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How To Come Up With A Case Study Subject For Your Business

How To Come Up With A Case Study Subject
For Your Business
When it comes to businesses, a case study is a powerful tool for showing off the
company's capabilities. But what if you don't have any current clients or projects that
would make good case studies? It can be tough to come up with ideas, but don't worry we've got you covered. Here are a few ways to find potential case study subjects for your
1. Choose A Topic That Is Relevant To Your Business
When choosing a business case study topic, it's important to make sure that it is relevant
to your business. There are several different topics that will be relevant to your business.
For example, if you have a small business, you could write about how your product or
service has benefited the local community. If you have a business that sells products
online, you could write about how technology has helped your business grow.
2. Make Sure The Subject Has An Emotional Component
When you're looking for a case study subject, it's important to make sure that there is an
emotional component. Your case study will be most effective if the customer hasn't just
benefited from your products or services – they've also gained something personally. For
example, say that you sell snowboarding equipment and clothing. If you can find a case
study subject who has improved their skills on the snowboard as a result of using your
products, that would be ideal.
3. Choose A Subject That Is Engaging
When you're writing your case study, it's important to make sure that the subject is
engaging. This means that the reader will want to keep reading until the end. There are a
few different ways to make sure that your case study is engaging. For example, you could
use anecdotes or quotes from the customer to keep the reader interested. You could also
use infographics or videos to help illustrate your point.
Whether it’s a case study presentation, infographics, or any graphics for your business,
Venngage has you covered.
4. Research The Subject To Make Sure It Is Successful
Before you choose a case study research subject, it's important to research the topic,
decide on the case study method, and make sure that it is successful. You can find out if
your case study subject is successful by doing some research online and reading what
other people have to say about the individual's success. This will also give you some
more ideas on how your product or service has helped this person out.
4. Make Sure The Subject Is Unique
When choosing a case study subject, make sure that it is unique. This means looking for
subjects who haven't used your products or services before. There are many different
reasons why this can be an effective tactic. For example, if a customer has never used
your products before, they will have no expectations going in – so their experience might
be much more positive than a customer who has used your products before and was
5. A Few Examples
Any of these topics are good case study examples:
* How someone improved their skills by using your product or service. For example, if
you run an online store selling snowboarding equipment, you could find a case study
subject who has seen an improvement in their snowboarding skills since using your
* How your business has helped the local community. For example, if you own a small
business that provides a service to the local community, you could write about how your
business has benefited the community.
* How your product or service has helped someone in their personal life. For example, if
you run a chiropractor business, you could find a case study subject who has seen an
improvement in their back pain since using your services on a regular basis.
* Successful businesses can also make for interesting case studies. If you sell products
online, you could write about another online business that has seen great success because
of their use of technology.
After Choosing A Subject
After choosing a subject for your case study, it's important to look at how you're going to
write the content. Keep in mind the following:
What will the customer's problem be and how will your product solve it?
How do you want to position your product or service?
What is the customer's story and how can you illustrate it?
What are the key takeaways for the reader?
Make sure that you answer these questions before you start moving on to the case study
format. If you're not sure how to answer them, consider talking to your marketing team or
hiring a copywriter to help you out.
Once you've written your case study, it's important to make sure that it is published in the
right place. You can publish it on your website, or on a third-party site such as Medium
or LinkedIn. You can also submit it to industry publications or email it to your customers.
Make sure that you're publishing it on a site where your target customers are most likely
to read it.
In Summary
After you've done all of the above, you'll be ready to write your case study! It's important
to remember that your case study should highlight different reasons why your business is
successful and the different benefits of using your products or services. Keep in mind that
you don't have to only use one case study subject – there are many people who can
benefit from what your business has to offer.