ENGLISH February 2021. TOPIC: Writing a Persuasive Essay LFQ: How do I write a Persuasive essay based on my planning? What I’m Looking For (WILF): a. b. c. Revise the language features of a persuasive essay; Analyse the structure of a persuasive essay Write a Persuasive essay explaining your stance on a certain issue; DIRECTIONS: Identify the language features used in persuasive writing. Tom is chasing jerry ▪ 2 1 4 5 Tuesday, March 2, 2021 3 Does the previous slide model text has the below structure? Reason 1, example: Rhetorical question. Reason 2, example: Emotive language. Reason 3, example: Fact or Opinion, Statistics Which language features does the model text has? Modal verbs Tuesday, March 2, 2021 Task Task Task * State your opinion clearly with proper structure. * Use opinion words and sentence starters from next slides for writing your persuasive text. * Use at least one emotive word, one rhetorical question and one modal verb. * Use one connective phrase/word. * State your opinion clearly with proper structure giving clear evidence/examples with three reasons. * Use sentence starters for writing your persuasive text. * Use at least two emotive words, two rhetorical questions and one modal verb of necessity and one modal verb of obligation. • Use one connective phrase/word. • Use time connectives like Firstly/first. * State your opinion clearly with at least three sentences in Introduction, three examples/evidence with three reasons and at least three sentences with conclusion using connectives. * Use active voice. * Use at least three emotive words, two rhetorical questions and one modal verb of necessity and one modal verb of obligation. • Use time connectives like Firstly/first. INDEPENDENT WRITING Tuesday, March 2, 2021 Plenary (10 minutes) LFQ: How do I write a Persuasive essay? https://quizizz.com/admin/quiz/6028dc4ae67 72b001d47b074/writing-a-persuasive-essay What did I find out today? How do I know this? Which Blooms words have I been practicing today? How does this link to real life/a character trait? Tuesday, March 2, 2021