Now I’d like to show you have to use the pico editor. Unlike vi that comes with all Linux and Unix operating systems, pico is an editor that was created by our own University of Washington. It’s a freeware program that’s designed to run on a Unix platform. Our system admin. has installed it on our Linux server for us to use. Some find it a bit easier. In fact, if you used pine to email a message to me earlier this quarter, you were actually using the pico editor behind the scene to compose. So you’ve already had some exposure to it. To get into this editor, type: pico The menu options appear on the bottom of the screen. One distinct advantage that pico has over vi, is that pico doesn’t have various modes like vi does. Just start typing in your document. Use can use the arrow keys to navigate. The backspace to delete. To delete a line press CtrlK, to save a file ctrl O to write it out.. Then to exit ctrl X. I’ll save this file as demo2.