Impaired Activation of Quadriceps for Controlled Knee Flexion Impaired activation of tibialis anterior and pronators for foot clearance with swing phase Fractionated Movement Deficit Impaired Proprioception ing l Sw Ter mi na era tio n De cel Sw ing Mi d- Sw ing Mi d- ing l Sw on Ac cel er To eO ff ati ff He el O Inadequate Single Limb Support/Wei ght Acceptance Inadequate Forward Propulsion Inadequate Foot Clearance Impaired Activation of Gastroc-Soleus Impaired Power in the Gastroc-Soleus Reduced Power of Hip Flexors Impaired Activation of Gluteus Medius Impaired Activation of iliopsoas, Rectus Femoris, and Adductor Longus Impaired Activation of Iliopsoas and Excessive Activation of Quadriceps Adductor Longus Reduced Power of Plantarflexors Excessive Activation of Gastroc-soleus for Controlled Ankle Plantarflexion Excessive Activation of Quadriceps for knee flexion Excessive Activation of Quadriceps for Controlled Knee Flexion Excessive Activation of Gastroc-Soleus Impaired Timing of Gluteus Medius, Gluteus Maximus, and Hamstrings for Hip Stability Impaired Proprioception of the Ankle Coordination Deficit Impaired Upper Body and Lower Body Coordination Flexibility Deficit Impaired Flexibility of Iliopsoas Dysmetria Ini tia Pre -Sw ing Ter mi na Mi d-S ta n ce Mi d-S ta n ce Inadequate Shock Absorption Force Production Deficit l St an ce nse Re spo Foo t Fla t Loa din g ct on ta lC Ini tia Tradition Method He el s trik e Rancho Los Amigos Impaired Proprioception of the Hip Impaired Ankle Proprioception Impaired Timing of Tibialis Anterior