 50. <question>Among the population of the city of U. living in the zone of influence of emissions from aluminum plants, an increase in the incidence of fluorosis was revealed during an in-depth medical examination.What hygienic measure should be applied to reduce the disease in this case in the first place? <variant>replace old equipment with new ones. <variant>increase the landscaping area. <variant>conduct daily air sampling for laboratory testing. <variant>conduct a medical examination of the population 2 times a year. <variant>set control posts. 51. <question>During the hygienic instrumental study of the atmospheric air of a large industrial city of K., an increased content of the chemical 3,4-benzopyrene was determined. What kind of disease can the presence of the above substance lead to in this case? <variant>of malignant tumors. <variant>of chronic gastritis. <variant>polyarthritis. <variant>of allergic diseases. <variant>dermatitis. 52. <question>The majority of residents living in the zone of influence of emissions of aluminum and superphosphate plants were found to have a dental disease-fluorosis.What was the cause of the development of this disease in residents in this case? <variant>inhalation intake of a fluorine compound. <variant>contact flow of the fluorine compound. <variant>the intake of phosphorus compounds through drinking water. <variant>the intake of lead compound through the gastrointestinal tract. <variant>inhalation intake of beryllium compound . 53. <question>Carbon dioxide, methane, carbon monoxide are emitted from the refinery into the atmosphere.What indicator is taken into account when determining the maximum permissible emission into the atmosphere in this case? <variant>the efficiency of the dust collecting plant. <variant>the volume of the total area of the dust collection unit. <variant>quantitative characterization of the level of contamination by all components. <variant>a statistically reliable value. <variant>the climate of the area and the wind rose. 54. <question>The most effective dust–collecting device for cleaning waste gases from dust is ... . <variant>electrofilters. <variant>multicyclones. <variant>scrubbers. <variant>fabric filters. <variant>foam catchers. 55. <question>The advantage of electric filters is the ability to purify air containing particles with the smallest diameter ... . <variant>dust, smoke and fog <variant>of chemicals <variant>heavy metals and dust <variant>water vapor and bacteria <variant>harmful gases and dust 56. <question>During the study of the microclimatic conditions of the administrative building, it was established: area - 6m2, average air temperature - 16 ° C, relative humidity - 72%, air velocity - 0.35 m/s, natural illumination coefficient - 1.0%, light coefficient - 1:6. Evaluate the microclimate of the building: <variant>uncomfortable, cooling type. <variant>comfortable, with the corresponding basic parameters. <variant>uncomfortable, with high humidity. <variant>uncomfortable, heating type. <variant>uncomfortable, with significant fluctuations in the main parameters 57. <question>In order to study the effect of microclimate on the human body, medical university students need to organize systematic monitoring of the air temperature of the study room for 3 days. According to the observation results, the average daily temperature is 19 °C. Which of the following devices will allow you to most accurately register temperature fluctuations? <variant>thermograph. <variant>hygrograph. <variant>thermometer. <variant>psychrometer. <variant>barograph. 58. <question>When determining the microclimate parameters of an administrative building, it was found that: air temperature 20 ° C, relative humidity 71%, air velocity 0.1 m/s, vertical air temperature drop 2.5 ° C, horizontal - 2 ° C. Which of the microclimate indicators does not meet hygienic standards? <variant>relative humidity of the air. <variant>air velocity. <variant>air temperature. <variant>vertical air temperature drop. <variant>horizontal air temperature drop. 59. <question>In the southern resort town, where there are favorable natural and climatic factors, vacationers take wellness treatments in order to improve their health. On the recommendation of a doctor, vacationers are scheduled to take a sun bath from 9.00 to 11 o'clock. In the recreation area, some vacationers, despite the rules of taking a sun bath, took a tan during solar activity. What measures should be applied to prevent sunstroke in the first place? <variant>conduct explanatory conversations. <variant>install gazebos. <variant>recommend copious drinking. <variant>use sun protection products. <variant>observe the rules for taking a tan. 60. <question>The duration of continuous insolation of premises and territories for the southern zone should be ... per day. <variant>at least 2 hours <variant>no more than 3 hours <variant>at least 5 hours <variant>at least 7 hours <variant>at least 1 hour 61. <question>The duration of continuous insolation of premises and territories for the central zone should be ... per day. <variant>at least 2.5 hours <variant>no more than 3 hours <variant>at least 2 hours <variant>at least 5 hours <variant>no more than 1 hour 62. <question>The "depth factor" is: <variant>the ratio of the distance from the floor to the upper edge of the window to the distance to the opposite wall (depth). <variant>the ratio of the glazed surface of windows to the floor area. <variant>the ratio of window height and floor area. <variant>the ratio of the height of the window to the depth of the room. <variant>the ratio of the glazed surface of the window to the length of the room. 63. <question>In the sanitary-protective zone, accommodation is allowed: <variant>of the timber industry complex. <variant>enterprises for the production of medicinal substances. <variant>gardening plots. <variant>of structural structures. <variant>health facilities. 64. <question>Students during classes in the classroom often complain of headaches, dry mouth and nasopharynx, drowsiness in the daytime, lack of air. During the sanitary and hygienic examination of the microclimate of the classroom, it was found that in the aeroion composition of the air, the concentration of heavy aeroions (1500 e/cm3) prevails over light aeroions (600 e/cm3). What hygienic measure should be applied in this case? <variant>artificial air ionization. <variant>increase in the number of light aeroions. <variant>determination of the efficiency of the supply ventilation. <variant>classroom air quality monitoring. <variant>carrying out interior finishing works. 65. <question>During the hygienic assessment of the insolation regime of a 3-room apartment located in the southern zone of the country in the summer, it was established: in the children's room, the duration of insolation is 2 hours, in the living room – 2.5 hours, in the bedroom – 1.5 hours. What is the hygienic characteristic of the insolation of a 3-room apartment in this case? <variant>sufficient. <variant>severe insufficiency. <variant>insufficient. <variant>redundant . <variant>average sufficiency . 66. <question>Types of housing: <variant>traditional and special. <variant>special and non-special. <variant>mobile and stationary. <variant>air and sea. <variant>route and compact. 67. <question>In residential buildings in the direction of the highway should be oriented: <variant>kitchens. <variant>bedrooms. <variant>living rooms. <variant>children's. <variant>library. 68. <question>In the residential section, the main element is ... , which is intended for single-family living. <variant>apartment <variant>hotel <variant>yurt <variant>school <variant>submarine 69. <question>The volume of air physiologically necessary for a person to exist in a residential environment: <variant>air cube. <variant>the multiplicity of air exchange. <variant>common air. <variant>oxygen. <variant>nitrogen. 70. <question>The heating surfaces of the room include: <variant>heating devices. <variant>external fences. <variant>interior walls. <variant>ceiling, floor. <variant>overlaps. 71. <question>The most powerful factor of natural air exchange of premises is: <variant>wind pressure. <variant>temperature pressure. <variant>air pressure. <variant>pressure difference. <variant>cubature of the premises. 72. <question>Supply ventilation is: <variant>ventilation system that provides forced inflow and natural removal of air from the room. <variant>ventilation system that provides forced inflow and extraction of air from the room. <variant>ventilation system that provides ventilation of the room through ventilation ducts. <variant>ventilation system that provides mechanical supply and removal of air from the room. <variant>the inflow of outside air through the cracks of the pores, walls, door leaks. 73. <question>Exhaust ventilation is: <variant>ventilation system that provides natural or forced removal of air through exhaust ventilation ducts. <variant>removal of polluted air through vents or transoms. <variant>ventilation system that ensures the removal of only toxic substances. <variant>ventilation system that provides forced inflow and extraction of air from the room. <variant>ventilation system that provides forced air supply to the room. 74. <question>“The volume of ventilation” is: <variant>the amount of air supplied or removed by ventilation systems within an hour. <variant>the amount of air in the room. <variant>the amount of air in 1 cubic meter of the room at a given temperature. <variant>the amount of air needed to breathe one person for an hour. <variant>the multiplicity of indoor air exchange within 1 hour. 75. <question>Exhaust ventilation systems should be separate for rooms with ... mode. <variant>wet and dry. <variant>only wet. <variant>only dry. <variant>aseptic and antiseptic. <variant>centralized and decentralized. 76. <question>The hygienic value of exhaust ventilation is ... . <variant>provides natural or forced removal of air through exhaust ventilation ducts <variant>removes polluted air through vents or transoms <variant>ensures the removal of only toxic substances <variant>provides forced inflow and extraction of air from the room <variant>provides forced air supply to the room 77. <question>The main hygienic requirement for ventilation systems is: <variant>ensuring that the air is kept clean. <variant>be economical in work. <variant>do not create additional noise. <variant>ensuring the maintenance of normalized microclimate parameters. <variant>be trouble-free and easy to operate. 78. <question>The equipment of ventilation systems is located in: <variant>special rooms. <variant>operating unit. <variant>preoperative. <variant>laundry collection room. <variant>laundry. 79. <question>"Natural light coefficient” is: <variant>the ratio of horizontal illumination of the workplace to simultaneous horizontal illumination in the open air. <variant>the ratio of the area of the glazed surface of windows to the floor area. <variant>the degree of light delay by window panes. <variant>the ratio of workplace illumination to simultaneous illumination in the open air. <variant>the direction of the room to the cardinal directions. 80. <question>Illumination standards for classrooms with an increased load on the organ of vision: <variant>400-500 lux. <variant>150-200 lux. <variant>200-300 lux. <variant>250-350 lux. <variant>300-320 lux. 81. <question>The measurement of the level of artificial lighting must be carried out in: <variant>the dark. <variant>daytime. <variant>evening time. <variant>morning hours. <variant>winter time. 82. <question>For the hygienic assessment of natural light, the following is calculated: <variant>coefficient of natural light. <variant>reflection coefficient. <variant>absorption coefficient. <variant>light indicator. <variant>natural light indicator. 83. <question>When evaluating natural light ... it is not taken into account. <variant>blindness indicator <variant>wall painting <variant>natural lighting coefficient <variant>window glass cleaning frequency <variant>type of lighting (side, top) 84. <question>When evaluating artificial lighting ... it is not taken into account. <variant>window glass cleaning frequency <variant>light source <variant>lighting system <variant>type of fixtures <variant>contents of lighting installations 85. <question>The most rational from a hygienic point of view is the ... lighting system. <variant>combined <variant>local <variant>angular <variant>general <variant>combined 86. <question>The method for determining the intensity of artificial lighting is called: <variant>photometry. <variant>actinometry. <variant>catathermometry. <variant>hygrometry. <variant>thermometry. 87. <question>"Mixed lighting" is: <variant>local artificial and general natural. <variant>general diffuse and local directional. <variant>local artificial and general artificial. <variant>general artificial and general natural. <variant>use of lighting of adjacent rooms. 88. <question>The orientation of the windows of residential structures should be such that : <variant>insolation was at least 2.5 hours per day. <variant>insolation was no more than 2.5 hours per day. <variant>the insolation was effective only in the morning. <variant>the insolation was inactive. <variant>the insolation was as effective as possible. 89. <question>Lighting, additional to the general, created by lamps that concentrate the luminous flux directly at the workplace: <variant>local lighting. <variant>combined lighting. <variant>overhead natural lighting. <variant>general lighting. <variant>emergency lighting. 90. <question>Lighting that allows you to continue working (safety lighting, backup lighting) or provide evacuation of people (evacuation lighting) when the working lighting is turned off: <variant>emergency lighting. <variant>local lighting. <variant>combined lighting. <variant>general lighting. <variant>artificial lighting. 91. <question>The significance of water testing for iodine content: <variant>for the prevention of endemic goiter. <variant>for calculating the iodine dose during water iodization. <variant>signal, to detect general iodine deficiency. <variant>for the prevention of fluorosis. <variant>for the prevention of caries. 92. <question>The maximum permissible concentration of silver in water, established by the toxicological sign of harmfulness, is ... mg/l. <variant>0,05 <variant>0,01 <variant>0,09 <variant>0,5 <variant>0,1 93. <question>The maximum permissible concentration of microbial number in well waters should be no more than: <variant>100 <variant>1000 <variant>10 <variant>50 <variant>500 94. <question>The need for rationing of halogen-containing compounds in drinking water arises due to: <variant>increase the risk of cancer. <variant>degrade the organoleptic properties of water. <variant>contribute to an increase in the toxic activity of water. <variant>contribute to an increase in the corrosive activity of water. <variant>reduce the risk of cancer. 95. <question>The content of residual chlorine is controlled: <variant>before water is supplied to the distribution network. <variant>at the water intake point. <variant>in the distribution network. <variant>after settling tanks. <variant>by supplying water to the settling tanks. 96. <question>Water sampling of swimming pools is carried out at two points of the pool baths at a depth of … from the surface of the water mirror. <variant>25-30 cm <variant>35-40 cm <variant>45-50 cm <variant>55-60 cm <variant>15-20 cm 97. <question>The number of samples to determine the microbiological index of drinking water from the water supply system of a surface source with a population of 80 thousand people is: <variant>365 <variant>50 <variant>150 <variant>12 <variant>24 98. <question>The sanitary protection zone of the reservoir is: <variant>the area around the water supply sources. <variant>the territory of the national park. <variant>the territory allocated for construction. <variant>the area around the water pipes. <variant>protected areas. 99. <question>“Microbial number" - quantity: <variant>bacteria in 1ml of water. <variant>bacteria in 1L of water. <variant>E. coli in 1L of water. <variant>E. coli in 1 ml of water. <variant> of water containing 1 E. coli. 100. <question>The number of helminth eggs in drinking water: <variant>should not be. <variant>no more than two in 1 liter of water. <variant>no more than two in 1 ml of water. <variant>no more than two in a petri dish. <variant>no more than one in 1 ml of water. 101. <question>Organic impurities in water: <variant> are an indicator of the ingress of pathogenic microorganisms. <variant>contribute to the rapid deterioration of water during storage. <variant>change the storage resistance of water. <variant>affect water hardness. <variant>contribute to changing the electrical conductivity of water. 102. <question>The presence in the water of the triad of contamination "ammonia, nitrites, nitrates" indicates: <variant>about permanent organic pollution. <variant>about periodic organic pollution. <variant>about fresh organic pollution. <variant>about seasonal organic pollution. <variant>about temporary organic pollution. 103. <question>Sanitary standards of general hardness of drinking water... mg-eq/l. <variant>no more than 7.0 <variant>no more than 4.0 <variant>no more than 5.0 <variant>no more than 2.0 <variant>no more than 20.0 104. <question>An integral part of the water supply system: <variant>water supply network. <variant>cooling towers. <variant>aerotanks. <variant>septic tanks. <variant>metantenki. 105. <question>The concept of water clarification: <variant>elimination of turbidity. <variant>elimination of smell and taste. <variant>elimination of radioactive substances. <variant>elimination of chroma. <variant>elimination of pathogenic microflora. 106. <question>The increased content of chloride in the composition of drinking water leads to a violation... . <variant>gastric juice secretion <variant>allocation of yolk juice <variant>fluid excretion from the body <variant>heart rate <variant>respiratory system functions 107. <question>The permissible levels of foreign tastes and odors in drinking water are: <variant>no more than 2 points. <variant>no more than 0 points. <variant>no more than 1 point. <variant>no more than 3 points. <variant>no more than 4 points. 108. <question>Hygienic value of chlorides and sulfates in water: <variant>indicator of organic water pollution. <variant>affect the color of the water. <variant>degrade the physical properties of water. <variant> are an indicator of inorganic water pollution. <variant>affect the transparency of the water. 109. <question>When using urban sewage sludge to fertilize agricultural fields, it is mandatory to control their maintenance: <variant>heavy metals. <variant>benzapyrene. <variant>petroleum products. <variant>E. coli. <variant>phenol. 110. <question>The hygienic value of water is determined in: <variant>ensuring and compliance with sanitary rules of personal and public hygiene. <variant>providing water for industrial needs. <variant>providing water for agricultural production. <variant>ensuring the physiological needs of a person. <variant>providing an unpleasant human life condition. 111. <question>Acceptable levels of drinking water chromaticity ... chromaticity. <variant>up to 200C <variant>up to 300C <variant>up to 100C <variant>up to 400C <variant>up to 50 0S 112. <question>Sanitary norms of dry residue in drinking water ...mg/l. <variant>1000 <variant>500 <variant>2000 <variant>350 <variant>400 113. <question>The maximum permissible iron content in drinking water is ... mg/l. <variant>0,3 <variant>0,1 <variant>1,0 <variant>0,5 <variant>0,8 114. <question>Water hardness depends on: <variant>calcium and magnesium salts. <variant>the content of iodine and fluorine in water. <variant> of iron and aluminum salts. <variant>of sodium and potassium salts. <variant>nitrites and nitrates. 115. <question>The rate of residual chlorine in the water after its treatment is ... mg/ l. <variant>0,3-0,5 <variant>0,1-0,2 <variant>0,6-1,0 <variant>1,5-1,0 <variant>1,2-1,5 116. <question>The number and frequency of sampling of water taken in places of water intake for underground sources according to microbiological indicators should be: <variant>4- by seasons of the year. <variant>4- by quarters. <variant>12- by month of the year. <variant>7- by days of the week. <variant>2- by half-year. 117. <question>The disadvantage of the method of re-chlorination of water: <variant>increased chlorine consumption. <variant>deterioration of water transparency and color. <variant>the need for desalination of water. <variant>small bactericidal effect. <variant>short disinfection time. 118. <question>For a complete sanitary and chemical analysis of water, ... litr water is selected. <variant>5 <variant>1 <variant>3 <variant>6 <variant>8 119. <question>The first belt of the sanitary protection zone of water sources is called: <variant>a strict regime zone. <variant>sanitary zone. <variant>observation area. <variant>research area. <variant>hydrogeological zone. 120. <question>When organizing drinking water supply, absolute preference is given to: <variant>interplastic waters. <variant>rivers with regulated drains. <variant>rivers with unregulated flows. <variant>large reservoirs. <variant>groundwater. 121. <question>Permissible microbial number in 1 ml of tap water: <variant>no more than 50. <variant>no more than 100. <variant>no more than 150. <variant>no more than 500. <variant>no more than 250. 122. <question>The permissible levels of foreign tastes and odors in drinking water is no more than ... points. <variant>2 <variant>0 <variant>1 <variant>3 <variant>4 123. <question>The permissible amount of impurities in drinking water "sediment during hourly settling” is: <variant>barely noticeable traces. <variant>noticeable traces. <variant>pronounced sediment. <variant> occupies part of the bottom. <variant> occupies the entire bottom. 124. <question>Organic impurities in water: <variant> are an indicator of possible ingress of pathogenic microorganisms into the water. <variant>contribute to the rapid deterioration of water during storage. <variant>change the storage resistance of water. <variant>affect water hardness. <variant>contribute to changing the electrical conductivity of water. 125. <question>The presence of biological elements in the water indicates... contamination. <variant>permanent organic <variant>periodic organic <variant>fresh organic <variant>seasonal organic <variant>temporary organic 126. <question>The maximum permissible content of chlorides in drinking water is ... mg/l. <variant>350 <variant>450 <variant>100 <variant>500 <variant>250 127. <question>Sanitary standards of general hardness of drinking water № more than ... mg-eq / l. <variant>7,0 <variant>4,0 <variant>5,0 <variant>2,0 <variant>6,0 128. <question>The water temperature is determined... <variant> by a laboratory thermometer. <variant>maximum thermometer. <variant>minimum thermometer. <variant>by an electrothermometer. <variant>catathermometer. 129. <question>The transparency of drinking water should be at least ... see <variant>30 <variant>15 <variant>20 <variant>25 <variant>35 130. <question>The descriptive characteristic of the smell and taste of water in 2 points is: <variant>a barely noticeable smell or taste, determined only by an experienced researcher. <variant>a faint foreign smell or taste that does not cause dissatisfaction with the water quality of the consumer. <variant>complete absence of foreign odors and tastes in the water. <variant>a noticeable smell or taste that may cause the consumer to refrain from using water. <variant>strong smell or taste, causing aversion to water. 131. <question>The level of nitrates in drinking water is normalized as follows: <variant>causes water-nitrate methemoglobinemia in children. <variant>adversely affect the generative function of a person. <variant>causes nitrite methemoglobinemia in adults. <variant>accelerate the aging process of the body. <variant>irritate the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. 132. <question>The presence of only nitrites in the water indicates: <variant>a long-standing process of contamination of the water source with organic substances <variant>fresh organic pollution <variant>permanent organic pollution <variant>periodic organic pollution <variant>completion of self-cleaning processes 133. <question>Types of water hardness: <variant>disposable. <variant>variable. <variant>low. <variant>high. <variant>temporary. 134. <question>The most widely used method at water supply stations in Kazakhstan... . <variant>chlorination <variant>ultraviolet irradiation <variant>ozonation <variant>gamma irradiation <variant>alpha radiation 135. <question>The reasons for the ingress of pathogens of intestinal infectious diseases into open water sources: <variant>pollution by household and fecal wastewater. <variant>industrial wastewater pollution. <variant>pollution by agricultural wastewater. <variant>pollution of lakes by sewage. <variant>pollution by hydraulic engineering construction. 136. <question>Quantitative norms of water consumption in settlements depend on: <variant>type of water supply. <variant>the number of water sources. <variant>of the climate zone. <variant>the length of the water sampling network. <variant>the number of the population. 137. <question>The volume of the water sample taken for sanitary chemical analysis depends on: <variant>type of sanitary analysis. <variant>of the type of reservoir. <variant>the degree of mineralization of water in the reservoir. <variant>the degree of purity of the water in the reservoir. <variant>weather conditions at the time of water sampling. 138. <question>The main negative water quality of open water sources: <variant>inconstancy of physical properties and chemical composition of water. <variant>high degree of water mineralization. <variant>low protection from water pollution. <variant>low water transparency. <variant>high water color. 139. <question>The number of pathogenic microorganisms in drinking water: <variant> is not allowed. <variant>no more than 2 per 1 liter of water. <variant>no more than 3 per 1 liter of water. <variant>no more than 3 per 1 ml of water. <variant>no more than 1 per 1 ml of water. 140. <question>When assessing the sanitary condition of the soil according to sanitary and chemical indicators, the following criteria are used: <variant>the ratio of the actual content of soil pollution components to their maximum permissible concentration. <variant>the ratio of the maximum content of heavy metals in the soil to their maximum permissible concentration. <variant>the ratio of the minimum content of pesticides in the soil to their maximum permissible concentration. <variant>coli-index and fecal streptococci. <variant>coli-index and nitrate nitrogen. 141. <question>When assessing biological contamination of soils , the following criteria are used: <variant>total microbial number. <variant>concentration of soil pollutants. <variant>physical properties of the soil. <variant>larvae and pupae of flies. <variant>sanitary number. 142. <question>"Sanitary number" - relation: <variant>the amount of soil protein nitrogen to the amount of organic nitrogen "humus". <variant> of inorganic nitrogen to organic . <variant>amounts of organic nitrogen to soil protein nitrogen. <variant>organic nitrogen to inorganic . <variant>nitrogen of the water extract to the total nitrogen of the soil. 143. <question>During the bacteriological analysis of the soil , it is determined: <variant>if - title. <variant>titranaerobe. <variant>the pollution triad. <variant>sanitary number. <variant>the number of helminths. 144. <question>An increased coli-titer is an indicator of ... soil contamination. <variant>fecal <variant>chemical <variant>helminthological <variant>hydrogen sulfide <variant>inorganic 145. <question>The epidemiological significance of the soil is... <variant>in creating conditions for the vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms. <variant> in the ability to neutralize liquid and solid waste. <variant>in creating a nitrogen cycle in nature. <variant>in creating conditions for the vital activity of non-pathogenic microorganisms. <variant>plays a leading role in the emergence of mass infectious diseases. 146. <question>The presence of humus in the soil indicates: <variant>completion of soil self-cleaning processes. <variant>the beginning of self-cleaning processes in the soil. <variant>the presence of pesticides in the soil. <variant>the presence of pathogenic microflora in the soil. <variant>the presence of fresh organic soil contamination. 147. <question>The sanitary number of heavily polluted soil is up to... . <variant>0.7 <variant>0,8 <variant>0,85 <variant>0,8 <variant>0.98- and higher 148. <question>Sandy soil has the highest self-cleaning ability because: <variant>the biochemical processes of self-purification proceed according to the aerobic type. <variant>the biochemical processes of self-purification proceed according to the anaerobic type. <variant>because of the peculiarity of the soil structure. <variant>due to the high content of carbon dioxide in sandy soils. <variant>due to the wide range of temperature inversions. 149. <question>The causative agents of the following infectious diseases are permanent inhabitants of the soil: <variant>botulism,anthrax, actinomycosis <variant>toxicoinfection and toxicosis; <variant>typhoid and paratyphoid; <variant>of epidemic hepatitis A; <variant> of epidemic mumps. 150. <question>The processes of self-purification of the soil depend on ... . <variant>the structure and content of soil microorganisms <variant>the content of mineral substances in it <variant>the content of toxic impurities in it <variant>of atmospheric precipitation <variant>availability of groundwater 151. <question>The sanitary number of clean soil is: <variant>0.98. <variant>0.7. <variant>0.7-0.8. <variant>0.8-0.9. <variant>0.85-0.88. 152. <question>Sources of soil contamination by microorganisms and helminths are... <variant>domestic wastewater. <variant>industrial wastewater. <variant>water from the hydroelectric station. <variant>atmospheric waters. <variant>field waters. 153. <question>The presence of viable helminth eggs in the soil indicates: <variant>fresh fecal contamination. <variant>about wastewater pollution of enterprises. <variant>about the presence of toxic substances in the soil. <variant>about the beginning of the processes of self-purification of the soil. <variant>about the absence of organic pollution. 154. <question>Influence of the ultraviolet part of the solar spectrum on the microbial composition of the soil: <variant>causes the death of most microorganisms. <variant>promotes the growth of microorganisms. <variant>has a bacteriostatic effect. <variant>has a mutagenic effect on microorganisms. <variant>delays the development of microorganisms. 155. <question>Choose an indicator that determines the degree of migration of exogenous chemicals from soil to plants: <variant>translocation. <variant>toxicological. <variant>organoleptic. <variant>migration-aquatic. <variant>migration-air. 156. <question>During laboratory examination of the soil of the land plot allocated for the construction of the hospital, the following were established: coli-titer - 1, titer of anaerobes - 0.1, sanitary number of Khlebnikov - 0.99, helminth eggs are absent per 1 kg of soil, larvae and pupae of flies on an area of 0.25 m2 were not found. What is the degree of epidemic safety of this soil area? <variant>safe. <variant>extremely dangerous. <variant>dangerous. <variant>moderately dangerous. <variant> is relatively safe. 157. <question>The process of self-purification of the soil is ... . <variant>the ability of the soil to convert organic substances into inorganic <variant>the total number of microorganisms that die in the soil within an hour <variant>the ability of biological pollutants to migrate into the soil <variant>the ability of the soil to pass air through its thickness <variant>content of organic matter decomposition products in the soil 158. <question>Specify the first stage of research when establishing the MPC of chemicals in the soil: <variant>determination of physico-chemical properties. <variant>translocation indicator of harmfulness. <variant>migration water hazard indicator. <variant>general sanitary indicators. <variant>migration air indicator of harmfulness. 159. <question>The migration air indicator of soil harmfulness characterizes: <variant>the process of chemical entry from the soil into the atmospheric air by evaporation. <variant>the effect of an exogenous chemical on the self-cleaning ability of the soil. <variant>the ability of the normalized substance to pass from the soil through the root system into the plant. <variant>the process of migration of the studied substance into surface waters. <variant>the degree of change in the nutritional value of plant products. 160. <question> Khlebnikov 's sanitary number is ... . <variant>ratio of humus nitrogen to total organic nitrogen <variant>total microbial number <variant>the content of helminth eggs in the soil <variant>the content of pesticides in the soil <variant>content of ammonium, nitrate, nitrite nitrogen 161. <question>The maximum permissible concentration (MPC) of chemicals in the soil is ... . <variant>the maximum amount of chemicals determined experimentally that do not cause a negative impact on human health and the self-cleaning ability of the soil <variant>the minimum concentration of chemicals that does not cause a negative effect on human health and the self-cleaning ability of the soil <variant>minimum concentration of chemicals that does not affect the self-cleaning ability of the soil <variant>maximum concentration of chemicals that degrades soil properties <variant>the minimum concentration of chemicals that affects the composition of the soil 162. <question>The organoleptic indicator of soil harmfulness characterizes: <variant>the degree of change in the nutritional value of plant products. <variant>the effect of an exogenous chemical on the self-cleaning ability of the soil. <variant>the ability of the normalized substance to pass from the soil through the root system into the plant. <variant>the process of migration of the studied substance into surface waters. <variant>the process of entering a chemical substance from the soil into the atmospheric air by evaporation. 163. <question>The criterion for assessing chemical contamination of the soil is: <variant>maximum permissible concentration. <variant>the limiting indicator. <variant>sanitary number. <variant>the maximum permissible level. <variant>the presence of toxic chemicals. 164. <question>Groundwater includes: <variant>soil, interplastic waters. <variant>groundwater and rivers. <variant>soil and atmospheric waters. <variant>flowing waters. <variant>waste water. 165. <question>A modern technological event used by a specialist to protect the soil of populated areas: <variant>waste-free technology. <variant>waste disposal. <variant>compliance with protective zones. <variant>waste disposal. <variant>waste disposal. 166. <question>Specify the types of sanitary and technical measures to protect the soil of populated areas: <variant>collection, neutralization and disposal of waste. <variant>creation of low-waste technologies. <variant>selection of land plots. <variant>improvement of production technology. <variant>creation of waste-free technologies. 167. <question>The sanitary number is the ratio ... . <variant>the amount of soil protein nitrogen to the amount of organic nitrogen "humus” <variant>of inorganic nitrogen to organic <variant>amounts of organic nitrogen to soil protein nitrogen <variant>organic nitrogen to inorganic <variant>nitrogen of water extract to the total nitrogen of the soil 168. <question>The reason for the development of methemoglobinemia in humans may be introduction into the soil: <variant>nitrogen fertilizers; <variant>chemical fertilizers; <variant>of potash fertilizers; <variant>of pesticides; <variant>of fungicides. 169. <question>The planned and regular export system of solid household waste from settlements is carried out ... . <variant>by dumping garbage by residents into intermediate containers in the yard before their removal <variant>by unloading waste into garbage trucks <variant>waste removal is carried out by special vehicles <variant>unloading garbage by residents at a certain time directly into garbage trucks <variant>deleting the output together with the containers 170. <question>For the neutralization of solid household waste, the most widely used methods of technological disposal: <variant>recycling for secondary raw materials for industry <variant>landfill burial <variant>burning without using heat <variant>landfill disposal <variant>burial in the fields of plowing 171. <question>The planned and regular export system of solid household waste is carried out: <variant>dumping of garbage by residents into intermediate containers in the yard before their removal. <variant>waste is unloaded into garbage trucks. <variant>waste removal is carried out by special vehicles <variant>residents unloading garbage at a certain time directly into garbage trucks. <variant>waste is removed together with containers 172. <question>Choose ways to dispose of solid household waste: <variant>allocation of secondary raw materials. <variant>pyrolysis. <variant>hydrolysis. <variant>burial in the ground. <variant>burning. 173. <question>Choose methods of solid waste disposal: <variant>disposal. <variant>combined. <variant>separate. <variant>floating. <variant>mixed. 174. <question>For the neutralization of solid household waste, the most widely used methods of technological disposal: <variant>recycling for secondary raw materials for industry <variant>landfill burial <variant>burning without using heat <variant>landfill disposal <variant>burial in the fields of plowing 175. <question>Food hygiene studies and develops: <variant>problems of rational nutrition and measures to ensure the harmlessness of food products. <variant>problems of prevention of food poisoning. <variant>principles of dietary nutrition to ensure the harmlessness of food products. <variant>problems of therapeutic and preventive treatment. <variant>problems of rational nutrition of the child population. 176. <question>The components of a person 's daily energy expenditure are: <variant>basic metabolism, specific dynamic effect of food and physical labor <variant>basic exchange and professional activity <variant>basic exchange,energy consumption for work related to maintenance in everyday life <variant>energy consumption associated with sports <variant>energy consumption during sleep, basic metabolism 177. <question>Regulated energy expenditure is determined ... <variant>the volume and nature of physical work. <variant>the level of the body's basal metabolism. <variant>dynamic power connections. <variant>by the age and gender of the person. <variant>time of day. 178. <question>Protein calories should be from the daily caloric content of the diet: <variant>12-14%. <variant>30-33%. <variant>56-58%. <variant>60-65%. <variant>70-76%. 179. <question>Percentage of animal fats in the daily diet for adults: <variant>70%. <variant>100%. <variant>80%. <variant>30%. <variant>20%. 180. <question>The main biological role of carbohydrates is that they… <variant> are the main source of energy. <variant> are the main structural element of the body. <variant>have a plastic function. <variant>are a source of vitamin metabolism. <variant> are the main regulator of the activity of the body's biliary system. 181. <question>The main biological role of fats is that they … <variant>are the main sources of energy for the body. <variant>are involved in the synthesis of fat-soluble vitamins. <variant>are involved in the exchange of enzymes. <variant> are an important structural element of the body. <variant> are plastic materials for the body. 182. <question>Products rich in sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids include: <variant>vegetable oils. <variant>badger fat. <variant>mutton fat. <variant>pork fat. <variant>butter . 183. <question>Simple carbohydrates include: <variant>glucose, fructose. <variant>starch, fiber. <variant>sucrose, maltose. <variant>glycogen, pectin substances. <variant>lactose, galactose. 184. <question>Animal proteins from the total amount of protein for the adult able-bodied population should be: <variant>55%. <variant>30%. <variant>45%. <variant>60%. <variant>65%. 185. <question>Vegetable proteins from the total amount of protein for the adult able-bodied population should be: <variant>45%. <variant>30%. <variant>55%. <variant>60%. <variant>65%. 186. <question>A disease associated with an insufficient amount of dietary fiber in the diet: <variant>kwashiorkor. <variant>diabetes mellitus. <variant>cachexia. <variant>rickets. <variant>hemeralopia. 187. <question>Animal fats... <variant> have a high energy value. <variant>are involved in the construction of cell membranes. <variant> are the basis for the synthesis of hormones of local action. <variant>is a necessary component of the diet for successful adaptation in high latitude conditions. <variant>promote the removal of cholesterol from the body. 188. <question>The biological role of proteins is determined by: <variant>the content of essential amino acids in them. <variant>their digestibility in the gastrointestinal tract of the child. <variant>content of interchangeable amino acids. <variant>the content of lysine in them. <variant>content of methionine. 189. <question>The first sign of hypovitaminosis C is: <variant>fatigue, drowsiness. <variant>sleep disturbance. <variant>increasing the body's resistance to the disease. <variant>scurvy disease. <variant>growth retardation. 190. <question>The disease associated with a sharp deficiency of vitamin C is called: <variant>scurvy. <variant>take it, take it. <variant>kwashiorkor. <variant>dystrophy. <variant>rickets. 191. <question>The main source of B vitamins is... . <variant>bread <variant>eggs <variant>meat <variant>milk <variant>green peas 192. <question>One of the manifestations of A-vitamin deficiency is… <variant>visual impairment. <variant>jaundice. <variant>hyperemia of the mucous membranes of the pharynx. <variant>dyspepsia. <variant>osteoporosis. 193. <question>This vitamin is necessary for the blood clotting process, for the normal functioning of the heart; it helps to "keep in order" the central nervous system; with a lack of bone tissue in children, osteomalacia in adults is affected; it is especially necessary for stay-at-home people - those who do not like to be outdoors.What vitamin are we talking about? <variant>D <variant>A <variant>With <variant>E <variant>To 194. <question>Products containing a large amount of vitamins B1 are … <variant>brewer's yeast, black bread, carrot, apple. <variant>fish oil, butter, egg yolk. <variant>cabbage, carrots, potatoes, pork liver. <variant>potatoes, rice, barley. <variant>butter, milk, berry. 195. <question>This vitamin is also called the "vitamin of youth and beauty", is one of the powerful antioxidants; protects the immune system from damage; prevents the development of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease; is necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland; especially necessary for those who do not want to age. What vitamin are we talking about? <variant>E <variant>To <variant>N <variant>PP <variant>A 196. <question>The human body's need for nutrients and energy depends on… <variant>severity of the work performed, age, gender and climatic conditions. <variant>taste qualities and volume of food. <variant>the level of digestive enzymes of food. <variant>vitamin content in food. <variant>the level of exposure to harmful production factors. 197. <question>The biological role of vitamin D is to … <variant>regulating the exchange of phosphorus and calcium. <variant>increasing the special resistance of the body. <variant>participation in the synthesis of collagens. <variant>what is included in the bioflavonoid. <variant>regulation of the process of development of the organism. 198. <question>A-vitamin deficiency manifests itself in the form of ... <variant>twilight vision disorders. <variant>jaundice. <variant>hyperemia of the mucous membranes of the pharynx. <variant>dyspepsia. <variant>osteoporosis. 199. <question>Participates in the synthesis of female sex hormones (it is not for nothing that women wore such jewelry in ancient times); participates in the synthesis of thyroxine; prevents the development of arthrosis and arthritis, curvature of the spine; it is also recommended for anemia, focal hair loss, chronic fatigue, depression. What substance has such actions? <variant>copper. <variant>selenium. <variant>aluminum. <variant>iron. <variant>iodine. 200. <question>Vitamin ... refers to fat-soluble vitamins. <variant>calciferol <variant>ascorbic acid <variant>pyridoxine <variant>nicotinic acid <variant>thiamine 201. <question>The disease caused by A-vitamin deficiency is... . <variant>hemeralopathy <variant>rickets <variant>osteoporosis <variant>cirrhosis of the liver <variant>scurvy 202. <question>The daily calcium requirement for adults is: <variant>800-1200 mg. <variant>1500-2000 mg. <variant>100-200 mg. <variant>550-600 mg. <variant>400- 450 mg. 203. <question>Water-soluble is vitamin... . <variant>C <variant>A <variant>D <variant>E <variant>Ғ 204. <question>The most common and pronounced symptoms of C-hypovitaminosis are ... the period of the year <variant>spring -summer <variant>summer <variant>winter-spring <variant>summer - autumn <variant>winter-autumn 205. <question>Foods rich in sources of well-digested calcium are: <variant>dairy products. <variant>vegetables and fruits. <variant>meat and fish. <variant>flour and bread products. <variant>leguminous products. 206. <question>The main food substances include: <variant>proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals. <variant>proteins, fats, carbohydrates, food additives. <variant>proteins, fats, carbohydrates, enzymes, organic acids. <variant>amino acids, nitrosamines. <variant>essential amino acids, carbohydrates, xenobiotics. 207. <question>With a lack of minerals in the body, there is: <variant>calcification. <variant>rickets. <variant>fluorosis. <variant>take it, take it. <variant>scurvy. 208. <question>Hypervitaminosis is ... <variant>a condition associated with excessive intake of vitamins in the body. <variant>a condition associated with insufficient intake of vitamins in the body. <variant>lack of vitamins in the body. <variant>violation of water-salt metabolism. <variant>vitamin absorption disorders. 209. <question>Foods containing large amounts of vitamin D are ... <variant>fish, butter, egg yolk. <variant>butter, milk, berry. <variant>cabbage, carrots, potatoes, pork liver. <variant>potatoes, rice. <variant>apple, cherry, meat, fish oil. 210. <question>According to the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, sanitary and epidemiological expertise is carried out by: <variant>bodies of state Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision. <variant>standardization committee. <variant>department of general hygiene of medical universities. <variant>certification committee. <variant>research institute. 211. <question>Riboflavin is a vitamin: <variant>B2 <variant>A <variant>D <variant>With <variant>B1 212. <question>When iron deficiency develops: <variant>anemia. <variant>gastrointestinal tract disease. <variant>obesity. <variant>increased blood pressure. <variant>allergic reaction. 213. <question>The disease caused by D-vitamin deficiency is: <variant>rickets. <variant>chicken blindness. <variant>osteoporosis <variant>cirrhosis of the liver. <variant>scurvy. 214. <question>With high blood pressure , a diet with content is recommended ... <variant>of magnesium. <variant>sodium. <variant>of phosphorus. <variant>of potassium. <variant>of chlorine. 215. <question>In case of heart failure, a diet with a high content of ... <variant> potassium is recommended. <variant>of magnesium. <variant>sodium. <variant>of phosphorus. <variant>of chlorine 216. <question>When serving first courses and hot drinks, they must have a temperature not lower than .... <variant>+75 <variant>+80 <variant>+60 <variant>+72 <variant>+90 217. <question>When serving second courses, they must have a temperature not lower than ... . <variant>+65 <variant>+56 <variant>+75 <variant>+80 <variant>+90 218. <question>At the dentist's appointment, a child of 8 years old revealed: enamel abrasion, its erosion and dental caries.The lack of which mineral substance will cause such changes? <variant>fluorine <variant>yoda <variant>of calcium <variant>magnesium <variant>sodium 219. <question>A teenager was taken to the emergency hospital with the following clinical signs: dizziness, nausea, headache, increased pulse rate, convulsions and loss of consciousness. According to his mother, it turned out that he independently, without the appointment of doctors, used vitamin preparations to improve vision. Which of the following vitamins can cause the above clinical signs? <variant>retinol <variant>riboflavin <variant>thiamine <variant>nicotinic acid <variant>pyridoxine 220. <question>Fiber promotes excretion from the body: <variant>cholesterol. <variant>carbohydrates. <variant>lactic acid. <variant>ascorbic acid. <variant> of pantothenic acid. 221. <question>The socio-hygienic method of studying the actual nutrition of the population is: <variant>analysis of menu layouts. <variant>economic analysis. <variant>balance analysis. <variant>budget analysis. <variant>anthropometric analysis. 222. <question>The second name of this vitamin is "stopping bleeding", because it is necessary for the process of blood clotting; it helps to synthesize coagulation factors (clotting) in the liver, thereby preventing internal bleeding. Food sources of this vitamin are cabbage, carrots, spinach, wheat, potatoes, pork liver. What vitamin are we talking about? <variant>To <variant>A <variant>PP <variant>N <variant>E 223. <question>Brock Index Formula: <variant>body weight: height-100 <variant>body weight - height length <variant>body weight + height length <variant>energy costs - 100 <variant>height + body weight:100 224. <question>During the nutrition hygiene class at the medical Institute, an analysis of the nutrition regime of schoolchildren was carried out and it was revealed that the calorie content of schoolchildren's breakfast is 20%, lunch - 40% and dinner - 40%. What was recommended for hygienic optimization of the nutrition regime of schoolchildren? <variant>to reduce the calorie content of dinner. <variant>reduce the calorie content of lunch. <variant>reduce the calorie content of breakfast. <variant>increase the calorie content of dinner. <variant>increase the calorie content of breakfast. 225. <question>The main task of the hygienic examination of food products is: <variant>determine the safety for human health. <variant>determine the content of the main nutrients. <variant>determine the organoleptic properties of food. <variant>determine the time period for the sale of food. <variant>determine the shelf life of food. 226. <question>A patient with diabetes has been prescribed complex treatment, the basis of which is diet No. 9 . Which of these substances is not allowed for use by this patient? <variant>carbohydrates. <variant>starch. <variant>pectin. <variant>fats. <variant>fiber. 227. <question>Specify what is the indication for the appointment of diet № 7: <variant>kidney diseases. <variant>gout and uric acid diathesis. <variant>obesity. <variant>diabetes mellitus. <variant>diseases of zh. k.t. 228. <question>For workers engaged in the production of organophosphate pesticides, a diet is prescribed: <variant>№ 5. <variant>№ 1. <variant>№ 2. <variant>№ 3. <variant>№ 4. 229. <question>Ration III is used for people working under conditions of exposure to the body: <variant>inorganic lead compounds. <variant>amino and nitro compounds of benzene. <variant>chemical allergens. <variant>compounds of arsenic, tellurium. <variant>of carcinogenic substances. 230. <question>For workers engaged in the production of inorganic acids, alkali metals, chlorine and fluorine compounds, a diet is prescribed: <variant>№ 2. <variant>№ 1. <variant>№ 3. <variant>№ 4. <variant>№ 5. 231. <question>Specify what is the indication for the appointment of diet No. 3: <variant>violation of the motor-evacuation function of the intestine, accompanied by constipation. <variant>peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, exacerbation of gastritis with increased acidity. <variant>gastritis with secretory insufficiency. <variant>intestinal diseases. <variant>diseases of the liver and biliary tract. 232. <question>Specify the purpose of diet No. 10: <variant>contribute to the restoration of impaired blood circulation, improve the excretion of nitrogenous toxins from the body. <variant>create conditions for normalization of carbohydrate metabolism. <variant>to prevent the violation of fat, water-salt and protein metabolism. <variant>ensure proper nutrition and restoration of impaired functions of the digestive organs. <variant>creating a feeling of satiety by prescribing low-calorie, but significant in volume food. 233. <question>Specify what is the indication for the appointment of diet No. 4: <variant>all cases of gastrointestinal irritation accompanied by diarrhea. <variant>peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum 12, exacerbation of gastritis with increased acidity. <variant>gastritis with secretory insufficiency. <variant>violation of the motor-evacuation function of the intestine, accompanied by constipation. <variant>diseases of the liver and biliary tract. 234. <question>When consuming products from grain infected with seeds of gray trichodesma, poisoning develops, called: <variant>trichodesmotoxicosis. <variant>fusarium. <variant>ergoticism. <variant>heliotropic toxicosis. <variant>aflatoxicosis. 235. <question>The patient went to the doctor complaining of fever, headaches and muscle pains. From the anamnesis it turned out that he worked on a livestock farm and ate unboiled milk, cheese, cottage cheese and other dairy products.Which pathogen is most likely caused by this type of poisoning? <variant>brucellosis. <variant>anthrax. <variant>tularemia. <variant>salmonellosis. <variant>pathogenic gallophile. 236. <question>As a result of the use of pasteurized milk obtained from mastitis animals, there may be: <variant>staphylococcal toxicosis. <variant>botulism. <variant>yersiniosis. <variant>escherichiosis. <variant>teniidosis. 237. <question>A group of food poisoning associated with the ingestion of toxins is called: <variant>bacterial toxicosis. <variant>food toxicoinfections. <variant>intestinal infections. <variant>acute intestinal infections. <variant>food mycotoxicoses. 238. <question>Choose the most complete definition of food poisoning: <variant>acute (rarely chronic) diseases resulting from the consumption of food massively seeded with certain types of microorganisms, or containing substances of microbial and non-microbial nature toxic to the body. <variant>diseases associated with eating food containing conditionally pathogenic microflora. <variant>diseases associated with exposure to microorganisms that cause toxicosis and toxicoinfection. <variant>acute diseases resulting from eating food containing harmful factors of bacterial and non-bacterial etiology. <variant>acute diseases that are caused by the presence of pathogenic microorganisms in food. 239. <question>In the subgroup of food poisoning, poisoning with E. coli can be attributed: <variant>toxic infections. <variant>toxicoses. <variant>mixes. <variant>mycotoxicoses. <variant>mycotoxicoinections. 240. <question>Food poisoning was registered at one of the canteens of the city. Doctors diagnosed "staphylococcal food intoxication". Name the main feature(s) on the basis of which you can make a diagnosis: <variant>antibody titer growth (hemagglutination reaction) on staphylococcus isolated during the investigation of a suspected food product <variant>characteristic clinic: acute and sudden onset, acute gastroenterocolitis, slight fever <variant>data from the sanitary and epidemic survey of the outbreak <variant>the results of tank studies of the patient's secretions: urine, feces, vomit and blood <variant>contamination of food products with staphylococci during their back-examination and the ability of isolated cultures to produce enterotoxin with hemolytic properties 241. <question>The cause of food poisoning is like ... pustular diseases of the skin of the hands of employees of the food department may become. <variant>staphylococcal intoxication <variant>botulism <variant>salmonellosis <variant>food toxicoinfection <variant>alimentary dystrophy 242. <question>In food products , the causative agents of food poisoning are: <variant>endotoxin. <variant>toxic exotoxin. <variant>enterotoxin. <variant>hematotoxin. <variant>heterotoxin. 243. <question>After an abundant feast, the man developed paralysis of the eye muscles, gradually developing phenomena of ophthalmoplegia - dilation of the pupils, diplopia, lack of reaction to light, a sharp violation of the motor function of the intestine. In what poisoning is this symptomatology observed? <variant>botulism. <variant>mycotoxicosis. <variant>ergoticism. <variant>fusariotoxicosis. <variant>mushroom poisoning. 244. <question>All participants in the cleaning of the city's territory complained of pain in the epigastric region, nausea, vomiting, subfebrile temperature, headache and weakness. During the day, everyone working during breaks bought soft carbonated drinks, cream cakes, chips, "Hello" cookies, rolls with jam and poppy seeds. Which of the following products is most likely to have caused food poisoning? <variant>cream cakes. <variant>chips. <variant>carbonated drinks. <variant>rolls with jam and poppy seeds.. <variant>cookies "Hello". 245. <question>The participants of the reality show cooked 3 tuna carcasses for dinner, which were purchased from local fishermen. The first signs of poisoning were manifested by chills, weakness, headache, dizziness, difficulty breathing, "fog" in front of the eyes (in one person), dryness and bitterness in the mouth, pronounced facial hyperemia, decreased blood pressure. Everyone's body temperature is normal. Two of the three lost consciousness. After gastric lavage by a doctor, the condition of the victims improved. What kind of food poisoning is registered in this case ? <variant>botulism. <variant>ergoticism. <variant>mycotoxicosis. <variant>toxicoinfection. <variant>escherichiosis. 246. <question>Food poisoning of non - microbial origin is characterized by: <variant>acute and chronic course. <variant>long incubation period. <variant>availability of seasonality. <variant>an increase in body temperature. <variant>the presence of pronounced mass character. 247. <question>Poisoning by poisonous plants includes poisoning: <variant>pale toadstool. <variant>trichodesmoy. <variant>bleached black. <variant>fungi of the genus Claviceps. <variant>mushrooms of the genus Aspergilus. 248. <question>After lunch in the university canteen, the student had spastic abdominal pain, nausea, multiple fetid diarrhea. Body temperature is normal. What pathogen is caused by this type of poisoning? <variant>clostridia perfringens. <variant>proteus. <variant>staphylococcus aureus. <variant>enterococcus. <variant>enteropathogenic E. coli. 249. <question>Poisoning by plant products that are poisonous under certain conditions includes poisoning: <variant>solanine. <variant>trichodesmoy. <variant>pale toadstool. <variant>fly agarics. <variant>mushrooms of the genus Gisagiim. 250. <question>The group of food poisoning associated with the consumption of poisonous mushrooms refers to food poisoning: <variant>poisoning of non-microbial nature. <variant>toxic infections. <variant>bacterial toxicosis. <variant>intestinal infections. <variant>mycotoxicoses. 251. <question>Poisoning related to the consumption of poisonous mushrooms, refers to poisoning: <variant>pale toadstool and fly agarics. <variant>trichodesmus and heliotrope. <variant>mushrooms of the genus Aspergilus. <variant>Fusarium mushroom. <variant>solanine and phazine. 252. <question>In the clinic of which food poisoning ophthalmoplegic and bulbar syndrome prevail: <variant>ergoticism. <variant>staphylococcal intoxication. <variant>aflatoxicosis. <variant>botulism. <variant>food toxicoinfections. 253. <question>Food poisoning of a non - microbial nature includes: <variant>poisoning by "poisonous mushrooms". <variant>ergotism. <variant>of botulism. <variant>of staphylococcal intoxication. <variant>poisoning with "baked bread". 254. <question>In which of the mycotoxicoses do toxins have a carcinogenic effect and can cause sarcoma: <variant>aflatoxicosis <variant>poisoning with "drunk bread" <variant>alimentary - toxic aleikia <variant>ergoticism <variant>botulism 255. <question>With the use of which products are associated with the occurrence of mushroom poisoning: <variant> with the presence of alkaloids in the composition. <variant>affected by microscopic fungi. <variant>massively seeded with microorganisms. <variant>with the presence of microorganisms in the composition of toxins. <variant>contaminated with excessive amounts of pesticides. 256. <question>Characteristic signs of what kind of food poisoning are - a feeling of crawling goosebumps, numbness, paresthesia of fingers, drowsiness, vomiting, spasms, mental disorders, seizures, paresis and muscular atrophy: <variant>of ergoticism. <variant>of staphylococcal toxicosis. <variant>of botulism. <variant>toxicoinfections of proteinaceous etiology. <variant>solanine poisoning. 257. <question>The following signs: salivation, vomiting, pupil constriction, in severe cases hallucinations, delirium, convulsions, confusion, high mortality are characteristic: <variant>poisoning by poisonous mushrooms. <variant>food intoxication. <variant>poisoning by metal impurities. <variant>mycotoxicoses. <variant>solanine poisoning. 258. <question>Food poisoning is accompanied by signs of gastroenteritis, a feeling of scratching in the mouth and throat: <variant>solanine poisoning. <variant>staphylococcal toxicosis. <variant>maternal illness. <variant>alimentary -toxic aleikia. <variant>ergoticism. 259. <question>Poisoning of non - microbial origin includes: <variant>poisoning by plants that are poisonous in nature. <variant>botulism. <variant>staphylococcal toxicosis. <variant>salmonellosis. <variant>toxic infections. 260. <question>The main principle of prevention of food poisoning of non-microbial nature is: <variant>prevention of ingress of various harmful impurities into products. <variant>isolation of the source of infectious agents. <variant>interruption of food contamination routes. <variant>prevention of reproduction of microorganisms and toxin formation. <variant>neutralization of potentially dangerous in the epid. regarding products. 261. <question>In early May, a woman from freshly picked mushrooms cooked fried mushrooms for lunch. We had lunch with my husband. After a few hours, they felt severe pain and pain in the stomach area, which were accompanied by malaise, uncontrollable vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness. On the second day, jaundice appeared. Which mushrooms caused the poisoning? <variant>pale toadstools. <variant>porcini mushrooms. <variant>champignons . <variant>podosinoviki. <variant>morels. 262. <question>The general sanitary and hygienic measures for the prevention of food poisoning include: <variant>compliance with the technological chain of cooking. <variant>destruction of microorganisms in food during storage. <variant>conducting periodic medical examinations of employees of food units. <variant>compliance with the disinfection regime at the food hall. <variant>periodic wet cleaning in the premises of the food hall. 263. <question>The main principles of prevention of non-microbial food poisoning are: <variant>ordering the collection and sale of mushrooms. <variant>isolation of the source of infectious agents. <variant>interruption of food contamination routes. <variant>prevention of reproduction of microorganisms and toxin formation. <variant>neutralization of potentially dangerous in the epid. regarding products. 264. <question>The duties of medical personnel who have identified or suspected food poisoning do not include: <variant>to write an act of investigation of food poisoning. <variant>provide first aid to the injured. <variant>immediately notify the territorial UZPP of food poisoning by available means of communication. <variant>write an emergency notification to the UZPP. <variant>if necessary, hospitalize the injured. 265. <question>Before using pottery, it should be boiled ... to extract soluble lead. <variant>weak acetic acid solution <variant>water <variant>baking soda solution <variant>weak potassium permanganate solution <variant>weak solution of table salt 266. <question>Food hygiene studies: <variant> the effect of food products on the body <variant> the influence of natural and social factors on the human body <variant> physical development of the child <variant> the influence of production factors on the body <variant> housing and living conditions 267. <question>Conditions of hypoproteinemia are accompanied by the appearance of generalized edema in ... <variant>kwashiorkor <variant>cachexia <variant>cretinism <variant>senility <variant>pellagre 268. <question>In a 6-year-old child, clearly defined, grayish and foamy triangular plaques, conjunctival xerosis were found in the cornea, there are signs of a violation of dark adaptation. In case of deficiency of which vitamin is this symptomatology observed? <variant>riboflavin. <variant>retinol. <variant>thiamine. <variant>of nicotinic acid. <variant>pyridoxine. 269. <question>When studying the daily diet of a 60-year-old woman, it was revealed that the diet contains protein 61g, fat 66g, carbohydrate 284g, calcium 700 mg, phosphorus 1200 mg, iron 10 mg, iodine 150 mcg. What adjustments should be made to the composition of the diet for the purpose of its hygienic optimization? <variant>increase the calcium content. <variant>increase the iron content. <variant>reduce the iodine content. <variant>increase the protein and fat content. <variant>exclude fat content. 270. <question>According to the results of the medical examination, Chinese residents have a disease with the following clinical symptoms: tachycardia, shortness of breath, swelling, abdominal pain, decreased appetite, constipation, muscle weakness, Wernicke-Korsakov syndrome. What disease was detected in this case? <variant>take it, take it. <variant>minamata. <variant>scurvy. <variant>kwashiorkor. <variant>pellagra. 271. <question>At a dermatologist's appointment, a 35-year-old man was examined and revealed: keratinization of the epithelium, nodules above the skin surface on the buttocks, calves, thighs and extensor surfaces of the hands. With the lack of which substances are these skin changes associated? <variant>macronutrients. <variant> of antioxidants. <variant>vitamins of group B. <variant>ascorbic acid. <variant>of trace elements. 272. <question>When studying the vitamin composition of the diet of a 40-year-old pregnant woman, it was revealed that the diet contains 70 mg of vitamin C, 400 mcg of vitamin A, 8 mg of vitamin E, 5 mcg of vitamin D, 14 mg of niacin. Which of the vitamins is subject to correction? <variant>increase vitamin A content <variant>increase vitamin C content <variant>reduce vitamin E content <variant>reduce vitamin D content <variant>increase niacin content 273. <question>The tent section is: <variant>a complex of wards and auxiliary rooms for the accommodation and treatment of patients with one nosology. <variant>a complex of auxiliary rooms for wards of departments intended for the treatment of patients with one type of disease. <variant>a complex of wards and auxiliary rooms designed for the treatment of patients with various diseases. <variant>a complex of wards without auxiliary rooms to accommodate patients by type of disease. <variant>day hospital department. 274. <question>The optimal orientation of the operating room in the middle latitudes is: <variant>north, northeast. <variant>south, southeast. <variant>southwest. <variant>east. <variant>west. 275. <question>The operating unit includes: <variant>operating room. <variant>manipulative <variant>procedural <variant>observation deck <variant>doctor's office 276. <question>“The master plan" in the set of project documentation is: <variant>a drawing showing an object under construction with the territory as a whole. <variant>a drawing that characterizes the relationship of the projected object to the surrounding area. <variant>drawings of individual parts or elements of the building. <variant>the text part of the project reflecting the characteristics of the site allocated for construction. <variant>a drawing reflecting the exterior of the building. 277. <question>The height of the outer fence of the psychiatric hospital ... meters. <variant>2,5 <variant>2 <variant>1,5 <variant>3 <variant>1 278. <question>In the hospital 's heating system , the heat carrier is: <variant>water. <variant>electrical energy. <variant>pairs. <variant>alcohol. <variant>different liquids. 279. <question>Wet cleaning in hospitals should be carried out at least ... in the day. <variant>3 times <variant>2 times <variant>2-3 times <variant>1 time <variant>4-5 times 280. <question>According to sanitary norms and rules in the operating department ... not provided. <variant>sterilization room. <variant>operating room. <variant>intensive care unit. <variant>boxing . <variant>room for postoperative patients. 281. <question>The operating unit consists of the following departments: <variant>septic, aseptic. <variant>diagnostic, radiological. <variant>sanitary, physiological. <variant>pathological, observational. <variant>gynecological, physiological. 282. <question>The physiological department is: <variant>maternity ward for women without infectious diseases. <variant>department for patients with purulent-septic diseases. <variant>department for infectious patients. <variant>maternity ward. <variant>department for neurological patients. 283. <question>For the prevention of nosocomial infection ... the hospital building system is suitable. <variant>decentralized <variant>centralized <variant>mixed <variant>typical <variant>multidisciplinary 284. <question>Disinfectants must meet the following requirements: <variant>quickly destroy microorganisms in the external environment <variant>the concentration of the active substance should be high <variant>react to the temperature of solutions <variant>keep working solutions active for at least 1 month <variant>must have a broad antimicrobial spectrum 285. <question>The infectious diseases department of the hospital should be located: <variant> in a separate building. <variant>on the 2nd floor of a medical institution. <variant>on the 1st floor of a medical institution. <variant>on the top floor of a medical institution. <variant>on the 3rd floor of the medical institution building. 286. <question>The "situational plan" in the set of project documentation is: <variant>a drawing that characterizes the relative position of the projected object with the existing surrounding objects. <variant>a drawing showing an object under construction with the territory as a whole. <variant>drawings of individual parts or elements of the building. <variant>the text part of the project reflecting the characteristics of the site allocated for construction. <variant>a drawing reflecting the exterior of the building. 287. <question>Number of entrances to the infectious diseases department: <variant>two “for patients and for staff”. <variant>one combined for patients and staff. <variant>one only for patients. <variant>three “for the entrance of patients for the entrance of staff and for the exit of staff and discharged patients.” <variant>four “two for the entrance of patients, for the entrance of staff, for the delivery of food”" 288. <question>Hospitals are being built: <variant>in green areas of the locality. <variant>on the site of the drainage area. <variant>near highways. <variant>on the site of a landfill. <variant>in places contaminated with organic and chemical substances. 289. <question>The main structural unit of the sanitary service is: <variant>sanitary and epidemiological station. <variant>pharmacy. <variant>hospital . <variant>dispensary. <variant>disinfection station . 290. <question>When planning the reception department of a multidisciplinary hospital, there should be ... patients. <variant>exclude the possibility of cross-infection <variant>provide facilities for discharge <variant>provide a rehabilitation ward <variant>provide a room for walking <variant>provide a smoking area 291. <question>The explanatory note to the LPU project is: <variant>a text part that reflects information that cannot be represented graphically. <variant>text part with an explanation of what is depicted graphically. <variant>text part of the description of the facade of the building . <variant>text part containing all estimated calculations for the construction of the institution.I am the <variant>text part of the description of the situational plan. 292. <question>Bactericidal lamps must be in the following: <variant> operating room. <variant>room for neurological patients. <variant>massage room. <variant>room for personal hygiene. <variant>the room of the chief physician. 293. <question>Hospitals for infectious patients, psycho-neurological and tuberculosis dispensaries can be located: <variant>outside the city. <variant>in the city center. <variant>anywhere. <variant> in special places. <variant>closer to the neighborhood. 294. <question>On the outskirts of the settlement it is advisable to have: <variant>dispensary type hospitals, infectious diseases hospitals. <variant>large multi-specialty hospitals with over 600 beds. <variant>large children's hospitals. <variant>diagnostic centers. <variant>rehabilitation and rehabilitation centers. 295. <question>The rational planning of the hospital site is based on: <variant>zoning of the site. <variant>decentralization of hospital buildings and auxiliary buildings <variant>selection of an equipped recreation area <variant>availability of a sufficient number of exits and entrances <variant>the presence of decorative fencing of the hospital site 296. <question>The hospital should have a fence ... a meter of height. <variant>1,6 <variant>1,3 <variant>1,5 <variant>1 <variant>2 297. <question>The sanitary and epidemiological service has a ... character. <variant>state <variant>legal <variant>private <variant>public <variant>interstate 298. <question>The air temperature in the postoperative ward should be ... ° C. <variant>22 <variant>20 <variant>25 <variant>18 <variant>28 299. <question>The air temperature in the wards of the intensive care unit should be ... °C. <variant>22 <variant>18 <variant>25 <variant>20 <variant>28 300. <question>The air temperature in the small operating room should be ... °C. <variant>18 <variant>20 <variant>21 <variant>22 <variant>25 301. <question>The anti - epidemic regime is ... <variant>a set of measures aimed at preventing the transmission and spread of infectious and parasitic diseases in the hospital. <variant>a system for monitoring compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements in the hospital. <variant>a set of measures to control the development of the pathogen among animals. <variant>actions of epidemiologists in the examination of the causes of diseases in the hospital area. <variant>a case aimed at enabling the spread of diseases in the environment- 302. <question>When placing healthcare facilities in a residential area , medical and tent buildings are placed no closer ... meters from the red building lines. <variant>30 <variant>25 <variant>50 <variant>40 <variant>20 303. <question>Specialized facilities of medical and preventive educational institutions with a capacity of over 1000 beds are allowed to be located in: <variant>suburban area or in suburban areas. <variant>recreation area. <variant>territories of production facilities. <variant>locality. <variant>in rural areas. 304. <question>The gateway is part of the room: <variant>between the ward, the ward and the common corridor. <variant>where the bathroom is installed. <variant>between the sanitary pass and the wardrobe. <variant>between the corridor and the ward . <variant>between the bathroom and the sanitary pass. 305. <question>Healthcare facilities are facilities where they carry out their: <variant>the activities of a healthcare organization and individuals engaged in medical practice in the field of healthcare. <variant>the activities of healthcare organizations engaged in the prevention of infectious diseases. <variant>the activities of healthcare organizations and individuals engaged in the prevention of nosocomial infections. <variant>activity individuals engaged in disinfection of foci of infectious diseases. <variant>control over occupational and infectious diseases. 306. <question>The relative humidity in hospital wards should be no more than ... % . <variant>60 <variant>70 <variant>55 <variant>65 <variant>50 307. <question>The air velocity in hospital wards should be no more than ... m \ s. <variant>0,1-0,15 <variant>0,010 <variant>0,15-0,20 <variant>0,2-0,5 <variant>0,5-1,0 308. <question>When placing a day hospital in an independent unit , it is necessary to include the following set of premises: <variant>waiting room, treatment room, day room,bathroom. <variant>doctor's office, treatment room, day room,bathroom. <variant>sanpropusnik, vaccination office, day care ward. <variant>bathroom, day care room,treatment room,maternity ward. <variant>the delivery room,after the delivery room, the treatment room. 309. <question>Each department of an antitubercular hospital is divided into ... a zone. <variant>"clean", "dirty" <variant>"sterile", "dirty" <variant>"sterile", "clean" <variant>"not sterile", "clean" <variant>"sterile", "dirty", "clean" 310. <question>In medical and preventive institutions, buildings with a height of more than ... floors are equipped with elevators. <variant>2 <variant>6 <variant>4 <variant>5 <variant>6 311. <question>Elevators in medical and preventive institutions are divided into: <variant>conditionally clean and conditionally dirty. <variant>conditionally dirty and conditionally aseptic. <variant>conditionally pure and conditionally aseptic. <variant>dirty and clean. <variant>dirty, clean and aseptic. 312. <question>Heating systems are considered to be optimal for children 's institutions: <variant>centralized water heating systems. <variant>radiant panel heating systems. <variant>steam heating systems. <variant>local water heating systems. <variant>air-water heating systems 313. <question>The box includes: <variant> a ward, a sanitary unit, a bath and a gateway. <variant>sanitary checkpoint, sanitary node, bath and gateway. <variant>sanitary unit, bath, ward. <variant>ward, sanitary unit and gateway. <variant>locker room, ward, sanitary unit and airlock. 314. <question>No more than are installed in the wards ... beds. <variant>4 <variant>5 <variant>7 <variant>6 <variant>3 315. <question>In children's departments, it is necessary to provide a dining room for children over ... years old. <variant>3 <variant>4 <variant>5 <variant>2 <variant>6 316. <question>The equipment for air supply and removal is located on: <variant>opposite walls. <variant>three walls. <variant>distance of 2 m . <variant>distance of 4 m. <variant>distance of 3 m. 317. <question>Wet cleaning is carried out at least ... once a day. <variant>2 <variant>3 <variant>4 <variant>5 <variant>6 318. <question>General cleaning of the premises of the tent departments of functional rooms and offices is carried out ... once a month. <variant>1 <variant>2 <variant>3 <variant>4 <variant>5 319. <question>General cleaning of the premises of the operating unit is carried out ... once a week. <variant>1 <variant>3 <variant>4 <variant>5 <variant>2 320. <question>General cleaning of dressing rooms is carried out: <variant>1 time per week. <variant>2 times a month. <variant>3 times a month. <variant>1 time per month. <variant>2 times a week. 321. <question>In the dairy rooms of the children 's department after each cleaning on ... minutes are included in the UFO. <variant>30 <variant>32 <variant>35 <variant>22 <variant>25 322. <question>Infectious disease associated with water transmission: <variant>abdominal typhoid. <variant>the plague. <variant>kwashiorkor. <variant>Ku-fever. <variant>the wind farm. 323. <question>The linen of purulent-surgical departments is exposed before washing: <variant>disinfection. <variant>sorting. <variant>marking. <variant>weighing. <variant>destruction. 324. <question>Disposable medical gowns: <variant> are being disposed of. <variant> are sterilized. <variant> are disinfected. <variant> are destroyed. <variant>wash in the laundry room. 325. <question>Disinfection of instruments is carried out in: <variant> places of their use. <variant>the clean section of the centralized sterilization department. <variant>laundry. <variant>sanitary inspection. <variant>dirty department of the centralized sterilization department. 326. <question>In the system of centralized hospital development... <variant> all units are located in one building. <variant>the treatment department, diagnostic room and laboratory are located in separate buildings. <variant> children's and infectious diseases departments are located in the same building. <variant>several types of water sources are used for water supply. < variant> heating for each section individually 327. <question>Used masks: <variant> are being disposed of. <variant> are disinfected. <variant> are stored in places of education. <variant> are sterilized. <variant> are erased, dried. 328. <question>Bactericidal chambers are used for storage: <variant>of sterile instruments. <variant>of disposable systems. <variant>disposable catheters. <variant>sterile operating gowns. <variant>disposable syringes. 329. <question>Choose the types of ventilation of the medical facility: <variant>natural, artificial. <variant>general exchange, combined. <variant>mechanical. <variant>complex. <variant>air, combined. 330. <question>Choose the types of artificial (mechanical) ventilation system in the medical facility: <variant>exhaust, supply and exhaust. <variant>direct-flow, general. <variant>recirculating, reverse. <variant>mixed, local. <variant>air, combined. 331. <question>Types of heating systems in hospitals: <variant>centralized, decentralized. <variant>water, steam, coal. <variant>natural, artificial. <variant>emergency, additional. <variant>stationary, portable, decentralized. 332. <question>Hospital building systems: <variant>centralized, decentralized, mixed. <variant>local, general, mixed. <variant>combined, combined, centralized. <variant>group, perimeter. <variant>individual, typical. 333. <question>The landscaping area of the entire area of the hospital site should be at least ...%. <variant>60 <variant>45 <variant>55 <variant>30 <variant>65 334. <question>Any infectious disease associated with the receipt of medical services by a patient in healthcare organizations is: <variant>nosocomial infection. <variant>occupational disease. <variant>intrauterine infection. <variant>autoimmune reaction. <variant>community-acquired infection. 335. <question>The temperature of the ward in the cold season is ... ° C . <variant>18-22 <variant>16-18 <variant>20-25 <variant>20-24 <variant>30 336. <question>The recommended percentage of landscaping of the infectious diseases hospital site is at least ... percent. <variant>60 <variant>40 <variant>55 <variant>50 <variant>20 337. <question>Germicidal lamps must be in: <variant>operating room. <variant>massage room . <variant>room for personal hygiene. <variant>room for neurological patients. <variant>the room of the chief physician. 338. <question>When using shielded bactericidal lamps , it is not taken into account: <variant>the number of people in the room. <variant>the height of the lamp location. <variant>beam power for 1m2 of room. <variant>the direct direction of the beam on the person. <variant>irradiation time. 339. <question>Clean air enters the ... through bactericidal filters. <variant>procedural. <variant>patient waiting room <variant>laundry <variant>food store <variant>doctor's office on duty 340. <question>Medical waste is waste generated by: <variant>after providing medical services and performing medical manipulation. <variant>after preventive vaccination. <variant>in the process of providing qualified medical care and manipulation. <variant>after the scheduled surgery. <variant>after the patient is discharged from the hospital. 341. <question>All approved sanitary and hygienic norms and rules are: <variant>mandatory for all organizations, departments and individual citizens. <variant>not mandatory for all organizations, departments and individual citizens. <variant>mandatory only for government organizations. <variant>mandatory for individual departments and citizens. <variant>not mandatory for organizations and for the public. 342. <question>Single-use medical instruments are subjected to: <variant>recycling. <variant>disinfection <variant>packaging and sterilization <variant>pre-sterilization cleaning <variant>drying 343. <question>Medical devices of repeated use after use are subjected to: <variant>disinfection. <variant>pre-sterilization cleaning. <variant>active drying. <variant> packaging. <variant>of sterilization. 344. <question>A set of measures to eliminate pathogens of infectious and parasitic diseases is: <variant>disinfection. <variant>disinsection. <variant>deratization. <variant>deworming. <variant>cleaning. 345. <question>Disinfectants are: <variant>chemical, biological agents intended for disinfection, pre-sterilization cleaning, sterilization. <variant>biological agents intended for disinfection, pre-sterilization cleaning, sterilization. <variant>means intended for disinfection, redsterilization cleaning, sterilization. <variant>antibiotics intended for disinfection, pre-sterilization cleaning, sterilization. <variant>medicinal preparations intended for disinfection, pre-sterilization cleaning, sterilization. 346. <question>Cleaning of the territory of the health facility should be carried out: <variant>daily. <variant>1 time per week. <variant>2 times a week. <variant>monthly. <variant>3 times a week. 347. <question>A chemical antimicrobial agent intended for use on skin or tissue in order to destroy microbes is: <variant>antiseptic. <variant>the disinfectant. <variant>freshener. <variant>patch. <variant>bacteriophage. 348. <question>The founder of the national hygiene of children and adolescents is: <variant>F.F Erisman. <variant>S.P. Botkin. <variant>A.B. Dobroslavin. <variant>G.V. Khlopin. <variant>A.Ya. Gutkin. 349. <question>Classes are ventilated in winter: <variant>through the windows or transoms. <variant>by opening one of the windows at recess. <variant>by periodically opening the doors during the lesson. <variant>by forced extraction of air through ventilation ducts. <variant>by forced air supply through ventilation ducts. 350. <question>The timing of the medical examination of employees of the food department in a preschool institution is controlled by ... . <variant>a nurse <variant>general practitioner <variant>caretaker <variant>nutritionist doctor <variant>chef 351. <question>Hygiene of children and adolescents in the therapeutic and preventive health service are presented: <variant>pediatricians, doctors of school and preschool departments. <variant>by internists. <variant>by gynecologists. <variant> by surgeons. <variant>optometrists and ENT doctors. 352. <question>Hygiene of children and adolescents studies: <variant> a child and a teenager in an environment using physiological methods. <variant>environmental factors only. <variant>only social factors. <variant>sanitary inspection. <variant>mental activity of children. 353. <question>Hardening procedures used in the scheme of rehabilitation of children in preschool institutions: <variant>barefoot. <variant>washing with warm water. <variant>normal microclimate. <variant>walrus. <variant>barefoot in the cold. 354. <question>Have...groups of sizes of school furniture. <variant>six <variant>four <variant>three <variant>five <variant>eight 355. <question>Hygiene of children and adolescents has a close connection with: <variant>pediatrics, pedagogy, psychology. <variant>mathematics and chemistry. <variant>physics and geometry. <variant>oncology and virology. <variant>astronomy and physics. 356. <question>Acceleration of growth and development: <variant>acceleration of growth and development processes in a sequential chain of generations. <variant>slowing down the processes of growth and development. <variant>the process of stabilization of growth and development. <variant>secular trend. <variant>the period of adolescent maturation. 357. <question>Hygiene of children and adolescents in SES are represented by: <variant>by SES doctors on hygiene of children and adolescents. <variant>by internists. <variant> by surgeons. <variant>by gynecologists. <variant>by SES nutrition doctors. 358. <question>Of school subjects, the highest difficulty is: <variant>mathematics. <variant>chemistry. <variant>foreign language. <variant>physics. <variant>literature. 359. <question>Incorrect seating of a student at a desk leads to: <variant>to a violation of posture. <variant>to the development of farsightedness. <variant>to accelerate the processes of ossification. <variant>to compression of the thoracic and abdominal organs. <variant>to the deformation of the pelvic bones. 360. <question>The professional orientation of adolescents is understood as: <variant>a multifaceted educational process aimed at the selection of young people's conscious attitude to work and the choice of profession. <variant>determining the suitability of a teenager for his chosen profession for health reasons. <variant>determination of a teenager's suitability for the chosen profession according to psychophysiological selection criteria. <variant>obtaining the necessary professional skills that prepare a teenager for work. <variant>study of the region's needs for specialists of various profiles. 361. <question>In the manufacture of children's furniture, materials from: <variant> of the tree. <variant>metal-ceramic compositions. <variant>of metal. <variant>plastics. <variant>metal - plastic compositions 362. <question>The onset of puberty in boys is signaled by the first of the secondary sexual characteristics in time: <variant>breaking (mutation) of the voice. <variant>appearance of emissions. <variant>facial hair. <variant>pubic hair loss. <variant>hairy armpits. 363. <question>The onset of puberty in girls is signaled by the first of the secondary sexual characteristics in time: <variant> growth of the mammary glands. <variant>pubic hair. <variant>hairy armpits. <variant>the appearance of mepagshe. <variant>"growth spurt". 364. <question>The main components of the schoolboy's daily routine: <variant>nutrition. <variant>room cleaning. <variant>gaming activity. <variant>classes on interas. <variant>personal hygiene. 365. <question>Hygienic requirements for printing textbooks: <variant>clear, intense, uniform, black color. <variant>not intense. <variant>gray. <variant>printing is not uniform. <variant>the print is multicolored. 366. <question>The maximum weight of a textbook for high school students: <variant>800gr. <variant>600 gr. <variant>300g. <variant>1000gr. <variant>450gr. 367. <question>Hypokinesia: <variant>lack of motor activity. <variant>imperfection of motor skills in a child. <variant>irrational distribution of motor activity during the day. <variant>excess motor activity. <variant>violation of the ratio of static and dynamic load in the process of motor activity. 368. <question>Hyperkinesia: <variant>excess motor activity. <variant>imperfection of motor skills in a child. <variant>the appearance of signs of pathological yeast. <variant>lack of motor activity. <variant>violation of the ratio of static and dynamic load in the process of motor activity. 369. <question>Initial signs of fatigue in children: <variant>decrease in labor productivity. <variant>diligent attention. <variant>improvement of the regulation of physiological functions. <variant>the appearance of a feeling of apathy, drowsiness. <variant>a sharp decrease in physical performance. 370. <question>Protein in the body: <variant>are plastic materials, are part of enzymes, hormones. <variant> are part of the blood, interstitial fluid. <variant>are a source of vitamins. <variant>participate in water exchange. <variant>are part of digestive juices 371. <question>The main hygienic requirement for children's furniture: <variant>matching furniture to the height and proportions of the child's body. <variant>aesthetic coloring and appearance of furniture. <variant>rational form of children's furniture. <variant>durability and injury safety of furniture. <variant>color resistance to washing. 372. <question>Insufficient intake of protein from food into the child's body will lead to ... . <variant>slowing down growth and development <variant>increasing the ability to resist infectious diseases <variant>sleep disorder <variant>upset stomach <variant>obesity 373. <question>Duration of homework preparation for students in grades 9-11: <variant>up to four hours. <variant>up to two hours. <variant>up to three hours. <variant>up to 2.5 hours. <variant>up to 1.5 hours. 374. <question>Duration of homework preparation for students in grades 3-4: <variant>up to two hours. <variant>up to four hours. <variant>up to three hours. <variant>up to 2.5 hours. <variant>up to 1.5 hours. 375. <question>At a distance ... from the student's eyes, there should be a computer display screen. <variant>55-65cm <variant>25-20cm <variant>30cm <variant>40cm <variant>1 m 376. <question>Orientation of the computer science cabinet: <variant>north, northeast. <variant>east, west. <variant>southwest. <variant>south. <variant>southeast. 377. <question>School hygiene has been renamed the hygiene of children and adolescents... year. <variant>in 1954 <variant>in 1922 <variant>in 1930 <variant>in 1961 <variant>in 1979 378. <question>Duration of night sleep for children 11-12 years old: <variant>9.5-10 hours. <variant>10-11 hours. <variant>6-7 hours. <variant>7-8 hours. <variant>12 hours. 379. <question>Hygienic education of children begins: <variant>since early childhood. <variant>from the age of 3. <variant>from the age of 7. <variant>from the age of 5. <variant>at the age of puberty. 380. <question>Value... characterizes the 1st degree of physical development in preschoolers. <variant>from -1 to +1 private sigma <variant>from -1 to +2 partial sigma <variant>from -3 to +3 partial sigma <variant>from -4 to +4 private sigma <variant>from -5 to +5 private sigma 381. <question>Regulated time of eating for breakfast: <variant>15- 20 minutes <variant>5- 10 minutes <variant>10- 12 minutes <variant>25- 30 minutes <variant>30- 35 minutes 382. <question>Regulated meal time for lunch: <variant>20- 25 minutes <variant>5- 10 minutes <variant>10- 15 minutes <variant>40- 45 minutes <variant>30- 35 minutes 383. <question>Regulated meal time for dinner: <variant>15-20 minutes <variant>5- 10 minutes <variant>10- 12 minutes <variant>25- 30 minutes <variant>30- 35 minutes 384. <question>Body weight in children under 2 years is determined ... . <variant> by cup scales <variant>medical scales of the "Fairbanks" type <variant>floor scales <variant>warehouse scales <variant>lever scales 385. <question>When assessing the physical development of children , the leading anthropometric indicator is: <variant>height. <variant>body weight. <variant>chest circumference. <variant>head circumference. <variant>sexual development. 386. <question>Retardation: <variant>slowing down the processes of growth and development in a sequential chain of generations. <variant>acceleration of growth and development processes. <variant>one of the stages of adolescent maturation. <variant>secular trend. <variant>indicator of physical development of children. 387. <question>Epidemiology as a general medical science, studies: <variant>causes of the spread of mass morbidity of the population. <variant>patterns of the epizootic process. <variant>the spread of microbes in the environment. <variant>organization of medical events. <variant>patterns of the infectious process. 388. <question>The purpose of epidemiological surveillance: <variant>timely detection of changes during the epidprocess <variant>registration and accounting of infectious diseases <variant>carrying out anti-epidemic measures in the hearth <variant>epid.examination of foci of infectious diseases <variant>collection of necessary information and analysis 389. <question>The task of epidemiological surveillance: <variant>monitoring of epid manifestations.process. <variant>examination of epidochages. <variant>monitoring of contact persons in the epid.hearth. <variant>registration and accounting of infectious diseases. <variant>immunization of the population. 390. <question>The source of the causative agent of infection is: <variant>infected human or animal organism <variant>any objects on which the pathogen is detected <variant>any environment in which the pathogen persists for a long time <variant>carriers in which the pathogen persists and multiplies <variant>infected insects 391. <question>A dangerous source of the causative agent of infection is: <variant>patients with a mild course of the disease. <variant>patients with a severe course of the disease. <variant>transient bacterial carriers. <variant>the first days of incubation. <variant>the last days of incubation. 392. <question>In the development of the epidemic process, priority is given to... . <variant>social factors <variant>natural factors <variant>chemical factors <variant>biological factors <variant>environmental factors 393. <question>The merit of L.V.Gromashevsky is the development of ... . <variant>teachings on the epidemic process <variant>teachings on natural foci <variant>socio-ecological concepts of the epidemic process <variant>teachings on the properties of pathogens <variant>the doctrine of self-regulation of parasitic systems 394. <question>The merit of E.N.Pavlovsky consists in the development of ... . <variant>teachings on natural foci <variant>teachings on the epidemic process <variant>socio-ecological concepts of the epidemic process <variant>of the law of correspondence of the localization of the pathogen to its transmission mechanism <variant>the doctrine of self-regulation of parasitic systems 395. <question>The merit of V.D.Belyakov is the development of ... . <variant>the doctrine of self-regulation of parasitic systems <variant>teachings on the epidemic process <variant>socio-ecological concepts of the epidemic process <variant>of the law of correspondence of the localization of the pathogen to its transmission mechanism <variant>teachings on natural foci 396. <question>The merit of B.L.Cherkassky is the development of ... . <variant>socio-ecological concepts of the epidemic process <variant>teachings on the epidemic process <variant>teachings on natural foci <variant>of the law of correspondence of the localization of the pathogen to its transmission mechanism <variant>the doctrine of self-regulation of parasitic systems 397. <question>The epidemic outbreak persists: <variant>until the patient is hospitalized. <variant>before the final disinfection in the hearth. <variant>before the patient recovers, if he received outpatient treatment. <variant>during the maximum incubation period in persons who communicated with the patient. <variant> is not saved. 398. <question>Anti-epidemic measures aimed at the 3rd link of the epidemic process ... . <variant>immunoprophylaxis <variant>sanitary and hygienic <variant>sanitary and veterinary <variant>therapeutic <variant>sanitary 399. <question>Influenza pathogens related to: <variant>influenza A virus serotype <variant>influenza B virus serotype <variant>influenza C virus serotype <variant>influenza-like viruses have the greatest epidemiological significance <variant>H1N1 virus serotype 400. <question>The main way of penetration of tuberculosis infection into the human body: <variant>airborne. <variant>soil. <variant>vertical. <variant>intrauterine. <variant>alimentary. 401. <question>The mechanism of transmission of the causative agent of infections in HAV: <variant>fecal-oral <variant>contact <variant>transmissive <variant>aerogenic <variant>vertical 402. <question>The greatest danger as a source of the causative agent of infection in CAA is: <variant>a patient in the pre-jaundice period <variant>a patient in the jaundice period <variant>incubation period <variant>reconvalescent <variant>patients from the moment of infection to recovery 403. <question>The leading transmission path of the Flexner shigell: <variant>water <variant>food grade <variant>contact and household <variant>transmissive <variant>transplacental 404. <question>Methods of early diagnosis of tuberculosis: <variant>fluorography <variant>bronchography <variant>bronchography <variant>spirography <variant>pneumotachometry 405. <question>The leading transmission path of shigell Sonne: <variant>food grade. <variant>water. <variant>contact and household. <variant>soil. <variant>airborne. 406. <question>Epidemic mumps refers to: <variant>anthroponosis <variant>zoonoses. <variant>anthropozoonosis. <variant>therapeutic diseases. <variant>sapronozam. 407. <question>Epidemic mumps in young women, girls causes: <variant>oophoritis, bartholinitis <variant>pyelonephritis, otitis <variant>diarrhea, pneumonia <variant>eczema, sore throat <variant>meningitis, anemia 408. <question>The main transmission pathway in shigellosis: <variant>contact and household <variant>parenteral <variant>vertical <variant>airborne <variant>aerosol 409. <question>The highest incidence of shigellosis is observed in the age and occupational groups of the population: <variant>children under 14 <variant>rural residents <variant>adults <variant>among pensioners <variant>children under 5 years old 410. <question> During the year , outbreaks of shigellosis are mainly recorded in the following seasons: <variant>summer, autumn periods <variant>mainly in winter <variant>autumn, winter period <variant>in small quantities in the autumn months <variant>in spring, summer 411. <question>The main clinical signs of escherichiosis: <variant>gastroenteritis <variant>stomach ulcer <variant>pancreatitis <variant>cholecystitis <variant>pyeolonephritis 412. <question>Donors who have contact with a patient with viral hepatitis E, from blood donation: <variant>suspended for life <variant>are not suspended <variant>suspended for a period of 6 months <variant>suspended for a period of 1 year <variant>suspended for a period of 5 years 413. <question>The causative agent of typhoid fever from an infected organism is excreted with : <variant>feces <variant>by air <variant>mother's milk <variant>saliva <variant>vomit 414. <question>For specific prevention of typhoid fever use: <variant>killed vaccines <variant>serums <variant>gammoglobulins <variant>interferon <variant>anatoxins 415. <question>Disinfection is carried out in the focus of shigellosis after hospitalization of the patient: <variant>final <variant>current <variant>chamber <variant>preventive <variant>is not carried out 416. <question>Before the immediate start of the vaccination must be carried out: <variant>medical examination of persons subject to immunization <variant>collecting information about the age structure of the population <variant>staffing and instructing medical personnel <variant>determination of the harmlessness and effectiveness of immunization <variant>preparation of vaccination reports 417. <question>The source of the causative agent of infection in measles is: <variant>sick person <variant>virus carrier <variant>reconvalescent <variant>abiotic environment <variant>sick animal 418. <question>The epidemic is: <variant>a sharp rise in morbidity in a limited area <variant>single incidence <variant>low morbidity <variant>morbidity, common in several countries of the world <variant>occurrence of the disease focus 419. <question>A group of infections in which disinfection is of the greatest importance: <variant>intestinal <variant>infections with a vertical transmission mechanism <variant>respiratory tract infections <variant>transmissive <variant>skin infections 420. <question>The main source of infection in rubella: <variant>sick person <variant>reconvalescent <variant>transient carrier <variant>virus carrier <variant>sick animal 421. <question>Source of infectious agents in measles: <variant>sick person <variant>virus carrier <variant>reconvalescent <variant>abiotic environment <variant>sick animal 422. <question>Mechanism of transmission of measles pathogen: <variant>aerosol <variant>fecal-oral <variant>contact <variant>transmissive <variant>vertical 423. <question>Ways of transmission of the causative agent of mumps: <variant>airborne <variant>food grade <variant>water <variant>contact and household <variant>transfusion 424. <question>The main document for obtaining epidemiological information: <variant>journal of infectious diseases <variant>medical history <variant>child development history <variant>profile magazine <variant>outpatient cards 425. <question>A pandemic is: <variant>morbidity, common in several countries of the world <variant>single incidence <variant>low incidence <variant>the rise of morbidity in a limited area <variant>focal morbidity 426. <question>Specify the minimum duration of the protective effect of vaccines: <variant>1 year or more <variant>up to 1 day <variant>up to 1 week <variant>more than 1 month <variant>up to 6 months 427. <question>Method of administration of the DPT vaccine: <variant>intramuscularly <variant>intravenously <variant>subcutaneously <variant>intradermally <variant>through the mouth 428. <question>The source of the causative agent of infection in salmonellosis: <variant>farm animals <variant>rodents <variant>ticks <variant>mice <variant>wild animals 429. <question>The main mechanism of transmission in salmonellosis: <variant>fecal-oral <variant>aerosol <variant>aspiration <variant>transmissive <variant>parenteral 430. <question>The predominant disease of salmonellosis is observed in age groups: <variant>young people <variant>children under 1 year <variant>preschool children <variant>schoolchildren <variant>elderly 431. <question>A characteristic spread for salmonellosis is: <variant>ubiquitous <variant>regional <variant>zonal <variant>natural foci <variant>synanthropic foci 432. <question>The object of epidemiology study is: <variant>epidemic process <variant>infectious process <variant>epizootic process <variant>parasitism of microorganisms <variant>antagonism of organisms 433. <question>Chickenpox can be infected: <variant>by airborne droplets <variant>by air-dust <variant>by household contact <variant>in a transplacental way <variant>by fecal-oral route 434. <question>Chickenpox is more common in: <variant>children from 6 months to 7 years old <variant>children under 6 months <variant>children over 16 years old <variant>adults <variant>elderly 435. <question>Complications of measles: <variant>pneumonia <variant>skin necrosis <variant>anemia <variant>kidney damage <variant>biliary dyskinesia 436. <question>Rubella is differentiated from: <variant>measles <variant>tuberculosis <variant>leptospirosis <variant>menigococcal infection <variant>epidemic mumps 437. <question>The causative agent of tuberculosis was discovered in 1882 by a scientist ... . <variant>R.Koch <variant>L. Pasteur <variant>Calmet <variant>E. Jenner <variant>Geren 438. <question>Anti-epidemic measures aimed at the third link of the epidemic process: <variant>immunoprophylaxis <variant>isolation of the source of infection <variant>disinfection <variant>disinsection <variant>deratization 439. <question> The indication for emergency vaccinations against infectious diseases is: <variant>epidemic situation <variant>off-season period in the dynamics of morbidity <variant>significant team size <variant>increase in the number of rodents <variant>the presence of mortality from the disease 440. <question>The essence of epidemiological diagnostics is: <variant>in the recognition of manifestations of morbidity <variant>in recognizing the disease by the patient's condition <variant>in the distribution by the nature of the symptoms of the disease <variant>in tracking and analyzing laboratory research data <variant>in clinical and instrumental data of examination of patients 441. <question>Rodenticides (raticides)- this is: <variant>drugs that destroy rodents. <variant>drugs that destroy viruses. <variant>destruction of fungi. <variant>drugs that destroy protozoa. <variant>insect and arthropod repellent. 442. <question>Repellents are: <variant>a means of repelling insects and arthropods. <variant>drugs that destroy viruses. <variant>drugs that destroy rodents. <variant>destruction of fungi. <variant>drugs that destroy protozoa. 443. <question>Specialist involved in work with disinfectants: <variant>deratizer <variant>defibrillator <variant>degasser <variant>depolarizer <variant>rodenticide 444. <question>Symptoms of coronavirus infection include: <variant>fever, cough, shortness of breath, diarrhea. <variant>conjunctivitis, arterial hypertension. <variant>laryngitis, rhinitis, sinusitis. <variant>enlargement of tonsils and lymph nodes, pharyngitis. <variant>myalgia, tracheitis, rhinorrhea. 445. <question>Express tests appeared... . <variant>in China <variant>in Kazakhstan <variant>in Ukraine <variant>in England <variant>in Poland 446. <question>COVID-19 is characterized by part damage... respiratory tract during exacerbation. <variant>light <variant>trachea <variant>throats <variant>nasopharynx <variant>bronchi 447. <question>Factors close to the severe course of the disease of coronavirus infection.... <variant>diabetes mellitus, malignant neoplasms, age above 60 years <variant>arterial hypertension, age 20-35 years, benign appendages <variant>allergic dermatitis, alopecia <variant>age over 50, hypothyroidism, hereditary diseases <variant>Pyoderma, age 30-40 years, anemia 448. <question> Medical monitoring of contacts in the focus of coronavirus .... days. <variant>14 <variant>45 <variant>5 <variant>7 <variant>20 449. <question>The methods of laboratory diagnostics of coronavirus infection include ... . <variant>polymerase chain reaction <variant>enzyme immunoassay <variant>coombs test <variant>indirect hemagglutination reaction <variant>immunofluorescence reaction 450. <question>The carrier and reservoir of COVID-19 infection is: <variant>snakes, bats. <variant>cattle with horns. <variant>birds, ducks. <variant>turtle, monkeys. <variant>cats, dog. 451. <question>The main preventive measures for coronavirus infection are: <variant>compliance with personal hygiene requirements, use of personal protective equipment. <variant>the use of antiviral drugs. <variant>immunization in the pre-epidemic period. <variant>treatment of the patient. <variant>the use of immunomodulatory drugs. 452. <question> The most common complication of coronavirus infection: <variant>viral-bacterial pneumonia. <variant>keratoconjunctivitis. <variant>meningoencephalitis. <variant>superinfection of bacterial skin. <variant>viral pneumonia. 453. <question>The main source of coronavirus infection at the present stage ... . <variant>a sick person, including during the incubation period <variant>sick animal <variant>reconvalescent <variant>hepatitis B virus <variant>bacterial superinfection 454. <question>The COVID-19 virus is related to: <variant>beta-coronavirus. <variant>alpha-herpesvirus. <variant>gamma coronavirus. <variant>alpha-coronavirus. <variant>pi-herpesvirus. 455. <question>The leading measures to combat viral hepatitis A are : <variant>therapeutic and diagnostic <variant>sanitary and hygienic <variant>deratization <variant>specific prevention <variant>disinsection 456. <question>The current disinfection in the focus of an infectious disease at home is organized ... . <variant>by a medical worker who identified the patient for the first time <variant>epidemiologist <variant>the head physician of the SES <variant>head physician of the polyclinic <variant>chief physician of the substation 457. <question>We need to finish monitoring the epidemic focus of coronavirus infection ... <variant>at the expiration of the maximum incubation period of contact with the patient <variant>immediately after hospitalization of the patient <variant>immediately after the final disinfection <variant>after administration of immunoglobulin or vaccine to contact with the patient <variant>after the patient is discharged from the hospital 458. <question>Patients with severe forms of coronavirus infection with complications of viral pneumonia and ARDS should be hospitalized: <variant>in an isolated box of the intensive care unit of an infectious diseases hospital under the supervision of an infectious diseases specialist and a resuscitator <variant>infectious diseases hospital, side ward under the supervision of an infectious disease specialist <variant>left for outpatient treatment under the daily supervision of an on-duty therapist and an infectious disease specialist <variant>infectious diseases hospital, ward-type ward under the supervision of an infectious disease specialist <variant>in intensive care under the supervision of a resuscitator and therapist 459. <question>RNA containing the virus: <variant>Coronavirus. <variant>Herpesvirus. <variant>Hepatitis B virus. <variant>Adenovirus. <variant>Parvovirus. 460. <question>The most common complications of coronavirus infection: <variant>viral pneumonia, ARDS <variant>sinusitis, rhinitis <variant>meningitis, myocarditis <variant>kidney failure <variant>otitis media of the middle type, sinusitis 461. <question> With the development of the first signs of acute respiratory failure: <variant>start oxygen therapy with a mask or nasal catheters <variant>tracheal intubation with a solid bronchoscope <variant>tracheostomy <variant>prosthetics of the patient's respiratory function is required <variant>cardiopulmonary resuscitation is necessary 462. <question>Measures for the prevention of a new coronavirus infection in relation to the ambulance team transporting the patient: <variant>gargling of the throat and mouth with 70% alcohol, instillation of 2% boric acid solution into the eyes and nose, treatment of exposed parts of the body with a skin antiseptic; <variant>pharyngeal lavage with a 2% solution of boric acid, instillation of a solution of chlorhexidine abigluconate into the nose; <variant>thorough washing of hands with soap for at least 1 minute, shoe treatment with the buformalin method, instillation of protargol solution into the nose, sources of sulfacyl-sodium solution; <variant>treatment of exposed body parts with formalin solution, rinsing with furacilin solution; <variant>pharyngeal lavage with 2% boric acid solution, instillation of protargol into the nose; 463. <question> If a patient with a suspected new coronavirus infection is detected in a somatic hospital , it is necessary ... . <variant>ensure the hospitalization of the patient in a specialized infectious diseases department/hospital with the invitation of a specialized field ambulance team; <variant>prescribing oxygen therapy to a patient; <variant>providing the patient with an anti-plague suit; <variant>it is necessary to call the patient to the office of an epidemiologist; <variant>it is necessary to call an infectious disease doctor immediately; 464. <question>A clinical symptom characteristic of a coronavirus infection: <variant>fever, cough, shortness of breath. <variant>abdominal pain, vomiting, headache. <variant>rapidly growing symptoms of intoxication in the first hours of illness, weakness, myalgia. <variant>an increase in body temperature in the first day to the maximum number, vomiting, palpitations. <variant>fever, loose cheeks, swelling of the face, purulent discharge from the nose. 465. <question>"On conducting mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations of employees" order ... <variant>№ 709 was issued <variant>№ 551 <variant>№ 790 <variant>№ 533 <variant>№ 706 466. <question>"On conducting mandatory preliminary medical examinations" order... <variant>№243 was issued <variant>1303 <variant>CH 245-71 <variant>№555 <variant>№700 467. <question>The Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On the health of the people and the healthcare system" was adopted... <variant>on 18.09.2009 <variant>25.10.2010 <variant>01.02.2011 <variant>15.06.2006 <variant>30.08.2007 468. <question>In the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Regulations on State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision" are reflected in article No.... <variant>21 <variant>45 <variant>30 <variant>13 <variant>20 469. <question>The official of the sanitary and epidemiological service, authorized in accordance with the Code and carrying out state sanitary and epidemiological supervision, is... <variant>the chief state sanitary doctor <variant>director of the health department <variant>chief physician of the hospital <variant>director of veterinary supervision <variant>chief physician of the polyclinic 470. <question>According to the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, officials of Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision have the right ... <variant>to summon individuals to the bodies of the sanitary and epidemiological service to consider the facts of violation of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population <variant>improve the quality of medical care <variant>approve the procedure for providing medical care <variant>coordinate the activities of healthcare subjects, according to the legislative documents of the Republic of Kazakhstan <variant>provide free medicines 471. <question>The basis of primary prevention: <variant>complete elimination of the harmful factor, or reduction of its impact to a safe level <variant>hygienic regulation of environmental factors <variant>a set of measures to prevent complications of diseases <variant>a set of measures for rehabilitation after treatment <variant>a set of measures for the treatment of patients with various types of diseases 472. <question>According to WHO, among the factors affecting the state of health, lifestyle is ... %. <variant>55 <variant>18 <variant>17 <variant>10 <variant>5 473. <question>The average life expectancy of men in the Republic of Kazakhstan ... <variant>59.7 <variant>70 <variant>63,2 <variant>55,5 <variant>58 474. <question>Healthcare facilities are facilities where they carry out their: <variant>the activities of a healthcare organization and individuals engaged in medical practice in the field of healthcare. <variant>the activities of healthcare organizations engaged in the prevention of infectious diseases. <variant>the activities of healthcare organizations and individuals engaged in the prevention of nosocomial infections. <variant>activity individuals engaged in disinfection of foci of infectious diseases. <variant>control over occupational and infectious diseases. 475. <question>The leading generalized factor determining the main trends in health change: <variant>lifestyle <variant>prevention <variant>treatment <variant>labor activity <variant>healthcare 476. <question> Articles, sanitary leaflets, memos, leaflets, wall newspapers, magazines, booklets, brochures, books, slogans are a method of ... promoting a healthy lifestyle. <variant>printed <variant>double <variant>visual <variant>combined <variant>oral 477. <question>Natural objects and visual means are a method of ... advocacy. <variant>of a healthy lifestyle <variant>visual <variant>oral <variant>double <variant>printed <variant>combined 478. <question>A state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not only the absence of illness or physical defects, is: <variant>health <variant>morbidity <variant>disability <variant>lifestyle <variant>mortality 479. <question>In Kazakhstan, among the causes of death, the first place is occupied by: <variant>cardiovascular diseases <variant>injuries <variant>malignant neoplasms <variant>respiratory diseases <variant>infectious diseases 480. <question>In Kazakhstan, among the causes of death, the second place is occupied by: <variant>injuries <variant>cardiovascular diseases <variant>malignant neoplasms <variant>infectious diseases <variant>respiratory diseases 481. <question>In Kazakhstan, among the causes of death, the third place is occupied by: <variant>malignant neoplasms <variant>cardiovascular diseases <variant>injuries <variant>infectious diseases <variant>respiratory diseases 482. <question>The main aspects of sanitary and educational work: <variant>health education to attract the population to medical preventive examinations <variant>mandatory involvement of the population for medical preventive examinations <variant>system of measures aimed at treatment <variant>individual rehabilitation program <variant>guaranteed amount of free medical care 483. <question>Public health: <variant>health of the country's population <variant>personal health <variant>health of a group of people <variant>health of people of a certain ethnic group <variant>team health 484. <question>The anti-epidemic regime in the health care facility is: <variant>a system for monitoring the preservation of sanitary and hygienic requirements in hospitals. <variant>measures to control the development of pathogens among the population. <variant>a set of measures aimed at preventing infection and spread of diseases. <variant>measures that are carried out by epidemiologists in determining the causes of the disease. <variant>measures aimed at spreading diseases in the environment.