NURS 420: Evidence Based Practice and Research in Nursing Team PICO(T) Poster Use the Poster template provided in the module or any poster template of your choice, but your poster needs to be professional appearing (see your faculty if you are not sure) and include the sections below – remember to use bullets and graphics opposed to just text to improve appearance of your poster: Title (include PICO Question student authors and School) Background and Problem (what it is the issue or why it is a problem that is causing you to even ask this question) Suggestion is to use just a few bullets Purpose (e.g., To answer the following clinical question using the PICO(T) format……) [add your clinical question addressing the P, I, C, O {and T if appropriate}] Evidence Collection Method: (i.e. Data were collected …… and evaluated using the … (add either SORT or GRADE) Summary of the Evidence – major finding of all the evidence on your evidence table – you can be bullet points or make a table of just the highlights (add the evidence rating summary) Conclusion (i.e., the answer to your PICO(T) question based on the evidence) One or two sentences. Rubric Criteria for Team PICO(T) Poster: Content Tile Unsatisfactory Title is missing any components (0 0.9). Background/Problem Missing either the background or (Issue and why it is a problem) problem (0 – 3.9). Satisfactory Title includes question, authors and school, but is not clear and concise (1 - 1.9). Background AND problem addressed, but not clearly and concisely presented (4 – 5.9). Purpose includes PICO components, but it is not clear and concise (2 - 3.9). Excellent Clear, concise title: PICO question, authors, affiliated school (2 - 2.5). Clearly, concisely presented statement or bullets for background AND problem (6 - 7.5). Purpose Missing description of any of the Complete and clear description of PICO components and or purpose purpose including all PICO statement is not clear (0 - 1.9). components (4 - 5). Evidence Collection Method Missing information on how Description of how evidence was Complete and clear description of i.e., your search strategy evidence was collected (0 - 1.9). collected is present, but it is not clear the how evidence was collected. nor complete (2 - 3.9). Either GRADE or SORT addressed (4 - 5). Summary of Evidence Evidence summary is not present or Evidence summary is present, but Clear, organized, concise and (Synthesized compilation only partially complete (0 - 14.9). lacks organization or clarity (15 synthesized summary of evidence, of evidence) 20.9). along with evidence rating summary (21 - 25). Conclusion Unclear statement(s) of conclusion or Statement(s) supported by the Clear, concise, statement(s) supported (One paragraph giving your unsupported by the evidence (0 - 1.9). evidence to answer the PICO question by the evidence to answer the PICO answer to your PICO question) is presented, but not clearly and question (4 - 5). concisely stated (2 - 3.9). Mechanics More than 3 mechanical issues (0 Only 2 - 3 mechanical issues (15 None or only one mechanical issue (spelling and logical 14.9). 20.9). (21 - 25). organization and general appearance of poster ) Presentation by Team Less than clear and concise and/or Clear and concise, but not all team Clear and concise, all members less than all team members members participated in the participated in the presentation & participated in the presentation, presentation or not all professionally professionally presented. Within the and/or not all professionally presented. Within the 10 minute time 10 minute time allowed (21 - 25). presented and/or not within the 10 allowed (15 - 20.9). minutes (0 - 14.9). TOTAL 100 points on the team poster rubric = 15 course points Possible Points 2.5 7.5 5 5 25 5 25 25 100